Chapter 471 Steading Badfield!

Wu Feng aimed at No. 065, the country of Tiandu No. 012. This country is the focus of Wu Feng’s next wave of expansion.

Several of his Rainbow City has begun to sweep in this country, and Wu Feng strives to win this country within tomorrow.

Therefore, this magical fingers can cover this country and kill the lords in it. This time, Wu Feng’s “wish” content is to directly eliminate all the lords in the country No. 065.

With the sound of a crispy ringing, the entire 065 national degree immediately changed a shocking change.

I saw a lord [Street Lantern Pendant No. 1], who was still against the city of Rainbow City, and was suddenly attacked by unknown.

He didn’t have any chance of reaction. The durability of his lord’s heart suddenly became 0, and the lord’s heart was directly broken.

After seeing the lord’s heart cracking, it began to turn into dust and disappeared directly with the wind. This made [Street Lantern Pendant No. 1] slowly up, and then disappeared by himself.

A level 50 lord was eliminated inexplicably.

The No. 005 area No. 005, which was originally attacked by the City of Rainbow, was completely destroyed by lords. The entire area turned into a ghost!

In this case, the city of Rainbow immediately attacked, occupied all of them, and one area was directly at hand!

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 005 of the No. 005 of Tianyu 065 in Tianyu 065 to activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region No. 005 No. 005 of the No. 065 of Tianyu 065, and the regional list disappears, the Lord’s nine -day travel will get 5,000 point of view and 1 legendary degree of prestige every day. .


The blink of the country No. 005 No. 065 was completely destroyed. The areas separated from each other, this weird scene appeared.

The lords who had observed the situation in the area No. 005 were still in strangely disappeared one by one in the strange regions of the No. 005.

Then the weird power came to “spread”, and only less than a few seconds, the No. 015 area also was also killed in the second, that is not to know the spike of the attack power source!

Although the city of Rainbow is powerful, it is still tangible and quality. Although the lords are afraid of the city of Rainbow, they will still try their best to resist.

That kind of Wang Shi drove, and it was almost impossible for the situation to fall.

But now Wu Feng’s magical fingers have made the lords of No. 065 burst, and their faces were white.

Because in the country No. 065, the lords from the No. 001 to the region 040 were wiped out in an instant!

It was a real wiper, which was eliminated without a sign. Among them, there was even one monopoly who monopolized the 035 region!

As a monopoly, at this stage, he is already the top lord of the 799th floor, but he was directly wiped out by facing the sudden attack on this sudden attack!

His No. 035 area was also instantly occupied.

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 035 region 035 in Tianyu 065, 012 to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours in the region within three days. Can be a monopoly who gets a monopoly bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the country 035, the country’s list of No. 065 No. 065, and the list of the region disappears, the alliance owner will get 5,000 point of view and 1 legendary degree of daily fixed daily. .


The lords of the 045 area, watched the monopoly who was regarded by them as an important threat, [Onion’s Heart] was so second.

“What happened? [The Heart of onion] wasn’t it just opened the channel with our area 045, are you going to attack us? Why is he suddenly gone!”

“You ask me, who should I ask? This is out of charge! [The heart of the onion] Anyway, it is also a monopoly, how can you say it is gone!”

“Looks like [Jiutian Travel], you see, you see, then the 035 area is already the site of [Jiutian Travel]. It’s! ”

“This is too exaggerated! [Nine -day travel] This is the rhythm of the sky! Can a monopoly a second be so simple?”

In this case, the lords of No. 065 can only see a ‘neighbor’ disappear. After this wave of attacks, only the lords in the remaining 60 regions are still there.

Because this wave of attacks was too fierce, many lords of the 065 nationality were not good, and they immediately moved away with the relocation card.

Because they don’t know that this attack will affect the extensive range. If they do n’t go now, they will be affected when they are affected, would n’t they even kneel without a chance to resist?

In this case, there are naturally someone running, because this attack is too weird and difficult to prevent. In addition, some people take the lead in running the road. The other lords do not know what the situation, and follows the way.

For a while, even the areas that were not influenced by magical fingers, there was an illusion that there were constant people being ‘seconds’, so the panic spread, and more and more lords ran.

Wu Feng even surprised that the lords of the No. 045 region adjacent to the No. 035 area were all scared away.

All lords ran away and left Wu Feng in an empty area. This strange situation was also something Wu Feng did not expect.

“My magical fingers, obviously can only drop the lords in 40 regions at the same time, but Yu Bo actually helped me clean up an extra area. This is really amazing!”

Wu Feng naturally would not be polite. He immediately took off this area. In general, he took a breath in the country in 41 regions in the country. This is the rhythm of Wuhu’s take -off!

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly to the No. 001-045 region of Tianyu 065 No. 065, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lords have survived for more than 20 hours in the region. Nine -day travelers can become monopolists and get monopoly bonuses. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the country No. 001-045, the country list disappeared because of the No. 001-045 of the Tiangu 065, and the nine-day tour of the Alliance will get a daily fixed value and 39 legends. .


Wu Feng’s waves can destroy the lords of so many regions, relying on the fate of the hero, and it has increased the power of more than 10 times the magical finger.

In addition, the hands of Shang Cang have been comprehensively enhanced, and Wu Feng can drop 40 regions in seconds in seconds.

“When tomorrow is coming, I will communicate in depth with Ophara. With the city of Rainbow, it is easy to take this 065 country. This is simply so cool!”

Wu Feng did not expect that he was so fierce that he had a finger. This feeling of turning his hands over the clouds and rain was the reason why the fighting flowers were high.

In the 065, after 30 minutes of the magical finger, when they saw that the other lords did not disappear anymore, they confirmed that the attack of [Nine Days Travel] was over.

The lords of this country were relieved, and then looked at the entire country, because the lords who were fingered by the magical sound, and the lord who was frightened, the number of lords in the whole country suddenly decreased by 80%!

At this moment, the country No. 065 became a ghost, and the number and density of the lord were the lowest in many countries.

This situation can be described as abnormally outrageous. It is much easier to capture these areas in the next Rainbow City.

The national degree 065 is just around the corner.

With the power of evolution, Wu Feng has strengthened the hands of Shang Cang. He also evolved the heaven and earth chariot. This lord’s equipment has been evolved into a myth -level equipment!

Its related capabilities also have a qualitative leap!

True Emperor Chariot: Lord Equipment (Mythical Equipment). After the lord’s equipment, all knight heroes and arms in the territory are+300%, level+30 level, movement speed+500%, assault skills level+10 level level Essence

According to the title level of the lord (the two -star lord), the current Emperor’s chariot is the main driver of the big leader, and the title of the lord has evolved into an overlord.

With the characteristics of the Emperor: the Emperor’s Paradise, the Mighty Tianwei, the Tianlou Xiangrui, the Emperor’s mount, and flattened the restraint.

天帝巡游:每天可发动一次天帝巡游,在领地内外和周边巡游一圈散播天威,巡游结束后,将获得领地面积5%的地块并随机提升2个地区所有地块等级(升级地区数量和 The upper limit of the level is related to the level of the car. It is currently a two -star lord, which can increase the level of two regional levels at the same time).

Tianwei Hurbing: When using the Emperor’s chariot to cruise the territory, it will emit mighty Tianwei. There is a chance to attract craftsmen or heroes to join the territory. The stronger the lord’s strength, the higher the title of the lord, and the higher the chance of attracting (the lord’s guarantee attracts 1 The legendary heroes joined, and the hegemony attracted one epic hero to join, and so on.). But at the same time, it will attract more magical attention, and it is easy to cause magic tide.

Tianluo Xiangrui: When using the Tiandi chariot to cruise the territory, the lord and members of the alliance will occur randomly. The higher the level of the chariot, the better the effect of triggering the auspiciousness, and the more types. (At present, it can trigger the effect of Tianzhao Ganlin and Tianluo Xiangrui)

Tiandi cars: The Emperor’s chariot can be equipped with a mount. The higher the level of the chariot, the more mounts can be equipped. At present, the main car is the main car. It can be equipped with 9 mounts. Can get attribute improvement). According to the mounts equipped by the Emperor’s chariot, the Emperor’s chariot can get different attribute bonuses.

Facing the Forbidden Land: When driving the Tiandi chariot parade, you can command the troops to settle down the ban. If the banned land is successfully wiped out, the lord and the car mount can obtain attributes and divine feedback.

Remarks: You are worth having! Want to have the invincible stretch sports car? Find the ride that belongs to the 拉 找到!

After the evolution, the Emperor’s chariot is really extremely windy. The whole body is made of Shenjin, and the body shape is even more comparable to a palace.

When such a magical chariot appears over other people’s territory, it must be a shocking thing.

Wu Feng looked at it, and the Emperor’s chariot was indeed a mythical lord equipment. All abilities, that’s really explosion!

Like the Emperor’s cruise effect, it can directly get a 5%plot, and it can also directly upgrade the levels of the two areas.

Every time a cruise, there must be a significant improvement in the territory, which is still very cool.

At the same time, Tianwei has the effect of guarantee. Now Wu Feng’s guarantee is to attract legendary heroes to join. When he becomes an overlord, it attracts epic heroes.

Is it possible to attract mythical heroes to join?

The effect of Tianluo Xiangrui also expanded from his territory to the territory of the entire league. After a cruise, everyone in the alliance can benefit!

The last flat forbidden land made Wu Feng’s eager to move, and he no longer wasting time. He went directly to the Tiandi chariot, and then asked his nine dragon cars to pull him out.

“Then take a look at the effect of stepping on the ban on the ban! Rylier, you mobilize the paradise expedition and take me off this magic Dragon Valley!”

After the launch of the Emperor’s cruise, Wu Feng pointed out and killed him in a direction. What he pointed out was the direction of the Magic Dragon Valley.

This extinction place is the ban on the place of the country 063 and the national degree 064. When Wu Feng destroyed the 064 nationality, he transported the troops through the Nervic Great Wall. A ban.

Now there are related rewards for the Emperor’s parade, Wu Feng launched the battle to destroy the ban on the ban!

So Ri Lier launched the Paradise Expedition and drove the Magic Dragon Valley with Wu Feng’s Tiandi Charle to!

I saw a huge and magnificent chariot dropped from the sky with the bombardment of drums. The drum sound almost resonated with the heavens and the earth, bringing a great sense of oppression to the Magic Dragon Valley.

Behind the chariot, followed by a large group of angels. They came with the holy light, and the army was mighty to flatten the Dragon Valley!

The Magic Dragon Valley is a huge valley that gathers various demon bosses. It is endless and has thousands of kilometers.

However, the core area of the Magic Dragon Valley is in a valley with a large number of monsters. When Rylier led the team to temporarily, the demons and monsters here are boiling!

“Actually dare to kill the Magic Dragon Valley, you are looking for death! Small guys, kill me! Kill the light angels!”

In the Magic Dragon Valley, a powerful Asian -level BOSS was immediately raised, which is a six -order abyss magic dragon. Because the opening time of the 799th floor is very short, the BOSS in the forbidden area is not particularly high. Essence

“Only the sixth -order BOSS? This is the forbidden place? Then send you to death!” Wu Feng saw the abyss magic dragon rushing out, and he was even a little disappointed.

Wu Feng also didn’t say anything, and directly launched the hand of the gods, and became a greater blue palm, just like shooting flies, shooting this sub -mythical BOSS in the Magic Dragon Valley.

The huge vibration and relaxed suppression scene shuddered many monsters in the magic dragon valley.

Their boss was killed in one shot? How could this lord so powerful!

When Rui Lier saw the lord’s shot, she also led the Angel Army to start to wipe out many monsters in the Demon Dragon Valley. A variety of holy lights fell from the sky and purified all the devils.

Just as Rylier swept the invincible, there was a loud noise in the Magic Dragon Valley. I saw that in the deepest part of the Magic Dragon Valley, a mountain wall was suddenly broken away by a huge force, and a dragon yin came from it.

Wu Feng’s eyes brightened: “There is still a bigger guy!”

After killing the sub -mythical BOSS, plus Rylier’s killing, this obviously alarm the big boss in the Dragon Valley!

I saw the abyss dragon with three skulls rushing out of the mountain wall. Its body shape is much larger than the abyss demon dragon just now.

Magic Dragon Valley is named after its name!

“Who, dare to surprise the great sleep of the great three -headed magic dragon! You actually killed my son, then you all die!”

Three -headed magic dragon stared at the crowd with three heads.

Wu Feng sees it clearly. This is a mythical BOSS of the sixth -order peak. In the future, if you want to deal with this guy, you have to have multiple mythical League of Legends to join forces.

After all, this BOSS is likely to grow to the seventh order, and the heroes of the lords are difficult to reach this level.

Now Wu Feng only brings a mythical hero, but he has absolute grasp!

“Ri Lier, start! You are the main force, destroy this guy!” Wu Feng stood on the Emperor’s chariot and waved his hand. He was really like a heavenly emperor.

Rui Lier nodded: “Lord, I won’t let you down, and see how I destroy this guy!”

Speaking, Rylier launched the wings of the angel. The heavenly sword, the angel god crown, the angel armor and the angel boots on his body burst into bright light.

Today, Ri Lier has 5 components of angel divine power. Only the last angel’s heart is missing, and he can form an angel divine!

The newly added angel armor and angel boots were summoned by Wu Feng with the exclusive equipment summoning card. Such props, Wu Feng is given priority to Ruilier, so that she can gather the angel power as soon as possible.

The five congenital artifact level components are extremely amazing, which has made Rylier’s combat power changes.

Ri Lier immediately turned into the six -wing angel. Many of her angels also added a pair of angel wings. The light wing was extremely windy, which caused them to increase its combat power.

In addition, the power of the Angel Corps also feedback to Rylier, so that there was another pair of wings behind her.

If the number of angels is enough, or the angel divine set, Rylier may have 8 wings.

Under the bonus of so many power, Ri Lier held the sword with the three -headed magic dragon against each other. Her strength was not weaker than the three -headed magic dragon.

The two sides have a huge level, but Ri Lier actually played a difficult point with the Three -headed Demon Dragon, especially the paradise sword in her hand, which made the three -headed magic dragon extremely uncomfortable.

The three -headed magic dragon had to avoid the heavenly sword, otherwise this sword can easily break away his invincible dragon scales defense.

For a while, Rylier didn’t even tie the three -headed magic dragon, but was fighting the three -headed magic dragon!

Wu Feng nodded with satisfaction: “Rui Lier’s combat power today can still do it.”

“But the time of my emperor’s cruise is limited, then speed up a little progress!”

Wu Feng thought of this, he shot on the Emperor’s chariot. When he filmed, he launched the hand of the gods.

It was a slap that activated all god -level gems and runes.

The three -headed magic dragon did not expect that the lord’s own combat power was so exaggerated. Before he reacted, he was shot by a slap!

Wu Feng proudly stands, his slap, that is to directly hit the three -headed magic dragon. It can be said that now Wu Feng’s combat power can also be better than the mythical hero with artifacts like Ryliel!

If you count the explosive power, Wu Feng is more powerful than their outbreak!

On this slap, the three -headed magic dragon immediately vomited blood, but he was still fighting with Rylier. His vitality was extremely strong, and Rylier couldn’t take him for a while.

Wu Feng immediately shouted: “Shoot the sun tower, send me to death!”

As Wu Feng issued orders, the shooting of the Rido Tower launched the power of shooting the sun and the god of the gods across the two countries.

Wu Feng is already very experienced, how can he carry this arrow!

I saw 10 black arrows instantly penetrated the body of the three magic dragons. Its head and heart were worn by the arrow cave. These three -headed dragons were immediately second!

[Ding … successfully kill the three -headed magic dragon (seventh -order mythical BOSS), complete the achievement of the gods, and obtain 150,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully hit the three -headed magic dragon (seventh -order mythical BOSS), successfully challenge mythical BOSS, you get an additional 150,000 points challenge points. .

[Ding … successfully hit the three -headed magic dragon (seventh -order mythical BOSS) and absorb the divine power. You add an additional one guard (hero) quota and 1,000 guards (arms) places. .


After killing the three -headed magic dragon, Wu Feng immediately installed his body. At that time, he could extract a wave of blood. The blue pistol dragon beast and the Dragon Knight need a lot of dragon blood every day.

As soon as the three -headed magic dragon died, the monsters in this valley all became the nutrients of Rylier. She constantly emitted the holy light and purified a monster.

Ri Lier became the only light in the Demon Dragon Valley. The largest valley was quickly cleaned up. Relying on the heaven expedition, Rylier could summon a large wave of angels in one fell swoop.

The cleanup of the Magic Dragon Valley has not ended. In addition to here, there are two valleys and sub -mythical abyss dragons.

You need to kill all these abyss magic dragons, Wu Feng can completely destroy the Demon Dragon Valley, otherwise the abyss magic dragon can continue to cultivate and become stronger, which will still be a threat.

So Wu Feng took Rylier together to come to these two valleys, and the sub -mythical BOSS, which is really not Rylier’s opponent.

Just when he was dealing with the second sub -mythical abyss dragon, Wu Feng thought of his magic dragon knight. The sub -myth Cavaliers heroes needed the magic dragon mount.

Earlier, he knew that there was a mythical BOSS in that valley, and he didn’t rush to surrender the sub -mythical dragon.

Now there is only a sub -mythical abyss demon dragon in this valley. Wu Feng immediately took out a sub -mythical beast summon card.

“Be obediently to be a mount! Otherwise, the only thing to wait for you will be dead!” Wu Feng launched the beast King’s summoning card. This sub -mythical abyss dragon was immediately controlled.

The abyss Demon dragon felt the evil spirit on Wu Feng. It was the breath after killing the three -headed Demon Dragon. Even his own boss was destroyed. If he was stubborn, it would really be killed.

So the abyss magic dragon’s ‘well -behaved’ lowered his noble head and expressed his surrender to Wu Feng, and Wu Feng immediately summoned the Dragon Knight.

“This abyss magic dragon is now your mount. You see if you are not suitable for him! If it is not in line, then I will slaughter it directly.”

Wu Feng’s words shivered this abyss demon dragon. His life was only between the lord’s thoughts, so he didn’t dare to have the slightest, because the Lord could really kill him!

In this case, the abyss magic dragon is very well voluntary to become the mount of the Dragon Dragon Knight, the Asian mythical knight, and it is also a person who can ride.

As a mount, the Dragon Knight has become the hero of the sixth -stage peak as a mount, coupled with the additional bonus of the Emperor’s chariot, the Dragon Cavaliers broke through the seventh order.

The seventh -order sub -mythical hero, that is also an extremely powerful hero. It can be regarded as a fifth -order mythical hero.

Wu Feng’s ambitions are still there, he thought of the sinful evolution ability of sin.

This ability seems to be able to evolve the sub -myth boss into mythical BOSS. Can this abyss magic dragon evolve?

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Feng’s spirit was shocked, and he immediately tried to switch the Qiqiao Lingxin’s ability to sinful heart. This authentic prop has reached the congenital mythical level and could launch the evolution of sin.

As Wu Feng appeared on a ray of black atmosphere, he reached out to the abyss Demon Dragon, and these black gas covered the abyss magic dragon in and eroded.

The abyss magic dragon, which was almost integrated with the Dragon Knight, immediately swelled quickly, and its head suddenly grew two new heads, which became a three -headed magic dragon.

Originally, Wu Feng had dried up three magic dragons, and now he has cultivated a three -headed magic dragon again. This is also very amazing.

However, Wu Feng did this to maximize his own interests.

This is equivalent to using a sub -mythical beast -level summoning card to achieve the effect of the beast summon card, and a new mythical mount was added.

And the Dragon Knight is a submorian hero, and he cannot surrender the beast.

Even if a god beast summon card to let a god beast surrender, if he let him become a sub -mythical hero, the beast will feel that he is humiliated, and then the rebellion on the spot is possible.

But the mythical BOSS cultivated by himself is not the same. Wu Feng has previously shocked the abyss magic dragon fiercely, making it very afraid of himself.

Now Wu Feng has cultivated this guy as a three -headed magic dragon. This is Enweigra and applied. The three -headed magic dragon is not so unruly for his own knight, but is willing to continue to be a mount.

After all, since the lord can cultivate it as a mythical BOSS, the lord’s adult may naturally evolve the Dragon Knight into a mythical hero.

In this way, the Dragon Knight has a mythical mount, which is a high match in the high match!

This moved the Dragon Knight, and he could not wait for the cultivation of the lord to cultivate the liver and brain.

So the Dragon Cavaliers followed Wu Feng and led the team to the last valley of the Magic Dragon Valley. There is also a sub -mythical abyss dragon.

This time is the first horse of the Dragon Knight. The three -headed magic dragon under it first said: “The third child, you still surrender!”

“My second brother, I am now the general of the lord, and now I have broken through as a god beast.

The three -headed magic dragon apparently knew this abyss demon dragon. One of them was the second child and the other was the third child.

At the beginning, Wu Feng’s three -headed magic dragon was the boss.

Is this Taoyuan Sanjie? Is the last abyss magic dragon in front of me?

When Wu Feng called Zhang Fei’s abyss, the Demon Dragon saw the Angel Legion and the Dragon Knight, and it was very angry: “You traitor actually became a led dog!”

“I can …”

Before the third child said, there was a blue giant hand taking it down, and the abyss magic dragon was immediately killed.

If Wu Feng wants to save time, he is not polite: “Since he is unwilling to surrender, it will become the blood of the dragon!

The second old comrades saw the means of the lord, and he trembled in his heart. If he did not surrender before, he was now a corpse.

The subtly mythical boss, now it really looks like an ant in front of Wu Feng, but Wu Feng mainly uses his own congenital artifact, relying on his own strength, it is still not so powerful.

Destroyed this abyss demon dragon, Wu Feng could destroy the entire ban on the entire seat.

This also activates the effect of flatning the banned land!

[Ding … successfully covering the Demon Dragon Valley (extinction place), completed the achievement of the destroyer of the banned place, and obtained 500,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully covering the Demon Dragon Valley (extinction place), successfully challenging the extinction place, you get an additional 500,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … Successfully covered the Demon Dragon Valley (extinction place), activate the effect of flatning the ban, according to the level of the forbidden area (extinct land), you can get 15 points of magic power and 100,000 points of full attributes. The great chances of attracting relevant personnel to join the territory, and at the same time, Ganlin Jade fluid, which will drop 30 minutes in the territory. .

[Ding … successfully covering the Demon Dragon Valley (extinctional place), activating the effect of flatning places, and according to the level of the ban (extinction), Ri Lier obtained 15 points of power and 100,000 points. .


In this time, Wu Feng not only completed the relevant challenges, but also activated the effect of flatning the ban. This increased 15 points of magical power and 100,000 points of attributes, which is still very impressive.

You know, at the junction of many countries, there are extinction places. If each extinction is destroyed, there is such a great benefit, and it will take off.

Rylie, like Wu Feng’s participation in the war, has also gained the same attribute growth, which is no less than the effect of absorbing 10 drops of inlet blood.

This is undoubtedly the opportunity to help heroes grow rapidly, but the effect of this flat forbidden land needs to be launched during the parade of Tiandi.

Wu Feng looked at him, his parade of Tiandi could last for about 3 hours, and the extinction land was destroyed, and it took 2 hours.

Every time the Emperor’s parade probably destroyed an extinction place, it was not enough to challenge Tianshen forbidden land.

If you want to flatten more extinction places and even the heavenly gods, you need to improve your strength quickly, and you must also find a way to extend the duration of the Emperor’s parade.

Thinking of this, Wu Feng went to the Emperor’s chariot: “Rui Lier, let’s go! Let’s go to a hundred thousand mountains! There is the key to our round of Tiandi tour!”

Having said that Wu Feng drove the Tiandi chariot to take off again, and after he destroyed the Magic Dragon Valley, the benefits brought were more than that.

Wu Feng used Fan Tianyin to devour the core mountain peaks in the Demon Dragon Valley, and this mountain peak completely disappeared, becoming a frank journey.

This is equivalent to opening up the national degree 063 and the country No. 064. Wu Feng’s own site has no boundaries.

And this is not only as simple as the two countries, but Wu Feng also let his own territory start a more advanced Ganlin jade liquid. The effect of each drop of Ganlin jade liquid is comparable to the glazed jade liquid!

I saw a drop of green Ganlin jade liquid falling down. After the spirit planting on the Panshid Cave Mountains was absorbed, the spiritual wisdom turned on and suddenly became a strange.

After absorbing Gan Linyu’s liquid, the spirit plant began to grow rapidly. Its growth efficiency was very amazing. There were legendary legendary spiritual planting absorbing more than ten drops and directly matured.

In Wu Feng’s main base, the glory and fragrance of spiritual planting are everywhere. Many people can also absorb Ganlin’s jade liquid cultivation, and they also benefit from this.

In the grass space, Ganlin jade liquid gathered is more density, and its density is higher. With the bonus of the grass space, the golden jade fluid falls in this space.

This means that its quality is higher, and the birth effect on many spiritual planting is better!

Chen Guo happened to bring Lele to many mythical glory of the glory of the glazed liquid. Due to the addition of [Zhu Jiaming Lord] and others, the output of the glazed magic fluid and glazed jade liquid in the net bottle of the glazed jade increased.

However, because [Zhu Jiaming Lord], [White Robe Shengxue] and others have joined the alliance with the territory, the ownership of those territories belongs to them.

The increase in the increase in the glazed liquid of these territories has also been discounted by 1/5, which is eventually equivalent to Wu Feng’s newly increased nationality, which can increase 40 drops of glazed magic fluid every day.

Nowadays, Chen Guo can get 65 drops of glazed magic fluid from the glazed jade net bottle every day. If it is allocated on average, it can completely allow all 5 spirit planting to get 13 drops of glazed solution.

This is equivalent to accelerating the growth of 130 years per day! If you count the glazed jade liquid, it will be no problem to accelerate the growth of 200 years a day.

Even if it takes 3,000 years to mature peach trees, you only need to cultivate it for a while, and you can hang fruit!

“The lord said that in the past few days, the world tree is given priority. The world tree can get 25 drops of glazed solution every day, and the other 4 god -level spiritual planting, which is 10 drops a day …”

According to Wu Feng’s arrangement, Chen Guo still focuses on cultivating the seeds of the world. This is the spirit plant that is most conducive to the development of Wu Feng’s leadership, and several other spiritual planting has been poured many times ago, and the development is also very good.

This focus on cultivating the world tree, and the five fifth mythical spiritual planting can still maintain relatively consistent growth efficiency.

In this case, the peach trees, ginseng fruit trees, Wu Dao trees, and congenital gourd vines all received 10 drops of glazed solution, which was quite rare before.

Ten drops of glazed magic fluids went down, and many spiritual planting grew rapidly. Under the gaze of Chen Guo, the last two gourds of the congenital gourd vine shaken a bit, but it was still falling.

It seems that the last two gourds really need more nutrients to be born.

With Chen Guo’s drip irrigation, the remaining two gourds shake: “Grandpa, Grandpa! Wait a while, we can be born soon!”

“Okay! I can see the new gourd baby again soon.” Chen Guo smiled brightly, and Lele pouted his lips. You can all speak, why don’t you come down?

When the seven gourds are born, they have the ability to fit. If they are fit, they can become stronger and evolve to higher levels.

At that time, Wu Feng can start to let them evolve into mythical heroes.

Seven mythical heroes are combined, which will be a new level, which is also the third hero who can achieve immortality.

The flowers on the peach tree mother plant are more lush, and it has entered a comprehensive flowering period. The follow -up is to prepare to hang fruit.

There is also ginseng fruit trees that are also accelerating. The fruit above has the size of the thumb. This ginseng fruit is like a little doll. Chen Guo is also very fulfilled.

In the end, Chen Guo came to the Wu Dao tree. Now under the Wu Dao Tree, there is a time house placed by Wu Feng. The time of 400 square meters of time is placed. Under the Wu Dao tree, you can get the bonus of the Wu Dao tree.

In the time hut, there is a bonus of cultivation speed, plus the influence of enlightenment trees, which is very easy to realize here!

Epiphany is the true meaning of cultivation of cultivation instantly. The weakest effect can also improve your skills.

If you enter a deep level of epiphany, you can even make your skills ascended, or make some skill effect changes.

Chen Guo looked at the time hut, and the “kindness” smile appeared on his face: “This small house of the lord is really amazing, and it can change the time. This is the authority that the gods cannot have!”

Chen Guo hasn’t entered the hut, but he knows that this ability is different. After all, the mythical heroes in the territory almost go in.

When each mythical hero is practicing in it, it is a rapid growth of strength, which is relying on the bonus of time flow rate.

And Chen Guo helped everyone. On the Wu Dao tree, he dripped 10 drops of glazed magic fluid. Now Wu Dao tree grows rapidly again. The emerald green leaves have become even more delicate.

In this case, the dazzling glory appeared around Wu Dao tree. Many mythical heroes who had concentrated on cultivation in the time of time suddenly felt that they had a sense of blessing to the soul.

The practice related to cultivation was all penetrated at once. Like Nie Feng, who was cultivating, suddenly had a feeling of irrigation.

He suddenly stood up, waved out of the bloody sword in his hand, and the sword was almost cut off in front of him!

That was Nie Feng’s sudden understanding, and suddenly realized the new sword method. This is a trick in the devil. This trick is endless, and Nie Feng is used endlessly.

At the same time, Nie Feng triggered the epiphany, and actually made the concession Shayun share this effect.

I saw that with Bu Jingyun’s anger, countless flying sword fell into him. Bu Jingyun found out in surprise that he realized Jian Jiu in one fell swoop!

This was the bottleneck that had been trapped before. After realizing Jian Jiu, Bo Jingyun’s combat power soared, and he was also spiritual.

“After understanding Jian Jiu, and then cooperate with Master Feng, our lethality can take another level.”

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun smiled at each other. Just now Nie Feng triggered the effect of Wu Daoshu. As a result, under the influence of Moco’s influence, Bu Jingyun also enjoyed the same effect.

I have to say that Mo Ke, the two of them is independent of the magic skills, and can be shared even in my understanding. This ability is simply unskilled.

In this case, Bu Jingyun continued to cultivate, and he actually triggered his understanding. He realized the last move of the inexplicable swordsmanship, and Kendo accomplishment improved again!

Nie Feng also enjoyed the same effect on the side, so he realized a new way of magic knife, and the two influenced each other, so that the other party entered the state of enlightenment.

This permanent movement of the right foot on the right foot is simply numb.

It was just that they enlightened again and again. After the continuous display ability in the time of the time, the others who practiced together couldn’t help but speak.

The sword god named Li smiled: “You two, obviously cultivated and enlightened with everyone, but you triggered the enlightenment and various demonstration moves. Do you want to remove the time hut?”

Nie Feng smiled gentlely: “Lao Li, we are just so excited. In the future, we will realize it and will go outside to demonstrate.”

Bu Jingyun smiled proudly: “Senior Li, we continue to realize so much, the future kendo accomplishment may be able to catch up with you!”

The sword god surnamed Li didn’t care. He looked up at the sky: “Then I hope your kendo accomplishment will surpass me as soon as possible, and it is best to reach the realm of sword opening Tianmen as soon as possible!”

“Boy, you are a good seed!”

The mind and demeanor of the surname of the surname of Li made the concession very much admired. He said that the sword god of the surname Li was not angry, but he really hoped that he could quickly improve the accomplishment of Kendo.

However, in fact, Bo Jingyun’s kendo accomplishment improved, and the sword god surnamed Li could also gain something. He introduced Bu Jingyun into Wan Jianzong. As long as Bao Jingyun’s kendo accomplishment improved, the sword god of Li surnamed Sword God had feedback.

The sword god surnamed Li really hoped that the sword repair in the territory could open the heavenly gate. As for how many benefits he could get from it, he didn’t care.

“This enlightenment tree is indeed amazing. Every time we accelerate the growth, there must be people who will understand. Once we have an enlightenment, we will be able to repairs for several years.”

Fairy gods such as Kok Mu and Kuimu Wolf also cultivated in the small house. They watched how Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun influenced each other, and then realized together.

After seeing the effect of the two people’s understanding, their eyes fell on the realm of Wu Dao, and they felt that this god -level spiritual plantation was really amazing.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun also looked at Wu Daoshu. This god -level spiritual plant+time hut, do not get stronger speed!

In other heroes in time, there are more or less enlightenment experiences. They all cherish this cultivation time. Now the lords do not break through level 60.

Their level could not exceed this level, so they just squatted in the time in the hut to practice.

In fact, under the realm of Wu Dao, the old masters and his disciples were also gathered. When Wu Dao tree was thrive, the old master also realized.

It is also good luck. There are turkey, bandits and others who have realized new abilities. They are not heroes, but their ability has improved very quickly. Now there is a combat power equivalent to epic BOSS.

They are bathing under Gan Lin’s jade liquid while epiphany. This is why they can grow rapidly. This configuration is indeed a against the sky.

Even the Lele under Chen Guo’s feet has been realized under the realm of the Tao.

Do you want to find a time?

At that time, the lord knows it, and maybe you will give yourself more good things …

When Lele decided to wait for the lord to return, he told him …

Chen Guo didn’t know that the 10 drops of glazed solution he had just dripped have brought so much changes. After the drip irrigation tree, he brought the glass jade to the world tree seeds with glass jade bottle.

At this time, the world tree seeds have become a big tree with a height of 10 meters after two days of drip irrigation, but for the world tree, this is still the shape of the saplings.

Chen Guo is also paying most attention to the world’s saplings. It is often for its divisions and weeding, which can also enhance Chen Guo’s proficiency in planting.

Today, there are 25 drops of glazed magic fluid in the net bottle of Liuli jade. Chen Guo dripped the glazed solution to the world with a very stable rhythm.

With the absorption of the glazed magic fluid, the world tree has begun to grow again, and its high level is rising rapidly, and it is just like building blocks!

From 10 meters high, it rushed to 15 meters at once, and then grown crazy at 20 meters.

During the saplings period, the growth rate of the world tree will be a bit slower. This is 1 meter high, which is equivalent to growing for 20 years. After dripping 25 drops of glazed solution and hundreds of glazed jade liquids, the world saplings eventually finally the saplings eventually eventually. It is 30 meters tall.

It can grow so big, and the Ganlin jade liquid generated after this wave of Wu Feng is also very important. These Ganlin jade liquid can also accelerate the growth of the world’s saplings.

Half an hour of Ganlin jade liquid, the world tree is the most absorbed, and its growth is the greatest!

Lele suddenly pulled Chen Guo’s pants. The old farmer looked at Lele and saw the cute little panda pointed at the upper end of the world tree.

When Chen Guo quickly looked at it, he found that a small tree house grew on the branches of the world tree, which was like a round fruit, but this ‘fruit’ is a bit big.

“Well, this tree house seems to have a door, can I go in to see?” Chen Guo was also very surprised when he saw the tree house of the world tree.

Seeing Lele is very interested in this tree house, holding his trousers legs, that means almost going to see it.

Chen Guo also knew that there should be no danger in this tree house, otherwise Lele would not be curious to see it.

With the guidance of Lele, Chen Guo boldly climbed up the trunk of the world tree with Lele, and then approached the small tree house.

After Chen Guo pushed the wooden door of the tree house, he was sucked in by a suction. In Chen Guo’s exclamation, he entered the wooden house with Lele.

When Chen Guo reacted, he found that he appeared in a brand new world, just the sun in this world, how can I feel so close …

Chen Guo looked up at the sun that seemed to be visible to the naked eye, and then he saw the peak of the world, but this peak …

Why only go to your own waist!

Even near his chest, there are countless Baiyun lingering. What is the situation?

Just when Chen Guo was doubtful, he saw that there seemed to be a lot of black spots under his feet, and some old -fashioned Chen Guo could not see what it was.

Chen Guo had to squat down and check it carefully: “Is there a lot of ants here?”

After Chen Guo squatted down, he saw that the little black dots running at his feet were all villains. They were too young, and they were smaller than ants.

And Chen Guo is now a Titan giant in these ‘villains’ eyes! His height was actually taller than the mountains. When he stepped on, one of their cities was destroyed.

And there is a black and white monster around the Titan giant, which is still drooling as watching them watching them!

Because the black and white horror giant beasts are too huge, the saliva it leaves has formed a flood that directly drowns a town.

It can be said that this Titan giant and black and white giant, do nothing, may destroy the world.

Chen Guo came over a little bit. He and Lele seemed to have entered the ‘villain country’. The existence of this world is much smaller than himself.

“Oh my god! What sin has we created! Why suddenly there is a legendary Titan giant coming, this existence can destroy the world!”

“More than just one foot destroying the world! The great existence may destroy our world even if it blows. This existence will not destroy our world!”

“Let’s surrender to them! Such a great existence is not what we can fight!”

“Yes, since the great existence comes, it is for us to surrender. We may do so, and we can still keep our world.”

So when Chen Guo couldn’t hear the sound of the “villain”, the “villain country” surrendered!

On the other side, Wu Feng got the system prompt.

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 101 region (small world) of the No. 062 of Tianyu 062, No. 799, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives in the region for more than 20 hours within three days. If the conditions are met, the nine -day travel of the league can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the area No. 101 (small world) on the 799th Floor No. 062, there are no other lords, and the list of the region will disappear. The nine -day tour of the league will be fixed every day to get 50,000 sounds and 5 legends. .


Wu Feng stunned, when did he occupy this small world? This is a bit strange.

So after studying, Wu Feng found that this was actually the site of Chen Guo!

“Isn’t Chen Lao a fairy farmer who has no power of chickens? How can he take the next region by himself?

When Wu Feng was puzzled, he asked Chen Guo directly: “Chen Lao, where did you get a region just now? How can you be in the grass space.”

At this time, Chen Guo had left the ‘villain country’, and Wu Feng asked his doubts through Nie Feng’s mouth.

Hearing Wu Feng’s words, Chen Guo quickly replied: “Lord, Lord, I just entered the first world produced by the world tree, it was an extremely small world …”

Chen Guo briefly introduced it. As soon as Wu Feng moved, he checked it with mysterious sheepskin, and found that the world tree could really make a small world.

There are two main functions of the world tree, one is to set out a small world, and the other is to other different worlds.

Today, the world tree in the sapling stage can only be for the time being to make some small worlds. The rules are randomly generated. Chen Guo encountered a small world.

The characters in this world are very small, but the output of its land is real.

Nowadays, there is the size of a area in this small world. This size is equivalent to the size of the ‘villain’ in this world.

Through the feedback on the mysterious sheepskin roll, Wu Feng learned that this small world will grow up with the growth of the world tree.

Part of the nutrients of the world tree will be absorbed by the small world. As it grows, the size of the ‘villain’ in the small world will become larger.

Or in other words, the proportion of its spatial ratio to the main world will be reduced. If the world tree grows for a while, then Chen Guo goes in, maybe it may not be as terrible now.

“Then if you let Pan Feng come to an ax in this small world, what will happen …” Wu Feng couldn’t help but come up with wonderful thoughts.

When he thought of it, Wu Feng rushed to the 100,000 Mountains while driving the Tiandi chariot, and asked Pan Feng to go to the world tree.

Pan Feng is very puzzled. Why did the lord have to let him enter the tree house of the tree in this world. This tree house is so small. Wouldn’t he panic when he entered?

However, the order of the lord, Pan Feng has always been abnormal, and he broke into a small world with the giant spirit ax.

As he entered this world, the “villain” of the small world panicked again!

Because they discovered that after the Titans who had fallen from the sky suddenly left, their world suddenly appeared a taller and powerful Titan giant.

In the hands of the Titan giant, he was still holding a horrible giant ax. The destructive power of the Titan giant was obviously much larger than the old Titan giant just now.

And he also raised the ax. Is this going to destroy the whole world?

“Oh my God! Why is there a Titan giant again! Is our world connected to the Titans’s World Unicom?”

“Is this Titan giant a legendary destroyer? He rushed over with a giant ax. This is the posture of destroying the world!”

“Woohoo, our world can be destroyed by others, why are we so small?”

In a small world, countless ‘villains’ are running and crying. Faced with Pan Feng, who is much larger than Chen Guo, they are simply unable to confront them.

Pan Feng looked at the little black spots at his feet in doubt. He couldn’t understand how they ran around. Pan Feng came over. The goal was to open up the world more according to the requirements of the lord.

So no matter what these little black spots were talking about, he directly activated the supernaturalization. As a result, he just activated his big state and found that his body continued to swell. Essence

If Pan Feng continues to become bigger, it will explode this world!

I have to say that the upper limit of the small world is indeed very low today. Pan Feng has not yet used the world, and this world cannot accommodate him.

Pan Feng’s ability could not be fully played, but he still raised the giant spirit ax to prepare to launch the world.

At this time, the ‘villains’ people in the small world were going crazy. They did n’t know that Pan Feng wanted to open up a greater space for them.

They thought that Pan Feng was going to destroy their world. After all, the Titan giant became huge, and he also mentioned a giant ax to prepare for an attack.

In this case, they all thought of the result of their own world being destroyed.

So countless ‘villains’ they shouted and roared, trying to save their world.

“Please! Don’t destroy our world! We have nothing wrong! We are willing to worship you as a god! We will give our faith every day!”

“Great Titan giant, please show mercy, let’s let go of our world! We kneel here!”

“It’s useless to tell him so much! Even if it’s dead! I want to protect our world, fight with me, and fight with this Titan giant!”

“That’s right, even if we are small in front of the Titan giant, we must never let him just destroy our world casually, we want to fight with him!”

“Burning! I was out today, I must kill this Titan giant. Even if my body and soul are burned, he will pay him a price.”

When Pan Feng raised the giant spirit ax, he found that many of the small black dots under his feet rushed towards him, and some small black dots attacked him.

This made Pan Feng very uncomfortable. He drank angrily: “I am the giant spirit god who sent the world to open up the world. Don’t look for your own way!”

“Give me!”

The sound of Pan Feng’s anger was like a nine -day god thunder, and it really caused endless thunder in the clouds in his waist.

The rolling god thunder seems to represent the will of heaven and earth. This is God’s anger, obviously dissatisfied with the behavior of the ‘villain’ attacking Pan Feng.

This operation directly stunned the ‘villain’. Then they knew that the Titans this time came to help them.

And Titan giants are all Tianwei every move.

Under the deterrent of Pan Feng’s casualization of the Thunder, countless ‘villain’ “came down:” God makes adults, we are wrong! Could you please forgive us! ”

When Pan Feng saw that the little black dots stopped, he didn’t know what the other party was doing. Anyway, he would launch the world.

So Pan Feng also raised the giant spirit ax, regardless of the movement of these ‘little people’, and then launched the world!

The huge ax was severely cut on the edge of the small world. With a clicked loud noise, the edge of the world was broken, and countless chaotic gas poured in, which continued to expand the entire small world.

Under the ax of Pan Feng, the small world has been several times larger!

Even the sky has grown a lot, and Pan Feng can become a larger body.

And the “little people” of the small world also see that the Titan giant’s body shape seems to be smaller!

[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 102 (small world) of the No. 062 of Tianyu 062, No. 799, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives in the region for more than 20 hours within three days. If the conditions are met, the nine -day travel of the league can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the area No. 102 (small world) on the 799th floor 062, there are no other lords, and the list of the region will disappear. The nine -day tour of the league will be fixed every day to get 50,000 sounds and 5 legends. .


[Ding … the Supreme League completed the monopoly of the No. 105 region (small world) on the No. 062 of the 799th Floor (small world) to activate the monopoly program. If the conditions are met, the nine -day travel of the league can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the area No. 105 (small world) on the 799th floor No. 062, there are no other lords, and the list of the region will disappear. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 50,000 sounds and 5 legends daily. .


Pan Feng was concerned about the results of his ax. He found out that this time, he opened the size of 4 regions in the small world.

“This world is much fragile than other worlds. I am much less difficult for me to open up the world. Now that the world is expanding, my amplification ratio has also narrowed, so I can launch the law and the world.”

“I can still get bigger again, this time it should be able to open a larger world than the first time …”

(This chapter is finished)

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