Chapter 400 a mythical hero!

[Steel straight man black and thick] excitement is exciting. He has always been focusing on obtaining various powerful defensive towers before, and he has not invested much resources on the hero.

This made him only two days ago, and only orange heroes, under the bonus of Wushuang God, can only make it a legendary hero.

As the owner of Gou Dao Liu, [Steel straight man is black and thick], he felt nothing, but he was later suppressed by epic heroes, and he realized that the hero was also important.

Later, he heard that there were legendary death cemetery in the territory, so he tried to kill a legendary knight hero, and then buried it into the death cemetery of [two hairy legs]. Get a legendary death knight hero.

This is whether the alliance is completed after the completion of the alliance. The interoperability between members of the alliance can exchanges resources and allow everyone’s resources to play the greatest role.

Now the Death Knight has become the hero that [Steel straight man is black and thick]. He used to use the places of Wushuang God on the death knight before, allowing him to have an epic hero.

After taking his hand to the main base of his boss this time, the [Steel straight man is black and thick] only to know that the benefit that the boss said is to help the allies to improve the quality of the hero.

The focus of them is the allies who have not yet won mythical heroes. The first one who eats crabs is [Steel straight man black and thick].

Because Wu Feng has an epic -level undead saint, the race of the Death Knight is just the best! [Steel straight man black and thick] Get the first lucky place.

His death knight was first lifted the unparalleled god, and then evolved the blood pool. This original state can facilitate evolutionary heroes.

So there was the previous scene. The death knight absorbed the evolution of the sacred blood and the undead, and evolved into an epic hero in one fell swoop.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] Use Wushuang God to re -use the place on him again, and the death knight is transformed into a god of death!

[Steel straight man black and thick] I didn’t expect, as the owner of Gou Dao Liu, it was actually useful for mythical heroes!

“Hahaha! I said this, I am afraid that no one believes it! As the Lord of the Dao Dao Liu, I can compare me with a few heroes!”

Hearing the furious laughter of [Steel straight man black and thick], [the king of the four seas] laughed, his three -headed black dragon came down, fell to [Steel straight man black and thick], watching him pretend to be pretending to pretend to be Compare.

There are other members of the Dragon League around the three -headed black dragon. They are also epic heroes, a myth+nine epic, [King of Four Seas] without speaking, I just want to prove that my brother is a hero. If you say it again?

[Zhu Family Lao Six] I also took the shoulder of [Steel straight man black and thick]: “The iron man brother, my brother, I am the most mad, I dare not say the words you just now!”

[Zhu Family Lao Liu] Tiemuzhen and the heroes of the Mongolian Empire also appeared on the other side of [Steel straight man black and thick]. He also has a mythical hero and an epic hero.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] It is embarrassing. [Red Dust · Wu Yan] from the Prophet Library also silently summoned her female martial arts, plus several other heroic heroines, they are quiet Watching [Steel straight male black and thick].

This meaning is obvious, and I also look at the dumping ratio quietly.

Now [Steel straight man is black and thick] I dare not speak anymore. He forgot that in his Supreme League, there are many powerful heroes!

I just got a mythical hero, so where did I get it? He can only be regarded as average! After all, the boss is preparing to let the members of the alliance internal and one mythical hero!

Although [Red Dust · Wu Yan], [The King of Four Seas] and others suppressed the arrogance of [Steel Straight Man Black and Rough], the handsome shape and horrible strength of the death of the Knight Cavaliers still surprised other members.

[Qingyun goes straight to 90,000 miles] Go up to the death of the Death Knight and touch, and I am envious of drooling: “This is a mythical hero, this is also too strong! A mythical hero, at least to deal with six or seven epic levels. Heroes! ”

[Boxing Nanshan House] and [Kick Beihai Kindergarten] I feel the same: “I saw the boss dealing with the big brother, mythical hero in the city of Rainbow, and at least the at least 5 epic heroes joined forces!”

“If the mythical hero is well cultivated, it is not difficult to be a matter of ten enemies! This is the ceiling of combat power.

[Chinese Beauty] Just open his mouth: “This is a mythical hero? The boss is too fierce!”

[Two hair legs] Still the sentence: “Steel straight male cow pens! But the boss is even more powerful!”

When Wu Feng saw everyone seeing how mythical heroes were born, he made a noise: “Everyone saw it just now, this is what I call the second benefit!”

“No mythical heroes, I will find a way to cultivate a mythical hero!”

In the alliance, a mythical hero. This slogan, even the general supreme dare not shout, but Wu Feng just has the confidence and strength of this.

In fact, he only needs to help all the members of the alliance to cultivate an epic hero.

For Wu Feng, who has evolving blood pools, this is not difficult. After all, he used to use the evolution blood pool to cultivate many epic heroes, which is still very experienced in this regard.

Death Knight was cultivated and evolved into a Dead Cavaliers, which is an empirical that he operated so. His plan is completely feasible!

“Boss, what about us! Don’t you love us?” [The King of Four Seas] hugged Wu Feng’s thigh all at once. He found that he was the lord of the mythical hero with [Zhu Family Lao Liu]. The most loss.

This benefit from the boss, because they already have mythical heroes, they can’t enjoy it at all.

Isn’t this just looking at other friends to take off?

Wu Feng stared angrily [the king of the four seas] at a glance: “You all had the plane long ago, what do you want this benefit!”

“This time our members have a mythical hero. When the big brother’s avoidance barrier disappears, I will surprise him!”

Wu Feng’s words made all members of the alliance laugh. Thinking of the disappearance of the barrier to avoid the war, the big brother saw the expression of more than ten or twenty mythical heroes when he appeared, which was definitely very exciting!

Zhu Biyu smiled: “Now the mythical hero on the heroes of the heroes has just broken 10, and if we have a mythical hero, we can get the heroes!”

“Then [Chinese beauty], [two hairy legs] several of your friends can become the official member of the heavenly group!”

[Chinese Beauty] smiled slightly, and she nodded: “As long as we reach the top 1,000 in the list, we can become a formal member of the Sky Group.”

“If there is a mythical hero, we will be the top 50 in the list of Heaven! The heavenly group will definitely be happy!”

[Boxing Nanshan House] and [Kick Beihai Kindergarten] also said with emotion: “I didn’t expect that we could follow the boss immediately and become a member of the heavenly group.”

[Two hair legs] also happened again: “Sure enough, the boss is the best!”

Seeing everyone’s fists, Wu Feng immediately motioned for them to select the most suitable legendary heroes. Before that, he extracted a wave of epic BOSS essence.

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic BOSS (Void Demon Dragon), according to its class (level 180), the blood output of evolution of the blood pool increased by 160 drops per day, evolved the sacred blood of the blood, evolved the sacred blood of the blood, and evolved the sacred blood. The output increases by 8 drops per day, you get 800 drops of evolution blood (orange quality), 40 drops of input sacred blood (legendary quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured an epic BOSS (Void Demon Dragon) body, according to its quality (epic) and race (void alien, dragon), you get 20 drops of empty sacred blood (epic quality), 20 20, 20 Dilong Saint Blood (Epic Quality). .

The Void Dragon BOSS, which was killed in the 100th round of the endless trial, was pushed into the evolution blood pool by Wu Feng. This 180 epic BOSS also provided 20 drops of empty sacred blood and 20 drops of dragon sanctified.

The hero who fits the void attribute or the hero with the dragon blood can use this epic -level essence and blood to try evolution.

[Liu Shen here] Raise his hand high: “Boss, I have a legendary dragon hero here, let him come first!”

The legendary hero of [Liu Shen here] is what he has obtained early and has always been his core hero. After the characteristics of Wushuang God, his place has always been given to the dragon magician.

Now there is a chance to evolve, he did not hesitate to give the Dragon Magic.

Prior to this, he first shifted the quota of Wushuang God to other heroes, and the fire dragon magician returned to the initial state.

This seeing this magician with the blood of the Long tribe first jumped into the evolution blood pool and began to accept the baptism of the blood pool. He is now at level 30 and is at the top of the first level. He can baptize his strength first.

In the evolutionary blood pool, the body of the dragon magician was repeatedly baptized and corroded, the flesh was collapsed, and the blood was re -combined under the vitality of evolution.

This process occurs repeatedly, which is a kind of torture that repeatedly crushes the body and fixed.

After many repeated torture, the Dragon Magic successfully absorbed 20 drops of evolutionary blood and 4 drops of evolutionary sacred blood. This absorption was more than the death knight.

This shows that the Dragon Magic Master grows up well under the cultivation of [Liu Shen here], and its potential is a little better than the death knight.

This is also normal. [Steel straight man is black and thick] is not a hero who runs the leader. His death knight has not been able to have a long time, and the degree of cultivation is naturally not as good as [Liu Shen here].

Now that the Dragon Magician has absorbed enough evolution of the sacred blood, Wu Feng threw 10 drops of dragon blood into the evolution blood pool.

Fire Dragon Magic is almost only white bone left. After absorbing the dragon’s sacred blood, all flesh and blood reappeared.

With this near -rebirth of power, the Dragon Magic Master evolved into an epic hero in one fell swoop. I saw him roar and turned into a huge fire dragon!

[Liu Shen here] A brightness in front of me: “Sure enough, I am going to take off!”

After the evolution of the Fire Dragon Magic, [Liu Shen here] immediately used the places of Wushuang God to re -use him.

The fire dragon turned into a fire dragon, which evolved again. It grew a pair of dragon wings composed of different fires, and at the same time, the red lotus mark appeared on the forehead.

He evolved into a four -wing red lotus dragon, and he became a mythical hero. A casual dragon breath could destroy a city!

“It’s too strong! It’s so strong! The four -wing red lotus dragon can be worthy of the sum of my other heroes!” [Liu Shen here] Excited.

After having the four -wing red lotus dragon, he is currently the top hero who is the leader!

Other allies can also look at it, [Steel straight male black and thick] and [Liu Shen here] have succeeded, which means that they have a chance to succeed.

The benefit arranged by the boss was too cool, and everyone began to wait in line to wait for the boss to help them evolve their heroes.

The third place is cultivated, and the [Qingyun goes straight to 90,000 miles], which has the hero of the dragon, his talent is also related to the training of the hero.

[Qingyun directly on 90,000 miles] is the main hero of a French system, so under the baptism of the blood pool and the cultivation of the dragon blood.

Fairy Dragon has also evolved into element fairy dragon. It has the power of direct -through element, and then combined with the characteristics of Wushuang God, it has evolved again and becomes a chaotic demon dragon.

Under continuous evolution, [Qingyun directly on 90,000 miles] also added another mythical hero! The continuous update of the heroes list has paid attention to many lords.

They were very surprised: “Well, did this happen? Heroes have been updated three times in a row within 2 hours. Is there three new mythical heroes?”

“Unfortunately, these three new people have hidden their own IDs, and I don’t know which three lucky people are, they can get mythical heroes!”

“I am obedient. Starting on the 15th day, do you take off? Mythical heroes are not Chinese cabbage! Why are it so easy to get it?”

“I only have envy! With mythical heroes, they will impact the hegemon in the future! And they have won mythical heroes so early. Who can stop in the future?”

After paying attention to the changes in the hero list, everyone’s focus is on the new mythical heroes. They are very curious. What kind of lords can get mythical heroes in the early stage.

If they know that the three new mythical heroes come from a league, I am afraid it will be even more shocking!

At this time, the heroes of the heroes suddenly changed again. In a short time, the fourth new mythical hero was on the list and came to the 14th place!

“Let me go! Why are you here again! Mythical heroes are wholesale!? This is not normal!” Many intelligence personnel felt abnormal.

How can everyone say it together and make the mythical heroes on the list together! Intersection

In the group established in [Shifang’s Peerless], many lords are discussing the changes in the list, and they are stunned one by one.

“Brothers, have you noticed? Within 3 hours, the Hero Sky List has been born with 4 new mythical heroes! This is abnormal!”

“Of course it is abnormal. For so long, only 10 mythical heroes were on the list. As a result, some people have new mythical heroes today. Is there any channel for getting mythical heroes?” Is it developed? ”

“It is impossible to have a stable channel? Even if it is an overlord or even the master, the mythical hero is also fragrant, they can’t get stable to get mythical heroes!”

“Anyway, this is a very important information! If you can know how this mythical hero is obtained, the absolute value is great!”

The entire group is discussing this heavy news, and its value is very huge! Let everyone smell the news of heavy information.

So someone issued a huge reward, hoping that someone could provide clues, and some people inquired everywhere, who got these mythical heroes.

Zhu Biyu launched the screenshot in the group in the group group. He smiled: “Brothers, we have made a big news this time!”

At this time, the beautiful heroine of the heroine void is being baptized by the evolution blood pool. He proudly raised his head: “What a big news, wait for my void assassin to complete the evolution, then they will be even more impatient!”

“Five mythical heroes a day, they dare not think!”

Lao Xun said with a certain reason. Wu Feng waved his hand: “Don’t think about making a big news. Let’s cultivate the first mythical heroes first!”

“The friends who are on the list this time must be kept confidential first. We can’t let the big brother know the news. When you deal with the big brother, others will naturally know where so many mythical heroes come from!”

“But you are going to be a formal member of the heavenly group. I will say hello to Aoye in advance.”

When others heard Wu Feng’s arrangement, they all nodded. They all lined up patiently and waited, and did not say about it everywhere. Everyone had benefits and did not need to fight.

However, after the heroes with the dragon blood and the heroes that fit the void attributes were cultivated, Wu Feng’s epic blood -level blood blood was the only one of the undead sages and the demon sag.

These two types of holy blood are only suitable for the undead heroes and demon heroes. A few heroes who can transform the demon transformation like the hunting demon can also use the demon sag.

If the heroes of others directly use epic demon sacred blood, the chances of evolution into epic heroes are not high in one fell swoop, which can be evolved different from the legendary quality. It is best to comply with attributes to evolve.

“The degree of fit of the undead saint and the devil’s blood is not high, then you can only think of other ways!” Wu Feng thought about what other epic blood blood blood can be extracted at hand.

Wu Feng moved the bodies of several epic heroes that had been killed before, and extracted blood from them.

In the battle of Rainbow City, Wu Feng killed a total of 5 epic heroes. This is all second epic heroes, and they can still extract a lot of precious sperm blood.

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pond devour the body of an epic hero (different beast knight). According to its class (level 32 levels), the blood output of evolution of the blood pool increases 80 drops per day/day, evolved the sacred blood, and the sacred blood. The output increases by 4 drops per day, you get 800 drops of evolution blood (orange quality) and 80 drops of input sacred blood (legendary quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic hero (the beast knight). According to its quality (epic) and race (ancient beast), you get 10 drops of ancient sacred blood (epic quality). .

Wu Feng first threw the body of the beast knight into the evolution blood pool. The epic hero has the blood of the ancient alien beast.

In fact, because of this blood, he can drive other alien beasts to become his mount, and he can obtain various bonuses through the bloodline resonance of mounts with different beasts.

Today, 10 drops of epic and ancient beasts are extracted from him, which can fit more heroes.

Human -style heroes are almost in line with this kind of ancient blood. After all, they will return them to their ancestors. They have the power of their ancestors. The applicability is much wider than the undead’s sacred blood and the devil’s blood!

“This ancient sacred blood may also be from the 100,000 Mountains, then let Klis also go to the 100,000 mountains. Can you hunt one or two epic ancient beasts back …”

Wu Feng looked at the 10 drops of ancient sacred blood. He immediately had new ideas. He extracted ancient blood from a ghost leopard BOSS of 100,000 Mountains before.

The ghost leopard is an ancient beast. There should be a lot of ancient beasts in the 100,000 mountains. He was afraid that the hero had an accident before, so he did not explore 100,000 mountains.

Now that there is an invincible wind wheel, it should be okay to explore and test it on the periphery.

So Wu Feng went to the 100,000 Mountains, and was ready to be raging inside. Before Kris had a result, Wu Feng looked at other allies.

“It’s time to digest this ancient sacred blood. Who is your hero more suitable for awakening ancient blood veins?”

[Chinese Beauty] Register: “I have a Hero hero under my hand. If he can awaken the ancient blood, he can have the corresponding transformation ability, let him try it!”

Wu Feng nodded and signaled [Chinese Beauty] to let her Heroes of Druids enter the evolution blood pool.

As before, this natural Druid was baptized with blood pools and absorbed 10 drops of ancient sacred blood!

With the power of blood in his body, natural Druids performed in one fell swoop for the ancient Druid. After he awakened the ancient blood, he had several transformation skills.

[Chinese Beauty] Immediately use the number of Gods of God on the ancient Druid. This human -shaped hero suddenly transformed into an ancient fierce dragon!

The power exuded was not weaker than the four -wing red lotus fire dragons, which made the four -wing red lotus dragons who observed the situation on the side. Woolen cloth!”

Three -headed black dragon looked at the Chaos Dragon: “Beauty, this fierce dragon is not our kind?”

As he said, the hero of Druid changed again. He changed into a huge fire phoenix, and it was another kind of god beast form!

[Chinese Beauty] Surprise: “Lord Lord, my Druid is now evolved into a god beast Druid. His evolutionary form is all kinds of beasts!”

Wu Feng nodded, and he had already seen it. As a mythical hero, the format of his beast Druid also had a mythical strength.

In this way, the beast Druid can use different forms to deal with the enemy, and the combat effectiveness is still very considerable.

The allies again added a mythical hero, and Wu Feng threw the corpses of other epic heroes into the evolution blood pool.

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pond devour the body of an epic hero (fantasy shooter). According to its class (level 31 level 31), the blood output of evolution of the blood pool increases 80 drops per day/day, evolved the sacred blood, and the sacred blood. The output increases by 4 drops per day, you get 800 drops of evolution blood (orange quality) and 80 drops of input sacred blood (legendary quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic hero (fantasy shooter). According to its quality (epic) and race (Phantom Salian), you get 10 drops of fantasy sacred blood (epic quality). .


[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic hero (Sky God Fighter). According to its class (level 33), the blood output of evolution of the evolution of the blood pool increased 80 drops/day, evolved the sacred blood, and the sacred blood. The output increases by 4 drops per day, you get 800 drops of evolution blood (orange quality) and 80 drops of input sacred blood (legendary quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic hero (Sky God Fighter), and based on its quality (epic) and race (goddess), you obtained 10 drops of sacred blood (epic quality). .


[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic hero (Thunder Shaman). According to its class (level 34 level), the blood output of evolution of the blood pool increased by 80 drops/day, evolved the sacred blood, and the sacred blood. The output increases by 4 drops per day, you get 800 drops of evolution blood (orange quality) and 80 drops of input sacred blood (legendary quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the corpse of an epic hero (Thunder Shaman). According to its quality (epic) and race (Thunder Protoss), you get 10 drops of Thunder Holy Blood (Epic Quality). .


[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic hero (the Golden Lion). According to its class (second -order 32 levels), the blood output of the evolution of the blood pool increased by 80 drops/day, and the sacred blood. The output increases by 4 drops per day, you get 800 drops of evolution blood (orange quality) and 80 drops of input sacred blood (legendary quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured the body of an epic hero (the Golden Lion). According to its quality (epic) and race (golden orcs), you get 10 drops of orcs Holy blood (epic quality). .

Several epic heroes provide Wu Feng with a variety of epic sacred blood, which are suitable for different heroes. Wu Feng has found heroes who can fit the Holy Blood.

Fantasy Saint -blood, evolved a shooter hero of [If You Are the One], into an epic level, and then the next god of God will become a mythical god -level shooter!

[If You Are the One] After the Sagittarius Heroes evolved, his strength was very strong. Wu Feng also looked hot. He seemed that he had no mythical shooter hero!

[If You Are the One] Relying on this Sagittarius alone, many lords can be blocked in the territory.

Because the scorer of the gods is farther than many defensive towers, this powerful hero can become a nightmare for countless lords!

Then there is the fighter saint blood from the Sky God Fighter, which is almost the same as the sacred blood used in Niu Da.

This holy blood was enjoyed by [two hairy legs]. One of his Spartan soldiers took the fighter Saint -blood, and then combined with the characteristics of the Wushuang God, became the god of Spad!

This is also a combat -type unparalleled god, a strong combat power!

Similar to the Spartan God of War, the orc Hero hero of [Jianghu Old Iron] absorbed the orcs of the orcs and evolved into an epic hero in one fell swoop.

Then with the support of the lord, he evolved into an orc sword god!

This sword god is also a hand -to -hand hero. The swordsmanship is very scary, and the combat effectiveness is simply explosive.

Finally, the Thunder Holy Blood extracted from the Thunder Shaman’s body fits the thunder hero. [Children only make a choice question] A Thunder element in his hand enables the Thunder Holy Blood.

After evolving into an epic hero, it won the number of unparalleled gods, and became a thunderbolt in one fell swoop and had the power to control the origin of the Thunder.

At this moment, 5 mythical heroes were added to the Supreme League. In addition to the previous increase, within six or seven hours, 9 new mythical heroes actually added!

The entire heroes of the heroes are changing, which is shocking, and what makes Wu Feng a little bit more froze is that in addition to the new god -level heroes, there seems to be other people who have won mythical heroes.

Wu Feng found that the number of heroes of the heroes of the heroes unknowingly reached 21!

“It seems that you can’t underestimate the heroes in the world. The lords who can get mythical heroes are not so small. These two new mythical heroes, I don’t know who it is …”

Wu Feng glanced at the changes in the hero list. He did not expect that there was a lord who took this opportunity to steal chickens. In such a short time, so many mythical heroes were added, and the entire 799th floor was boiling.

“Is our 799th layer ushered in a big explosion? There can be so many mythical heroes in a short time, which is almost against the sky!”

“How do I feel that when I wake up, I have been behind a few versions? Is it already a version of mythical heroic popularity now? The 780th layer is not to popularize mythical heroes!”

“Brother, can have a mythical hero. The heroes on the heroes are all big men. Where can we get us on the list! You still wake up and think about this!”

“That’s right, no matter what, mythical heroes have nothing to do with the lords like us. Let’s think about how to get an orange hero!”

The lords of the 799th floor watching many mythical heroes on the heroes of the heroes drool. When they discussed, Wu Feng was trying to get more epic heroes.

He looked at the first group of allies with mythical heroes: “Now you have a mythical hero, you can let them go to the hero who can customize the difficulty of hell.”

“In the end of the trial, the boss is the fifth -order legend BOSS. After you kill it, remember to bring me the body out.

Wu Feng just arranged these mythical heroes to help him get the bodies of the legendary BOSS. The fifth -order legendary BOSS can also provide legendary evolutionary sacred blood!

Wu Feng’s own hero also entered the copy of the hero trial, like Ryliel and others, has been the third time to challenge hell difficulty.

[Ding … Her Majesty’s Judgment Angel (Ryliel) Customs Customs Trial copy of the 90th wave of hell is difficult to get customs clearance rewards. According to the difficulty (hell) and wave (90 waves), the full attribute is permanently increased. .

[Ding … Her Majesty’s Hero Trial Angel (Rylier) Customs Clearance Trial Copy Hell Difficulty is 90th waves. Get the final customs clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell), it permanently increases the full attribute of 1,000 points. Open the hidden level of the difficulty of hell. .

With Rylier’s copy of the difficulty of hell, after the 90th wave, a new enemy actually appeared again. The 172 -level monster was killed from the dark cave.

Rui Lier naturally swept invincible again and cleaned all the enemies who came. As a mythical hero, Rylier was quite easy to deal with this ordinary monster.

Later, the so -called hidden levels. Just when Wu Feng felt that this did not seem to be difficult, Rylier finally raised in the hidden level for 10 minutes, and finally a new BOSS appeared!

I saw a high -level silver wolf from the depths of the cave. The legendary BOSS at the 185th level was actually the first big BOSS after hiding the level!

Wu Feng looked at it. From this level, each of the difficulty of hell is a big BOSS. The more customs clearance, the better the reward!

In the face of the fifth -order legend BOSS, Rylier is quite relaxed. After using the wings of the angel, she fully crushed the boss and killed!

[Ding … Her Majesty’s Heroes Trial Angel (Rylier) Clearance Trial Copy Hell Difficulty Hidden level 1, get customs clearance rewards, according to difficulty (hell) and hidden waves (level 1), permanently increased by 1000 points for full attributes Essence .

After Rylier easily cleared the customs, she received a reward of hidden copies in one fell swoop. This was settled once in one level, which was equivalent to getting a come every day.

At the same time, the body of the five -order BOSS was also taken out by Wu Feng. After throwing into the evolutionary blood pool, Wu Feng obtained the legendary wolf sperm blood.

“Finally, there are different sperm blood. This wolf sperm blood is suitable for the werewolves or wolf heroes. It can be used to cultivate legendary heroes.”

When Wu Feng saw the sperm’s blood provided by the silver wolf, he was on his eyes. The boss in this dark cave was not all devils or devils!

[Ding … The body of the evolution blood pool devoured a fifth -order legend BOSS (Silver Moon Demon Wolf), according to its class (level 185), the blood output of the evolution of the blood pool was increased by 8 drops per day, you you, you Get 160 drops of evolution blood (perfect quality) and 16 drops of evolutionary sacred blood (legendary quality). .

[Ding … Evolution Blood Pool devoured a corpse of a fifth -order legend BOSS (Silver Moon Demon Wolf), according to its quality (legend) and race (silver moon wolf), you get 40 drops of wolf sperm blood (legendary level level level (legendary level level quality). .

Rui Lier had just ended the battle and gave her almost no chance of breathing. In the depths of the dark cave, a large number of dark trolls were poured out.

They are tall, their vitality is tenacious, and the number is very large. They launch a siege against Rylier. The level of this group of trolls also reached 195.

At this time, Rylier has fully opened the power of the wings of the angel. She is almost her strongest form. In the face of these enemies, she is still easy to deal with.

So Ri Lier swept all the way, and soon killed all the ordinary dark giants. Soon its BOSS poured out, and a 195 -level giant war battle will be killed by a giant ax. This is also a fifth -order legendary level. boss.

Rui Lier held the sword of the angel, and looked at the giant demon with a serious look: “The strong in the dark giant demon? Then you want to be purified by me!”

This god -level hero has congenital artifacts, which is very easy to deal with the legendary BOSS. Even if she gaps out several levels, she has successfully knocked BOSS.

As the Dark Demon Battle will fall, Rylier has cleared the second level!

[Ding … Her Majesty’s Heroes Trial Angel (Rylier) Clearance Trial Copy Hell Difficulty Hide level 2, get customs clearance rewards, according to the difficulty (hell) and hidden waves (level 2), permanently increase the full attribute of 1,200 points. Essence .

The reward of level 2 is also settled immediately, and Rylier once again obtained the growth of 1200 points.

If there are a few levels, it is much higher than the reward of the entire hell.

After the 2nd level, the enemy in the third level also emerged. Countless 210 degraded monsters began to siege Reliel to deal with such enemies. Rylier was simply professional.

When she is dealing with evil creatures, the attributes can be improved, and Rylier also killed the enemy’s formation in one fell swoop. As a result, the ultimate boss appeared in front of Ryle in the third level was actually a class 210 fallen angel!

This is the epic BOSS of the fifth -order peak!

“Well, wouldn’t I get an epic BOSS body every day in the future!” Wu Feng’s spirit staged, and the epic BOSS appeared in the third level of the hidden level. In his eyes, this boss was already the corpse body. It’s right.

After seeing Rylier, the fallen angel Boss also showed a meaningful smile: “Is it a four -wing trial angel?”

“Seeing your wings of the white angel that represents holy, I want to dye it black, come on, follow me to fall!”

The fallen angel BOSS immediately killed Rylier. As a trial angel, he was responsible for judging evil. The fallen angel as the fall of the angel family was within her scope of trial!

So Rylier did not hesitate to inspire all the power of the angel’s wings, she turned into the six -wing trial angel!

In this way, the level gap between Rylier and the fallen angel BOSS was quickly smoothed, and Rylier also killed the fallen angel BOSS.

The two immediately confronted each other. Although Ryle could not suppress the fallen angel BOSS, it did not fall into the wind.

However, Rylier also knows that she relies on the power of the wings of angels to suppress the fallen angel. If the duration of the wings of the angel has arrived, Rylier may not be the opponent of the fallen angel.

In this case, Rylier immediately shot, her paradise magical skills kept using it, and the fire of the trial completely wrapped the fallen angel.

The battle between the two sides really has a feeling of obliterating the avenue. As Rylier finally cut out a sword, the fallen angel was beheaded by this sword!

[Ding … Her Majesty’s Heroes Trial Angel (Rylier) Customs Customs Trial Copy Hell Difficulty Hide level 3, get customs clearance rewards, according to the difficulty (hell) and hidden waves (level 3), permanently increased the full attribute of 1,500 points. Essence .

After clearing the third level, Rylier’s strength improved again, but she also retired from the bonus state of the wings of the angel.

Faced with the fourth level, Wu Feng signaled that Rylier continued to sweep, and she killed the BOSS in Bita 4 all the way. As a result, a 230 -level six -order epic BOSS flew out of the dark cave.

This is a six -order hell black dragon. Rylier’s strength is not enough to confront him. Wu Fengguo broke Rylier withdrew.

“Ri Lier, okay, you can’t do it for the time being, you can’t get the sixth -order epic BOSS. It is enough to kill the third level of the hidden level every day.”

Wu Feng did not force Rylier. After all, Rylier was a mythical hero. The combat power was definitely the top. The only one who dragged the hind legs was her level.

Now Rylier, who is only second, is still a bit difficult to fight against the sixth -order epic BOSS.

When Wu Feng dealt with the epic BOSS of the sixth level or above in the infinite trial, he created it with the hands of the god of heaven, and then let the defensive tower set fire together to kill it.

“Lord, when I was promoted to the third order, and after going to the long step of the gods, I could deal with the sixth -order epic BOSS.”

Rylier was very strong. When she faced the hell black dragon BOSS, she hadn’t done it, and the lord of the lord let her give up. Rylier felt very bad.

After seeing Rylier’s unwillingness, Wu Feng comforted Ri Lier: “Rylier, don’t care about the gains and losses at this time, we can do these six -order epic BOSS sooner or later.”

“Didn’t you bring back a corpse of an epic BOSS this time …”

Wu Feng said, and took out a corpse’s body. Does this fifth -order epic BOSS represent an epic -level essence!

Wu Feng immediately threw the corpse’s body into the evolution blood pool, and watched the rolling evolution blood pool finally spit out a sperm blood.

(This chapter is finished)

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