Shen Sense carefully explored it, and found that the mechanism was relatively rough, but if you didn’t pay attention when you first came here, you would definitely be tricked, because there are formations underground.

Think about it, if you don't pay attention, step directly into the formation and get trapped by various formations, then the knife from outside will be shot directly, that person will be poked into a hornet's nest.

 Sure enough, if you don’t let anyone guard you, you still have something to offer.

I checked with my spiritual sense and found that a big project had been carried out in this basement. Not only was the door made of materials that could cover the Yin Qi, but the formation inside also used a lot of spiritual stones.

The entire basement used to be electrified, but now all the electricity was cut off. Shen Yun blindly guessed that it might be because he was afraid that the leakage of electricity would consume all the yin energy inside.

Carefully using his spiritual consciousness to break the trap at the door, Shen Yun took out a flashlight and illuminated the underground formation. It was a trap. If it were an ordinary person, this wave would probably consume almost all of it. .

Chen Yun directly found the birth gate of the formation, picked it with his sword, and this simple formation was directly broken. He picked up the spirit stone at the eye of the formation next to it. The formation was not touched, and the spiritual energy in the spirit stone was not touched. It was still full, and Chen Yun directly put the spirit stone into his pocket.

Looking at the large number of triangular cones lying on the ground, Shen Yun was not polite and swept them all away.

 Then he saw a formation, and Shen Yun broke it. Although it took time, he gained a lot. Not only did he gain a lot of trap materials, he also gained a large amount of spiritual stones.

The last time he came down to the top, Shen Yun could clearly see the traces of filling. Although he had tried his best to make it the same as the one next to him, Shen Yun could still tell that it was a little different.

 After searching the entire basement, and seeing that there was no obvious danger, Shen Yun took out multiple flashlights to illuminate the entire basement.

Only then did I see that there were so many boxes in the basement that looked like coffins, but they were larger than ordinary coffins. This is very abnormal when you think about it. How can normal people put coffins in the basement? This is not for Are you feeling uncomfortable?

Shen Yun did not open these things rashly. He walked to one of them and looked directly inside through the outer shell.


 When he opened it, it turned out to be the same as what Shen Yun saw. It was an empty box made of wood.

Shen Yun looked around. There were hundreds of identical boxes in the entire basement. It was impossible that they were all empty. No one would create so many formations and traps just to protect these hundreds of empty boxes.

Boss Fu doesn't look like such a person. After all, even Fang Qin, who was killed by him, can be reused, let alone such a big villa. The upper part is used to raise little ghosts. What is in the lower part that can only be used? He leaned against Shen Yun and looked at it.

Shen Yun looked at the time, and it was already past 4 pm. He had spent a lot of time breaking the formation, and it was already a bit late now. However, Shen Yun had not made an appointment with anyone else to go back, so there was nothing in this aspect. So worried.

 Shen Yun walked directly to the next box.

After opening three empty boxes in a row, Shen Yun was a little suspicious of whether this thing was just a deception. The Gu Bu Maze Formation made everyone think that this place was still an important stronghold of the Fu family, so that everyone turned their attention to this place. Come, the Fu family will take the opportunity to find opportunities to develop and grow in other places.

If ordinary people saw this place, they might just give up on this place, but Shen Yun spent so much effort to break the formation, she really didn't believe this evil.

 Continue to open boxes.

 Until it reaches the thirty-second one.

 Shen Yuncai saw something different inside the box. As soon as the box was opened, the Prime Minister saw a big wing.

"What are the Fu family doing? Is this a rare bird? Have they started to divert it and sell animals? But this thing won't make any money even if it dies." Shen Yun slandered in his heart, but the movements of his hands did not change. Stop and just lift the entire lid. This thing has revealed its full picture.

Shen Yun took a breath, what kind of big bird was this? It was obviously a birdman, and it really looked like it was made in a laboratory. Is this the result of experiments on humans and animals?

Shen Yun was just astonished when he saw his wings move and spread out, revealing a face that was obviously not Chinese.

Shen Yun watched helplessly as the other party opened his eyes, and his eyes looked towards his angrily.

 “*…&…&%¥%¥…&” A burst of jabbering language came clearly.

Shen Yun understood, but she didn't want to understand now. She looked at the other party with confused eyes, and with a sudden movement of consciousness, she took out the spirit animal bag that used to contain the little jumper.

They all have wings and can be treated by phoenixes, so they should be able to be treated by these things as well.

With a slight movement of his lips, the spirit beast bag opened directly, giving out a burst of suction, and the object lying in the wooden box disappeared directly in front of him.

 Shen Yun felt the extra things in the spirit beast bag and put it away with satisfaction. There was no room for such things, so the spirit beast bag was just right.

Chen Yun looked at the remaining hundreds of boxes and dug out the several spirit beast bags in the corners of his space. Now, even if the remaining boxes were filled with these things, he could After installing it, I will show these things to the people in the department when I go back. They will definitely be shocked.

Let them all keep their nerves tight. The outside species are about to invade. If we don’t work hard, it will be too late.

 The next three things are like this. There are slight differences in the color of the wing feathers, but they are all white.

 Shen Yun opened the box and served the spirit beast bag without saying a word.

The combat effectiveness of these things is not weak, but these boxes should have been specially treated and cannot be opened from the inside. They can only be opened from the outside, otherwise these things would have escaped long ago.

And the Yin Qi should be somewhat suppressed to the strength of these things, otherwise the opponent will probably attack directly as soon as the box is opened.

 These are some of the good things Mr. Fu has done.

After Shen Yun used the spirit animal bag to collect the contents of the box, he also accepted the empty box with a smile. This thing should be more reliable than the original place where people were locked up in the special department.

 After collecting these, Shen Yun continued the activity of opening boxes.

This is more exciting. As soon as I opened it, I saw a box of centipedes fighting. The centipedes inside were of different sizes. The biggest ones were people. Shen Yun’s forearms were thick. The moment Shen Yun opened the box, the centipedes raised their heads and directly He attacked Chen Yun.

 When Shen Yun mentioned Qingfeng, he was not polite and struck directly on the opponent's head.

Qingfeng's sword energy was as sharp as iron, not to mention that the Gu King, who had not yet mastered it, was split into two halves with one strike of the sword.

Looking at the scattered centipedes crawling outside, Shen Yun was struck by lightning, and everything inside instantly became stiff.

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