The Age of Global Martial Arts

Chapter 82 Terrorist Zerg

The two stepped directly into the space crack at this time.

With a flick of his body, he found that his position had changed.

Ma Guang, open the door!

Looking at the metal door in front of this narrow space, Peng Liang said loudly.

The sound transmission of this metal door is very good, and the sound is easy to pass out.

So once there is an attack by a strange beast, it is easy to know the situation outside.

ka ka ka-

In the next moment, the metal door began to be slowly opened.

A glance shines in.

came back?

Ma Guang's figure appeared in front of him.

Well, I'm back.

Peng Liang smiled slightly.

As soon as Lin Luo walked out, he felt his whole body relax.

During the time in the different dimension, Lin Luo had almost gotten used to the gravity there.

Now when I return to Earth, I suddenly feel as if my body can fly.

It's so easy.

This is still under the condition of wearing weight-bearing equipment.

In addition to taking it off that day, Lin Luo continued to fight with weight-bearing equipment.

As a result, Lin Luo's body muscles have become stronger now.

Ma Guang, I have something to tell you.

Peng Liang seemed to think of something at this time, and then whispered to Ma Guang on the other side.

Lin Luo couldn't hear what they said, but he could clearly see that Ma Guang's expression became ugly.

Let's go.

After talking to Ma Guang, Peng Liang and Lin Luo left.

As for Ma Guang, he seemed to rush to the other side as well.

The space crack here, can't come again in the future.

While walking, Peng Liang suddenly said.


Lin Luo was startled.

Zerg, since there are Zerg in this space crack, the danger level will be greatly increased.

Don't say it's you, I don't even dare to go.

Peng Liang said solemnly.

Zerg, is it so scary?

Lin Luo was also a little surprised at this time.

I still know too little about things in other dimensions.

Let's go to the Martial Artist Alliance first, and these things on the body can also be dealt with.

At this time, Lin Luo was carrying a bloated backpack, a bloated animal skin bag and Fang Tianhua halberd in his right hand, and the eggshell in his left hand.

Hearing Peng Liang's words, Lin Luo nodded slightly in agreement.

The materials for the alien beasts killed in the past month should be able to sell a lot.

Although Peng Liang only carried a backpack, he killed a lot of second-order peak alien beasts.

Supposed to be able to sell for more money.

The branch of the Warrior Alliance in Shanhaicheng is located in the Dongcheng District.

As the two walked for a long distance, Lin Luo was able to clearly see the huge, sci-fi building located there.

Besides this building, there are no other buildings around.


Peng Liang led Lin Luo to the front. At the gate, although there was no guard, the gate was tightly closed.

As Peng Liang took out his martial artist certificate and swiped it next to him, the door opened automatically.

so advanced?

Lin Luo was slightly surprised, and following the actions of scholar Peng Liang, he entered the inside.

At this time, you can see that there are many warriors walking around in the warrior alliance branch here.

These men were all armed.

Some are bows and crossbows, some are war knives, long swords and so on.

It gave Lin Luo the illusion that he had come to the world of martial arts.

Soon, after walking to the other side with Peng Liang, he saw [Acquisition Department] written there.

As soon as the two walked in, they saw that there was a very long counter inside. Behind the counter were the staff of the Warrior Alliance, who were buying some materials brought by the warriors.

Lin Luo's eyes were looking around at this time, and he felt very fresh about all this.

Peng Liang, what good things did you get?

A middle-aged male staff member over there seemed to recognize Peng Liang's appearance, and smiled at this time.

Old Zhang?

Nothing good, it's just a second-order alien beast.

Peng Liang smiled.

This middle-aged man is called Zhang Mao, and he and Peng Liang have known each other before, so they are quite familiar.

There are things like that everywhere now, and you still dare to go.

The middle-aged man whispered at this time.

You got the message?

Peng Liang was startled.

This year, it is very dangerous. Now all the cracks in space must be prepared to guard against death.

Zhang Mao's face also became serious at this time.

Lin Luo pricked up his ears and listened to the conversation between them, with surprise in his eyes.

Really, so scary?

Lin Luo, bring your materials here!

At this moment, Peng Liang spoke to Lin Luo who was behind him.


At this time, Lin Luo carried the animal skin bag and placed it directly on the counter, as well as the backpack.

This one too?

Zhang Mao pointed to the big eggshell that Lin Xiu was dragging with his left hand.

He has collected so many materials and is very sensitive to rare materials.

Instinctively, the eggshell in Lin Luo's hand seemed a little unusual.

Not this one.

Lin Luo shook his head.


After Zhang Mao glanced at this time, he began to help Lin Luo count these materials.

One piece of unicorn fur, one million, one and a half million horns...

Nine white wolf hides, 200,000 pieces, a total of 1.8 million.

Twenty-one pieces of sunflower lion skins, 300,000 pieces, a total of 6.3 million.


In addition to animal skins, there are all kinds of fangs and the like, all of which have been sold for a total of 18 million!

The money seems a bit too much.

Lin Luo couldn't help but gulped secretly at this moment.

As he credited the amount into his account, Lin Luo also saw a reminder on his mobile phone that he had deposited 18 million.

How much did you sell for?

At this time, after recovering from the shock, Lin Luo looked at Peng Liang.

It's just over thirty million.

Peng Liang said lightly.

More than 30 million! ?

Your materials are much less than mine...

Lin Luo was a little depressed.

During this period of time, Peng Liang has been teaching him to kill those alien beasts, and he has killed only a handful of alien beasts.

Nonsense, I killed three second-order top-level alien beasts, and one third-order alien beast.

Peng Liang glanced at his mouth.

Other high-level warriors hunt and kill high-level alien beasts, and the money sold is in units of 100 million!

In billions!

Hearing Peng Liang's words, Lin Luo's eyes turned red.

This is simply a money grab!

Okay, the money has been received, I'll go buy some medicinal pills, but I'm ready to break through into a fourth-order martial artist.

While talking, Peng Liang walked to the other side.

Young man, are you considering selling this material?

Zhang Mao stared at the eggshell in Lin Luo's hand, and couldn't help but say.

(Ah, I'm sorry, my fingers are too cold, the coding speed is slow, and the update is finished today.)

(Ask for a recommendation ticket woohoo~~)

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