Shen Chen mentioned this matter to his family when he went back to inform his family of the good news. Aunt Shen promised to convey the news.

"Now that Shen Jian is well, Shen Hong and I will take the people back. The care taken by the few of us here is not as good as that of the second aunt and the others." After two days of rest, Shen Jian was able to sit for a long time. , Shen Chen put forward his own idea.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to see it in a few days." Shen Yun took the auction invitation he just received and handed it to several people to see. He was the provider of the auction. The person who just came to send the invitation specifically said, "Boss" She was told that she could take her family with her to attend the auction. Shen Yun and the others were the only ones in the capital city. Shen Yun planned to go there to see them all, so that they could have a good idea of ​​what they were going to do in the future.

"Are we going to the auction? Are you planning to auction something?" Shen Chen looked through it. There were antiques, jewelry, some special plants and stones, and even a few special things that were not marked. thing.

But even if I haven't seen it, I have heard a lot in the past year. None of the items at this auction have a low price. Shen Chen thought about the money that Mr. Qu and Mr. Jiang sent that day, and looked at the invitation. Looking at the things in the letter, I guess I have fallen in love with something, and I don’t know if the money is enough.

"No, I just went over to see it. I have something I want to auction." Shen Yun explained.

Shen Chen glanced at the last page. There was a link to freely offer items for bidding. He must have wanted to participate in this event.

However, Shen Chen took another look at the exquisite jewelry in front of him. How could a girl not like this thing? It's just because the economy doesn't allow it.

After deciding to stay in Beijing to attend the auction, Shen Chen and Shen Heng also became busy. Shen Yun didn't see anyone for a day, and a day later, even Xiao Bengqiao couldn't see anyone, "Where are the eldest brother and fourth brother. "Shen Yun asked Shen Hong and the others who were supporting Shen Jian to walk in the yard.

"It seems like something happened when you went out, and you didn't tell me. It was so mysterious." Shen Hong didn't know either. Anyway, they all got up early in the morning.

Shen Yun glanced around with his consciousness and found that he was out of the range of his consciousness. He didn't know where he was going. Why did these people go out without explaining anything.

Yesterday, Shen Yun thought that these two people went out to play, but it didn't look like this today. The little ones went out secretly, and they have become more capable.

Shen Yun was sitting in the courtyard, waiting for these people to come back before asking questions.

The moon gradually rose, and the night market outside began to become lively.

 Shen Yun suddenly stood up at a certain moment, startling the two people next to him.

“What’s the matter? What happened?” Shen Hong asked nervously.

"It's okay. I just found my brother and the others walking this way." Shen Yun sat down again. Nothing happened to him, so there was no need to worry.

"What on earth did they do?" Shen Jian asked curiously. He also has a lively personality. He is sitting at home and cannot go out, but he is really curious about the outside world. He wants to get better quickly every day. This way You can go shopping in Beijing.

"I don't know, let's wait and see what they say when they come back." Shen Yun didn't know what the three people were doing mysteriously and hiding it from them this time.

The three people were waiting at home. Unexpectedly, these people turned around at the door of the house, and Shen Yun stood up again.

 Seeing a few people setting up a stall in the night market, and then taking out the day's harvest from the pockets on his back, Shen Yun finally knew what the three of them were doing that day.

“What’s wrong?” The two people asked quickly when they saw Shen Yun standing up again. "They have set up a stall in the night market. Should we go and have a look?" Shen Yun asked the two people.

 “Okay.” Shen Jian responded first.

"Just let me see how long I can hold on." Shen Jian watched the two people look at him and said quickly.

"Okay, let's go. Let's go out and have a look. It's not that far anyway." Shen Yun responded directly.

Shen Hong supported Shen Jian, and Shen Yun gave some spiritual energy support beside him. Shen Jian suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, "Actually, your current strength can support you to walk independently, but you are not used to the spiritual energy in your body yet." , you haven’t learned how to use it yet, so it’s so strenuous to walk. In the past few days, you have to get used to the feeling of spiritual energy running throughout your body. Although you relied on the help of Third Brother and the others in the past, your body has already formed a memory. , Cultivation is as simple as sleeping for you," Shen Yun said to Shen Jian on the side.

"I will adapt as soon as possible." Shen Jian nodded. After sleeping, he changed from an ordinary person to a fourth-level Qi practitioner. This is something that everyone has to adapt to.

"Okay, you can ask us if you have any questions. We are basically at home these days." Shen Yun nodded.


 After a while, Shen Yun and the others arrived at the night market, and the lively sounds rushed towards them.

The three of them hadn't gone far when the housekeeper, Shen Chen, was enthusiastically introducing the items at his stall to the guests.

Standing still, watching from a distance, Shen Heng was helping to introduce, and the little girl was acting cute. It didn't take long for the customer to buy the things he liked.

"They are going up the mountain to pick spiritual plants." Shen Hong said in surprise. As a preparatory alchemist, he had already read the jade slips about spiritual plants given to him by Shen Yun. Now he could tell at a glance. Most of what Shen Chen and his others put on their stall were something.

"I guess it's too impatient to stay at home all day. Since we want to do something, let's not stop him. Just take a look here and then go back. Anyway, the eldest brother is used to doing business, so this little thing can't be difficult for him. "Chen Yun said standing aside.

"Okay, let's take a look for a while." Shen Hong also nodded. If he could go away, he would also go, not because he wanted to dig up spiritual plants to make money, but because he wanted to dig up more spiritual plants and raise them. When the time comes, he takes it to his hometown, so that when he can make elixirs by himself, there will be a large area of ​​spiritual plants at home for him to use.

However, I can only think about this matter now, and we will wait until Shen Jian is better.

Shen Yun and the others watched here for a while and saw that there was no problem with the three people here, so the three of them strolled back.

After returning home, Shen Yun took out a jade slip and began to carve the content. You must know that there are many spiritual plants in his own space. His ancestors used to collect some rare and rare spiritual plants. There are really no such common ones. , and now Shen Yun has to add to it. Since the eldest brother and the others are going out to dig for spiritual plants, he will not be polite.

 Early the next morning, I stopped a few people who were about to go out and handed them the jade slips directly. "If you see the spiritual plants here, bring some back to me by the way."

 The three people suddenly froze.

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