Chapter 416

Colony of Mars.

Sitting on a park bench, watching the surrounding facilities barely restored to their pre-war conditions.

Ferra couldn’t help but sighed: “I remember that this neighborhood was originally a park, but I didn’t expect it to be directly changed to an artificial lake…”

Hearing this, Olga next to her looked around casually.

With his thoughts, the appearance of them a few decades ago directly caught Olga’s eyes.

He saw the long desolation of hundreds of millions of years before it was transformed. He also saw human beings arrived here more than two thousand years ago and slowly transformed it into various facilities, shops, residential houses, hotels, streets, and parks. , Everything looks prosperous…

Then, the age of war came, an oval metal warhead that fell from the sky, in the endless light and heat, destroyed everything, turning everything into tens of kilometers wide and hundreds of meters deep. Huge pothole.

Then again, the era of peace has come again.

With the official establishment of the Human Federation, a large amount of pollution remaining in the bomb crater has been eliminated, artificially created lake water and transformed animals and plants have been instilled.

Finally, with the passage of time, this place gradually became what it is now.

After reading all of this, Olga said to Fila: “This was indeed a park before, but it was bombed out.”

Ferla hugged his arm and said happily: “I said I can’t remember it wrong. I also came here to play with Golaner and others.”

Speaking of the latter, a sense of complexity emerged in her heart, and she sighed unconsciously:

“It’s been so many years in a flash, even the so-called country has disappeared…”

As a hereditary duke of Great Britain, with a family tree that stretches for thousands of years.

After witnessing the own country being integrated into an administrative region by the human federation, Ferla’s mood is also quite complicated.

“This is just the beginning.”

After seeing her situation and touching her cheek, Olga casually smiled:

“The so-called mortals and mortals are things that can only exist for a short time.

Both you and I can see forever.

Watching Star burning, watching the Universe die.

Those short-lived things will eventually fade away slowly under the gaze of my waiting. ”

In his tone, there is no question of looking down or looking up, he is just telling the facts he thinks.

Fila leaned against him, held his palms with her fingers interlocking, looked at the sun above her head, and felt the pleasant temperature left by the sunlight after passing through the artificial atmosphere.

She closed her eyes and thought for a while before she said:

“I just……

In the trance, there is a feeling of being separated from the times.

Just like, I seem to be eliminated by history. ”

Hear what she said.

Orjuga froze for a moment.

Then, he couldn’t help laughing directly.

Facing this situation, Fila’s gaze revealed a trace of doubt, and she didn’t understand why the other party was laughing.

However, she didn’t say anything, just waited quietly for Olga to answer to herself why he laughed.

However, after waiting for a while, she found that Orrjuga still did not stop laughing.

Philla suddenly puffed up his face in dissatisfaction.

He used his head to push Olga twice in a row.

This interrupted his laughter.

Olga, who was interrupted laughing, put his own smile away, and took a breath before turning his eyes to the puzzled Ferra.

He looked at her suspiciously, and said in a gentle but solemn tone:

“What is the so-called history?

It’s just the various things that happened in the past time.

It exists in the long river of time, just like a tributary.

And that kind of thing.

Only the weak will be eliminated.

You, me and Golaner will not be eliminated by that kind of thing!

The reason is also very simple, we are standing on the top of history! ”

Following his words, the dimension between him and Ferra was quickly raised!

The three-dimensional, fourth-dimensional, fifth-dimensional…

Arrived in a chaotic area filled with countless thin stripes and light spots.

Picking up a silk thread with his fingers, Olga flicked it twice with his fingers at a certain position on it.

The things contained therein were magnified to the point where Ferra could see clearly.

That is the scene of countless dinosaurs running on the earth.

In the sky, a huge meteorite burning with flames was about to fall.

“This is a certain sub-entity universe, the history on a certain timeline.

With the fall of that meteorite, the dinosaurs on the earth will be extinct, and the biological chain of the earth will also usher in a reshuffle.

Humans and other new-generation mammals will be the beneficiaries of this incident. ”

Having said this, Olga’s fingers slid left and right randomly.

The time of hundreds of millions of years has been directly accelerated.

In the picture, after the impact of the meteorite, the earth’s ecological environment has undergone tremendous changes, and all the larger animals on it have been extinct.

Certain small creatures directly occupy the upper area of ​​the food chain during this gap period.

With the extinction of their natural enemies, they enjoy the resources of the entire planet, and then continue to evolve slowly based on this.

After a few minutes, primitive figures gradually appeared in the screen.

It didn’t take long for them to gradually evolve into the appearance of modern humans with their looks similar to those of apes, and their level of civilization is constantly changing.

In a short while, the picture became that human civilization was building the Dyson sphere, turning the sun’s brilliance into its own use.

Seeing this, Fila still didn’t quite understand what Olga was trying to express.

In this regard, Olga just adjusted the time again to the time period when the meteorite was about to fall.

Very casually, he flicked the meteorite through the air with his finger.

In Philla’s startled gaze, the meteorite was instantly exploded and turned into countless small fragments, scattered randomly everywhere.

Following this move made by Olga.

Taking this moment as the node, another timeline extended from the timeline in Olga’s hands.

Under the effect of time acceleration, Fila witnessed the dinosaurs, and various evolutions slowly took place.

Among them, there is a branch that slowly becomes an intelligent race similar to human beings.

In the end, they successfully eliminated all competitors!

Occupying the top of the food chain and establishing own civilization, the entire planet is ruled by them!

Their race is moving toward prosperity at a speed visible to the naked eye!

“Look, I made history.”

Orleja said to Philla with a calm expression.

Then, before the other party could answer, Olga flicked his own finger again.

The earth in the picture, following his action, immediately, like a bouncing marble, broke away from its original orbit under the huge impact force and directly collided with the main star of the solar system-the sun.

The situation is like a pebble falling into the lake.

The earth and the civilization conceived on the earth were melted by that huge star in an instant, and no trace was seen again.

After doing this, looking at the waves of flames rising from time to time on Star, Olga said to Philla again:

“Look, I destroyed history.”

Seeing the shocked look of the other party, Orjuga gently hugged the other party’s waist and continued calmly:

“Firla, the so-called time, space, Karma…

They are just rules that bind mortals and mortals. The so-called history is just a side product.

We are not extraordinary people, but beings standing on it.

Naturally, there is no need to look up to them.

There is no need to consider whether you will be eliminated by the other party.

Because we are their creators and manipulators that determine its direction.

Therefore, we can only eliminate them, not them. ”

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