Chapter 507 Thousand Years of God’s blood, accelerate growth

Time Gulong’s guy, he woke up very much. After Wu Feng showed the blood of thousands of years, it immediately woke up and held Wu Feng’s thigh that he needed him to give himself the blood of 10,000 years.

The little guy watched the golden thousand -year -old blood and swallowed two mouthfuls. It could feel that the blood of this thousand years was simply a big tonic for him!

Seeing this funny performance, Wu Feng laughed: “Didn’t you just sleep deeply? Why did you wake up all at once …”

Time Gulong is not easy to install again: “I thought you were a lord, you came to let me cultivate. I wanted to sleep as soon as I practiced, and I just fell asleep.”

“But the lord, you want to feed me for thousands of years, I still wake up!”

Time Gulong, this guy, is really a very interesting existence. Although it is only a submoring hero, Wu Feng has no doubt that he will grow into a mythical level in the future.

Now that he can continue to become stronger as long as he sleeps every day, he is naturally too lazy to cultivate.

However, Wu Feng knew his characteristics and did not deliberately urge him. It only took time for Gu Long to sleep at peace of mind every day. It seems that he would really become stronger.

So Wu Feng did not deliberately take the whole time Gu Long, or gave him the 10,000 years of blood at hand: “Then you can try these thousands of years of blood.”

“I guess your demand for this thing should be great.”

Wu Feng generously popped up a drop of thousands of years of gods. The golden god blood was swallowed by Gu Long. He widened his eyes and obviously felt the unique power of the blood of thousands of years.

I saw that the time of swallowing the blood of thousands of years of Gu Long immediately glowed, and his time rules were launched naturally. Time Gu Long immediately grew up.

He widened his eyes in surprise: “Lord, I swallowed 1 drop of 10,000 years of magic blood, it actually grew up for 10 years instantly! This kind of blood was really powerful!”

Time Gu Long’s performance is immediate. One drop of thousands of years of blood can actually make him accelerate so fast.

If you swallow a lot of thousands of years of blood, wouldn’t Gu Long break through the growth period quickly!

After entering the growth period, time Gulong can become a mythical hero, but Time Gu Long needs 10,000 years of blood, and many other heroes also need this heavenly treasure.

After thinking about it, Wu Feng gave him 4 drops of thousands of years of blood: “These 4 drops of thousands of years of gods will be given you. In the future, I will provide you with 5 drops of thousands of years of blood every day to help you grow quickly.”

“When you reach the period of growth, I will increase the share that you will give you. If I increase the output of 10,000 years, I will give you priority!”

Wu Feng’s words moved time Gu Long very moved. It couldn’t help holding Wu Feng’s thigh: “Lord, Lord, you are so good to me, you call me to cultivate, I will never be lazy again!”

Time Gu Long’s pitiful appearance made Wu Feng play his little head: “You know you can practice. Although your talent is good, it is best to practice more, anyway, there is definitely no bad practice!”

Wu Feng still has great expectations for time Gu Long. After all, he is the hero of Wu Feng’s currently summoned, the only one who has mastered the rules of time!

Time rules, that is a rare attribute than space rules. Wu Feng looks forward to how powerful it will be when the time of the ancient dragon reaches the growth period and becomes a mythical hero.

At least let it maintain the time hut, it should be more powerful.

Wu Feng can now get 60 drops of thousands of years of blood every day, and gives time Gulong’s 5 drops, which is already a quota for mythical heroes.

In addition to him, Wu Feng only gave Wuwa 5 drops of thousands of years of blood every day. At this time, he summoned Wuwa and swallowed Wanwa to Wuwa.

I saw that the Wawa, who was a Water Wa, swallowed the blood of thousands of years, and was also excited: “Lord, this thousand -year -old blood can not only make me accelerate, but this can also be regarded as a mythical liquid. If you swallow enough Number, I can also meet the evolution conditions! ”

For the Wanwa, Wannian’s blood has a double effect, which can make him grow faster and can be used as a condition for evolution.

Wu Feng’s share of Wuwa is also 5 drops a day!

Through this, Wawa can become a mythical hero sooner or later. After all, he has found three mythical liquids now.

The Liuli god liquid, congenital sunflower water, and today’s 10,000 -year -old blood. Now what Wu Feng needs to do is to let Wuwa take enough this type of heaven and earth treasures.

“At this point of view, the number of gods of 10,000 years is really not enough. This cannot be extracted from the corpse, and it can only wait for God’s blood Tianchi to produce daily output.”

“But there are other ways, you can get some thousands of years of blood …”

After completing the evolution of Shenxue Tianchi, Wu Feng checked his hidden attributes, and naturally knew how to obtain 10,000 years of blood.

Hidden information (evolving blood pool) 1: God blood Tianchi per degraded 1 mythical BOSS can increase 1 drop of 10,000 years of magic blood output. Each swallow of 1 true god -level BOSS can increase 5 drops of 10,000 years of blood output/ sky,.

Hidden information (evolving blood pool) 2: God’s blood Tianchi can integrate 3 drops of inlet blood into 1 drop of 10,000 years of god blood. Other mythical sperm blood can also be fused according to this proportion.

Hidden information (evolution blood pool) 3: God blood Tianchi can produce epic millennial holy blood. This day’s treasure can be produced according to the epic corpse of the degraded epic corpse. Formed.

Through hidden information, Wu Feng knows how to get more thousands of years of blood. Putting into the body is naturally a way to increase production.

If you really need 10,000 years of gods, you can still use evolutionary blood and other god -level essence and blood.

It’s just that if it is not necessary, Wu Feng will not operate this way. Take your time, he is not very anxious.

On the other side, Gu Long swallowed 4 drops of thousands of years of magical blood, it became a circle larger than before, and even the corners grew a while.

Time Gulong is obviously bigger. It looks up at Wu Feng and his face is full of excitement: “Lord Lord, now I am equivalent to 50 years old, and take a few days, I can reach the growth period!”

From an early age, he grew up to the size of the horse. Time Gu Long felt that he was finally a little bit like a dragon. At least his positive combat ability, and he also won the title of Asian myth.

The five baby on the other side is still fat and fat. He grows up 50 years old. It seems that he is still like this, but his strength is very amazing.

This kind of younger existence, the attributes of taking thousands of years of magical blood are really amazing.

Thinking of this, Wu Feng divided the blood of 10,000 years to some of his heroes, such as the mythical heroes such as Qiya Lu and Qingyu, who are still growing.

Their share is also 5 drops a day. After Qingyao swallowed the blood of 10,000 years, she sent a while of phoenix crying, and then flew into the air in the air.

Qing Yan was originally a girl. After taking 5 drops of thousands of years of blood, she finally looked like a sister! At least it has become a lot better, long legs are longer, and a Ma Pingchuan is a bit undulating.

And Qia Lu’s changes are even greater. After taking the blood of thousands of years, she looked like a little loli, and she grew up all at once, a little growing girl.

Qia Lu is also a period of growth today. She needs to reach the mature period in order to become a mythical hero.

Wu Feng’s treatment was the same as time Gu Long. After Qia Lulu swallowed the blood of thousands of years, she also made great progress. She began to have a little girl.

Qialu was very happy to thank Wu Feng again and again: “Lord, Lord, I have eaten so many good things, but I just haven’t grown up. I did not expect to take the blood of this thousands of years, so I grew up a lot!”

“I may be able to enter the mature period in two days and become the real Red Lotus Dragon!”

Wu Feng nodded. What he needed was to make his heroes fully grow up. Maybe he could help some?

Seeing the effect of the blood of thousands of years, Wu Feng thought of another batch of subordinates that needed 10,000 years of blood, that is, the newly born beasts and gods in the mountains and sea world!

He played the nails and immediately entered the mountains and sea world. At this time, the mountains and seas of the mountains and the sea also expanded with the more and more extinction places.

Nowadays, in the mountains and sea world, a group of epic -level defense towers have been devoured, which is the mountains and sea towers and the murderer towers of the mountains and seas that Wu Feng tried to transform and copy.

The number is very large, both Wu Feng’s own lottery, but also the use of extraordinary points.

When Wu Feng came in, the Shanhai World happened to complete a wave of expansion. The total number of regions has rushed to 300!

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly on the No. 250 area of Shanhai World No. 083 to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours in the region in three days. Those who get the monopoly. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the 250th region of Shanhai World No. 083, and the regional list disappears, the nine -day tour of the league will be fixed to get 25,000 hopes and 5 legends every day. .


[Ding … Supreme League completed the monopoly of No. 300 Shanhai World No. 083 to activate the monopoly program, please make sure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Those who get the monopoly. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the No. 300 area of Shahai World No. 083, the list of the region disappears, and the nine -day tour of the league will get a daily fixed value of 25,000 hopes and 5 legends. .


After having 300 areas, Wu Feng is most concerned about the mountains and sea worlds that can bred 4 mythical beasts.

This is one place in the Shanhai World Tower, the size of 300 areas, and an additional three places.

The 4 gods beasts are incubated every day. This output is amazing, and the mythical soul of the 4 units required is nothing to Wu Feng.

He can enter the infinite trial of the abyss mode every 3 days to harvest a large number of mythical souls.

In addition, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Funny] can also enter the unlimited trials of hell every day, and you can also provide mythical souls every day.

This time Wu Feng came in, just to hatch a new beast. He beckoned, Yu Qilin and Golden Jia Dragon flew over, and they looked at Wu Feng with eyes.

Because when the lord came in, they had already felt the tempting atmosphere of the lord.

That is a breath that allows them to grow rapidly!

Seeing the expression of the two beasts, Wu Feng knew that the smell of the blood of thousands of years was smelled by them. Wu Feng had to take out the blood of thousands of years and gave them 5 drops.

Wannian’s blood flew out, Yu Qilin and Golden Armor Dragon were extremely excited. They both swallowed the blood of 10,000 years, and their bodies immediately changed.

I saw the two beasts expanded as fast as blowing balloons. This is how they are accelerating the growth!

Thousands of years of gods are indeed a mythical treasure of the professional ‘ripening’. A drop of thousands of years of God ’s blood, Yu Qilin grows directly from an ordinary horse size to the size of an elephant.

Its blood power has grown very quickly, and it is a bit growing up at once.

On the other side, the Golden Armor Dragon has changed even more. It has relying on the bonus of the Dragon Alliance and has a body of 100 meters long.

Now that he swallowed the blood of thousands of years, he suddenly grew to 300 meters!

The speed of the golden armor’s expansion is really exaggerated than blowing balloons.

And Jinjia Shenlong couldn’t help swallowing the remaining thousands of years of gods. Its body was still growing rapidly, and in the end, it reached 800 meters long, which is close to its growth period!

After more than a day after being born, the Golden Jia Dragon has become a trend of becoming a beast. This speed is said, no one believes it!

On the other side, Yu Qilin has a different way, and it also swallowed 5 drops of thousands of years of blood. Its body shape is not as exaggerated as it grows, but it has a purple auspicious cloud under its feet, which is also very obvious.

The jade unicorn with auspicious clouds condenses the luck of the general territory. At that time, if the blessing of Xiangrui will be launched, Wu Feng’s bonus will be huge.

At this moment, Wu Feng suddenly heard a dog barking: “Don’t run! Give me swallow!”

I saw a huge black dog suddenly descended from the sky. He swallowed a epic -level alien beast, and then hit Wu Feng fiercely.

What appeared in front of Wu Feng is the Dog of Xiaotian!

When it appeared in the world just now, the body shape is not smaller than the golden armor Shenlong! This mythical hero is very powerful, but it is still growing!

So Wu Feng also dumped him 5 drops of thousands of years: “Xiaotian dog, this is the blood of thousands of years, your share is also 5 drops a day!”

Wu Feng has discovered that all beast heroes or beasts other than human races have great demand for the blood of thousands of years.

He can only be stained with all rain first to ensure that everyone can be divided into a little bit, and the output will be high in the future, and then focus on cultivation.

Xiaotian Dog did not expect that there were such good things. Without saying a word, he swallowed 5 drops of thousands of years of blood, but the Xiaotian dog had no obvious physical changes. It just had a significant change in strength.

Wu Feng didn’t care about this. As long as his hero and the beasts of his beasts, he can take the blood of thousands of years to become stronger!

“Well, there are 4 beasts that have been hatched at one time in this round!” Wu Feng had used half of the blood of 10,000 years, and his eyes fell on the 4 new mythical blood eggs.

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the country No. 003, No. 083, to activate the programs of the great leader, please ensure that there are no other lords other than the Supreme League in the country for more than 42 hours. Great lord, obtained the bonus of the Great Lord. .

[Ding … Because there is no other lord of the National Lord No. 003, Shanhai World No. 083, and the national list (list) disappears, the lord’s nine -day travel will get 500,000 hopes and 150 legends every day. .


Today, the Shanhai World has three countries. Of the 4 blood eggs, 1 is from this new country.

Wu Feng can incubate it now. He also hit the iron while he was hot, and immediately invested enough mythical resources. He hatched 4 mythical blood eggs in turn in one fell swoop!

The first egg was cracked first, and a dragon family was flying out of it.

This beast is so extraordinary. It seems to have all the advantages of the dragon tribe. The pace is full of domineering. Although it is not large, it is extremely powerful!

Wu Feng looked at it, but this was another mythical dragon. When the Kowloon ruling car, Wu Feng could have a new Dragon.

Three mythical dragon cars, which is too domineering!

The second blood egg was almost cracking together with the first blood eggs. Among them, a huge creature with a back -born double -wing was flying. When it was born, there was a house size!

“This is … the legendary virtuality !?

Yu Qilin recognized the virtuality, because the crickets were in the mountains and sea world, and they were also the great clan in the beasts. The number of people had a large number and strong strength, almost occupying the top of the food chain of the Shanhai World.

Some 甚 people can even use the dragon as food, such as Kunpeng and corpse, all belong to the crickets.

Today’s virtuality is a special existence of the attributes. It can control the void, which is very simple to shuttle between the two realms.

After seeing the virtuality, Wu Feng also shines in front of him: “Although you don’t believe in vegetables, but your ability can be used for me. In the future, I relocate myth -level defensive tower without consuming props!”

As a spatial attribute, you can move the mythical defense tower with virtuality. This is a great demand for Wu Feng!

In this case, he can move the defense tower back and forth between several layers of abyss. For example, if the blood and sea evil god now comes to attack his main base, he can completely move the mythical defensive tower of other layers of abyss. Can surprise the blood of blood!

Both the virtual and Taikoo ancestors were satisfied with Wu Feng, and the third blood egg was suddenly cracked in his eyes.

I saw a dark shadow rushing out of it. Wu Feng took a closer look and found that it was a small mosquito, which all looked at him.

“I have a mythical blood egg, but only an mosquito hatching? Even if I am unlucky, I should get a mouse handle, anyway, it is larger than this mosquito.”

When Wu Feng saw mythical blood eggs, he actually produced mosquitoes, and he suspected that he had encountered counterfeit and shoddy products.

This caused Wu Feng to have a headache. He quickly checked the attributes of the mosquito, and found that the ability of this blood mosquito was really special.

It has the ability of god -level stealth and god -level drawing. It can use small body shape and super -stealth ability to conceal the enemy to approach each other, and then use super -desperately absorbing blood.

The ability to learn from the blood mosquito can instantly suck an adult to adults!

Such a fierce drawing ability is simply using a blood pump to draw blood, where is blood -sucking!

At this time, Wu Feng no longer feels that the blood mosquito will not work. If it is well played, the true God will be quietly drawn by it!

“The blood mosquito is really a must -have for traveling at home, killing and over -the -goods! When it goes to a tube, it can draw the goal to get the adult, and it can make the enemy find it.”

Wu Feng looked at the blood mosquito again, and felt that this little one was also very cute.

The blood mosquito also flew to Wu Feng’s hands. Its desire for blood was instinct. The blood mosquito was obviously looking forward to Wu Feng’s 10,000 years of blood.

Coupled with the Xuye and Taikoo Zulong, Wu Feng took out the remaining 10,000 years of blood and gave them to them.

The fourth blood egg was also hatched at this time. Among them, it was a blood phoenix. It was born with blood. Compared with other phoenixes, the combat power was more powerful. It’s all right.

This is also the most likely to be born in the mountains and sea world.

Four newly born beasts have obtained 10 drops of thousands of years of blood. They are born a little late, and then speed up their growth.

10 drops of thousands of years of gods go down, and all four beasts have greatly increased. They have gained many years of growth at once. Intersection

With such a huge virtual, a bite can swallow the territory of a lord, in the virtual body, but there is an internal space.

It can swallow the huge thing than its own body. It can be the same as 餮, what to see and what to swallow!

Although the size of Taikoo Zulong has not changed a lot, its combat power has improved a lot. As Swingya Zulong, it is similar to Time Gu Long. The higher the age, the stronger the combat power.

The 10,000 -year thousand years of blood came down, and the Taikoo Zu Dragon was almost equivalent to the millennium combat power. In the dragons, even the ancient dragon is the ancient dragon.

This also reflects that the longer the life expectancy of the dresses, the more 10,000 years of blood can be taken.

And Taikoo Zulong and Time Gulong are both long life, and they can open up for thousands of years of blood. That is the problem of not worrying about life.

As for the blood phoenix, it originally used blood as the power source. After taking the blood of thousands of years, its power increase even exceeded the Taikoo Dragon and Vanilla.

If it is the same as Qing Yan, go to Nirvana several times, it can become more powerful. Now Wu Feng’s awakening crystal must be used by more people.

What surprised Wu Feng most was the blood mosquito, and it also drawn 10 drops of thousands of years of blood, but it has no change in appearance.

The only change is that its stealth ability has become stronger.

Thinking of this, Wu Feng was ready to let the blood mosquitoes try it. He used the Great Wall of the Jewelry and sent the blood mosquito to the ancient sea of the war.

Now the bloody evil gods and thousands of evil Buddhas are still overwhelming. Both of them have already hit the real fire.

So there is no intention to stop between the two, that is, catching the other party for a while.

And their men are now onlookers, for fear of being affected, they are worried that their boss will fall into the wind, and they will be on the battlefield.

In this case, the blood mosquito was put out by Wu Feng, and it quietly approached many god beasts.

The beasts buried on the ancient sea are all god beasts hidden underground. They now come out of the ground and watch the battle in all positions hiding in the ancient sea.

When the blood mosquito found them, there was almost no movement, and no one found that a god beast quietly fell on them.

The first goal looking for the blood mosquito is a listening beast. This is a pet raised by the thousand -handed evil Buddha. It has a strong sense of perception.

But after the blood mosquito approaches it with a strong stealth ability, this beast has no response!

The blood mosquito fell on it, and then quietly pierced the straw into the listening to the beast. The blood mosquito immediately launched the ability to draw, and began to rush to listen to the blood of the beast.

When the blood mosquito launchs this ability, the enemy will be paralyzed, which is also the special ability of the blood mosquito.

The positive combat ability of the blood mosquito is not strong. If it is discovered early, the beasts of the same level can easily suppress it.

But after it is close, as long as the straw is inserted into the enemy body, the enemy can almost only be slaughtered.

Today’s listening beast is such a situation. It is pierced into the body by the blood mosquito, and the whole body is paralyzed immediately. It is frightened that something is crazy to draw its blood!

The process of drawing was very scary. Listening to the beast opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything. Then after 3 minutes, he listened to the beast and was sucked into a man!

[Ding … Successfully kill the beast (seventh -order mythical BOSS), complete the achievements of the gods, and obtain 150,000 points of hunting and killing points. .

[Ding … Successfully kill the beast (seventh -order mythical BOSS), successfully challenge the mythical BOSS, you get an additional 150,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … successfully kill the beast (seventh -order mythical BOSS) and absorb the divine power, you add an additional one guard (hero) quota and 1,000 guards (arms) places. .


The manifestation of the blood mosquito made Wu Feng look at it. I did not expect it to take it alone. In this way, the seventh -order mythical BOSS was sucked into a man!

This is done under the eyelids of the two true gods.

That is to say, when the blood mosquito can be completely at low level, the high -end beasts are countered. As long as one is not noticed by it, it is ready to die.

With this heavy guarantee, the blood mosquito, which sucked a large blood and became more hidden, continued to find the goal. Its killing was secret and silent. If no one was around, no one knew the companion!

Now listening to the beast quietly died in the corner of the ancient sea, and the blood mosquito continued to find the next goal. What it was looking for was the seventh mythical BOSS.

Through killing, the blood mosquito has rushed directly to level 90. It is still too large to level the level of the eighth -level mythical BOSS. It is best to be careful.

The blood mosquito, who became stronger, was still very careful, and he approached another seventh -order mythical BOSS, which was close to the ancient sea of ancient sea.

This mythical BOSS, half of the body on the ground, the other half of the body is underground. This is a decision -making idea. If the attack of the two true gods spread, he immediately ran.

The veins are very careful, but he didn’t expect that his killing was so silent.

The blood mosquito fell quietly on it, and then quietly began to suck blood. Like the listening to the beast, as long as the straw pierced into his body, the enemy would be paralyzed and lost resistance.

The same is true of the ground veins. After he was pierced into his body by the blood mosquito, he was immediately paralyzed by his body, and he could only watch his blood flowing out in horror!

This made the veins terrifying. It was desperately struggling, and the tail was hit in the ancient sea.

But this was just his last struggle. As his blood was sucked out crazy, the veins quickly turned into a corpse, which was completely absorbed by the blood mosquito.

[Ding … Successfully killed the veins (seventh -order mythical boss), completed the achievement of the gods, and obtained 150,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … Successfully kills the ground veins (seventh -order mythical BOSS), successfully challenge mythical BOSS, you get an additional 150,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … Successfully kills the veins (seventh -order mythical BOSS) and absorb the divine power. You will add the number of guards (heroes) and 1,000 guards (soldiers) places. .


In this way, the blood mosquito sucked three seventh -order mythical BOSS without silently, which made Wu Feng amazed.

“This blood mosquito looks inconspicuous, but the killing ability is far beyond other beasts. This is really worthy of the beasts that come out of the mountains and sea world. The combat power is strong.”

“But the blood mosquito is not suitable for the front battlefield, it is still the most suitable to kill them one by one!”

After the blood mosquito slaughtered the ground veins, it rose to level 120, and then it absorbed a seventh mythical BOSS, which rose to level 135.

After the rapid improvement of the level, the combat power of the blood mosquito is also increasing, but what it improves is not the positive combat power, but the suppression of the enemy when stealth and drawing the enemy.

From this point of view, even if he can’t suck the enemy, he will take a bite while the enemy is not prepared. The paralysis and suppression effect will seem useful for Wu Feng to deal with strong enemies.

The most important thing is to see the stealth ability of the blood mosquito, can it be concealed by the enemy’s perception.

As long as it can be concealed, its follow -up attack can be easier to take effect. In such a comparison, if you want to play the role of blood mosquitoes, you still need to enhance its stealth ability.

However, the blood mosquito is too small, and it is not possible to wear equipment. For the time being, it can only rely on its own ability.

After killing three seventh -order mythical BOSS, the blood mosquito could not find the goal of the seventh order. He had to put the goal on the eighth -level mythical BOSS.

When it quietly came to a eight -order death god scorpion, at this time, the battle between the blood and the evil gods and the Qianshan Buddha had already meant to come to an end.

The two real gods turned upside down, and they seemed to have reached a consensus between them. After the blood and wicked gods repelled the thousand -hand evil Buddha again, they said, “Evil Buddha, I have been unwilling to fight you because my The enemy is not you. ”

“Now I say it again, I just come to borrow the way. As long as you let me and my men cross the ancient sea, just get into the Tiangu No. 012, I will never shoot other people who buried the ancient sea.”

Thousands of evil Buddhas have been unable to take the blood of the blood of the blood, and he gradually calmed down. Just now he fights with the blood of the blood, and the bloody evil god also shows sufficient combat power.

Everyone can’t help anyone else. At a glance, even if the blood and the wicked god said are lies, he cannot deal with the blood of the blood.

This is also what the two sides want to talk about peace talks. At this time, the blood mosquito launched the eighth -order death poisonous scorpion.

The straw is directly pierced into the outer epidermis of the dead god scorpion, and then deep into the straw, the blood mosquito starts to suck blood!

Just compare the seventh -order beasts. This older death poisonous scorpion is more powerful. It is also toxic, and the paralysis toxin injected with blood mosquitoes is very high.

The poisonous scorpion of Death was only sucked for 30 seconds of blood, and it was released from paralysis. It roared again and again: “What! Dare to suck my blood!”

The poisonous scorpion was mad, and he had just sucked the blood. It obviously felt that he was weak. If he sucked for a while, he would be sucked into an adult!

In this case, the death poison scorpion fired a poisonous needle everywhere. If he wanted to attack the enemy who had just attacked him, the blood mosquito ran away as soon as possible.

It will never have a positive confrontation with the target. It cannot be completely absorbed by the enemy at first glance. It also accepts it when it is good.

After the blood mosquito disappeared, the attack of the dead poisonous scorpion went to the mythical BOSS on the place of God on the side: “It must be your evil thing attacking me!”

“My second brother was killed by your people! Get my life!”

The poisonous poison of the death of the god of death shot hard, and almost shot a dog away from the dog, which made the evil god walking the dogs angry.

My God has been discussed with you in good words. As a result, you have to do it, really when we are afraid that you will be buried in ancient sea!

These mythical bosses are not a good -tempered person. Since the dead god poison scorpion takes the initiative to attack, they will immediately return!

At this moment, the two sides fought immediately. Until this, the gods and beasts buried in the ancient sea found that there were already three myths in their own myths who were killed silently!

Listen to the corpses of the beasts, the ground veins, etc., now they are lying in the ancient sea. They don’t even know what they look like!

But they all suddenly the sin of the killing was still on the evil gods.

“Definitely you, only you have the ability to kill our companions silently, the evil god blood thorn, where does it hid! This means of sucking people into a person is the symbol of his blood thorn!”

The most powerful god of evil gods in the dog is aggressive, I am here!

Although I am an assassin, I can’t kill a seventh mythical BOSS in silence!

In the virtuous, the evil god blood thorns carried the pot, and he couldn’t wash it in the Yellow River, because he had been in stealth before, which was the habit of the evil god blood pool.

Now it makes people think that he was buried in the ancient sea beast in the invisible attack!

Even the evil gods walked in the dog, and someone spoke: “Blood thorns, if you do it secretly, tell us in advance! Let us cooperate well!”

“Just now we can give the dead god poison scorpion for seconds!”

The evil god’s blood stab couldn’t help but appeared: “Special! It’s not that I did it! I can’t kill the seventh mythical BOSS silently!”

But the dead god scorpion saw that the blood thorn in the hand of the evil god blood pool was still dripping. He stunned, and the guy said nonsense.

The evil god blood thorns also reacted. He couldn’t help but slaughter several sub -myths of the mythical scorpion just now to solve the cricket, so there was blood on the blood thorns.

Now, it can’t be cleaned by jumping into the Yellow River!

“It’s your boy, slaughter the three of our companions, and want to deal with me! Special! You die!”

The Dead Spy Scorpion was the most angry. It immediately stabbed the evil god’s poisonous needle at the evil god blood. Other gods and beasts buried in the ancient sea also cooperated with it to launch an attack.

They are the relationship between glory and row, and they are naturally to maintain their own people. Since the death poison scorpion has identified the enemy and launched a fierce attack, they naturally keep up.

For a while, the siege of death was very embarrassed. Other evil gods were embarrassed to watch, and they could only end.

The two sides immediately did not open friends. Originally, the Qianshe evil Buddha was preparing to be in the same way. You can see that his younger brother was died of two people who were killed by God.

“Blood Sea Evil God, this is what you said will never break our land to bury the ancient sea, you are bullying too much! We must have a life and death today!”

After speaking, the Qiansha Xie Buddha launched all his white bone bergamot, countless giants fell from the sky, this true god has begun to use killing tricks!

Even the blood -sea evil god thought it was the hand of the evil god blood stabbing. He couldn’t help cursing: “The idiot of the evil god blood stab, did you not see that I was talking to the evil Buddha!”

“I couldn’t control my hands and ran to the beasts of the ancient sea to kill the ancient sea. At that time, I would have to punish him fiercely!”

The evil god blood thorns have taken all the black pots, and he has also become the object of many beasts of the ancient sea beasts in the ancient sea!

You kid, you actually killed so many companions, you have to kill you today!

In this way, the evil god blood thorns were pressed by a group of beasts to rub on the ground. The blood mosquito could hide calmly to watch the battle, ready to see if there was a good chance to suck two waves of blood.

Wu Feng, who is behind the scenes, is the best mood. This time, the blood mosquito is a proved his combat power. It is a god -like operation.

It is too powerful to operate under the eyelids of the two true gods. This god beast, now only four -order, can be alone.

“The ability of the blood mosquito, the master of the forbidden area that can destroy the forbidden area in silence, and then those sub -mythical bosses are also sucked by it!”

“In the future, the blood mosquito can be allowed to flatten the destroyer, and with a strong beast with a strong sweeping ability, they can easily extinguish an extinction place!”

Wu Feng compared the advantages and disadvantages of blood mosquitoes. Its most powerful point is that he can be able to assassinate the powerful goal silently.

However, because it has a small body shape and only has a single attack ability. To sweep an extinction place, it is necessary to help with a large -scale killing beast like the golden armor and virtuality.

Now he can try it!

So Wu Feng called back the blood mosquito, and the two true gods had already been beaten.

The blood mosquitoes in their battlefields can’t get in. It is enough to have evil gods and ghosts. It is better to let the blood mosquito perform Wu Feng’s plan.

The blood mosquito was quickly called back, and Wu Feng’s army was pushing the extinction place at the junction of the 072 country and the country of 071.

Wu Feng asked the blood mosquito and the golden armor to push the extinct land named Broken Tianshan together. After confirming the target, the blood mosquito immediately flew into the broken sky valley.

There are a large number of broken god patterns in the broken sky valley, which can be used to protect the broken Temple Valley. All the existence of entering the Broken Tianshan must be broken through the broken sky.

But for the blood mosquito, this is all obstacles that can be ignored. It patted his wings, and suddenly passed through the broken heaven, and he entered the broken sky valley silently.

The blood mosquito flew over the broken sky valley so much, and the sub -mythical BOSS underneath could not find its trace at all!

The blood mosquito saw a lot of sub -myth boss below. It wanted to absorb all of them, but in order not to shock the snake, it still let these foods first.

This time his primary goal is the master of the forbidden land of Tianshan. As long as he sucks dry and the remaining enemies, that is food!

So the blood mosquito ignored all the enemies all the way, and broke into the deepest part of the broken Tianshan. Here it saw a King Kong giant ape. This kind of beast is very alert to the sub -mythical weapons created by itself. It was very difficult to deal with it. of.

But when the blood mosquito came in, the King Kong giant ape was sleeping, and it didn’t find a death in his old nest at all!

When the King Kong giant ape was awake, he could not find the blood mosquito, not to mention he was still asleep, and the blood mosquito fell on the King Kong giant ape very easily.

This diamond giant ape has a height of nearly 100 meters. This kind of behemoth is compared with the blood mosquitoes, which is really ants in ants.

But the blood mosquito was very simple to deal with the Diamond Ape. After seeing that he fell on the King Kong giant ape, the straw broke the epidermis of the King Kong giant ape very easily and pierced it into the blood vessels.

Then the blood mosquito’s blood -sucking efficiency is more exaggerated than the blood pump. It is clear that its body is very ‘petite’, but after a bite, you can swallow the blood of more than 5%of the King Kong giant ape!

So many blood is enough to accumulate into a small pond. The small body of the blood mosquito has absorbed all of them like nothing!

When the blood mosquito spoke, the King Kong giant ape suddenly woke up, and was bitten by a fierce bite. The King Kong giant ape naturally reacted.

But he found that he was paralyzed by the unknown toxin, and he could only feel that his body’s blood was crazy!

This speed made the King Kong giant ape very panicked. He wanted to grow up, but he couldn’t even open his mouth, and even his finger could not move.

A seventh -order mythical BOSS, so silently absorbed by the blood mosquitoes. It took 3 minutes to turn a hundred meters of giant beasts into a corpse. I feel extremely thrilling.

[Ding … Successfully killed the Diamond Ape (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS), completed the achievement of the gods, and obtained 150,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … Successfully kill the Diamond Ape (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS), successfully challenge mythical BOSS, and you get an additional 150,000 points challenge points. .

[Ding … successfully kill the King Kong giant ape (seventh -order mythical BOSS) and absorb the divine power. You add an additional 1 god guard (hero) place and 1,000 guards (soldiers) places. .


The King Kong giant ape was absorbed, and the blood mosquito benefited huge. The more sperm blood it learned, the stronger the ability it had. As the mythical level BOSS was slaughtered, the level of the blood mosquito also reached 150 This has exceeded the fifth level.

The growth rate of blood mosquitoes is really the fastest among many gods and beasts from Wu Feng!

It can be so easy to kill the seventh -order myth -level BOSS, which is really the most powerful. Wu Feng can’t help but sigh: “It seems that the beasts of the Shanhai World are not the big who is a big person!”

“Although the blood mosquito is inconspicuous, it can be truly lethal, but it has a long explosion of other beasts!”

From the blood mosquito, Wu Feng saw the randomness of the mountains and sea beasts. Who can think of incubating a mosquito can be so powerful!

Now the blood mosquito has quietly sucked a mythical BOSS again, and it left the old nest of the King Kong giant ape and began to hunt other giant apes outside.

The blood mosquito also needs to be careful about the Diamond Ape, which can deal with the sub -mythical BOSS, which can completely slaughter it.

I saw that the blood mosquito flew in front of a mountain giant ape. It didn’t have any extra movements, and it directly pierced the straw into the mountain giant ape body. Essence

This scene was so terrifying. The other giant apes suddenly fell to the ground when they saw the giant apes moved to the ground, and then made a stern and tragic sound, and they were eventually sucked into dry corpses. They were all stunned.

Only a few giant apes can only see that it is only a little mosquito that caused the giant ape to move to the corpse. They widened their eyes and were completely shocked.

No matter the reaction of these giant apes, it directly rushed to other giant apes and wanted to suck them one by one.

The surrounding giant apes saw this horrible little thing flying, and they launch an attack, but this attack is too slow to the blood mosquito.

Moreover, their attacks could not hurt the blood mosquitoes. It shook their wings and easily avoided most of the attacks, and then flew to another giant ape.

Just stabbing the straw to suck lightly, it took a mountain giant ape to dry it. This is simply easy and comfortable, just like opening a buffet.

If you want to suck, you can suck! See who, who is food!

So when the blood mosquito fire was fully opened, more and more fierce beasts were absorbed by it. At this moment, the Golden Jia Shenlong also led the team.

Today, the Golden Armor Dragon has a large combat power after taking a large number of thousands of years of magical blood and evolutionary blood. After it comes, the tail is swept away, and a large number of fierce beasts are destroyed.

This large -scale killing still requires a large golden armor god dragon to come. After the mythical BOSS and the Asian mythical BOSS are absorbed by the blood mosquito, no one can stop the Golden Armor Dragon.

So in a panic roar, the fierce beasts in the Temple Valley were wiped out one by one. They soon became birds and beasts.

[Ding … successfully overwhelmed the Tiangu (extinction place), completed the achievement of the destroyer of the banned place, and obtained 500,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully overwhelming Tianshan (extinction), successfully challenged the extinction place, and you get an additional 500,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … Successfully overwhelm the Tianshan (extinct land), activate the effect of flatning the ban, according to the level of the ban (extinct land), you can get 15 points of magical power and 100,000 points of all attributes. The probability attracts relevant personnel to join the territory, and at the same time, Ganlin Jade fluid, which will drop 30 minutes in the territory. .

[Ding … successfully overwhelming the Tiangu (extinctional place), activating the effect of flatning the ground, according to the level of the ban (extinction), the Golden Armor Dragon and the blood mosquito obtained 15 points of magic power and 100,000 points of all attributes. .


Broken Tianshan was flattened by two beasts, and there were two mountains and beasts that were not born long.

The god -level defense tower such as the sun tower is really powerful, but it cannot help Wu Feng expand like the Shanhai World Tower. This is also a point that the world tower is different from other defense towers.

As a whole world, the Shanhai World Tower and the Six Reincarnation Tower have a complete world. Using the resources of this world, you can naturally suppress other forces.

“Then you will continue to make persistent efforts and continue to scan other extinction places! Now this break of Tianshan is also incorporated into the mountains and sea world!”

Wu Feng immediately launched the Mountain and Sea World Tower and included the broken Tianshan Valley. The fierce beasts who were running away were pulled in.

Together with the entire Tianshan Valley, they have become a member of the Shanhai World. In the mountains and sea worlds, it is the real survival of the fittest and weak meat.

The mountains and sea world also ushered in the expansion again, and according to the effect of the blood mosquito and the golden armor god dragon, there will be no problems in the mountains and sea worlds in the mountains and sea worlds in the next day.

Wu Feng continued to let the blood mosquito and the Golden Jia Dragon ‘team’, and they killed the next extinction place, while Wu Feng noticed the situation of the Zixiao Palace.

At this time, Wu Feng and the challenge time agreed with [only me to respect] were approaching, and countless lords, now they are gathered in the Zixiao Palace and wait for this battle.

Whether it is the 799th floor or the 796th floor, there are a large number of fighting lords waiting. They are all looking forward to the results of this battle. I want to see if it is [Nine Days Traveling] to continue myths, or [I am alone] to show the 795th floor 795th floor Strength!

Wu Feng was paying attention to the combat points provided by these lords. He turned over and found that the pre -order paid had more than 80 million.

Among them, the lords of the 795th floor are the big heads of money. Each of them has to pay 500 combat points to watch the battle. Now the number of pre -order viewers has reached 100,000!

In this way, as long as you work harder, it is not difficult to make a 100 million combat points. At that time, you can start with a little magic skill point.

Wu Feng looked at the fighting avatar: “Time has arrived, we can go to harvest combat points and rewards!”

At this time, the fighting avatar was also fighting with a congenital chaos sword soul. After completing the suppression of the evil god and ghost, he evacuated from the place of God.

The fighting avatar continued his unfinished battle and challenged the sword soul of the Ah Nose Yuan. After breaking through the sword eleven, the fighting avatar challenged the congenital chaos sword soul, almost 100%of the winning rate!

When Wu Feng called for the fighting avatar, when he was in charge of the power, he saw that the time had arrived, and he decisively released a big move!

After accumulating 600%of the power increase, the combat avatars used the Wanjian to return to the Zong, and the endless sword was poured out, all pierced to Ah Ni Yuan Tujian soul, this time he triggered 8 times the cast!

In this way, the sword of the combat avatar is equivalent to 50 times the power, which has also reached the highest lethality of the true god.

Ah Ni Yuan Tu Jian’s soul resisted, and his stimulus even shielded the sky, but under the fighting of the fighting avatar, his resistance was defeated by the fighting avatar in one fell swoop.

In the end, the soul of Ah Ni Yuan Tujian was penetrated by countless sword qi, which was directly killed by the fighting avatar!

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the congenital chaos mythical sword soul (Ah Ni Yuan slaughter the sword soul), and obtained challenge rewards: all attributes+80,000 points, Kendo experience+600 days. .

[Ding … the combat avatar successfully defeated the congenital chaos mythical sword soul (Ah Ni Yuan slaughtering the sword soul), obtain attribute growth, you inherit 80%of the attribute growth, all attributes +64000 points, kendo experience +480 days. .


Ah Ni Yuan Tujian Soul was defeated, and the fighting avatars once again gained a lot of kendo experience. He calmly walked out of Wan Jianzu: “[Only I am alone] has been washed his neck and waited? Then take him to try my swordsmanship!”

It takes a certain amount of time to absorb the kendo experience, and the battle is the easiest to digest the combat experience. Therefore, the combat avatar returns to Zixiao Palace immediately, ready to start the challenge!

This time, the battle with [only me to respect] has received countless people’s onlookers, and he does not care. These ‘audiences’ are all his God of Wealth, and naturally, the more they come.

During this time, the strength of the battle was very amazing, so take [only me to respect] to start the operating!

So the battle was lifted and appeared in the Palace of Zixiao. He went directly to the ladder, flashed gently, and walked to the fifth step.

The lords of the 799th floor and the lords of the 795th floor saw the fighting avatars. They all held their breath and knew that a war would break out immediately.

“Look! [Jiu Tian Traveling] is here! This time he is going to challenge the top 795 on the top of the list of the heavenly list of the list of the 795th layer, but I don’t know who they are better!”

“Oh, if you watch [Jiu Tian Travel] and [White King · King of the King of the World], the people who are fighting will not say this! [Only I am alone] is not much stronger than Bai Wang Shizi. How can he win [Nine days travel】!?”

“Yes, [Nine Days Traveling] At the beginning, three moves destroyed Bai Wangzi, and the so -called Bai Wang Shizi also borrowed several artifacts!

“The most funny thing is that the three -eyed lord also participated in the gambling fight. It is said that they lost to the two congenital artifacts of [Nine Days Traveling]. This kind of enemy behavior was laughing at me.”

“In this way, the strength of [Nine Days Traveling] must have improved. No wonder you say [I only respect my respect] must not be an opponent …”

The lords came to watch the war, but they all felt that the victory of [Nine Days Traveling] was very good.

This was almost unimaginable before [Nine Days Traveling] and [White King · Ren Wang Tianxia], but because of the war between the two, everyone can see that if it is not a particularly powerful fighting lord, it is difficult to deal with [Nine Days of Nine Days Traveling].

Bai Wang Shizi was very strong and borrowed artifacts. As a result, he was crushed by [Jiutian Traveling].

Other levels and abilities are not the top of the list with much stronger than Bai Wang Shizi. How can we deal with [Nine Days Traveling]?

“Boss, there are so many people who watch you down, it’s almost angry! This group of guys don’t know your power at all!” On the 795th floor, a fighting lord around you was resentful.

But he found that [I only respect myself], the expression is calm, and it seems that there is no reason because of this: “[[Nine Days Traveling] The strength is really powerful. I think there is at least one congenital chaos artifact on him.”

“The day I got the day when I got the innate chaos artifact, maybe I can fight with him.”

At this time, [I only respect myself] I also appeared in the Zixiao Palace on the 795th floor, and he was silently observing the upcoming battle.

[Only me alone], it almost shows that he didn’t care about this battle. He did have artifacts, and the quality and quantity could not be compared with [Nine Days Traveling].

Moreover, he did not borrow any artifacts like [Bai Wang · King Tianxia], because he watched the battle between [Jiutian Travel] and Bai Wang Shizi, knowing that he might be useless even if he borrowed artifacts.

Today’s [Nine Days Traveling] may not be able to deal with it!

I really have to deal with [Nine Days Traveling], or you still have to rely on a stronger fighting lord! For example, above the 795th floor and even above the 790th floor.

[Only me alone], the confidant of [The Empire of the Dead Leaf] is almost the idea. He just wants to see what can be seen in [Nine Days Traveling].

“My abyss projection, I don’t know if I can cause some trouble to [Jiutian Traveling]! If he exposes his new ability, it will make it.”

[Only me alone] is still very rational. He has two artifacts on his body. It is almost impossible to suppress [Nine Days Travel]. He has not done a good behavior like gambling.

[White King · King of Heaven] It was because of the identity of the Three Eye Scholes. With the grievances of [Nine Days Traveling] and the Three Eyes, he did not gamble, it was a bit strange.

[Only I am alone] I silently looked at the operation of [Nine Days Traveling].

At this time, the fighting avatar has launched a challenge. The target is locked, the top 795 is the top of the heavenly list [I only respect it]!

When the battle started this time, the [only me respectful] holding a long gun appeared opposite him. This time the abyss projection reached 280 levels, which shows that the level of [I only respect] also reached 200 levels.

As soon as the abyss projection level was bidded, it reached the seventh order. This level is still quite high. Wu Feng also attaches great importance to it.

“The seventh -order lord, plus the additional 100%full attribute bonus, the combat power should be good, be careful not to turn the boat in the gap!”

The fighting avatar smiled: “With such a small gully, I can’t turn the boat, so don’t show the power of Cang. Use my kendo to defeat it!”

To put it, the fighting avatars launched the sword wing, and the two -sleeved green snake roll was directly at [I only respect myself].

This time, the fighting avatar did not use any big move, it was really using the swordsmanship that he had mastered with the sword to attack.

Among these two -sleeved green snake, each ‘green snake’ is composed of seven or eight gods, and its spirituality is full of work like a living creature.

This kind of kendo accomplishment makes [I only respect myself] exclaimed: “This is … the realm of more than ten swords, how can this be! Even on the 795th floor, no one reaches this realm!”

The kendo realm displayed by the battle avatars is really scary, and it is no wonder that [I only respect myself] is so frightened.

Under a sword of the battle, the sword eleven kendo realm is stronger than the strongest sword repair on the 795th floor, and even [only I am independent], I have never seen several lord’s kendo talent capable of reaching the level of the battle.

You must know that Kendo Realm is one of the most difficult to improve. It must be immersed for a long time in order to slowly improve it.

If [Nine Days Traveling] is the lord of the 790th layer that has been cultivated for more than 10 years, then [I only respect my respect] can be understood.

[Nine Days Travel] The pervert is perverted, and he entered the abyss for a month. Why is there a realm of sword eleven?

When he was in a safe zone, he practiced Kendo to a very high realm? But [Nine Days Traveling] isn’t it the legendary ordinary lord?

Even in the three -eyed royal family, there was only one prince fighting for fighting. It is said that the combat power of the abyss has reached the realm of sword eight before entering the abyss.

But this is also far away from [Jiutian Travel]. From the eight to the sword to the sword eleven, it is by no means one month!

“How? I think it’s incredible? Where is this! Let you see a few tricks!” The two -sleeved green snakes of the battle avatars made [I only respect “.

He used his exhaustion to barely block the sword moves of the fighting avatar, but the fighting avatar waved it, and there was an endless sword qi. It was a trick!

The fighting avatars are not prepared to use Wan Jian to return to the Zong, but use their own swords to defeat [I am independent]: “Wan Jian returns to Zong to deal with congenital chaos sword souls.”

“You are not worthy of me to use Wanjian to return to the Zong!”

The combat avatar uses Wanjian Guizong’s opportunities every day, but in the ladder battle, after using the ability, it will not affect the situation in reality.

In fact, he just wanted to fully defeat his own swordsmanship.

Under anger, [I only respect myself] no longer care about it!

He suddenly shocked himself and liberated himself: “Since you think you can easily suppress me, then I will let you pay the price! Let you see my strongest form!”

[Only I am independent], there are countless tentacles on his body, and his face has changed strangely, and some differences in the fighting avatars are watching this scene.

“Oh? Is this a state of eroding by evil things? The original list of the 795th floor was the top of the list of heaven, but it was sold to the evil thing!”

(This chapter is finished)

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