Chapter 54 Desperate Saburo

"I heard you're back. How have you been these past few days? Is there nothing going on at home?" the counselor asked with concern.

"It's okay. I just got stuck on something and was delayed for a few days. It's not a big deal." Seeing that the counselor didn't know the truth, Shen Yun didn't intend to say anything more.

"It's okay. By the way, the matter of changing your name has been taken care of. Let me tell you." The counselor continued, and then as if he suddenly remembered something, he continued: "By the way, a few days ago, a man who claimed to be Ji Shen’s brother said that he came to see you and asked you to come back to Ji Shen.”

After saying this, he paused for a moment, "Although you have recognized your biological parents now, your adoptive parents have raised you for so many years. If you can maintain the relationship, just maintain it. If you can't maintain it, don't make it too tense. This is not good for you. It's not a good thing." Although he didn't know the specific situation of Shen Yun's family, judging from Ji Shen's tone that day, Shen Yun's adoptive parents probably had some opinions on Shen Yun.

He couldn't say anything, so he could only persuade him in a roundabout way.

 Shen Yun really didn't expect that Ji Shen would come to him and find his teacher.

 “Now that I know it, teacher, I will take care of this matter.”

"Okay, just make up your mind and make up your mind. It's okay. You can go back first." After the counselor finished speaking, Shen Yun was not left alone.

 Shen Yun left the office and was still thinking about what Ji Shen wanted to do with him.

 Could it be that the Ji family knew about the special department that they just joined yesterday? No, the teacher was talking about it a few days ago, so they don't know about their own affairs, so how can they find anything to do with themselves?

 As an ordinary student in the Department of Archeology, there should be nothing that would catch their fancy.

Shen Yun thought as he walked in the direction of where he lived.

As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, he saw a man standing motionless at the door. He was wearing familiar work clothes and he knew he was waiting for him.

Shen Yun looked at the familiar eyes, he was an old acquaintance, "Hello, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, the captain asked me to take you to the headquarters to report." The man did not ask Shen Yun's name. It seemed that he knew him.


“Yes, the boss has returned to the headquarters.” The man nodded.

Shen Yun really didn't expect that Yan Han, a desperate man, was still in the emergency room a few days ago, and he returned to work just a few days ago.

For such a hard-working person, it would be unjustifiable for the country not to give him a bonus.

"Then wait a minute. I'll put my things away and go with you." Shen Yun didn't hesitate. He had already joined the department anyway, and he couldn't regret it now. It was only a matter of time before he went to the headquarters.

The two of them didn't have to walk. The man named Xu Lei even drove over.

“The salary in our department is good, and where is the car?” Shen Yun paid attention to the driving direction while inquiring about the affairs of this department.

"This is the only car in the entire department. It is the boss's car. He specially asked me to drive it here." Xu Lei knew that Shen Yun was already a member of the special department, so he did not hide this little thing.

"Then how do we usually go on missions? How many people are there in the department? There must be some special people in the special department. Can you tell me about it?" Shen Yun asked curiously.

"You will know this after you have been there for a long time. I can't tell you the details." Xu Lei was not a good talker like he was at the research institute at that time, so he dismissed Shen Yun with a few words.

 Seeing that the other party was concentrating on driving and had no desire to talk to him, Shen Yun also stopped inquiring.

 Paying attention to the direction of driving, the address of the headquarters has no memory in his mind. Looking at the direction of driving, Shen Yun carefully wrote it down. Next time he comes here, he must know the way.

After driving around in a car, Shen Yun was taken to a large courtyard. If Shen Yun's perception was correct, the straight-line distance between this courtyard and his house was no more than five kilometers. The two of them drove around for more than 40 minutes.

Is this a big detour to prevent employees from finding a place to go to work in the future? "Are we going to have to go around like this when going to work in the future?" Shen Yun asked Xu Lei in the driver's seat.

 Seeing the person in front of him stiffen, he said, "That's not necessary. Sorry, it's just a professional habit today."

 “It’s okay, I just don’t have to go around like this to go to work.”

The car stopped at the entrance of the courtyard, and Xu Lei took Shen Yun in directly.

Different from the haphazardly built courtyards elsewhere, the rooms in this courtyard are not messy after entering, and the rooms that are out of phase with each other seem to have been specially arranged.

"What are those things in that yard for?" When Shen Yun came in, he was looking at the layout inside when he saw a pile of three roof-like things stacked there.

  It looks familiar. Isn’t this something I made myself? But it was struck by the severe cold at that time.

“That one you’re talking about, the captain got it back when he went on a mission. Even though the shape is a bit strange, it’s gold.

 Now it is here for no other purpose than to give bonuses to employees in special departments. Look at the corners over there, they have all been taken away. If you work hard, you will definitely be indispensable in the future. "Xu Lei said softly.

Shen Yun took a closer look, and sure enough, one corner of the three roofs that had been intact had been cut off on the top one.

Shen Yun instantly felt a little angry. He had worked so hard and had no money to spend, but now these things were given to Yan Han's subordinates as bonuses.

 Shen Yun's face didn't feel a bit stinky.

“Where is Captain Yan? Can we go see him now?”

Xu Lei didn't know why Shen Yun, who was fine just now, suddenly seemed to be in a bad mood.

He shouldn't have done anything wrong. Could it be that these pieces of gold were so shocking? Thinking about what he thought when he saw these pieces of strange-shaped gold, Xu Lei felt that he could understand Chen Yun's thoughts to some extent.

 It’s really a bad idea for the boss to have so much money in front of him but it’s not his own.

Xu Lei, who wanted to understand, did not stop any longer and took Shen Yun directly to the courtyard.

The entire courtyard building is as low-key as possible, no different from other houses next to it. The only thing that feels wrong is that when walking inside, Shen Yun feels that there are a few auras emanating from a house.

A few strands of spiritual energy were floating freely in the air. If Chen Yun hadn't been able to maintain his concentration, he would have been tempted to go in and take a look.

“Where is that place?” Shen Yunshun pointed at the house that exuded aura over there.

"There are some mission items inside. We can't go in without permission." Xu Lei warned.

Shen Yun nodded. Anyway, he wouldn't want to own anything inside. It would be good to absorb some spiritual energy outside.

After taking a look at the location over there, Shen Yun continued to follow Xu Lei inside.

 It didn’t take long before we arrived at the place.

 It’s freezing cold and everyone is sitting there working like nothing else.

 (End of this chapter)

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