The sudden change disrupted all the deployments of Nanbangguo.

They would never have imagined that the sky barrier that protected them along the way would collapse so suddenly and turn into nothingness.

In haste, the entire army of hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Nanbang Kingdom lost thousands of people in an instant!

Fortunately, the radios in their ears can still receive the message.

Under the efforts of these captains at all levels, the Nanbang Kingdom's army transformed into countless small teams to avoid the attack from the sky and launched a surprise attack on the beast's position.

There is no way, the way back has been cut off, and at this time, the withdrawal limit can only be used as a target by the attacks that are continuously launched from the sky.

The only way out is right ahead.

Under the crisis of life and death, the soldiers broke out with higher combat power and broke through the area covered by the sea beast barrage in one go.

When you get close, those long-range strike methods are no longer applicable.

What the soldiers need to face are the fierce beasts that landed that brought them countless tragic injuries.

The war broke out at the moment of meeting.

The endless attacks hit the beast's carapace with colorful rays of light, bursting out sparks one after another.

Often dozens of attacks can kill a fierce beast together, but a single swing of a fierce beast may cause casualties to several soldiers.

The war became extremely bloody from the moment it broke out.

And these soldiers who had no way out also showed their tenacity far beyond the previous ones at this time.

The brutal battle lasted for more than two hours!

Hundreds of thousands of troops consumed most of them in such a short period of time!

But in the end, they still defeated the beast.

Standing on the coastline, countless attacks fired towards the offshore as if venting.

Those fierce beasts in the sea with relatively weaker defenses suffered heavy damage in the face of this level of attack.

The soldiers of the Nanbang Kingdom finally recaptured their land.

Standing on the shore, looking at the scars and bones all over the ground, no one can laugh.

Even if they won the victory in the end, they didn't feel the joy of this victory at all.

It's so miserable.

So many people were slaughtered wantonly by ferocious beasts like wheat in the "093" battle just now, and many people didn't even realize what was going on when they died.

An older soldier stood on a boulder, looking around at the surrounding scene, talking to himself with a little confusion in his eyes.

"It's over... is this finally over?"

The person next to him had tears in his eyes, and responded with a choked voice: "Yes, it's over! Anyway, we defeated the beast!"

"That's right! We won!"

More and more people began to chime in, and the voices became louder and louder.

At this time, the people of Nanbangguo also fell into the frenzied atmosphere again.

It seems that only by integrating into it can they forget the pain of war.

"Win! We won! Can other countries do it?"

"That's right! We are the heroes of mankind only if we take the lead in repelling the beasts!"

At this moment, neither the Lighthouse Country nor the Great Xia Country seemed to be in their eyes.

It is also true that when the Nanbang Kingdom completely wiped out the beasts, the Ta Kingdom has also launched the most intense decisive battle with the beasts.

However, the land area of ​​the Lighthouse Country is larger than that of the Nanbang Country, and the number of beasts encountered is also greater.

They also did not use this kind of suicide attack.

After a day and night of continuous fierce fighting, the Lighthouse Kingdom defeated the beast with its strong logistics and equipment supplies, and drove it back into the sea again.

In the days to come, perhaps the entire coastline of the Lighthouse Country will have to consider whether it is time to build a wall.

Successive victories were slowly passed on from various countries around the world.

Except for a dozen small countries that have perished.

Countries with some background have basically won this battle.

After all, the accumulation of thousands of years of human beings, even if they were caught off guard by fierce beasts at the beginning, how could they be suddenly destroyed.

It's just that countries didn't pay enough attention to this crisis at the beginning, and after normal wars, huge losses were caused.

At this time, many countries have already started the process of post-war reconstruction and counting losses.

And everyone focused their attention on the Great Xia Kingdom.

After all, the video that was circulated in the Great Xia Kingdom was very shocking.

At that time, other countries could only retreat steadily in the face of the unfamiliar army of beasts, and the video of the Great Xia Kingdom was like a shot in the arm, bringing new hope to people all over the world.

That is, the beast tide can be defeated, and it can even be defeated with incomparable ease.

Many countries also recalled the initial time, because what the country said to the whole world was far from simple words.

At that time, they did not believe it, but took these words as alarmist.

But later developments proved the correctness of Daxia Kingdom's remarks, and these countries also paid a huge price for their arrogance.

So what now?

Now that countries all over the world have successively issued announcements about defeating fierce beasts, what is the situation in the Great Xia Kingdom like?

Everyone wants to know.

However, the Great Xia Kingdom has not responded for a long time.

In this environment, a group of dark speculations have once again been bred.

"The previous video of the Great Xia Kingdom is not fake, right? Otherwise, their firepower should destroy the beasts earlier than us, right?"

A soldier was finishing the cleaning work in the post-war area. While wiping the sweat from his forehead, he said to his comrades beside him.

"Yeah, I'm also puzzled. It stands to reason that if the Great Xia Kingdom is strong, it should have dealt with the beast a long time ago. Why is there no news yet?"

"Maybe it's the size of the country?"

"That's not right, the area of ​​the Lighthouse Country is not small, isn't this also a solution?"

"It's hard to say, maybe it's really fake!"

A voice of suspicion gradually emerged, and it was instantly recognized by a large area.

In the midst of all the voices of doubt, the Great Xia Kingdom still made a sound.

"What? The beast tide is not over yet?"

The commander of the lighthouse country looked at his adjutant in surprise, as if he couldn't understand what the other party meant.

"You mean that the Great Xia Kingdom sent a message saying that the beast tide is not over yet, and there may be something more terrifying behind it?"

The commander-in-chief seemed to be amused by this outrageous statement, and his arms trembled involuntarily.

Pointing at the adjutant with his fingers shaking, he roared loudly.

"What a joke! The war has come to this point, and we have regained all the territory. Even if there is some damage, it is over!"

"How could there be something even more terrifying in the beast tide?!"

"Give me a stern answer to them! Tell Great Xia that our Lighthouse Kingdom will not be intimidated by such remarks!"

The commander-in-chief was so outraged that he even smashed the glasses on the table to pieces.

In his opinion, this time the beast tide crisis has come to an end.

In this process, the Lighthouse Country has made countless efforts, and even a large number of homes have been turned into ruins.

But in the end, they ended the sudden war through a lot of sacrifices.

But at this time, someone actually told him that the war was not over yet.

This is simply unacceptable to the Grand Commander.

If it's not over yet, where is the beast?

So many have died, and it is a beast horde on a world scale, can the beasts still gather such a large number of beast hordes?


Even if the fertility of the ferocious beasts is astonishing, it is impossible to set off another wave of beasts of the same scale as before in such a short period of time.

Similar to the Great Commander of the Lighthouse Country, after countless countries received this notice, they were all puzzled.

They can't understand where the crisis behind this will appear.

But they couldn't ignore what the Great Xia Kingdom said.

After all, the remarks of the Great Xia Kingdom last time proved his correctness later on.

This announcement instantly disrupted the atmosphere of the whole world celebrating the end of the war.

Many smaller countries saw the future situation clearly in this war, decided to trust the Great Xia Kingdom, and launched a new ten rounds of defense and alert work at the same time.

But there are still more countries that have responded in the same way as the lighthouse countries.

Their remarks about the Great Xia Kingdom this time are still the same as last time.

"Big Xia Kingdom must be scaremongering!"

"That's right! The last time we suffered because we had too little information, this time the Great Xia Kingdom is the real alarmist!"

"Could it be that they want to use the reputation of the last time to suppress our post-war recovery work? It is really embarrassing for a big country to have such vicious intentions!"

Countless countries accused the Great Xia Kingdom, and issued a severe reply.

However, Daxia Kingdom still had a short sentence to this.

"Don't call it unpredictable!"

The exact same sentence as before instantly chilled the hearts of these countries.

The leader of the Lighthouse Kingdom gathered the country's intelligence department overnight to analyze whether the possibility that the Great Xia Kingdom mentioned existed.

Even the Grand Commander couldn't bear two consecutive wrong judgments.

The words of the Great Xia Kingdom seemed to be an ultimatum, and everyone who received the news felt chills all over their bodies.

However, after an overnight analysis.

Everyone in the intelligence department had bloodshot eyes.

They eventually came to the same conclusions as before.

That is, there is no possibility of large-scale animal hordes around the current Lighthouse Country.

This caused great hatred in the commander's heart, but he didn't dare to reply and criticize again at this time.

These words from the Great Xia Kingdom seemed to have become a curse on many people's heads.

Even if they don't believe it, they always have the feeling of being a god.

This made these countries nervous under the surface of relaxation.

And at this time.

The various defense lines of the Great Xia Kingdom.

At this time, or earlier, the Great Xia Kingdom had completely wiped out the attacking beast horde.

Countless corpses of ferocious beasts were cut up and transported back to the rear as strategic materials.

These things all play a huge role in this world.

The flesh and blood of ferocious beasts can be eaten, and it contains rich energy, which can subtly improve physical fitness and spiritual power.

It can even be compressed and extracted into supplements such as pills, each of which has extremely high value.

The shells and bones of fierce beasts also have their unique functions.

In normal times, this kind of thing cannot be obtained on a large scale at all, and a small amount will be divided up quickly.

Even the ferocious beasts in the annual beast tide are not enough to consume the entire country.

But this time, the Great Xia Kingdom can be said to have had a bumper harvest.

In this crisis in other countries, their homes were destroyed and their lives were countless.

But Daxia Guoping

With unique intelligence advantages and strategic deployments made in advance, no one was killed in this war.

Only a very small number of people overdrawn their bodies in the continuous release of skills because they were too desperate, and they were all transferred to the rear for cultivation.

At this time, according to the normal situation, the Great Xia Kingdom should withdraw its troops and go back to recuperate.

However, relying on the information detected before, the Great Xia Kingdom clearly knew that there was an extremely large beast behind it...

Maybe it's the leader of the beast.

The unusually large and terrifying beast that countless people have seen in the Shadow Clone has not yet appeared.

There is such a huge beast sitting in almost every direction.

Because of this, the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom did not dare to relax at all.

The front line is maintained at all times, and people with Shadow Clone skills are also constantly investigating.

The people of the Great Xia Kingdom have a huge ideological difference from those of other countries.

In the thousands of years of cultural immersion, the people of Yinxia Kingdom have become more tenacious and pay more attention to collective strength.

At this time, no one has the idea of ​​leaving the battlefield and returning to the rear.

They stick to their posts strictly in accordance with military orders.

If this was in the Lighthouse Country, I am afraid that these people would have already started playing cards.

"Here it comes! It's finally here!"

A soldier covered his head and cried out in pain, and then shouted with excitement.

At that moment just now, his Shadow Clone clearly saw the terrifying beast stand up, and its mountain-like body began to move towards the front line of the Great Xia Kingdom.

At the same time, the various fronts of the Great Xia Kingdom also received similar information.

No one knows the strength of this terrifying beast, but just relying on its huge size, it can make people feel the terrifying power.

Not only on the land, but also in the depths of the sea, there are also huge beasts moving slowly from the depths of the sea to the land.

"Finally saw it."

Yulongyan put down the telescope in her hand, and slowly let go of the heart that had been carrying it.

The ferocious beast is not scary, what is scary is the period of torment before the ferocious beast arrives.

The ominous beast that appeared on the sea of ​​sand that had been dyed dark red by Bloodline was a huge scorpion.

Its body is almost as big as an entire football field, with a sharp cold light shining on the curved and raised tailbone.

Just by looking at it, one can feel how strong the defense of the beast's body will be.

The metallic light glowed on the carapace, and the entire tail was like a thick steel whip.

It crawled extremely fast on the sandy ground, and the countless gravel kicked up by its lower limbs formed an overwhelming sandstorm behind it.

"Sandstorm Funeral!"

When the ferocious beast arrived at the predetermined location, the same skill as before was released again.

Countless gravel rioted at this moment, tightly twisting this head into a huge ball!

On the surface of the ball, the gravel is still continuously flowing at a high speed, like a cutting machine, constantly cutting off the body of the beast.

After being entangled for a while, the gravel instantly expanded and exploded into a sandstorm that filled the sky.

"Did you make it?"

The effect of the skill looks similar to the previous situation, but the dust all over the sky obscures everyone's sight.

"No, not yet."

Yulongyan narrowed her eyes slightly, and lightly held the Wushuang sword hanging on her waist with her bright white palm.

As soon as she finished speaking, a huge black figure rushed out from behind the sandstorm, that huge scorpion screamed angrily, and kept waving its two pincers.

"Is this trick useless?"

The soldiers who released their skills were a little disappointed.

But in fact, this is because they chose the wrong skills.

As a scorpion living in the desert, after it has evolved to this level, it is even more difficult to use gravel to injure it.

The sand can even leave only a few scratches on its shell.

And if it is the ability of other attributes of 1.8, relying on the advantage of numbers, it is not too difficult for the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom to take it.

"The second echelon is ready!"

The fierce beast continued to move forward, and encountered a sea of ​​flames in the next level.

And this time, it wasn't as easy as before.

After rushing through the sea of ​​flames, a large area of ​​scorched black could be clearly seen on the body of this fierce beast, and even its relatively fragile lower limbs were partially damaged. in the air

Can smell a burnt smell.

After the sea of ​​fire, there was another large expanse of frost.

After the alternation of sudden cold and sudden heat, cracks even appeared on the carapace of the fierce beast.


The shrill shouts spread all over the wilderness, and the wailing of this ferocious beast made the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom feel chills in their hearts after hearing it.

After finally persevering through this frosty land, this fierce beast faced another cloud-dispelling palm attacking together.

When it finally arrived at the front line of Daxia with its exhausted body, and even seemed to be able to destroy the position with its hand, Yulongyan pulled out the long sword.

An illusory afterimage quickly flashed across the air, and after entwining and flashing countless circles around the ferocious beast, Yulongyan returned to the general platform again and slowly sheathed the Wushuang sword.

And at that moment, all the limbs of that terrifying beast broke, and its whole body could no longer be supported, and it fell directly to the ground like a hill.

A lot of dust was collected.

The journey of this beast was too painful.

Under normal circumstances, when it is its turn to attack, the human country is already on the verge of being broken, or a large amount of effective combat power has been consumed.

And relying on its own transcendent strength, the ferocious beast can almost sweep everything in this situation.

But the situation in Daxia Kingdom is completely opposite.

It has been attacked countless times since it appeared on the stage, just like going west to learn scriptures and go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

of sword three.

In the end, this ferocious beast was easily taken down by the Northwest Line of Defense of the Great Xia Kingdom without causing any damage.

Compared to the Great Xia Kingdom, the disasters in other countries have only just begun. .

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