Chapter 178 Chapter 179 (178) Learn culture well and practice without fear

“You know there are always stories in fairy tales about immortal cultivators who can save people. As long as they reach a certain level of cultivation, they can save people.” Shen Yun looked at his second aunt and said.

After Shen Yun finished speaking, the second aunt was silent for a while, and then hurriedly walked out. After a while, she pulled Shen Hong and Shen Yue to Shen Yun, "Follow Yun Yun and study hard from now on, you brothers will depend on you. "She knew that she had no spiritual roots when she just took the test, and Shen Lijun and Shen Yun just said that she didn't have any.

These two boys are the only ones in the family who can be relied on. It is not easy for others to persecute themselves. Now for the sake of my second son, I can only rely on these two to oppress me.

“Mom, don’t worry, we will definitely study hard.” The two brothers quickly assured Liu Xiaofeng.

"Okay, okay, then go and work hard." Liu Xiaofeng called the two brothers over just to reassure herself. Now that she saw the two brothers nodding in agreement, she suddenly seemed to have support.

 Seeing that the second aunt was not as lost as yesterday, she seemed to have found a new boss. After seeing Shen Jian, she went to watch them and learn to introduce Qi into the body.

"That's good. It diverts attention, but it won't damage my body." Shen Guoliang was a little relieved to see his daughter-in-law's look.

“Grandpa, you and grandma should also go and learn from the third brother and the fourth brother. I am also going to start practicing.” Shen Yun said when he saw the two old people.

"Okay, let's go over and join in the fun." The two old people also passed over.

 Shen Yun watched his second uncle looking at Shen Jian and walked towards the mountain.

Now that there is spiritual energy outside, and everyone in the family has begun to practice, Shen Yun no longer has to hide it.

I set up a spirit gathering array and entered the cultivation state directly. I live at the top of the mountain, and basically no one comes over.

So Shen Yun sat down right into the night. When he opened his eyes, he saw his parents sitting not far away, watching over him.

“Mom and Dad, why haven’t you rested yet?” Shen Yun stood up and said.

“It’s still a bit cold now, so we don’t worry about you sitting outside. We’ll give you hot rice in the pot, so get up and eat some.” One of the couple walked towards the kitchen, and the other entered the kitchen.

"I'm not afraid of the cold. It doesn't matter if I eat or not. It won't be good if you don't freeze outside." Shen Yun went over and held Yang Cancan's arm and said.

"Nonsense, how can anyone skip a meal? We've already eaten the lunch at noon, so we can't delay the evening meal any longer." Yang Cancan said with a smile. When he came back to call for people at noon, he found that Shen Yun was meditating. Shen Hong and the others said they couldn't disturb him. He didn't dare to disturb him, fearing that Shen Yun wouldn't be able to eat dinner, so the two of them were waiting here.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat." Shen Yun didn't explain too much. After they reached the foundation-building realm, they would know what he said was true, "Mom, you, dad, and Shen Xing studied during the day. how is everything?"

"Shen Hong and the others are very serious in teaching. My family has also learned acupuncture points and other things together before. But this thing is a bit mysterious. We haven't figured it out for a while. We will think about it when we come back." Yang Cancan said Shen Yun didn't feel embarrassed in front of him. He could only read and write, and his daughter was still a college student.

"Then slowly understand it. If you don't understand anything, tell me." Shen Yun had experienced the matter of introducing air into the body once in his life, and he was quite experienced. Under the arrangement of his parents, Shen Yun had a late dinner, and then answered their questions to the two people, before being driven to the room to sleep.

Chen Yun looked at the dimmed lights on the opposite side and went straight out to start setting up formations. He didn't have spirit stones before, so many formations couldn't be set up. But now he has spirit stones and spiritual energy. For example, he can set up spirit gathering arrays and defensive arrays. .

Shen Yun worked for most of the night. When dawn broke in the east, he felt the abundant spiritual energy in the small courtyard and smiled.

 Spent some more time during the day and decorated the old house.

"Grandpa, this is a skill. Give it to third and fourth brothers to keep first. This is a physical training technique for the qi training period. Third brother, you start practicing it first. When the family members enter the qi training period, give this to them. , I haven’t been to school for such a long time, so I have to go over there to deal with it.” Shen Yun waited at home for three days, but no one at home had succeeded in inducing qi, so Shen Yun could only hand over the exercises to Shen Hong and Shen Heng for storage. .

Although the matters in Beijing are not the most important right now, I still have to go there and deal with them. I am practicing at home now, and I don’t feel like I have made a breakthrough for the time being. I can only go out and take a look. Although there is no second one yet. Aura eye breakthrough, but he has encountered many special places before. Shen Yun plans to go back to school to deal with things and walk around, maybe he can encounter some opportunities and break through as soon as possible.

"Yes, yes, I forgot. You are still in school now. Let the children at home go to school in the past few days. The cultivation matters will be practiced when you get back from school. Otherwise, you will not be able to learn the cultural classes well and your cultivation will be slower. "In this matter, Shen Guoliang has completely realized the importance of knowledge. His grandchildren who are in junior high school are much better than those who are in primary school.

 Not to mention that my family’s conditions are much better than before, even if they are not good enough, I still have to borrow money to send my children to school.

“By the way, remember to tell them to be smart and not to talk about family matters at school.” Shen Guoliang looked at Yang Xiaocao who hurriedly went out and explained.


  Shen Yun made an explanation to his family here, and then directly explained to his parents, and then walked directly to the town without staying at home.

There is another Huang Bin in the town. I tested him first and then asked him to go find his grandfather. As for whether he is allowed to practice or not, it depends on the old man’s decision.

 When I found Huang Bin, he was at work.

"That driver left early the next morning. In the past two days, I said I would go and see Shen Jian. Something has been delaying him." Huang Bin sighed, his face was haggard, and he could tell how long he had endured. A big night.

 “What’s going on?” Shen Yun didn’t know why there were so many things going on in this small town.

"It's not a big deal, just some trivial things. I don't know what's going on recently. There are animals in the mountains running out everywhere, including wild boars and the like, and there are also some protected animals. Our people in the Public Security Bureau have been working overtime recently to avoid Someone or an animal is injured," Huang Bin said slowly. He really didn't expect that one day they would not only have to take care of people, but also some animals. There was no way. This small county didn't have someone to manage this matter. But the people from the Public Security Bureau took over.

Shen Yun guessed it as soon as he heard it. It should be the sudden appearance of the recent spiritual energy. Animals tend to their natural instincts and will always run towards the place with the most spiritual energy. The spiritual energy eye is in the south, so some animals will appear running out of the mountains and forests. scene.

 (End of this chapter)

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