The Age of Rebirth: Lazy Man’s Hot Daughter-in-law Has Space

Chapter 81 Buying a Big Yard with a Facing Door

There is a large courtyard along the street, facing the street are three gates, and behind it is a large courtyard.

The house is oriented north-south, the south gate faces the street, and there is an east gate in the yard, facing the branch road in the east. You can go out from the south gate facing the street, or enter and exit through the east gate facing east.

The facade, the house, and the yard are all made of bricks and tiles, which are a little old. Originally, Liang Xiaonan thought that the back yard was as big as three rooms, but when he entered, he found out that the yard was very large, and there were still two yards. There were five main houses in a row at the back. The yard was bare, and the walls of the yard were more than three meters high. Three rooms, and two wing rooms for east and west.

The most gratifying thing is that there is a small garden of about 1.5 mu at the end. It is probably the small garden of the original ancestors, but it is now deserted, with dead leaves and weeds all over the ground. It seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time. up.

This is the house that Zhou Yan found for her?

Seeing Liang Xiaonan's searching expression, Zhou Yan said, Didn't you ask me to show you a yard? I think this one is not bad. Do you like it?

Liang Xiaonan wandered around inside and out, making quick plans in his mind, this courtyard is tailor-made for her, she really needs such an independent space.

With such a yard, it is very convenient for her to breed, raise silkworms, and hoard some items.

Very good, very suitable, I just want such a yard. How much is the asking price? No one is selling a house now, and such a large yard is not cheap to specify.

Zhou Yan said: Originally, the owner of this yard was a big family from our side. They lived in, opened a store, and worked as a warehouse for several generations. In this generation, a prodigal son came out. He gambled every day and lost all his wealth.

Earlier, the old man was unwilling to sell the yard and wanted to keep it for his grandson. The eldest son never repented and owed a lot of gambling debts.

The boss was arrested in the town to criticize and educate many times. People who gamble are devils. They are full of lies and cannot be changed at all.

The marks of the knife and ax on the front door were cut by the debt collectors. The other two sons were disturbed by the debt collectors and couldn't live normally. They proposed to separate the family and ask the old man to sell the yard. It's all ruined.

A few days ago, the old man passed away, and the rest of the brothers couldn’t wait to put the house up for sale, but the yard was too big, and no one else could afford it for a while, and some people thought it was unlucky, and the feng shui was not good, so they refused to buy it .

Once gambling is involved, it is difficult to change it. No matter how good the family background is, if a prodigal son is born, the efforts of several generations will be in vain.

In the end, the three brothers and the old man's grandson made the decision, and the yard was sold for 200 yuan.

Zhou Yan said, I didn't haggle over the price either. 200 yuan is not a lot. The yard has been around for some time, and they are also in a hurry to spend the money. They proposed 200 yuan and asked for the full amount, so I agreed.

Liang Xiaonan felt that Zhou Yan's threshold was fine. With such a big yard and three gates, the bricks and tiles cost far more than 200 yuan, not to mention such a large foundation.

I think it's very good. The yard is big, quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, and there is a shop in front of it. It's really good. Liang Xiaonan said, We went to a separate household and gave them the money. I'm here in the truth.

Seeing that Liang Xiaonan liked it, Zhou Yan said, I'll call them, and tomorrow we'll go to the side to go through the formalities together. Leave your name in the yard and give your fingerprint.

Okay, if you find them, we'll go through the formalities.

After coming out of the yard, the two of them went to the street to buy broad beans and bacon, and then went back to the yard of Yang Hanlin's house to cook potato stewed rice.

Seeing them come back, Yang Hanlin said, I just came back from the field and saw Er Gouzi and his family planting mulberry seedlings in our field. Have you thought about planting mulberry trees?

He felt a little distressed, such a good land does not grow crops, but trees.

Zhou Yan said: Of course I've thought about it, Grandpa, didn't you agree to let me toss about these fields? Xiaonan said that we are going to develop new business now.

Hanlin Yang teaches physics, and Zeng Hanzhi teaches mechanics. The two of them have cultivated the land with Zhou Yan for more than ten years, but they have not grown a flower. They barely grow enough to eat every year. Although the 5 mu of land is their own Yes, food must also be handed in.

Pay money if you don’t pay food. They are old, how much can they grow? Zhou Yan doesn't like to do farm work, and the 5 mu of land has always been lonely.

Now Zhou Yan is going to farm with Liang Xiaonan, he thinks it's a good thing, so let's go.

Okay, you can plant whatever you want. Yang Hanlin said, and was worried about another thing, I think you all ask others to do it, and each person is paid 1 yuan a day, and it costs 8 or 9 yuan to go out this day. Is it too much? It’s only more than 30 yuan a month for workers.”

Zhou Yan said that it was Liang Xiaonan's decision.

Sure enough, Yang Hanlin lost his voice. If the grandson-in-law decides in the future, let's carry it out.

Zhou Yanxin said that if his grandparents objected to what he wanted to do in the future, he could just say Xiaonan ordered it.

Liang Xiaonan was busy in the kitchen for a while, and when she heard the conversation between Yang Hanlin and Zhou Yan, she smiled and said, Grandpa, I have done the calculations. You see, we can harvest at least 2 acres of potatoes a year. Three crops, at present, there are always more than 3,000 catties per mu, and at 1 yuan per catty, we can earn 3,000 per mu of land...

After she said this, Yang Hanlin and Zeng Hanzhi winked at her vigorously. If anyone knows that she can earn 6,000 yuan for a crop of potatoes, whoever is jealous may be able to cause big troubles.

Liang Xiaonan whispered: Based on this season's calculation, we will hire 10 people, and the total cost of collection and delivery will not exceed 1,000 yuan.

When she and Zhou Yan freed up their energy, they could do other things, even play for a while. Why do they make money? It is to live a more comfortable life. They work hard in the fields every day, so what fun is there in earning money.

Zhou Yan said to Yang Hanlin: Don't worry about it, go play with grandma wherever it's cool...

Both Yang Hanlin and Zeng Hanzhi beat him with sticks, you brat, why don't we stay cool?

Zhou Yan laughed loudly, and said while hiding: Isn't Qiuhu in power? I just made a slip of the tongue.

Zeng Hanzhi said: Don't hit him, others will think he's gone shopping again.

Liang Xiaonan cooked a large pot of stewed rice with potatoes at noon, and left the rest of the dishes to Zeng Hanzhi. Zhou Yan dragged her to visit his study.

In fact, what to visit is just to kiss the little daughter-in-law. I have been thinking about it all the time.

Zeng Hanzhi asked Yang Hanlin to go to the field and call Yang Zhili back. He wanted to eat potato stewed rice, so I'll give him enough to eat today.

Zeng Hanzhi made half of the fish into fish head tofu soup, and half of the fish into dry pot fish. He ate Yang Zhili very happily: Second Grandpa, can I adopt it to you?

Yang Hanlin slapped him and said with a smile, You want to change your ancestors just for one bite of food? First go ask your grandfather and your father if they agree.

Yang Zhili looked at Liang Xiaonan and Zhou Yan, envious in his heart, and said, My mother told me a daughter-in-law, like a piece of wood, not interesting at all.

Zhou Yan said: You are not very good yourself, and you still despise others.

Oh, Zhou Yan, I want to fight you! Yang Zhili said that, but he didn't want to put down the bowl, and said angrily, What's wrong with me?

The whole family laughed, the outer door was suddenly pushed open, and Liang Xiaobei came.

Zeng Hanzhi and Yang Hanlin quickly asked him to eat together, but Liang Xiaobei said he didn't want to eat, and he came to find his sister.

Xiaobei, what happened?

Sister, several big leaders have come to the house and want to see you.

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