The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 447: (447) The question is if your strength is not as good as others, your own cultivation

"Wow, where did this big guy come from? He's so powerful. He completed it in just a week. Are he still human? Do you want us to live?" A whispering discussion immediately started nearby.

 The eyes he looked at Shen Yun didn't look like looking at a human being.

Everyone imagined that Shen Yun could complete the formation by waving his hands like a hot wheel, and they were even more impressed. "Teacher, can you tell us how you can do it so fast?" Although they like to talk to Wang Jing is joking, but he is still serious about his work.

Now that I meet a powerful person, I can’t help but ask for help.

“It’s very simple. I am an alchemist, so my spiritual consciousness is very powerful. I can place all the bases of a formation in the prescribed positions within one second, and complete the formation within two seconds.

 It's that simple, the formation techniques are the same as yours. "Chen Yun said calmly.

The people next to them all widened their eyes when they heard what Shen Yun said. The formation was so powerful, but he was actually an alchemist, and his cultivation level was higher than them. He had to throw people at each other. Isn't this a dimensionality reduction attack?

“Why, do you have any questions?” Shen Yun pretended not to understand their dumbfounded expressions and teased them.

"" If you do, you don't dare to ask. If you ask, your strength is not as good as others, your own cultivation is too rubbish, and your slowness is not the fault of others.

"Okay, I'm just teasing you. Of course it requires skill to make it so fast. Proficiency is one thing, and technique is another. Come with me, and I'll tell you about it. Maybe it happens to be the same as yours. ." Shen Yun said and took the lead and walked forward.

Others quickly followed, not forgetting to send a message to colleagues who were far away.

The group of people gathered more and more, and found a location without a formation. Shen Yun took the materials prepared in advance and began to demonstrate step by step.

After listening to Shen Yun's formation method, the formation masters behind them all looked thoughtful. Shen Yun did not disturb them and quietly left the crowd.

 Those who are talented and attentive in formations may have special insights after listening to my explanations, and that is also their honor.

 Leaving this place, Shen Yun returned to the room where she had only stayed for one night and began to prepare a letter to her family. She was already prepared to face what was coming.

 Dong dong dong.

The knock on the door sounded not long after Shen Yun returned.

 “Come in.” Shen Yun put away the written letter.

"I heard that you are back. How is it? How has your cultivation changed in the past few years?" Shen Xincheng knew that Shen Yun was back, so he rushed over as soon as possible in order to understand the situation as soon as possible so that he could arrange the next steps. matter.

"My current cultivation level will reach perfection in the Mahayana period. Maybe I will be able to survive the tribulation sometime." Shen Yun didn't hide it either.

"Is it so fast?" Shen Xincheng frowned. This time is faster than he thought. Although most people in the base have successfully advanced to the Foundation Establishment Perfection, they still need an opportunity to upgrade to Jindan. Preparations are now Basically everything has been completed, it just depends on when the opportunity arrives, and even if it does, after so many years of observation, the time to overcome the tribulation cannot be guaranteed to be the same.

"I will try my best to suppress the cultivation level and will not enter the tribulation period before their Golden Core Tribulation arrives. But don't worry, although I said it is possible at any time, according to the spiritual energy required for my level, it will definitely take longer than foundation building. Perfection reaches the length of the golden elixir.

 I will leave them enough time to realize the arrival of the golden elixir. Moreover, the jade slip does not say that the tribulations are to be overcome at the same time. As long as they are within a month, it is fine, so don’t worry.

 If it succeeds, the matter will be solved. If it fails, continue to look for opportunities. We have the strength in numbers, so I don’t believe we can’t solve it. "Chen Yun said with a smile.

But everyone knows that there are not many opportunities for humans. After all, the opponent will become stronger and stronger, and absorb the luck of the entire human race. When the original way of heaven completely disappears, the opponent will also give up this plane. When the spiritual energy dissipates, there will still be There are many terrible things, and the end of mankind is approaching, so there is no chance of turning around.

"Okay, I understand. I will discuss the next arrangements with the superiors, but I have confidence in our people, so you have to work hard." As a base worker, if he does not have hope, then others will They will no longer trust these people.

Then what’s the point of their closed penance for so many years?

Shen Yun watched Shen Xincheng walk out with a serious face.

 Sighed softly, at this critical moment, it is impossible for anyone who knows this matter not to be nervous.

They didn’t dare to put any pressure on the 40,000 people at the base, but the entire base staff still became nervous.

The most obvious thing is that a group of practitioners who have established the Dzogchen Foundation have been brought in from outside. These practitioners are different from the carefree practitioners in the base. They have all been promoted through hard work or talent. The person who is extremely tall is the person who catches up from behind. In short, the two parties have a bit of trouble dealing with each other when they meet.

Without saying a word, the people who came behind walked directly through the formation to the mountain and chose a place to continue practicing.

The 40,000 people who had just finished the retreat were still very relaxed. Seeing that there were people working harder than them, they were a little confused at first. Didn't these people come here to provoke them? How could they go to practice?

It didn't take long for everyone to be puzzled, and they found that the road to the mountain was free. When entering the mountain, pills would be distributed for a while, which were reserved for use when overcoming the tribulation, waiting for most of them to react. When I came over, I found that many people from their side had already gone over to find a place to start practicing. When they went there, all the places they liked were picked out.

  I can’t care about so much anymore, so I quickly get the materials and find a place I like to start practicing.

 After most of the people entered the scene, Shen Yun also went to the independent hilltop designated for him.

The entire mountain cleverly formed a formation of seven stars looking at the moon. Spiritual energy flowed rapidly in the formation. Headed by Shen Yun, the existence of people on the entire mountain became mysterious at the same time, and they had inexplicable reactions to each other.

 There is a faint trend of increasing momentum and strength.

Those who are caught up in the practice feel that this practice is a bit half the result with half the effort, just like an enlightenment.

At the base at the foot of the mountain, Jindan cultivators across the country have made preparations for battle.

The staff of the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen have also spread out in the martial arts arena to start practicing.

"All ordinary people should evacuate the base and notify the residents around Kunlun Mountain to temporarily evacuate. We will wait until the results are known." The marshal gave the last order. What will happen next depends on the adaptability of these people. , no one knows what will happen next.

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