Chapter 71

At the last moment of the advanced task, Wu Feng cut two orange bosses in a row. This is more than not to complete the task successfully, and it is excessive to complete the task!

At the time of the task settlement time, Wu Feng’s two companies also received the deserved reward, and a system tip sounded in his ear.

[Ding … Lord Jiu Tian Traveling at 2 hours of killing 2 orange boss and 18 purple bosses to complete advanced tasks. The lord is successful and advanced. According to the difficulty of the task, the epic baptism is obtained, and its own attributes have been improved. .

As the system prompts, Wu Feng was shrouded in a golden light. His body was baptized, and his body cells were cheering and gained unparalleled power!

“I’m glowing! Is this the advanced power? No wonder some lords can sing high -quality heroes, and even sweep a strong territory by single people!”

Wu Feng feels his own changes. He feels that this is too comfortable. The benefits obtained in advanced are related to the advanced task of completing. Bait, attribute growth is very obvious.

After the vitality in the body skyrocketed, Wu Feng smiled proudly: “My vitality has increased so much, I can do it all night and seven times, and I can always be squeezed!”

The reason why Wu Feng regards women as a tiger is that he has seen too many men who have been squeezed out. Previously, he was the constitution of ordinary people, and it was too easy to be squeezed out.

Now that he was baptized, he was as strong as a cow, and Wu Feng immediately felt that he was going.

At this time, Vigus looked over, and the charming girl seemed to have changed tremendous changes. She looked at Wu Feng in surprise: “Lord, you seem to have become a lot of handsome, even more glory!”

Wu Feng smiled proudly: “In the previous legend, Yan Zu and Yu Yan could compare with me, but now they are not at the same level and I am.”

Weigs didn’t know who Yan Zu and Yu Yan in Wu Feng’s mouth. She just felt that the lord’s adult seemed to have a lot of confidence, and the waistboard was quite straight!

And Wu Feng is not afraid of being squeezed out by Vesus now, but Wei Gus himself is very resistant to men’s contact. Now that he wants to win Vesus, he must consider how to block Veos’s instinct response.

After all, it is a fireball, how hard you need to continue to contact.

[Ding … Lord’s nine days traveled to kill 2 orange bosses and 18 -bit purple BOSS within 12 hours, which exceeded the lord’s certificate mission, exceeded 100%, obtained 810 points challenges, and won epic lord skills: Thousands of Army: Thousands of Army Wanma. .

Wu Feng was happy, but he did not expect that because of the high task, the challenges he received exceeded 500 points. According to the excess ratio, he got the 810 challenge points!

Coupled with the challenges obtained in Nan Man’s invasion, Wu Feng’s permissions value reached 950 points. Then he tried a way to make a challenge point.

“I happen to have more than 1,000 killer values left. With the low -level lottery of the killing value, I can use Bai Lian to draw a mid -level and draw! It must be good!”

Wu Feng has already realized the first pump and Bailian pumping of special authority, and obtained the Nanman invasion card and sin. This is a legendary item, and its income is absolutely very high.

“Lord, the bloody moon disappears, we can relax, you can rest with peace of mind, here is we guarding …” Weicus looked at the corpse of the queen, and she reminded Wu Feng very intimately rest.

Wu Feng thought about it, and changed the defense tower to the intelligent attack mode, which was enough to solve the enemy who criminals, and then withdrew Visth from several of them.

“The Magic Crystal Mine and the Demon Canyon are sent to the other side. Others will come back to rest first. I won’t go to rest by myself to let the people keep it hard.”

“I also prepared a table for you, and everyone came!” Wu Feng was very tired, but he insisted that the heroes and other heroes came back and prepared a table of big meals for them.

The heroes are not fighting machines, but also need to supplement physical fitness and rest. Wu Feng’s acting behavior of his subordinates allows the loyalty of the heroes to stabilize. After all, no one wants to follow a lord who will only squeeze.

In the end, more than a dozen heroes gathered in Wu Feng’s lord’s residence. Three perfect -quality heroes led, and many purple and blue heroes, even white -quality Aiu was on the table.

Watching such a scene, Wu Feng is very proud. I am afraid that few lords can have his lineup at this stage!

Although just half an hour ago, Burning Eight Wilderness rely on a orange hero to appear on the fourth hero list, but Wu Feng still existed in the list. Lot rushed to the first one at once. The characteristics of this guy are very obvious. In the night, you can use it as a legendary hero!

“Lord Lord, you are so good to us. It is a happy thing to eat barbecue every day!”

Qia Lu’s snack goods are the happiest time in dry meal. Six meals a day. For Qialu, she is very cherished by six sacred moments.

Seeing Qia Lu eating barbecue again, Wu Feng made a noise. A young man wearing a red headscarf pushed a huge dining car and walked out.

This dining car is a very huge steamer, which is larger than the ordinary dining table!

“Qia Lu, you like to eat barbecue, and you can’t eat it every day. I will change you for you today! This is a new special chef in our territory. His surname is Liu. This is his cosmic burning! ”

“There is a whole pig pig in it, it should be enough for you to eat it.”

Liu’s special chef is very young. After seeing the heroes present, he was not frightened. Instead, he introduced it to everyone: “Hello everyone, I am the newly identified special chef Liu Xingxing, from Xiangcheng Restaurant, You can call me a small family! ”

“This universe big roast wheat is my unique learning. I wrap the whole pig’s meat in, please taste it!”

Considering that Qi Yalu, the big stomach king, Wu Feng asked Xiao Dang’s family to make a large dish with a large amount of 100 million points, with other dishes, enough to satisfy the taste of the heroes.

Xiao Dang’s family was the purple craftsman of Wu Feng’s last time. This is a master -level figure. It should be a literary work from Blue Star, which is the same as many heroes.

A century ago, Blue Star fell into the abyss. When the Lord of the Blue Star summoned the scroll, there was a chance to summon the characters in history, myths and legends, and various literary and artistic works.

They come from the imagination of Blue Star, so they have different ‘versions’, and have previously appeared in Wu Zhao Yun, Meng Zhao Yun, Shen Zhao Yun and many other heroes of different quality.

Wu Zhaoyun is the general version of the general version of Wushuang. He belongs to the purple -quality hero. Dream Zhao Yun is the super strong of Xiu Xian’s version and a hero of the legendary quality.

There is only one of God Zhao Yun, who is already the level of God’s level, and is one of the gods of the dragon country who is known as the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom.

Today, this little head is a similar situation. Perhaps there are similar craftsmen in the hands of other lords. It is only after they came to different territories, and the encounter and fate are completely different.

The god Zhao Yun is said to be the god generals cultivated all the way all the way!

“Little head, you say you will have a variety of dishes of the Dragon Kingdom, so hurry up with other dishes, I can’t wait!”

Wu Feng has asked Xiaosong to take the food of other craftsmen and people in the territory, and many green -quality chefs will fight Komatsu.

Xiao Dang’s house provides food for the lord’s residence. He will make dragon food, which can make Wu Feng, who is used to the food of Long Guo.

“Lord, you can rest assured, all I do are authentic dragon national cuisine, I will make eight major cuisines and even some side dishes!”

Wu Feng nodded: “Then you will make steamed lambs, steamed bears, steamed deer tails, roasting ducks, roasted chicks, roast goose, braised pigs, braised ducks, chicken sauce, bacon and so on …”

When Wu Feng replaced the dish, Qia Lu was drooling on the side. These dishes were delicious when they heard the name!

Because the lord has not moved chopsticks, Qialu can only watch the universe burning wheat.

So Xiao Dao didn’t explain much, and he asked for the launch of a series of dishes he carefully prepared. This time, it is a variety of forms of food.

Mapo tofu, red -roasted meat, sweet and sour pork ribs, boiling water cabbage, white -cut chicken, etc. are really all major cuisines. Small heads are used as family banquets, and they are prepared for home -cooked dishes.

Because there are markets, all kinds of ingredients can be bought, and small heads can let go of their hands and feet for production, so that they can make such a rich table.

When Xiaodang opened the dishes one by one, Wu Feng found that he was glowing! Among them, there is the light in Qia Lu’s eyes! Qiya smells this fragrance and is going to be transformed!

Wu Feng saw the braised pork at first glance. This is his favorite. At first glance, the fried sugar color was absolutely authentic!

“Everyone can eat it. Let me taste the red roast …” As soon as Wu Feng’s voice fell, Qialu rushed to the universe big roasted wheat. Essence

When Qiya rolled up and burned the wheat skin and a large piece of meat inside, she ate the amount of others a meal in a sip, and then she sublimated the whole person!

“It’s really a glowing food!”

(This chapter is finished)

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