Chapter 391 Pan Feng’s evolution, the third seal is lifted!

Wu Feng watched countless flying arms rushing to the city of the sky from all directions. He didn’t care at all, but let the other party approach the city of the sky.

What if the firepower was too fierce at first and scared the enemy away?

So when only the defense tower was output, although the flight forces lost heavy losses, they quickly approached the city of Rainbow.

At the fastest speed, they rush to the recent goals, anyway, as long as they enter the internal manufacturing of the Rainbow City to create chaos.

But when they were close to the 200 -meter distance of the Rainbow City, the three -layer shields of the Rainbow City lit up one by one, and then countless shining stars appeared around the Rainbow City.

Today’s shining star label has exceeded 500,000, which is a large number of shining star labels owned by 20 planet towers and 200 stars.

This is still the shining star label of the planet tower. If it is made all the shining star marks, the number can exceed one million.

With so many shining star labels, a round of attack is like a heavy rain and dense barrage, which can kill countless flying creatures.

This shining star label can also lock the target for tracking and attack. What you pay attention to is not to give the enemy the opportunity to breathe.

As long as two or more shining star marks are hit at the same time, the enemy is a spiked ending to deal with flying heroes with high attributes.

That is, one or two hundred shining stars lock the other party together. With so many star labels, the legendary hero will be killed.

After the addition of countless shining star labels, the flying creatures were devastated, and countless corpses fell from the sky.

When these flying creatures are desperate, they have three layers of shields in front of them, and they must burst the shields to rush into the sky of the sky.

These three -layer shields are stronger than the legendary shields that are stronger than the legendary battle card. It is not a common attack. Even if they output for a lifetime, they may not break this shield.

However, the big brother is also prepared for this. The hero of [Domineering Thousands] holds a variety of disposable props and began to pour crazy firepower to the shield of Rainbow City.

The talent of [Domineering Thousands], his heroes can also be triggered with disposable props. Several flying heroes have launched such props in different areas.

This is to avoid being locked by the firepower of [Nine Days Traveling]. The set of fire has dropped the target. A number of heroes were dispatched together. At least one and several other effects could be played.

I saw that the one -time props in their hands were collected by fire, the horror laws brought by props such as spell scrolls, prohibited call cards, etc. were smashed on the shield, and the shields were rippled.

[Domineering Thousands] There are many legendary props this time. This is such props collected by the big brother to compile the props of the entire dominer and the three -eyed lord.

The number is very amazing. [Domineering Qianxian] has talent bonus, 100 items, and the effect of 240 items can be smashed under normal circumstances.

Now that the duration of the curse of dooms has ended, [Domineering Qianda] talent can make many heroes use the same props continuously.

With the madness of the sky, the first layer of the sky of the sky was really fluctuating continuously, and in the end, it was really broken in the crazy attack.

According to the feedback of the shield platform, the first layer of shields take at least an hour to re -activation, and the enemy’s offensive during this time is even fierce.

Wu Feng shook his head. The big brother had two brushes. When he was fully prepared, the impact was quite fierce. At this time, Wu Feng launched all the war equipment, and even the Tiangong battleship also launched.

I saw the Tiangong battleship that had been mounted at the bottom of the Rainbow City before, and slowly started, and the countless cannons on the top also fired!

When the Tiangong battleship was in a dormant state, the warship looked completely like the eighth platform of Rainbow City, but its effect was not played.

For example, the palace warship fired today, and everyone discovered that this was actually an epic battleship, and its firepower could reach about 1/4 of the Rainbow City.

Such a fierce battleship immediately raised the firepower of the Rainbow City one level. In addition, the many lava artillery and heavy artillery of the Rainbow City added the ranks of opening fire.

Big Brother naturally knows the Tiangong battleship: “That is the Tiangong battleship? Epic -level technology in mechanical civilization! [Nine -day travel] actually made this stuff! Isn’t this needing epic architects and engineers to make together!”

[Longwei Nine -headed snake] is also stunned: “His Royal Highness, the guy of Ao Shi Jiu Zhongtian, damn it, provides two mechanical hearts for [Jiutian Travel].”

“Now the heart of [Nine Days Traveling] has reached the epic level of the machinery, which can create the Tiangong battleship. We have missed the fighting ability of [Nine Days Traveling].”

When the big brother and others calculated, there was only a city of rainbow. For example, today’s palace warship was born, which is equivalent to there is a frigate around the aircraft carrier. This combat effectiveness is completely different.

The Tiangong battleship can attract a lot of firepower to the city of the sky. It also has its own powerful shield, which can also block a large number of flight forces.

The city of Rainbow and Tiangong warships output together, sweeping countless flight forces, and a large number of flying arms fell on the road.

What made Big Brother even even more that from the inside of the Tiangong battleship and the Rainbow City, countless bee colony drones were flying out of each other. The number was dense, comparable to the mechanical dogs on the ground.

The bee colony drone has a strong long -range output capability. They can form the formation of the formation in the air. After red, they can control their fiercest firepower network by calculating.

When flying creatures break through their firepower nets to the bee colony drone, the bee colony drone will be siege and will explode.

These bee colony drones are exactly self -exploding drones. After loading human flesh bombs made by Harlem, a bee colony drone burst by self -explosion, and it can clear an enemy.

I saw the bee colony drone launched an charge while turning on fire, and with the firepower of the Rainbow City, it kept causing a wave of fireworks in the sky.

The lords who observed this battle were shocked. I did not expect that at this stage, I can see such a top air combat. Fireworks in the sky played by the two sides are constantly, which is extremely fierce!

Three -eyed tribe can organize so many flight arms, which has shocked them.

As a result, there are many flying arms of [Nine Days Traveling].

Now there are a large number of bee colony drones, which are amazing in number and quality!

[Xiao Duke] sighed: “If this is the battle between other lords, this air combat alone can become a good news, which will definitely shock the countless lords at this stage.”

“But such a wonderful air combat, I am afraid that it can only be a small climax of [Nine Days Traveling] and the Eleventh Prince War. They are really too strong!”

When the lords who watched the war felt that they were refreshed the thinking of the battle, the battle between the two sides finally won.

The shield on the second layer has not yet made a breakthrough.

[Domineering Wanjiang] I finally couldn’t hold it: “His Royal Highness, my Pegasus Knights have been dead, and then I can only rely on you!”

All the Pegasus Knights of [Domineering Wanjiang] fell on the road of charge, but this was all his efforts since this time.

In this way, without these flying arms, he will be greatly reduced in the future. When a cannon fodder.

After the big brother got the reply from [Domineering Topan], he smiled slightly: “You have completed your mission, and the next time I perform!”

[Domineering Wanjiang] In the doubt, he noticed that many black spots appeared on the walls of the Rainbow City. They were all wearing armor, and the breath on his body was extremely powerful.

[Domineering Wanjiang] Differential discrimination at once, this is the many epic heroes under the big brother. They teleported to the city of Rainbow through transmitting props.

The elite troops led by them are all the arms above the orange quality, which has been with these epic heroes for some time.

Nowadays, their levels are very high, reaching level 35 or above. Under the leadership of many second -order epic heroes, a fatal raid on the city of Rainbow!

As the flying arms attracted firepower, these epic heroes can break through the peripheral firepower network and come to the outer wall of the Rainbow City.

Their attacks were very fast, and a wave broke the outer wall, and then killed strongly.

Big Brother saw his epic heroine into the inside of the Rainbow City, and he was also full of aspiration: “Good! As long as my heroes kill the deepest part of the city, you can pound the Huanglong and put the sky of the sky. The core area of the city is destroyed! ”

“[Nine Days Traveling] I can’t stop my offensive at all. There are blood stimulation and the increase in Wushuang God. The number of epic heroes has exceeded 20! In addition to the epic heroes of other people in the league, the number exceeds the number exceeds the number exceeds that the number exceeds the number exceeds the number exceeds that the number exceeds the number exceeds the number exceeds the number of people. 30th! [Nine Days Travel] What to fight with me! ”

This time, the big brother prepared more than a dozen epic heroes and their elite troops. In his opinion, his main force was invincible at all.

As long as the periphery of the city of the sky is abducted, inside the fortress, [nine days travel] can only rely on heroes to fight him.

In this regard, the big brother has absolute confidence!

At this time, Wu Feng has also seen the hero army who rushed into the city of the sky. If he let his mythical heroes shot, he can easily crush them.

However, thinking of [King of the Four Seas] before, Wu Feng contacted him: “The fourth, don’t you always say that you are going to face the decision with the big brother? Now your opportunity is here!”

“The person who brings you, come to the city of Rainbow, I will give you the opportunity to kill the big brother.”

[The King of Four Seas] At this time, it is letting his own black dragon cooperate with other land war troops to sweep the dragon guard in the 012 region.

Although their progress is not as fast as Rainbow City, it is about to destroy the main army of the Dragon Guards.

Now getting Wu Feng’s instructions, [King of Four Seas] did not hesitate to choose to come to Gang Geng’s brother!

“Boss, you are waiting for me! I am here!” [The King of Four Seas] immediately launched the teleportation card and transmitted his own black dragon and several other epic heroes to the city of Rainbow.

[The King of Four Seas] After joining the Supreme League, all aspects have improved very quickly. He also used his two good sisters’ resources to obtain a number of powerful heroes.

Later, through the evolution of holy blood and legendary essence, [the king of the world] also cultivated a group of legendary heroes, and then under the bonus of talents, they also became epic heroes.

[The King of Four Seas] is the members of the alliance who is most keen on hunting BOSS and heroes. In the case of three or seven points with Wu Feng, [King of Four Seas] can obtain a large number of evolution of holy blood and legendary essence.

Today, there are 12 epic heroes in the hands of [King of Four Seas], as well as mythical heroes such as Black Dragon.

It can be said that the strength of [King of Four Seas] is faster than his normal development. Epic heroes are his core combat power.

In order to deal with the big brother, [the king of the four seas] brought all his mythical heroes and epic heroes.

A group of amazing heroes killed the big army of the big brother, and the two sides met in the peripheral area of the basic platform.

The big brother killed all the way and found that no one was sent to stop him from [Jiutian Travel]. Considering that the time was urgent, the big brother did not destroy the periphery.

Some irrelevant things that destroy the peripherals are not much to kill much to the city of the sky. To destroy it, rush into the core hub area and destroy the core of the city of the sky!

The big brother has such a hint of expectations. If he can control the core of the city of the Sky City, he can get this super fortress in one fell swoop.

This is a great opportunity for his backwind to come back!

It was just before the guardian barrier was killed along the way. The big brother did not find the blocking troops of [Nine Days Traveling]. He was guessed whether [Nine Days Traveling] had a trap in the front, and saw the troops of [King of Four Seas].

“Grandson! We met again! This time I will give you all your shit!” Far, [King of Four Seas] exploded.

[The King of Four Seas] In his hands, he led the dragon blood knight wearing black armor. The momentum he exuded was enough to deter many epic heroes.

Big Brother knew that there was a mythical hero who had a mythical hero. When he besieged the territory of [Nine Days Traveling], he destroyed the black dragon.

This made the big brother envy the chicken, but he pretended to be an indifferent look: “I thought who was here! It turned out to be my men!”

“[The King of Four Seas], you do n’t accompany your sisters and sisters to play mud, but go to me, do you want to be abused again?”

“But I am no longer interested in your talent, you can’t enter my eyes!”

The big brother can be described as a key sentence, and he wants to anger [the king of the world], making him lose his mind.

But the reaction of [King of Four Seas] was beyond his expectations. He said with a smile: “The silly of the three -eyed family, do you think I will be fainted by anger? You are too naive.”

“In my eyes, the moment you and our Supreme Alliance began, you died, and the boss got it easy for you!”

“And you still want to jump twice. I didn’t expect you to really give me a chance to get revenge and send it to me in person.”

“Then I let you know today, without the talent of Lao Tzu, you are not shit! To the grandfather!”

With the roar of [The King of Four Seas], the Dragon Blood Knight has transformed into a three -headed black dragon. His three skulls spit out the black inflammation, and instantly swept all the troops of the big brother.

The power of this destroying the world’s dark inflammation is simply destroyed, and instantly kills a lot of powerful soldiers of the big brother. Even an epic hero will only be hit hard after touching it. Save it, the general hero is probably killed.

“Is this the combat power of mythical heroes? It will be so strong!” The big brother was also secretly shocked. A round of attacks on Shi Shi Black Dragon just now almost caused a fatal blow to his hero army.

If it wasn’t for the epic hero’s response to avoid it in time, it would be possible to reduce the staff just now.

The big brother glanced at the hero of the [King of Four Seas] and found that the epic hero he brought was the dragon heroes or knight heroes.

Dragon Blood Cavaliers can activate two hero organizations, namely the Dragon League and Silver Hands Knights, [King of the Four Seas].

In addition to these epic heroes in front of you, there are many legendary heroes of these two hero organizations in their hands.

This made the hero organization’s organization very high, and the bonus of the black dragon of the world reached 500%. The original mythical hero was extremely powerful.

Now getting such a high hero organization bonus, which makes their combat power more against the sky!

If you destroy the black dragon alone, you can sweep these epic heroes, but the big brother also has a prepared method: “Zhang Fei! Kai Wushuang, and Sun Ce, Zhang Xiu, and Wushuang! Together this Black Dragon! ”

Under the hands of the big brother, there are several epic -level U.S. three -nation heroes such as Demon Zhang Fei, Mo Zhou Yu, Mo Sun Ce and Mo Zhang Xiu. The Three Kingdoms have reached the power of 80 -level hero organizations.

It was this kind of heroes that he deliberately collected. After Long Weimen got the heroes of Wushuang, they all handed it to him, and in the case of blood stimulation bonus.

The heroes of the big brother have reached the legendary level or above, and the organizational force of the Three Kingdoms of Warriketh is particularly high.

So after his His Majesty, the heroes of the Three Kingdoms, after outbreak of Wushuang’s ability, suddenly rose the combat power, and could drag out the black dragon.

After the six epic heroes under the big brother, after dragging the Black Dragon, the other epic heroes all rushed to the other heroes of [the King of Four Seas].

There are more than a dozen people left, and there are only 8 men in [King of Four Seas], almost all of them are the rhythm of the two.

In this case, Wu Feng also sent his own powerful heroes, and Pan Feng, Fengyun, Niu Da, Jerot, and Cadis all also played.

They each chose their opponents, which can be said to be a matchup between heroes.

Seeing that Wu Fenglian Pan Feng, a orange hero, sent out, and sent a epic hero [Longwei Nine -headed Snake] to send a epic hero. But sent it, actually sent an orange hero to send to death! ”

“In front of our epic heroes, this orange hero is delivered!”

Facing the taunt of [Longwei Nine -headed Snake], Wu Feng hadn’t spoken yet, and Pan Feng himself couldn’t help drinking angrily: “Do you dare to look down on me? Then I cut off your head! die!”

Pan Feng’s decisive opening of Wushuang. His posture made [Longwei · Nine -headed Snake] laughed even more: “What? General Pan Feng, who was easily killed by Huaxiong, still wants to counterattack?”

“What is your roaring spicy, what’s the use? In my eyes, you are still a garbage!”

“Alien beast knight! Play me this guy and let him know the huge gap between epic level and orange quality!”

[Longwei Nine -headed Snake] His fingers, his epic hero rides on a Chimera with three different disclosure, rushing to Pan Feng fiercely.

This kind of alien knight will have different increases according to the different strange beasts riding by themselves.

When riding a legendary mount such as Chimera, he can have multiple attributes, and he can crush the orange hero. Now he has a strong mount. Isn’t it as simple as the orange hero is as simple as cutting melon and cutting vegetables?

But after [Longwei Nine -headed Snake], after seeing Pan Feng’s anger, he swelled all over, and his strength and body had a qualitative leap. It didn’t look like a normal form.

This is naturally that Pan Feng has entered the Giant Ling tribe. His body changes are enough to discover that he is different. After all, ordinary orange heroes have no such ability.

Pan Feng’s aura, the ordinary orange hero that can be oppressed can’t move. This is far more than the power of this level, and it will bring the effect.

“The three heads are in line, and Pan Mou directly cut all the ax!” Pan Feng held a giant ax and rushed directly to the beast knight. After he jumped high, the giant ax swept down, and the ax fired the whole Qimeira. Cut them together!

The beast knight was blocked by Chimera, and he was not cut to death by Pan Feng. He couldn’t believe it watched Chimera, who couldn’t fight the body.

“How is it! How can a orange hero have this combat effectiveness!” [Longwei · Nine -headed snake] is also incredible.

Originally, he thought that Pan Feng was the garbage in the garbage, and his own beast knight could get this orange hero with a mount alone.

But when Pan Feng’s giant ax was cut off, the power attribute of the beast knight was completely crushed!

Orange heroes have crushed epic heroes in power, what monster is this! Intersection

[Longwei Nine -headed snake] Naturally, I don’t know. The giant spirit ax in Pan Feng’s hand is a mythical weapon, and it can still open up the innate artifact.

This is just a weapon formed by the fragments of a super artifact.

Pan Feng not only has the congenital artifact of the Giant Spirit Ax, but also has the heavens every day, which greatly enhances his power attributes.

Today, Pan Feng, who is not weaker than its peak, is not weaker than the peak. In addition, he just opened unparalleled to trigger extraordinary performance. His unparalleledness is much fiercer than other people’s unparalleledness.

This can completely suppress epic heroes in Wushuang time. To fight against Pan Feng, he cannot fight against him. Unfortunately, it is too late to realize that this is too late.

His Chimera mount was beheaded, and the mobility of the beast knight became weaker, and he could not pull away from Pan Feng Zhouxuan.

Pan Feng took a jump again. Taishan Pressing+Huali chopped Huashan to cut into the beast knight to deal with the hard -to -dodge, or was injured by the ax. A epic hero was actually chased by the orange hero. This was simply outrageous!

The elder brother turned to look at Wu Feng’s other heroes, but found that Wu Feng’s other epic heroes were all messy.

Not to mention that Fengyun can deal with the three epic heroes, and the golden cow, who is alone, makes the big brother’s headache extremely.

Because this star swallows a large number of epic star resources, his growth rate far exceeds ordinary epic heroes, and Niu Da ’s old fist can make other epic heroes be severely damaged.

Like Pan Feng, Niu Da followed Mr. Saitama every day. He improved his strength by moving Jiuqiao Xianshi. His power attributes also crushed epic heroes of the same level.

Therefore, Niu Da punch it, and other epic heroes can’t carry it at all. They are completely screamed by him. If you accidentally become Niu Da’s punch!

Big Brother compared, Niu Da’s combat power is fiercer than the demon Zhang Fei who fully cultivated! Is this reasonable?

Not just Niu Da, the other side of the situation. In the case of both of them present, single -header can win the magic Zhang Fei, especially when the two are together, the big brother feels that they can all be with mythical heroes. Wrist!

Coupled with the dark and soaring Geralt, and Kadis, who has the dark pupil, do you think, the quality of the epic hero of [Nine Days Traveling] is extremely high.

They are epic heroes, and the epic hero of [Nine Days Traveling] is to be able to press his fight, which makes the big brother uncomfortable.

“My blood stimulates talent, which can obviously enhance the hero’s blood awakening, making them easier to activate the hidden blood veins.”

“How can the epic heroes of [Nine Days Traveling] almost all have strong blood capacity? Even the blood pulse power is stronger than my epic hero, how did he do it!”

Big Brother never thought that even if Wu Feng had evolutionary blood pool, he could get a large number of legends and even epic BOSS bodies every day, thus extraction of cherished blood.

The continuous cultivation of a wave of waves, evolving the sacred blood and various essence of blood, is the talent of manual transmission.

This is still Wu Feng who has not let all epic heroes come. Otherwise, in terms of quality or quantity, Wu Feng’s heroes crushed the big brother!

“What are you doing, you can make every effort to kill me with a few epic heroes! They all come to the door, then don’t put it back!”

Wu Feng signaled that Pan Feng and others accelerated their progress. Among everyone, Pan Feng was the first to explode. He activated his violent ability and his body expanded again.

Then grabbed the Kung Fu of the Different Beast Cavaliers, launched his own combo in one fell swoop, and killed the core hero of [Longwei Nine -headed Snake]!

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second -order epic hero (different beast knight), triggering the hidden effect of the general counterattack talent, permanently increased the full attribute of 10,000 points, and an additional 10,000 points of strength attributes. .

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second -order epic hero (different beast knights), triggering the hidden effect of the counterattack talent, and pushing Huashan’s skills to evolve to six stars. .

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second -order epic hero (different beast knights), triggering the hidden effect of the counterattack talent, and the Taishan top skills evolved to seven stars. .

This time, Pan Feng was a counterattack by his own ability. He first chopped the epic heroes, which made his counterattack reward extremely amazing.

After increasing the power attribute of 20,000 points, Pan Feng’s power finally reached the requirements, and the third seal of the giant spirit ax was unlocked!

Giant Spirit God Ax: Hero Equipment (Mythical Quality, Congenital Artifacts), attack power of 180,000-32 million (unlocked the seal to enhance the attack power), the full attribute is+300%, the power attribute increases an additional 600%, physical damage+300% , Physical attack power+400%, each force attribute will increase an additional 20 -point attack power.

Due to insufficient strength, the seal of the giant spirit ax has been unlocked 3/9, and the basic power attributes have reached 500,000 points. It can unlock the fourth layer of seal and use the stronger power of the giant spirit ax.

Attachment skills: Giant spiritual power, destruction of everything, the law of the law, the madness of the gods, the supernaturalization of the world, the heavenly earth, and destroying the earth.

Fa Xiangtian and Earth: When the holder of the giant spirit ax activates the giant spirit blood, the body will become larger by 700%, and the full attribute will increase by 700%. At the same time The larger the more attributes, the higher the increase.

Super god madness: Angry will turn into the source of the holder of the holder, allowing the holder to enter the state of super gods. In this state, the holder will continue to be mad, initially madly, and subsequent madness will be based on the follow -up madness. Angry value and desire for combat. Each madness is doubled once, and after each madness, it will obtain a certain attribute growth permanently.

Open the world: holding the giant spirit ax can have the power of opening up the world. Every day, it can open up greater space for a special space, a small world or a mystery. Each time you open up a new space, you can get feedback and feedback and feedback from the size of the development. growing up.

Destroy the heavenly and destroy: holding a giant spirit ax, you can destroy a city, a country, or even a world. The higher the power attributes, the stronger the destruction effect caused by the giant spirit ax. It will get feedback and growth according to the target size. This ability can be used once a day.

Remarks: The giant spirit ax is part of the extraordinary ax. It has been cast into the giant spirit god weapon with its fragments, and has the powerful ability to split the mountains.

The power of the giant spirit ax has made Wu Feng very satisfied. Now this magic ax has added the ability to destroy the earth. Wu Feng estimates that this ability should be similar to the hands of the gods, enough to easily destroy a city.

In the future, Pan Feng is getting stronger and stronger, and one strike destroys the lord’s territory in a region. That is also possible. The stronger the user, the more horrible the power of destroying the earth.

“Pan Feng, do it well! Continue to do it! These epic heroes are yours!” Wu Feng watched Pan Feng’s bathing in the blood, and his super gods entered the second layer.

This kind of crazy ability will increase the anger value, kill the enemy, and will increase the desire to fight. As long as the fighting continues, the positive and back increases, Pan Feng can become stronger and stronger.

This is more fierce than the anger of the Green Giant. The Hulk is mainly to enhance himself through anger. Pan Feng’s super god is mad, and he can also improve the crazy effect by killing strong enemies.

After Pan Feng killed the strange beast knight, he had a counterattack to kill the strong enemy, reaching the second layer of madness. His body was originally tall and abnormal, and it directly reached tens of meters.

Now it has entered the second layer of madness, and the body has exceeded 100 meters, which has really become a giant spirit god.

After receiving the order from Wu Feng, Pan Feng decisively raised the giant spirit ax, launched another trick of his own trick, sweeping the barren!

Pan Feng’s trick was completely affected the fierce attack of all enemies present. When he went down, the ax swept the audience.

A epic heroic fantasy shooter who was played by Fengyun was cut off on the spot, and the dead shape was extremely miserable!

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second -order epic hero (fantasy shooter), triggering the hidden effect of the general counterattack talent, permanently increased the full attribute of 10,000 points, an additional 10,000 points of strength attributes. .

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second -order epic hero (Phantom Sagittarius), triggering the hidden effect of the counterattack talent, sweeping the eight wasteland skills to six stars. .

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second -order epic hero (fantasy shooter), triggering the hidden effect of the counterattack talent, and the ultra -extraordinary skills evolved to the seven stars. .

Pan Feng’s ax was cut out, and he had two more skills to complete the evolution. So far, he finally met the requirements of evolutionary talents. His extraordinary talent exerted his talents and evolved to the legendary level!

Pan Feng has also evolved into a legendary hero. His body expands again, his strength has leap in quality, and the whole person has a completely different temperament.

After evolving, Pan Feng has become a bit more heroic from the previous black and strong. The black armor on his body has become a silver -white armor, which looks much better than before.

Pan Feng did not care about this. He just felt that his strength had skyrocketed, and he could cut the enemies in front of him easier.

Big Brother and others also watched Pan Feng’s evolution from the orange hero to a legendary hero. They were all scalp. This guy was simply against the sky!

As an orange hero, you can counterattack the epic heroes. Now evolved into a legendary hero. Can you kill mythical heroes?

Of course, Wu Feng also knew that this was almost impossible. Pan Feng’s counterattack to kill epic heroes was enough to accumulate.

Now that it has just evolved into a legendary hero, Pan Feng is not enough to accumulate the potential of mythical heroes. Now he is just easier to cut the epic hero of death.

I saw Pan Feng raised the giant spirit ax again, and began to choose the victim.

“Pan Feng, this guy, he actually grabbed our head, this can’t bear it! The head of the aftermath can not be snatched by him!” Feng Yunzheng was about to kill the enemy in front of him, but Wu Feng said: “Nie Feng, step shocked Yun, you don’t rush to kill the enemy, let these enemies leave it to Pan Feng. ”

Considering that Fengyun kills the enemy, there is no special blessing, but Pan Feng has to take off properly as long as he counterattacked the target.

Out of the consideration of the maximum benefits, Wu Feng naturally gave Pan Feng priority. He also found the enemy. While Fengyun hit it, he beheaded him in one fell swoop!

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second -order epic hero (Sky God Fighter), triggering the hidden effect of the counterattack talent, permanently increased the full attribute of 4,000 points, and an additional 4,000 points of strength attributes. .

Because Pan Feng was promoted to the legendary level, he counterattacked the counterattack rewards by the counterattack of epic heroes, but Wu Feng didn’t care.

After Pan Feng is promoted to the legendary level, it is much less difficult to kill epic heroes. In the future, the quality is made up by quantity, which can also improve Pan Feng’s strength.

Big Brother saw Pan Fenglian’s three epic heroes. He was also numb. Why did you send such a few heroes and blocked the attack that he was bound to get?

He has a feeling of disturbance in his heart, because it seems that [Zhu Family Six] also has a mythical hero, and the mythical hero of [Nine Days Traveling] has not yet shot.

This guy, he deliberately did not let the mythical hero take it out. Can you get yourself up?

The big brother was trembling by this contempt. He finally launched his own card and directly equipped Mo Zhang Fei with an artifact!

It was a magical flesh -and -blood armor. After wearing this armor, Magic Zhang Fei was all pierced into the body of the magic Zhang Fei, which made him a painful roar. Voice!

Although he has endured huge pain, but the strength of Magic Zhang Fei has also skyrocketed. This guy is an epic hero. After using artifacts, his combat effectiveness has soared to a new height!

I saw Zhang Fei, who was holding the abbot’s eight spear, and shocked the epic heroes of the [King of Four Seas] to stand on the spot, and even the three black dragons were stunned.

This is a mighty who can roar and kill other generals. The body of the demon Zhang Fei began to swell crazy like Pan Feng, reaching 10 meters high, like a demon god!

Seeing this scene, Wu Feng looked up and down with interest: “Interesting, it is actually flesh and blood, although it is just an ordinary artifact, but the power is good.”

“However, this artifact is a bit problematic. This seems to be the power of the evil god borrowed. It is easy to attract the spy of evil gods. No wonder the big brother did not let the demon Zhang Fei use this thing before.”

Wu Feng’s eyes were very spicy. He saw the disadvantages of this flesh and blood armor at once. In general, the real thing should be called magic weapon, which contains amazing magic.

If you accidentally erode the magic when using it, the hero who uses flesh and blood can become a dog or nourishment of the evil god.

The big brother did not know how to get blood and blood from the way, but this artifact could not be used like a normal artifact. He only used this magic armor when he was fighting in front of him.

As Mo Zhang Fei wore bloody magic armor, his power reached a new height. With the surge in fighting, Mo Zhang Fei began to attack other heroes of [King of Four Seas].

[The King of Four Seas] I couldn’t help but scolded: “Special! This guy still has this trick, but you have artifacts, I have mythical heroes, the same is to press you!”

[The King of Four Seas] When he said, he killed the Black Dragon to the Demon Zhang Fei. The darkness of one person and one dragon was scratched even the avenue.

Wu Feng did not participate in their battle for the time being, but signaled Pan Feng to kill an epic hero again, and Pan Feng did not disappoint him.

After killing three epic heroes in a row, he has entered the madness of super gods, and his full attributes have reached an amazing height.

Under the assistance of other heroes, Pan Feng really easily killed an epic hero and completed the counterattack again!

[Ding … Pan Feng successfully counterattacked the second epic hero (Thunder Shaman), triggering the hidden effect of the counterattack talent, permanently increased the full attribute of 4,000 points, and an additional 4,000 points of strength attributes. .

With Pan Feng killing this epic hero, the big brother and his men had only 15 epic heroes. The number just met Wu Feng’s conditions.

After everything was ready, Wu Feng shouted, and Vigus appeared in front of him: “Lord, should I play?”

Wu Feng smiled slightly: “Weicus, you are smart, you should turn these guys into my men!”

Vigus nodded charmingly towards Wu Feng. She pulled out the Queen’s long whip, and then shook gently. She made a swaying charm in her mouth.

“You see, I’m so beautiful …”

Vigs’ voice made all the heroes and arms in the battlefield look subconsciously at Weicles, and their eyes were immediately attracted by the charming and moving Vigus.

Many of the many soldiers brought by the big brother were charm for the first time, and some even directly soul, becoming Weicus’s mad believer, worshiping her feet.

It can be said that at the glance of Vishe, the elder brother’s strength was killed for more than half. After their death, the soul would also turn into Vigus’s mad believer. This is a high -quality soul that can provide pure faith.

And those who were not killed by Vigs were dull in her eyes, and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

Today, Veuts, is a mythical hero. Even other epic heroes cannot resist the charm of Vidis.

After completing this operation, Vigus immediately looked at a epic hero and threw out the death contract.

What Vigus is looking for is the magic Sun Ce’s brother of the big brother. The epic hero is still in a period of charm. He was hit by the death contract without resistance.

In the shocking gaze of the big brother, the death contract actually took effect, and Sun Ce was forcibly transformed into Wordis’s men.

Only when Vesus or Sun Ce died, he could get Sun Ce again. He was too familiar with this scene. Earlier, Ao Shi Jiu Zhongtian and others encountered [Nine Days Traveling], Weicus controlled many legendary heroes with this trick.

At that time, the big brother collected Vigus’ information, knowing that this charming hero can use the death contract to control the quality lower than his own hero.

When planning this tackling operation, Big Brother also considered Veuts’s existence, so he almost did not bring a legendary hero, just to be controlled by Vigus.

In the opinion of the big brother, Vigus is just an epic hero. His heroes are the same epic heroes as her, and Vigus has no way to take them.

Earlier, [Jiutian Travel] did not send this charming hero to shoot. Big Brother thought that [Nine Days Traveling] was a epic hero who knew that the charm could not control his control.

Now that I saw that Vigus controlled the magic Sun Ce easily, the big brother reacted. This charming hero has evolved into a mythical level!

“Evolution the epic hero into a mythical level. This is the characteristics of the Supreme League! [The King of Four Seas] has a mythical hero, [Zhu Family Lao Six] also has a mythical hero. The charm! ”

The big brother can see his scalp, and he is also aware of the danger. Since this charming hero has become a mythical hero, his epic hero is dangerous!

“Zhang Fei, don’t care about this black dragon, kill the demon Sun Ce, never let him be controlled!” Big Brother could only try to restore the loss as much as possible.

But at this time, the Mo Zhang Fei wanted to “save” to return the demon Sun Ce. When Vigus was influenced by the enemy’s charm, he continued to shoot a death contract and will contract a hero.

Demon Zhang Fei was not charm because of the influence of flesh and blood, and Wei Gus was not in a hurry to shot him. He relied on him alone, and could not affect Vigs.

“You witch, then I kill you for the same!” When Mo Zhang Fei held his abbot eight spears to Weigs, Fengyun combined with him.

Magic Zhang Fei has an artifact, and at most it can only be united with Fengyun. The combat power when they combine the situation, it has improved too much!

At this time, Mo Zhang Fei was in the joint suppression of Fengyun and the three black dragons, and he couldn’t hinder Wei Gusi at all.

So Vigus gave all the 14 epic heroes at one time to the contract. Now, the number of contract places for Weiche is left, and the last one is left. This is naturally prepared for Mo Zhang Fei.

Wu Feng had previously asked Pan Feng to kill other epic heroes, just to kill other obstacles, so that Vesus could get 15 epic heroes.

If you do n’t kill it before, the epic heroes left now on the conservation will find ways to make trouble. If you kill the controlling epic heroes, this is also a way to relieve it.

After Wu Feng calculated everything, he let Wi Guls do it. It was no surprise at all. Now there is only one goal left by Mo Zhang Fei.

“Magic Sun Ce, Mo Zhou Yu, Mo Zhang Xiu, this is a member of the epic -level U.S. Three Kingdoms, and then take the Mo Zhang Fei down. At that time, my Three Kingdoms will break through the 100 -story organization!”

“Big Brother, all of your heroes, I laughed all, by the way, now I have to add this flesh and blood!”

Wu Feng was interested in letting his heroes besiege the demon Zhang Fei together. After subduing him, he let Weicus shot, which can leave this blood magic armor together.

The elder brother saw that the epic heroes of himself and his men were snatched away by [Nine Days Traveling], and his mentality burst.

But in this desperation, he was still thinking about how to turn it over. Mo Zhang Fei became more and more weak under the siege at this time, and the big brother gave an order.

“Zhang Fei, you explode, you must not be controlled by the death contract!”

Big Brother wants to break his wrist. Even if he consumes awakening crystals to resurrect the demon Zhang Fei, he is robbed by [Nine Days Traveling] than Mo Zhang Fei.

Wu Feng had seen the big brother’s plan long ago, and Kris shot when Demon Zhang Fei shouted at himself.

Her golden fist, smashed on the head of Mo Zhang Fei fiercely, this powerful old fist and taught Zhang Fei as a person.

Demon Zhang Fei was stunned all of a sudden, and almost lost his combat effectiveness on the spot.

After Kris attacked, Vigus also hit the Devil Zhang Fei immediately with a death contract. Although this guy has flesh and blood, he can’t stop the death contract.

In the end, Demon Zhang Fei was forcibly a contract and became the men of Weiguos. Now Wu Feng suddenly had 15 epic heroes.

Those weak heroes have been killed by Pan Feng and other epic heroes. Now the best heroes have become Wu Feng’s people!

“Big Brother, in order to avoid you running, I did not use my core hero. Now your demon Zhang Fei let my two mythical heroes shot, you are enough to be proud!”

“Thank you so much for you to give your head and give it off. I should really send you a pair of brocade flags!”

Before the last batch of arms of the big brother was charm by Wagus, he only heard this sentence of Wu Feng.

This murderous words almost made the elder brother vomit blood. His raid plan not only failed completely, but also caused himself and the others of the hegemis to lose most of the epic heroes.

In this wave, he can be described as heavy losses!

At this time, Wu Feng also set the next goal: “Since the many epic heroes of the dominee alliance have been contracting, next, these dragon guards and big brother are killed so that the heroes have completely become me. The men! ”

“Then kill me to the area No. 001, the big brother is time to get out!”

(This chapter is finished)

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