Chapter 447 Time and Space Copy, Eternal Night

After all the allies learned the new lord skills, Wu Feng couldn’t wait to rush into the Langya library to become a public building.

He is going to seek some benefits for himself. In the depths of the Langya library, Wu Feng looked at his own sub -mythical soul. At present, in several unlimited trials, he also slaughtered several sub -mythical BOSS.

Coupled with the sub -myth -level BOSS that the god -level BOSS such as the death of death, the soul of his hand, there are still many souls at hand.

The sub -mythical soul of 9 units is enough to let Wu Feng perform various operations.

Even the mythical soul, Wu Feng has 5 units!

“Then just evolve the skills of thousands of troops and horses into sub -myths. I want to take off perfectly!”

Wu Feng has long felt that although the skill level of the thousands of troops, there is still room for progress. Now, when trying it, the lord skills he learned through other ways can also evolve!

In this way, the epic -level lord skills of the thousands of horses can evolve into sub -myths! Anyway, it has been obviously improved.

Thousands of troops (sub -mythical lord skills): can provide bonuses for all heroes and arms to increase their fully attributes.

Hero Bonus: For each hero in the territory, according to its quality, it can increase the full attribute of 0.1%-2%of all heroes (not calculated below the blue hero). Each of the heroes of the same family is increased by 1. It can increase the full attribute of this race hero of 1%-20%. The upper limit of the blessing of this skill is related to the total level of the territory.

Army bonus: Each number of similar arms in the territory increases by 1,000, and the total attributes of all arms increased by 1%. Each number of similar arms in the territory increased by 100. The total level is related.

Thousands of troops have only enhanced the full attributes of the arms before. After evolution, it has expanded to effective in heroes and arms. Wu Feng looked at it. Due to the large number of heroes in the hero, the attributes of all heroes have reached the level of the attributes of all heroes. The upper limit.

That is, according to the total level of Wu Feng’s territory, the upper limit is now to enhance the 300%fully attribute of heroes and arms.

In this way, the blessing of heroes and arms has stuck in this upper limit, and Wu Feng needs to continue to expand in order to continuously increase this upper limit.

In any case, the evolution of thousands of troops is enough to make Wu Feng’s heroes soar. This skill alone has made Sun Wukong’s ranking ranking from third to second. This wave of promotion is still immediate.

Wu Feng couldn’t help but show off in the alliance group: “I evolved my thousands of troops and horses into sub -myths, and its effect was very powerful.”

“If you make up the sub -mythical soul, you can evolve your skills, which will definitely surprise you!”

When other allies saw Wu Feng showing off so, they couldn’t help spitting up.

[Qianshan Twilight Snow]: “My Lord Lord, do you think the sub -mythical boss is a pig? How can the subtly mythical boss be so good! We have to kill 4 sub -mythical boss, and we don’t know if the Monkey Year of the Monkey will be able to There are so many souls! ”

[The King of Four Seas] Hey smile: “Boss, wait for me to cultivate a second mythical hero, I should be able to go to the mythical boss!”

Speaking of this, everyone looks at the [Little Red Carp] with two mythical heroes. What do you think, the most likely to evolve skills is [Little Red Carp].

“The sub -mythical soul of these 4 units is still worthwhile. The skills of fighting the house will be retained later …”

According to the reason, the fighting house is the skill learned from the Prophet Library, and it should be given priority to strengthening. Considering the number of sub -mythical souls, Wu Feng did not operate this way.

Now he is only invested in an epic soul of 10 units and evolved the skills of fighting the family into an epic skill.

Family robbers (epic skills): When the lord destroys the territory of other lords, it can occupy an additional 20%plot, and at the same time, it can also obtain a 20%average level of plot according to the area of the territorial area of the destruction of the lord (land type can be selected autonomously. To.

The epic -level fighting house has become an additional 20%of the territory, and you can also get an additional 20%of the plot. In addition, you can get 50%of its territory.

With this level of fighting and robbery, Wu Feng did a lord, which was equivalent to 90%of its territory.

If it is evolved into a sub -myth, I am afraid it can occupy a 100%territory.

“Well, this is the evolutionary lord skill, I can also learn a sub -mythical Lord skill and the same level of alliance skills!”

“Let me see the effect of lord skills …”

Wu Feng’s ability to Langya’s library still trusts, so he immediately invested in the sub -mythical soul of 2 units and obtained his own lord skills!

With countless lights invested in Wu Feng’s mind, this time he still felt that countless knowledge was poured into his mind, but this time the knowledge was exaggerated than the last time the “Elves”?

Both the “Yellow Emperor’s Canon” came out, and neither Wu Feng, Weigu, and Aurora had tried.

With the disappearance of countless knowledge, Wu Feng’s pouring top ended, and he opened his eyes and saw his lord’s skills, and he looked strange.

At this time, other allies looked forward to Wu Feng look forward to Wu Feng, [the king of the world] with a curious look: “Guess, what kind of lord skills can the boss learn!”

[Zhu Family Lao Six] Decisively patted it: “We learned it, just the epic -level lord skills.

“Now the Lord’s adults learn the sub -mythical skills, no matter how much, it is much stronger than our skills!”

[Qianshan Muxue] also said with a smile: “The sub -mythical skills must be more powerful. At that time, the Lord of the League will definitely show off to us.”

“Lord Lord, it’s very stinky.”

After hearing the discussion of a few people, Wu Feng coughed: “What do you look at me like this, I still have the skills of the alliance, it will definitely make you eye -catching!”

The allies are curious. Just now, he showed off.

The reason why Wu Feng did not say is because the lord skills he got this time are really outrageous!

The Yellow Emperor’s Canon (Skills of the Asian Mythical Lord): You seriously studied the Yellow Emperor’s Sutra and mastered the special practice method. Your attractiveness to women is improved. When communicating with women, you can get the attribute feedback from both parties, which is in line with The higher the degree, the better the communication effect. If the two sides have the power such as divine power and divinity, they can communicate with each other and divine attributes.

Wu Feng had to raise his hands to prove his innocence. He really did not seriously study the Yellow Emperor’s Sutra. He just seriously remembered the special knowledge just now.

Unexpectedly, he learned the Yellow Emperor’s Sutra. Isn’t this lord’s skill just a dual -cultivation skill that is old!

Lao Nao, this guy, finally learned the skills of combat lords. I did not expect that Wu Feng learned such skills.

If the Huangdi Scripture is in effect, it is necessary to communicate in depth with the heroine or the female leader. If this skill is seen by the allies, it is not serious for Wu Feng.

I am serious! How could it be possible to learn this kind of skills? This was stuffed by the Langya library.

Wu Feng can only be broken, but this skill should be as a sub -myth. The effect should be very good. What kind of changes can be brought about?

Of course, I can’t try it now. The next time I tried it with Ophara to launch a double natural disaster?

In order to attract attention, Wu Feng invested in the sub -mythical soul of 2 units, and learned the Asian mythical skills.

The number of alliance skills is related to the league level. Every level 5 can learn a league master skill. When the alliance is at level 1-5, Wu Feng can learn 1 and level 6-10 to learn the second.

Now let’s try the level of the Lord’s skills first, and then, the sub -mythical soul is turned into the Langya Book Library in the Langya Book Library. Wu Feng once again gained countless knowledge.

It’s just that this time it is no longer the content of the Yellow Emperor’s Canon, but the technique of the imperial art of the positive scriptures. In the end, Wu Feng’s skills obtained by the alliance are indeed very powerful.

Heroes (sub -mythical lord skills): As the leaders, according to your levels and strengths, you can provide attribute bonuses for all heroes in the alliance. At present, it is added to 100%full attributes.

At the same time, you can use the power of all heroes in the alliance to send out the strongest blow. The more heroes, the higher the quality, the greater the power of the strongest one blow. When using, please shout to lend me your strength!

Wu Feng saw the skill effect of the leader of the hero of the hero. He looked weird. This skill is indeed very orthodox.

Are you sure this is not a hand -rubbing tone?

However, Wu Feng still showed this skill to the alliance group. The main skill of this league was originally a member of the entire league.

Naturally, you can show it to the allies, let them know the effect of this skill, and cooperate with Wu Feng in the future.

[The King of Four Seas] Holding Wu Feng’s thigh as soon as he saw it: “Boss, the master of your league is too time to come! Now my mythical hero, the strength can still be on the steps, There is hope to deal with the sub -mythical boss! ”

[Zhu Family Lao Liu] I also hugged the other thigh: “Boss, your strength will affect the blessing of heroes. For us, you must cultivate well and improve the level and strength as soon as possible!”

Wu Feng rolled his eyes and cultivated well. You are not a beautiful lord. If you are a female lord, it can also trigger the Yellow Emperor’s Sutra to help yourself cultivate …

Zhu Biyu’s guy looked at Wu Feng with a weird expression: “Brother Feng, you often rub the Yuanqi bomb in his childhood, let us lend you strength, now you finally do your wish.”

Lao Nao also endured a smile: “Boss, do you want to try it, and see that the vitality of your hands rubbing is not big? We are willing to see and see.”

Wu Feng smiled: “My vitality is very large. You have to bear it, try to try the vitality, of course, you have to try it in the league trial.”

“Let’s go! We all learned a new lord skill, which greatly enhanced its strength and could impact the league trial.”

As the leader of the alliance, Wu Feng waved his hand, and all members of the alliance were all spiritual, and they could finally start the league trial.

And Wu Feng also took everyone to the dark cave, and he also had a sub -myth -level architectural evolution card in his hand. He was preparing to use it on the dark cave.

They have made so many preparations. The legendary dark cave, the league challenge to open the league still does not meet Wu Feng’s needs, and naturally he will open the difficult alliance challenge.

That’s why he used this building’s evolutionary card on the dark cave!

As this item melted into the huge cave with gloomy darkness, the cave expanded rapidly and suddenly became a huge sky pit.

The sense of oppression and gloom brought by it is even more courageous when you enter this dark cave.

Dark Cave: Special buildings (sub -mythical quality), covering an area: 2,500 units. Heroes and lords can enter the dark cave to challenge different difficulty trial copy and alliance copies to obtain rapid growth.

At present, it is a level 5 dark cave, and an additional 100%copy reward and dark trials, trial copy quota will be increased by 100%. Second, it can be converted into multiple customs clearance) and can be upgraded to level 6.

Attachment capabilities: Dark Calendar, trial copy, lord challenge, alliance challenges, alliance lead challenges.

Dark Calendar: After the lord gets a quota, you can lead the team to the dark cave once a day. After experiencing the dark calendar training, in the experience, the attributes of all heroes and arms have increased by 50%(it can be improved with the level of the dark cave).

Every time I experience it, the lord will face the continuous sources of demons, and will receive the corresponding reward according to the adopted waves (the subsequent lords can choose to receive the highest wave of rewards every day). There are currently 100 dark trial places every day.

Trial copy: [Click to view specific attributes].

Lord challenge: [Click to view specific attributes].

Alliance challenges: every 7 days can choose to conduct a copy of the league challenge (currently cooling period), all the members of the alliance can participate. God) Choose in six difficulties.

The more difficult the copy of the customs clearance, the higher the reward obtained. The alliance will receive additional rewards such as alliance experience and alliance skills.

League Lord Challenge: If the lord is the league leader, it will conduct unique dark calendar practice every day. The upper limit of the challenge depends on the average level of the league lords (the upper limit of the challenge is +50 waves). The reward will also increase by 500%.

After the evolution of the Dark Cave, it really increases the difficulty of the abyss. This difficulty is more difficult than hell. Just think about it to know its challenge.

But Wu Feng wants this effect. Like the league challenge, Wu Feng can choose the abyss difficulty to try it!

“Brothers, now the league challenge can choose the difficulty of the abyss. Do you dare to go in with me?” Wu Feng looked at many allies around him.

They all rubbed their hands one by one, and the old man said with a smile: “Brother Feng, what are you waiting for, we can all learn epic skills. This is no goal to let us try the effect. Do n’t you also have to try the effect of rubbing the Yuanqi bomb!?? ”

Other allies are the same idea. They all want to experience the effect of their lord skills, which indeed includes Wu Feng himself.

Rubbing a vitality, that’s also a very windy thing!

So after the group was ready, Wu Feng, the leader of Wu Feng, launched the league challenge. After everyone fell into the Dark Cave together, the Alliance challenge was officially opened!

[Ding … Supreme League is a god-level alliance, which meets the conditions, can start the challenge of the Difficult League of the Abyss, and enter the time and space copy-eternal night. .

[Ding … Turn on the god-level mission-eternal night, please protect a civilized fire species in this night ruled by natural disasters and make it a fire of dawn that illuminates the night. In this time and space copy, the night guard can get 200%full attribute increase. .

[Ding … the Supreme Alliance starts the god-level mission-Eternal Night, each member of the league can carry the heroes of less than 5 and 5,000 soldiers. ), Can be used in the time and space copy, use a alliance public building. .

[Ding … the Supreme Alliance starts the god-level mission-eternal night. If the challenge of the alliance is successfully connected, it will be rewarded by the alliance experience and the alliance skills of the alliance according to the completion. .

There was a series of reminders in Wu Feng’s ears. He stunned, and immediately observed the surrounding situation.

He saw that as the virtual lord, they entered a special space -time. This time and space is similar to the last time and space copy, which is completely a huge world.

In this time and space copy, Wu Feng found that he could not see anything, and the beast roar sounded in the darkness showed that this copy was not safe.

[Xiaohong Carp] Usually follow Wu Feng, so after entering this space, she held Wu Feng’s corner nervously.

“Brother League, it’s so dark here …”

Wu Feng thought [Little Red Carp] was scared. As a result, she said: “It’s so dark here, then my guardian angel can be used as a light bulb! It’s fun …”

[Little Red Carp] It is not afraid of this dark environment at all. She directly summoned her guardian angels. Her unparalleled God’s place was used on the guardian angel.

After being summoned, the four -wing guardian angels immediately broke out of bright light, causing the darkness to disperse.

Wu Feng and others saw that there were already a large number of natural disaster alien surrounding them around, and they hid in the darkness and prepared to attack Wu Feng and others.

However, after the guardian angel shot, under the light, the evil creatures had nothing to do. There was almost no need to order the [Little Red Carp], and the guardian angel shot.

The giant sword in his hand was cut out, and a bright sacred cut, purified countless evil biology. He dealt with this natural disaster, which had huge additional damage.

Seeing the Guardian Angel’s shot, the others in the league immediately summoned their mythical heroes. For a while, all kinds of light shone, which was a group of mythical heroes appeared in this time and space copy!

More than 20 mythical heroes, this lineup alone is extremely appalling. In the abyss difficulty, the natural disasters surrounding the natural disaster are at the lowest level or more.

This level is much higher than Wu Feng and others, but because the mythical heroes are too powerful, the general natural disasters are all ended in the end of the spike.

This many mythical heroes are one of the confidence of Wu Feng’s difficulty of opening the abyss. The combination of dozens of mythical heroes, ask you if you are afraid!

After the three -headed black dragon summoned, he didn’t grab the head. He couldn’t help but vomit: “You are really a beast! The speed of grabbing the head is so fast!”

[Zhu Family Lao Six] Hehe smiled: “The fourth child, your response is a bit slow, when you summon heroes, the soup has not had to drink!”

The allies present summoned their mythical heroes. One person could only bring 5 heroes. The strongest mythical hero, they naturally sent them.

Although they just came in, they didn’t dare to care too much. Who knew what strange existence in this copy was?

[Qianshan Muxue] summoned her natural punishment Titan, and she blinked towards Wu Feng’s charming: “My Lord Lord, our mythical hero, you can take you to win the copy of this copy. “,”

Wu Feng laughed: “Really? Then I really opened this time!”

Having said that, Wu Feng summoned the Teacher Saitama, Kris, Geralt, Garma, Somona, and others. In addition, there was he who had only completed the mission to recruit Kurds in recent times. This group of heroes, this group of heroes, All night guards!

They have activated this hero organization and have the increase in the organization of the night guard.

Night guards: Legendary hero organization, currently 5 members, can increase the chance of summoning the hero of the night guard 26%.

Myth level (2 people): One -punch Superman · Saitama Teacher, Justice Superman Kris.

Epic (2 people): Night Ranger · Georot, Ghost Swordsman · Garma.

Legend (1 person): God Blood Assassin Kurd (disabled).

According to the quality of members, the 13 -layer tissue force is activated (the quality of the myth is increased by 4 layers, the epic quality is improved by 2 floors, and the legendary quality is improved by 1 layer).

Organization provides attribute bonuses: All attributes are increased by 260%.

Organization provides bondage bonuses: All the members of the night guard can get despair and combustion, and the despair burning time increases by 100%and the attribute increase increases by 100%.

The night guard is a legendary hero organization, and its ability is also very special. It can burn its own limbs, thereby greatly enhancing the combat effectiveness in a short time.

This ability can be regarded as a very special ability to explode, because this is exactly desperate! Unsuccessful will become benevolent!

Seeing Wu Feng summoned a bunch of epic heroes, and even legendary heroes, [Qianshan Twilight Snow] stunned, but he did not expect his own leader to open!

Seeing that everyone looked at themselves in doubt, Wu Feng smiled: “These are all night guards. The full performance in this copy increases 200%, not occupying my hero quota, so naturally they must send them to send them. Come.”

[Qianshan Muxue] The talents knew that this was not lying flat, but to summon professionals.

Sure enough, as Kris and others appeared, they immediately responded to the current situation: “Eternal Night? Isn’t this the dark age that appeared before the fifth era?”

“We have entered a copy of time and space?”

Kris’s words undoubtedly proved that she knew what was called eternal night. Wu Feng immediately looked at her: “Kris, do you want to introduce this eternal night?”

Knowing and knowing that he can fight a hundred battles. Seeing that Kris knows the eternal night, Wu Feng quickly asked the situation.

Kris nodded: “Lord, the lord, this eternal night, I have seen the relevant introduction from the ancient books passed from the night guard.”

“It is said that every 100 layers of the abyss are an era. Before all these 100 floors fall, the abyss will not open a new layer.”

“When an era is about to end, it means that the abyss of this era is almost occupied by natural disasters. These areas will fall into the eternal night and become the territory of natural disasters.”

“Our nightman is in the eternal night of this era alternating, guarding the type of civilized fire and preserving a living force for the next era.”

“Regarding the record of eternal night, only mythical heroes among the night guard have the right to watch. I can only inform you this information after you enter the eternal night of the eternal night.”

Kris just said that, Wu Feng and others shocked, because she revealed that it may be a big secret!

Before that, he did not enter the eternal night copy. Cris has always followed the rules of the nightman and did not disclose this information.

Geralt also nodded: “Lord, we are all guided by the previous night guards to join this organization. From the entered organization, we only know that our mission is to protect the civilized fire species of this era after the eternity night arrives. “,”

“But we did n’t know what it means to be eternal night before, let alone what is called civilized fire. Now that Lord Kris said, we only know everything.”

Teacher Saitama showed a serious expression: “In the eternal night, the strength of natural disasters will be very powerful. We must be very careful.”

“Lord, in addition to the time and space copy, we should be at the end of the sixth” and the beginning of the seventh “. If there is a chance, you may see what the Eternal Night of the Sixth E” looks like. ”

Saitama’s words made Wu Feng feel numb all over.

He immediately thought of the 699th floor on the 700th floor, belonging to the sixth era? According to Kris, the sixth era enters Eternal Night, and the seventh era will only open.

Isn’t it already on the 699th floor …

The 699th floor and the 700th floor are connected to the door of the abyss. If the natural disaster alien of the 699th floor controls the door of the abyss, can it come to the 700th floor at any time?

However, the lord alliance develops the 700th as a security zone, which means that the Lord Alliance believes that the 700th floor is relatively safe.

Is the natural disaster alien on the 699th layer threatened? Is the Lord Alliance cleaned up the 699th and even more upper abyss?

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Feng immediately thought of a news. He couldn’t help but look at the “King of Four Seas]:” The fourth child, how many years have you not appeared in the Naga’s Supreme Supreme? ”

As one of the ten tribe, the Naga nationality is naturally the Supreme. They have two supremes. One is the earliest Naga ancestor who became the earliest. Big asylum.

And Naga’s ancestor has not been born long ago, and even Wu Feng’s parents only heard the name of Naga’s ancestor.

The Supreme Supreme is the second Supreme of the Naga tribe. After the hidden world of Naga’s ancestors, the Supreme Supreme Supreme existed as the patriarch of the Naga clan.

[The King of Four Seas] I don’t know why the old meeting asked this question, but he still answered truthfully: “Boss, the Supreme Supreme of the Naga tribe is the Supreme of the 735th Floor, but he is a figure more than 60 years ago.”

“As early as 40 years ago, he had retreated, and he didn’t appear in front of the public at all. I didn’t know where he went. I only knew that the major events of the Naga tribe were all co -agreed by several of my dads. ”

Wu Feng nodded, it seemed that it was more than the Naga tribe, the supreme ten people, and even some ancient masters, rarely moved in the known abyss.

It seems that there are only the two Emperor and the Emperor of the Blue Blood Blood at present, and they will appear in the public’s sight from time to time, which gives Wu Feng a feeling.

It seems that the ten tribe is currently in the abyss, only the two of them! Otherwise, even if it is low -key, other Supremes will come up with some news from time to time.

But the current situation is that, including the Supreme Supreme, many Supremes are the state of evaporation of the world. Think of the eternal night mentioned by Mr. Kris and Saitama. 699th floor!

The Supremes may be to guard the 699th floor, so as not to let the natural disaster people kill the 700th floor?

This is just a guess of Wu Feng, but he thinks that this may find a way to confirm it. If this is true, it can solve a lot of secrets.

It is no wonder that the 700th floor is the current 799th floor, and only in the past 100 years, why many lords regard the 799th floor as the last layer.

The 800th floor is open, then the first 100 floors must be almost fell, and the eternity night comes, and it will really open!

How long the 7th era is, depending on the strength of the ten tribe.

[The King of Four Seas] also seemed to reflect: “Boss, just now your nightman hero said that eternity night is the end of the era, and now we are the seventh era?”

“Isn’t it all the abyss of the sixth”? You refer to the Supreme Supreme of the Naga tribe. Did you go to the sixth era and go to keep the eternal night? ”

Wu Feng nodded and shook his head again: “This is just a guess of mine, like Aoye or your father, you should know some inside story.”

Wu Feng’s words let everyone in the Supreme League look at each other, and they also said the content they speculated.

[Jianghu Old Iron] I spoke leisurely: “My dad is also the master. In fact, my grandfather is the master, but after my father became the master, my grandpa left.”

“Even after birth, I haven’t seen him, and I have never seen my elder brother.”

The family of [Jianghu Old Iron] seems to have profound heritage, and other lords have been produced in the clan. Then his family should be giant in the blue blood race.

[Little Red Carp] said: “Several ancestors of our witch tribe, it is said that they have also gone to a very distant place, and they have not appeared for decades.”

“At present, the Wuxian is hosted by my grandfather, and my grandfather is gone. He is the master of 60 years ago …”

[Little Red Carp], let Wu Feng and others look at it, not only the Naga tribe, but even the alien people like the witch …

[Hongchen · Wu Yan] also shared an intelligence: “The master of our Fox Tail tribe is now only 3, all of which are made in nearly 40 years.”

“Before that, the masterpieces were not active in the ethnic group, and even their territory was managed by the other lords in the clan …”

[Red Chen · Wu Yan] is the core genius of the Fox Tail. She still knows the situation of the Fox Tail.

She said so, and once again confirmed the previous people’s statement. The meaning of this meaning is the old master of the ten and aliens. It has not appeared for many years?

No wonder those ancient abyss came out, and there were few news that came out, so it was solidified as the entire abyss!

The only big news in recent times is the battle between the right phase and Aoya.

And they are still uncle and grandparents, and they are not the ancient gods.

Wu Feng concluded: “We can only infer the truth through this known information. Others do not have a mythical nightman hero, and they have not entered this time and space copy.

“Before confirming guess, don’t disclose this news easily to avoid panic and confusion …”

Others nodded one after another. They learned that this explosive news today is also shocking in their hearts. They seem to have exposed to an extremely important information!

Wu Feng packed up his mind, and he looked at the boundless darkness around him.

“Let’s go! Let’s explore in groups to see if there are so -called civilized fire species. This is the core of this god -level task.”

Wu Feng said so, other allies have made suggestions.

[The King of Four Seas] I took the initiative to ask: “Boss, then we can deal with most of the cases in a group of four or five people. We have a lot of mythical heroes here.”

Wu Feng calculated, he chose a more secure approach: “Then we are divided into four groups, explore in four directions, and keep in touch at any time.”

“The first group is led by me personally, and the number can be a little less. Mu Xue, Sister Yao Ji and Steel straight men. A few of you act with me.”

“The second group is carried by the fourth child, the third group is acting by [Little Red Carp] in the sixth group, and the fourth group is led by Wu Yan.”

The four groups divided by Wu Feng all distributed the combat power reasonably. Needless to say, his own strength can cope with all the situation.

[The King of Four Seas], [Little Red Carp] and [Red Dust · Wu Yan] are the core of the combat power in the remaining three groups. The mythical heroes of the two can one top two.

[Little Red Carp] There were two mythical heroes, and her invincible good luck allowed her to act with [Zhu Family Lao Liu], and the strength of that group would be quite powerful.

In such a group, there are at least 8 mythical heroes in the four groups. Although there are only 4 people on Wu Feng, he can summon more mythical heroes at any time. When he encounters a strong enemy, he is enough to deal with it.

So the four groups decisively explored in the four directions and started to move. Wu Feng chose the east here. He summoned Rylier to make her a light source and lead everyone to kill forward.

With Rylier, there are 1,000 epic angels. Their appearance has even made Eternal Night endless light.

Everyone can clearly see the scene ahead in this environment, and they soon encountered the second wave of enemies.

I saw that there was a dilapidated territory in front of it, and it had been razed to the ground by natural disasters.

Wu Feng looked at the enemy, and it was mainly a natural disaster alien at the peak of the fourth order. Both the demon and the undead.

There is no need for Wu Feng to speak. Rui Lier has led the team to kill. She broke out to urge the holy light, and easily purified the devil and the undead.

However, Rylier’s movement seemed to attract the attention of many natural disasters around. They rushed from all directions, and in the darkness, the suffocating roar came.

These roar are diverse, or from all directions, coupled with the situation where everyone can’t see too far in the darkness, it is even more stressful.

Wu Feng waved his hand: “Rui Lier, you let go to do it. We have no time to search in this relic, and continue to explore first!”

Hearing Wu Feng’s words, Rylier nodded and launched the wings of the angel. She broke out with many four -wing angels, and quickly purified many devils and undeads that rushed up.

Their steps did not stop at all, and they all killed the depths of the darkness. Over time, the level of the enemy they encountered began to improve.

The fifth -order natural disaster alien rushed like a tide. Wu Feng knew that the longer they supported, the more powerful the natural disaster encounters encountered.

He also summoned Vesus: “Weicus, there are a lot of demons here, you can control them and give us more time.”

Wu Feng is the leader. He has a total of 10 heroes and 10,000 soldiers. Since the night guard heroes such as Chris do not occupy the position, Wu Feng’s 10 hero places are completely enough.

Rylier occupied a place, and Vidith accounted for the second place. After she appeared, she was indeed much simpler.

I saw that Vesus reached out and fingered, and a large number of demons were controlled by her, and then rushed to another group of undead. Between natural disasters, the dog’s mind was directly hit.

Wi Gul’s control of these abyss devils is used as cannon fodder. They are responsible for resisting other natural disasters and other natural disasters of Wu Feng and others.

If it was killed, Vigus continued to control the new abyss demon.

Just at the full firepower of Vigus, Wu Feng and others had almost no delay. They explored many areas in the eternal darkness, but they did not see the legendary civilized fire species.

Wu Feng even pulled out the mysterious sheepskin rolls, but in eternal darkness, it seems that there is something that affects the detection of mysterious sheepskin rolls.

This sheepskin can not provide any useful information for Wu Feng. He can only look for it like a headless fly.

After Crith was looking for a while, she seemed to feel: “It seems like you can look at that direction …”

So Wu Feng immediately leaned towards the direction of Crisy. Soon, he found that there was a gray light in front of him. In the eternal night, there was a light source. Is this the light of civilized fire?

Wu Feng and others immediately accelerated their pace. [Qianshan Twilight Snow] punished Titan, he held [Qianshan Muxue] with one palm, and then quickly rushed in that direction.

As a result, when they came to the source of the light, Wu Feng was surprised to find that they seemed to be rushing into a magic cave. Where is the civilized fire in front of them?

After the advent of the Titan, all the defensive towers in the natural disaster fortress were activated, and then a large number of natural disasters rushed out of the fortress.

A demon lord laughed madly: “There is a fish again! Are you here to find a civilized fire? Congratulations to you, successfully bite our bait!”

Wu Feng did not expect that this kind of scene like light source is actually a trap made by natural disasters. They are used to attract the survivors of the civilized fire species in eternal night. Middle move.

It was just that after this demon leader came out, the enemy he saw was a heavenly punishment Titan with a height of kilometers!

With such a guy, the sense of oppression brought by it is almost suffocating, and the demon leader also stunned: “Is this … mythical hero?”

The demon lord was originally fishing in the pond, but it didn’t expect to catch it. It seemed like a shark! The lord who can have a mythical hero is by no means an ordinary lord!

Just thinking, Wu Feng also killed with Rylier and others. When he saw this non -small natural disaster fortress, Wu Feng sneered: “Oh, it’s another fishing, you don’t know that I hate fishing most. Are you guys? ”

“This time I will not only let your Air Force, but I will also bomb your fish pond!”

Wu Feng was not polite, and waved directly to let Rylier shot at all, so Rylier summoned 2,000 epic angels, summoned all his epic angels, and then opened the wings of the angel!

The epic angels of the four -wing angels were originally added to the third pair of wings at once, and they all turned into six -wing angels!

This made the Demon’s Lord’s eyes glanced out: “Special! It is actually a man in the ancient world! You are still daring to come out in the eternal night!

The Lord of the Demon said to die, but he immediately let the entire fortress enter the defensive attitude and prepare for help.

It was just that the enemy he faced was far beyond his imagination. Before the Angel Corps siege, Kris launched a decisive punch!

In the eternal night, Kris, as a night guard, has greatly improved his fully attributes. She punch this fist is stronger than ever before!

When I saw the punch, Klis punching the peripheral defense of the natural disaster fortress, and several layers of city walls were exploded.

The next thing is a slaughter. Although Rylier’s Angel Corps has not come all, Ryliel opened the wings of the angel.

This Angel Army can sweep the entire natural disaster fortress by suppressing the quality. In order to grab time, Rylier shot at all, and quickly pushed the natural disaster fortress.

The demon lord watched the entire fortress stunned, and he eventually died under the sword of Rylier’s archangel. The natural disaster fortress was completely transformed into ruins.

[Ding … successfully destroy the heart of the demon, break through the natural disaster fortress (small) in the eternal night, complete the achievement of the exorcist, and obtain 20,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully break through the natural disaster fortress (small), complete the achievements of the bright messenger in the eternal night, you get an additional 30,000 challenge points, and the number of members of the destiny protagonist is +1. .

[Ding … successfully breaking the natural disaster fortress (small), hitting the natural disaster alien in the eternal night, you get an additional 30,000 league experience value. .

Breaking through a natural disaster fortress, Wu Feng was given a lot of benefits. At least the experience value of the 30,000 -point league, Wu Feng felt that it was very impressive.

In the eternal night, there is a lot of natural disaster fortress. If it breaks it all, it will give a lot of alliance experience.

It’s just that Wu Feng and others have the task of people, but not how many natural disaster fortresses, but to find civilized fire. This is the core key!

After Klis punching the heart of the demon, her face was red: “I was deceived by the means of this demon just now. The hearts of these natural disasters are really dark, and they actually play tactics with us.”

Wu Feng waved his hand: “This is normal. On the contrary, if there is a civilized fire, they will not let the light of civilized fire be exposed casually.”

“I want to remind others that when you see the light source, you have to be careful …”

Wu Feng said, and reminded everyone in the group channel: “Brothers and sisters, we saw a light source in the dark in the dark, but the other party was actually a trap for the demon disguised.”

“If you encounter a similar situation, you must be careful not to fall into the trap.”

As soon as Wu Feng’s words fell, [the king of all seas] immediately reacted: “Fortunately, the boss reminded that we just saw a light source in the distance, and now I will send a scout to see the situation first.”

[The King of Four Seas] He gave a reply soon: “We have explored just now. The light source is really a trap made by natural disasters. We almost recruited.”

With the “Learning of the Four Sea King” of Wu Feng and [the King of Four Seas], several other groups also realized that when you see the light source in the eternal night, you must be careful.

If you are not careful, it may fall into the trap of natural disaster aliens, not all traps are so easy to cope.

After Kris was comforted by Wu Feng, she flew into the air again and felt it: “Lord, since looking for the light source, I simply find other night guards!”

“The atmosphere of the nightman is more special. Where there is a nightman, there may be civilized fire species!”

In the eternal night, the task of the night guard is to protect the type of civilization. It is really a way to find a civilized fire type through the nightman.

At least the natural disaster alien is difficult to disguise the atmosphere of the nightman, so after the induction, Kris finally gave back.

“In that direction, there is the atmosphere of other night guards, we can go to see it!” This time the direction of Kelis’s finger is the direction of Wu Feng, that is, the direction they explore is reversed!

That direction is the direction of [Zhu Family Lao Six], [Little Red Carp], Xiao North and others.

So Wu Feng immediately contacted [Little Red Carp]: “[Little Red Carp], you may have a civilized fire species in that direction. You can find it carefully.

Kris can feel the breath of other night guards. She is equivalent to a compass. Wu Feng told [Little Red Carp] and killed it in the past.

[Little Red Carp] and [Zhu Family Lao Six] Here, they immediately organized people to start looking for civilized fire species. They already knew that the natural disaster alien might camouflage civilized fire species, so they did not look for light sources, but followed the consciousness of [Little Red Carp] consciously. Walk.

This is the method of Wu Feng taught them. Wu Feng believes the luck of [Little Red Carp].

Just looking at [Little Red Carp] rushed forward, and even rushed into the old nest of the abyss demon, everyone else was surprised.

“[Little Red Carp], will this direction really have a civilized fire?” [Zhu Family Lao Liu] is also curious.

[Xiaohong Carp] Smile: “I don’t know. Anyway, the leader of the League said to let me believe in myself, then I just lost the stone to determine a direction, and I rushed towards this side.”

[Little Red Carp] Actually rely on losing stone to determine the direction, which stunned everyone else in the same group.

The two brothers of Xiaonan and Xiaobei are simply rising. If they are others, they will not do such a stupid thing together.

But now that even the leader of the League said that, they believed the judgment of the leader.

As a result, after they killed this devil canyon, they rushed forward for 10 kilometers. On a hillbag, they saw a small village.

In this few people in the village, they saw something that made them shock, and it was a flame that floated in the air quietly in the air.

This flame only illuminates the entire village, and there is no lighting range of 1 kilometer!

No wonder this village and the flame are not seen from the outside. The moment you see the flame, [Little Red Carp] and others know that this is the kind of civilized fire they are looking for!

Just when [Little Red Carp] and waiting for people to come to the village, there was a lame, a blind man, and an old man who were sitting in a wheelchair with both hands and feet.

“Who are you? I want to get close to the civilized fire!” The three disabled spoke together, [Little Red Carp] and others looked at each other. Is this the night guard who guarded the civilized fire?

Looking at their disabled appearance, it is indeed very miserable, but they face the mythical heroes of [Little Red Carp] and others, but they do not retreat. Even if they die, they will not let half a step.

[Little Red Carp] Waiting people know that this should be regarded as a friend of the army. The three night guards are protecting the types of civilized fire. The disability on their bodies is even caused by guarding the fire.

In this case, [Little Red Carp] and others are not easy to break through. They look at them: “There are heroes guarding heroes on the other side, and they should be a good communication person. Let’s talk about it … ”

Several people quickly reached a consensus. They were not easy to break, and they resting around the village, waiting for Wu Feng to take the team to rush over.

[Little Red Carp] I also took the initiative to talk to the three: “You don’t have to be nervous. We also come to protect the type of civilization. We will keep here and prevent the natural disaster from approaching.”

But even if [Little Red Carp] said that, the three incredible disability of the heavenly land did not relax their vigilance. They may be deceived by the natural disaster, and they would not easily believe in others.

[Little Red Carp] Thinking of the natural disaster alien of the leader of the League, he will pretend to be a civilized fire species to trick others to hook and play with fishing.

It is really that the natural disaster is too evil and insidious. In this case, [Little Red Carp] and others stayed in the outside of the village. As a result, there were really a large number of natural disasters.

They smelled the breath of living people, and they came to the hunting. [Little Red Carp] and others dealt with these natural disasters, so they did n’t have to be polite. Essence

The strength of the mythical heroes made the three disabled look at each other. They were all shocked. The blind man looked at the sister -in -law: “Zhang Xunzi, where do you say where these mythical heroes come from? It’s the hero we have ever seen! ”

Zhang Xunzi shook his head: “Li Blind, I have never seen this group of heroes, and I have never even heard of them. In principle, all mythical heroes should be like thunderous ears and great reputation. ”

“Now we haven’t even heard of them, this seems a bit unusual!”

The old man sitting on the chair has no limbs. He slowly said: “Anyway, they are indeed dealing with these natural disasters, and we can observe their actions.”

Zhang Xunzi and Li Bluster looked at the old man together: “Boss Wang, you haven’t even heard of their names?”

The disability of the boss of Wang was shaking his head: “If I heard them, then I can judge the enemy and me a long time ago. Let’s take a look at the situation first.”

Speaking, a demon lord appeared nearby. After seeing the civilized fire in the village, he laughed madly: “See what I found! There is actually a civilized fire species here. Can I set up a great achievement! ”

The Demon Lord immediately commanded his demon hero to launch a impact. He immediately sent a information on help, so that more companions came to deal with this civilized fire.

Zhang Xunzi and Li Blusz have changed their faces: “Boss Wang, it’s not good, this devil hero found a civilized fire, and there will be countless natural disasters. We are afraid we will die here.”

“It’s nothing to die, but now our civilized fire will be destroyed!”

The boss Wang looked at the soaring natural disaster alien. He slowly said: “No rush, isn’t this just a look at the strength and attitude of this group of people?”

“If they want to destroy civilized fire, they can now join forces with the demon lords. If they really want to protect the civilized fire, they will kill the enemy who criminals.”

The boss Wang was relatively calm. He believed in the second result. The fact is the same. After the demon lag, [Little Red Carp] looked at his guardian angel.

“Drain this abominable demon, don’t let him continue to be arrogant!”

Without saying a word, the guardian angel opened his own angel wings. In the case of the big move, he immediately beheaded the devil leader.

The Demon Lord was still fantasizing about the civilized fire in the village in one fell swoop. It can only be said that the dream is too full, and the reality is too skinny.

After destroying this devil lord, the natural disaster alien in the back was constantly killing. They succeeded, and they still put tremendous pressure on [Little Red Carp] and others.

[Little Red Carp] They can only be hard top, but fortunately, the two groups of people and horses immediately rushed over to meet after the coordinates of the road.

There were more than 20 mythical heroes in the three groups, which made Zhang Xunzi and Li Bluster shock.

“What is the situation? How can there be so many mythical heroes suddenly in the night? Is this all jumped out of the stone seam?”

Boss Wang couldn’t help but sit straight: “This is really incredible. In the eternal night, when there are so many strong men who have never heard of …”

When the three night guards were shocked by the number of mythical heroes, a huge and extremely dark shadow appeared in the sky, which was an abyss demon dragon!

This is a fifth -order epic BOSS. It exudes the power of power. The boss Wang looked at the hero of [Little Red Carp] and others. He couldn’t help shaking his head: “The number of this group of mythical heroes is really amazing. ”

“But their levels are too low, and they are only second -order. How can we fight against the epic BOSS with a fifth level of levels?”

Zhang Xunzi and Li Bluster couldn’t help holding their weapons. They held double knives and long swords: “It really doesn’t work, we can only burn ourselves again and slaughter this abyss!”

Just when the two of them wanted to do, a sudden appearance of Jin Guang appeared on the top of the abyss.

This is a heroic heroine wearing a jersey. Her blond hair flys with the wind. When she has not responded to the abyss Demon Dragon, she has punch it!

The abyss magic dragon was bombarded on the head with a solid manicure, and was directly exploded by a punch!

This punch was hit hard, and Kris didn’t give him a chance to breathe at all. Next is Bangbang’s two punch, so he killed the abyss magic dragon.

A fifth -order epic BOSS actually only carried her three punch. This combat effectiveness was really terrible. This is the combat effectiveness of four artifact bonuses.

Seeing Kris, Boss Wang was shocked than seeing more than 20 mythical heroes: “This is … mythical night guard hero? How is this! I have never heard of her!”

Kris’s night -person atmosphere was unable to disguise, and the boss Wang saw Kelis’s identity at a glance.

What made him unable to understand is that Kris is a mythical night guard, but he is the same as the night guard. He has never heard of it, which is too weird.

Naturally, the boss Wang didn’t know that Kris was from the future. They are now in a time and space copy. When Kris was born, they had fallen.

After Kris appeared, Wu Feng’s other heroes also rushed over. Many of them were night guards. After the boss Wang saw it, he couldn’t recognize it.

Zhang Xunzi and Li Blusz looked at Jerot and others with an incredible face: “Boss Wang, how can the night guards we don’t know besides this female superman!”

“Do we still have other companions?”

The boss Wang didn’t know how to answer, and he couldn’t figure out what was currently. He could only look at Wu Feng over with a question mark.

“Hello, we are the lords who have been sent to help you guard the civilized fire. These heroes are all my subordinates.”

“As the night guards, you can absolutely believe in them. One of their mission is to protect the kind of civilized fire and prevent natural disasters from destroying …”

The boss Wang and others looked at each other, and finally believed in the night guards such as Kris. Just now Kris’s scene of killing the abyss magic dragon impressed them.

The boss Wang felt that even when his state was the best, he could not be able to enter the abyss dragon so easily.

There is such a group of powerful night guard companions, which is their luck.

“Since it is a night guard, it can indeed guard the civilization fire with us, come in …”

The three night guards finally let the entrance to the village. Wu Feng and other mermaids came in. After entering, he discovered that there were some young night guards in the village.

A total of 5 young legendary night guard heroes are near the civilized fire. Just now Zhang Xunzi, Li Bluszi and Boss Wang are preparing to fight against [Little Red Carp] and others.

And these five young night guards stayed as seeds. If the three of them used despair and burned themselves, the five young people would be the only type of fire, and they would find a way to escape with civilized fires.

But now they meet friends, so they don’t have to fight.

Wu Feng swept Zhang Xunzi, Li Blusz, and Wang Boss, and found that all of them were disabled and became a legendary hero. If they were baptized like Cadis, they could restore their peak strength.

Zhang Xunzi and Li Blind are epic heroes, and the boss Wang is the Asian -level hero!

Thinking of this, Wu Feng called the blood assassin Kurode. He asked the four to let the four: “You all burned with a desperate situation and let himself be disabled …”

“I can help you restore your physical disability and return to your peak state!”

Zhang Xunzi and Li Blind looked at Wu Feng incredible: “Lord, what are you talking about? We all burned our vitality and turned into this way. Let’s recover. ”

God’s blood assassin Kurode looked at Wu Feng excitedly. He remembered that the lord was agreed to him. If he joined the territory, he could help him restore the peak. Isn’t it the best opportunity now!

Zhang Xunzi and Li Blind seemed unbelievable, but the boss Wang said very seriously: “You don’t need to doubt that the lord has the hand of the upper body, which is enough to help us recover the body.”

“In this case, the lord appeared with the hand of Shangcang, and I suspected that this was the gift of Shang Cang!”

Boss Wang really felt incredible.

The blessing of Shang Cang’s hand is that fewer ability to help them recover their bodies.

The lord in front of him not only took other night guards to help, but also the complete hand of upper Cang, this is really lucky! This is their luck!

Wu Feng did not expect that the nightman who lost his limbs was the best. He raised his hands: “Yes, I am the hand of Shang Cang. You can rest assured that with my hands, you can help you restore your body! ”

Speaking, Wu Feng launched his blessing, and the pure strength on the hand of Shang Cang poured into the body of the four, allowing their vitality to recover quickly!

The four people’s limbs have grown again. Li Bluster has his eyes reappearing, and Kurds is a curse that is directly dispersed.

Zhang Xunzi and Li Blind were surprised. They resumed their limbs and their strength also returned to epic levels. They are the sixth -order epic heroes!

And the boss on the other side also restored his limbs. His peak of his combat power is the seventh -order sub -mythical level. If he is a myth, he is invincible!

In this way, the three night guards have restored their peak strength, and Wu Feng’s help will immediately increase greatly. When facing strong enemies, he can have two six -order epic heroes and a seventh -order sub -mythical hero to help It’s right.

If you are so strong, if you come to the fifth -order abyss dragon, it will be the rhythm of being killed in minutes!

Wu Feng saw that the three night guards returned to the beginning. He showed a smile from the heart. What he was thinking was that at this time, the hero in the air copy did not know if he could take it away.

If you continue to fight side by side, can he income them? Will they want to mix with themselves?

Thinking of this, Wu Feng was going to try it in the future. Isn’t Kurda who was slowly conquered by him?

At this time, Kurdish announced to Wu Feng excitedly: “Lord, I have returned to the peak state, and you can see the power of the blood assassin soon!”

After Kurds recovered his strength, he became an epic hero. In the night guard organization of Wu Feng, he is now two myth+three epic.

This time, the organization of the night guard can increase a lot, and Wu Feng thought of the four epic designated hero organization summoning cards he had.

He was thinking about where to use this prop. Now, now, maybe he has the goal!

Now the time and space copy of the eternal night is very important. Perhaps he should be used on the hero organization of the night guard, and the words of 4 night guards can greatly enhance the strength of Kelis and others!

So Wu Feng decisively launched four epic -level designated hero organization summoning cards. In the shocking eyes of the boss and others, he summoned 4 epic nightman heroes at one time!

I saw a disciplinary knight, a wandering sanctuary, a sanctuary shooter, and a blue boxing master summoned by Wu Feng. They were all genuine night guards!

At this moment, the number of night guards has increased to 9 places, and its organizational force has skyrocketed again, and the bonus is naturally higher.

Organization provides a bonding bonus: All the members of the night guard can obtain despair and combustion ability. The despair burning time increases by 200%and the attribute increase increases by 200%.

The 22 -level tissue -based nightgainer organization has increased the time and attributes of despair to burn an additional 200%. This improvement is still very obvious.

Coupled with the improvement of the attributes brought by the organization’s power, Kris’s combat effectiveness is almost explosive!

At this point, the boss Wang finally knew how many night guard heroes were around the lord in front of him.

It turns out that he can summon so many night guard heroes so quickly! This person’s ability really made him eye -catching.

After the power of the night guard organization was greatly strengthened, the natural disasters who rushed over in the future were killed and exploded under the Klis boxing.

Looking at the invincible Kris, Wu Feng nodded secretly, and Kelis fruit really became powerful. Then he could temporarily study the civilized fire.

Wu Feng was also very interested in civilized fire. He immediately moved towards this orange flame, and the warmth emitted from the cold and fear in the eternal night.

Boss Wang and others also looked at Wu Feng quietly, and did not stop him. Wu Feng was able to successfully approach the civilized fire.

Wu Feng came to the flame in front of the flame. When he tried to reach out and touch the civilized fire, the attributes of this group of civilized fire appeared on it.

“It turns out that this civilized fire type comes from rune civilization …”

Today, more than 17,000 words in this chapter are almost the same as the two chapters.

(This chapter is finished)

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