A phone call went directly to Yan Han’s phone.

"Captain Yan, I am Shen Yun. I have something to trouble you with." Shen Yun said straight to the point.

 “What did you say?” Yanhan responded quickly.

Shen Yun directly reported the names and addresses of the two research laboratories, "I need to check this. This is the research laboratory in Fujialong, Hong Kong City. I got the news here that there is nothing going on in this laboratory. For serious matters, please investigate whether any cultivators who have disappeared recently are related to this research laboratory."

As soon as Shen Yun said it, Yan Han understood what he meant. He knew exactly what Shen Yun was doing in Hong Kong City. The news here would also be fed back to the mainland. On the surface, the Fu family found nothing wrong, but with Chang Sheng The combination of Shen He and the secretly digging of spiritual mines in the mainland means that this family is not a good family. They all clearly remember the people who died because of the spiritual mines at that time.

“Okay, I’ll have someone check it out right away.

How are things going with you in Hong Kong City? Yan Han responded, and took a look at Shen Yun's progress.

"I'm going to confront the opponent directly, but I have to discuss it with my teammates on how to do it. If I need your support, I will call you then." Although Shen Yun's plan is to arrest Boss Fu as soon as possible , but the opponent is now stronger than her, and there are many people under her command. The port city is their base camp. If they want to ensure that this operation is foolproof, they have to make too many preparations. Even if a lion fights a rabbit, Try your best, now it’s more like the other way around, you have to work harder and plan harder.


After Shen Yun finished talking on the phone, he heard the phone in Du Ji's office ring. It was Fang Ning and the others who had arrived, and the person at the front desk called to inquire.

Du Ji directly asked people to bring them up.

 Several people met in Du Ji's office.

“Let me introduce you, this is Du Ji, the Du family, these people are my teammates, Fang Ning, Su Yu, Han Jialiang, and Liao Qiang.

They are all trustworthy people. Let’s discuss now how to deal with people like the Fu family. "Chen Yun, as a person known to both parties, took the initiative to introduce.

 The two parties got to know each other briefly.

  Started to get to the point.

 Shen Yun talked about everything he had seen and heard in the past few days.

 Several people couldn't help but frowned when they heard that the opponent's strength had grown so fast.

"Are you sure that person is Boss Fu?" Du Ji asked after hearing Shen Yun's words.

"I'm sure that although he looks a little different, I have fought against him. Although the other person's face is covered, his aura is still the same." Shen Yun said with certainty.

"It's really possible what you said. We have only investigated Boss Fu's appearance, but no one has seen Boss Fu's face. It seems to be changing anytime and anywhere." Du Ji thought about his own investigation results, so It was not that the person they were investigating was bad, but that Boss Fu deliberately avoided it. It would be easy for such a powerful person to prevent others from seeing his face.

"By the way, the opponent is so strong, and the port city here is still the opponent's base camp. We are obviously no match for the opponent." Fang Ning thought very realistically and noticed this problem directly. "Yes, there is such a problem now. There are many people on the other side and they are very strong. It can be said that they are all above you. We now have to think of a way to use the big to win over the small. Otherwise, we will definitely send puppets to Boss Fu directly. "A few people summarized the news they have learned in the past few days. To put it simply, this task is simply impossible according to basic methods.

 Several people were lost in thought.

"Otherwise, we will find a way to lure him to the mainland. That is our base camp. I don't believe he can't be killed by a sea of ​​​​people." Liao Qiang said with an idea.

"This is also a way, but the place must be chosen well, otherwise it will harm the people in the mainland. We cannot do this to divert disaster to the east." Fang Ning emphasized on the side.

"Our investigation in the past few days has found that several foreigners around him have left here to go back to work. Now is indeed the best time to deal with them." Du Ji continued and disappeared.

 This is very good news.

“Then let’s discuss how to deal with him.” Shen Yun said directly. "Is there any way to lure him out of the port city?"

Since the opponent needs to sit in front of the stone statue to receive the energy from the stone statue, if he is far away from the port city, he will be far away from the energy supply, so the subsequent battle will be more beneficial to them.

"He is like a turtle hiding in a shell now, accumulating power. You cannot seduce him without enough benefits." Du Ji still knows a little about his opponent.

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard him say that he wanted to go out to inspect research institutes in various places. If there is enough profit motivation at this time, then he will definitely go out." Shen Yun thought about his conversations with several people, regardless of this matter Did he just say it casually? Shen Yun was definitely going to make this happen anyway.

"Then what's the lead?" Several people's eyes turned to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun thought about the newly budded lotus in the space.

The small flower bone exudes an indescribable energy, and there is a trace of cloud-like aura floating around it, making it even more ethereal and like a fairy. Although Shen Yun doesn't know what this thing is now, it does not prevent her from giving her little Lotus is packaged and used to fool people outside.

Shen Yun called a few people over and carefully explained his plan.

"Is this possible? The other party is not so easy to deceive." Su Yu didn't believe that the other party would not find the flaw in such an obvious idea.

"The simpler the idea is, the more useful it is to deal with a deep-minded person like him. After all, the other party wants this and that, and we have only one purpose, and that is to kill the other party." Shen Yunjue's idea is very reliable. As long as the follow-up work is settled, he can't help but believe it.

"Okay, in this case, let's do it this time. The more worries we have, the more things will happen later. Why not simply leave the affairs of Hong Kong City to me. As long as you take away the powerful Fu family, the rest will be done. Leave it to me. " Du Jida is a decisive person. He believed in Shen Yun last time at the Lingshi Mine and saved his life. Now it doesn't stop him from trusting her again.

"Okay, then I will go back to the mainland to prepare a few things. When it is completed, I will send you a message. Then you can start taking action. I will wait for you on the mainland." Shen Yun looked at several people and said.

 “Okay, let’s act separately.”

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