Chapter 410 I found you! (5000 vote plus more)

Under the shining of three months, there were countless monsters near the territory of the big brother and the nine -life cat demon, and they shocked the territory of the two.

Due to the madness of the monsters in March, the monsters were crazy. As a result, [Nine Days Traveling] also launched a god -level natural disaster. Under the influence of the Nanbara invasion, the entire 032 sky domain was turned into purgatory!

All kinds of monsters were brushed out quickly, and they quickly impacted the territory of the lords. They had been underweight in March, and they were destroyed at once.

After Wu Feng used Nan Man’s invasion, he immediately received a screen -wide record.

[Ding … Destroy the lord’s heart of Lord Xiao Feixia, and according to the lord’s level (level 26), you get 13 kills. .

[Ding … successfully destroy the heart of the Lord’s lord, trigger the effect of Nanzhu’s invasion, plunder 15%of the remaining resources in the lord’s leader, and you get 1230 units of green resources. .

[Ding … the lord’s heart that successfully destroys the small flying stick and triggers the skills of fighting the family. It can obtain a land of 15%(level 2) with an area of 15%of the lord, with a total area of 47,250 units. Please select the land type. .


In March,+the god -level Nanbar invasion, this intensity is really a bit amazing. This wave of light, I am afraid that it will eliminate countless lords.

This time, Wu Feng will definitely brush a lot of killing values, but he has affected tens of millions of lords!

On the list of Tiangu No. 032, Wu Feng can see the changes in the number of lords in this world. From about 26 million, it has begun to decline quickly!

26 million, that was the lord who survived after many March, survived, originally there were more than 140 million lords in Tianyu No. 20032.

As a result, in various conflicts and harsh environments, there are still 26 million lords left today, with a survival rate of less than 20%!

Originally, in the March of this big two, I am afraid that a large number of lords will suffer, and it will be eliminated by the magic tide. As a result, [Nine Days Traveling] will also add a wave of fiercely invasion on it!

In just half an hour, the number of lords in Tianyu No. 032 has been reduced from 2600 to 24 million! It was eliminated by 2 million lords!

Wu Feng’s killing value has exceeded 30 million, and there are various types of land of billion units. This is really a wave of horrible benefits.

This allowed countless lords of No. 032 to cursed and begged for mercy. The entire Tianyu boiled because of Wu Feng’s actions.

“I’m 【芔茻! [Nine days of travel] How did you suddenly run to our No. 032 Tianyu to release Nano invasion! He is really a south! The lord of Tianyu No. 012 was suffered. We are! ”

“[[Nine Days Traveling] The next conquest goal is whether we are in Tianyu No. 032?! But he hasn’t done it yet, and he hasn’t even done it. I died myself? ”

“[Nine Days Traveling] After killing the princes of the Three Eyes, he thought he was invincible? Actually, he ran to our 032 Tianyu to come to the wild! If he really wants to expand the territory here, then we must fight him to the end!”

“Oh, [Jiutian Travel] Now killing the evil dragon has changed from Tu Dragon Warriors to a dragon. He has launched a mythical -level southern barbaric invasion here, isn’t it just killed us! From today, I have been with him!”

“Who are you old! Also with [Jiutian Traveling], you have never heard of this ant in the world!

In Tianyu No. 032, various lords are scolding Wu Feng. This operation is simply referred to by Qianfu.

Even [Hongchen · Wu Yan] did not understand Wu Feng’s operation: “Lord Lord, you let me have not participated in the battle of the dominant alliance, and now I ran No. 032 to launch Nanzhu invasion. Are you afraid of being resentful? ”

“After all, after we destroyed the dominant alliance, the limelight was flourishing, and countless alliances were watching us!”

Wu Feng waved his hand: “A group of weak people remember us, don’t be afraid! In the abyss, they still use fists to speak, as long as our strength is getting stronger and stronger than others, even if they hate us, they dare not do whatever they hate us. “,”

“Besides, I have a more important thing to do. Relying on these monsters alone, I can’t achieve my goal.”

“Then launch Nanman’s projection invasion!”

Countless monsters raged everywhere in the Tiangu 032, causing a large number of lords to be eliminated.

And this is just the beginning! In addition to the impact of Monster Monsters, Wu Feng also sent his own Nanman projection team, a group of projection teams formed by a group of strange beasts, monsters, and monsters, and entered the territory of the various lords.

This time even Lele was among them.

Wu Feng also took out the props of Big Brother earlier to hear Lele: “Remember the breath of this guy, you find him with your treasure hunting talent! He has an epic talent, and the breath will be stronger than other lords! ”

Lele nodded, and it joined the team of Nanman’s projection, so in the invasion of Nan Man this time, there was an extra black and white figure.

It always quietly steals the various heavenly and earth treasures in the lord’s leading territory, and then running quietly, as well as a firebird, a bandit big chicken, and a Goblin Warrior. cover!

Many of the lords in Tianyu No. 032 have been stunned. Even if they blocked the attacks of Monster and Nanman’s projection, they often stole important heaven and earth treasures!

This time, the weak lords and the powerful lords were all suffered and poured blood mold!

In the territory of the big brother and the nine -order cat demon, these groups of southern projection were poured into the south of the south. Seeing that these enemies were destroying their territory, the nine -life cats had a headache.

“[Nine Days Traveling] This beast actually came to launch a mythical Nanman invasion! We do not deal with these southern barbaric projection, then the territory will be destroyed by them!”

“But if you attack them …”

Brother Big Brother couldn’t help it, he roared: “It’s deadly! We have used a relocation card once, and the territorial coordinates are hidden with props, but [nine days travel], we still come to the door! Can’t hide it! ”

As you said, Lele’s projection rushed into the territory of the big brother following the taste. It swept around in the big brother’s territory.

Big Brother forcibly suppressed his anger, without governor Lele, but cleaned other other southern projection first. He did not dare to use too much extraordinary power, but tried to disguise it as an ordinary lord.

Now he has changed the ID and completely cut off his past connection. As long as he disguised in place, he would not have to worry about being found.

[Cute kitten] Seeing His Royal Highness His Royal Highness who forcibly held back, she was relieved. What she was most afraid of was that His Royal Highness forcibly exposed herself.

In this case, His Royal Highness should rather be willing to be destroyed in part of the territory, and he must not be discovered by [Nine Days Traveling].

[Cute kitten] Ren Lele’s projection raging. She only needs to solve the small things that dare to attack her lord’s heart.

But in this case, Lele’s projection became more and more projected. In front of the big brother, it pulled out the epic -level spiritual fruit that had just been planted in his territory.

Big Brother couldn’t help it anymore: “Sin animal! Dare to steal my fantasy fruit! This is the spiritual plant of the legendary hero, give me death!”

Big Brother prepared several important props for this recovery. Among them, this fantasy fruit was just made from his mother.

This fantasy fruit can improve the orange -quality hero to the legendary quality and combined with blood stimulation of talent, then you can get epic heroes in batches.

If the fantasy fruit is stolen, the big brother’s plan will be greatly delayed and even completely reduced to the second lord.

In this case, the big brother couldn’t care about the other. He made a decisive shot. A giant hand shot fiercely to Lele and took Lele’s projection out.

But at this moment, Lele looked up at [the fire of revenge], and its eyes gradually became flexible. It was the concentration of Lele’s consciousness.

“Not good! I was discovered!” The big brother didn’t hold back for a moment, and broke Lele’s projection. Lele paid attention to his moment, and the big brother realized that it was bad.

But he regretted that it was too late. At this time, Lele’s body pulled Wu Feng’s hand, and his expression explained everything.

Wu Feng’s eyes brightened: “Have you found their new territory?”

Lele blinked his head and nodded. Wu Feng immediately launched a teleportation card according to the coordinates given by Lele. Kris, who had been standing for a long time in Tianyu, 032, was transmitted to the big brother’s territory. inside!

Both Brother and [Cute Kitty] both heard a deafening roar: “I found you!”

Big Brother looked at Chris, who appeared in his territory, this mythical hero has become his nightmare!

The prince who raised his dominance almost gave up and struggled. He was a peak before and failed to win [Nine Days Travel].

Now all his troops and troops have been destroyed. There are only two or three big cats and kittens in the new territory.

If you continue to resist, it is just self -humiliation!

But the big brother still couldn’t help staring at Kelis: “[Jiu Tian Traveling], but I didn’t expect you to launch a mythical Nanman invasion in order to find me! You are looking for me without the price!”

This is indeed something that Big Brother didn’t expect.

He was still standing Flag before, and felt that even if he knew that he was not completely eliminated, he wanted to find him, which was more difficult than the sea fishing.

In the 032 area, it is too difficult to find a lord who has hidden identity and territory. It is impossible!

But [Nine Days Traveling] uses a way to find him in a way that no one can imagine!

Family, who dares to believe, [Jiutian Travel] uses mythical Nano to invade, just to find someone?

Wu Feng conveyed the meaning of a big brother’s heart through Kris’s mouth: “Oh, what is the invasion of the mythical Nanman invasion, I can prepare more tricks for you, you boarded my must be my must Kill the list, even if you hide in the horizon, I will find you! ”

“If you can’t find you this time, you can only suffer a bit of bitterness 032, the Lord of the Tianyu No. 032, I will come to the god -level south to invade once a day!”

Hearing the saying of [Jiutian Travel], the big brother felt shocked.

Once a day? You are not crazy! This 032 Tianyu may become the least number of people. Other lords will hear the news, I am afraid it will be crazy!

However, Wu Feng found the big brother this time, so he didn’t have to operate it. He left a way for the lords of Tiangu No. 032.

Wu Feng stared at the big brother through Kris, and he slowly said: “This time, you have no epic avoidance card, no evil god flesh, and no second life.”

“I won’t let you have a chance to escape! Now, you can go to death!”

Wu Fengzheng was ready to let Kelis start a fatal blow. The big -eyed beads represented by [Eye of the Abyss] suddenly came to the big brother’s territory.

This guy shouted: “[Nine Days Traveling], staying with someone! Rong Guifei asked me to bring me a sentence …”

[The Eye of the Abyss] Before I finished, Kris had no hesitation punch and died of the big brother, and even his lord’s heart also exploded directly!

[Ding … the heart of the lord of the lord’s revenge fire, according to the level of the lord (level 39), you get 20 kills. .

[Ding … the heart of the lord who successfully destroyed the fire of revenge can occupy 50%of the lord’s territory and trigger the skills of fighting the family. You can occupy the 15%territory of the lord. Please choose the preserved plot. .

[Ding … the lord’s heart of the lord of revenge, triggering the skills of the family robbery, can obtain a land of 15%(average level 3) with an area of 15%of the lord, with a total area of 16,2900 units. Please select the land type. .


This time the big brother didn’t even say a ruthless words. He also knew that it was useless to say. When Kris appeared, he knew his end.

Wu Feng killed the second life of the big brother and only got a little bit, but Wu Feng felt more comfortable than before sweeping one area.

This strong enemy who has worked with himself on the first day was finally eliminated by him!

After this battle, the big brother was completely eliminated. Unless he could get the mythical resurrection crystal, even if he could really resurrect, Wu Feng would stare at him.

As long as there is news from the big brother, Wu Feng will definitely find him as soon as possible and destroy him!

The greatest respect for the enemy is to kill.

[Eye of the Abyss] also watched Wu Feng eliminated the big brother. This time, it really eliminated it. This is a scene that made [Eye of the Abyss] all over his body.

“[Nine days travel], do you know what you have done, you will face the revenge of the royal family, as well as the monstrous anger of Rong Guifei and the right phase!”

“You are dead, no one can keep you! You are definitely dead!”

[Eye of the Abyss] Said again and again. He did not expect that he reported his name for Rong Guifei.

The answer to [Eye of the Abyss] was a spring of Kelis’s justice. After the fist exploding the eyes of the abyss, Wu Feng said coldly.

“Afraid? I’m afraid you will let me go? Every time you bring you, do you think I will not do you? Don’t want to escape!”

After speaking, Kris rushed towards the territory of [Cute Kitty], the territory of the one -pin Longwei, close to the big brother’s territory.

At the moment Kris shot, [Cute Kitty] gave up resistance, and Kris broke her territory with only one punch.

“Everything is over!” [Cute kitten] can only make a deep sigh.

Before she was eliminated, she had only one idea in her mind.

Perhaps His Royal Highness really shouldn’t make this enemy!

[Ding … Destroy the lord of the lord’s cute kitten, and according to the lord’s level (level 37), you get 19 points of killing value. .

[Ding … successfully destroying the lord of the cute kitten, can occupy 50%of the lord’s territory and trigger the skills of fighting the family. You can occupy the 15%of the lord’s territory. Please choose the preserved plot. .

[Ding … successfully destroy the lord’s heart of the cute kitten and trigger the skills of fighting the family. It can obtain a 15%plot (average level 3) of the lord’s leading site. The total area is 14,3100 units. Please select the land type. .


After Wu Feng thoroughly eliminated the big brother and the nine -order cat demon, he asked Kris to return. Before leaving the Tiandu No. 032, Wu Feng sent a paragraph on the Tianyu Channel.

[Jiutian Travel]: “The prince of the Three Eyes hid in the Tiandu No. 032, and now this person has been embarrassed, please be blessing!”

After leaving this sentence, Wu Feng returned to Tiandu No. 012 and was ready to concentrate the resource first brought the 062 country. At this time, the 032 Tianyu exploded directly.

Countless lords were shocked by Wu Feng’s words. They did not expect that [Nine Days Traveling] to launch a mythical Nanman invasion, in the end, just to find the prince of the three -eyed tribe?

“What did I hear? Previously, the Eleven Princes of the Three Eyes were fake? And he was finally found and eliminated by [Nine Days Traveling]? This is too outrageous! Are the two of them have reached this point? ”

“I’m obedient, one can fake the enemy’s eyelids, and the other can launch a mythical natural disaster to find it. They are the opponents, really match! This excellent matching mechanism!”

“Woohoo, even if you want to find the prince of the Three Eyes, you will not launch a mythical natural disaster! We can be affected!”

“All the princes of the Three Eyes, where is he running well, how can he run to our 032 Tianyu! If it wasn’t for him, we would not be affected by the pond fish!”

Wu Feng’s words are very obvious for the shock of many lords. This stronger, a simple operation can affect the fate of tens of millions of lords!

The energy he showed just shocked countless lords. Earlier, he also shouted that the lord who was going to do with [Jiutian Travel] was not daring to say this again.

With [Nine -day Traveling], the strong enemy who is really upset has been found and eliminated by the mythical natural disasters. Do you want to enjoy this supreme treatment?

It was because Wu Feng showed his powerful and unsatisfactory strength that most of the lords sprinkled the resentment on the big brother, and they all cursed him to harm everyone.

You all ruined this realm!

If the big brother heard this remark, I am afraid that he would be angry immediately to find this group of people to settle the account.

[Hongchen · Wu Yan] was also shocked by Wu Feng’s operation. She did not expect that the owner not only knew that the big brother was fake, but he could also use this way to find and kill the big brother.

She can only say that this big brother is really dead!

“Being able to enjoy this kind of treatment, the big brother is worth the death!”

In this case, Wu Feng returned to Tiandu No. 012, but did not stop. He took out the second Nanman invasion card and signaled that Ophara could start this card.

“Taking advantage of the March now, we will come again. This time, we will choose No. 012 to launch. [Ten Thousand Light], Domineering Four Heavenly Kings, now you have to add a [Eye of the Abyss]. Want to escape! ”

Ophara also maintains the blessing state of the unparalleled gods. When mobilizing the Nano invasion, she will get this blessing.

Seeing the lord’s adult given another epic Nanako invasion card, she knew what the lord’s meaning meant.

Opulas solidly took the Nano invasion card and launched this prop.


At the same time, in the 062 Nationality of Tiangu 012, [Almighty Genius] is communicating with [Strongest Brain Domain].

[Almighty Genius]: “Brainy Brother, I heard that you have submitted an application for entering the Alliance to the Supreme Alliance. Have you grasped to join the Supreme League? You are also in the country of 062. [Jiutian Travel] I have had a friendship, and I still rented his defense tower every day … ”

[The strongest brain domain]: “I don’t make it! But I heard that if you want to join the Supreme Alliance, you must have the recommendation of the alliance members. I have to find someone to recommend me to enter the alliance to operate …”

[Almighty Genius] Shake his head: “The lords of the blue stars in the Supreme League are mainly the lords of the blue stars, as well as the lords of the Naga, the blue blood, and even the fox -tail tribe, but there is no one of our big heads for the time being.”

[The strongest brain domain]: “Then I will do this first person. At that time, I joined the Supreme Alliance and I can recommend some geniuses of our big heads to join.”

“I am going to find a [Zhu Family Lao Six]. His father, Hong Wu, met with my dad, and could only rely on his relationship to recommend me to enter the meeting.”

[Almighty Genius] Nodded: “It is still the older brother’s energy, you can find this kind of big guy to help you recommend it. I have previously been in the same area as [Nine Days Traveling], but I have cursed him many times because of Nanzhuo invasion. I will not be able to join the Supreme League in the future. ”

[The strongest brain domain] I also know that [Almighty Genius] was synonymous with smelly mouth. As long as there is a chance, it always outputs the smell of the mouth. It is really a simple mouth odor and the ultimate enjoyment.

Thinking of this, [the strongest brain domain] shook his head: “That’s not necessarily, the amount of gas in [Jiutian Travel] is not so small. As long as you have strong strength and good character, you should still have a chance to join the Supreme Alliance.”

“After I joined the Supreme Alliance, you can try to recommend you, you have to perform well.”

[Almighty genius] immediately nodded: “Brother of the brain, I know, even if [Jiutian Travel] Now launching the southern barbaric invasion, I will never smell it anymore.”

[The strongest brain domain] nodded: “You, you should have changed your mouth smell, now [Jiutian Travel] launched a south invasion in Tianyu No. 032. s method.”

“Now he doesn’t need to brush the resources in this way. Presumably, he will not easily launch the southern barbaric invasion.”

The two smiled each other, they felt that the lords of the Tiangu No. 032 enjoyed the power of Nan Man’s invasion.

In the past, people of other countries saw their lords of the country 062. Poor they and Nan Man immortal had been assigned to a country, and almost every day they enjoyed the toss of Nan Man’s invasion.

Now the lords of the Tiangu No. 032 know that Nan Man invaded greatly, and they should know in the future that no one can offend anyone offend [Nine Day Travel].

In the country channel of No. 062, some people are discussing the matter publicly.

“I have a friend, just in Tiangu, No. 032. Before he said that I was lucky, and was born in the country No. 062. I often face Nan Man’s invasion. Today I asked him how he felt. He couldn’t say anything. coming.”

“Hahaha! Finally, someone can understand our previous encounters. I announced that the lord of Tianyu No. 032 in the future is our difficult brother!”

“Hey, we have been‘ enjoyed ’before, anyway, it’ s just an epic -level southern barbaric invasion. They are enjoying now, but that is the mythical Nanbar invasion. I do n’t know if they will cry! ”

And just when some lords of the Tiangu 012 were gloating, the lords of the Tiangu No. 032 suddenly heard the system prompts like thunderbolt!

[Ding … Lord’s nine-day travel to launch mythical bad luck-Nanzhu invasion, this day will usher in the outbreak of the magic tide of 12 hours. The initiative of the monster searching territory has been greatly improved. Monster level+30 levels. In the territory of each lord, a number of south projection will appear. Killing BOSS above the blue and above will get additional challenges. .

The Nanman invasion of Tianyu No. 032 has not ended, and the number of Nano invasion broke out in Tianyu No. 012!

This news made countless lords with countless 012 Tianyu fried pots. They had a feeling of eating melon to eat their own homes. Among them, the lords of No. 062 were the most collapsed.

They just laughed at Tiandu No. 032 to suffer the anger of Nanzhuang Fairy for them. I did not expect that now it was their turn now!

“I’m so special! Why do you like this! I just summarized it. We have not faced Nano invasion for three days! [Jiutian Travel] Did you see this summary?”

“It turned out that you came here to lead [Jiutian Travel]!? You just like to be abused? But I just developed a good development for a few days, and I encountered Nano invasion again!”

“I am obedient, I am out of March+mythical Nanbar invasion, [Nine -day travel] The big man has not forgotten us! He really, I cry to death …”

“Speaking of the Nanbian immortal, the Nan Man immortal is here. If you don’t beep with us, you will give us the most straightforward love! I cry!”

“Now [Nine Days Traveling] The big guy is a bowl of water? Although he went to Tiangu No. 032, he did not forget us, and he also came in the Tianyu No. 012.”

[Almighty Genius] I can’t help but speak on the Channel of No. 062: “I’m 屮艸! Can you experience the good intentions of [Jiutian Travel] The big guy! He just wants us to brush a little more monsters, he What’s wrong?”

[The strongest brain domain] originally thought that [all -around genius] had to be smelly, but after seeing his speech, [the strongest brain domain] can only be said that you were like this kind of stinky prince. Can you make such a fart?

Wu Feng launched Nanzhu invasion again in the Tiangu 012, and he also said on the Tianyu Channel.

[Jiutian Travel]: “My invasion this time is still looking for someone, knowing [Ten Thousand Lights], [Domineering Flash] and [Eye of the Abyss] territorial coordinates, report their coordinates to me, I can let me allow me You are free from the raging invasion of Nanzhu. ”

Wu Feng is almost the same as a reward, but the content of the reward is not a reward, but that people are exempted from the hit by the southern barbaric invasion.

At this moment, Wu Feng immediately gave [Ten Million Light], [Domineering Flash] and [Eye of the Abyss] several people in the ocean of the people’s war!

Countless lords have sent their own troops to start searching for the territorial coordinates of several people. With the efforts of countless people, the number 012 has been turned over to the sky.

“[Millions of light], I have reached your previous territory, you are not here at all! Where are you going?”

“[Domineering Flash], don’t hide from Grandpa me! I will definitely find you!”

[Millions of Light] Waiting in horror, they found that there were many spies on the periphery of their territory. Even when they hid the territory and obscured the heaven, someone still broke in to find out.

Looking for [Ten Thousand Lights] and [Domineering Flash] and others have actually become a collective activity of Tiangu No. 012. Numerous lords participated in. When they found a little clue, they contacted Wu Feng Gaomi.

“[Nine Days Traveling] Big guys, I found the territory of the tentacles. They all gathered in a region and completely monopolized that area.

“I want to report, [domineering flashes] Members of the domineering family under their hands, there are territories in the 034 region of No. 011, and the territory of [Domineering Flash] may also be nearby!”

“[The Eye of the Abyss] is a member of the Sky Eye Alliance. Can I report the territory of the others of the Tiansan Alliance?”

Under the report, Wu Feng really found a little clue. After all, his Nanman Project could also appear on various territories. After confirming the key points, he would send people to confirm one by one.

“Lele, as long as you find the territory of these guys, after the fantasy fruit mature, you can get half of the fruit.” Wu Feng began to draw cakes for Lele.

Some of the heavenly and earth treasures grabbed from the big brother’s leader, but let Lele’s eyes look long for a long time, and was painted by Wu Feng with such a big cake.

I saw that he compared with bandits, turkey, Goblin Warriors and others for a while, and nodded in excitement, and the bandits waved their right wings.

“Listening to Lele, we have explored these points. Everyone uses the strength of breastfeeding. As long as we find the goal, Lele has divided us with us!”

“Even if we dig three feet this time, we must find the goal!”

The bandits are still a little gangster. After calling, they followed their other alien monster monsters together.

They explored one by one and raged crazy in many key targets.

The lord of the [domineering pheasant brother] was the younger brother of the [domineering flashes] and others who was reported. His territory was raged by Nan Man’s projection.

The bandits led the team, and a group of strange beasts and monsters entered his territory and destroyed everywhere.

But the bandits, turkey, and Lele who were really responsible for grabbing things were under the guidance of Lele, and found a genius treasure in the [Domineering Mountain Chicken Brother], and then ran directly and ran.

A spirit plant appeared in the hands of Lele’s body. It was ready to give it to Grandpa Chen Guo, and the turkey was excited: “Lord, this stupid guy is not the goal! Let’s find the next goal!”

The goal of others reported is either a genius lord of the tentacles or the core members of the domineering family. Their strength is relatively strong.

After taking them as a goal, a group of bandit characters such as Lele can gain something in their territory. To some extent, Wu Feng can not only do it [10 million light] and wait for people, but also The lords of the tentacles and the domineering family also suppressed it fiercely.

Wu Feng also talked about counting, and listed these lords who had gained these reports as the target of protecting them to prevent them from being influenced by Nan Man’s invasion.

The invasion of the god -level Nano can already set up many people as allies, without being influenced by Nan Man’s invasion.

In this case, the tentacles and the lords of the domineering family poured blood mold, and they also reported the situation to the hidden boss.

The territory of [Mall of means] was ransacked by Lele and others. The treasures of heaven and earth in his territory were snatched a lot. Although he was not killed, he was abnormal.

“Boss, this [nine -day travel] is too deceiving. He went to the Tiangu No. 032 to launch the south invasion and killed the eleven princes. Now it is necessary to make the law in the Tiangu No. 012 to find your whereabouts.”

“We can’t wait for this! Otherwise, you will be found sooner or later, and he is locked! It is better to join forces with [domineering] and organize a wave of coalition forces to kill [Jiutian Travel]!”

[Thousands of means] Suggestions, [Ten Thousand Lights] have also considered, he shook his head and said: “If the lords have strong strength after a while, they can open up the regional border and national border, and then organize the coalition forces.”

“Now organizing the coalition forces, there are very few regional borders, and they cannot be mobilized across regions and transnational. The number of coalition forces in the organization is too small.

“Otherwise, do you think that the prince of the Three Eyes does not organize a army? That’s because the three -eyed lord of the three -eyed tribe beyond the country of 062 can not kill the country No. 062!”

“It’s unlikely to meet the needs of the army’s mobilization!”

[Millions of Light], let [All means] silent. In fact, even if they organize tens of thousands of lords, they will lose heavy losses when breaking through the boundaries of the country.

The army with the nationality of No. 062 is not enough. [Nine Days Traveling] is dealt with alone. Like the national degree 062, the number of Lords of the Three Eye tribe is less than 5,000.

Such a force has no threat at all.

Moreover, [Nine Days Traveling] has now launched a god -level Nanman invasion, and countless lords are not enough to protect themselves. How can I organize coalition forces?

[All means] Can’t help asking: “Are we just waiting for [Jiutian Travel] to come to the door?”

[Millions of Light] After thinking about it, we shook our heads: “We don’t have to worry, [Jiutian Travel] destroyed the eleven princes. With that woman’s temper, the trouble of finding [Jiutian Travel]”

“We only need to see the changes quietly. If the three -eyed tribe began to target [Jiutian Travel], we only need to wait for [Jiutian Travel] to be suppressed by the three -eyed tribe, and we can get a shot and fight the water dog!”

“As for now …”

Just when [Ten Million Light] When I wanted to say something, Nan Man was projected in his territory for a while, and finally found the goal!

“Lord, I found one of the goals! Do you want to see this stupid?” Turkey’s mouth was full of swear words, Wu Feng was completely used to it.

When he heard it, he said that he found his goal, Wu Feng immediately switched to the past.

This is Lele found the goal several times after several attempts.

After finding his coordinates, Wu Feng immediately launched the teleportation card, sent Kris and Rylier together, and was transmitted together, and the Qingyu!

The territory of [Ten Thousand Light] can be different from the big brother who has been killed and resurrected. He has not been defeated by Wu Feng before, so he is at its peak!

After Wu Feng locked the coordinates of [Ten Thousand Light], he found that he had monopolized two regions, and Wu Feng could not directly transfer to the territory of [Ten Thousand Lights].

The location he sent is a area next to [Ten Thousand Lights]. The guy is very cautious and does not allow other lords of the tentacles to follow himself, so it is not easy to attract attention.

At the same time, he used a camouflage prop to display his ID as [Dongting Zhenjun], and most people really thought he was another lord.

However, because [Dongting Zhenjun] monopolized two regions, his strength could not be hidden. In the era of great reports, even if he did not call [10 million light], he was still reported.

This monopoly of the powerful lords in the two regions is indeed the focus of Wu Feng’s attention, so Lele focused on this [Dongting Zhenjun].

There is nothing else in Lele, but it still feels very sensitive to the treasure. The breath of the sword of the upper Cang on the body is too similar to the hand on the lord. Essence

So [10 million light] was discovered by Lele and was locked by Wu Feng.

After Klis and Rylier arrived, they were still the same as before, occupying the 056 region of No. 074.

The territory of [Ten Thousand Light], just in the No. 055 and 054 regions. Naturally, Wu Feng first launched an outpost base and then transported troops with the Jewelry Great Wall.

After Wu Feng occupied the territory of the next lord, the Great Wall arrived as appointment, and Wu Feng’s mechanical army was killed from the Nervic Great Wall.

Compared with the strength of the Great Brother’s leadership, Wu Feng now uses more mechanical army. It is more and more mechanical and soldiers he created over time.

At the same time, a Rainbow Bridge traversed two countries and appeared on the edge of the area No. 055 in [Ten Million Light].

Seeing this Rainbow Bridge, [Ten Thousand Light] expression condensed: “Come! [[Nine Days Travel] Rainbow City is coming!”

After seeing the Rainbow Bridge running through the void, the city of Rainbow followed, and there were four Tiangong battleships.

This kind of warship can usually be loaded below the Rainbow City, and moving with the city of Rainbow, which is completely the configuration of a super firm with a super fleet.

Just such a army can sweep invincible, and even [Ten Thousand Light] watched it for a while!

And [Jianghu Old Iron] also came with Wu Feng, his orc sword god jumped down from the sky and killed [Ten Thousand Light]

[Jianghu Old Iron] The roar of the roar passed out from a distance: “[Ten Thousand Light], this time we have a bad report and revenge!”

“The big brother was killed and the boss was killed by the boss. His revenge has been reported. Now it’s my turn to get revenge!”

(This chapter is finished)

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