Chapter 405 Gathering!

[Big Man] can also be regarded as enjoying the simplest mouth odor, the most extreme enjoyment.

[Tianma Meteor Boxing] and [Guankou Xian Sheng Zhenjun] After being scolded, [the big man] decisively launched the attack!

He torn off a epic -level ban on the scroll, and swept into the army of [Tianma Meteor Boxing] and [Guankou Xian Sheng Zhenjun].

[Big Man] This forbidden spell scroll was originally used to use it when impacting the two -star lord, but now it is directly done.

The battle between the two sides suddenly became more tragic!

[Tianma Meteor Boxing] and [Guankou Xian Sheng Zhenjun] did not expect that [the big man] was so ruthless, and he directly set up a situation of fighting for the battle.

Without preparation, they lost heavy losses, mainly because they did not expect the two major alliances to join forces.

This group of people is really reckless!

[Bai Mei Heroes], [Black and White Shuangsha], and [Back Pot Pharaoh], etc., also sent the main forces to support it immediately. They also desperately desperately.

The Zhenjun Alliance and the Tianma Alliance were really embarrassed. Why did they not expect that the Yanhuang alliance was such a group of unreasonable desperate Saburo!

However, on the main battlefield, the Yanhuang Alliance occupied the initiative, but the territory of Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing has been exploded with a barrier to avoiding the war.

[Death gaze] As the first horse, one of his fire heroes appeared in Wu Wenjin’s No. 087 area. In the area full of various spiritual planting, he released the flames wanton.

Wu Wenjin quickly sent his hero to stop, but the hero’s fire hero is the top legendary hero, and the two heroes of Wu Wenjin could not fight against it.

[Death Gaze] The hero of the fire system repelled the defendant, and he also set fire in many spiritual planting. Seeing those spiritual planting was swallowed by the flame, Wu Wenjin and Chen Jingxin were dripping blood.

This is the results of their many years!

“How did such weak garbage give birth to a genius like [Nine Days Traveling]? But it doesn’t matter, [Jiutian Travel] will soon pay for what he does!”

“You two of your territory, I laughed!”

[Death gaze] He was preparing to make a drum and exploded Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing’s territory. But at this time, a wave of flying soldiers suddenly appeared above the 045 area. A huge red dragon pushed directly.

Just a claw, just destroy the legendary hero of [Death Gaze]!

[Death gaze] Breaking eyes: “This is … epic hero? According to intelligence, [the hero of Xia], there is no such dragon epic hero in his hands!”

[Death gaze] Soon found that this hero was not a Yantong alliance, because around his army, a large number of dragon heroes and arms appeared, and they immediately launched an attack on [Death Gaze].

There are so many dragon soldiers and the dragon blood mage who led the team, which makes [Death Gaze] think of a well -known strong on the 785th floor!

“Dragon Army? Are you the troops of [Dragon’s Chuannan]?”

The guess of [Death Gaze] was quickly confirmed that after the battle between the two sides, the army of [Death Gaze] was killed and defeated. In the battle, he also saw some of the other information.

This Poson army is indeed the hands of [Dragon’s Chuannan], and he is not hiding. All the main forces shot and pressed the [Death Gaze].

It can have this effect, naturally because [Dragon’s Chiefs] is very powerful. He is the official member of the Long Guotian group and ranks 99th on the 785th floor list.

[Dragon’s heir] also founded an alliance by himself, and now he is impacting the position of hegemony, which is a bit stronger than [Tianma Meteor Boxing].

Master Dragon Blood replaced [Dragon’s Chuannan]: “[Death Gaze], you move the people in our group, and you can put the heavenly group in your eyes!”

“Don’t want to run today!”

[Dragon’s heir] There is also a base in Tianyu No. 077. He is also famous in this world.

“It’s actually Long Brother! How could he come to help Wen Jin!”? ”

[Yan Huang Jiumei] He glanced at him in vain: “Did you not look closely!? Xiao Feng was a member of the heavenly group! The heavenly group was a well -known care short! Naturally someone helped him!”

[Dragon’s heir] Looking at Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing: “I was ordered by the deputy team leader, come to help, there are me.

The hostile hero he couldn’t help was easily solved by [Dragon’s Heirman]. Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing knew that [Dragon’s Heirman] was much stronger than them.

The two did not expect that Xiaofeng could invite such people to help them. The member of the heavenly group was already a super strong for them.

Seeing [Dragon’s Chuannan] appeared, [Death Gaze] sneered: “It really is you! Your heavenly group is here to intervene!”

“[Nine Days Traveling] As a member of the heavenly group, you don’t want to give up him, and let you take it, but your heavenly group is right!

[Death gaze] When he said, he pulled out a scroll and opened it. With this scroll, a huge portal appeared around [Death Gaze].

This territory connecting other people can see countless troops gathered in the other side through the portal!

[Dragon’s Chuannan] Seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but widened his eyes: “Xinghai teleportation door? Is this [Xinghai Outlord] give you?”

When [Dragon’s Heirman] was shocked, countless huge warships were transmitted through the huge Xinghai teleportation door, and there were a large number of mechanical legions that were transmitted with them.

With so many army, they directly filled the country No. 044.

On the 785th floor, there are only one who can have such a powerful mechanical legion! The three -eyed family’s [Xinghai Outlord], a genuine dominant hegemony!

“Is there a big fish hooked? The heavenly group is really intervened? The master of the right phase is suppressing their deputy team leader, so let me deal with other little 喽!”

[Xinghai Overlord] The Xinghai Fleet came, and he domineered the audience, with an invincible posture.

[Dragon’s Chuannan] It is called a little 喽, he snorted: “[Xinghai Outlord], you are just a star overlord, what can be arrogant!”

“Who we are weak and who are strong, and you have to fight before you know it!”

[Xinghai Outlord] Hehe smiles: “What? You are a garbage that you are not even overlord, and you want to challenge the hegemon? Then I let you know the gap between the strength between the hegemony and the permanent hegemony!”

After saying this, [Xinghai Bully Lord] immediately launched his own Xinghai Fleet, and countless artillery fell, and the territory of [do not accept] and [Yanhuang Jiumei] was immediately destroyed.

The areas of their peripherals were quickly destroyed. The territory in a region fell in less than 5 minutes under the Fleet of the [Xinghai Outlord].

[Dragon’s Chuan person] The expression is dignified. The Dragon Army he brought is his own elite. In terms of quality, he will not lose to [Xinghai Outlord], but the quantity is far away.

[Dragon’s heir] can only try to keep Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing’s territory as much as possible, so as not to be covered by artillery fire.

In this case, [Xinghai Outlord] is simply pressing [Dragon’s Chiefs] to fight. He has no Xinghai teleportation and cannot send so many troops at one time.

[Big Man’s Large] He has also fought with [Guankou Xian Sheng Zhenjun] and [Tianma Meteor Boxing], and there was no work to support the battle here.

They fiercely discussed the tactics in the group: “Even [Xinghai Outlord] has dispatched! The three -eyed tribe is really bloody! What should we do?”

“There are only a dozen overlords in the 785th floor. Unless there are other overlords, it is impossible to fight [Xinghai Outlord]!”

“What should I do? If there are not [Star -Overlord], we have long run away [Guankou Xian Sheng Zhenjun] and [Tianma Meteor Fist].

“The right phase is a beast, the battle between the novices and lords actually dispatched the hegemon, it really does not talk about Wude!”

Everyone is pessimistic because of the appearance of [Xinghai Outlord]. This is not a problem that they do not work hard and do not do their best.

This is a problem that the gap with the enemy is too large, and it is almost impossible to fight!

Because [Xinghai Owlogen] opened the Star Sea’s portal is too great, and other lords noticed the movement here. The next son 044 and the next child 045 became the focus of countless people: “The Yanhuang Alliance was [Xinghai Big Lord] Staring on it? ”

“I see the territory of the Xinghai Fleet Yanhuang Alliance! I’m afraid the Yanhuang Alliance is going to suffer!”

“[Xinghai Overlord] Is this the expansion of the territory again? But isn’t his territory be in Tianyu No. 032? Why did he suddenly kill Tianyu No. 077? To expand, he would also expand to the surrounding area.”

“I heard that [Xinghai Owlogen] went to the Yanhuang Alliance! This time, even the true king alliance and the Tianma Alliance also shot.”

The domineering shot made the entire 785th floor boiling. Countless lords were concerned about this battle, and almost everyone was guessing how long the Yanhuang Alliance could support.

They have never considered the possibility of winning the Yanhuang alliance. This possibility is too small!

Just when [the big of the chivalry] began to imagine how to help Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing withdraw first, and suddenly appeared on the Xinghai teleportation door of the mad teleportation troops.

This figure holds a giant ax. After appearing, he directly cut the ax and cut it on the Xinghai teleportation door. This was a strong blow, and the Xinghai sent the door to destroy it directly!

This time, the two areas that were originally connected directly disconnected the connection, and this tall figure also appeared in front of everyone.

“God -level hero! Which big brother is the hand of this big brother!?” [Dragon’s heir] looking at the giant ax, he also widened his eyes.

I saw this figure recovered from the Fa Xiangtian and the Earth, and [Dragon’s Chuannan] was clear. This is a young man with a clear face.

“Agarwood! This is the hero of the overlord [going against the sky]!” [Dragon’s heir] After recognizing the god -level hero, he was also extremely shocked.

[Walk against the sky] That is the big name of the 785th floor. He has mastered the four heavenly domains on this floor.

This is compared to [Xinghai Outlord] This one -star tyrant is a stronger grade. After all, the four -star hegemony can impact the master. If it is controlled by 10 days, it is the real master.

“[Xinghai Outlord], my opponent is you? Then this task can make me go down!”

After seeing [Xinghai Outlord], he just said that he wanted to heat up, which made [Xinghai Outlord] his face blushing.

[Walk against the sky] I also glanced at Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing. He smiled: “Two, your son and my father are forgotten the year. This time, my father ordered me to take a shot. I have me, you don’t have to worry!”

“Three -eyed people dare to want to want to want to want to make them!”

Speaking, the various troops of [walk against the sky] have appeared. The number of his army is not as many as [Xinghai Outlord], but there are three mythical heroes around him. The main force appeared.

The heroes of [OK to the sky] are all very powerful existence. This is the ceiling of the hero lord of the hero Liu on the 785th floor!

Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing were already numb at this time. First, [Dragon’s Chuan] came, and now there are [going against the sky]. His son has such a face.

[If you don’t accept it, do it] See you stunned: “I am 屮艸! [Walk against the sky] Isn’t it the witch people? His father, isn’t it the helm of the inheritance of the witch! Lord! ”

[Yan Huang Jiumei] Nodded: “[OK to the sky] is indeed a descendant of the orthodox of the Witch. Their branch, because the covenant of the year, has a very special status in the ten and alien ethnic groups. Each generation will produce at least one master! ”

“[Walk against the sky] But the famous madman! I didn’t expect Xiaofeng to have a relationship with them! This is really incredible!”

[Big Man’s Big] also sent a shocking expression: “Xiao Feng is really a novice lord? [Walk against the sky] The father of the world [fighting the sky] is the old master! He actually is a friend with Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng The face is too big! ”

The 785th layer of the super big guy [walk against the sky] appeared, which brought a huge impact to the people of the Yanhuang alliance. How could they not think about it? Line.

[Walking against the sky] After showing the attitude, he looked at [Xinghai Outlord], and laughed with a mocking look: “[Xinghai Outlord], do you see me still? Once? ”

[Xinghai Outlord] Thinking of his experience of being suppressed by [against the sky] before, his face flushed, and he was too arrogant!

“[Walk against the sky]? This is the battle between our three -eyed and the blue stars.

[Xinghai Outlord] I took out the general trend to overwhelm people, [OK against the sky] I heard: “What? I want to make a shot, and I still have to apply for and report from your three -eyed tribe?”

“To tell you the truth, on the 785th floor, no matter what your three -eyed family does, I can make a shot if you look at you! It’s! ”

[Walk against the sky] This is the new hatred and old hatred together. Originally, he had to help the field under the order of his father.

Now that he saw that the enemy was [Xinghai Overlord], he was struggling. At first, he wanted to impact the position of Lord, that is, a hegemon of several hegemon and dog heads of the three -eyed tribe joined forces to suppress him.

This has made the territory of [OK to the Sky] unable to expand, which allows [Anti -Sky] to hold a stomach fire. [Xinghai Owlogen] was one of the three -eyed hegemon.

[Xinghai Outlord] I also knew this. At that time, he and several overlords joined forces.

Fortunately, there is also a plan on the right phase. [Xinghai Outlord] quickly issued a signal. The reinforcements he called soon came, and the dog head hegemony [10,000 people] came with many younger brothers. Invincible in the world] also sent troops to support [Xinghai Outlord].

Many army appeared together, and various powerful heroes and arms squeezed the sky.

[Xinghai Outlord], [Invincible of the world] and [Ten Thousand People], together with the three overlords, even [do it against the sky], I am afraid it is difficult to fight.

So many hegemon appeared, and the entire 077 Tianyu became lively.

Originally, it was just a battle between the two alliances. This became complicated at once, four hegemon, which is already a big event on the 785th floor!

[Xinghai Owlogen] Previously, there were countless lords on which they paid attention to the Tiandu No. 077, followed by [against the sky], [Invincible of the world], and [Ten Thousand People], and completely detonated the attention.

Countless lords sent their scouts, and wanted to know how these overlords suddenly descended to Tiangu No. 077.

This area is clearly far from their territory! They came here, is there any treasure?

“I heard? 077 Tianyu seemed to have unearthed a unique artifact, which provoked 4 overlords including [Star Overlord], [Xinghai Outlord], [Invincible] and [Ten Thousand People]. ! ”

“His! What kind of artifact can let the four hegemon be taken together? This is a big scene that has been rare in a few years! Will the situation on the 785th floor change because of this incident?”

“This is very likely! Now it is [against the sky] with [Xinghai Outlord], [Invincible of the World] and [Ten Thousand People]. But even mythical heroes have been sent! ”

“What treasure was born, but I heard that the Sanshu tribe wanted to target a formal member of the heavenly group.

“The heavenly group is the heavenly group, it has nothing to do with [against the sky]! How can this witch guy shot?”

Because the confrontation between the overlord was too sudden, the lords on the 785th floor did not figure out the situation, so they found that the war reached the edge of the beginning.

This sudden explosion has caught many people caught off guard, and countless eyes have focused on Tiangu, No. 077.

In this case, a large number of flying arms suddenly appeared around the Xinghai Fleet of [Xinghai Outlord]. A mythical hero was transmitted near the Xinghai Fleet, and it launched an impact on the Xinghai Fleet.

This troops have nothing to do with [against the sky], so when he launched an attack, [Xinghai Outlord] was completely unexpected.

So a super battleship of [Xinghai Owlogen] was broken by mythical heroes, and the defensive shield was opened in one fell swoop!

[Xinghai Outlord] Lost the main battleship, and he couldn’t breathe heartache. At this time, [Xinghai Outlord] found that it was a new enemy!

“Fallen Angel Witch? It is the hero of [Linglong Women]. How can this crazy woman shot!”

[Xinghai Outlord] At a glance, the Fallen Angel Witch was recognized at a glance. This mythical hero is the main hero of [Linglong Girls], and [Linglong Girls] is a Samsung hegemon on the 786th floor.

However, this woman also has a base on the 785th floor, occupying 30%of the territory of the sky, and is also well -known on the 785th floor.

[Xinghai Outlord] I never thought that [Linglong Girls] will suddenly intervene, she is also a hegemonic combat power, which is enough to affect the war situation!

What is also made [Xinghai Outlord] did not expect that at the same time as [Linglong Girls], there were other people’s tacit cooperation. Another mythical hero took advantage of the [Xinghai Overlord] Xinghai Fleet by [Linglong Girls] Perement. At that time, set up a set of epic array!

The big array exploded the other main battleship of [Xinghai Outlord], and he also trapped the large number of fleets of [Xinghai Outlord] inside.

“Blood River Big Formation? This is the big array of [Blue Light Ancient Buddha] that guy! [Walk against the sky], have you joined forces by the witch and the Naga, and the blue -blooded tribe?”

[Green Lantern Ancient Buddha] is a star overlord of the Naga tribe, and he has also fighting many times with [Xinghai Outlord].

This blood river array should be ambushing for a long time. It is likely that when [against the sky], the [blue light ancient Buddha] has been laid out.

The three overlords shot at the same time, [Star Outlord] I feel that I am targeted!

[Walk against the sky] At this time, a cold smile: “What? Is it surprising? Didn’t your three -eyed family like to play less? We also let you taste more!”

“[Laugh in the sea], you can also shoot!”

[OK to the sky] As soon as the voice fell, [Xinghai Outlord] was immediately hit again. A group of sword fairy came, and the sword air was like a rain, and the Xinghai fleet trapped in the blood rivers was immediately exploded.

[Xinghai Outlord] The army sent by the army was wiped out in this way, and [Xinghai Outlord] also changed the color completely.

Because the fourth strong man is the hegemon of the blue star race, [a laughed in the sea]!

[Laugh in Canghai] Staring at [Xinghai Owlogen] smiled coldly: “Are you curious why I appeared? I have a life -life friendship with the Hongwu League!”

“They invited me to take a shot, and I just wanted to destroy the hegemon of your three -eyed family. Today, you [Xinghai Outlord] will definitely fall!”

[Canghai laughs] is the helper invited by Emperor Hongwu. He is also the strongest of the blue stars on the 785th floor.

Earlier, the three -eyed tribe was suppressed, and now I finally found the opportunity to raise my eyebrows.

[Walking against the sky] was invited by Wu Feng through the [Battle of the Sky Fighting], [Linglong Girl] is a person in [Seven Sea Emperor], and [Blue Light Ancient Buddha] is also [Seven Sea Emperor] Brother.

There are all the shadows behind the four hegemon, behind the main time, these masters are willing to sell Wu Feng’s face.

Even [我 于 于 丿 丿 丿 丿] still restrained the right phase. In this battle, there are several masters of participation alone!

In this way, [OK to the sky], [exquisite female residence], [blue light ancient Buddha] and [Canghai laughed], this is the hegemon of the four races gathered.

They surrounded the troops of [Xinghai Owlogen], [Invincible of the World] and [Ten Thousand People], and put on a posture that wanted to wipe out them.

[Xinghai Owlogen] I didn’t expect that things would turn so sharply, and he was almost bursting: “How is this! [Nine days of travel] How can you invite so many strong men!”

“Do you actually have the enemy for a novice lord? Are you not afraid that the right -handed adults will sweep you all!”

[Walk against the sky] The most unruly: “Right? How many sky domains are he on the 785th floor? When he can come to the 785th floor!”

“Today, I just want to destroy all your three -eyed family on the 785th floor. Several of them. Since we are all here, we will take advantage of this opportunity to join forces to divide this group of three -eyed tribe?”

The proposal of [against the sky] is not temporarily decided. After Wu Feng asked so many masters, the masters behind them had communicated with each other.

They have also reached a consensus. Since everyone is connected with [Nine Days Traveling], it will be used as the hub to join forces to change the situation on the 785th floor together.

This is only a scene of the four overlords of all ethnic groups. The proposal of [against the sky], the other three of them decisively agreed.

“Okay! Then the four of us set off a clearing of the three -eyed family today! In the 785th floor, there must be a three -eyed domineering today!”

[Linglong Girls] The spirit of spirit, she decisively agreed to the suggestion of [against the sky]. Because of the rise of the blue -blooded female emperor, the Blue Blood tribe was the challenger of the Three Eyes.

She will never let go of this opportunity!

So [Canghai laughed] and [Blue Lantern Ancient Buddha], they did not hesitate to agree to join forces. All four people stared at [Xinghai Outlord].

Not only did he send the Xinghai Fleet in Tiangu No. 077 to be destroyed, and around his territory, a large number of top troops appeared, and the territory of [Xinghai Owlog] suffered an unprecedented siege!

The four hegemon, joined forces to attack the territory of [Xinghai Outlord].

[Invincible in the world] and [Ten Thousands of people] did not expect that the situation was so rushed. They quickly sent troops to support. [Xinghai Outlord] also launched the major alliances of the three -eyed tribe to help.

But [do it against the sky], one person blocked the reinforcements of [Invincible] and [Ten Thousand People].

[Walking against the sky] can be able to fight the three hegemon alone. Now he stops [Invincible] and [Ten Thousand People] is okay.

In the territory of [Xinghai Overlord], the four overlords of the coalition forces were galloping, killing [Xinghai Outlord] to retreat.

At this time, [Xinghai Outlord], I realized that I could pick three of the year without falling into the wind!

[Walk against the sky]: “[Star Sea Outlord], isn’t you very happy when you were besieged me? How long do I see if you can support it now!”

The situation on the 785th floor changes quickly, which makes all lords stunned. Just now it was the hegemony of the three -eyed and the dog head.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into the four -ethnic hegemon besieged [Xinghai Outlord]. This 785th floor was completely chaotic into a pot of porridge. At least half of the hegemon participated in this battle!

This even led to the melee between the ethnic groups. The three -eyed and the dog heads were together to fight against the witch, the Naga, the Blue Star, and the Blue Blood!

The situation on the 785th floor has changed tremendously.

“I wipe it! Why did I not return to the collaboration place for a day, and such a big change in the 785th floor! 7 overlords, this is too exaggerated!”

“I am obedient, who can tell me, how did this battle fight? Why is there a hegemonic war in the end of silence!”

“More than a hegemoned war! This is exactly the abyss war! I feel that the three eyes and the dog head are about to kneel!”

“I heard that this battle is the parents who want to deal with [Nine Days Traveling]. The three -eyed tribe originally wanted to force [Jiutian Travel] to condemn the defeat. However, I did not expect that [Nine Days Traveling] actually called so many helpers!”

“Aren’t you joking? [Jiu Tian Travel] It’s just a novice lord. He can invite four hegemon to help? This is really a novice lord!?”

“Oh, there are any fuss about this, [nine days traveled] pressed the three -eyed prince to rub on the ground! This can not be viewed with ordinary novice lords! A lord of the 799th floor stirred the entire 785th 785th. The storm is so outrageous! ”

In the 785th floor, countless lords are shocked by the energy of [Nine Days Traveling], allowing four overlords of all ethnic groups to join forces to fight against the enemy. This connection is too exaggerated.

On the 799th floor, the same discussion also happened in the group of [Ten Fang Destroyer]. Countless information was spread in the group. Everyone knew that the major event occurred in the 785th floor!

Zhu Biyu immediately sent the discussion in the group to the Supreme League: “Boss, it turns out that you have made such a big hand on the 785th floor!”

“The war of many overlord -level strong men, thinking about it, it makes people feel excited!”

[The King of Four Seas] Seeing the analysis of this matter and various information on this matter, he was also stunned. I did not expect that his father also joined.

[Shangguan Yun’er] also noticed that her mother was participating in the war at this time. As she asked [Linglong Girls], she looked at Wu Feng.

“Alliance, the 785th layer has been fighting, should we also give the enemy a fatal blow?”

At this time, Wu Feng was already preparing the lottery. He nodded: “The big brother’s avoidance barrier is about to be broken immediately, everyone starts to mobilize the troops, we are going to launch a total attack!”

“The total attack time is set at 40 points today!”

After Wu Feng issued the total attack time in the group, he hurried the last two hours, and took all the treasure chest keys and summon scrolls at the hand!

Although the Supreme League has more than 20 mythical heroes, he already has a 990 % win rate, but Wu Feng still wants to strengthen his own strength and not give the big brother any chance to turn over and escape.

During the raffle, in case, Wu Feng entered the raffle in the hidden fairy grass space after getting the blessings of the lucky gold lotus and the koi.

In terms of treasure chest keys, he still chose hero equipment for extraction. His mythical heroes are so many, it is the time when the artifact is required to be armed!

[Ding … Bailian Pump (Treasure Box Key) is successful, triggering a talent for entering the soul, the red staff, holy light sword, golden armor (orange quality) you have obtained are increased by 2. Shenwu heavy armor (epic quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the blade of the broken soul, the soul -eater (purple quality) you obtained, the 3rd level, you get the soul -split sacred sword, the magic soul staff ( Epic quality). .


[Ding … Wanlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent for the soul, the life treasure bottle (legendary quality) you get is 4 levels, and you get the glass jade net bottle (congenital chaos artifact). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the blade of hunting, emerald bow, steel heavy hammer, assassination dagger, dragon’s horns (purple quality) improved level 3, you Get revenge magic blade, storm bow, Holy Spirit’s hammer, death messenger, magic dragon gun (epic quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the bows of the sky you get, the spar and stone sword (orange quality) you get 4 levels. (Myth quality). .


[Ding … Qianlian pumping (treasure chest key) successful, triggering a talent of entering the soul, the dragon hood (legendary quality) you obtained to increase level 3, you get the Kowloon god firemark (congenital artifact). .

“There are congenital chaos artifacts! This is really the rhythm of take -off!”

(This chapter is finished)

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