Chapter 36 Farewell

Shen Yun took a closer look at the clothes in his hand. They were made according to the shirt he wore when he came back. They didn't look tacky at all.

The indigo cotton is particularly soft to the touch. The buttons are not made of plastic, but are handmade. They are placed on top of the clothes to make the clothes look classic and fashionable.

 The lower body is a pair of straight black trousers, also made of the same material.

“Oh, grandma, your hands are so skillful. You’re welcome.” Shen Yun happily changed into new clothes.

"It fits just right. I was thinking of changing it, but it doesn't seem necessary." Yang Xiaocao looked at Shen Yun's clothes with satisfaction. She said that the color was nice and it made her granddaughter look even whiter.

 “Thank you, grandma, I like this dress very much.”

"Wear it if you like it. In two days, grandma will get some cloth and make you another cotton coat." In the past, there were only grandsons in the house, and there was only one granddaughter. She would make herself angry as much as possible. But now it's better. The granddaughter likes it, so give it to her. Making clothes makes me happy.

"I will wear it when I leave in two days. Grandma, the clothes you made for me are so beautiful. There is no such style in Beijing. I have to dress beautifully." Shen Yun carefully changed his clothes and put them away.

Yang Xiaocao felt strange when she saw Shen Yun cherishing this dress so much. This was the first time for her child to wear clothes made by her grandma when she grew up. When she gets cloth in the future, she will definitely make more for her. .

"I'll be leaving in a few days. Don't run around in the last two days. Think about what you want to bring and let's prepare it first. Your mother is in confinement now. You tell grandma and grandma will prepare it for you." Yang Xiaocao took Shen Yun's hand and explained.

"Okay, I'll see what I need to bring, and I'll tell you when the time comes." Shen Yun nodded.

In fact, there is nothing to bring. I just need to bring the books I brought back from Ji's house and a few clothes. As for the other things, I really don't have anything else. I can only prepare them in Beijing. I used to have things for accommodation during the holidays. They were all brought to Ji's house, and it was impossible for me to get them again.

Think about it, all the things cost money. Fortunately, the cold and heat are out now, so I don’t need to prepare many things.

 Time passed very quickly. Shen Yun finished teaching the first stage of physical training and it was time for him to return to school.

"After I go to school, you can practice at home. If you don't understand anything, you can write to me. I've given you the address. If you have something to do at home, you can also write or send a telegram." Shen Yun ended today's teaching , explained to everyone.

"Okay, we get it. Go back and pack your things quickly, or you'll miss the car." Shen Guoliang said urging at the side.


Shen Yun's things were almost packed, but the amount of things greatly exceeded Shen Yun's expectations. She originally thought she could handle two small bags, but now she has four big bags.

Two new quilts, and a few more clothes, some for cold weather, and some cotton coats that grandma and the others rushed to make.

 After adding some food and miscellaneous things, I packed four big bags.

"Dad, you really want to send me to school. I'm already a sophomore, so it's okay if you don't." Shen Yun confirmed with Shen Limin next to him again.

"The tickets have been bought and the luggage has been packed. Can this be a holiday? Let your dad go and see us. Don't worry. If I hadn't been with your brother at home, I wouldn't have let your dad go. I would have gone by myself. Yang Cancan said with envy while checking Shen Yun's luggage.

“When my brother is older next year, I will take our whole family to see it.” Shen Yun looked at Yang Cancan with envy and suggested happily.

"What are you doing here? How about spending money on the bus fare? Just let your dad go and take a look." Yang Cancan thought about the tens of dollars of bus tickets and felt quite distressed. She originally planned to take the money with her children, but ended up buying it instead. I bought two tickets, but they were embarrassed to say that they borrowed the money for the return ticket from their eldest brother.

Although the capital city is good, it is not a place for ordinary people like them to go. It is better to earn more money at home so that the children can relax and live in a big city. "Don't worry about it then, I'll buy you a ticket." Shen Yun made up his mind.

“Okay, okay, it’s almost time, hurry up and leave with your dad.” Yang Cancan started urging people after seeing that there was nothing missing.

The father and daughter carried large and small bags and said goodbye to Yang Cancan. After saying goodbye to everyone in the old house, they walked directly towards the town.

“Brother Huang Bin told me that he found a logistics vehicle to go to the town. We can just take a ride without having to squeeze into the bus.”

"That's a good relationship." Shen Yun thought about it. If he carried so many things and squeezed into that small bus, there would be a lot of curses and complaints next to him.


“Uncle, I’ll wait for you now that you’re here.” As soon as the two people walked out of the woods, they saw a truck parked in the distance, and whoever it wasn’t Huang Bin was standing next to it.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long." Shen Limin greeted Huang Bin and quickly greeted the driver next to him.

“No, I just came here, let’s not delay, get in the car first, so that we can get to the city early.” The driver was also a cheerful person, and he asked for three cars after just one sentence.

 As soon as the three of them climbed into the car, the car started.

"Brother, aren't you going to get off?" Shen Yun asked Huang Bin before he could get out of the car.

“I have nothing to do today, so I’ll give you a ride.” By the way, these are the things your aunt has prepared for you. There is food and drink. This is mine. You keep it. Huang Bin said, taking out something he had prepared from his pocket and stuffing it into Shen Yun's hand.

Shen Yun knew what it was as soon as he got it. "I will keep whatever I eat. I can't have this." Shen Yun quickly stuffed it back.

“Hey, take it. Although my brother’s salary is not high, he can still afford this small amount of pocket money. Take it. If you don’t take it, you will treat me like an outsider.” Huang Bin said with a straight face.

Shen Limin also saw clearly what Huang Bin gave him, "Just accept it, your brother gave it to you." Huang Bin knew that his family was in trouble. In the past, he would help Momo go to school in the town.

 I owe this child too much, so I can only pay it back slowly in the future.

 Shen Yun heard the two people saying this, and then he accepted the money in his hand.

This 400 yuan should be Huang Bin's salary for several months. I'll pay it back to him when I come back next time.

 The two of them got on the train, and then Huang Bin left the station.

“Dad, take a rest first. It’s probably still dark before we get to Beijing, and the journey will take a long time.” Shen Yun suggested, looking at Shen Limin who had just gotten into the car.

"Daughter, you sleep, I'm looking at my luggage. I can't sleep now." It was Shen Limin's first time taking a train, and he was in great spirits. Although it was dark now and the inside of the carriage was a little dark, he didn't want to be delayed. Eyes looking around.

 (End of this chapter)

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