Liang Xiaonan looked at these two people, but had no impression at all.

May I ask who you are?

You definitely don't know us. This is the first time we've met. The middle-aged man said with a smile, I'm the new manager of Yuxian Restaurant, and my name is Wang Heming.

Another Ming!

He was wearing a gray short-sleeved uniform and black trousers, and he smiled sincerely, but he was obviously an official.

The other one is a little younger, wearing a white shirt, with both sleeves rolled up high, revealing a brown arm, and it is estimated that he often goes to the farmland.

My surname is also Wang, and I am in charge of the forestry department of our Yu County's agricultural and forestry production. You can just call me Wang Youyang.

Looking at the net bags filled with snacks and fruits on the earthen platform in the shed, Liang Xiaonan probably knew what they were doing here.

It turned out to be the leader of the county. May I ask what you want from me?

Wang Heming said very politely: I heard something about the incident in the hotel. Zhang Ming has been dealt with above. I hope that Comrade Liang Xiaonan will support you.

In the past few days, the business of Wanghulou is booming. In the past, the people who went to the restaurant to eat were basically officials and business entertainers. Now ordinary workers and even ordinary people also bring their children to Wanghulou for dinner. It is hard to find a Wanghulou.

On the contrary, Yuxian Restaurant was even more difficult than when Wanghulou first opened. Finally, a guest came and threw the chopsticks away after eating half of it, arguing that it was unpalatable.

You clearly know that you have lost your way when you took office, but the leader doesn't care. Now that you, Wang Heming, are in charge, you can't do business because you just don't have the ability.

Liang Xiaonan said: If we talk about cooperation, I can even give you some fish, but potatoes can't do anything. You probably don't know that I signed a contract with Wanghulou Restaurant. Within two years, all the potatoes I planted will be exclusive. Supply to Wanghulou Hotel.

Wang Heming stomped his feet in regret and sighed: Comrade Liang Xiaonan, I appreciate your spirit of abiding by the contract. We must first pay attention to integrity when doing business. Since you exclusively supply potatoes to Wanghulou, then I will go to Cheng Talk to the manager and buy some goods from him. Is the fish in your pond the kind you have been supplying to Wanghulou?

Liang Xiaonan said, It should taste better than that fish.

Because this fish did not grow up in a few hours like that batch of fish, but this batch of fish grew up slowly receiving the nourishment of the spirit spring liquid.

That's great. See if you can exclusively sell these fish to me? We can also sign a contract. We can discuss whatever conditions you ask.

Liang Xiaonan shook his head: No, although I have not signed an exclusive supply of fish with Wanghulou, but Manager Cheng abides by the verbal agreement and only imports fish from me. I can supply you, but I cannot cooperate exclusively.

Wang Heming couldn't help it, the road ahead was turned into a dead end by Zhang Ming, and now he is passive everywhere.

Liang Xiaonan said: Didn't you import mandarin fish from Yelong Lake? It's the same fish, and the nutrition is not bad.

It's different, it's so different. Wang Heming waved his hand and said, I went to Wanghu Tower to taste it myself. The fish there is delicious. It's not an exaggeration to say that the aftertaste lingers on for three days. Yelong Lake's Fish are no match for your fish.

Wang Youyang asked: Comrade Liang Xiaonan, before I came, the leader said that at the end of this year, I will order a batch of fish from you, and give the county's public officials a new year's welfare. If you want to expand fish farming, our county can provide you with fish. All kinds of support.

Liang Xiaonan quickly calculated an account in his mind. According to an ordinary county, there are more than 15,000 public officials, and there is really a lot of demand for this batch of fish.

Okay, my last pond of fish is reserved for the county. You can send it to you or you can fish it yourself. It's a fool not to make money. To her, isn't it half a scoop of spiritual spring liquid!

Wang Youyang and Wang Heming asked persistently: Comrade Liang Xiaonan, if you think about it again, do we still have a chance to cooperate?

Liang Xiaonan said: I want to breed silkworms. I wonder if this is under the control of Section Chief Wang?

Mulberry trees are planted in forest land. This is under the management of my forestry department. What help do you need?

Liang Xiaonan said: The planting of mulberry trees may be expanded next year. Can you help to get a batch of mulberry seedlings in the spring? It is estimated that the gap is relatively large.

How much do you want?

More than 10,000 trees!

Wang Youyang rubbed his hands excitedly, good guy!

No problem, I'll get in touch with you.

Thank you, Chief Wang

Wang Youyang felt that his trip was not in vain.

Wang Heming felt that he did not come in vain, at least Liang Xiaonan also agreed to supply him with some fish.

Before they left, because the fish in the fish pond weighed only a few taels, Liang Xiaonan was reluctant to let the nets out, so he filled each of them with half a basket of potatoes.

It was getting dark gradually, Wang Heming and Wang Youyang said goodbye and went back, Zhao Shi and Xiao Hongyu also went back to cook dinner.

The whole field fell silent, and the frogs in the pond began to croak. Liang Xiaonan opened a pack of snacks, took out a piece and stuffed it to Liang Xiaobei: Taste if it's delicious.

I also touched a piece myself, and now the dim sum is a bit hard, and the outside is covered with a layer of sugar, as if it has been rolled in white sugar a few times, and it is so sweet.

But Liang Xiaobei ate very happily and was very happy.

The moonlight was like water, gently stroking the siblings sitting outside the shed. Listening to the croaking frogs by the water, Liang Xiaobei said, Sister, shall I sing 'Wukong' for you again?

Okay, I haven't sung for a long time! Come and listen to it. Liang Xiaonan said, I'll go to the city later and buy you an acoustic guitar.

Liang Xiaobei asked strangely: What is a guitar?

Liang Xiaonan popularized guitar knowledge for him. Liang Xiaobei listened to it miraculously, a wooden box can make such a nice sound?

Otherwise, you're going to learn how to play the erhu?

I don't want to learn. A blind fortune-teller plays the erhu.

The two chatted happily for a while, and began to sing loudly, first they sang Wukong, and then Liang Xiaonan began to teach Liang Xiaobei to sing I once thought about it too.

I once thought about it too

When you hear seagulls cry again

floating among the waves

drifting endlessly

Please take all my bad times away


Liang Xiaonan sang very ordinary, at least she thought so, her voice was not recognizable.

But fortunately, she is sure that she is not out of tune.

Liang Xiaobei's singing was completely different. When Liang Xiaonan explained the lyrics to him clearly, he memorized the lyrics and added his own understanding. After a while, he sang it decently.

He is usually shy in front of people, but he is very open to singing, because he likes it, and because the songs taught by his sister are really good.

The two of them sang so much that they forgot everything, and they didn't pay attention to the person standing still on the path. He listened silently, his expression under the moonlight was bright and dark, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

Dear babes, test the waters and advance, advance in the first round of PK, advance in the second round of PK, must-reads are pushed up today. There will be a third round of PK this week!

With the support of your persistent follow-up, voting, and rewards, you will advance all the way. But the overall data is still not ideal.

I'm not a master, and I don't have the energy to promote it, so I just want to settle down and write well. No matter how cold the female video is, there are still people who like it reading it. I just bury my head in writing and leave the rest to my babies!

Reject the eunuch, strive for a wonderful ending, I hope you read a book that has a beginning and an end!

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