By the time Shen Yun and several members of his family had improved the formation, it was time for the Shen family to treat guests.

Shen Limin and his uncle went out to invite relatives and friends in person in the past few days. They were very busy every day. Anyway, they didn't ask Shen Yun and others to help. A few elders and a few sisters-in-law arranged this matter.

This morning the valley became lively early in the morning, but Shen Yun was currently in the small jumping tree house.

Early in the morning, Shen Yun received the news that Xiao Bengqi was released from seclusion. He didn't bother anyone else, so he came over alone. When he came over, he saw a big transformation into a living person.

 After waiting for more than half an hour, Shen Yun was still a little confused.

"Sister, have Five Brother's clothes not been washed? Why do they smell like they are still a little too small?" A young man of nearly 1.9 meters in the tree house was complaining with disgust on his face. He was wearing heavy clothes. She looks a bit small. Thinking about the fleshy figure she saw in the morning when she was undressed, wearing heavy clothes is indeed a bit aggrieved. However, even if the clothes are too small, they can't hide her stunning face.

Shen Yun took one look and then another. His cute little brother completely disappeared and turned into a man taller than himself.

 A pair of phoenix eyes looked at me a little aggrievedly, which was really exciting.

"You put it on first and let me take it easy. You said you didn't become like this after the thunder tribulation before. How did you become like this after being in seclusion?" Shen Yun murmured.

"Didn't you say that you can't reveal your identity outside? I think changing my identity outside may scare people, so why don't I just suppress it and change again when I come back?" Xiao Bengqi said a little aggrievedly.

 Obviously it is a phoenix, but it looks like a little puppy, irritating one after another.

"You don't look like a child anymore. This expression is a bit inconsistent." Shen Yun suggested kindly. Although it looked cute, Shen Yun wouldn't be able to accept it for a while.

 “Okay then.” Xiao Bengji turned into a cold face mode, which looked a bit bluffing.

"Who did you learn this from?" Shen Yun looked at his face and suddenly felt familiar.

“Yan Han, he is the only person I have ever seen who is better-looking, but a little worse than me. I think this expression is cool.” Xiao Bengqi said narcissistically.

"Jin Long, you really shouldn't learn some things. If you do this for a long time, your face will become stiff and then paralyzed. Besides, it makes me uncomfortable to see you like this every day. It was so cold when we were in the capital. We are superiors, so we can't ask for it. What are you doing? It's not appropriate for you to be like this now, right? We have to have our own style. "As soon as Shen Yun heard what he said, he immediately persuaded him to change his mind. Why don't you just be cold-faced every day? There are so many worlds. It's beautiful, but you can't smile. People are so cold in order to have the majesty of a minister.

"Okay, I don't think this is suitable for me either. I'm a unique phoenix, how can I imitate others." He grew up and became taller, but he felt even more stinky, and Shen Yun was convinced.

 After letting him chatter for a while, Shen Yun also calmed down his nerves, and then the two of them started talking about business. "Sister, you said that when I was in thunder tribulation, you saw that the dragon looked like my dad?" Xiao Bengqi also became more serious. He sat aside and heard a cry of sister. Shen Yun calmed down a bit after getting used to it.

"Yes, I looked at that figure like the one I had seen in Fengyu, but when I wanted to confirm it, the figure disappeared into the clouds." Shen Yun was also a little unsure. After all, it was just a glance. In addition, the clouds were half-covering, and Shen Yun had never seen other dragons. I really didn't know if all dragons were the same.

"Then it's really possible. When I was unconscious, I felt like I was locked in a place. I clearly felt an impact from outside, and then the place where I was locked up was opened. If you say that, I hit that place. It really could be my dad," Jin Long said, touching his chin.

"Then your dad came to this world, or sensed that there was something wrong with you, and suddenly came here through time and space." Shen Yun was a little curious, "Is he coming to take you back? You are crossing here If a Nascent Soul Tribulation can encounter this kind of problem, I really can’t protect you.”

Chen Yun thought about it seriously and it might be true. Although he didn't know what kind of power directly locked up people's souls or spiritual consciousness when Xiaobengqiao went through the thunder tribulation, but when he thought about it, he knew that it was definitely not a simple matter. People can't do this yet, so it may be the latest thing to appear in this world. After all, Xiaobengqi is not native to this world. The exclusive nature of the world may eliminate these potential threats. Xiaobengqi Maybe it’s really not suitable to stay in this world.

 Shen Yun told Xiao Bengqie his thoughts again.

"You say it's possible. If you didn't do anything to me this time, you might do it again next time. But it's still early to go through the thunder tribulation next time. The danger is not so close. Besides, since the other party is afraid of my existence, , which means that my strength is also a danger to the other party, so I don’t necessarily have to be afraid of him," Xiao Bengqi said thoughtfully.

"Although I say that, our strength in the Nascent Soul stage is still weak, so it is better to be cautious. Even if the other party is afraid, it is probably limited, otherwise he will not take action directly when you are in the thunder tribulation." Shen Yun said remindingly.

Little Bengzhi also nodded, "Then do you think my dad has come over, or what happened? Why did he just bump into me and not come out to see me?" Little Bengzhe was confused about another question.

"It takes a lot of energy to cross the world barrier. Is your father somewhere where he has insufficient spiritual energy and is cultivating?" The two looked at each other, obviously thinking about this situation.

Both of them stood up directly, "Do you want to go out and look for it?" Shen Yun asked. If the little one is in danger, then the dragon with a higher level of cultivation will probably be in more danger.

"Then let's go out for a walk." Although Xiao Bengqi has never seen his real father in his life, to be honest, he is still a little curious.

  The two people hurriedly walked downstairs and saw the bustle in the valley.

“Oh, I was so excited by you all morning that I forgot about the dinner invitation at home today.” Shen Yun clapped his hands. It would be funny if this person left, leaving the whole family here.

"Why the treat? Is the third brother or the fifth brother getting married?" Xiao Bengqi didn't know. So, the last time the family had a large-scale treat was when Shen Hong's child was one month old. No children were born recently, so it can only be because someone wants to get married.

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