Chapter 211 (211) These workers are deserting

Shen Yun put away his sword and walked over to see the situation. Just now, there was a human figure. In this moment, because the Yin Qi quickly dissipated, a rotten smell came over.

“That’s it.” The person next to him said this, but he looked directly at the colleague who provided the boy’s urine next to him, and secretly gave a thumbs up.

"Another one has been destroyed." Shen Yun looked at the clothes left on the ground, and thought, fortunately, only these two people have mutated, otherwise the teacher and the others would have saved work when they came back.

“Sister Yun, have you noticed that the temperature is really dropping?” Xu Ling felt amazing on the side. It turned out that the rising temperature was really caused by that thing just now.

The feeling of cooling down was very obvious. Even though Shen Yun was no longer affected by the cold and heat, he was still very aware of temperature changes. The moment this thing fell to the ground, the temperature of this place began to change.

Even in the clear sky, clouds slowly began to gather. Although it was not as fast as Shen Yun's thunder tribulation, it was not too slow.

"It's going to rain soon. Let's call some people over to block this place. Don't destroy other things that were dug out." Shen Yun took a look and saw that the group of students ran away really fast. In just a moment, the person was already far away. If Chen Yun hadn't had good eyesight, he would have only been able to see a small dot.

“Then I’ll call someone.” A person next to him responded and hurriedly ran in the direction of the students over there.

Shen Yun watched the person leave and used a light cleaning technique on the clothes on the ground.

As for whether to put it away, let professionals do it. When the students come back later, give them a chance to practice themselves.

"Then what are we doing now?" This thing has been dealt with, and no other abnormalities have been found. Are they just sitting here in a daze?

"If you want to work, you can shovel the surface soil here. I'll clean up the things dug out here." Shen Yun said and started to work.

There are things buried here for thousands of years. Once exposed to the air without treatment, they will be damaged. In addition, the sun was strong just now, so it is better to deal with it urgently.

This Shen Yun has been doing things he was accustomed to in his previous life, so he can handle them very quickly.

By the time the classmates came back, Shen Yun had already packed up.

“Hey, student Shen Yun, did you defeat that monster just now?” These students looked around cautiously and asked in a low voice when they found that they didn’t see the thing just now.

“Don’t worry, it won’t appear again. Don’t you feel that the temperature has dropped a little?

 I asked you to come back because it feels like it’s going to rain. Come over and cover what needs to be covered, and move what needs to be moved to the room. "Chen Yun straightened up and said.

 Suddenly everyone burst into warm applause. Looking at their expressions, Shen Yun felt even more excited than if they had defeated the thing themselves.

 “Don’t you know, we just saw how cool your movements were, swish, swish, swish, this is the first time I’ve seen it in my life.”


Everyone started to discuss excitedly. As for what Shen Yun said about working, they were subconsciously ignored by everyone under the stimulation of the scene just now.

It wasn't until Shen Yun pretended to cough and then gave a reminder that everyone spread out and started working.

However, the scorching eyes cast on a few people from time to time still let Shen Yun know that these workers were deserting. True to Shen Yun's expectation, as soon as everything was done, raindrops began to fall from the sky. The dry land encountered rain that had not been seen for a long time, and greedily began to absorb the energy of the spring rain.

“It finally rained. If it doesn’t rain, we won’t be able to plant crops here.” Several people stood under the corridor of the barracks and said with emotion.

“Sister Yun, when will you leave this place?” Xu Ling asked Shen Yun who was standing aside.

"As you can see, I'm here for archeology. I have to wait until everything underground is dug out before I can leave. Otherwise, no one can be sure what things are still underground." Shen Yun originally planned to deal with it. After getting this thing, I left here and went to Hong Kong City directly, but thinking about these two things I encountered, I really didn’t know what was in the coffin until I opened it. If these were all ordinary people here, it wouldn’t be a one-pot deal. .

Hearing what Shen Yun said, Xu Ling glanced at her and said, "To be honest, it's a shame that you come here to participate in archaeological work when people like us are so busy every day. Now is the time when we need people, like If a boss like you goes to stay in the department, the boss won’t give you up.”

"You also said that you are going to make offerings, so there is nothing to do. Why not come out and do something you like. It is also a kind of practice, isn't it?" Shen Yun listened to the rumbling thunder and did not feel that there was something there. You can't change without someone. If you think that way, you think too highly of yourself.

 “I really envy you for being like this.” Xu Ling said enviously.

"Don't envy me. It will be good for you if young people do more." Shen Yun answered and turned around and walked directly into the room.

The few people behind were left looking at each other in confusion. The boss spoke differently. He was obviously younger than them, and his words sounded inexplicably a bit older.

 Shen Yun didn't know what they were thinking, so he started meditating directly.

It rained for three days, and the whole ground was soaked.

 Fortunately, the entire archaeological site was covered with materials at that time, so the impact was not that serious.

As soon as the weather cleared up, new teachers came over to direct the work. Those injured continued to recuperate in the hospital, and the construction work here could not stop.

 Xu Ling and the others also had a new job, and Shen Yun was not afraid of anything happening here. After agreeing to contact him if necessary, they left without any worries.

Shen Yun could only continue to be his own digger. Two weeks later, the entire cemetery had basically been dug out, and there were no abnormalities.

 Not only was Shen Yun relieved, but the teacher was also relieved. The loss this time was really too great. Not only were several people injured, but a gravemaster and a person accompanying the tomb were also lost.

The teacher who came over to take charge of the work was in pain, but he still caught Shen Yun and praised him fiercely. After all, if it hadn't been for this girl, not only would this have been lost, but the few lying in the hospital and the students here would also have been lost. Whether it will work well or not is a matter of opinion.

"Teacher Zhang, the basic work here has been completed. I have some other things to do. I want to ask you for leave. I want to go over and take care of it." Shen Yun directly found the teacher in charge of the work here and said.

"I have approved it, but you have to tell the teacher who brought you here, otherwise he will probably make trouble for me." Teacher Zhang didn't mean to stop it, and told Shen Yun directly.

"Okay, I will check on the teacher and the others from the hospital before I leave." Shen Yun nodded.

Having said that, Teacher Zhang did not leave anyone behind. After all, they have already determined the safety of the entire cemetery, and there may be other important tasks to do. I can understand the busyness of such an expert.

 (End of this chapter)

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