Chapter 477 Control the meteorite fire and rain

The Dead God Bull has been active for more than a week on the national 095. The lords of this country have already understood it.

The ability of the death of the gods is not particularly powerful. Because it is not a flying beast, it can only push the enemy’s territory.

Some lords use layers of resistance to delay the speed of death, and this is why the death of death has not won the entire 095 national.

Now the lords of the 095 Nationality are still preparing to use the way of resistance to deal with the barbarians of the death, but they suddenly discovered that this method seems to have little effect on death.

Because the god of death is not only evolved into the eighth -order beast, but also a eight -level god -class knight. This level of knight heroes appeared. After launching the charge, it was not a simple line of defense to resist.

As soon as the death of the Death Knight can break through countless layers of defense and directly stab the lord’s heart, how many layers of defense you will be, are the same as paper!

This undoubtedly greatly improved the efficiency of death. It may take 20 minutes to break through the territory of a lord.

But with the death of the Death Knight, it was a second when they met!

The God of God and the Demon Cavaliers can kill all kinds of spikes on the 798th layer of the lord’s average level, let alone the higher -level death knight!

Within less than 20 minutes, the Death Knight destroyed all the lords in the 033 area through a continuous charge!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 033 of the National Domain 095 No. 095, the 798th abyss 088 to activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours within three days. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 033, the country No. 033, the 798th abyss 088, and the regional list disappears. The nine -day tour of the league will be fixed to get 5000 hopes and 1 legend every day. .


The Knight of the Death Disposal has destroyed the lord of a region with a deadly gesture, which has been nearly ten times more efficient than before, which shocked the savage bull.

“I did not expect to cooperate with the God -level Cavaliers, but I can have this effect! Then I can get more evolutionary blood!”

The death of death is very excited. It seems that it is not a sacrifice to conclude a contract with the Death Knight. Both sides have gained great benefits!

The other lords of the No. 095 Nationality were also shocked by the sudden change of death, especially the sudden emergence of the Death Knight, which made them burst.

“I wipe it! Death is not something we can deal with. Now there are actually deaths of the death of the god of death. What is the rhythm of the sky?”

“It’s over, it’s over. This 095 nationality is not what we can. Before that, it was just a god of death. We can still have this bulky god beast Zhou Xuan. Now it is replaced by the Death Knight. We are not enough to charge once. ! ”

“Eighth -level mythical knight! Is this the first leader of the Heroes of the Airborne Heroes? Who is this general, it is so brave!”

On the 095th, the remaining lords fiercely discussed the Death Knight and the Nobby of Death. They are now thinking, should they run immediately or stay in the battle?

At this time, Wu Feng also found that he had the top 796, 797th, 798th and 799th heroes.

This achievement alone was enough to take out for a lifetime. After the death of the Death Knight showed his strength a little, Wu Feng immediately gave him instructions.

“Death Knight, since you are so powerful, you must change the way of sweeping. Let’s start with the strongest lords in the country No. 095!”

“Isn’t there a monopolist in the No. 003 region of No. 095! Can it be killed directly, can you get a whole area?”

“This can also kill the chickens for the monkey, let the other lords take away!”

Wu Feng said so that the Dead Knights and the Death Besters felt that the lord’s adults said that it was reasonable. Previously, there were the successful experience of the God of God and the Devil Knight.

So the Death Cavaliers went straight to the area No. 003 and killed from the 033 region to the area No. 003, which is only a distance of 2000 kilometers.

As for the boundary barrier between regions, it is completely ignored for the Death Cavaliers.

At this time, the lords of the No. 023 and No. 013 areas immediately saw a huge black shadow flying over their territory.

When they clearly see the death of the Death Knight, their legs were soft.

“That’s … the Death Knight!? Why don’t he go to other areas and go straight to our area No. 023!”

“Indeed, the Four Dead Knights, but he didn’t seem to have come to us, he went to the 013 area!”

“Very good! Dead friends are not dead, no matter where the death is pretty cattle, as long as it is not scanned in the area No. 023!”

“Do you think we can hide? The goal of the death of the death is definitely the entire 095 country! Destroy other regions, he will definitely come to our 013 area!”

“Hey, there is no stay in the region 013 in the death of death. Is it the goal …”

At this time, the lords of the No. 013 and No. 023 were found that the death of death was not interested in them and rushed directly to the area 003, which was somewhat unexpected.

But they quickly became clear, this is not to go for a star monopoly [the taste of the sea I know]!

At this time, I knew the taste of [the taste of the sea] in the area 003, and he also found something wrong. He felt that the Death Knight seemed to come to him!

He quickly activated all defense facilities at the junction of the 003 area and the 013 area, but a black shadow broke through it directly over it. Many defensive towers had no time to launch an attack!

In this case, let [The taste of the sea knows] was unexpected. He did not expect that the speed of the death of the death of the Death can be so fast, and the punch can be so fierce!

[I know the taste of the sea] Seeing that the border is not blocked, he quickly activated the defense facilities of the main base. You don’t have to think about it.

The main goal is the heart of his lord! As long as he keeps the lord’s heart, he doesn’t have to worry about the situation of other territories.

“Want to block my charge? It’s too naive. In your territory, as long as a epic -level defensive tower, how can this be able to block me!”

The Death Knight has come to [the taste of the sea, I know]. He saw that the other party launched various defense facilities, including the defense formation, and the Death Knight disdain.

The line of defense consisting of an epic -level defense tower can’t even stop the sixth -order god beasts, let alone block him. Previously, because the death of the gods can only be pushed all the way, I deliberately left [the taste of the sea] Finally to deal with.

Now the death of the death of the gods can be directly inserted, and naturally it can destroy it first. [I know the taste of the sea] even if it knows in advance and is prepared, it is meaningless.

The Death Knight immediately launched a rush of death with the brutal cow. [I know the taste of the sea] The line of defense was broken by a brain, and then his lord’s heart was destroyed in one fell swoop. A monopoly fell!

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 003 of the No. 003 of Tianyu No. 095, the 798th abyss 088 to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. If the conditions are met, if the conditions are met, The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region No. 003, the 798th abyss 088 Tianyu 095, the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5000 dots and 1 legend every day. .

[I know the taste of the sea] is the only monopoly left in the country of 095, which destroyed him, and the rest were all the chickens and dogs.

The charge of the Death Knight also completely caught the country No. 095 to be completely chaotic. Everyone can foresee that no one can block the subsequent shock of the death of the death of the gods.

Faced with this eighth -order mythical knight+the eighth -order beast mount under his seat, everyone is ants!

After all, even the monopolist has been killed, and what other people have the idea and confidence of confrontation!

This thinking has also led to other lords to start running. They can’t wait to leave the sky, so as not to meet the Death Knight in the future.

After noticing a lot of the lords of the 095 Nationality, the Death Knight settled himself a ‘small goal’.

“Within today, win this country No. 095!”


When the Death Cavaliers raged in various regions, many strong men paid attention to his existence, after all, his strength was too strong.

The identity of the heroes of the heroes alone is very easy to pay attention to. Naturally, it will attach the ‘attention’ characteristic. He has almost become the focus of the major intelligence organizations, including the intelligence personnel of the abyss demon king.

Although the abyss demon king is a natural disaster, he also tried to find some conventional heroes so that they sneaked into other countries and even the heavenly domain to inquire about the situation.

The emergence of the Death Knight was collected by a thief hero who was responsible for the collection of intelligence, and informed the Abyss Devil as soon as possible.

“His Majesty the Devil, a Death Knight of the country No. 095, a god -level hero of the Supreme League who is suspected to be [Nine Days Traveling]! We have obtained the information of the members of the Supreme Alliance from the three -eyed lord.”

“One of the lords called [Liu Shen here], the mythical hero under his His Majesty, is the Death Knight, his appearance is exactly the same as one!”

At this time, the abyss demon king is planning how to completely break through the [Nine Days Travel] to defend the door of the abyss, so as to occupy the 799th floor. The sooner he rushes into the 799th floor, the greater his advantage.

After all, the gap between him and the lords on the 799th floor is extremely large, but it can be a month, or even only one week, this gap has been reduced from 10 times to 9 times.

Even if it is only a little late, it will have a huge impact on the operation of the Abyss Demon King, which makes the Abyss Demon King have to consider these situations, which has thus more firm the idea of thoroughly laying the door to the abyss.

This is mainly to solve the [Nine Days Travel]. His detection of [Nine Days Travel] has been continuing. Through the three -eyed lord of the three -eyed tribe, the Abyss Demon King already knows a lot of information about [Nine Days Travel].

Now I heard that the Death Knight is also related to [Jiutian Traveling]. The Abyss Demon King is really shocked: “Can you say that it is true? If you bring wrong information, then you go to the seventh layer of magic prison and be suffered from purgatory. The fire is burned for 10 years! ”

The Abyss Demon could not help but repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of this information. He thought that the powerful and unparalleled eight -level god -class knight may be a person of [Nine Days Traveling], and he couldn’t help but numb his scalp.

This [Jiutian Travel] swept invincible on the 799th floor, almost the first lord, but the Abyss Demon King couldn’t imagine it. The strong threat of the great threat, even the abyss demon king dare not say that it can suppress it.

Now that if [Jiu Tian Traveling] really has such heroes, then he will not say that he can save his own territory.

The scout hero under the abyss demon king immediately patted his chest to guarantee: “His Majesty, you can rest assured! I have repeatedly confirmed, the shape of the death of the death of the death of the death of the death of the death of [Liu Shen here] is exactly the same.”

“And the owner hides its own ID. When we go to investigate, we cannot obtain any information and information. If you want to hide yourself, you will only be the” foreign “of the abyss of the other layers of the abyss! It is perfectly fitted with these points! ”

The scout hero made his most rational judgment. The abyss demon king was silent for a long time. The heroes of his His Majesty said yes, so many points are in line with the characteristics of [Nine Days Traveling].

Even if he is unwilling to accept this result, he can’t change the fact, and the abyss demon king is very decisive: “In this case, we must extinguish the power of the [Nine Days Travel]! Among them, [Nine Days Traveling] will definitely expand to our site! ”

“Listen to my order and immediately organize the abyss legion to prepare to kill this world. It is also time to let the lords on the 798th floor recall the fear of being dominated by the demon king! Give me a pioneer army and kill it to the day of 088. Go! ”

The abyss demon king issued his own order, and countless demon heroes in his territory moved. This is undoubtedly a action that is enough to set off a huge storm on the 798th floor.

Because the abyss demon king, as the rare hegemons on the 798th floor, his every move will cause a stir, not to mention that this time he is going to mobilize some of his hidden power to deal with [Jiutian Travel].

The lords of Tiangu 089 and the 098th Tianyu activity have discovered the action of the Abyss Devil, because his main direction of the general regusing generals is the area adjacent to these two Tianyu. The first one knows.

So these two Tianyu immediately have a feeling of mountain rain, especially the Tiandu No. 098. Their location, which is adjacent to the country No. 088 095. Enter in.

The lord of this heavenly domain found that in the devil fortress between the two heavens, there were signs of mobilizing the army, which made the lords of the entire Tianyu be vigilant and began to prepare.

“I wipe it! The next 088 Tianyu suddenly came to an eighth -stage gods. How can you even come to the fun of another neighbor’s abyss demon king! This time is really a lot of autumn!”

“Last time the abyss devil launched an attack, still last time …”

“Upstairs, do you really make sense! Last time the abyss demon king launched an expansion three months ago. I wanted to kill the 099 Tianyu, but I paid a heavy price in that battle! Unexpectedly, he was about to start again! ”

“Hey, you are still afraid of the abyss demon king? We have formed the coalition forces to deal with the abyss demon king. I think we may take the opportunity to kill the Qiandu No. 099 of the Abyss Devil this time. A large area! ”

“You are excited, but I don’t want to participate in this level of war. Fortunately, my territory is relatively far away from Tianyu No. 099.”

The lords of Tiangu No. 098 are nervous because of the movement of the Abyss Demon King. They are guessing when the abyss demon king will start the war.

This is something that is closely related to them, and we must pay attention to it.

The [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], which is far away from Tiangu 066, also paid attention to the emergence of the Death Knight. After hearing the sudden coming eight -level god -class hero, he found his image and [Liu Liu Liu Liu Liu Liu God here] The death of the gods of death is exactly the same.

After he and Rong Guifei’s people repeatedly confirmed, they also knew that the death of the Death Knight was the hands of [Jiutian Travel], which made [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] unbelievable.

At this time, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell], the mysterious person who had contacted him to discuss the death of the god of death.

“This deadly knight is really the hero of [Nine Days Traveling]? This is too incredible! It’s outrageous to go to the sky! He is a second -order lord, how can he have the eight -level gods!”

Smile with [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] with a private chat: “You said wrong, not the second -order lord, today’s [Nine Day Travel] is already a third -order lord! He is the first to the 799th floor. Breakthrough to third -level. ”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] I couldn’t help but sip: “Even if this person is third -order, it is impossible to have the eight -level god -class knight, not to mention he still gets people to the 798th floor. Bet from! ”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] So excited because he cooperated with Rong Guifei’s people, and had been tied to her chariot. Previously, they launched the territory of [Nine Days Traveling] through the opportunity of the two moon. Raiders.

At that time, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] also supported several god -level props, and even suppressed the props of [Nine Days Traveling], which was [Blue King Jiuyou Hell].

In this way, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] and [Jiu Tian Traveling] have completely formed death. This matter will sooner or later be revealed by [Nine Days Traveling].

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] is also very concerned about [Jiutian Travel], and people who can’t wait for Rong Guifei and right to kill [Nine Days Traveling] will be killed for the first time.

Today, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] has a mentality that bursts, [Jiu Tian Travel] not only has not been killed, but even in turn, the 798th floor.

This deadly knight, now in the Tiangu area of No. 088, is about to occupy the next country. With such amazing progress, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] is shocked.

If he has the Death Knight, he has long been an overlord. After killing [I am the Great Devil] before, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] has been gathered in other sites in Tianyu No. 066. Essence

Isn’t the lack of this super strong?

Unexpectedly, such a strong man now appears in his enemies, and it is not particularly far away from his territory!

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] There is a feeling that sooner or later I will face [Jiutian Travel]. Just think about the strength of the Death Knight.

The mysterious person also felt that this matter was very outrageous. [Jiutian Traveling] In the case of cooperating with them with the abyss devil and constantly launching an attack on the door of the abyss, they actually killed the 798th floor.

This is to counterattack their rhythm in turn! This deadly knight made her think of the only possibility, that is, the god -level props owned by [Nine Days Traveling], combining the Death Knight.

“To combine the powerful god -level knight like the Death Knight, at least one god beast summon card+a hero evolution card or designated summon card. This is two god -level props.”

“On the 798th floor, the lords who can have this props combination have not appeared yet. [Nine -day travel] is really a huge threat …”

The mysterious person and [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] looked at each other, both of them were anxious. How can the more more pressure and the stronger!

He came to the 799th floor for less than a month, and he had made the eight -level god -class knights. For another time, he couldn’t imagine what to grow up!

So under a huge sense of threat, the two three -eyed lords couldn’t help but blended, and they began to conspire how to deal with [Nine Days Traveling].

“This time the Abyss Demon King also discovered the action of [Nine Days Traveling].

The proposal of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] was appreciated by the mysterious man. She smiled slightly: “I will talk to the Abyss Demon King.

“At least, let him mix on the 798th floor!”


At this time, Wu Feng did not know that he had been stared at by the 798th strong. In fact, even if he knew it, he would not care.

What about being stared at by a group of ants, do you want to see me?

Wu Feng has been paying attention to the actions of the Death Cavaliers on the 798th floor. Seeing that his actions were smooth, Wu Feng would no longer stare at it.

He also has to expand simultaneously on the 799th, 796th and 797th floor. This site is too large, which is even more worrying.

Today, there are deaths of gods in the 798th floor and two gods summoned later. They are enough to make Wu Feng take a huge territory on the 798th floor.

Wu Feng also has the backbone of the Temple of Gods and the Demon Cavaliers on the 797th floor. The speed of the Raiders’ territory will not be weaker than the Death Knight.

On the 796th floor, the co -force of the Knights of the Poseidon and the Dragon Knight also pushed quickly in the chaotic star. Now the Crystal Palace and the Emperor Alliance are fighting fiercely.

[The first handsome guy of Blue Star] can calmly sweep various islands and seize more sites. Anyway, the Emperor Alliance and the Crystal Palace Alliance have no time to take care of him, which gives the [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] a huge opportunity.

With previous experience, [Blue Star First Handsome Gund] gives full play to the role of the two god -level knights and combines his strong fleet to start sweeping from the lord with a complete medium islands.

The benefits provided by medium -sized islands are equivalent to a region. In the chaotic star, the lords with this island should not be too much.

Many lord lords can have medium -sized islands as the base, occupying the site everywhere in the chaotic star.

Some alliances and even have multiple medium -sized islands, which are combined together, but have given [Blue Star First Handsome guy] an excellent opportunity!

“Sea God Knight, Shenlong Cavaliers, your next goal is a lord with 3 small islands. It combines medium -sized islands together, and we can lay multiple medium -sized islands in a wave.”

“This time we strive to make up 100 medium -sized islands as soon as possible, and combine into large islands, which is equivalent to a country!”

[Blue Star First Handsome guy] In the case of ambitious ambitions, with two mythical heroes, he can easily lay down medium -sized islands.

And the fact is the same. [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] The target ID selected this time is [Italian Sky Artillery]. Due to too many elements, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] is not polite to it.

After the target was selected, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] directly launched an attack on it. [Italian Sky Artillery] only saw a large number of sea emperors emerge from his island.

Just when [Italian Sky Artillery] immediately organized defense facilities to launch an attack, [the first handsome guy of the blue star] has launched the attack on the Dragon Knight and the Poseidon Knight.

The attack of the Sea God Knight went to the [Italian Sky Artillery] fleet. His mission was to not allow his fleet to support his territory.

In the sea, the fighting power of the Haixian Knight is very powerful. Since his home is not the island, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Man] allows him to deal with the warships in the sea.

I saw [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] closely cooperated with the abyss octopus. He launched a sea god charge and turned the epic warship of [Italian Sky Artillery].

The assault of the Poseidon Knight, like the God of God, and the Demon Knight, has a powerful and uninterrupted impact, but his charge is only suitable for the sea.

The ancient sea emperor with a body type of thousands of meters told that this epic battleship was directly dry into the sky!

I saw that the horrible and heavy horrible epic warship was split on the spot in the air. This scene made [Italian Sky Artillery] people stunned!

“My epic warship!? I am a big warship, so it’s gone?”

[Italian Sky Artillery] It is almost crazy. His warships are actually easily dry. Who can hold it!

So [Italian Sky Artillery] saw the Haixian Knight of [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy] drilled from the water, and the abyss octopus rolled up the scattered epic warship with tentacles.

This giant beast swallowed the core of the epic warship and slowly chewing the warship, like eating snacks.

This made the [Italian Sky Artillery] burst, and his warship was easily burst by the ancient sea emperor. This is too fragile!

Just when [Italian Sky Artillery] thinking about how to face the sea god knights in the sea, he suddenly heard the sound of sounds from his territory.

[Italian Sky Artillery] Looking up, I saw a huge blue figure falling into the sky. It was the Shenlong Knight who had launched the Dragon of the Dragon!

Together with the Lan Wing Hailong Beast, he came to [Italian Sky Artillery]! The whole person was like a cannonball, smashed directly into the territory of [Italian Sky Artillery].

The effect of this Dragon charge is similar to the charge of other god -level knights. As a knight flying in the sky, the charge of the Dragon Cavaliers, and even a downbone of the sky.

Its explosive power is stronger and fiercer than other knights. The blue -winged sea dragon beast is amazing. The lord’s palace of [Italian Sky Artillery] is directly dry.

The lord who was a little famous in the chaotic star was immediately killed. [The first handsome guy of Blue Star] copied the tactics of the god -class knights such as the Death Knight, and could easily win this territory.

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the 796th chaotic Xinghai area No. 86213 medium -sized islands to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours on this medium -sized island within three days. Can become an island monopoly and get a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the medium -sized island No. 86213 on the 796th chaos, there are no other lords in the medium -sized islands of the No. 86213, and the task rewards are activated to conquer Xinghai. The nine -day tour of the Alliance will be fixed to get 5000 point of reputation and 1 legend every day. .


[Ding … the Supreme League completed the 796th chaotic Xinghai area No. 86215 medium -sized islands to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours on this medium -sized island within three days. Can become an island monopoly and get a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the medium -sized islands 86215 in the 796th, there are no other lords on the medium -sized islands of the No. 86215, and the task rewards are activated to conquer Xinghai. The nine -day tour of the Alliance will be fixed to get 5000 point of reputation and 1 legend every day. .

[Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy] A three -seater medium -sized islands have been occupied in one fell swoop. Now the number of medium islands has exceeded 50.

As long as he expands this speed, he may be able to make up 100 medium -sized islands tomorrow and see the appearance of large islands.

The Emperor’s Alliance has a large island. This specification is an island. Its value is equivalent to the country. A mobile country, think about it!

In the chaotic star, this island is always occupied by this island. In addition, the island is moving, and it is difficult to detect the situation in the vast sea.

Therefore, [Blue Star First Handsome guy], although the [Italian Sky Artillery] was destroyed, and he won his territory, but the nearby lord did not know.

They are still working hard to collect meteors in the sky. [The first handsome guy of Blue Star] is low -key and pragmatic to occupy the medium -sized islands.

At this time, the signs of meteor shower appeared in the sky. At this time, the [Blue Star First Handsome guy] had other ideas.

“Since these meteorites have fallen, it is the island of chaotic Star Sea, so can I let the natural disaster help me control these meteorites!”? ”

The idea of [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy] is a wild horse, but in the infinite trial, he has tried to control the natural disaster in the trial with natural disasters.

Today, meteor fire and rain can be regarded as a natural disaster. Is the natural disaster be controlled?

However, [The first handsome guy of Blue Star] did not directly consume the valuable power of natural disasters, but let the natural disaster religors under O howlra tried it.

After Wu Feng had this kind of idea, he let Opora send several epic -level doomsday mage arms, and came to Rainbow Island through the Great Wall of Despair.

These doomsday masters are the elites of epic doomsurbage and natural disaster runes. They believe in Ophara, so they can use various destruction spells and control natural disasters.

Nowadays, the end of the end of the day, even if it is an epic natural disaster, an epic doom mage, and the joining, can control a large area of meteors.

So in the look of [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy], the seven epic -level doomsday mage joined forces. When the meteor fire and rain fell down, they reached out and pointed to many meteors. Near Rainbow Island!

[The first handsome guy of Blue Star] Seeing clearly, there are more than a dozen meteorites that fall down, less than 1 kilometer away from Rainbow Island!

Although the waves of waves were repeatedly filmed under Rainbow Island, the Rainbow Island was on the Rainbow Island because there were many array methods under the [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy], which could not turn the sky.

So it was attracted to Rainbow Island, which was closer to Rainbow Island, and merged with Rainbow Island.

[Blue Star First Handsome Guer] No need to compete for meteors in the sky, it naturally falls to his territory. This is God to enjoy meals!

And all of this is naturally the credit of the Doomsday Masters!

“There is a small meteorite there where it is trapped!” The doomsday masters monitored many meteors in the sky. After seeing a small meteorite, they immediately launched their own strength and pulled it over.

In the distance, a lord [Ou Qi burst] was watching a small meteorite smashing towards his territory. He was pleased: “Hey, I am lucky, and a small island fell to my house today. ”

“With this small meteorite, then I can combine my second medium -sized island! This feeling of lying down is too cool.”

[Ou Qi burst] is a lord with a special lucky talent. He relies on his talent. He is a real Emperor’s possession. Various lucky events often occur.

This made the development of [European Qi burst] very smooth. In the case of often adventure, he was mixed on the 796th floor.

Especially after he entered the chaotic star area, it was found that the natural disaster here was exactly the delivery of the goods!

There are often meteors at the door of his house and become part of his territory. This is much easier than trying to attack other lords on the land.

So [Ou Qi burst], he relocated the territory to the chaos on the sea. Through this lucky way, he now has a medium -sized island.

Today, as usual, he just had all kinds of flowers and plants in the territory. He tried to improve the real estate out of real estate. Naturally, meteorites fell from the sky.

Today, as usual, he just had all kinds of flowers and plants in the territory. He tried to improve the real estate out of real estate. Naturally, meteorites fell from the sky.

[Ouqi burst] Looking up at the small meteorites falling towards him in Euhuang Island in the sky. He calculated very well: “After I have a second medium -sized island, I can build an alliance.”

“Now the legendary league construction order is already in hand. With my strength, it is not difficult to build a legendary league …”

[Ou Qi burst] I was in a good mood, but when he looked up, what he saw was the small meteorite smashed at Ouhuangdao, and it was like a naughty child. After twisting his buttocks, he flew in another direction.

This makes [European Qi burst] completely live in Bengbu. What is the situation? This small meteorite seems to be playing with him?

Obviously, they have already flew to the top of their heads, but suddenly they turned around again. This is the rhythm to switch to the embrace of others! Is there a higher presence than him?

The [European Qi explosion], which was curious and dissatisfied, immediately sent someone to fly towards the small meteorite falling. The flying hero sent quickly, and he really saw the fall of the small meteorite.

[Ou Qi burst] Surprisingly found that his small meteorite was sucked by the absorbing stone and fell directly to another island.

This island seems to be composed of several medium -sized islands, which is much larger than [European Qi bursting] today, so [Euqi bursting] is a bit careful, so as not to be too close.

In the perspective of [European Qi Boom], after the small meteorite fell down, it was immediately attracted to the past, blending with the islands in front of you, making the area expand again.

What made [Ouqi burst] did not expect that in addition to this small meteorite in the sky, other meteorites were constantly attracted to fall, which were attracted from all directions.

In other words, there are still a lot of ‘victims’ similar to [European Qi Explosion]. The islands that should have fallen into its territory have now become an integral part of this island.

This surprised [Ou Qi]: “What happened? How can this island be so frequent with small meteorite falling down? I hit two small islands every day.”

“But now there are more than a dozen small meteorites around this island, and the miniature meteorites are even more endless! This is really the iron absorption!”

[Ou Qi burst] He believes that he is invincible. In his opinion, he can attract one or two small meteorites to come to the door every day, which is outrageous.

But now the more outrageous picture has appeared, and many miniature meteorites and small meteorites are the same as they are lined up, and they hit the top of others.

This is to fully harvest the rhythm of this wave of meteors!

According to the estimates of many lords, every meteor fire and rain broke out in the chaotic star sea, and they hit the major islands formed by the chaotic star sea. After all, at least 10 medium -sized islands can be combined.

In every round of meteor fire, there will be a large number of lords that break the dog’s brain to fight. Originally, [European Qi burst] belongs to the unsatisfactory of the world, waiting for meteorites to automatically come to the door.

Now he can’t sit still, because the island in front of him, I am afraid he will grab his island. These meteorites will be sent here, how can he still go to his territory!

[Euqi burst] Shaking his head: “Is this person’s European spirit stronger than me? He has an epic lucky talent?”

Thinking of this possibility, [Euqi explosive] shaking his head, he felt that this was unlikely. If there was such a lord of chaos, I am afraid that he would be a king in the chaotic star, and he became a big man.

Don’t say anything else, at least a large island is not running!

At the same time, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund], after helping him to control a large number of micro and small islands, he successfully combined many islands and made up a new medium -sized island!

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the 796th chaotic Xinghai area 96887 medium -sized islands to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours on this medium -sized island within three days. Can become an island monopoly and get a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the medium -sized islands on the 796th chaotic Xinghai area, there are no other lords on the medium -sized islands of the No. 96887, and the task rewards are activated to conquer the Xinghai mission. .


The newly combined medium -sized islands are numbered 096887. This is a very rear number. In this way, [the first handsome guy of the blue star] can really be combined to combine medium -sized islands.

In contrast, its efficiency does not seem to be much worse than that of the beast knights. After all, they just do it.

So Wu Feng decisively sent a group of Doomsday Masters. Some of the doomsday mages were controlled by Vigus, and were trained by Ophara as Doomsday Master.

In this way, the legendary mage can be found as the material, the transformed doomsday mage can be transferred back and forth between the abyss of the two layers.

This batch of doomsday masters has both epic and legendary. Their division of labor and legendary doomsday mage are responsible for transferring miniature meteorites.

The epic -level doomsday mage is to transfer small meteorites in a joint force. As the number of them increases, the efficiency of their combination of medium -sized islands has been greatly improved.

Because there are two areas in the chaotic star in the chaos, there are two areas occupying the island, and he also divides the doomsday mage into three batches.

A group of meteorites in the area near the land controlled the fire and rain of this area, and the fire and rain of this area fell on the land near the land to form a new island.

There are also a group of peripheral areas of chaotic star sea, which is now near the Rainbow Island to control meteorites.

The last batch was to control meteorites in the depths of the chaotic stars that were close to the two banned places near the Emperor’s Cemetery and Death Devil.

The meteorites in the three areas are controlled by them. The crazy area is to increase the area of the territory for the [Blue Star First Handsome Guy]. This expansion speed is really amazing.

So on the [European Qi bursting] near Rainbow Island, the island in front of him was still expanding. He was not worth mentioning!

[Euqi explosion] repeatedly investigated, and finally sent a Rainbow Island, who sent a legendary hero to enter the [Blue Star First Handsome Guide], and found that his owner was [Blue Star First Handsome “!

“This is the territory of … [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy]? He can actually control the meteorite fire and rain? This ability is too powerful! This is definitely not achieved by luck!”

[Ou Qi burst] After discovering the behavior of [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund], he was shocked and envious. If he had this ability, wouldn’t it be invincible.

That is really a large island in minutes!

Just thinking that [European Qi burst], I saw a huge meteorite falling from the sky, [European Qi burst] looked up, and he took a breath.

“This is … medium -sized meteorites! Special! Today’s meteorite fire and rain are much larger than usual! Actually even medium -sized meteorites come out!”

[Ouqi burst] I have heard of medium -sized meteorites before. This specification of meteorites, one smashed down is a medium -sized island size.

You know, the area of medium -sized islands has 1 million units, which is exactly a medium -sized island dropped from the sky.

In the case of huge impact, even if it is smashed into the sea, it can set off a terror tsunami and let the lords within the range be destroyed!

This is still the lords in the abyss. If you hit the previous blue star, such a large meteorite is enough to destroy the world directly!

[Ouqi burst] While seeing the medium -sized meteorite, [Blue Star First Handsome guy] also saw this huge meteorite. Because it was too huge, I am afraid that the lords in the entire area can see it.

[Blue Star’s first handsome guy] At first glance, it is known that the epic doomsday mage alone may not control such a large meteorite.

So he took out natural disasters and prepared to use this artifact to control the meteorite. Because the meteor fire and rain belonged to the natural disaster, it was within the scope of the control of the natural disaster.

Today’s natural disasters have evolved to the soul of the three layers of natural disasters through destruction and killing, and their power is becoming stronger.

Natural Disaster Orb: Hero Equipment (Mythical Quality), spell attack power+500,000 points (can increase the spell attack power after increasing the power of natural disasters), the full attribute of the hero+150%, the additional increase of the intellectual attribute 400%, spell damage+300%, The spell attack power is+300%. Each intellectual attribute will increase an additional 10 spell attack power.

With natural disasters, random natural disasters, natural disasters, natural disasters, sources of natural disasters, and manipulating natural disasters.

Can be upgraded: At present, natural disasters have the soul of 3 layers of natural disasters, absorbing 10,000 natural disasters, and can evolve into the soul of 4 layers of natural disasters.

Currently there is the power of natural disasters: 3200 points.

Natural disasters: According to the number of souls of natural disasters, different numbers of natural disasters will be attached, which can cause huge killing of large -scale enemies. At present, there are 10 natural disasters (thunder storms, flames, rain, polar frost, etc. ), The user can also master the ability (separate the cooling time from the natural disaster orb).

Random natural disaster: [Click to view specific attributes].

Natural disaster storm: [Click to view specific attributes].

The power of natural disasters: natural disasters can increase the power of natural disasters every day. When users destroy a certain number of lords with natural disasters, kill the legendary BOSS or above, or absorb epicic disaster crystals, use epic disaster props, and use epic disaster props,, epic disaster props, epic disaster props, and epic disaster props,, epic -level disaster props are used. Can get the power of natural disasters.

Source of natural disasters: [Click to view specific attributes].

Control natural disasters: Natural disasters can be used to manipulate natural disasters. According to the level of natural disasters, the natural disasters required are different.

Remarks: The orbs containing the power of natural disasters can be used to create killing and chaos. You can boldly ask others to ask others and give you a natural disaster storm.

After the natural disasters have the soul of 3 layers of natural disasters, they can control multiple god -level natural disasters at the same time, and it takes 100 natural disasters to control a god -level natural disaster.

The acquisition of this natural disaster is usually accumulated during the launch of the natural disaster. The medium -sized meteorite in front of me is equivalent to a god -level natural disaster. It requires 100 natural disasters to control.

[The first handsome guy of Blue Star] Decisively borrowing natural disasters, and the natural disaster control was launched on the medium -sized meteorite, so the medium -sized meteorite began to change the direction according to his will.

He has also discovered that in investigating his territory, [Blue Star First Handsome Guy] pointed to the Euhuangdao of [Ouqi Born].

“Now that you come to the door by yourself, then I am not polite! I would have destroyed your territory, so let me die!”

[Blue Star First Handsome guy] He is not polite at all. He did not smash the medium -sized islands near his Rainbow Island, and it was easy to bring huge damage to the Rainbow Island, which was easy to give him.

Then [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] simply used it as a god -level natural disaster, and used it directly to kill the enemy!

Euhuangdao, which is just 200 kilometers away, is used to test the power of medium -sized meteorites.

At this time, when [Ou Qi burst], as soon as he looked up, he saw that the medium -sized meteorite suddenly turned around. He thought that the medium -sized meteorite flew towards Rainbow Island.

“This [Blue Star’s first handsome guy] head is a bit sick, and he dares to smash the medium -sized meteorites. Isn’t he looking for death?”

“The power of medium -sized meteorites falls, which is equivalent to the god -level natural disaster! Once it is sent, it can destroy the lord of a region! He actually wants to let the medium -sized meteorite delivery?”

[Ouqi burst into storage] Speaking of half, he suddenly found something wrong. The direction of this medium -sized meteorite fell like Rainbow Island!

He rose unprecedented hunch in his heart, so he immediately checked his fall angle, and then he found that the meteorite specially went to his Ouhuangdao!

“I am alas! This medium -sized meteorite was controlled by [Blue Star’s First Handsome Guy], and I went to my territory! [Blue Star’s first handsome guy] This dog said!”

[Ou Qi burst] The mentality burst, and he immediately detected it in his own territory. As a result, there was no accident. The meteorite came straight to his territory!

Even [Ou Qi burst] immediately let Ouhuangdao start to escape, the meteorite adjusted the angle slightly, and then continued to hit.

This made [European Qi burst] burst of mentality. He immediately pulled the speed of Ouhuangdao to the highest speed, and began to set up the strongest defense in the territory.

All kinds of shield cards are used, and even [Euqi burst] also uses a legendary level avoidance card.

This is to rely on the legendary level to avoid shields to block the bombardment of medium -sized meteorites. What he can rely on is these life -saving props.

And the lords within a certain range of the territory of [Euqi burst] also found that the medium -sized meteorite seemed to go to [European Qi explosion].

They couldn’t help mocking.

“This [European Qi burst] isn’t that you have unparalleled luck. Is it enough to wait for meteorites to come to the door every day? Now the big guy is also sent to the door, his luck is really against the sky!”

“This is what I heard before. I heard that [European Qi burst] In the absence of meteor fire and rain, almost 1-2 small meteorites were smashed near his territory every day. The medium -sized meteorite can reach 100 small meteorites! ”

“Hey, this is called surprise! [Ou Qi burst] wake up if you dream!”

“I’m ah! What are you talking about! You didn’t see it, [European Qi explosion] Move in this direction!

“I wipe it! This is true! Don’t come here!”

These lords are frightened, [Euqi burst] like ‘absorbing iron’, and the medium -sized meteorites are sucked over.

With a group of lords too late to react, medium -sized meteorites smashed down!

As the meteorite fell, in the sound of the huge sounds, this sea area set off a huge wave, and the huge waves up to hundreds of meters swept the entire sea area.

The first of which is the Euhuangdao, which is [Ouqi Born]. This shock is simply destroyed. Because of the [European Qi burst], Ouhuangdao, which is directly impacted on the edge area.

The island did not have a quarter crack, but all the buildings on it were destroyed. The avoidance barrier to [European Qi burst] was instantly destroyed.

[Ou Qi burst] It was meaningless to see all his defense, and it was destroyed by destruction.

[Ouqi burst] Even the chance of relocation was not even of the time, and his lord’s heart was instantly destroyed in a horrible impact.

This more powerful lord is so gone.

[Ding … Destroy the lord’s heart of the lord, according to the level of the lord (level 160), you get 80 kills. .

[Ding … successfully destroying the lord of European Qi can occupy 50%of the lord’s territory and trigger the skills of fighting the family. You can occupy the 25%of the leader of the lord. Please choose the preserved plot. .

[Ding … successfully destroy the heart of the lord of European qi, triggering the looting effect of the family robbery, can rob 20%of the resources in the enemy’s territory, obtain 8.6 million units resources, and obtain 52,000 various props. .

[Ding … successfully destroy the heart of the lord of European Qi, triggering the skills of fighting the family, and the land of 25%(level 6) with an area of 25%of the lord, with a total area of 360,000 units. Please select the land type. .


[Euqi burst] was destroyed, naturally, in the expectation of [Blue Star First Handsomey Guer], he would be directly impacted, and he would bear all the destructive power generated by impact.

With the power of God’s natural disaster, let alone the legendary barrier to avoid war. I am afraid that even an epic avoidance barrier can not be kept [European Qi explosion].

And [Blue Star’s First Handsome guy] cares about the situation of Ouhuangdao. It was beyond his expectations. Even if two medium -sized islands collided, these two islands did not collapse, but instead transmitted the impact to all to On the surrounding waters, this set off a huge wave.

Watching the huge waves spread, [Lan Xing’s first handsome guy] laughed: “Can you still destroy other lords …”

The same is true. The huge tsunami generated by the two meteorites collided instantly swept this sea area. [Blue Star’s first handsome guy], through the perspective of Tianyan whistle tower, saw the waves pat on the islands, and suddenly put it suddenly. The territory above is completely destroyed.

In the territory of these lords, the walls built are about tens of meters.

The giant waves came out. The various buildings established by these lords were flattened by a big hand like a toy. With the skill effect of fighting the house, the [Blue Star First Handsome Gund] obtained a lot of resources.

In this wave, [the first handsome guy of Blue Star] found that the natural disaster of the natural disaster has increased a lot, which was the increase in a large number of lords.

The lords of the 796th floor are all the four or five -level lords. After the killing, the killing values and natural disasters provided are higher.

In this case, [Blue Star’s First Handsome Gund] earns about 30 natural disasters, which is very impressive.

If it is okay, [Blue Star First Handsome guy] Want to come a few more times!

And [Ou Qi burst], there is no one on the medium -sized islands that are occupied by, and [Blue Star First Handsome Guer] immediately occupied it.

By the way, there is a new island that is completely co -authored with its impact. This is 2.8 medium -sized islands.

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the 796th chaotic Xinghai area No. 86323 medium -sized islands to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours on this medium -sized islands within three days. Can become an island monopoly and get a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the medium -sized islands 86323 in the 796th layer, there are no other lords on the medium -sized island of No. 86323. To activate the task of conquering Xinghai and get task rewards, the nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5000 dots and 1 legend every day. .


[Ding … the Supreme League completed the 796th layer of chaotic Xinghai area 96891 medium -sized islands to activate the monopoly program, please make sure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours on this medium -sized island within three days. Can become an island monopoly and get a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the medium -sized islands on the 796th chaotic Xinghai area, there are no other lords in the medium -sized island on the No. 96891, and the task rewards are activated to conquer Xinghai. The nine -day tour of the Alliance will be fixed to get 5,000 points and 1 legend every day. .


Two islands in one breath, coupled with the elimination of other lord’s islands, after combining, at least 4 medium -sized islands can be made up.

[Blue Star First Handsome guy] found that after this god -level natural disaster, he could get a large number of medium -sized islands, which was more efficient than Ophara on the 799th floor.

This is mainly a natural disaster everywhere on the 796th layer. It can be said that the 796th layer is the most suitable for Opora.

But if she went to the 796th floor, it would be difficult for Wu Feng to see her again. Wu Feng did not let her go to the 796th floor and send some doomsday masters to go. In addition, the effect of natural disasters should be the same.

[The first handsome guy of Blue Star] also used the natural disasters at hand to start taking advantage of the east wind of this wave of meteorites to expand quickly.

The meteorites that fall down in the sky are trying to get as much as possible. He wants to impact 100 medium -sized islands and combine large islands. Naturally, the progress is soaring.

At this time, a large number of lords also discovered this. [Blue Star’s first handsome guy] seems to be able to control meteorites. This ability is praised by countless lords. Do it.

“Have you heard of it? There is a lord named [Blue Star’s First Handsome”, which can manipulate natural disasters and allow meteorites in meteorites to become part of his territory! ”

(This chapter is finished)

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