“I didn’t expect that things would go so smoothly today, and these people would be wiped out by us in one fell swoop.” Shen Yun and his teammates watched things go smoothly, heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn’t help but sigh.

"Don't be too happy yet. Boss Fu has a lot of trump cards. I wonder if the genius formation master in their team has followed him. If he does, he might be able to do it before their people are exhausted by the formation. Come out, we can't let down our guard now." Although Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't say he was relieved just yet.

I don’t know what level Boss Fu’s current strength is. I hope this formation can consume as much of his spiritual power as possible.

A few people had just relaxed, but when they heard what Shen Yun said, their spirits suddenly became tense again.

"Then what should we prepare now?" Everyone is trapped in the formation and can't be seen outside. Only one person has been subdued. Everyone doesn't know what to do now and can only ask the person on the side. Chen Yun.

“Why don’t you practice some training first? After all, the spiritual energy here is indeed very strong.” Shen Yun thought for a while and suggested that he should race against time to improve his strength so that he could have the upper hand in what might happen next.

 “Okay.” Several people responded simply and started meditating directly.

Shen Yun didn't know what kind of sacred object this little lotus was. After moving to the top of the mountain, the spiritual energy on the top of the mountain, plus his own small spirit gathering array, the rich spiritual energy here had formed a spiritual mist, which looked almost like his own space.

"Why don't you practice?" Shen Yun asked curiously, looking at Yan Han who was still standing next to him.

"I have now reached the Great Perfection of Qi practice. I have been practicing every day recently, but there has been no progress. It may have reached a bottleneck period." Yan Han said lightly, but his eyes were looking in the direction of the formation.

Chen Yun thought about it, people with special spiritual roots like himself and some people who practice evil arts do not have any bottlenecks during the Qi training period. Others generally want to get through the bottleneck period on their own, and they will need opportunities or rely on building Only with Jidan can the foundation be built more quickly.

Shen Yun didn't know if Yan Han knew about this, so he mentioned it to him directly.

"I've seen it in ancient books, but you also know that refining alchemy is more difficult than practicing cultivation. Some Chinese medicine practitioners in our country have begun to try this direction, but to be honest, there has been no progress so far. Fortunately, we are not in a hurry. There are still very few people who have reached the Great Perfection of Qi training.

 Just me, I still hope to build the foundation naturally when the right opportunity comes, like you. " Yan Han is also concerned about the progress in all aspects, but he really can't help with the matter of alchemy. He can only watch Chinese medicine doctors and some Taoist practitioners slowly try according to ancient books. This is much more difficult than prescribing Chinese medicine.

“Actually, I am also an alchemist, but I have been busy lately and have practiced less.” Shen Yun said while paying attention to the fluctuations in the formation.

Yan Han next to him suddenly laughed.

Shen Yun glanced at Yan Han in surprise. Does it look like he was joking that he could make alchemy? Was he laughing at himself?

"What do you mean, you don't believe it?" Shen Yun was a little surprised. Yan Han, who had always had a cold face and not much expression, actually laughed because he said he knew how to make alchemy. He laughed! !

"No, don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at you, I just suddenly thought of the scene when you asked me to make anti-liquefied gas medicine for you in the south." Yanhan coughed lightly, and his voice returned to its original state.

"Just tell me whether that thing is effective. That's not my true level. The thing I practiced that time was quite special. I didn't have enough spiritual energy, so I had to use liquefied gas. Anyway, no matter how you practice, it will be effective in the end." When Yan Han said that, Shen Yun also remembered what happened that time. It was a special situation, but it didn't mean that he usually made alchemy like this.

I also tried it in my dormitory later. Only this simple elixir that does not require any changes in firepower can use liquefied gas. Other elixirs cannot, and you still need to control the fire accurately.

 “It is indeed very effective.” This severe cold had to admit.

 It's just that Shen Yun sounded like he was trying to comfort himself. However, after his interruption, Shen Yun's tense nerves were not so tense anymore.

"Okay, let's talk about this when we go back, but have you really decided to build the foundation on your own?" Shen Yun asked again before the critical moment came.

 “It’s confirmed.” Yanhan was very determined.

"Okay, since you have decided, it seems that I can save the foundation building pills here." Shen Yun said with a smile.

“Save it, if you don’t mind, when this matter is over, go back and communicate with the doctors who are studying elixirs. This can be considered as a contribution to the alchemy cause of our country.”

"Is there any reward? Like last time, a house or something else?" Shen Yun said jokingly.

“At that time, it wasn’t just a house, you became a cherished person.” Yan Han said seriously.

  Shen Yun suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he would be like a giant panda.

However, this state only lasted for a few seconds, and his expression became serious again.

"Someone is approaching." Shen Yun's consciousness remained vigilant. Although he was talking to Yan Han just now, when someone entered the range of his consciousness, Shen Yun discovered it.

 A few people nearby stood up immediately when they heard what Shen Yun said.

 “How many people are here?” Several people nearby asked nervously.


Everyone was slightly relieved when they heard what Shen Yun said.

"These two people are very strong, everyone, be careful, they are getting close to each other very quickly." Shen Yun has now seen the appearance of the two people clearly. He doesn't look like they are natives, but they are following Boss Fu as Du Ji said. The two foreigners looked very similar. Even if they were wrapped tightly together, their figures could not be hidden.

Especially the guy with two big wings, it is clearly showing who he is.

"Shan Han, have you paid attention to foreign news recently? Our country has undergone such changes, so what is the situation in other countries?" Shen Yun paid relatively little attention to the external situation.

"The situation outside is much more chaotic than at home. Various mutant abilities are generally classified according to beliefs, such as those with wings, snake people, etc. There are various reports. Recently, the department has been collecting external information. , to prevent outsiders from intruding into the country," Yan Han said carefully.

“What a coincidence, these two below may be the invaders, prepare to fight.” Shen Yun said, and the momentum of the people next to him suddenly changed. These two are different from the ones just now.

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