The Age of Global Martial Arts

Chapter 179 The new Fangtian painting halberd

? When the surrounding students heard his words, the expressions in their eyes changed slightly.

Are you going to another world?

Some people are excited, some are a little nervous.

Mr. Hong, are we going to another world?

Although some freshmen are already first-order warriors, they have never been to another world!


Hong Feng nodded slightly.

It's almost time, next Monday at seven o'clock, gather at the playground!

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding classmates began to discuss with excited expressions.

Lin Luo looked at this scene and immediately shook his head.

Another world is not so easy to mix.

Especially first-order warriors, if they enter another world, if they are not careful, they will easily die.

Today, the new Fang Tian Hua Ji should also be finished.

Lin, stop for me!

Just as Lin Luo left the training ground, he heard a voice coming from behind.


Big bald head?

In the blink of an eye, I saw this big bald figure.

what's up?

Lin Luo smiled faintly.

This big bald head, but he has contributed a lot of money.

Last time, you cheated on me, right!

Chai Ziming opened his eyes wide and said.

The people over there in the student council don't even know that I stole... No, they took those black fish with claws!

Speaking of which,

He suddenly became annoyed.

I feel like I have been scammed 80 million for no reason!

Moreover, this Lin Luo was a freshman. At that time, how could he have joined the student council?

My sports minister will cheat you?

If it weren't for me, you would be fined 100 million yuan.

Lin Luo said righteously at this time.

You're kidding me, Minister of Sports, it's Zhang Meng.

Chai Ziming was stunned.

Take a look, what is this?

Lin Luo took out a minister's certificate and shook it in front of him.

On it is the certificate of the Minister of Sports, and it also has Lin Luo's name and photo!


Chai Ziming was completely dumbfounded.

[Extreme shock from Chai Ziming, points +1000]

I didn't lie to you, did I?

Lin Luo pouted.

I won't tell you, I'm very busy now, and I have to go to practice tomorrow.

Looking at Lin Luo's back who had just walked away a few steps, Chai Ziming finally came to his senses.

Go for training? Are you going to another world?

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Brother Lin!

Chai Ziming walked quickly to Lin Luo.


Lin Luo was taken aback.

I thought to myself, does this guy have a clear head now and know that he has fooled him?

Which space crack are you going to train for?

Freshman... It's the D-class crack that should go.

It's not dangerous over there, but there are red-scaled fish there, help me catch a few back.

Chai Ziming seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly swallowed secretly.

Why should I help you?

Those wastes don't know how to cook those foreign beast meat in the world at all. I tell you, I can not only cook deliciously, but also...

Speaking of this, his eyes looked around, and when he confirmed that no one heard him, he whispered: It can increase mental power.

Increase mental power! ?

When Lin Luo heard his words, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly.

In the past, those pills that were swallowed were indeed able to increase spiritual power.

And as his mental power became stronger, Lin Luo also clearly felt that his perception and control abilities had become much stronger accordingly.

You still don't know what mental power is, anyway, you just have to look for it and find this kind of fish.

Why don't you go by yourself?

Lin Luo said curiously.

Damn it, I want to go too, but I went to Yuehu Lake to get fish some time ago, and I was reported by the damn bastards from the student union. I was sentenced to stay in school for a month and couldn't go out.

Speaking of this, Chai Ziming was immediately annoyed.

Those claws and black fish, can you increase your mental power if you eat them?

Lin Luo suddenly thought of something at this time, and said curiously.

Yes, but very little.

Chai Ziming nodded.

I'm coming to see you tonight.

Lin Luo said aloud at this time.

This Chai Ziming seems to have an understanding of spiritual power.

For so long, Lin Luo had never heard anything about mental power.

Now that I have found someone who knows spiritual power, of course I need to take a good look at it.

Although this guy looks a little unreliable.

Remember to come!

Chai Ziming waved his hand.

When I came to the forging building, I could already see that many warriors were leaving with the weapons that had been forged.

Wise, where is my weapon?

Lin Luo saw Baili's wise figure from a distance, and immediately said.

When the old man wanted to cheat himself last time, Lin Luo was not polite at this time.

Oh? Xiao Linluo, you are here so soon. Your weapon has just been manufactured.

Baili Wisdom looked at Lin Luo's figure and immediately smiled.

Then he stretched out his hand and rubbed it in front of Lin Luo.


Lin Luo was taken aback.

It's hard work.

Baili said wisely and confidently.

Scan to pay, lad.

He patted Lin Luo on the shoulder.


Lin Luo looked at an apron he was wearing with a big QR code.

No charge under 100.

Baili Ruizhi also specially reminded.

The corners of his mouth twitched, Lin Luo took out his mobile phone and paid him 100 yuan directly.

One hundred yuan is a drop in the bucket for the current Lin Luo.

Where's my weapon?

Lin Luo said at this time.

Here, I'll have someone carry it for you now.

Baili Ruizhi said while shouting a few times to the inside.

Immediately, two men could be seen, carrying out a silver weapon.

The new Fangtian painting halberd!


As they put their weapons on the ground, there was a dull sound.

I said, Mr. Baili, who asked for this weapon, it's too heavy...

The two men complained at this point.

It's too wasteful to use it as a gift, it's made of fifth-grade materials...

How heavy?

Lin Luo said curiously at this time.

It's made of grade 5 metal, but also mixed with other materials.

Tan Yong said that he was making Level 5 weapons for himself, but the ones provided were made of ordinary Level 5 metals, and no other materials were added. The power of these Level 5 weapons was simply not reflected.

And only fifth-grade metals can be smelted with those attribute ores and exert their power.

About six hundred and eighty pounds!

The man spoke up at this time.

so heavy?

Lin Luo was also surprised at this time.

With this kind of weight, going to another world, plus the influence of gravity over there, would be very heavy.

However, it should be possible.

Lin Luo muttered to himself for a moment, and then directly held the Fang Tianhua halberd with one hand!

The halberd is a little longer, and the spear tip from the spear head has become wider and longer, and there are sharp square halberds full of arcs on both sides, making the whole weapon look more domineering.

With the movement of Lin Luo's thoughts, the source of the body poured into the halberd.

On the side of Fang Tian Hua Ji's spear head, an air flow burst out suddenly!

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