Chapter 410 (410) He is not fighting alone

 Go out and lead these people out of the battle in the severe cold.

Shen Yun looked inside the formation and saw that the demonic energy inside was slowly becoming thinner.

 Five days later, the black and red color inside the seal had basically disappeared, but the water was still the same as before.

Shen Yun looked at it for two more days. Basically, there was no change inside the seal. It seemed that a certain balance was maintained. The current was being released, and so was the devilish energy.

Shen Yun originally thought that electricity could consume all the demonic energy, but currently it seems that this is not possible unless the current is increased.

Shen Yun watched for two more days and found that there was no movement and the seal was intact. Directly out of the formation.

The person in charge is still waiting outside for feedback from Shen Yun.

As soon as he saw people coming out, he immediately ran over and asked, "What's the situation inside?"

"The electric current and the demonic energy have maintained a certain balance, and the demonic energy has not completely dissipated. I don't know if it will be possible if the current is increased." Shen Yun told the other party about the situation inside, and gave his own guess.

“The current inside is already the maximum that this equipment can deliver. If the current needs to be increased, it may be necessary to add new equipment.” The person in charge thought for a while and said. "This investment is very large."

"That's it for the time being. Let's think of a way. Anyway, we can maintain a balance now and the demonic energy can't come out. We don't have to worry about too much demonic energy breaking the seal. Let's think of a way later." Shen Yun looked at the embarrassment on the other party's face. Things must be a bit difficult to handle. There is a lot of power generated. If all of it is used here, it will affect the normal life and work of many people.

"Let's think of another way. Leaving a time bomb here is not a problem." The person in charge scratched his head, and the joy of success in the past few days was gone from his face.

"Let me tell you the truth, even if you increase the current, it can only destroy the evil energy that appears. As for the source, we don't know where it is at all, whether it is in which lake or in some other world. We don't know. Now The only thing you can do is consume the demonic energy that appears. You have done a good job, and the rest is not your responsibility, but the responsibility of all of us," Shen Yun said seriously.


The person in charge looked at Shen Yun silently.

“Okay, let’s work together. I still don’t believe that this thing can’t be solved.” The person in charge was motivated again.

"Yes, let's work hard together. You haven't had any rest these days, okay? This is a solid pill. Eat it, have a good sleep, and do the rest slowly." Shen Yun smiled and handed one over. Solid Pill.

“Hey, no need, no need, the elixir is too precious, and I’m not a cultivator, so I can’t use it.” The person in charge quickly waved his hand.

"Everyone can eat this. Several old Chinese medicine practitioners in Beijing have already tried it. Just eat it and treat it as if it was given to you by a junior. We have a pill shop in our family. This is nothing to me." Shen Yun directly pushed the thing into his hand.

The other party wanted to refuse, but Shen Yun was a Nascent Soul cultivator, so in the end he had no choice but to accept the thing.

The person in charge looked at Shen Yun walking away, stuffed the elixir directly into his mouth, and then went over to ask his colleagues to take a break before continuing to work. "How are the injuries?" Shen Yun went directly to the patrol group where Xu Lei and his group were recovering from their injuries.

"It's almost done. How about it? I heard from Li Gong that your experiment was basically successful and the electricity went in." Xu Lei was anxious to know the subsequent results.

"Yes, the matter of electrification has been completed, but one problem is that the evil energy is now balanced with the electric current. The evil energy is constantly being generated, and the electric current is constantly flowing in, so it is a bit difficult to completely eliminate the evil energy now. It’s difficult, only by finding the source can it be completely eliminated.”

More than a dozen people were silent when they heard what Shen Yun said. They had all suffered from demonic energy and knew that this kind of thing controlled their minds. It was really scary. They had no consciousness at all, even the people closest to them. They can all do it.

 “What is the source?” Someone asked everyone’s question.

 “I don’t know about this either.” When it comes to this question, Shen Yun has no answer.

"No matter what, we are under control now. We work hard to improve our strength. One day we will know the source. Then we will find a way to eliminate the source." Xu Lei is very confident that he will die. He is alive and well now, so there is nothing to be afraid of. He is not fighting alone, and there are so many partners accompanying him.

 “Yes.” This statement was recognized by everyone. No matter what, no one wanted to try again and feel as if they were about to be burned.

"Everyone, let's work together. You still need to watch here. I will go back and practice hard. When my strength improves, these things will not be a problem. If it doesn't work, I will make a seal and seal it for hundreds or thousands of years. It will be powerful by then. There are too many people, but we are still afraid of this evil spirit.”

When Shen Yun said this, everyone laughed. This is indeed a way. Isn't it sealed inside now?

  "Okay, you have nothing to do but take a stroll and practice more. I'll go back first." Shen Yun said goodbye to everyone and went back to the mountain.

At first, I felt that I was practicing slowly, and when the time came, I would naturally level up. Now that things are rushing, I suddenly feel a little urgent.

 Need to practice hard.

"Yunyun, you're back. Your brothers and the others went out. You said you asked them to go out, right?" As soon as the second aunt saw Shen Yun appearing in the valley, she walked over immediately.

"I sent a message to them, asking them to go to the capital city with Jiang Zhi and the others. When Jiang Zhi and the others came back, they wanted to practice medicine all the way back. I asked them to go out together and experience it. It was considered as training." Shen Yun Explain carefully to the second aunt.

"Oh, that's it. I thought Shen Jian was being urged to run away by me every day, but I didn't know it was true. Okay, Jiang Zhi is a stable kid. I can rest assured if I'm with them. It's better to go out like this and save yourself from being at home every day. It makes my head hurt. If I go out and meet more people, maybe I can find a wife for me. I can't stay in the alchemy room all day long without seeing anyone like his brother did." She felt relieved when she heard what Chen Yun said. .

She used to not worry about her children going out, but after spending a few days in the town some time ago, she realized that the outside is different now. Many of the newly opened singing and movie shops don't look like they are for good people. She I saw many young people going in in the town, and I was afraid that some of my own children would go out and cause chaos.

Now that I know I’m going to do serious things, I’m not worried anymore.

"Don't worry, Shen Jian and the others are not random people. As for whether they can bring you a wife back, I can't guarantee that." Shen Yun said with a smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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