Chapter 433 Starry Sky Titan

When the Olympic Jiao Jian, when a lottery was drawn, he consciously chose the types of props such as territorial relocation cards, avoiding war cards, shield cards, tower anti -summoning cards, and fierce beast call cards.

Territory relocation cards, avoidance cards, and shield cards are the hottest things sold in the market. Using such props can take out the inventory of many lords.

Bailian pumps into an orange territorial relocation card, and can be replaced from the market to 300 green treasure chest keys and 50 blue treasure chest keys!

It can be said that you can make a lot of money when you send it back, which is the rhythm of take -off.

The price of orange avoidance card is even more expensive!

After all, the orange avoidance card is enough to resist the legendary attack for a long time. The enemy uses an epic hero and the defense tower to quickly break through the orange avoidance barrier.

This orange avoidance card, under the circumstances, is a life -saving stuff. It is more expensive, and everyone must be happy to accept it!

Therefore, the Olympic Proposal uses such props to be sold wildly for resources to make the No. 066 Tianyu more lively.

When they bring other heroes to extract such items, they will also choose these types of items. The drawing cards, avoiding war cards and shield cards drawn by the drawing territory will also send things over through wall -breaking transmission arrays.

The Olympic Proposal will exchang these props to the resources to their companions.

In this way, because [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] set off a unified battle, No. 066 Tianyu needed to relocate, avoiding war cards and shield cards than other Tianyu, and the price of items rose crazy. This area became the area. The Austrian Prophet and others obtained the main areas of resources.

During the war, all the props for war are rising, and the Prophets of Olympiculus are like a arms merchant, starting this opportunity to make a lot of money!

The Proposal of Olympician even sold various prohibited scrolls and other things to sell, supporting other lords to fight with [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell].

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] also hit a bag in the advancement. After he won the territory of [I am a big devil], he directly pushed the other countries in the world.

In his opinion, he carried the magic power of [I am the great demon king]. Then the lords of the 066 Tianyu saw his army and worshiped if he didn’t accept his head?

He may be able to become an overlord in half a month!

But when his army was killed in various countries, he found that the lords he faced were all dead. When the army of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] forced it to death, these lords opened the war. Card.

After the [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] exploded the barrier to avoiding the war, he found that the opponent’s use of the territorial relocation card was moved away directly.

This allows [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] to pay a heavy price and a lot of time, but not even a little benefit!

“Special! Where did this group of fighting cards and territorial relocation cards from this group? They played this way without even 1 point of kill!”

“I didn’t destroy them, so I couldn’t take up 50%of the territory. I could only take my own expansion plot to occupy these areas. I didn’t have so many plots to occupy the area!”

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] The scalp is numb. According to his previous experience, the lord who can have a territorial relocation card should only occupy a part, and there will always be some lords without the territory to relocate cards.

These lords are his rapid expansion of springboards. When they destroy them, they can get 50%of their territories, a regional site, and [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] can quickly occupy about 10%.

But now, the lords faced by [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] generally have the lord’s relocation card, and move the territory away in minutes.

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Facing the empty land, you can only take your own expansion plot to occupy the land.

This kind of gameplay, the resource he accumulated in himself was not enough, and suddenly dragged his expansion progress!

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] Naturally, I don’t know. The Olympic Prophet is the lord of the main region of the main region that was consciously selling the site to relocate and avoiding war cards.

This allows the general prophets to sell higher prices, and it can also be disgusting and disgusting [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell].

In addition to these lords who bought territorial relocation cards and avoiding war cards, [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] also encountered many old six with the legendary grade banned spell scrolls and even epic forbidden spell scrolls!

These guys did not know where to get some scrolls of curse. When they waited for his army to gather, they came up hard!

These old six will find the opportunity, sometimes when his strong hero is not there, and a wave can make his army be severely damaged!

In this way, in some areas, his army could not be pushed, and he could only stop and rest!

[Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] I couldn’t figure it out. He solved the biggest opponent [I am a big demon king].

How to touch the wall everywhere in Tianyu No. 066, where do these lords come from so many props!

At this time, the original creator, the Olympician prophet is studying the beast king summoning card and the god beast summoning card. After Wu Feng looked at the number of extraction, he also made a judgment.

“I rarely get the beast summoning card on the 799th floor, but the chance of getting such items on the 798th floor is quite high.”

“It seems that as some lords say, each layer will change over time, and the items that can be drawn will change. The 798th floor opened earlier, and the chance of extracting the beast call card is higher!”

When Wu Feng saw the Olympic Judge, the wave of the Austrian beasts was drawn to the beast call card. Naturally, he immediately summoned myth -level bosses with the same way as the void assassin.

The territory of the Austrian Prophet was originally in the country No. 012, and the territory of [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] is relatively far away.

He went to the nationality of No. 011 and came to the bearing of the Tianshen at the junction of Tiangu 066 and Tiangu No. 065, and began to summon mythical BOSS.

The gods named Crane Mountains also have a large number of fierce beasts in the ban on the land of the Crane Mountains. The Olympic prophets launched the beast summoning card in the area near the Crane Mountains.

With a loud sound, a huge dark shadow appeared in the sky. This is a cracking heavenly Eagle, a mythical BOSS from the deep of the Crash Sky Mountains.

After summoning the Crash Sky Eagle, the Olympic General Proposal immediately asked him to help himself occupy the area near the Mountains near the Crane Valley.

There is a mythical BOSS out of the horse. Like the death of death, the area occupied by the murderers immediately returned to land, and it was easily occupied by the cracks.

[Ding … the Supreme League completes the monopoly of the No. 051 of the Sky Domain 011 066, the 798th abyss, to activate the monopoly program, please ensure that no other lord survives for more than 20 hours within three days. The nine -day travel of the alliance can become a monopoly, and the monopoly is bonus. .

[Ding … Because there are no other lords in the region No. 051, the No. 098 of the 798th abyss 066, and the regional list disappears. The nine days of the league will be fixed to get 5000 hopes and 1 legend every day. .


This is just the beginning. The Crash Sky Eagle began to cooperate with the Olympic prophets to expand rapidly. It also received the benefits of evolving the blood of the gods.

When [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] was hit by a bag, the Olympic Prophet was expanded quickly by borrowing the power of the Crash Sky Eagle.

His expansion speed is brought to the Capricorn Eagle, which is fast, more efficient than [Blue King Jiuyou Hell].

[Blue King Jiuyou Hell] must be unexpected that when he attracted the attention of all lords, someone was sneaking in the rapid development.

When [Blue King · Jiuyou Hell] sweeps to this area, it is at least half a month later.

Half a month later, what is the situation of the Olympic Army here is not that [Blue King Jiuyou Hell] can be imagined.

At this time, Wu Feng also watched the progress of the Olympic Prophet. He was satisfied with the resource of this wave of this wave of Olympician Proposal. The 10 divine crystals and 10 awakening crystals were all mythical items.

At that time, the Olympic Prophet can draw a few more rounds of thousands of consecutive times, and the draws can definitely be more. After entering the 798th floor, Wu Feng’s efficiency of getting the treasure chest key and the summon scroll is greatly improved.

In addition, it can be used through the abyss door, and it is too cool to develop!

Wu Feng also made a decision secretly: “Regardless, today I have to start developing on the 796th floor. Lao Zhu and Su Mu Xue will always have someone in intelligence.”

“The lord of the 796th floor is much more powerful than the 798th floor.

Wu Feng thought of this, so he was going to go to the infinite trial to swipe a little more defense tower summoning card. Now his infinite trial invitation letter can let [Little Red Carp] help evolve.

So Wu Feng invited [Little Red Carp] to point out his legendary infinite trial invitation letter. At 8 o’clock, he devoted himself to the sub -mythical level!

“Brother League, this is the trial invitation letter you made me strengthen, let’s take a look …”

[Xiaohong Carp] Soon the trial invitation letter was sent back. Now she still has about 40 points of extraordinary power at hand, waiting for Wu Feng’s news to use it at any time.

Wu Feng also asked her to use 10 o’clock to enhance her own strength. This is also mutual benefit.

After all, Wu Feng also rely on her to enhance a lot of strength.

After getting a new infinite trial invitation letter, Wu Feng found that the attributes of this invitation letter have changed dramatically!

Infinite trial invitation letter: sub -myth quality (strengthen +3), you can participate in unlimited trials after use (you can choose ordinary, difficult, nightmare, hell difficulty), obtain rewards and trial points through trial Extracting points), the number of times: 7/7, each time the interval is greater than one day.

With the effects of initial tower defense, tower defense upgrade, defense building, and tower defense effect.

Initial tower defense: After entering the infinite trial, you can get 7 initial tower defense places. After the trial is over, the initial tower defense can bring out the trial.

Tower defense upgrade: In the tower defense extraction of unlimited trials, there will be a chance to get a higher -level defense tower. The type of defense tower will also increase, and a special mutation defense tower will appear.

Defensive building: After entering the unlimited trial of hell, it can be brought into a initial defense building. If the building is destroyed, it will be completely damaged.

Tower defense point: After entering the infinite trial, the defense tower in the virtual territory can be ordered to make its quality level +1, the highest point can be to the Asian myth level. , The 50th round of the two -point quota, the three -point quota of the 100th round, and so on.

This type of defensive tower disappears after leaving unlimited trials.

Remarks: Do you want to appreciate what is true despair? Want to live? Then come to participate in unlimited trials!

The Asian mythical invitation letter has increased from 5 times to 7 times. At the same time, its capabilities have increased, and the number of initial tower defense increases to 7 seats. Enter the unlimited trial.

The most important thing is that the increased tower defense capacity of the invitation letter can allow the designated defensive tower quality level +1. After the epic -level defense tower, it can make it a sub -mythical power.

This is a very important improvement. Whether it is the star tower, the two -ritual formation tower, or the Houya Tower, the power after order is absolutely amazing!

“Then I might be able to challenge the higher wheels? Coupled with this invitation letter and an additional 50%of the trial points bonus, the trial points I got this time must be more than the last time!”

Wu Feng also looked forward to the infinite trial. Now that March has passed, the time comes to 18:00 on the same day, Wu Feng can enter the infinite trial with peace of mind.

After launching this infinite trial invitation letter, Wu Feng immediately entered the virtual space!

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel Choose Hell difficulty trial, improve the grade and attributes of the monsters (the level is increased by 20, the full attribute is 100%improved, and the random opportunity is added to the sky), the trial evaluation and the quality of the lottery have been improved. The reward was increased by 400%, and an additional bonus of the Asian mythical invitation letter was obtained. The trial evaluation will be increased by 50%. .

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel Infinite Trial Invitation (Asian Mythical Quality), get the effect of initial tower defense, tower defense upgrade, and tower defense evolution. You can choose 7 initial tower defense, please choose. .

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel Infinite Trial Invitation Letter (Asian mythical quality), the difficulty of choosing is the difficulty of hell, you can obtain the effect of defense building, you can choose a defensive building, please choose. .

The Asian mythical invitation letter indicates that the trial evaluation will be increased additional. Wu Feng is in a good mood. He also directly chose the Black Hole Tower, the Ridrine Tower, and the 5 epic -level defensive tower as the initial defense tower.

However, the initial virtual territory was still too small. Wu Feng just set off a star tower to acquire the enemy.

In the infinite trial, Wu Feng was really familiar with the car. He summoned Vesus with a lot of times. While improving the difficulty, he began to make Weiche the boss charm.

The powerful defensive tower, plus Verace’s charm, the previous level, really has no pressure on Wu Feng.

Just out of curiosity, Wu Fengxian used the tower in the first round to prevent point -to -point ability, and first ordered the star tower: “Let me Kangkang, the sub -mythical star tower, what is the power!”

I saw that Wu Feng, like [Little Red Carp], has the ability to turn decay into magic. His projection stretched out his hand to make the corresponding defense tower change tremendous.

After the star tower was ordered, the sunglasa mirror above became red, and a special pattern began to emerge on the mirror surface. In the end, the pattern on the back became a three -footed golden black!

The star tower also becomes Jinwu Tower. In addition to being able to launch the sun god light, this defensive tower can also summon a sub -mythical Golden Wu!

Jinwu burned the fire of the sun, and gently wings can burn countless monsters into ash!

This Jinwu ability made Wu Feng’s eyes shine. This ability was too powerful. He found that a sub -mythical defense tower could at least be able to withstand three epic defense tower!

In the unlimited trials, Wu Feng’s tower defense lineup can reach the limit, suppressing mythical BOSS, it should be a lot easier.

“I don’t know if I can challenge the second mythical BOSS!” Wu Feng didn’t expect that he had the opportunity to challenge the two mythical bosses for the second time.

He wiped out by Vegus and Jinwu Tower, and quickly killed 50 rounds. In this round, Wu Feng was able to launch the tower defense again!

In the 50th round, Wu Feng reached 2 points in the infinite trials. He could order the second epic defense tower. He immediately chose the Houyi Tower!

Although it will not become a shooting tower after its evolution, it can deal with strong enemies at that time. This is one point for the Hou Tower to be stronger!

After pointing out, the Houyi Tower has evolved into a real Houya Tower, and the damage ability of Houyi’s projection has increased by more than 200%. Although it is not as good as the Houyi avatar in the sun tower, it is also worthy of a strong handle. Enhanced +3 epic bow and arrow!

A real Houya Tower can make up for the output of the sun tower. In the face of the mythical BOSS, the chance of shooting the opponent is much higher.

As Wu Feng strengthened the two sub -mythical defense tower, Wu Feng’s customs clearance was faster, and he killed the 100th round all the way.

In the 100th round, Wu Feng was able to draw a lot of powerful defense towers. Among them, the epic defense tower could be left to the lords of the 796th floor.

[Ding … Bailian Pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the Oriental Express Summon Card and the Star Tower Summon Card (Orange Quality). .


[Ding … Bai Lian Draw (Special Power) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, you get a thousand arrows to send a tower summoning card, polar tower summoning card, Tian Luo Di Net Tower calling card (legendary quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the summoning card (epic quality) you got the magic fire purgatory pagoda (epic quality). .

[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special Power) is successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the Dongfeng Express Tower Summoning Card, the Planet Tower Summon Card, and the Tower Summon Card*2 (legendary quality). .


[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent in the soul, you get the Houzhu Tower summoning card (epic quality). .

In the first 100 rounds, Wu Feng drawn three epic -level defensive tower summoning cards, which shows that the Asian mythical invitation letter is higher than the epic invitation letter.

At that time, the lord is on the 796th floor, and it will get a good defense tower combination at the beginning.

Among them, the magic fire purgatory tower belongs to the epic -level defensive tower of the fire attribute, and its attributes are still very good. This is also a high -level mutant tower with the increase of the mutant tower.

The magic fire purgatory tower is completely different from Wu Feng’s previous defense towers. At that time, this defense tower is used on the 796th floor, and no one will doubt that this is Wu Feng’s defense tower.

In fact, even if Wu Feng used the Houya Tower on the 796th floor, the average lord would not doubt the relationship between the lord’s avatar and Wu Feng.

After all, there are too many ways to obtain the defense tower. Even if it is a mythical tower, it may be heavy. This cannot prove the relationship between the lord’s avatar and Wu Feng.

“This magic fire can be condensed with various types of fires. After evolving into a sub -mythical defense tower, I don’t know what kind of attributes will be …”

When Wu Feng reached the 100th round, he just increased a point of quota, which was curious. Wu Feng used the point of use to make the magic fire purgatory tower.

Anyway, he took out a summoning card, which can let [Little Red Carp] help evolve to the sub -mythical level. This can also understand the sub -mythical form of the magic fire purgatory pagoda in advance.

As Wu Feng pointed out, the magic fire purgatory tower had changed qualitatively. The tall defensive tower with black magic fire was originally burned, and it suddenly turned into a huge red lotus shape.

Its name has also become the Red Lotus Fire Tower. The defense tower erupted by the very special Honglian industry fire. This flame cannot be extinguished, and it will stop until the enemy is burned into ash.

Honglian Fire has a maximum of 10 floors on the target, and each epic enemy is killed, and the upper limit of the 1 -level industry fire can be added.

If the upper limit of the layer of the Honglian industry fire increases, the power of Honglian Fire Tower will reach an amazing height after adding it to the full layer.

After Wu Feng tried it a little, he found that after the Honglian industry was added to the 10th floor, the legendary BOSS could not support it before it turned into a pile of fly ash.

I am afraid that only epic BOSS and even mythical BOSS can support it.

However, the characteristics of this defense tower are long and ruthless. As long as the Honglian industry fire is hit, if there is no way to disperse, even if you escape, it will be burned to death by the Honglian industry fire tower sooner or later.

This allows the enemy to fight hard to destroy the Honglian Fire Tower and keep this defensive tower. Then you can only wait for the Red Lotus Industry Fire!

“The power of this Red Lotus Fire Tower is not bad. After drawing this mutant tower, you still have to choose one to choose a type of defense tower, which is also necessary.”

After Wu Feng’s test, he felt that the power of the Red Lotus Fire Tower was really good. After he prepared, he would let [Little Red Carp] put some extraordinary power in.

With Wu Feng’s 3 sub -mythical defensive tower and 2 mythical defensive towers work together, the enemy after the 100th round is also easy to be second.

Even a few defensive towers have to grab people, otherwise the Monster BOSS is brushed out and was given by other defensive towers.

Wu Feng killed the 160th round all the way with a destructive gesture. Until this round, it was the prosperous scene of the three disabled moon.

[Ding … Infinite trial (Hell Difficulty) is subject to Ziyue Shining (the status of the remnant moon), the level of all monsters increases 6 levels, the refresh efficiency increases by 200%, the probability of BOSS refresh is increased by 200%. Monster state (increased by 30%of the probability of mutation). .


[Ding … Infinite trial (difficulty in hell) is illuminated by the blood moon (the state of the remnant moon), the level of all monsters increases 6 levels, the refresh efficiency increases by 200%, the BOSS refresh probability increases by 200%. Crazy state (increased by 50%and decreased by 50%). .


[Ding … Infinite trial (Hell Difficulty) is illuminated by the Black Moon (the status of the remnant moon). The level of all monsters increases 6 levels, the refresh efficiency increases by 200%, the probability of BOSS refresh is increased by 200%. Fallen state (increased by 20%, and 20%has a chance to evolve into higher -level BOSS). .


The three remnants of the moon appear together, which almost represents the release of the mythical BOSS. The fact is true. Under the bloody moon, the epic BOSS of the 160th round has evolved into mythical levels!

It is just that this time in front of Wu Feng is no longer the void dragon, but a huge starry sky Titan giant!

This Titan’s height reached 3,000 meters. When he stood in front of Wu Feng, he was like a giant mountain, making Wu Feng stunned!

“I wipe it! Such a huge Titan giant, go down, you can flatten the territory of a lord!

“If the real body of Starry Sky Titan appeared, then there is a small asteroid size, wouldn’t it be more horrible, how high this life is!”

Void Dragon and Starry Titan are mythical boss, and the levels of the two are similar. Their combat effectiveness is actually similar.

The Starry Sky Titan is strong in the body shape, and there is a physical attack power that destroys the heavenly and destroy, while the Void Dragon is strong on its mobility and void spell.

To some extent, the Void Dragon is a double repair of magic martial arts, and the Starry Sky Titan in front of you is an invincible line.

Relatively speaking, this Star Air Titan is more difficult to kill!

However, in contrast, Wu Feng’s luck is also very good this time. In the 150th round of the draw, a new mythical defense tower was drawn!

[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special Power) is successful, triggering a talent for the soul, you get Dongfeng Express Tata Summon Card, Tian Luo Di Net Tower Summon Card (legendary quality). .


[Ding … Bailian pumping (special permissions) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get the summoning card of the World Destroyer Tower and the Steel Tower Summon Card (Epic Quality). .

[Ding … Qianlian pump (special permissions) is successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, you get Zhou Tianxingchen Grand Array Summon Card (mythical quality). .

[Ding … Bailian Pump (Special permissions) is successful, triggering the talent of entering the soul, you get the Summoning Card (Epic) of the Frost Era Tower. .

Wu Feng carried out Qianlian pump in the 150th round. Due to the increase in the Asian mythical invitation letter, Qianlian pumping with an orange defense tower summon card, he finally got a mythical defensive tower summoning card!

This can add another mythical defense tower, and Wu Feng did not casually summon the tower, but let the [Little Red Carp] strengthen him to +1.

At 20 o’clock, the power of Chaofan, Zhou Tianxing Tower changed dramatically, and its attributes were immediately enhanced!

“Ordinary Zhou Tian Xingchen Tower can form a Xinghe. After strengthening +1, it becomes two stars. This is still good.”

“And this week, the Xingchen Tower is the ceiling of the Xingchen Tower Group. Both the planet tower and the star tower can be added to the Star River to enhance its power.”

“Now I will put on the big line of Xingchen next to Zhou Tian, and I can use two Xinghe to suppress the goal. This is too high -end!”

Wu Feng checked the attributes of Zhou Tianxing’s Grand Array Tower, and found that his attributes were also very simple, that is, the next star array of Xinghe.

In the large formation, stars and stones will be formed based on the number of regions occupied and the number of planet towers and star towers.

Each lord occupies an area or has a legendary planetary tower, adding 1 star sand in the large formation.

Each of a country or an epic star tower, a star stone is added in the large formation.

The more stars and stars in the Xinghe River, the greater the power, and when the Zhou Tian Xingchen Grand Array Tower itself forms the Xinghe, it comes with 100 star sand and 5 star stones.

After strengthening +1, the Zhou Tian Xingchen Grand Array Tower formed two galaxies, and the initial number of star sands and starstone was more.

Wu Feng was full of curiosity about this. He wanted to see what the Xinghe looked like, so he immediately put the Zhou Tian Xingchen Grand Tower (+1) in the virtual territory, and then summoned the Star River to come!

I saw that Starry Titan also happened to kill the barrier at this time. His tall body was ten times higher than the Great Wall.

Starry Sky Titan stepped on, and the striped barrier fluctuated crazy, and this blow was against the multi -round attack of the Void Dragon.

This is mainly because Starry Titan’s attack frequency is not high, but every time is strong, it can destroy a huge city in one blow.

Today, Starry Titan is still crazy attacking the stale barrier, and the Xinghe launched by Wu Feng has already screened it.

In front of Starry Sky Titan’s eyes, he found that he appeared in a stars composed of various meteorites and meteors. Even the huge starry sky Titan looked small in front of these meteorites and meteors.

Zhou Xia Xingchen Big Formation originally used the starry sky as a chessboard, with the stars as a chess piece, and the Starry Sky Titan was the ant on this chessboard!

Wu Feng appeared high outside the ‘chessboard’. He saw that the huge starry sky Titan was trapped in this galaxy, and it felt amazing.

These Starry Sky Titans don’t say that they are attacking the Great Wall, and even escape from the Xinghe River is extremely difficult.

Countless star sand hit the Starry Sky Titan, and the body shape is similar to the Starry Sky Titan, so the Starry Titan immediately punch the Xing Sands that washed out.

As a result, these star sands condensed all energy and resources in Zhou Tianxing’s large array. Although the size is similar to Starry Titan, the weight and impact are far exceeding its imagination.

Star sand hitting it, Starry Titan was hit out, followed by the second star sand and even the endless endless star sand.

The Xinghe is constantly scouring, and the power of each blow is comparable to Starry Sky Titan’s own full blow, so Starry Sky Titan has been severely damaged.

If it wasn’t for his body like an immortal golden body, I’m afraid he would have been crushed to death by Xing Sands.

“This Starry Titan’s body is too strong, it is really powerful like a demon! Then give me a fierce suppression! Shooting the sun tower gives me full output!”

Wu Feng decisively brought the shooting tower into a full output state. The two Houyi split the fire together. Both of them had artifact -level bows and arrows. Each round of fire could make the star Titan’s blood volume down.

In order to improve the output of the shooting tower, Wu Feng also asked [Little Red Carp] to help strengthen the legendary bows and arrows in his hands into epic bow and arrows.

If these 1 point of power, you can evolve the legendary equipment into an epic level. A total of 15 epic bows and arrows have been evolved.

At this moment, the extraordinary power in [Xiaohong Carp] has been consumed. Wu Feng is trying to try to see if he can kill the second mythical BOSS.

So the big witch shooters on the shooting tower all had epic bows and arrows as weapons, and their output immediately skyrocketed.

If the output of the shooting tower will be improved in the future, Wu Feng can even strengthen the bow and arrows on the shooting of the sun tower into a sub -myth level!

The improvement of this mythical defensive tower is almost endless!

“The ability of [Little Red Carp] must be concentrated and used. Now it is possible to kill this Star Empty Titan.”

After the output of the Great Witch Sagittarius, the two Houyi avatars took their crazy output, and the Star River continued to be washed away.

But he just stood up. Wu Feng had to use the star stone in the Xinghe. A total of two Xinghe River, plus one country occupied, Wu Feng could use a total of 11 star stones.

When the star stone that is comparable to the size of the planet, even Star Empty Titan’s face has changed. The volume of this star stone is already hundreds of times that of his own body shape.

If this star stone is crushed, he can crush him to death by the volume alone!

In this case, the Starry Titan fruit broke out of its strongest power, and I saw a star in the Starry Sky Titan’s body rising.

That is the star of Starry Titan, and the body of the Starry Sky Titan also expands quickly, and the height directly exceeds 10,000 meters!

This is still within the stars. If in the world, the thighs of the Starry Sky Titan will be considered to be the peak of the clouds on the ground.

The Starry Sky Titan behind turned into a qualitative leap in his combat effectiveness. He stood proudly, and then fists fist towards the huge star stone.

This is like the two stars collided together. The shock wave of destroying the sky and the earth caused cracks on the star stone, but the starry sky Titan also vomited blood and flew out.

Unexpectedly, under the attack of Xingshi, Starry Titan carried it, and Wu Feng subsequently launched other Xingshi, and the star stone continued to impact.

Starry Titan actually chose the hard top, he just supported, even if the injury on his body became heavier, he never retreated.

This scene made Wu Feng a little admired this guy. If this is the case, the Starry Sky Titan can get rid of the Xinghe as long as the Xinghe was washed through the scouring of the Star River!

Zhou Tianxing’s large array plus the fire of the shot tower, but she couldn’t kill the Starry Sky Titan in one fell swoop. This super giant is really too rigid!

“But even if you are fierce, now you face 3 mythical defensive tower. If I use the black hole tower, how should you deal with it?”

When Wu Feng saw the scouring of the Xinghe, he did not kill the Star Titan. When the super giant broke away from the Star River, he launched a black hole.

The huge black hole shrouded the Starry Sky Titan, and Wu Feng also shot a hand of heavenly gods to force it into the scope of the black hole.

As a result, in the face of the cyan giant palm shot by Wu Feng, Starry Titan also played a palm. The giant palm in his hand was like a star map, and he was also blasted with the hands of the gods!

In the loud noise, Wu Feng’s hand was barely blocked by the Star Titan. He just took a few steps and fell into the absorption range of the black hole tower.

The magical power of the Starry Sky Titan is invincible, and it is just under the suction, but it does not fall directly into the black hole.

The performance of the Starry Titan’s series made Wu Feng look at each other. This big guy is really too fierce.

So Wu Feng could only order the shooting of the sun tower: “Regardless, use the archery of the sun and the god of the gods! Ten birds are not as good as a bird in the forest, let’s kill this guy first!”

After Wu Feng spoke, the Houyi avatar on the shooting of the sun tower raised the shooting sun bow in his hands. They pulled away the bow and opened their strongest blow!

While Starry Titan struggled, the attack of the sun tower shot out, and dozens of black arrows shot into the head of Starry Sky Titans together.

I am afraid that the sun can shoot down. After a blow, Starry Titan is finally shot! The power of shooting day arrows completely crushes the soul of Starry Titan!

In this case, the huge body of Starry Titan did not break. His body fell like a huge mountain peak, and he crushed a large wave of monsters!

This seventh -order mythical BOSS was finally killed by Wu Feng with three mythical defense tower!

Wu Feng again canceled the black hole again, so as not to be swallowed by the black hole by the starry sky, Wu Feng has a premonition. Since this starry Titan is the body of the body that is immortal, from his body, he should be able to extract more ones more. nice one.

“With such a huge body, my hands of God can’t catch it, so I can only draw some strength by myself.”

Wu Feng came to the corpse of Starry Sky Titan and stood beside the giant’s body, Wu Feng could realize his huge, thousands of meters high, even if he was lying down, it was like a huge peak.

With the experience of absorbing the body of the void god dragon before, Wu Feng stepped forward to use the hand of upper Cang, and immediately absorbed the magical power in the Starry Sky Titan!

This divine power was incorporated into Wu Feng’s body, and he increased his 20 -point magical power! It seems that the magical power of Starry Titan is indeed more sufficient.

[Ding … Successfully kill Starry Titan (Seventh -order Mythical BOSS), complete the achievements of the gods, and obtain 150,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully kill Starry Titan (seventh -order mythical boss), successfully challenge mythical BOSS, you get an additional 150,000 challenge points. .

[Ding … Successfully kill Starry Titan (7th -order mythical BOSS) and absorb the divine power. You will add 1 God’s guard (hero) places and 1,000 gods of guards (soldiers). .

So many divine power brings great benefits to Wu Feng. The divine power in his body has exceeded 115 points!

The massive divine power has reached the level of Wu Feng’s divine power, and now the statue of the alliance has a bright light!

The jade beads who were looking at the statue of the Dark God of Darkness looked at the statue of the Dark God of Lord and looked at the statue of the Lord next to him: “The statue of the lord’s adult is so huge!”

“He actually has a medium -level divineness, which is also incredible!”

Yuzhu himself currently absorbs the evolution of the blood, has 2 magical power, but it depends on the lord’s adults. He actually has more than 100 points of divine power.

This makes the jade bead envious of the goddess. If she has so many divine power, it will be great.

Wu Feng also paid attention to the statue of the League of Lord who had changed hugely: “Now the idol is also an upgrade. After the statue is launched, my combat power can be even stronger!”

(This chapter is finished)

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