Chapter 267

Faced with Will’s intelligence.

Miller had a bad feeling in his heart.

This mysterious incident made him feel like a character in a movie.

An accident may happen at any time.

The vigilance in his heart made him want to give up the task now, but the leaders above would obviously not allow it.

So after thinking for a while, Miller asked with a serious face: “Since that ship has disappeared for seven years, where has it been during this period of time? How did it come back?”

Will replied straightforwardly: “We are here just to find the answer.

Although we don’t know if there are any living people inside, the Space Agency received a telegram. ”

While speaking, he moved his hand to the console and clicked on an option.

The next moment, a sound of howling ghosts and wolves came out.

That sound, like countless crying and wailing, mixed together, it made people feel a kind of creepy.

But after listening quietly for a while.

Vaguely, everyone barely heard a blur of words.

One of the crew members frowned and said, “What the hell is this?”

Will calmly replied: “The headquarters in London has filtered the information several times, and it hides a piece of information similar to human language.”


After hearing this message, the doctor in the ship said with a little certainty: “There is a half of the sentence that seems to be Latin, meaning: release me or save me.”

So everyone discussed.

Only the Samsara who were on the sidelines, knew the meaning of this message.

In fact, on the contrary, the positive solution is actually [Shi Ru].

The whole meaning of the whole sentence is Latin 【Shi Ru Tuo Ming】.

Meaning: release you from The Underworld.

It hides inexplicable malice from another space.

They didn’t know the specific meaning of the sentence referring to the release of the [Horizon] ship to harm people, or something else.

But that thing is obviously unkind.

Thought of this.

Some of them turned pale involuntarily.

It is obviously not a good place to be called The Underworld, The Netherworld, and turn people and space ships into monsters.

And this kind of evil type enemy who doesn’t know the details, no matter when, is the most difficult enemy.


After looking at each other.

The deputy captain nodded to the captain.

It was conveyed to him that [Tsar Bomb-Great Ivan] was all ready and ready to detonate at any time.

So the captain breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

Those big Ivans belonged to their trump card-level killers, each of which was equivalent to 200 million tons of TNT explosives.

As long as it is successfully detonated, it is completely enough to destroy ordinary countries.

And the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees can theoretically burn everything.


Although the understanding of the enemy is very limited, and they do not understand the specific methods of the opponent, it does not prevent the Samsara from believing that the’nuclear bomb can drive away evil spirits’.


Just like the protagonists of countless horror movies, when they open the haunted house and try to die, there will always be some inexplicable accidents that prevent them from continuing to hunt for death.

After going through some twists and turns.

[Losk] Just like those protagonists who insisted on being dead, successfully broke into the haunted house, successfully completed the docking with [Horizon].

It officially started, ‘Although I don’t want to die, but under the orders of my immediate boss, I have to make a journey to death’.

And compared to the plot characters who are barely ignorant and fearless.

The pressure on the Samsaras is much greater. In their eyes, the so-called [Horizon] is completely a magic cave on earth.

As early as when he entered a different space, he was transformed into a living monster by that space.

The captain comforted the other team members:

“Stay steady and follow the protagonists first.

There shouldn’t be much danger in the early stage…”

According to the plot of the movie watched not long ago, after going in.

They will pass through a not-so-short passage without any surprises.

It wasn’t until a member of the team was in danger in the engine room, and then Dr. Will was also bewitched by the [Horizon], thoroughly Shi Lezhi, the plot would officially begin.


As the space hatch slowly opened, the captain walked in first for the morale of Ascension’s men.

The first thing that entered his eyes made his body tremble subconsciously.

In the plot, the long and narrow corridors should have been normal.

At this moment, there are all kinds of limbs and flesh and blood.

Countless wrecks, just like growing on a spaceship, cling to it tightly.

[Horizon] The internal barriers of the spacecraft made of steel are inlaid with hundreds of flesh-and-blood skulls.

Those pairs of hollow eye sockets seemed to be looking directly at them outsiders, wailing silently.

Opening lightning strike! !

Shocking! !


The captain’s leg that had just stepped out immediately retracted.

As a member of the advance team, one of the first to take the legs, Captain Miller and scientist Will, also saw this scene.

In just a second, I almost got scared into urinary incontinence.

Without any hesitation, Miller slapped the close button of the hatch.

Yelled frantically:

“Fak Squid, Fak Squid, Fak Squid, Fak Squid, Fak Squid, Fak Squid…

This special code is even more haunted than a haunted house. You said that there will be a few inside at any time The Underworld Devil, I believe it!

immediately! immediately! Disconnect me from [Horizon]!

Go to special code mission! !

Where did we come from, where did we go back! ! ”

In the plot, Dr. Will, who should have insisted on being dead, nodded frantically after facing this shocking opening. “Go! Go!”

If you go through the passage smoothly, then you will be tricked into by the opponent first and then be slaughtered.

Now, just glance at the battle at the door, no normal person is ready to stay here anymore.

The truth of [Horizon] and the integrity of scientists are no longer important, running away is the most important thing!

The villainboss and the protagonist in the original plot will be contradictory.

At this moment, an unprecedented unity of opinion.

‘I slid away, I can’t stay in this horrible place…’

Although the driver didn’t know what was going on, he was shocked when he saw his boss look like he had seen a ghost.

Immediately operate on the console.

After a few minutes.

He shouted desperately: “Can’t escape, the junction is malfunctioning! We need someone to run to [Horizon] to blow up the junction with us, so that we can break free!”

It can be said that a single operation is useless.


After a few minutes.

Many Samsara players, in the protagonist, supporting role, dragon set and boss, looked at the warriors, and resisted the curse and walked out of [Losk].

No way, their task is to get rid of [Horizon] or the stuff that is attached to it.

If you don’t have it, you can.

“The Lord God of Dog Day…”

Walking inside the spacecraft, on top of the corpses that were everywhere, the captain held the weapon in his hand tightly and kept cursing the Lord God.

After scolding for a while, he still dutifully comforted his teammates and said: “Be brave and don’t care about The Underworld or The Underworld. Two nuclear bombs will send him to heaven!”

Then he opened the door to the engine room.

According to the plot, there should be a gravitational device composed of several rings.

But after he opened the door.

Although there is still that thing in it, it looks different from the movie.

The most striking thing is that in its most central position, there is a bony emblem hanging.

The appearance of the emblem is composed of an X-shaped rune with a horizontal bar at the bottom, and a lot of skulls.

In addition, on both sides of the gravitational device, there are countless twisted texts.

The spellcaster among the Samsaras, as soon as he saw those words, he recognized the meaning of them through curing spells, and his eyes were a little dazed, and he wanted to subconsciously read it out.

Face this situation.

Captain Samsara, who also recognized the meaning of those words, immediately tried to cover the opponent’s mouth in horror.

But it was too late,

“Blood sacrifices to the blood god, and the skull presents the skull seat.”

Following this passage, being spoken softly, a strange wind with a bloody smell suddenly appeared everywhere in the power room.

The captain said desperately to himself: “Warhammer? Devil?”

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