Chapter 42 Study Thief!

After Wu Feng completed the call, a young man in a white dress and a white high hat appeared in front of Wu Feng.

He bowed towards Wu Feng very elegantly and introduced himself.

This is the stealing and thief summoned by Wu Feng. A powerful hero who is very stealing, but his costumes seem to be a bit too much.

“Are you really here to attend the banquet? Your white clothes are still so windy, is it really suitable for stealing?” Wu Feng looked at Kidd, who was handsome and only a little worse than himself, and he doubts.

Don’t look at Kidd’s handsome Yanzu and Yu Yan, but there is still a gap compared with the lord. This is self -confidence. Wu Feng still has it.

Kidi smiled slightly: “I am not an ordinary thief. I am a thief. If you want to steal the most cherished treasures, it is like stealing the other person’s heart!”

Wu Feng glanced at Kidd’s attributes. The stolen seemed to be true, and his ability was exactly the same as what he said.

Hero title: stealing heart thief

Hero Name: Kidd Black Feather

Hero level: Level 1 (0/1200).

Attack power: 30 points.

Defense: 15 o’clock.

Life value: 180 points.

Magic value: 100 points.

Basic attribute: Hidden [Click to view]

Hero talent: stealing heart secret (excellent talent): Kidd can launch stealing secrets on the target, and there is a high chance to steal the highest value of items from the target. With the successful stolen, Kidd will grow attribute growth based on the stolen items. This talent capabilities can be launched 3 times a day.

Hero skills: stealing (two -star skill) [Click to view detailed attributes].

Black Walk (Two -star Skills) [Click to view detailed attributes].

Deadly strike (Samsung Skill) [Click to view detailed attributes].

Train arms: Stealing (training conditions: male thieves above green quality)

Although Kid’s basic attributes are not as good as Weds and Qialu, his talents and skills are very special. Wu Feng feels that his role will not be lower than that of Weis.

He can increase the resources obtained by theft and fatal strike, which will be harvested by Kidd’s fatal blow. The drop rate of items will be extremely high!

“Okay, although Kidy has a little sale, it may be very powerful. I will find a way to raise the level first.”

Wu Feng thinks that Kide can also cultivate it, at least to improve his level and harvest BOSS.

Seeing that the lord of the lord made such a commitment, he took off his hat and gave Wu Feng a gift: “Thank you for the Lord of the Lord …”

At this time, Vigs also appeared next to Wu Feng. After Kidd saw Vigus, she shines in front of her: “Beautiful lady, can you please go to dinner?”

Vicusta looked at Kidd very much: “You are the new companion summoned by the lord’s adult? Sorry, I never have dinner with other opposite sex.”

Kidd did not care after being rejected. He just shrugged his shoulders: “That’s a pity …”

After Kidd’s confession failed, he was strolling around the territory. He seemed to want to see if there were any more beautiful girls. Like the pure desire mage under Weds, Kidd was very interested.

But these pure desires are the same as Veuts. They follow the pure route. Generally, the general conversation is useless to them.

When I walked near the wall of the Iron and Steel City, he suddenly appeared: “Lord Lord, there are thieves sent by other lords here!”

Kidd suddenly rushed to the corner of the empty empty person, and he suddenly had an extra dagger in his hand. Don’t look at Kidd looks like a swimming tour everywhere, but he is a real purple hero!


With the collision of the weapon, a masked thief wearing a black thief bumped into a bump. Wu Feng immediately paid attention to this sudden enemy. This is the hero of other lords!

It should be the hero of the thieves like Kidd, and relying on his own stealth ability, he quietly sneaked into Wu Feng’s territory.

He could escape the star tower and quietly came to the city wall, and it was already very powerful, but because Wu Feng built a circle of steel city walls near the heart of the lord. It’s right.

“Green Thieves Heroes? No wonder Kidd will be discovered by Kidd. The quality of the two is too different!” After Wu Feng saw the quality of the thief hero, he understood why Kidd found the other party.

Speaking of which, Kidd can be regarded as a master in the thief. This black thief is just an apprentices -level thief. In the case of close distance, even if he hides, he has seen Kidd.

“Now, this is called professional. It is most useful to deal with the thieves, or the senior thieves!” Wu Feng nodded with satisfaction. He gave Kidd the order: “Kidd, this guy gave you Clarify, which territory he comes from! ”

Kid took off the hat: “Lord, the lord, the next content is not suitable for children. Please give me a closed space. I will naturally let this guy speak.”

Level 1 Kidd, dealing with the only green hero of this level 2, and did catch his hands. He just had two or three moves and subdued the enemy.

After the thieves in black were captured, Wu Feng prepared a farm for Kidd, and the peasants had gone to work, and Kidd could do whatever he wanted.

After closing the door of the farm, there was a scream of screams. Kidd was a thief. It seems that torture is also very professional.

Ten minutes later, Kidd dragged the black thieves like a dead dog and walked over. He was still so elegant. On the white dress, he didn’t have a little blood. This guy really paid great attention to the image management. Intersection

Even torture for the enemy to torture, maintaining its own elegance and calmness at any time, and will not easily stain your clothes.

“How about it? What did you ask?” Wu Feng looked down at the paralyzed black thieves, and Kid took off his white glove elegantly.

“Lord Lord, I have all asked clearly, and the leader of his leader named [夭“], and its territory coordinates are: 05701: 02967, about a dozen kilometers from our territory. ”

Hearing Kidd’s report, Wu Feng frowned and sent the lord of the black thief, which actually had a dozen kilometers from him, and may even be separated by several territories in the middle.

In this case, the thief hero actually touched his territory, and it seemed to be targeted and went straight to him.

“Is it a dog leader or other lord who is malicious to me? No matter, Kidd, you train a thief first and let him go to this territory to see the situation!”

Wu Feng immediately made a decision. Since the enemy touched his territory, this is that he is Ming, the enemy is dark, so he must find out the situation of the enemy.

Kidd himself also had an important role. It happened that the summoning scroll was previously opened. Wu Feng obtained a blue thief soldier and two green thieves, which can transform them into a stolen stolen, and then go to the opponent to explore the situation.

“Lord, then I will train my apprentice!”

After Kedd’s thousands of magic crystals given by Wu Feng, he found all three thieves. After paying the training fee, the three thieves were trained to steal it for God.

Their basic attributes have been enhanced, and they have mastered Kidd’s theft and windfall, which has become a very competent scout.

“You three, look at this coordinates, what’s the situation, immediately report to me!”

Tell you a very important thing. In this week, I made a decision (serious face) that violated my ancestors.

I decided to get a hundred more, that is, I will update at least one hundred chapters on the day of the shelves! Intersection Intersection According to the subscription results, add extra more.

Just ask everyone, am I fierce?

At the same time, considering that it is necessary to stay on the novice list for a longer time, I need to slow down the update rhythm. From now on three daily reductions to two more daily, the next period of the next period of time, I will change from Monday to Friday. Moreover, it is five chapters less than a week before. This few chapters, I will make up when it is on the shelves, that is, I will change more than a hundred more!

During this time, please lend me the strength! Raise your hand, I recommend tickets, monthly tickets, and collection. Dongdong thanked him here.

(This chapter is finished)

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