“I think you want to have children because you want to leave something in this world. When you become a **** in the future, something will remember you, right?” Shen Yun looked at the big snake sincerely.

Who would have known that the other person’s snake face looked blank.

"Is there something you don't understand?" No wonder Shen Yun understood it.

"What is becoming a god?" It obviously has no contact with the outside world, so it doesn't understand this matter. As for why it can rescue Dragon Dad, it is really a coincidence. It wants to get out of the cliff to test the outside world. It was not the same as before. Who would have thought that it was hit by the dragon father next time, and then it felt that there was a special energy in this human being that attracted it, so she took the human back to her home.

As for the idea of ​​giving birth to a bloodline inheritance snake, the more he looked at this person, the more he liked him.

Now I heard a different story. This unsophisticated snake immediately put aside his newly settled fiancé and stretched his head to look at Shen Yun.

"In the future, you will become a dragon, and then you will live forever. You will have boundless magic power. If you wag your tail, many people and animals will be afraid of you and respect you." Shen Yun originally planned to deceive it with news about eugenics and healthy pregnancy preparation. Then what other people were concerned about was not this question at all, and they directly asked about becoming a god.

"You said I will live forever, then there is really no need to have children." The big snake murmured. After all, it has rejected the biological instinct for so many years, which shows that it is not so enthusiastic about this matter. Now hearing Chen Yun Saying this, it diverts attention even more.

"Yeah, having children is annoying. If they don't live up to your expectations, you won't be able to let go even if you become an immortal or a **** by then. If your heart becomes unstable, you may fall off the altar. Look at the man at the back as an example. He is very powerful, but because he couldn't let go, he suffered such a serious injury. Look at how uneconomical it is.

 Is it a golden dragon? "Chen Yun directly told her a ready-made example.

Although he was the one who was careless, Jin Long still nodded cooperatively.

The other party glanced at Jin Long, and then looked sympathetically at Father Long in the puddle, and thought that this was indeed the case.

It is quite good to live alone in this cliff valley. The food here will be enough for myself. If there are a few more children, they will probably be hungry.

“Then can you tell me how to become a god?” Da Shen stretched his head in front of Shen Yun, lowered his head and asked.

Shen Yun endured the discomfort in her heart and began to continue to lie. After all, she had not studied this issue herself yet, so she could only lie now. "To become a god, you need to continue to practice. How you practiced before will be even better in the future." Be diligent, and when the two horns on your head grow completely, you will be close to becoming a god. You will know how to do it yourself by then, and I don’t need to say anything more.”

"I used to swim and sleep in the pool." Orochi murmured, and then remembered that his territory was now occupied by an unrelated man.

He twisted his body and turned towards the puddle. Looking at the man lying inside, he rolled up his tail and pulled the man out. He threw him to the shore and slid down.

  Then a magical scene appeared. The huge snake's body slowly shrank until it was completely submerged in the puddle. Then it raised its head and aimed at the beam of light above, motionless like a perfect statue.

"Take them away, I don't want them anymore. I want to cultivate myself into a god." A familiar voice came out of the snake's mouth.

"Then let's take him away." Shen Yun asked tentatively. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, he quickly went over and helped him over.

"Then we won't disturb you, but I still want to tell you that it is very dangerous and exclusive outside. If you have not cultivated your horns or transformed into a human form, it is best not to go out, lest you be caught. "Before leaving, Shen Yun also gave me a piece of advice.

 Hearing what Shen Yun said, the big snake glanced this way.

Then he flicked his tail and threw something on the shore over, "Thank you for telling me this, you can take this thing away." Shen Yun and the others were ready to fight back, but they didn't know that the other party was sending something, Hei There was a piece of Huhu, and I couldn't see what it was. After taking it, the two of them didn't hesitate and left the place with Father Long.

 After leaving the cave, don’t forget to mend the hole in the mountain wall.

"Jin Long, you carry your dad on your back. Let's take people out of this place first." Shen Yun greeted and directly affixed the concealment talisman to the two people. The three people flew directly into the air. The Yuren who were patrolling were watching. Underneath, he sneaked out.

 “Go back directly?” asked the golden dragon after leaving the forest.

"Find a safe place to check on your dad first." He was unconscious all the time, and he could see some skin scratches on his elbow.

 “Okay.” Jin Long nodded, and the two of them flew directly towards the address given by Yan Han.

 This is a wealthy area. It is different from the small town when they came. This location is obviously sparsely populated.

  Two people stopped directly in the yard of a house.

Some breath leaked out, and before they could enter, several people came out.

“Who are you?” The leader is obviously a foreigner.

“We are friends of Boss Wang. We said hello before we came here.” Shen Yun said naturally.

 One person ran in on the spot. After a while, a middle-aged man ran out first.

“This is my guest, you can go and have a rest.” The middle-aged man said with a hint of joy.

 Several bodyguards heard each other say this. Left immediately.

 “Come in quickly,” the man said happily.

Shen Yun and the others looked around in and around the room with their consciousness, and then followed the person in with confidence.

"Don't worry, it's very safe here. Yanhan told me before that two relatives are coming from my hometown and may need help. I'm ready." After entering the living room, Boss Wang cautiously led him When Shen Yun and the others arrived at a large study room, they began to talk with confidence.

“I’m Shen Yun, and this is Jin Long. Our friend is injured and it’s inconvenient to travel long distances, so I’m here to bother you.” Shen Yun didn’t mean to introduce Dad Long.

"I understand, if you want me to help arrange a doctor, they are all trustworthy people. You can rest assured to recover here. The latest news is that Yuhuang has disappeared, so there will definitely be nothing going on in the city these days." Boss Wang Simply put.

“Thank you, we don’t need a doctor for the time being. Let’s take a look at it ourselves. We will trouble you again when we are sure of the situation.” Shen Yun said politely.

"Okay, if you need anything, you can call someone. The Chinese people in this room are all trustworthy. The next door to the study is a good place to recuperate. I will take you there." Boss Wang was very well prepared and took Shen Yun directly. They arrived at the room next door. It was very big, a large suite, and there was no problem in accommodating a few of them.

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