Liuya couldn't understand, and asked: "Sister, why do you have to find a beautiful one? Just find someone from a family with outstanding abilities!"

  Tian Shao glanced at her: "Do you think people with average looks can catch Min Ji's eyes?"

  Don't say that Min Ji doesn't like her, even as a face controler, she doesn't want to either. Because the mother is not outstanding in appearance, there is a half chance that the child will have an ordinary appearance in the future, and he will be responsible for the future grandchildren. Of course, if Minji herself likes someone with ordinary looks, she won't interfere, but let her choose the best one.

  Liuya thought about the reason why Tian Shao and Tan Yue got married, and couldn't help laughing: "You look good, and you really have an advantage."

  Tian Shao does not deny this point: "Good looks is one reason, and she is also very smart. She studied in a small county with relatively poor educational conditions in elementary and junior high school, and only transferred here in the third year of junior high school. Otherwise, the university she was admitted to would definitely be better than she is now."

   "Also, she likes to cook, and her soft temperament complements Min Ji. Because she likes Min Ji, she is willing to change for him. Look, it has only been half a year, and it has changed a lot."

   Could she not know Gu Wenbai's shortcomings? Of course I know, but these shortcomings can be made up for through acquired learning. But temper and temperament have already been developed, and it is as difficult as going to the sky to change. Tian Shao would rather spend some effort teaching Gu Wenbai than let Min Ji marry an unsuitable wife.

   This marriage is not because you like the other party and want to get married, but because of the combination of interests. After marriage, it is difficult for two people who are both arrogant to compromise for each other. For those who are in official career, if their marriage is not going well, they will be easily taken advantage of.

  After becoming a mother, Tian Shao deeply understood the old saying that raising a child at the age of one hundred often worries ninety-nine. For the sake of her son, she has worked hard.

  Liuya gave a thumbs up and praised: "The eldest sister is still considerate. If my cousin and sister-in-law can be like you, Jiaojiao will not marry such a husband."

  Li Jiao got married a year ago, and her husband is a fellow of her college roommate. Fang Fang is a graduate student at University of Finance and Economics and works in a listed company. Her husband is well-mannered and capable, but his family background is poor. He is the third child in the family, with older siblings and younger sisters.

  Tian Shao shook his head and said: "You can't blame your cousin and sister-in-law for this. I told her that she and Liu Xiaoming were not suitable, and she refused to listen to the persuasion and insisted on marrying. Now that life is like this, I can't blame anyone."

  When Tian Shao knew about her husband's family background, she had a special opinion on her husband's side. After getting in touch, she felt that the two of them were not suitable. For this reason, I also talked to Li Jiao specifically, saying that the two of them grew up in different environments, and it was difficult to reach a consensus on values, outlook on life, and consumption.

  I don’t want Li Jiao to say that her grandfather and father also came from the countryside, and they have a lot in common with her boyfriend, and there is no inconsistency between the three views mentioned by Tian Shao.

  Sankui and Tao Shuhui met Liu Xiaoming, saw that he graduated from a famous university and worked hard and made progress, so they agreed to this marriage.

  When they are in love, they are sweet and sweet, but when they get married, the problems are exposed. Li Jiao lived a good life since she was a child. She likes to go shopping in restaurants on weekends. She also buys organic vegetables and imported fruits on a daily basis. But his husband borrowed all the money for his studies from a poor family. Seeing her spending so much money, he felt distressed and would say that he would quarrel every time he came and went. This is still a small contradiction. When she becomes pregnant, her mother-in-law will come to take care of her, which will be a disaster.

  Liuya was very surprised: "You said that she and Liu Xiaoming were not suitable? Why didn't I know?"

   Tian Shao felt that there was nothing to say about this matter, but Uncle Li and the Sankui couple were embarrassed to say that Li Jiao felt that Tian Shao was prejudiced.

   The same is true, Liu Ya knew that Li Jiao's life was not good, but she still lamented to Er Ya, saying that if Tian Shao had checked her life, she wouldn't have a bad life.

   You need to know that Diandian and Niuniu and Miao Jin asked Tian Shao to check them out when they first fell in love. Although there will be conflicts and quarrels after marriage, it's not like Li Jiao.

  Tian Shao said: "She was dazzled by love at the time, and it was useless to talk too much. She chose the road by herself, and she suffered by laughing or crying."

  She has always felt that what matters in marriage is not family conditions, but the character, sense of responsibility and family tradition of the other party. Like Niu Niu's wife, the family's rural conditions are not good, but her parents are sensible and far-sighted. In this way, no matter whether the family's children are married or married, there will be no irreconcilable conflicts.

Liuya used to feel sorry for Li Jiao's ignorance of people, but now she feels that she asked for it. The eldest sister insisted on marrying after saying that she was inappropriate: "She is not doing well, not only makes my uncle and aunt feel uneasy, but also the father. Mother is worried about it."

Tian Shao snorted coldly and said: "You are in the research institute, I didn't let them tell you. Last week, my mother went to the uncle's door, and she came back with a full stomach and cried. The mother can't go to the Liu family to reason with my father. If Erya hadn't arrived in time, they would have started fighting."

  At the beginning, Li Jiao didn't listen to the persuasion, and her life after marriage was not good. Tian Shao thought it was a waste of time, let alone taking care of it. If you make a wrong choice, you can stop the loss in time. She is reluctant to divorce and always goes back to her mother's house to cry. It is her family who is tormenting.

   Tian Shao didn't care about Li Jiao's affairs, but after hearing that Li Guihua almost got into a fight with the Liu family, he was so angry that he called Li Guihua and Tian Dalin and scolded them.

   At such an advanced age, I am most afraid of falling and knocking. If I am not careful, I may die. Li Guihua and Tian Dalin are in their seventies, but they are in good health. Tian Shao paid a lot of money to raise them.

  Liuya got angry when she heard it: "They fight with people at such an old age, are they crazy?"

   There must be a good or bad, not to mention their own suffering, but also the sisters and others. The older they are, the more confused they become.

  Tian Shao said: "Because of this matter, my uncle brought Li Jiao here to apologize to me, just look at his old man's face and let it go."

  Liuya felt something was wrong, and asked, "Sister, did you scold Li Jiao?"

   "What are you scolding her for? She can't figure it out by herself, I don't want to waste my saliva."

  The Liu family now obviously regards Li Jiao's salary and the shop floor as their own, so it hurts to see her spend money.

  In the minds of some old people, when a woman marries in, she doesn’t talk about anything, and even the person belongs to their family. And that's what the Liu family thinks now.

   But for Li Jiao, her salary and dowry are her own, and she can use it as she likes.

   The conflict between the two parties is irreconcilable, and it cannot be resolved unless there is a divorce. And that's why Tian Shao didn't bother to scold her, she couldn't bear to break it, so let's endure it by herself!

  Liuya felt even worse after hearing this: "What's so good about that man, let her abuse herself like this?"

  Tian Shao doesn't want to talk about her, so as not to affect his mood: "Wen Bai will graduate from college next month, and when I graduate, I will go to the Gu family to ask for a wedding date."

   "Sister, when do you want to set the wedding date?"

   "By the end of the year, your brother-in-law will be as busy as a spinning top, and your son will not be absent when he gets married and becomes a father. So the wedding date is either National Day or New Year's Day."

  Liuya nodded, indicating that the wedding date has been fixed and told her that she can ask for leave in advance.

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