Chapter 475 Falling Floor 797!

Three -color deer can open a special channel on the other side of the starry sky by its own ability. This channel is very fast when this channel returns.

It is only when you move forward, the three -color deer must also move forward slowly according to the length of the other side of the starry sky, but the speed of the three -color god deer is very amazing.

In fact, the Sancai God Deer has just taken the immortal dragon from the other side of the starry sky in the same way. In this case, the Sancai God Deer came to rescue the 餮.

I heard that the immortal Dragon has retreated first, and it is no longer forced. It follows the Sancai Shenlu, and also retreated from the other side of the starry sky.

After the two returned to the outside of evil gods, they saw that the immortal dragon was licking the wound. There were a lot of black arrows in it, which were masterpieces of the sun tower.

Outside the evil god mountain, if the sun tower is attacking the dragon, it can easily avoid or summon the shield. After leaving the absolute vacuum, its recovery speed is accelerating, and it is slow.

He was very surprised to look at the immortal dragon: “Non -extinguishing, are you being hurt like this? Is there any particularly powerful defense facility for this lord?”

The immortal Dragon shakes his head: “More than more than a powerful defense facility. He is the most powerful lord I have ever seen.

“In this person’s territory, there is a mythical defensive tower, and its single attack is very powerful. Even I have been hit hard. If I have a strong break in the other side of the starry sky, I may have died on the other side.”

“Before you figure out his cards, we cannot start a decisive blow!”

There is a hole card in the immortal dragon, but after discovering the attack of the shooting tower, he felt that the lord in front of him might have other means.

Therefore, it has no charge to the end, but withdraw from the other side of the starry sky. If there are other means if there are [nine days travel], it may be surrounded by the other side of the starry sky.

After all, it is easy to break in, and it is difficult to break out again.

In this case, the immortal Dragon chose a more secure way. He did not expect that the immortal dragon, which was always proud, was temporarily counseled.

When I thought of [Jiutian Travel], he had previously summoned the black hole, and the black hole tower also made the 餮. In this way, there are two mythical defense towers.

This specification is definitely second to none among the lords they encounter. Other lords can have an epic -level defensive tower, so be happy.

The epic defense tower is not threatened about the pupae and the immortal dragon, but the mythical defense tower is different. If you are not careful, the mythical defense tower may really destroy them.

In this way, [Nine Days Traveling] occupied the Mountains of Evil God, and became a matter of three inspections that causing a headache. They must find a way to grab the evil god mountain back.

So I looked at the immortal dragon: “If you are immortal, what should we do, we must not let this guy take advantage of the evil god mountain! It is our duty to prevent others from invading 100,000 Shenshan Mountain!”

The immortal dragon also stared at the evil god mountain: “If the three of us are strong, it is likely that someone will fall. Do you want to be a sacrifice?”

When I heard this, I no longer speak, but the three -color deer said, “Then we still have to do experiments. It is better to jointly join forces to work with the surrounding guardians!”

“After all, this [Nine Days Traveling], now after occupying the Mountains of Evil God, may invade their mountains in the future, which is also a major threat for them!”

The suggestions of the Sancai God Deer make the immortal dragon and the puppets are all spiritual. They immediately felt that this reason was reasonable, so they immediately went to the surrounding Shenshan to launch other guardians.

After they left, Wu Feng shook his head a little disappointed: “Unfortunately, the uninterrupted dragon just now did not make a force to the end.”

“If it rushes through two -thirds of the distance, then I can find a way to kill him.”

Wu Feng still had a little thought about the three inspections, but considering that the three of them were the eight -order gods, Wu Feng would not necessarily suppress them if it was outside.

And if the inspection enables the other side of the starry sky and using the characteristics of the other side of the starry sky, Wu Feng can play a lot of output, then there will be a chance to kill one of them.

As long as the Dragon Dragon just now goes deeper, Wu Feng will call his a few mythical defensive towers immediately, and then summon Kris, Rylier and others, and then you can work together in minutes. West killing the dragon.

Even if the Dragon is not eliminated, Wu Feng may have the ability to suppress and kill it!

After all, he even destroyed the true god -level strong man who destroyed the magic god, and it was not impossible to kill a eight -order mythical BOSS.

However, these three inspections have stronger strength than ordinary eighth -order mythical BOSS, and they also have the special bonus of inspection to make it so powerful.

“Lord, now we have occupied the Mountains of Evil God, then the three inspections will definitely stare at us. If we go out, there is no attribute bonus of the Great Wall and the help of the defense tower, I’m afraid it is difficult to deal with the inspection.”

“Then, in recent times, it is best not to leave the scope of the Mountains of Evil God, so as not to be siege by inspections.”

Undead Firebird made a suggestion to Wu Feng, Wu Feng also nodded: “I understand this, in fact, we don’t need to go out deliberately. After occupying the evil gods, these inspections should be anxious.”

“After waiting for us for a long time, you can naturally kill it!”

Wu Feng occupied the evil god mountain this time. He was very satisfied. The three inspections made it a huge threat. Wu Feng could only rely on the Great Wall of the Nervic Great Wall.

If you leave the Great Wall of Despair, the heroes may be able to fight a inspection ambassador, but when the three of them are together, Wu Feng’s heroes may not be an opponent together.

In this case, the inspections made them unable to attack, and Wu Feng couldn’t kill it. It was impossible for the time being to occupy another Shen Mountain.

At this time, the three inspections came to the mountain prison. They found the elephant of the town prison: “Town prison, do you know that the evil god mountain near you has been occupied by the human lord?”

Because the basic appearance of the ten tribe is human, the three eyes, the big head, the dog head, and other races are a little different from humans in individual characteristics.

So other BOSS or indigenous residents called the Ten Lords as human lords, and Wu Feng was naturally a human lord.

The prison of the town looks at the sudden inspections of the advent. Naturally, it will not say that not only knows that the evil gods are occupied, but they have previously given them entry.

This beast neither intentionally cheated the three inspections, nor did it say too much information: “I just observed it. There was a war in the evil god mountain, and even I heard the scream of the seven -eye beast. ”

“Now it seems that a black Great Wall appeared around the evil god mountain. This should be that after the seven -eye beast was killed, the entire evil god mountain was occupied …”

If the prison elephant, let the puppet can’t help but speak: “Then you find that the seven -eye beast is besieged, why not help him?”

This remark made the prison element that could not help but roll his younger son with his nose and threw him aside: “Go to help the Seven Eyes?

“This guy will go to my territory and go to the wild. I often fight with me. How can I help him? When it helps others to siege me, who do I find?”

“Besides, as the guardians of Zhenzhan Mountain, my mission is just to defend the town prison mountain. I really have no power to help other Shenshan Mountain …”

The Dragon of the Dragons held the 神, and the prison favors said yes, but it has no obligation to help the Seven Eye Beasts to defend the evil gods.

The prison elephant did not help the enemy to deal with the seven -eyed beast, it was already very face!

The immortal dragon said: “We are not coming to the teacher to ask for sin. We mainly want to solve the enemy who broke into our 100,000 mountains.”

“Now the lord leads the team to occupy the evil god mountain. They may threaten your town prison at any time. You might as well follow us to attack the evil god mountain and take it back!”

The three -color deer also took two steps forward. The three -color light that exuded made the spirit plant in the mountains grow quickly.

This auspicious god beast said, “Town prison, you don’t want to wait for us to leave, the lord in the evil god mountain runs out to attack your town prison?”

If the undead firebird did not appear in front of the prison prison, the prison faith now has absolutely followed the three inspections to participate in the war.

However, the prison prison generous association he observed everything, and he chose to look at the nose and nose without any response.

The prison of the town’s prison thought that the undead firebird was the subordinates of the [Nine Days Traveling]. After that, they also entered the two Yishan Mountains and surrendered the Dark Demons and Evil Tigers and the Eight Wing Tianma.

In the end, [Nine Days Traveling] was killed by the lunatic of the Seven Eyes Beast in one fell swoop. It can be said that in a short time, [Nine Days Traveling] solved 4 beasts.

The town prison god beast has a feeling. With the heritage of [Nine Days Traveling], it is probably impossible to win the other person by relying on them.

If you tear your face, there will be no room for turning around next time, and the prison of the town will choose to watch the tiger fight in the mountains.

Seeing the image of the prison prison, the three -color god deer and the immortal Dragon looked at each other, and they saw that the prison elephant did not want to participate in the war at all.

In this case, they cannot force them. After all, recovering the evil god mountain is their duty of their inspections.

The prison of the town responded in silence. In the end, the three inspections also said something, probably meaning that if they encountered the attack of [Nine Days Traveling], then asked them to ask for help.

Then the three inspections went to Liangyi Mountain. This Shenshan and Zhenzheng Mountain were around the evil gods. Presumably, the guardians of the two Shenshan Mountain were the most likely to help them.

In the end, when the three inspections rushed to Liangyi Mountain, they saw that the two guardians were fighting. They could not start a diplomatic relations, and the three inspections could not intervene for a while.

Because the two gods of the golden dragon and the hell three -headed dog have already hit the real fire, they can’t wait to hit the other’s dog’s brains.

If the three inspections are intervened, they must be regarded as the other party as a dead enemy.

Sancai God Deer couldn’t help but speak: “You don’t want to fight, this is not dead!”

Regardless of the Golden Shenglong and Hell three dogs, they said at the same time: “Don’t intervene in, we must divide a victory or defeat today, and let’s talk about anything else!”

Jun Zheng was about to end the scene. As a result, it had just moved, and the attack of the Golden Shenglong and Hell three dogs fell at the same time.

人 almost became the target of the two people’s attacks. This was startled. These two guys are really dead!

This situation is beyond the expectations of the immortal dragon, the Golden Shenglong and Hell Three Dogs can’t persuade it at all! And looking at their posture, if they want to let them work together to deal with the evil gods, this is obviously impossible.

For one of them, the other will definitely take the opportunity to snatch the ownership of Liangyi Mountain. Today, the situation is the scene where the Golden Shenglong and hell are confronted.

Neither of these two beasts can participate in the war. The immortal dragon and the three -color deer are looking at each other again. They can only leave Liangyi Mountain now.

“What is the situation!? Zhenzhan Mountain and Liangyi Mountain couldn’t launch it. Can you only launch other more people far away?”

The eunuch couldn’t bear the roar, and it was mad by the elephant of the town and the two silly hat just now.

In the eyes of the Golden Shenglong and Hell San, they only killed each other in both eyes, which is exactly the same as their last. These two instruments are simply poisonous!

In this way, the three inspections were returned again. After the three of them discussed, they rushed to other Shenshan Mountains.


On the side of Wu Feng, he was also concerned about the action of the three inspections. After finding the inspection that he had no plans to attack the evil god mountain for the time being, he went to handle other things at his hand.

The most important goal is to send the God of God and the Demon Cavaliers into the 797th floor. After Wu Feng won the Mountains of Evil, Yuzhu sent to the worship of the 797th floor, and some people have made progress.

It was a dark knight hero converted by Yuzhu, as an epic hero and a member of the Cavaliers.

After being sent to the 797th floor by Yuzhu, the Dark Knight took the opportunity to sweep the territory of other lords. With the help of a group of dark knights, the Dark Knight quickly laid a small collar land.

This is a territory of only 90,000 units. On the 797th floor, the weakest lord is the weakest.

This is why the opponent couldn’t stop the charge of an epic knight. The Dark Knight was almost a single ride, so he hit the territory.

After occupying the territory, the Dark Knight immediately established the goddess of the Dark Goddess in the territory, which is the first territory of Wu Feng on the 797th floor.

Wu Feng smiled slightly. As long as there is this’ outposting station, he can expand quickly on the 797th floor.

So Wu Feng immediately came to the past with the Great Wall of Despair. Around the territory, the Great Wall of 10 kilometers appeared.

After Wu Feng set off the Great Wall, his heroes and arms can go to the 797th floor. Just the hero who went to, he could not return to the 799th floor through the Nervic Great Wall.

In other words, no other ways cannot return to the 799th floor. After all, high -level high -levels cannot return to the low -level, which is almost the iron law.

In this case, Wu Feng immediately mobilized many heroes at hand and let them go to the 797th floor with many resources.

And the leader is the Demon Knight, because the territory of his go, belongs to the dark camp, is naturally the most suitable magic knight with dark attributes.

So the Demon Cavaliers led many dark heroes to come to the 797th floor, most of which were dark gods converted from the dark goddess Yuzhu.

Their dark attributes are on the 797th floor, such as fish, and their strength is more powerful than ordinary dark heroes. It is just a mythical hero who is also a mythical hero.

The two sides belong to a kind of peaceful relationship, but the Demon Cavaliers will not accept believers, so it is purely a cooperative relationship.

The Dark Knights greeted everyone in the territory. When the Demon Cavaliers came, the Dark Knight was extremely respectful and kneeling down: “See Master of the Demon Cavaliers!”

The Demon Cavaliers are much stronger than the Dark Knight. In the face of the strong, the hero will instinctively respect the opponent.

“When the guy of the next heavenly Knight, it will come to the 797th floor. I have to get the first time and make a few more regions!”

As soon as the Demon Cavaliers came over, they would start to conquer other lords without saying a word. This is because he and the Cavaliers’ “battle” have been designated by the lord as a racing area.

Whoever won more is the winner, and the two god -level knights want to separate the victory, depending on the effect of the two.

The Demon Cavaliers came earlier than the Cavaliers of the Gods. After all, the Dark Knight won a territory first. He naturally wanted to take the lead.

So the lords on the 797th floor were suddenly stunned. In the 797th level 033, a strong and unparalleled knight hero suddenly appeared in the national degree 032, which belongs to the Dark Camp.

The hero rides on a seventh mythical dark and evil god tiger. This god beast alone can be invincible on the 797th layer!

In the No. 011 region of No. 032, a huge evil god tiger suddenly came to it. It was just a roar that made several territories destroy.

Before these lords reacted, all their territories were destroyed!

This is the arrogance of the Dark Demon God Tiger. Almost the lords in the entire area have heard the roar of the Dark Demons and Western Tiger.

When many lords go out to find the source of sound.

“Well, I heard a deafening roar, it seemed like a big boss came out of the mountain! Is the extinct place next door riot?”

“No! The dark forest next to our 011 region riot only two days ago. This sage has never been time. How can it be a riot again!”

“Who said this clearly, as long as there is an epic beast to lead the team, the murderer in the forbidden area may riot. If there is a epic BOSS killed, I might be able to kill it, it is a huge income!”

“Don’t grab the epic boss with me, this boss is mine!”

Many lords thought it was the fierce beasts in the dark forest rushed out, because there were no other fierce beasts, they thought it was just a epic beast.

As a result, many lords also sent their own hunting troops to prepare to kill epic beasts, and even compete with each other.

But when they cheered and prepared to deal with the fierce beasts, they saw a huge tiger beast with a strong and strong momentum.

The word on the forehead of this fierce beast is extremely domineering. Just looking at it, the heroes and troops of many people are softer.

Until this time, the lords who were ready to hunt the beasts found that they were wrong.

“I wipe it! This does not seem to be an epic beast! Look at it like this, is it the Asian Dark Tiger King?”

“God’s Dark Tiger King, you take a closer look at the shape of this fierce beast. The dark tiger king you said is just a kitten in front of this fierce beast!”

“According to this statement, this is not the Dark Tiger King? What is that?”

“This is a god beast! Seventh -order mythical boss, there is no such thing in the dark forest! This seems to be a big guy running out of the gods!”

The mythical BOSS in the Dark Forest is obviously a dark python, lords in the 011 region, and has been fortunate to have seen each other.

In the forbidden area, there is only one mythical BOSS. The dark magic and evil god tiger in front of the eyes is definitely not run out of the dark forest.

This made many lords aggressive. They were originally preparing to hunt the beasts. Now it seems that they are completely looking for death!

At this time, the Dark Demon Tiger saw the lord who was going to hunt it, which made the Dark Demon Evil Tiger very uncomfortable. Lao Tzu roared, representing Lao Tzu’s appearance, you dared to rush out, it was really popping. Slap Laozi’s face!

The dark magic and evil god tiger immediately rushed to many hunting teams. It just flashed, a roll of dark atmosphere, and countless hunting teams were swallowed up by the dark atmosphere, all turned into the nourishment of the Dark Demon Evil Tiger.

At this time, the lords confirmed the scene they saw: “Special! It’s really a beast! My legendary hero hummed without humming, and was killed! The lethality! ”

“Look at the huge king’s character on this dark magic and evil god tiger’s head, you know this is a god beast! In the area 011, why suddenly there are god beasts!”

“I wipe it! Isn’t this more exaggerated than the dark turmoil. The dark python in the dark forest before, it was rare!”

“Run! This Dark Demon Tiger is looking for a goal. Never be its primary goal, otherwise we will die!”

Under the round of the dark magic and evil god tiger, many lords thought about running, and the lord who sent the hunting team became the first goal of the Dark Magic God Tiger.

The Demon Cavaliers patted the head of the Dark Demon and Evil Tiger.

As a mythical knight, the charge distance of the Demon Cavaliers can include the entire area and even the charge across the region.

The distance of dozens of kilometers, it was a instantaneous time. The Demon Knight and the Dark Demon and Evil Tiger suddenly rushed into a lord’s territory.

All its defense facilities did not make any sense. The Demon Cavaliers had a charge and destroyed it all.

What defensive tower and city walls are like furnishings, and even the lord’s heart is destroyed by a charge!

In other words, this 140 -level four -order lord was just killed by a charge by the Demon Cavaliers, and there was no chance to run!

[Ding … Destroy the lord’s heart of the Lord Feier, according to the lord’s level (level 140), you get 70 points of killing value. .

[Ding … successfully destroying the heart of Feier artist’s lord can occupy 50%of the lord’s territory and trigger the skills of fighting the family. You can occupy the 25%territory of the lord. Please choose the preserved plot. .

[Ding … successfully destroyed the lord’s heart of Feier painter, triggering the looting effect of the family robbery, can plunder 20%of resources in the enemy’s territory, obtain 1.2 million units of resources, and obtain 9,800 various props. .

[Ding … successfully destroy the lord’s heart of Feier artist and trigger the skills of fighting the family, and can obtain a 25%plot (average level 4) of the lord’s leading site, with a total area of 1.5 million units. Please select the land type. .


The lord named [Feier Painter] is already a strong existence in the 011 area. He accounts for nearly 6%of the territory in the 011 region.

The lord who wants to hunt the epic BOSS mostly is [Feier Painter], but his hunting team has just been destroyed. He has not yet opened the protective formation of the territory and was assaulted by the Demon Cavaliers. This allowed the entire 011 There is an uproar in the area!

“What happened? [Feier painter] Why suddenly there is no one! Isn’t he just destroyed a hunting team? Do you need to run directly?”

“What run! Look at the lord’s ranking, [Feier Painter] has disappeared directly, he was eliminated!”

“How is it possible! [Feier Painter] Isn’t there a large array composed of several legendary array tower? Even if it is a beast, it is impossible to destroy it in one blow!”

“It’s not a simple god beast. I just took it just now. There is still a person on the beast. This is a mythical hero with a beast mount!”

Not to mention the lord of the 797th floor, even the lord of the 796th floor, and I have never seen the god -level knight with the beast mount before.

This configuration is far beyond the outline!

After all, the fourth -level lord, when seeing the Seventh -order Beast+Seventh -level Myth Cavaliers, the legs are soft. This is a dimension reduction blow to the dimension!

The lord at this stage is difficult to resist the impact of mythical knights.

“Are you P’s? At this stage, how can there be a lord with a god beast mount+matching god -level knight. This is more difficult than the acquisition of mythical heroes more than 10 times more difficult!”

“I also think this is too fake. You Poss is on it. I also believe in it, indicating that this time is a super boss. But your P knight goes up, which shows that it is the hero of other lords. You think I have that so. Stupid, is it so cheating? ”

“Although the [Feier Painter] was destroyed, you can’t say that it was the seventh -order beast+the Seventh -order God -class knight! This is too small to do it!”

So after the photos of the Demon Knight were announced, the lords in the 011 area were uproar. When someone didn’t believe it, the Demon Knight launched an charge again.

As a mythical knight, as long as the assault skills have killed the target, he can launch an charge again.

After the [Feier Painter], the Demon Cavaliers aimed at the next goal to launch an charge. He even killed the most powerful [Feier Painter] in the 011 region. It was destroyed.

The Demon Cavaliers launched a continuous charge. The lords in the 011 region saw a black shadow flying over the sky, and then the lord was wiped out by the name of the name.

This trend of being killed made many lords blow up, and they finally believed this!

“No wonder me in the list of our heroes, and suddenly someone was at the top of the airborne list. This dark magic and evil god tiger and mythical mount are the first of this airborne!”

“This is really possible! The Seventh -order Beast+Seventh -order God Cavaliers, the scores of its combination are likely to rush to the number one in the list of heaven, now I really believe it!”

“I’m obedient, this combination is too fierce, is this what my two -year -old lord should see? Why did mom let me contact this kind of thing!”

“I wiped it! Why did this big boss appear in our 011 area! Isn’t this blood mold!”

“In any case, this knight comes for the area No. 011. If we don’t want to die, hurry up!”

After the emergence of the Demon Cavaliers was confirmed, the lords of the 011 region burst into mind, a little smarter, and chose to run on the spot.

This kind of disaster has no solution than the dark movement. It is undoubtedly looking for death in the 011 area, and some unlucky eggs with slower movements have become ants that are crushed by the demon knight.

With so many ‘seniors’ as the warning object, other lords run faster. They are afraid that they will become the next goal of the Demon Cavaliers and be directly crushed into dregs.

So under the continuous charge of the Devil’s Cavaliers, the lords in the 011 area fell to reduce their speed.

It can be seen that the huge deterrent power of the Demon Cavaliers, the Demon Cavaliers spent less than 40 minutes in the end, and took it down the entire 011 area.

With the comprehensive fall of the 011 region, the Demon Knight used a small collar land in the Dark Knight as a springboard to help Wu Feng open the situation on the 797th floor.

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 011 region No. 011, No. 032, No. 797, to activate the monopoly program. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 011, No. 032, No. 032, No. 799, and the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to obtain 10,000 nods and 1 legend every day. .


As Wu Feng won the 011 area, he was satisfied with the demon knight to praise: “Good dry, the demon knight is on the 797th floor, it is really like a fish!”

“Layer 797, there is an additional bonus to the hero of the dark attributes, coupled with the powerful lethality of the dark god gun, no wonder it can easily burst the territory of the lords.”

Wu Feng was invincible in the whole process of the Demon Cavaliers. He had a feeling. The Demon Cavaliers seemed to be driving a bulldozer, and he was crushing today.

Don’t be too relaxed, no one can stop the Demon Cavaliers with a round of charge!

Thinking of this, Wu Feng gave the Demon Cavaliers a suggestion: “The Demon Cavaliers, since your charge is so destructive, then you look for it. Is there a monopoly on this 032 country?”

“You directly charge and explode the lord’s heart, then it must save time and effort!”

Wu Feng’s suggestion to the Demon Cavaliers is to use his current level crushing to occupy a greater territory with faster efficiency. If you can really succeed, wouldn’t it be a wave of the next region.

This is definitely much easier than the lords crushed in the past. After all, although the castle made by crushing sand is easy, it is time -consuming and laborious.

However, if you use a bulldozer to destroy a wooden house directly, it will only be used once, and the time is absolutely less.

Hearing the adult’s suggestion, the Demon Cavaliers brightened in front of the eyes: “Lord, you are too clever! Dark Knights, they have already detected the country’s situation.”

Wu Feng waved his hand: “How can it be so troublesome, I will give you the vapor tower now. With this kind of whistle, there is no need for manpower to investigate intelligence.”

In order to carry out a more efficient operation, Wu Feng sent people to send the Sky Eye Tower Summoning Card through the Great Wall of Despair.

Today, Wu Feng can make people evolve to him. The designated epic defense tower is still very easy to get.

So the Demon Cavaliers got a Tianyan whistle tower, and he immediately put the Tianyan whistle tower into his own site.

With the sky -high eyes, the Demon Cavaliers immediately grasped most of the situation in the country of No. 032. It is naturally easier to find the monopolist in this country.

So the Demon Cavaliers quickly locked the three monopolies in the country of 032. They were [Robotic Wat], which occupied the No. 015 region, [Tong Tian Dynasty], which occupied the 036 region, and monopolized No. 079 079 [10,000 -year -old] in the area and No. 078.

Among these three monopolies, only [10,000 years] are two -star monopolies, and they are the strongest in the country of 032.

This is the backbone of the 797th floor. The monopolist after two years of service is the existence of the middle and upper layers on the 797th floor. They generally have good strength. If they have opportunities, they may fly to the sky!

The first goal of the Demon Cavaliers was, of course, the [Robotic Wat] in the 015 area. He let the sky’s eyes locked the opponent and repeatedly detected his information.

After the so -called confidant knowing each other, the Demon Cavaliers fully understood the defense of their territory, and soon they thought.

“Lord Lord, I have about 70%of my grasp and win the charge, but the premise is that when the other party has no life skills …”

The Demon Cavaliers truthfully informed Wu Feng’s situation that his charge was really powerful, but if the enemy had props similar to a stand -in doll, it was possible to block the fatal blow of the Demon Cavaliers.

That’s not the front of it, but to protect his life with a stand -in doll, you have the opportunity to run the road or use other defensive props.

Wu Feng also thought of this, so he had long been prepared: “It doesn’t matter, there are two rune stones in my hand to use it for you, which can help you explode this guy!”

So Wu Feng brought the Rune Stone to the Demon Cavaliers, and he could equip him with two mythical rune stones.

Rune Stone (Dark Spiritual Power): Mythical Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the increase of 200,000 points (or 200%full attributes) and 200%dark original power increase. 30,000 points of spell attack power), each upgrade can add an additional 1 point of power, with mythical skills: dark divine power.

Inlaid equipment (defensive tower) inlaid holes can increase the increase of 200,000 points (or 200%full attributes) and 200%dark original power increase. God power.


Rune Stone (Dark Magic Shadow): Mythical Rune Stone, putting in the rune language bar can increase the increase of 200,000 points (or 200%full attributes) and 200%dark original power increase. Or 30,000 spell attack power), each upgrade can add an additional 1 point of magic power, with mythical skills: dark shadow.

Inlaid equipment (defensive tower) inlaid holes can increase the increase of 200,000 points (or 200%full attributes) and 200%dark original power increase. Magic shadow.


The two rune stones equipped by the Demon Cavaliers were produced by Ri Ouna during this time. Wu Feng could also use civilized fire species to make rune stones.

In combination, Wu Feng’s mythical rune stones can be obtained every day, and so many runes are the rhythm of take -off.

“These two rune stones should be able to help you solve the enemy?” Wu Feng asked, the demon knight is full of confidence: “Lord, rest assured, with two mythical rune stones, I will crush the enemy to crush the enemy Cheng Cheng! ”

Speaking, the Demon Cavaliers drove the Dark Demon and Evil Tiger, and he went straight to the goal.


At this time, [Robotic Watt] is inquiring about things about the 011 region, because he just heard that the 011 area suddenly came to the Seventh -level God Cavaliers. Essence

This made [Robot Watt] stunned: “You mean, these seven -level god -class knights are the first heroes of heroes?”

“This is the strong who has just completed this combination?”

[Robotic Watt] Asked, it was an intelligence dealer he often cooperated with [500 years of live]. This information was told him for free.

“Mrs. Watt, I can’t lie to you. As far as I know, the god -level knight can be lost in seconds by charging.”

“The lords in the 011 region were burst into the heart of the lord by a charge. Among them, there was a [Feier painter] with a complete legendary large array.”

[Five hundred years of live] I told [Robotic Watt] that he knew all the information he knew. The monopoly was silent for a long time, and he said silently.

I am very close to the 011 area, so I really want to prevent the enemy directly kill it. [Robotic Watt] immediately made the defense facilities in the generals open.

At the least

In the absence of no one to attack their own territory, [Robot Watt] generally does not open the guardian array.

Now I heard that the lords in the 011 region were shot and spiked by a charge.

He didn’t want to eat the hot pot and sang songs, and suddenly the enemy fell from the sky and burst his lord’s heart.

After turning on the guardian array, [Robotic Watt] was a bit relieved. He continued to contact [500 years to live again]: “Then you can help me stare at the movement of the god -level knight.”

“If he starts to attack the No. 012 area, you must tell me in advance.”

[Robotic Watt] I made a plan to push all the way from the Demon God Cavaliers, but as soon as he sent this information, the hero in his territory suddenly spoke.

“Lord, what do you think of!”

[Robotic Vat] In his heart, he immediately came to the lord’s house and saw a dark shadow fall from the sky, as if a bomb was fried on the guardian array of his territory.

This guardian array is combined with two epic -level defensive tower+8 legendary defense tower. Its defense ability is very powerful.

Even a long time of attacking the Asian mythical BOSS has been standing for a long time, and it has been standing.

One of the confidence of [Robotic Watt] is this super big array, the guardian large array of [Feier Painter], in his opinion!

But [Robotic Vat] saw that this dark shadow broke the guardian array fiercely from the sky, and it hit his lord’s mansion in one fell swoop!

In this round of charge, the other protective facilities of [Robotic Watt] have no effect. The guardian array has a pause. However, the city walls, turrets and other buildings in the territory of [Robot Watt] are directly crushed by crushing directly. Understand!

This time, the lord’s residence of [Robotic Watt] was destroyed. According to the reason, the heart of the lord in the house of the lord should also disappear together.

However, the heritage of [Robotic Vat] is not bad. When his lord’s heart drops to 1,000 points, his lord’s heart trigger his own life -saving props and lucky guardian.

The heart of his lord can retain a certain durability and will not be destroyed directly.

[Robotic Vat] At this time, I saw it clearly that it was a knight hero who was riding a huge black tiger for his territory!

Isn’t this shape exactly the same as the image of the demon knight who gave him!

“Special! This Demon Cavaliers did not deal with the 012 region, but launched an charge directly to my territory!? He actually wanted to kill me at one time!”

[Robotic Vat] I feel angry, he thinks it is contempt for himself!

So many defensive towers of [Robotic Watt] began to gather fire magic knights. [Robot Watt] was the first time that his lord’s heart was transferred to other places.

The Demon Knight who entered the cooling of the charge could only be besieged. If you want to rush to the heart of the lord, you need to rush through the layer obstacles.

This is not so easy to rush over. Without a round of spiked the enemy, the Demon Knight is easy to fall into trouble.

But at this time, there was another dark shadow falling in the sky, and it launched the same charge. Although this charge is not as good as the demon knight, after the guardian array was broken, everyone else could not stop him.

[Robotic Watt] It was frightened. This black film is like a bamboo -breaking and piercing line of defense.

Before being eliminated, there was only one idea in [Robotic Watt] in his mind. Why is there a second mythical knight hero!

[Ding … Destroy the lord’s lord’s heart, according to the level of the lord (level 146), you get a 73 -point killing value. .

[Ding … successfully destroying the lord of the robot Watt can occupy 50%of the lord’s territory and trigger the skills of fighting the family, which can occupy the 25%of the lord’s territory. Please choose the preserved plot. .

[Ding … successfully destroy the lord’s heart of the robot, triggering the looting effect of fighting the house, can plunder 20%of resources in the enemy’s territory, obtain 6.6 million units of resources, and obtain 38,000 items of various types. .

[Ding … successfully destroy the lord’s heart of the robot, triggering the skills of fighting the family, and the land of 25%(level 4) with an area of 25%of the lord, with a total area of 35 million units. Please select the land type. .


And the Demon Cavaliers here, after retracting their own dark shadows, also smiled very proudly. This dark and dark shadow is the rune stone given to him by the lord.

The power attached to this rune stone can allow the demon knight to generate a avatar, which can also launch charge.

Although the Dark Magic shadow is not as good as his body, it can solve various enemies, and even the Demon Cavaliers can let him solve some weaker lords alone.

The Demon Demon Knight with the Dark Magic Shadow is able to complete the killing of [Robot Watt] such a monopoly, which has reached a new height.

Even if Opora launched a god -level natural disaster, it was not so easy to destroy a monopoly.

Wu Feng occupied a blockbuster territory by fighting the house. [Robotic Vat] occupied more than only 015, but also included some territories in the 014 region.

Now that he was killed, these areas have become Wu Feng’s site, which takes off!

At the same time, Wu Feng also obtained a large number of resources from his territory. Next, the Demon Knight can acquire resources such as crystal crystals and treasure chest keys from the national trading market in the territory and even the sky.

In the territory of [Robotic Watt], there is a high -level international trade market, which can be traded in total 4 days.

This is much higher than the market and specifications of other ordinary lords.

Previously, no hero came to the 797th floor, Wu Feng couldn’t operate this way. Now with the Demon Cavaliers, the resource on the 797th floor can also be used by Wu Feng.

So the duties of the Demon Cavaliers have become to open up territory+collect resources. At that time, if sufficient resources are collected, he can open it directly on the 797th floor. If there are good things, let the demon heroes bring it back to Wu Wu to Wu Feng.

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 015 region 015, Line 797, 032, to activate the monopoly program. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region 015 on the 799th floor 032, the regional list disappears. The nine -day tour of the league will be fixed to get 10,000 nods and 1 legend every day. .


At the same time, [Robotic Vat] occupied No. 015 has also become Wu Feng’s territory, and the newly occupied areas are still very powerful.

Wu Feng took a look at the time: “The Demon Cavaliers, this is really much high, and it took less than 15 minutes, and you captured a area.”

“This is much higher than the previous efficiency!”

The Demon Knight also knows that this is the power of the lord’s dark god gun+two mythical rune stones. Otherwise, he is not so easy to kill a monopoly.

So the Demon Knight hit the iron while hot, and immediately found another monopoly. At this time, the national degree 032 was boiled because of the operation of the Demon Cavaliers.

Mainly, he destroyed [Robotic Watt], a monopoly with a destructive gesture. For the lords of the 032 country, [Robot Wat] is the top three figures in the country.

There are only three monopolists in the entire country 032, and other non -monopolists are worse than compared with them.

Today, even the monopoly [robot Wat] has been killed in spikes. Whether the other lords have become residue. As long as the Demon Cavaliers look at it, they have to kneel!

“I wipe it! This devil knight is too fierce, even the monopolists say that the second is second. Is this the powerful of the seventh -level mythical hero?”

“If it is an ordinary seventh -order mythical hero, it is not a problem to sweep a single area, but there is absolutely no efficiency of this devil knight. He also has a seventh -order mythical BOSS mount!”

“That’s right, the configuration of these seven -level gods+god beast mounts is the reason why he can sweep invincible. This configuration should be above the 795th floor!”

“I think the top two of the heroes on the 794th floor are the god -level knights of this configuration, but their combat power is not enough to kill the monopoly. After all, the lord of 794 is generally stronger.”

“We have three years of development with the 794th floor, and the world is in junior high school. We are still in kindergarten! This topic is super outlined for us!”

The lords of No. 032 have burst into mentality. So far, they have not figured out who has this devil knight.

Even if some intelligence vendors deliberately explore the information occupied by the site, they cannot see the other party’s lord information.

This shows that the other party deliberately hides the lord’s information, and it seems that the level of props used is quite high.

In this case, the mysterious lord sent the Demon Cavaliers, and they could only retreat. Many lords chose to run. They have felt the horror atmosphere of No. 032.

The coming of this demon knight must be to wipe out the whole country!

At the same time, the monopoly of the two -star monopoers in the 078 and No. 079 are monopolized [10,000 -year -old].

[Five hundred years of life]: “The eyes are big, I just contacted [Robotic Wat], he got information about the Demon Cavaliers from me.”

“As a result, he was destroyed by the Demon Cavaliers. The time before and after the difference was less than 10 minutes, this was simply exaggerated!”

[Thousands of years] After hearing about this, he silently said in silence. After groaning for a while, he said: “A star monopoly, so easy to be destroyed!”

“Is it because [Robotic Wat] has not been prepared in advance, and hasn’t it been opened in the protective array?”

[Five hundred years of live] Explanation: “I remember [Robot Watt] opened the protective array of protection as soon as possible.

“Eye, you have to be careful too! This is the seventh -order god -class knight, and its strength is too exaggerated.”

[Thousands of years] nodded, he also felt a little unstable, so he not only activated the guardian array in his territory, but also used a few shield cards to protect his lord’s palace.

I still feel unstable [10,000 years], and also used the legendary level avoidance card, which can at least resist a lot of harm.

Just after the operation, [10,000 years], I heard [live for five hundred years] and reported to him in a panic: “Big eyes, it’s not good! Just [Tongtong Dynasty] was also killed by the Demon Cavaliers!”

“His No. 036 area has also been occupied by the enemy! This efficiency is too fast! This guy obviously wants to kill all the monopolists first, and win our country No. 033 with the fastest efficiency!”

[Five hundred years of live] The information channels are very wide. Although he cannot detect who the real owner of the Demon Cavaliers is, he can monitor his movement and lock the goal of the enemy’s attack, which is relatively easy.

Moreover, the entire region is easy to find.

If this kind of news cannot be known for the first time, [live for five hundred years] this intelligence merchant will not be a little too much.

Moreover, [5 Hundred Years] is also related to [Tongtong Dynasty], and even [Tongtong Dynasty] has just asked him to ask for information about the Demon Cavaliers.

[10,000 years] immediately opened the list of the country’s territories. As a result, he found that the ranking of [Tongtong Dynasty] really disappeared on the list of the territories.

[10,000 years at a glance] I did not give up the list of the territory and even the territory. As a result, the [Tongtian Dynasty] disappeared, and any ranking has no information of [Tongtong Dynasty]!

This guy was really eliminated by spike, which is too exciting! The monopolist is so vulnerable! Intersection

[Thousands of years] Thinking of this, he regretted it, and he didn’t seem to use a legendary war card! This epic -level battle card at the bottom of the box should be used early!

“I am afraid that the epic -level war card can stop the charge of the seventh -level god -class knight! I am so stupid, I still hope to use the legendary level avoidance card …”

[Five hundred years of live] Remind [10,000 years at a glance]: “Eyes are big, just now [Tongtian Dai] is also extinguished by the Demon Cavaliers, you must be careful …”

If you hear [5 Hundred Years of Live], [10,000 -year -old] full mind question mark.

This is not that I think I have a problem, but I think you have a problem with you [live for five hundred years]!

Why [Robot Watt] and [Tongtian Dynasty] were destroyed after you told them not long after you told them! Are you afraid it is a plague god!

If it weren’t for [500 years of live], [10,000 years] would be thought to be an undercover sent by the enemy.

Mainly this is too coincidental, so it’s outrageous!

I was launching a soul torture [10,000 years] to [5 Hundred Years of Live], but suddenly heard the harsh alarm. He immediately switched to his whistle tower perspective. The tower’s investigation horizons flew over.

[Thousands of years] However, the very chicken thief has arranged the investigation field of investigation in the 068 area 068 and the area 069.

When the enemy comes from the 035 area, it will definitely pass one of these areas, so that there will be a time to respond.

Seeing the huge figure, [10,000 years] The face changed wildly, this must be the demon knight! Seventh -level mythical knight!

This speed is too fast! If it wasn’t for [10,000 years], he was arranged in advance, and I am afraid that the enemy would have a sudden face, and he would find it.

The Cavaliers really came to him, [10,000 years] immediately began to operate. He let all his strengths shrink back to the leading ground and arranged various defenses around the territory.

In this case, [10,000 -year -old] is full of defense he can do. He wants to fight and see if he can prevent the impact of the Demon Cavaliers.

With his territory specifications, if you run forcibly, the loss will be very large.

After all, in other places, there are very few blank two regions that allow him to move to the past. If you move, then [10,000 years] can only move his main base, and you will lose the resources in the two regions at once. And site.

This is even more uncomfortable than the [One Thousand Years]. The three -eyed lord is unwilling to bear this failure.

So [10,000 years] is fully prepared to wait for the coming of the enemy, and the Demon Cavaliers did not let him wait too long. He soon came to the territory of [10,000 years].

Seeing the enemy’s protection is very tight, the Demon Knight shook his head: “The defense of this group of guys is really more strict than one, but unfortunately the opponent you encounter is me!”

The Demon Cavaliers did not rush to launch charge, but took out a few epic ban on the epic ban on the epic ban on it, and launched an attack.

The scrolls of the magic knights at hand are all dark mantras. Under the bonus of dark divine power and dark magic shadow, their lethality is very scary.

This power is a Betta mythical ban, so the territory of [10,000 years] has been comprehensively baptized by epic ban.

Under the scouring of the forbidden curse, the legendary -level avoidance barrier of [10,000 years] was exploded, and then its guardian array.

The Epic Banning Mantra of the Demon Cavaliers is to remove most of the defense methods of [10,000 years]. This is a warm -up!

[10,000 years] He also looked at it. He actually received unique treatment. The Demon Cavaliers did not immediately launch an charge, but destroyed his defense facilities a lot first.

This is unexpected by [10,000 years], there are too many means of this devil knight.

Just thinking that the Demon Cavaliers launched an charge with an indifferent momentum. After taking a few drops of dark gods, the fighting power of the Demon Cavaliers has improved significantly.

His charge was more fierce and fierce than before, [10,000 years] shocked that many of his defense facilities were destroyed in one fell swoop.

It was just that the Demon Cavaliers finally stopped in front of the shield of the lord’s palace. His impact was destroyed to destroy other defense facilities other than the lord’s palace.

“This is the magic knight? I don’t know how [Robot Watt] and [Tongtian Dynasty] can die under this attack.”

[10,000 years at a glance] When he was relieved, he felt that he was stable. This Demon Knight was too weak. After the opponent was over, it was the end of the crossbow. Maybe he still had the opportunity to surround him?

Just when [10,000 years], many defensive towers launch fire attacks on the Demon Cavaliers.

Over the territory of [10,000 years], a roar sounded again. It was the roar of the dark demon and evil god tiger. After [10,000 years], I saw a huge god beast fluttering out.

[10,000 years at a glance] Immediately wake up: “I wipe it! This devil knight actually played the sound of sound!”

The second time the charge was the ontology of the Demon Cavaliers!

(This chapter is finished)

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