Chapter 48 What kind of genius is this?

Yanhan nodded and sat aside to rest.

  Seeing that both of them were motionless, Shen Yun directly found a sheltered place and started meditating. The spiritual energy here was very strong, and Shen Yun didn't need to go to space.

 After the spiritual energy is exhausted, the cultivation effect will be better than usual.

Shen Yun was running his technique and felt the spiritual energy around him rushing toward him like a tornado.

Shen Yun didn't know what was going on outside, but the spiritual energy poured in too fast, and he felt a faint pain in the veins of his whole body. His consciousness that was originally paying attention to the two people next to him immediately withdrew.

 The desperate compression drives the spiritual energy to rotate rapidly in the tendons.

 When I felt that my body was about to collapse, the spiritual energy circulated in my body for a cycle before it found the outlet of Dantian.

 Shen Yun accelerated the speed of compressing the spirit.

 Sitting in the cold weather, Shen Yun was speechless as he looked at the place chosen by Shen Yun. The girl didn't know how to choose a leeward place to rest. Although summer has not passed yet, the wind in this valley is still a bit strong.

Yanhan looked at Shen Yun who seemed to be sleeping and could only move a piece of gravel, hoping to help cover her from the wind, but found that this place was a bit evil and the wind could not be blocked.

I took off my tattered coat and tried to put it on her, but before I even got close, my clothes were blown to the side.

Yan Han frowned and looked at Shen Yun carefully, only to realize that the wind seemed to have turned into a tornado around her. Shen Yun inside seemed to have no bad feeling except for his frown.

Yanhan went back to see if Li Ming had any fever and was in good condition, so he came back and sat next to Shen Yun to watch.

 I didn’t sleep much all night, so I ran back and forth.

Shen Yun, who was in trance, didn't know what was going on outside. He compressed his spiritual energy vigorously, and finally succeeded in reaching the fifth level of Qi training before his Dantian exploded.

At this moment, the spiritual energy that entered the body became docile, the whole body felt warm, and even the painful places no longer hurt.

Shen Yun opened his eyes refreshed, it was already dawn.


"Hey, Captain Yan, you're awake." Shen Yun turned around and saw Yan Han sitting next to him with a cold face. The outstretched arm stiffened, and he quickly retracted it, saying hello to Yan Han next to him.

“I haven’t slept much since I woke up!” Yan Han felt relieved when he saw that the awake Chen Yun felt no discomfort. He stood up, stretched his stiff body, and walked towards Li Ming, who was already awake.

Shen Yun felt that although Yanhan was expressionless, his whole body was exuding a sense of resentment.

"What's going on? I hurt so much last night that I didn't get any rest. How can I still feel the energy to wake up this early in the morning?" Shen Yun scratched his head and followed Yan Han as he walked over there.

The moment he raised his head, he felt the sunlight was a bit dazzling. "Is it because I disliked myself for waking up too late?" Shen Yun muttered in his heart and looked towards Yan Han.

"Oh, no, Captain Yan was just an ordinary man yesterday. Why is he a bit out of breath today? This is a symptom of the gas not being stabilized after being introduced into the body." Shen Yun's eyes widened and he quickened his pace to walk towards the cold weather. around.

 Looking forward, backward, left, and right, this person has indeed introduced Qi into his body.

Think about the improvement of your cultivation last night, and then think about the situation when you saw Yan Han next to you when you opened your eyes in the morning. Could it be that there was too much spiritual energy attracted by the outside at that time, and this guy was unconsciously attracted by being around you? Body.

What kind of genius is this, and why is it so annoying? Shen Yun looked Yanhan up and down, but he was still in a state of embarrassment. He really couldn't tell what kind of talent this man had.

 “Is there anything wrong with me?” Yan Han asked Shen Yun doubtfully.

"There's nothing wrong with that. I just feel like Captain Yan, you're really good." Shen Yun gave a thumbs up, but he felt a sense of urgency in his heart. This person can draw Qi into his body so easily, so his talent is definitely not bad. You have to practice hard and don't be surpassed by others in a few days.

"Okay, now is not the time to praise me. Let's find a way out quickly, otherwise we will eat snake meat today." Yan Han helped Li Ming up and greeted Shen Yun.

Shen Yun looked at the two injured people helping each other and hurried over to help them.

"Thank you, my name is Li Ming, what is this colleague's name?" Li Ming woke up and heard Yan Han say that besides them, a girl came in to save them.

At that time, he was very curious about who this strange woman was, and she dared to risk his own life. Thinking about the fact that there seemed to be a big snake chasing him when he passed out, it seemed that this girl was the one who solved it. He had a lot of trouble with a girl who was more powerful than their boss. Too curious.

“My name is Shen Yun. I am not a colleague of yours, I am just an ordinary college student from Beijing University.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

 Seeing that the two people he rescued were alive and well, Shen Yun was in a good mood.

"You are too humble. If you were an ordinary person, we people would be getting paid for nothing. By the way, we haven't thanked you for saving us." Li Ming didn't believe what Shen Yun said about ordinary people. Now he Everyone has seen that huge snake corpse. A head can crush a person to death. Is this something ordinary people can deal with?

No matter what Shen Yun said, his heart was filled with awe for Shen Yun.

"You're welcome, just be like your captain. Next, the three of us have to find an exit together. It's too troublesome to thank you." Shen Yun said nonchalantly.

Yan Han next to him glanced at Shen Yun after hearing this, "Who asked you to come in?"

Shen Yun raised his head and saw Yan Han looking at him, and realized that he was asking himself, "It seems to be your vice-captain. I asked him to come down and have a look, and he agreed."

"The deputy team leader is becoming more and more decisive in his actions. This casualness is thanks to him. Otherwise, the two of us would have ended up here, and the boss would have been fined to clean the toilets for a month." Li Ming said quickly at the side.

I don’t know whether it was the medicine yesterday that was more effective or the spiritual spring water I fed him, but this person hasn’t stopped talking since I met him.

“Don’t worry, neither of you can run away.” Yan Han glanced at Li Ming, who was grinning next to him, and said angrily.

"I don't know what happened to Li Ming, but your deputy team came here to save you. Besides, I came in voluntarily. It's not good to punish others." Shen Yun gave symbolic advice from the side.

 As for how they deal with it internally, we have no control over it.

The atmosphere between the three of them was a bit silent. When Li Ming heard that he was going to be punished when he went back, his mouth suddenly stopped talking like he did at first.

 Perform the role of a seriously injured person conscientiously, as if this way the punishment will come later.

Shen Yun ignored the eyebrows of the two people next to him and walked outside while using his spiritual sense to see if he could find an exit.

 When several people were so hungry that they wanted to go back and eat snake meat, Shen Yun's consciousness scanned a building.

 (End of this chapter)

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