Chapter 519 Shocking Lord!

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly on the No. 446 area of Shanhai World No. 083 to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Those who get the monopoly. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the No. 446 area No. 083, the regional list disappears, the nine -day tour of the league will be fixed to get 25,000 hopes and 5 legends daily. .


[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of No. 510 Shanhai World No. 083 to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours in the region in three days. Those who get the monopoly. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the No. 510 area of Shanhai World No. 083, the regional list disappears, and the nine -day tour of the league will be fixed to get 25,000 hopes and 5 legends every day. .


Wu Feng has expanded a large wave of new regions in the mountains and sea world. Now it has increased 8 gods again. Among them, 5 are just the existence of a level with the decision of Shenlong. expansion!

After many new beasts went to the Shanhai World, Wu Feng watched them complete the expansion of this series.

Five Gods beasts that get the bonus of the Cavaliers can expand 10 regions, add up to 50 regions.

The remaining 3 god beasts can expand 15 regions, all of which are 65 regions.

The number of mountains and sea worlds increased to 510 in one fell swoop!

This is the size of the world!

In the mountains and sea world, there are two new god -level blood egg hatching points. As the newly added blood eggs will appear immediately, Wu Feng has incubated two mountains and sea beasts today!

After investing sufficient evolution of God’s blood, these two blood eggs immediately hatched a fire unicorn and a shadow phoenix. Wu Feng also discovered that in the mountains and sea world, Shenlong, Kirin, and Phoenix were really the easiest. The three beasts appeared.

At this time, the gap between Wu Feng’s distance from the nine god birds is not large.

True Kowloon Cars and Zhenjiu Bird are the easiest to achieve.

In the godbird family, Wu Feng already has 7 gods including Golden Wing Big Pengbird, Undead Firebird, Blood Phoenix, Non -Destroy Tianfeng, Flame Phoenix, Flame God Bird, Shadow Phoenix.

The types of god birds are actually more than the dragon and easier to make up.

Wu Feng and the battle between the fighting were also feasible for nine days at a time.

“Today, the eight dragon beasts such as the dragon and other dragons have also left the beasts in the mountains and sea worlds. Now in the mountains and sea world, a large number of dragons can be produced every day.”

“Coupled with the blessing of the candle, the number of dragon members I obtained every day can exceed 4,000. At that time, it will be easier to organize the Dragon Cavaliers!”

Wu Feng brought the dragon and strange beasts in the mountains and sea out of this world. He found the types of warriors and trained them all as the Dragon Knight.

The King Cavaliers trained by Altolia has an additional king’s charge. This is a powerful charge comparable to the fearless charge. It can unite other knights to charge, and is the most suitable for the legion operation!

This allows the arms trained by Altricya. The combat effectiveness can be more powerful, and its own halo can radiate to other knights.

Wu Feng asked Altolia to train these dragon knights. As many dragon knights formed, they sent them to the twin magic caves to copy it.

Under Wu Feng, there are 120,000 dragon knights, which are all output in recent days.

So many Dragon Cavaliers can work with the Twelve Round Table Knights to become Altolia’s King Legion. At this time, Altolia has the confidence as the Knight King!

The more the knights and arms she commanded, the stronger herself.

The knights of Altricya will also get various bonuses. The combat effectiveness is more than one or two o’clock than ordinary knights!

So Altolia took her entire king legion to expand out.

Earlier, the blonded female knight found Wu Feng, which was about to launch the battle of expansion. At that time, her idea just led the twelve round table knight components a knight legion, a region and a region to sweep the past!

But now Altricya has a king legion that is completely composed of a dragon knight above the legendary level. This change is a better scene than Altricya’s most beautiful scene.

This makes Altricya have a dream -like feeling.

Looking at the heroic Altricya standing in front of the Cavaliers, Wu Feng couldn’t help but joking: “What’s wrong? My Cavaliers, are you hesitant?”

Facing the lord’s smile, Altolia immediately clenched the long sword in her hand: “Lord Lord, your sword Feng refers to the direction of Altolia’s charge!”

“I will lead the King’s Legion to keep expanding out of you at the speed of one country a day!”

Altolia was full of confidence, and she looked seriously, making Wu Feng very satisfied.

This beauty knight is really good at Wu Feng’s heart. Whether she is galloping on the battlefield or galloping in the crystal cottage, Wu Feng is most interested in.

And when Altolia was about to launch the King’s Corps to attack, the sky suddenly changed from the day to the night.

The new day is here!

[Ding … End on April 1st, the list settlement reward was distributed …]

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel and the alliance (Supreme Alliance) dominate 9,000 regions. The list has been integrated, and the 4500000 point of view and 8500 legend rewards have been obtained. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour and the alliance (Supreme Alliance) dominate 90 countries. The national list has been integrated, and the 600,000 -point sound value and 5500 legend rewards have been obtained. .


[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Traveling Tour List Hero List, Rich List, Alliance List, Trial Sky List (799th Line), get 1000 legend rewards, 100,000 trial points, and 500,000 reputation value. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour has become the top 799 battle list. It has obtained 100 legends, 50,000 points of hopes, and 100,000 points of battle points awards. .


[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour, the top list of the wealthy list, the hero list (798th floor) top, and won the 420 legend reward. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour became the top 798 battle list, obtained 100 legends, 50,000 points of hope, 100,000 points of battle points awards. .


[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel won the list of wealthy lists, the hero list (797th floor), and won 300 legend rewards. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour became the top 797 battle list, obtained 100 legends, 50,000 points of hope, 100,000 points of battle points awards. .


[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel won the top list of the wealthy list, hero list, and trial Tian List (796th Launnel), which won 500 legends awards. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour has become the top 796 battle list, obtaining 100 legends, 50,000 points of hope, 100,000 points of battle points awards. .


[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel won the top list of the wealthy list, hero list, and trial Tian List (795th floor), and won 500 legends awards. .

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day travel tour became the top 795 battle list, obtained 100 legends, 50,000 points of hope, 100,000 points of battle points awards. .


[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel Alliance (Supreme Alliance) won the 965th of the Alliance List, and obtained 2000 legends and 500,000 nods. .


After the end of April 1, Wu Feng ushered in the last day of the first month after the 799th floor was opened!

This day is of great significance, and on April 1, Wu Feng’s legendary rewards are also amazing.

He relied on more sites and topped the list on the 795th floor. He won more than 20,000 legends in one fell swoop!

In the future, the lottery of special permissions can make Wu Feng draw his hands soft.

In this case, Wu Feng was full of energy. He looked at Altolia: “My Cavaliers, you can now launch a battle of expansion!”

“Let me see it, your king’s legion is great!”

Wu Feng couldn’t wait to see the power of the first legion he formed.

It is the first to be the god -level legion. It can bring the characteristics of two gods -level legions. The 1 -level king legion has powerful and unparalleled bonuses!

Fearless courage (God -level characteristics): The King’s Legion has the most fearless courage. When the number of enemies facing more than itself, it will increase its own attributes according to the number gap, which can increase at least 50%of the fully attributes.

Hundreds of battles (God -level characteristics): The King’s Legion will be worthy of a hundred battles. Each time they win, their full attributes and morale will increase by 1%, which can be infinitely overwhelmed.

Generally, a legion is to be established, either the Lord Alliance has the skills of the construction legion, or the hero has corresponding skills.

Like Altolia’s mythical talent king, the latter one, the characteristics of its attached characteristics are extremely powerful. Both characteristics are very satisfied with Wu Feng.

These two characteristics, with Altricya’s own king’s charge, can easily break through the enemy’s territory.

Now that it is time for the King’s Legion, the Legion 1 King Legion can accommodate up to 200,000 arms, and the attribute bonus it provides is much stronger than the non -god -class legion.

In the future warfare, it must be opened in the model of the legion. Wu Feng can now be regarded as starting to cultivate the powerful legion.

After Altolia was instructed by the lord’s adult, he immediately commanded the King’s Legion to start attacking. The entire legion was a dragon knight. Whether it was a dragon or a dragon, it was a very mighty mount!

With the decree of the blonde female knight, the entire king legion was poured out like floods and killed the nearby lords.

Wu Feng’s primary goal is to first take down the 012 Tianyu first. Altoliya took the King’s Legion and rushed into the country No. 048.

The lords of this country also poured blood mold. When the first one was about to end, when they were about to enter the ranks of senior lords, they saw countless huge shadows appearing in the sky.

As soon as the lords of No. 048 looked up, they saw that this was a dragon, what red dragon, black dragon, green dragon and other epic dragons, with some Asian dragons covering the sky!

“I am ah! What did I see? How can there be so many dragons here! The dragons in the nearby forbidden land have run out!”

“Even in the Valley of the Dragon, there are not so many dragons! I took a look. This epic dragon has more than 500! It seems that there are not so many epic dragons in the forbidden place!”

“Let me go! So what happened! So many dragons dispatched, is this a god -level dragon led!”

“You see! It is really a god -level dragon, that is a dragon! This is too domineering, the length of the body has reached kilometers, which is larger than my lord’s palace!”

“You see! Then I decided that Shenlong was still sitting on the individual! What do I look like a god -level knight with my own mount!”

“Not only this god -level dragon tribe, other dragons and Along have knights wearing armor. This is a dragon knight army!”

“You’re joking! The monopolist in the 065 area, relying on the 400 -person Dragon Knight, has swept all enemies and became a monopo. Now there are so many dragons, you say this is the Dragon Knight!? The whole Can the dragon knights on the 799th layer add up to this scale! ”

In the same way, the country No. 048 saw the dragons and dragon knights in the sky at the same time. They first did not want to believe this scene.

But after repeated confirmation, they knew one thing …

These dragon knights are real, and they are all the men’s troops!

“It is really the Dragon Cavaliers. This is the Dragon Cavaliers with a number of more than 100,000 sent by [Jiutian Travel]! I am crazy!”

“If you say that other people have the Dragon Cavaliers with this specification, I definitely don’t believe it, but you say that it is the army of [Nine Days Traveling], but I have to believe it.”

“Brothers, what are you waiting for, the wind tightly, everyone hurriedly run! I don’t want to be killed by unknown means!”

“Special! Previously, [Nine Days Traveling] sent a strong god -level hero to crush the lords of other countries. I also feel that it is acceptable. In the future, I may still get the same powerful heroes, but now I see this Dragon Cavaliers. I completely collapsed, you gave me another 5 years, and I couldn’t form such a powerful Dragon Knight Legion! ”

The King of the King sent by Wu Feng brought a huge shock to many lords.

He had a lot of god -level heroes before, and one person could single out a region, which was not too outrageous.

After all, if you are lucky, a summoning scroll may get a super powerful hero. They are against the sky in the early stage and can sweep a region alone.

When everyone’s strength is strong in the later period, a single hero cannot reduce the dimensionality. Like the 790th floor, it is invincible to rely on god -level heroes.

In the end, the war between the lords must also rely on the powerful legion’s combat power!

After all, people’s sea tactics may still drown the god -level heroes.

[Jiu Tian Travel] The gap with everyone is just unilateral crushing.

But now the Dragon Cavaliers sent by Wu Feng really make many lords desperate. The scale of the entire legion exceeds 100,000. The lineup!

This kind of powerful legion is the foundation of the hegemon!

The hegemon among the high -level lords is good to have one or two of these legions!

I saw that after the King of the King’s Corps traveled 048, Altolia immediately asked them to divide their troops three roads and launch an attack on three regions at the same time.

The dragons in the sky flew to the top of the lords and began to spit the dragon. The dragon knights on the ground also took one hundred people, and launched a charge for many lords!

They have the courage to be fearless. Although a hundred people, when the number is weaker than the enemy, they can get a high attribute increase.

This allows the Dragon Knights to pull back the disadvantages of some people. In addition, the Dragon Knights are originally a strong single strength. In the 048 country, no lord is the enemy of them!

I saw the charge of 100 Dragon Knights, and they could be killed from the lord’s defense line. Any city walls, defense towers and traps could not stop them.

Under the king’s charge, everything in front of the iron hoof will be broken!

The Dragon Knights easily crushed a lord to death. Any resistance to them was so vulnerable.

Due to the speed of the Dragon Knights, after destroying a lord, he immediately rushed to the next lord.

This scene is more shocking than the creation of the lord to death. The Father can only create a few unlucky eggs. But the Dragon Cavaliers really sweep the acupoints and sweep the whole country in an all -round way!

When the dragon knights launch charge, the earth was trembling, and that scene would become a nightmare of countless lords.

They charge, even if they are relocated, they will always remember this scene.

So Altolia just took half an hour to sweep all the lords in the three regions.

This efficiency does reach the goal of Altricya’s expectations, that is, within one day, a country will be destroyed to help the lord’s adults expand the territory quickly!

In fact, when Altricya destroyed so many regions so quickly, the entire 799th floor had a ‘giant shock’, and countless lords knew the news.

Especially in the country No. 048, this information spreads!

“The news just got, [Jiutian Travel] led more than 100,000 Dragon Knights to destroy three regions in one fell swoop! His Dragon Cavaliers are not at this stage that we can fight at this stage!”

“I am ah! I just heard from a friend of me [Nine Days Traveling] to lead 300,000 Dragon Knights, which has destroyed 10 regions! Now our entire country No. 048 can’t support it for a day!”

“I heard! [Nine days travel] Now it has a 500,000 dragon knight army. With the trend of destroying and dying, it has swept more than 20 regions, and it will be our turn!

“I just saw it with my own eyes. [Nine Days Traveling] Millions of Dragon Knights swept invincible, and there were countless areas in 10 minutes!

Because the Dragon Corps was too strong, the lords of the 048 Nationality did not figure out how many Dragon Knights were in [Nine Days Traveling].

So the number of Dragon Cavaliers became more and more mysterious, and it was rumored to have a million Dragon Cavaliers Legion!

The degree of inferiority of this information is no less than saying that [Jiu Tian Travel] is now an overlord.

But still the lord believes this rumor, because [Nine Days Traveling] alone yesterday, I did a lot of big things.

He first defeated the top 795 battle list, and forced the opponent to expose the identity of his evil Japanese lord.

After that, [Jiutian Travel] also entered the 795th floor. It is said that several evil -day lords have been destroyed continuously, accounting for at least seven or eight countries!

That is on the 795th floor!

It is a high -level high -level, which is 4 years older than the 799th floor. Just a big lord, can exist on the 799th floor.

But [Jiutian Traveling], he directly killed the 795th floor, and almost let the 795 -layer evil Japanese lords connected to deal with him.

This represents the strength of [Nine Days Traveling], which has reached the average level of the 795th floor, even stronger than the big leader of that layer!

Then today, the “Nine Days Traveling] was published in the” Abyss Daily “with the front page of the headline.

In the report of the Abyss Daily, [Jiutian Travel] faced the scene of seven or eight gods, which shocked the lords of the 799th floor.

Now I heard that [Nine Days Traveling] with a million Dragon Knight, many lords have been numb, and even the default is true.

I have to say that the name of [Nine Days Traveling] is now incredible and invincible synonymous on the 799th floor.

This rumor is more fake and more exaggerated, and someone will believe it.

This can also be regarded as helping Wu Feng a little bit. Because his combat power was extremely exaggerated, Altricya’s king legion could be more likely to sweep in various regions.

Even after her Dragon Cavaliers appeared, many lords fled and ran away immediately.

This allowed Altolia to save a lot of efficiency and capture faster efficiency in various regions.

Every time Altricy’s King Legion destroys a lord, it can obtain a certain legion experience value. If it takes up the next area, the legion experience will be more.

To upgrade the Legion, it is necessary to rely on this way. After winning 10 countries, the King’s Legion rose to level 2!

Level 2 king legion can provide more attribute bonuses, and at the same time, the upper limit of its members has also increased to 400,000.

Although it is still not reached its limit, Wu Feng will definitely continue to expand the number of Dragon Knights in the future. This is also prepared in advance.

The King’s Legion immediately entered a state of full -speed expansion. Altricya was eager to become an invincible king, leaving a very deep impression in the minds of the lord of No. 048!

When Wu Feng specifically watched Altolia sweeping the enemy all the way, [Xiao Duke] also contacted him.

“[Nine Days Traveling] Big guys, why don’t you show your Dragon Cavaliers early, so that I can add your Dragon Cavaliers in the front version of the headline!”

“I have to say, this Dragon Cavaliers are really handsome!”

[Xiao Duke] I saw Altolia’s Dragon Cavaliers from the younger brother. He was also shocked by the strength of the Dragon Knight.

In the legendary soldiers, the Dragon Knights are very powerful and omnipotent.

Their life value is very high, the speed of movement is very fast, and the long -range range of the dragon’s dragon’s dragon’s interest is very explosive, and the knight’s own charge is extremely explosive.

In the abyss of all levels, the Dragon Knights are the perfect arms that lords want to get. They can be cultivated according to experience. Generally, it takes more than a year to cultivate to form a scale of the Dragon Cavaliers.

The Dragon Cavaliers of [Jiutian Traveling] suddenly jumped out, which was exactly the same as jumping out of the stone seam.

Originally, the Dragon Cavaliers were slowly accumulated from less to more, and there were 100 Dragon Knights, even if it became a scale.

But [Jiutian Travel] The big guy, the first time the Dragon Cavaliers sent, starting with 100,000, [Xiao Duorer] I do n’t want to understand how this big man has so many dragon knights!

Naturally, he didn’t know that Wu Feng had occupied a candle -yin land that specializes in the output of the dragon arms. In addition, he also has the mountains and sea worlds that can give birth to the dragons!

This is to cherish the resources in resources. On the 799th floor, the blessing land should be open after today.

Wu Feng is the progress of the earliest one early, and naturally it is a model that the 799th Lord’s lord cannot understand!

“Oh, my Dragon Cavaliers have just taken shape. You still wait for me to take the version bonus first, and then publish this news!”

“But this news should be spread to the 799th floor soon. When my Dragon Cavaliers swept the same as this layer, I can go to the 798th floor.”

Wu Feng said in his heart. Now the Dragon Cavaliers are completely a child who is bullying kindergarten on the 799th floor. He has a feeling of winning.

Dragon Cavaliers, in the future, will still go to the 798th and even 795th battlefields!

His goal is the sea of stars!

“Haha, [Jiutian Travel] Big guy, I think you are not talking about big words. I look forward to your performance in the higher -level abyss in the future.”

“According to the rules of our” Abyss Daily “, you are the lord of our 799th floor. Your news should be published on the daily newspaper on this floor.”

“In the future, the sales of our daily newspapers will be brought up because of you! At that time, the news that you sweeping the high -level abyss will be broadcast on the front version of the headline. It’s! ”

In the past, only the high -level lords crushed the low -level lords, [Nine Days Traveling] The big boss may be a model of rare low -level lords to crush the high -level lord.

This is definitely full of topical news. [Xiao Duke] has made up his mind to hold tightly [Nine Days Traveling] the big thighs of the big guy.

Like today’s [Nine Days Traveling], the big guy defeated the top 795 battle list. Today he will also challenge the top 794 list.

If today’s [Nine Days Traveling] the big guy continues to win, the series of reports can continue to be updated, which is definitely full of topicality!

“[Nine Days Traveling] Big guys, I have published the news of your next god of mountains on the front page of today.

[Xiao Duke] Pay attention to maintaining the relationship with Wu Feng very much. His good intentions made Wu Feng very useful. He nodded to express his understanding and simply communicated with [Xiao Duoren].

After Wu Feng hung up the communication of [Xiaoduhu], a person who was unexpectedly expected to find him, and [Zhan Tian Fighting] actually contacted him.

“Little friend, I read the news in the Abyss Daily, do you occupy a god mountain on the 799th floor?”

[Fighting in the battle] It is very simple. He directly opened the door and pointed directly at the news he wanted to explore. The witch master was one of the supporters behind Wu Feng.

His son not only helped Wu Feng’s parents before, but also let his granddaughter [Little Red Carp] also joined the Supreme Alliance. Now he is deeply bound with Wu Feng.

Hearing [Battle Heavenly Fighting] was interested in the mountains of Shenshan, Wu Feng moved in his heart. He had previously analyzed and judged with [Xiao Duke]. The biggest difference between the 799th and the abyss of other layers is that there is a hundred thousands of Shenshan Mountains on the edge of the edge of the mountain. Essence

This is not a dangerous area where the heavenly god is banned, and it is more dangerous than the heavens. It may be related to the seventh era.

The old -fashioned strong people like [Battle of the Heavenly Fighting] may not be concerned about how [Jiutian Traveling] how to rage with the high -level abyss, but now I heard that he has taken advantage of Shenshan, but he pays great attention to this!

Wu Feng also stated very straightforwardly: “Old seniors, I did occupy 4 in the 100,000 Shenshan Mountain, and I also knew some of the information of 100,000 Shenshan …”

Hearing Wu Feng’s words, [Zhan Tian Fighting] stared at his eyes, and he looked at Wu Feng unbelievable: “You not only occupy a god mountain!”

“This means that you have occupied other Shenshan before? [Little Red Carp] This girl seems to have executed your password, even I didn’t even tell …”

Wu Feng emphasized in the Supreme League that the various information in the Supreme Alliance was prohibited from spreading.

Even before the [Zhu Jiaming Lord] joined, he was asked not to easily pass the intelligence of the Supreme Alliance, which is a good condition for both sides.

Wu Feng does not want the cards he has and occupied by others.

He treated the alliance members frankly, and many information made them mastered, and many members also strictly implemented his requirements.

[Little Red Carp] I listened to her brother’s brother’s words very much, and many things did not tell the grandfather [Battlefield].

[Fighting in the battle] I couldn’t help but murmured in my heart that my good granddaughter had no elbow began to turn outwards in less than a month.

And her brother is a arrogant guy. These two younger generations are not worrying!

However, [Battlefield] is still very spoiled with his own granddaughter. He waved his hand: “[Little Red Carp] It should be done by doing this. I will ask you this information, but you will not explore in vain.”

“At that time, I will pay you a resource, which is the cost of this information …”

Wu Feng felt that [Battle of the Heavenly Fighting] was really bright, but he did not want to be Wu Feng because he did not dominate.

At the same time, Wu Feng also saw that [War Heaven Fighting] really cared about the information about Shenshan, and so solemnly wanted to pay for information.

When Wu Feng wanted to tell the situation [Zhan Tian Fighting], another big man found Wu Feng. It was the father of the daddy Duan Sea Emperor of [The King of Four Seas].

He should pay more attention than [Battle Heaven]. [Seven Sea Emperor] first asked the situation of [King of Four Seas], and then asked about what he wanted to ask.

“[Nine Days Traveling] Brother, I read the news in the Abyss Daily. You challenged a number of Heavenly List in the battle trial. It is really the waves of the Yangtze River.

“I also saw that you wrote that you occupied a Shenshan Mountain in the 100,000 Shenshan Mountain, which is so fierce!”

The topic of the topic of [Seven Sea Emperor] is naturally on Shenshan, and Wu Feng knows his intention as soon as he hear.

After he groaned for a while, he said: “Brother, you should want to ask about the information about 100,000 Shenshan? Just that I have an old predecessor who is asking about this. The group said. ”

Wu Feng did this to make the supporters behind him see it. He has prepared to integrate the forces and prepare for the future.

Especially after noticing the combat power of [Alibaba and Forty Thief] on the 796th floor, the guy is obviously supported by the three -eyed family behind this guy.

In the future, he will destroy [Alibaba and Forty Thieves], and it is likely that he will once again have the forces of the three -eyed family!

Last time on the 785th floor, although the power of [Zhan Tian Fighting] and [Seven Sea Emperors] did the same shot to deal with the three -eyed family, it just happened.

In the future, Wu Feng feels that it is best to make them together with the forces of the Three Eyes.

If necessary, you need to join forces together!

Wu Feng’s suggestion, [Battle of Heaven] and [Seven Sea Emperor] had no opinions, Wu Feng also deliberately found Liu Ao and Hongwu Emperor.

These two are the big men of the heavenly group, and Wu Feng’s most resolute supporter!

In this way, plus [Battle Heaven] and [Seven Sea Emperor], Wu Feng’s small group, there were four masters!

[Battle Heaven Fighting], the old witch tribe has become a big man who has become more than 40 years old!

[Seven Sea Emperor], the Naga tribe of the previous generation, and he also has an unclear relationship with many female bosses of other people, and his strength is also extremely powerful!

[【灬 何 何 丿 丿], the old master of the same age as [Battle of the Heavenly Fighting], the deputy team leader of the heavenly group, and one of the most powerful batch of the blue stars.

[Emperor Hongwu], the most stunning rising star in the blue star tribe in the past ten years, this is the master of the rise of civilian lords, which can be regarded as a banner among the civilian lords, and the backbone of the heavenly group.

The four masters gathered, and the topic of the topic was Wu Feng, the big lord of Wu Feng, which was also a strange smell.

However, none of the four masters despised Wu Feng because of this, because [Nine Days Traveling] during this period of time, several people were very concerned.

Seeing that he can have new records every day, and all kinds of incredible records let them all know that if [Nine Days Traveling] is not unexpected, in the future, it will be at least a master!

This allows the four to recognize Wu Feng, so that they will get along equal with him.

After seeing everyone reached Qi, Wu Feng slowly spoke: “A few big brothers, my younger brother, because I am lucky, I have a little harvest in the 100,000 Shenshan Mountains. This is the information you want to know. You pulled a group and wanted to share related information … ”

Wu Feng’s words made the four masters laughed without saying a word. In the end, Liu Ao said: “You little guy, know we all want to know this information.”

“You deliberately let the people of the Abyss Daily publish this information out to catch us! We can also be hooked!”

“Rest assured, your intelligence is very important, we will all have enough resources to compensate you!”

Liu Ao still didn’t know that [Battle Heaven Fighting] has already opened an opinion on buying information with Wu Feng. He said so to help Wu Feng create a better talk about the price.

Inside, Liu Ao also helped Wu Feng.

The name of [灬 何 何 何 丿] is still used!

[War Tian Fighting] Nodded with a smile, [Seven Sea Emperor] also defaulted to this condition, so Wu Feng directly said what they care about most.

“I occupy 5 God Mountains, which are located in the two gods. I found that 100,000 Mountains are the gods of 100,000 mountains. It is true god level. ”

“In addition, there are more than 5 groups of gods and beasts in each divine domain, which is the strong of the eighth -order god beast.”

“Each Shenshan also has the Lord of Shenshan. The weakest is the Seventh -order Beast. Under the BUFF bonus of the Lord of the Mountains, you can play with the eighth -order beast.”

In this way, Wu Feng said that the four masters have clearly perceived the combat power of Shenshan and Shenyu, and [Seven Sea Emperor] showed an incredible expression.

“Each god mountain has a beast sitting, and you have continued to destroy the five guardians of the God Mountain. It is still unbelievable to firmly occupy it under the pressure of the beast inspections.” This is really incredible! ”

“Even the lord of the 795th floor, it is impossible to do this so easily!”

For [Seven Sea Emperor], let alone the Lord of the Mountain, even if it is the master of the beast, he also has the power to suppress it!

But after all, he is the master of soaking for more than ten years, and the combat power is not comparable to the lord 799.

He placed himself in the situation of [Jiutian Travel], and felt that it was a bit incredible to do this!

This was destroyed by the Lord of Shenshan in less than a month, and he firmly held Shenshan in his hands!

Recalling that when he first entered the abyss, the time of wasteland was just occupied, he just occupied 10 areas and impacted the leader.

He did not become a big lord until 3 months later!

Today’s [Nine Days Traveling] has begun to impact overlords and destroy the Eighth -order Beast!

He developed for a month, and a eight -order beast can destroy him seven or eight times!

In this comparison, [Seven Sea Emperor] can only be said that the development speed of [Nine Days Traveling] is too abnormal!

No wonder his son is so respectful to the alliance leader today, and he worships his father!

“Eighth -level beast, so it seems that your strength is comparable to the five -star lords on the 795th floor, and even stronger in the top combat power than them!”

“No wonder you can kill and kill on the 795th floor! The lords of the evil Japanese are not wronged …”

Even [War Tian Fighting] was shocked again. He was considered a lot of knowledge, but it was the first time to see [Nine Days Traveling]!

The three -eyed god of the year …

[【灬 灬 何 丿 丿] I immediately said: “Oh, the three -eye emperor of that year was not as strong as Xiaofeng! He was invincible by the support of the three eyes of the royal family.”

“And you started from scratch, and all the way to kill the three -eyed emperor all the way, growing faster than the three -eyed emperor. Now the Three Eye people know that you have taken advantage of Shenshan, it must be very anxious!”

[【灬 灬 何 丿 丿] Obviously, it is very upset to look at the three -eyed family. His words do not seem to be exaggerated. Today’s [Jiutian Travel] really has the momentum of success!

When Wu Feng saw several of the masters, he had a shocking expression. He held the news that he did not tell himself.

Otherwise, the four big men are not even more shocked!

When he was going to wait for the future to complete the gods in public, he brought a little shock to several big brothers.

Maybe this matter can be completed today. [Xiao Duke] KPI over there will only be pulled directly!

“Keke, a few big guys, you boast, I have to commit autonomic disease! In fact, the focus I want to say is not the guardian beast of this god mountain.”

“After I occupied the Mountains, I found that in each of the gods of 100,000 Shenshan, a god -level hero was suppressed, including even the heroes of the previous era.”

“A frost goddess I rescued came from the fifth era. She said that she had been suppressed two times!”

When I heard Wu Feng talked about the goddess of Frost, the four masters became serious.

When they looked at each other, Liu Ao asked: “Xiao Feng, you already know the Era alternation?”

Liu Ao did not expect that Wu Feng, an ordinary lord, just knew the essence of endless abyss in a month!

From his mouth, the fifth era of the fifth era, he can know that he fully knows the alternation of the Epoch.

Every 100 layers of abyss is an era. This is a secret that many high -level leaders may not be clear!

All lords who know this intelligence are very concerned about the 799th layer, because according to the rules, the 799th layer is the last layer of the seventh era they live in.

Therefore, the four masters of [灬 何 何 丿 丿 丿 丿 丿 丿 丿 丿 丿 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以 所以.

The particularity of the 799th floor is related to a large part of the 100,000 Shenshan Mountain!

Wu Feng nodded: “My rune civilization fire species is brought out of time and space copies alternating with the Era. I also know the eternity night, and even experienced the boundless dark scene in person!”

At this time, Wu Feng’s words completely confirmed the guessing of several lords. Wu Feng was really not just flickering. He really knew that the Era was alternated, and even knew eternity.

[Emperor Hongwu] said with a smile: “I also knew the existence of the Era from the time and space copy. The time and space copy of the time and space at that time just asked for a period of time after the new era was born.”

“But even if this task, I failed. I didn’t expect that you can complete the difficult eternal night task, and brought out the loss of fire!”

[Emperor Hongwu] In such a comparison, the strength of [Nine Days Traveling] is really unpredictable!

How did a lord who was in less than a month? Intersection

It can be said that many things that Wu Feng disclosed was not exposed in the outside world. From the side, the four masters shocked the four masters.

If other lords know, I am afraid it will be even more shocked, and I have to worship Wu Feng’s worship!

After Wu Feng proved that he knew the Epoch’s alternate intelligence, several of them discussed with him, [Zhan Tian Fighting] to say his guess.

“Each era has its own heritage to resist the invasion of natural disasters. The heritage of our seventh era is these 100,000 gods and many mythical heroes detained in the 100,000 Shenshan Mountain?”

“If there are 100,000 Shenshan Mountain, this represents 100,000 mythical heroes! This is the essence of the first few eras!”

“From the 700th floor, to the 799th floor, we only have 50,000 mythical heroes, and the mythical heroes in the 100,000 Shenshan Mountain are twice this number!”

[War Heaven] definitely has his own intelligence. He said that the 100th layers of abyss add up. There are only less than 50,000 mythical heroes, not just talking.

This number will only be less or more.

At this point of view, 100,000 mythical heroes represented by 100,000 Shenshan are really significant!

With so many mythical heroes, if it is well cultivated, it will be an invincible force. After all, in theory, any mythical hero has the potential to evolve into true gods.

[【灬 何 何 丿 丿] It was also bright: “So, Xiaofeng occupied a Shenshan in advance, it is really important information!”

“The earlier liberating the mythical heroes in the 100,000 Shenshan Mountain, the more significant it is to us! From the perspective of the current information, there is not much time left to us.”

The two oldest and most dominated exchanges, even [Seven Sea Emperor] and [Hongwu Emperor] were very serious, because in some cases, they were not very clear!

[Qihai Sea Emperor] It was like thinking about what he thought of. He looked at [Grandpa Ao, I was me.]: “Aoye, I heard that there was another group of people going there. Is this a hurry there? ”

[Qihai Sea Emperor] Called Liu Ao as Aoye, which shows that [Grand Protestyle Nai I Hey].

He glanced at Wu Feng, then nodded: “Yes, some people in the blue star tribe have been talled some time ago, and the same is true of your Naga people!”

“Following this progress, I’m afraid I will be talled with [Zhan Tian Fighting], and it will not be too far! It will be supported by you at that time!”

Wu Feng is more confused, and go there to support there? Well? He seemed to understand something, is this related to the 700th floor! Intersection

Now his identity is not enough, and the four masters have no intention of explaining. Only Liu Aoyu looked at Wu Feng with a long heart.

“Xiaofeng, now that you know this information, you should pay attention, these 100,000 Shenshan may be related to the heritage of our seventh era!”

“You can get it slowly, get some mythical heroes from the 100,000 Shenshan Mountain as soon as possible, and improve their combat power.”

“In the future, you can still develop steadily. If we are warned, we will strive to strive for more development time for you!”

[Grandma Aoji, I am me, you], it is a bit lonely, which makes Wu Feng give birth to a sense of urgency.

Seeing Liu Ao’s meaning without continuing to explain, Wu Feng didn’t ask much.

Maybe this is to reach a certain level to know the information? Intersection Then Wu Feng can only try to improve his strength as soon as possible according to what the masters say.

The mythical heroes imprisoned in the Shenshan are just one of his ways to obtain a strong man.

He has a strong talent, and he can actually get mythical heroes through a lottery, and even more efficiency than to rescue the god -level heroes in Shenshan.

“Now that I know the situation of 100,000 Shenshan, I will state to the elders in the tribe clearly. At that time, our family will definitely increase the support for the 799th Lord and strive to develop 100,000 Mountains as soon as possible.”

“[Nine Days Traveling] Brother, you tell me this information is very important. In the future, some of our Naga tribe may affect your interests. I will be guilty here first.”

“I will give information fees in the future to make up for your possible losses.”

[Seven Sea Emperor] means obvious. After he noticed this intelligence to the senior management of the Naga nationality, the strong men of the Naga would definitely try their best to help the Naga’s younger generations develop 100,000 Shenshan Mountains and get mythical heroes from them. Essence

Originally, Wu Feng could make a lot of wealth, occupying a few hundred thousand gods. If the Naga tribe launched the power of the whole family, it may affect Wu Feng’s actions.

[Qihai Sea Emperor] I plan to make some compensation in advance, and may even cooperate with Wu Feng.

Wu Feng did not refuse, he nodded: “Mrs. Hai Emperor, just look at it …”

Although Wu Feng said so, [Seven Sea Emperor] naturally would not really send a little more casually. He was ready to persuade the elders to pay attention to the relationship with [Jiutian Travel].

In the future, the geniuses of the Naga people cannot take the mountains, and they will need [Jiutian Travel] to help!

[Battle Heavenly Fighting] also smiled slightly: “Now our witch tribe is only my grandson who is unknown to the height of heights.

“Little friend, I will tell you first, if the boy can’t take down Shenshan, then I can only let him join your Supreme League.”

“I hope you can take him by then, maybe [Little Red Carp] may be better than him in the future!”

Wu Feng naturally agreed. [Little Red Carp] was already an important ally. If it was [Battlefield] request, he would definitely accept the brother of [Little Red Carp].

[【灬 灬 何 丿 丿] It is easier over there. The 799th floor of the heavenly group reserve, which has been added to the Supreme Alliance.

Wu Feng is also a blue star. The genius of other blue stars can also join the Supreme League if they pass the assessment.

In the future, the Supreme League will definitely be the biggest beneficiary of the development of 100,000 God Mountain!

[【灬 何 何 丿 丿] No additional operation can ensure the largest income of the blue star. At the same time, he also decided to pour the resources of the heavenly group on [Nine Days Traveling].

This is already the most wise choice!

“Little friend, I didn’t expect that your achievements have now reached the point where I am amazed. Since we have reached a consensus, I will go first.”

“If the three -eyed family wants to target you, we will all shots!”

[War Heaven Fighting] After leaving a promise, he left, thinking that his younger son was a Samsung overlord, and the words of [Battle of Heaven] were obviously extremely large.

[Seven Sea Emperor] also smiled and said, “[Jiu Tian Travel] Brother, my son and a few daughters are in your Supreme League.”

“We are already in the community of destiny. If necessary, you can find me at any time!”

[Seven Sea Emperor] can also be regarded as a promise. His relationship with Wu Feng is closer. With his son and daughter, Wu Feng can definitely contact him at any time.

The idea of maintaining the interests of the Supreme Alliance is also the most realistic!

[【灬 何 何 何 丿] and [Hongwu Emperor], let alone, Liu Ao left a word: “Xiao Feng, we will transport a batch of resources to you when we wait. You are on the 795th floor. There is a territory, and this operation is much easier. ”

“You are the helm of our team in the future, and our old guys are time to abdicate!”

After Liu Ao finished, he didn’t to be able to leave Wu Feng. This means, Aoye wants to do things! Intersection

It can be said that Wu Feng took off Shenshan this time. In the minds of the four masters, he left a very heavy weight. He is no longer an ordinary junior.

After completing the exchanges with the four masters, Wu Feng quickly received the remuneration agreed by the big brothers.

On the 795th and 796th floors, two members of the heavenly group contacted Wu Feng, and then traded a large resource to Wu Feng.

“[Nine Days Traveling], this is the resource crystal, treasure chest keys and summon scrolls that the leader Liu asked me from the Treasury of the League.”

“He gives you some epic props and treasures. It is better to give you these things directly. According to his requirements, I have prepared all things in place …”

On the 795th floor, a blue star lord named [World Wushuang] contacted Wu Feng. He directly transported a large resource to Wu Feng through the relevant functions of the international market.

[World Warriors] is a member of the heavenly group on the 795th floor. He is also the Lord of the Tiandao League on the 795th floor.

Wu Fengcha’s ranking of the Tiandao Alliance found that the alliance ranked among the top 50 on the league’s total list, located in the 31st, which is already the top league!

The entire Blue Star has only two league rankings higher than the Tiandao League.

In fact, because the Sky Group agreed to establish an alliance respectively, the members of the Sky Group like [Hongwu Emperor] also established a strong alliance.

This is equivalent to thinning the power of the heavenly group. The heavenly alliance established by the heavenly group is not so exaggerated.

However, if the alliance for many members of the group has been counted, the score that it adds together will not be a problem with the top 10 rushing into the league list.

After all, the leader of the Tiandao Alliance, but the mysterious team leader can be named as the Tiandao Alliance, and this alliance is also very simple.

The title of Tiandao is the same special name as the Supreme League. This is definitely a god -level alliance!

Wu Feng checked the resource that [World Wushuang] to him. There were 9.6 million resource crystals, and many treasure chest keys and summoned scrolls.

This allows Wu Feng to draw a wave of prizes fiercely, enough to improve his strength!

In addition, the Tiandao Alliance on the 796th floor has also contacted Wu Feng. Liu Ao should also analyze the relationship between [Blue Star’s First Handsome Funny] and Wu Feng.

The members of the Tian group, who is [suffocating for dreams], also traded the resource accumulated in the Division of the League to [the first handsome guy of the blue star].

This is a total of 7.2 million resource crystals and a large number of treasure chest keys and summon scrolls. Although the number is a little less than the 795th floor, Wu Feng is enough to extract a lot of resources.

The efficiency of the heavenly group is very high, because they have long had this preparation, [Seven Sea Emperor] and [War Tian Fighting] over there, and quickly used the heritage of their respective ethnic groups to deal with Wu Feng a batch of resources.

The resources of the two parties have more than 15 million resource crystals, as well as various types of treasure chest keys and summon scrolls.

They already know that for Wu Feng, props and treasures below mythical levels are nothing at all.

Give him a piece of epic prop, it is really better to give him 1,000 treasure chest keys, and let Wu Feng choose it himself, he will also choose the key to choose the treasure chest!

Today, the key of 1,000 treasure chests is almost the item of epic levels or above.

Good luck, you can also out Asian mythical props and even mythical props!

The difference in cost performance is very different.

[Seven Sea Emperor] The genius of the Naga tribe traded with Wu Feng. Among the 795th layers of the Naga lords, there were also many big lords.

After completing the transaction with Wu Feng’s big lord [Deep Sea Giant Beast], he took the initiative to say hello to Wu Feng: “[Nine Days Traveling], I am glad to meet you.”

“As an ordinary lord, the troubles you have caused by the evil day camp gives us very much admiration. In the future, we can do the Lord of the Evil Day together!”

[Deep Sea Giant Beast] I also asked Wu Feng to ask for a good friend. This is to be able to join forces with [Jiutian Traveling] when you plan to deal with the Lord of the Evil Japanese.

Wu Feng also enjoyed this: “Of course, the Lord of the Dry Evil, that is everyone’s responsibility! In the future, we must have the opportunity to fight side by side!”

After a simple exchange with [Deep Sea Giant], Wu Feng was also preparing to see the situation gathered a group of allies on the 795th floor.

After deepening cooperation with the Naga tribe in the future, the number of members of the Supreme Alliance can be greatly increased!

After all, the Naga people also have many forces on the 795th floor, and there are many genius lords who have not joined any alliance.

There is also a similar situation on the heavenly group. He can completely see the situation that Liu Ao recommended the members of the Sky Group into the Supreme League.

On the 798th to the 795th floor, there are such outstanding lords.

They used to look down on the alliance established by other lords. Now Wu Feng’s reputation is getting greater, not only the lord of the 799th floor rushed to join, even the higher -level lords, but also feel that the Supreme League is a great good place to go. It’s right.

Like many lords on the 795th floor, the persecution of the evil Japanese lord is now [Nine Days Traveling] on the 795th layer.

It is very easy for him to call on the 795th floor. It is still very easy to call on other lords to join.

In this way, after getting the resources provided by several big brothers, Wu Feng actually took a breath of 35 million resource crystals in one breath.

With so many resource crystals, Wu Feng can extract a large amount of god -level resources!

This is also of great significance for Wu Feng.

[Ding … Wanlian pumping (resource crystal) is successful, triggering the talent of entering the soul, the legendary quality resources you get 586,930 units have increased by level 4, and you get 58693000 units of resources (mythical quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (resource crystal) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the quality of 3232.62 million magic crystals you obtained is 4 levels, and you get 32326.2 billion magic crystals. .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (resource crystal) successful, triggering the talent of entering the soul, the 4889 unit emerald jade and 5053 units of the ancient spirit stone (legendary quality resources) increased level 4. Ancient spirit stone (mythical quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian Pump (Resource Crystal) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the 5598 unit space crystal and 6213 unit Qiankun Stone (legendary quality resources) increased by 4 levels. Qiankun Yuanshi (myth quality). .


“This wave opened so many Tianyuan Shenjing and Qiankun Yuanshi, the watershed hole can be expanded again!”

“Especially this Huaguo Mountain is about to take shape. I may be able to wait for Huaguo Mountain to form, and then use it to expand the water curtain hole in one fell swoop!”

(This chapter is finished)

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