Chapter 388 The Iron Curse Wai!

Sky City (Rainbow City): Special buildings (Asian myth quality), the city of the sky can quickly fly in the sky and have powerful and unparalleled attack capabilities, but you need to consume a lot of resources during accelerated flight.

Rainbow City can absorb a large amount of Rainbow Godstone for expansion scale. When the absorbed rainbow god stone meets the requirements, it can enhance all aspects of the Rainbow City in all aspects.

Attachment capabilities: defense tower platform, shield platform, production platform, weapon platform, national weapon, heaven and god kingdom, Rainbow bridge.

Weapons: The upper and lower end of the city of the sky will be destroyed by national -level weapons. ), Eye of the Star (Asian myth).

The Kingdom of God: The people who live in the city of the sky will get extraordinary bonuses, which can obtain quality improvement (maximum improvement to the legendary level), and the characteristics of the gods of the gods (according to their own characteristics, there are different plus plus plus plus plus plus plus addition Success, talent and potential).

Rainbow Bridge: This Sky City has added a large number of Rainbow God Stone (mythical resources), so that the city of the sky has the ability to open the Rainbow Bridge. Through the Rainbow Bridge, the city of the sky can be connected. Quickly transfer to the other end of the Rainbow Bridge.

At the same time, the city of the sky can open a large rainbow bridge to move the space of the sky for space, but it needs to consume a lot of rainbow god stone resources.

Remarks: Did you see the behemoth in that sky? Remember its name, the city of the sky! This will be the prototype of the kingdom of heaven!

On the periphery of the city of the sky, there are three strong shields of colors. This is the outer shield of the city of the sky.

If the enemy comes over, it needs to break through the shield formed by the shield platform of the city of the sky to enter the city of the sky.

As a master, Wu Feng naturally had the authority to enter and exit freely. He made a finger, and the three -layer shields of traffic and blue were opened one by one, and Wu Feng was able to enter it.

Shield Platform: According to the scale and quality of the sky, the city will have a three -layer shield platform, which can load different shield facilities in the platform to form a three -layer powerful shield. Shield intensity can defensive sub -mythical attacks. Opening the shield will consume a lot of resources.

This is the effect of the shield platform of the city of Sky. These three -story platforms are located on the three floors above the base. Each platform is equivalent to the first level. Essence

Since there are no other facilities on the shield platform, other people can move on the shield platform.

After Wu Feng came to the city of the sky, he was projected after the red. Now the core of the red has been transferred into the city of the sky. This is to facilitate controlling the city of the sky.

With the city of Sky, she can show people almost as a real body, which is completely the rhythm of the city of the sky.

Wu Feng first came to the core area of the city of Sky, with the energy core of the city of Sky and the hub of red.

In this area, it is naturally protected by layers. After red, I introduced the protection situation: “Lord Lord, the core of the power of the sky in the sky is equivalent to a small city size.”

“This is made of Rainbow God Stone, which can absorb all light sources into energy and ensure that the city of the sky can fly in the air.”

“Of course, this can only fly the city of the sky at a conventional speed. If you want to speed up the speed, you need to consume a lot of resources as energy …”

After the red, I continued to introduce other situations of the city of the sky. If such a huge city, if you want to fly, the energy required is really amazing.

Fortunately, Wu Feng’s material is enough, and the mythical Rainbow God Stone itself has magnificent energy itself, and it can also absorb various light in the sky as energy.

It can barely maintain the normal operation of the city of the sky, but to use other functions of the city of the sky, then it needs to consume a lot of resources.

Like the shield platform just seen, and other functions on the city of the sky, massive resources are required.

When Wu Feng looked at it, it had to consume the legendary resources to promote it, and the amount of consumption was particularly amazing. If Wu Feng could not get the legendary resource through a soul, it would really be difficult to provide sufficient resources to launch it to launch it. Castle in the Sky.

“I understand it. The city of the sky is completely a giant beast who eats resources! No matter how many resources are enough, it is not enough to eat it. In ordinary battles, you can only use the conventional form.”

“What are the functions of other platforms in the city of the sky?”

Wu Feng visits everywhere in the sky. Every time he goes, he will introduce the situation after red. In the city of the sky, there are multiple platforms.

These platforms have different functions. Wu Feng has seen the role of the shield platform, so under the guidance of the red, Wu Feng came to the defense tower platform on the shield platform.

This is a square platform with a different size. The smaller the platform area, the smaller the platform area, but the higher the defense tower that can be placed.

Defense platform: According to the scale and quality, the city will have a three -story defense platform. The defense platform can load defensive buildings and defensive towers. The number of defensive tower bases on the platform is related to the scale of the sky city.

The first layer can load the defensive tower within orange quality, which can enhance the full attribute of the defense tower by 50%of the defense tower and the additional increase of the defense tower. At present, there are 256 defensive tower bases.

The second layer can be equipped with a defensive tower within the quality of the legend, which can enhance the full attribute of the defense tower 100%and the additional increase of the defense tower. At present, there are 32 defensive tower bases.

The third layer can be equipped with a defensive tower within the quality of the epic, which can enhance the full attribute of the defensive tower 200%and the special capabilities of the defense tower. At present, there are 8 defensive tower bases.

“Lord, these three -layer defensive tower platforms can be placed with orange, legendary and epic defensive towers. If these defensive towers are filled, the firepower of the entire sky city will be extremely horrible.”

“But the defense tower in your territory now has its own role. What do you want to put those defensive tower here?”

After the red, I introduced the role and attributes of each layer of defense tower platform. If all the three -layer defense tower platform is filled, 256 orange defense towers, 32 legendary defensive towers and 8 epic -level defensive tower are needed.

With so many high -level defensive towers, think about exaggeration. In Wu Feng’s territory, there is enough defense tower, but he cannot directly move all the defense tower.

After all, in his territory, whether it is the devil canyon or the Tiankeng defense line, it is necessary to have defense tower guards. He cannot just think of the city of the sky and ignore other lines of defense.

Considering this, Wu Feng finally decided to withdraw a part of the defense line with overflowing the number of defensive towers and loaded it on the city of the sky.

This super war fortress, that is the weapon of siege, naturally wants to be full as much as possible.

“First arrange the epic defense tower, and the two -ritual tower in the main base will be placed in the city of the sky!” Wu Feng pointed out the two instrument towers in the main base.

Today, there are two two -ceremonial formations in his main base. In fact, no matter where the tower is, this formation method can form a large formation together.

Wu Feng put down the two -ceremonial tower on the defensive tower platform to make the two instrument tower bonus the city of the sky and make it more powerful.

And this only requires one to put one. If both are placed in the city of the sky, it doesn’t make much sense.

With Wu Feng’s order, Vigus’s epic -level void shadow immediately launched his own ability and immediately moved the two instrument towers to the defense tower platform immediately.

The top layer of the defense tower platform has 8 huge bases. After the two instrumental tower is put on, they can immediately be connected with the city of the sky to enjoy the blessing of the city of the sky.

I saw that the coverage of the two instruments was expanded by 200%at once, and more territories were protected by the Forma Tower.

The power of the two instruments does not need to be questioned. Wu Feng feels that there is the protection of the two instruments. The city of the sky is equivalent to another layer of protection.

This is equivalent to changing from a three -layer shield to a four -layer shield.

This defensive tower base also has additional bonuses for various capabilities of the defense tower. The bonus of the Two Rites Farm Tower is to enhance their protection capabilities.

The launch of the two instruments is enough to intercept most of the attacks within the epic level.

After the two instruments tower, Wu Feng began to order the soldiers again: “The Houya Tower can go to the city of the sky, and its range is far enough. The following is much more meaningful! ”

After Wu Feng’s order, the void shadows immediately hummed and relocated the three Hou Tower to the city of the sky.

These three Houzhu Tower are now using a shooting day bow. Two use of the broken sky bows, Wu Feng refers to the Houjia Tower of this unique use of artifacts as True Houya Tower.

Wu Feng feels that there is an artifact blessing. This Houzhu Tower may really have the possibility of shooting!

If anyone can evolve into a mythical defensive tower, then this true Houya Tower is undoubtedly the most likely.

The increase of the defense tower base to the Houya Tower is to increase the number of uses of the shooting day. Wu Feng looked at it, and now the ordinary Houjia Tower can use the power of the day twice a day.

True Hou Qi Tower can use the power of the sun 4 times a day. The twice this time this time is brought to it.

The eight places have been used halfway, and Wu Feng followed two more defensive towers: “The star tower and the nine -day Thunderchi Tower can have one into the city of the sky!”

“They are all combined defensive towers, and the defensive tower on the ground can also make up the combination effect. With one come in, it can greatly enhance the power of the entire defense tower cluster!”

The two ‘lucky children’ in Wu Feng ’s dot were also relocated by the void shadows. At this time, there are six epic defense towers on the city of Sky.

The solar power of the star tower has increased, and the nine -day Thunderchi Tower has increased the power of heaven.

The increase in all aspects of this defense tower base is too powerful.

In the end, Wu Feng chose two Longyin Tower. He asked the two epic -level defense towers and the remaining Dongfeng Express Tower to the city of the sky.

In the case of Wu Feng’s expected, after the Longyin Tower entered the city of the sky, its range and even the number of missiles that could be manufactured every day were improved!

This is an additional increase in the city of the sky. Its increase in defensive tower is consistent with the improvement of the full attributes.

Now these two Long Yin Tower can make 3 epic -level mushroom eggs every day. Wu Feng’s epic resource is fully controlled!

“Give me hard!” Wu Feng waved his hand and immediately let all the Long Yin Tower full of epic mushroom eggs. This wave happened to be the critical period of the war!

After arranging the epic -level defense tower, Wu Feng migrated various legendary defensive tower and orange defense tower in the territory to the defensive tower platform.

However, because the number of defensive tower bases is too large, Wu Feng has not filled the base. He probably put the legendary defense tower amount 2/3, and then fill it in half of the number of orange defense tower base. good.

In this way, the dense defense tower allows the area above the city of the sky to be a towering defensive tower. The city of the sky is like hedgehogs.

And then go to the seventh floor of the area above the city, Wu Feng sees a colorful rainbow cannon.

Here is the country’s destroyer weapon. It can be seen that its power can be seen. It may be a big guy of an artillery destroying the country.

Wu Feng compared the artillery mouth of the Rainbow Gulf, and he found that the artillery mouth could be stuffed down a fallen Titan!

Such a large cannon occupies a platform alone, which shows its body shape.

Although the area of the seventh -floor platform is the smallest, this situation is still shocking.

“Lord, the city we built, using a large number of mythical resources to make it have a sub -myth level.”

“This sky city has a lot of more functions than the ordinary version. For example, this weapon to destroy the country is made of mythical resources, which has the destructive power of sub -mythology.”

“However, the consumption of this guy is also exaggerated. If 10%of the power comes to a gun, it will need the rainbow god stone of 100 units.”

“It takes 100%full -power attack target, and it requires 2,000 units of Rainbow God Stone, and it takes more than 30 minutes!”

As the host of the city of the sky, Pharaoh also quickly introduced the particularity of the rainbow cannon to Wu Feng. This is the Asian mythical weapon.

With a gun, the power is stronger than the epic defense tower.

It can be seen that Pharaoh still has two brushes, which can be optimized to a certain extent on the basis of design drawings.

This Sky Fortress of the City of Rainbow is the result of their optimization. Rainbow giant cannons and Rainbow Bridge are the ability to increase extra increases.

Of course, it can have such a strong additional effect, and naturally it is also related to the large amount of rainbow gods provided by Wu Feng.

Originally, Pharaohs planned to only need the Rainbow God Stone of 500 units. After being built, they found that the energy core spent their 500 unit Rainbow God Stone.

In this case, Pharaoh had to ask the lord to support more Rainbow God Stone, and Wu Feng also supported the Rainbow God Stone of 2,000 units.

Who knows that this is not enough, Pharaoh is like a subordinate who repeatedly requested to increase budget funding, and desperately reports to increase resources.

Wu Feng eventually invested 5,000 units of the Rainbow God Stone before completing the transformation and upgrading.

If it wasn’t for Wu Feng’s strength, he would really be stuck in half, and he could only build an epic sky city, not like the city of rainbow -level rainbow.

“So, the same is true for Rainbow Bridge? Whenever you want to use Rainbow Bridge to move the city of Rainbow, you need to consume a lot of rainbow god stones?”

Wu Feng looked at his Rainbow God Stone, and he couldn’t get the Rainbow God Stone every time. Therefore, this mythical resource, he still has about 3,000 units, which still has to save some use.

Pharaoh nodded: “Yes, if you use the Rainbow Bridge inside, then the energy core can afford this consumption.”

“But if you want such a big guy of Rainbow City to transmit it to other places with the Rainbow Bridge, it will consume a lot of Rainbow God Stone according to the distance!”

Wu Feng feels that there is nothing to consume high. This is a big guy who can cover the sky. Such a large body type can also be transmitted from a long distance. This trick alone can make other lords desperate.

Anyway, the capabilities of this Rainbow City have made him very satisfied.

Wu Feng is also interested in the situation below the city of the sky: “There are 7 -story platforms below the area of the city of the sky. What is the role of these platforms?”

After the red, Wu Feng guided Wu Feng to the part of the pyramid again. Here are the platforms that separate independence.

At the beginning of the three -story platform, there are various weapons, which is the defensive weapon that comes with the city of the sky, which is nothing more than a variety of giant cannons.

After the red, the situation of many weapons was reported: “These three floors are weapon platforms that can load powerful weapons manufactured in various territories.”

“Each layer can be loaded with a large amount of weapons, and it can also improve the quality and power of weapons. Each platform is 1200 legendary weapon positions and 10 epic weapons.”

Weapon platform: According to the scale and quality of the sky, it will have a three -layer weapon platform. On this platform, various weapons can be loaded.

Each layer of weapon platforms will have 1,200 legendary weapon loading positions (input resources for expansion), which can improve the first level of weapons (maximum increase to legends), and will also increase the power and range of 100%of the weapon.

At the same time, there will be 10 epic weapon loading positions, which can improve the first -level quality of weapons (maximum increase to epic), and will also increase the power and range of 200%of the weapon.

Weapon platforms can load war equipment, lava stones, lava cannons, etc. can be loaded in.

After loading, similar to the defense tower, the power of weapons will be greatly improved. Orange weapons can be promoted to legendary weapons.

Like a lava casting machine and lava cannon, it was originally an orange III weapon. After being put into the legendary weapon loading position, it will evolve the legendary Legend III weapon.

This can increase the power of these weapons several times, and the weapon loading position will also increase the power and range of the weapon. This is really a transformation!

“The lava casting machine and the lava cannon are pulled up. So many weapons loading can put all my war appliances in!”

“In the future, there will be more advanced war appliances, you can replace it again!” Wu Feng made people pull a lot of war equipment into the sky of the sky through the Rainbow Bridge of the City of Sky, and pushed them to the weapon loading Put in the position.

After Wu Feng saw that after the lava casting vehicle entered the weapon load, his body size turned at least 3 times, and the distance from the project was more than 100 kilometers.

The lava cannon has also changed the same, and its diameter has doubled. It is absolutely extremely strong!

Due to the very bulky war appliances, when on the land, the 12 golden men and mountains and soldiers were needed to pull.

Moreover, its movement speed is very slow, and it is easy to be destroyed by a large -scale killing spell. The war equipment is the target of the key care on the battlefield.

Now that the war appliances are entered the city of the sky, you can act along with the Rainbow City. You must know that the movement speed of the Rainbow City has reached 50 kilometers per hour, which is much faster than the movement of the war appliances. Essence

The war equipment produced by Wu Feng in the future can be moved to the city of rainbow. This weapon loading can consume the rainbow god stone to increase.

The 30 -unit Rainbow God Stone can add a legendary weapon loading position. If there is a demand in the future, Wu Feng can be completely loaded in a batch of weapons.

After many tall magic puppets were commanded to move lava cast and lava, Wu Feng had followed the bottom production platform.

After watching the attributes of the production platform, Wu Feng knew how to use it.

Production platform: According to the scale and quality of the sky, the production platform will be available in 3 floors. Different production lines can be copied in the platform to produce various types of war equipment or mechanical creatures. ammunition.

The first layer can copy 16 perfect production lines, which can improve the production efficiency of 400%of the production line and 100%production attributes.

The second layer can copy 4 legendary production lines, which can improve the production efficiency of 200%and 100%production attributes.

The third layer can be copied 1 epic production line, which can improve the production efficiency and 200%production attributes of the production line.

“The production platform can directly copy the existing production lines in our territory. I recommend copying the product that can fly or load directly into the weapon position production line.”

After the introduction of the production platform, he gave suggestions, and Wu Feng was almost this idea.

His Rainbow City is flying in the sky. If the production line of the fast dragon magic puppet is copied, the melee magic puppets produced can only look at the city of Rainbow, which is naturally meaningless.

Or produce the production line of the dragon battleship, is the produced dragon battleship, really throw away from the Rainbow City to kill the enemy?

Thinking about it, naturally, the production lines of war equipment such as flying machinery and lava cannon are more in line with Wu Feng’s needs.

He immediately made a decision: “The three production lines of the bird fighter, the flying dragon bomber, and the black dragon helicopter must be copied.”

“You can directly create these flying machinery in the city of Rainbow. The city of Rainbow is both a production base and an aircraft carrier!”

Thinking of this, Wu Feng was very excited. He immediately copied the three production lines of bird fighter, flying dragon bombers, and black dragon helicopters.

Among them, the production line of the Bird’s fighter is an epic production line, which directly occupies the only epic production line position.

However, this newly added production line did not disappoint Wu Feng. The epic -level technology could form a production line at most.

The production line of the bird fighter jet, even if the production capacity is full, can produce up to 4 Fengfeng fighters every day. In the territory of Wu Feng, it is now barely unobtrusive.

It also includes the mechanical apostle of Feng Fengtianzun, which is just a small fighter formation.

The production line that can be copied in the production platform has increased by 200%. After a day, 12 bird fighters can be produced!

That is, it can produce one small fighter formation a day, which is really the same as dumplings.

In addition, the production lines in the city of Rainbow, the producers produced by the birds can also be better than the production line in the steel base.

Wu Feng watched clearly. The bird fighters began in the production line. There were four pairs of wings, and one pair of wings were more wings than the existing bird fighters.

“The flying dragon bomber and the black dragon helicopter also produced the first batch of members.

In the territory, Wu Feng has two flying dragon bombers and black dragon helicopters. This is the upper limit of the number of legendary technology.

Now he can add another production line of flying dragon bombers and black dragon helicopters, and its production capacity is also three times that of normal production lines, one can reach 3!

The capacity of these two aircraft has doubled.

The flying dragon bomber and the black dragon helicopter produced yesterday also flew into the production platform with the bird’s bird team of Feng Fengtianzun.

Wu Feng watched 16 flying dragon bombers and 24 black dragon helicopters. He was very satisfied. These two aircraft had their own effects and the firepower was very fierce.

However, considering the production line of Rainbow City, it can produce higher -attribute products, Wu Feng has copied the production line and waited for him to produce new items.

Originally, the production line of the flying dragon bomber was full of 4 flying dragon bomber every day, and the production line in the city of Rainbow was 12.

The black dragon helicopter is smaller, and you can build 12 production lines per day, and you can pull two small teams a day.

With a new production line, 36 can be created every day. When you come in your early hours, you can have a new black dragon helicopter to go out.

Because there was a place in the production platform, after Wu Feng considered for a while, he copied God’s production line of the magic puppet.

This is a legendary production line. After the comparison of Wu Feng, he felt that this remote firepower magic puppet was also suitable for the city of Rainbow. Wu Feng was going to build it as a super fortress of the firepower explosion.

In the future, any lord will see this large fortress and will tremble with legs!

In the final legendary production line, Wu Feng copied the bee colony drone. This drone will be Wu Feng’s cannon fodder!

On land, mechanical dogs can be used as the best cannon fodder. In the city of rainbow, bee colony drones are suitable for cannon fodder.

The places of the four legendary production lines are all used, and the remaining 16 orange production lines are left. In fact, this place is almost incomplete.

Wu Feng replicated it with production lines such as lava giant artillery, lava stone casting machine, deformed artillery, machine gun robot, stone ghost ghost, etc. Anyway, there are remote firepower and can be made.

At the same time, the flying unit like stone ghosts is extremely in line with the city of Rainbow. Massive stone statues can be used together to sweep most enemies.

Wu Feng also tried to copy a number of stone statue ghost production lines, but he found that it was really feasible!

So he copied 4 production lines, and the production efficiency of 400%was improved. The speed of production of stone ghosts was faster than the heaven and earth melting furnace!

One day, you can pull up a stone statue ghost army of more than 100,000 units. Combining the heaven and earth melting furnace, the overwhelming stone ghost army can be easily done.

As for the soul -eating ghost, it is not suitable to put it in the city of Rainbow. It is still that reason. You can’t throw the soul -eating ghost as a bomb to kill the enemy.

After increasing so many production lines, the city of Rainbow was almost full of capacity. Various war equipment and mechanical creatures were quickly manufactured and joined Wu Feng.

He also waited for the new flying dragon bomber and the black dragon helicopter to be manufactured. The quality of the new items is indeed better than the previous products.

The new flying dragon bomber is a lap than the younger brother next to it, which can carry more bombs and give the enemy a small bombing shock!

“Very good, the higher the attribute, the more potential the disciples after the point -oriented mechanical apostles are worth it.”

Wu Feng, as before, ordered the flying dragon bomber and the black dragon helicopter, the two flight units, like the previous Feng Feng Tianzun, have the ability to deform.

The flying dragon bomber deformation is a big man with a height of 100 meters. The black dragon helicopter is much small, but his melee raid ability is stronger.

“You call Feilong Tianzun and Heilong Tianzun, you will lead your own similar to my flight team!”

Feilong Tianzun looked at Wu Feng with his head tall: “Lord Lord, as long as you give me enough ammunition, I can turn all enemies into powder!”

Feilongtianzun is definitely a perfect match with Harlem. They are all firm believer in the explosion. Explosion is art!

Black Dragon Tianzun was made from black metal. He was more restrained and stood next to Wu Feng, like a guard.

After the two new members joined, the new members of the Machinery Garden increased a lot.

Mechanical Heaven: Perfect hero organization, currently 16 members (Feng Feng Tianzun, Dragon Dragon Tianzun, Bihai Tianzun, Feilong Tianzun, Black Dragon Tianzun, Chilong Tianzun, Hundreds of Tianzun, Bee Clun Tianzun, Tank Tianzun, Roar Heaven, Dagua, Digging The machine, the machine gun fairy).

Epic (1 person): Feng Feng Tianzun.

Legend level (12 people): Chilong Tianzun, Hundreds of Tianzun, Bee Clun Tianzun, Tank Tianzun, Roaring Tiaizun, Luban Tianzun, Mo Zitianzun, Batong Wu Tianzun, Jianlong Tianzun, Bihai Tianzun, Feilong Tianzun, Black Dragon Tianzun.

Perfect level (3 people): Xiaotian, excavator, machine guns.

According to the quality of members, the 31 -level tissue force is activated (the quality of the epic is enhanced by 4 floors, the legendary quality is improved by 2 floors, and the perfect quality is improved by 1 layer).

Organization provides attribute bonuses: All attributes are increased by 155%.

Organization provides a bond bonus: When all the members are undergoing mechanical transformation, they can obtain an additional 310%attribute improvement effect. They can have overload capacity and temporarily improve their own 300%attributes. After overload, they will fall into a short time.

The legendary heroes in the mechanical heaven are actually quite different from the combat effectiveness. The two big guys of the dragon and Tianzun and Bihai Tianzun are several times that of other heroes.

Only Feng Feng Tianzun can press them!

And Feng Feng Tianzun is not the only epic hero, because in addition to her, Wu Feng’s second epic technology has finally created the finished product!

After the red, I gave Wu Feng a good news as soon as possible: “Lord Lord, you are a double happiness today! In addition to the city of the sky, our paranuts have finally been created!”

Wu Feng was overjoyed, and he immediately let the Red Palace maternal go out and take a look.

As a result, under the gaze of Wu Feng, there was a huge flying thing slowly rising at the steel base. Without the city of Rainbow, this huge carrier with about 200,000 units will definitely become a behemoth. The same existence.

This is also a super huge mechanical product, but compared with the city of Rainbow, the Ceremony can only be called small gadgets.

Flying to the Rainbow City, the Tennis Morge is equivalent to the plate on the table, which looks very small.

“Lord Lord, the Corporal Morge is an epic mechanical product with a large number of giant cannons on it. It can also be used as a fighter fighting platform.”

“We can use the ternal of the Ceremony as the frigate of the city of Rainbow. At present, we can make a Tenkin mothership every 2 days. Because of the huge body shape, this mechanical creation is slower.”

After the red, the Celestial Morge is introduced. This is a pure combat weapon. It is not the same as the city of Rainbow. Someone can survive.

Wu Feng is also very satisfied with this thing. The maiden mothership is mainly the supplement of the city of Rainbow. The city of Rainbow+multiple Tenko Palace is invincible!

“Then build it! Almost seven days, you can build a city of sky, the city of each sky, equipped with 3 to 4 celestial motherships.”

“Try the power of these two big guys today!”

Wu Feng can be described as eager to try. The so -called weapon, killing himself, Wu Feng was originally ready to kill the big brother. Now with the city of Rainbow and the Temple of the Temple, it is even more impossible to wait.

At this moment, the big brother also launched an offensive. Wu Feng’s territory was suddenly attacked by the big brother!

The first is the 022 area. This is the front line of the junction of the 012 and 021 region of the Tyrannosaurus Alliance. The first goal of the big brother is here.

I saw the iron curtain that had only been closed in two directions, and suddenly fell slowly from the east and south of the area 022!

“What happened? It was the iron curtain of Jiuzhong Sky? He blocked the four directions of the 022 region. This is to completely surround the 022 area!”

In the 022 area, the allies such as [Iron and Steel Man Black and Black] and [Blue Demon Ji] were left in the first time.

They saw that the iron curtain of the sky fell suddenly, and there was no way. This is an iron curtain formed by the epic talent. Without the attack of epic level or above, it was impossible to shake this iron curtain at all.

With the new two iron curtains falling down, the four aspects of the 022 area have all the iron curtains falling down, it is simply a cage, which is completely sealed!

With the four iron curtains, all lords in the 022 area can hear a system tips.

[Ding … Your hero and arms are in the scope of the iron curtain. In this area, the void ability below the epic level cannot be used, and the attributes of all employees weaken by 30%! .

Seeing this system prompts, not only the allies such as [Steel straight man and black] and [Blue Demon Ji] were a little surprised.

He couldn’t help shaking his head: “It turned out that the epic talent of Jiuzhong Sky Prison, the essence of the essence was on this iron curtain!”

“After the encirclement, not only can it be completely sealed in a region, but also weaken the attributes of the enemy in this area. This is used to attack some strategic places.

Seeing that Wu Feng was so calm, [Steel straight man was black and thick] I couldn’t help reminding Wu Feng: “Boss, the big brother actually launched an iron curtain, he obviously wanted to do it to our 022 area!”

“Now our troops can’t enter the 022 region. I can’t take effect with the teleportation card. How can I do this time?”

[Blue Demon Ji] It is also urgent: “Yes, the Lord Lord, our reinforcements are blocked outside the 022 area, and now there are only a few bases in the 022 region. 50,000 people. ”

“I knew so long, we should focus on sending troops to the No. 022 region, and we should not adjust the troops to attack No. 016 …”

[Blue Demon Ji] Speaking, a large number of troops poured into the direction of the iron curtain from the north and west, and it was the troops of the three -eyed dragon guard!

[Steel straight man is black and thick]: “That was the army of Long Wei who killed it. They came in from two directions.

[Blue Demon Ji] The troops with [Steel straight male black and thick] are located in the north and west in the area 022, and the enemies they see are different.

Because the iron curtain of the sky can be used to set the direction of the pass, the nine -stitched heavenly prison is set up, that is, the 022 region cannot lead to the 012 and 021 areas.

However, the Dragon guards can enter the 022 region through these two regions, and they use this advantage to occupy the natural disaster fortress of these two edge areas.

Today, their army was killed after the natural disaster fortress. In this way, they leaned against the two fortresses, and they were not afraid of Wu Feng’s pockets or broken their back road.

[Blue Demon Ji] The first time I reported the situation: “Lord Lord, I am a army of 6 two Pinlongwei. Their army lineups are neat, and all kinds of arms are available!”

“I even saw a large number of war equipment, the number of siege equipment is very sufficient! This is a 150,000 -person army!”

Although Wu Feng was very easy to die when the Longwei was dead, in fact, the fighting power of the dragon guards was not weak, and the Erpin Longwei now organized a elite force of more than 20,000 people, which was easier.

Together with the two two Dongwei, they easily organized a army of more than 100,000 people, and they entered the 022 region.

In fact, Wu Feng has already seen the whole. In the two directions of the 022 area, the number of major troops involved is almost the same.

The two troops were dispatched together, and they could also take care of each other. If they encountered obstacles, as long as there was a breakthrough on the other side, they could come to support, or copy the enemy from the rear.

In the 022 area, the number of enemies was six or seven times of Wu Feng’s side! Even if there is urban defense, the advantage of this number is difficult to fight.

Wu Feng thought for a while, so he ordered the two: “You can withdraw first. The two bases on the periphery can be given up. Anyway, there is only the transformation of the territory of others. Resource transformation. ”

“The puppets retreated to the outpost base in the 022 region, which was the base where I set up a lot of defensive towers. There we organized defense there, so that these dragon guards have come back!”

[Steel straight man is black and thick] and [Blue Demon Ji] I did not expect that their bosses would retreat before they played, but they also knew that it would be reasonable to do this.

They did not hesitate, and led the team to evacuate the first time. [Blue Demon Ji] also used their talents to move all the defense towers in the base.

It is an empty base for the dragon guards.

After Long Wei came, they saw that the city of empty Ruye was not very surprised. The army killed in the west was headed by a ID position [Longwei · August Flower]. It shows that he is also a stronger group of people in Long Wei.

He looked at the base quietly: “[Nine Days Traveling] is quite smart, knowing that relying on such a little force, he can’t stop our army, so he returns.”

“But even if he retreats, it doesn’t make any sense. In any case, we have to win the 022 area today!”

Another Long Wei laughed: “His Royal Highness has prepared a series of killing tricks for [Jiutian Travel]! He will die this time!”

“We are just the beginning, [nine days traveled] to kill so many brothers, it is time to make him pay a heavy price!”

Many Longwei won the first base, which can be described as morale, which made the haze in their hearts a lot of them.

Earlier, [Jiutian Traveling], there are constant hands of the gods of heaven, epic mushroom eggs and other means to clean up the dragon guards gathered beside the big brother.

In the past few days, more than 10 Longwei who had been killed, which was a huge blow for the proud dragon guards.

Although the Long Guards are said to be the defender of the big brother, they are actually the peerless genius or the children of the big family.

When acting alone, they are all strong people who can impact the monopolies and even the lords, but they are now killed by [Nine Days Traveling] as killing chickens.

How can this make them tolerate!

So this time of the siege of [Jiutian Travel], they also want to eliminate this haze, which starts with the area 022!

While the Longwei entered the 022 area, in several other areas of Wu Feng, there were also a large number of three -eyed lords and dog head lords formed coalition forces to launch an attack at the same time in multiple regions.

Regional 016, No. 043, regions 031, region 042, and even Wu Feng just occupied the 015 region, 014 region where the monopoly process is in the monopoly process.

Many of them jointly opened up the natural disaster fortress of the regional border, and then came in from other regions.

This is exactly a big move that more than thousands of lords participated. For a while, Wu Feng’s regions were besieged. So many lords siege the territory of the Supreme Alliance. This is simply too lively!

Many lords in the Supreme Alliance are all boiling, [Zhu Family Lao Liu] Humm and prepared to send troops: “Special! Big Brother is going to start a full war!”

“But who is afraid of whom! Our Supreme League is not easy to mess with, boss, we will support you!”

[The King of Four Seas] also his fists: “Boss, it’s finally time for me to appear! The big brother of the dog, Lao Tzu has to beat your shit this time!”

“Boss, you leave me the hero’s hero! I want to solve all of them one by one!”

Many of the newly entered the Supreme League’s reserve reserve are also filled with indignation. [Children only make choice questions]: “Boss, although we are not in Tianyu No. 012, there are despair Great Wall, we can still support you!”

“We are also members of the Supreme Alliance, but we can’t let the three -eyed people bullied!”

[Qingyun went straight to 90,000 miles] also patted his chest: “Boss, we can also get a dragon guard, let’s let us go! Let me bring my brothers again!”

[Fisting Nanshan House] The two brothers and [Kick Beihai Kindergarten] The two brothers are unique: “Boss, we also apply for fighting! You give us a chance!”

Finally, [Gushu Fairy] Youyou said: “Lord Lord, we can help you hold these coalition forces. Although they have a large number, they are really powerful and powerful …”

“Relying on the quantity is to charge, they mainly want to disperse your troops and give the army in the area 022.”

Hearing the words of everyone, Wu Feng smiled slightly: “I know your urgent psychology of fighting, but since the three -eyed and dog heads are together to practice with me, I will give them a chance.”

“Besides, only by lure the enemy can I be able to defeat the enemy as much as possible! Wait a while first, now it’s not when you shoot!”

Wu Feng said that he took the initiative to shrink the line of defense. In each region, he concentrated his strength to one base. Anyway, other base bases were defeated after defeating other lords.

As long as he wins in the end, the site can be grabbed back.

Wu Feng even prepared to grab all the sites around the surrounding areas after this battle.

This shrinking strategy made the enemy completely unintelligible. [Nine -day travelers] did not play, but they were withdrawn? What is he doing?

This made many lords in the three -eyed and dog heads began to despise him, and many of the lords participating in this battle even blatantly ridiculed: “[Nine Days Traveling], this is the first place?

“Lost we were preparing for a bloody battle, but we just charged.

“Hey, this is the territory of [Nine Days Traveling]? In this area, when we shot, we grabbed 80%of the territory, which is too cool!”

Many three -eyed and dog leaders thought they had achieved huge results, but the big brother was not excited at all.

So far, [Nine Days Traveling] hasn’t shot yet!

This kind of contraction defense, the posture of the king’s enters is too obvious, but the big brother still issued an order: “Everyone immediately launched a fierce attack on the base of the [Jiutian Travel] stationed, and he must hit his important base!”

The big brother asked the coalition forces to attack, and did not expect them to really be able to lay a base for [Nine Days Traveling]. He only needed to attract the firepower of [Nine Days Traveling].

The main offensive and defensive direction of the big brother is to settle in the outpost base in the [Nine Days Traveling].

Many dragon guards have launched a fierce attack first, and various war equipment began to bombard the wall of the outpost base.

There is a lot of defense tower in Wu Feng’s outpost base. It takes a lot of time to finish this line of defense.

Big Brother’s sight looked at other territories of [Jiutian Travel]. Now the Alliance forces have launched an offensive, and countless troops swarmed to the bases.

These troops encountered the attack of many defensive tower Wu Feng, and he left a very powerful defensive tower cluster in each base.

The most used is the combination of the arrow tower with the tower and the heavy rain pear tower.

After Wu Feng took a lot of talents to refresh the card, [Steel straight man black and thick] helped Wu Feng evolve to get 5 thousand arrows to send the tower.

Coupled with Wu Feng’s herself, the 10,000 arrows evolved with the killing of the killing, each base, a thousand arrows, and a tower with three heavy rain pear flowers are not a problem.

Coupled with a large number of various types of arrow towers, its output capacity is quite amazing, and the offense of the coalition forces is severely injured under the output of the arrow tower.

These coalitions also found that the arrow tower of [Jiutian Traveling] seemed to be particularly fierce. A tower of arrows shot with arrows, and their troops were all in seconds!

“How can the output of the arrow tower cluster of [Nine Days Traveling]? The range has reached 10 kilometers away! How many additional bonuses can it be so exaggerated!”

“This should be the bonus of tower defense technology. The tower defense technology of [Nine Days Traveling] is definitely very high! At least this is the height of the 20 stars of infinite trials!”

“More than 20 stars in infinite trials! Can you not see the output of the Wan Arrow’s Tower, can you even have a hero! At least this is the height of the 30 stars of infinite trials!”

“How is this! My orange hero is actually under the arrow rain!? He still has a powerful sniper tower? But the sniper tower should not have such a fierce output!”

The coalitions were charged in a round, and they were severely injured and injured under the rain. Their heroes and arms were all in seconds. The cluster of the arrow tower clustered was a mess, far exceeding their expectations.

No matter how the members of the coalition forces, they would not think that [Nine Days Traveling] actually had such a high tower defense technology bonus.

In their imagination, there are twenty -star technology at this stage, which is already the level of the sky. [Nine -day travel] is strong, it should be a 25th star?

But in fact, Wu Feng’s infinite trials reached 45 stars. All his defense towers have reached more than 150%.

The increase in the arrow tower is even higher, after all, he also ordered 2 arrow towers to specialize.

In this case, the defense tower fire encountered by the coalition forces is naturally a mess, completely surpassing their cognition, and belongs to the powerful firepower of the immortal level.

In this case, to break these bases, the coalition forces must pay serious casualties. Numerous elite died on the way to charge.

However, the coalition forces did not give up easily. They also brought a lot of war equipment. Under the firepower of war equipment, the line of defense of several bases was slowly destroyed.

The first floor of the city and the second layer of city walls took five or six hours, and they finally killed near the third floor wall.

“Brothers, the line of defense of [Nine Days Traveling] is just the same. We can immediately open the third layer of defense. At that time, we will destroy this base and we can directly occupy the entire area! At that time, everyone will divide the territory together! ”

“Yes, [Nine Days Traveling] monopolized the entire area. Now that we are expelled from him, we can win the entire area. This is much easier than us to sweep a lot of collars!”

“Both the first line of defense and the second layer of defense were exploded by us, and the third layer of defense could not support it for a long time. The brothers rushed me!”

Because the third floor of the city wall appeared, this is the same as the hope of seeing the third base of the second base.

In this case, all the army gathered densely under the city wall, which is also the result of Wu Feng want to see.

“Harlem, it’s time for you to perform!” Harlem summoned by Wu Feng had a large amount of landmines on the third floor wall.

At this time, the enemies gathered, and Wu Feng directly detonated all the mines. This is a appetizer!

As the mines were detonated, countless troops were sent to the sky, and Harlem detonated all the mines he prepared during this time.

As early as today, Wu Feng summoned a large number of craftsmen to help Harlem make various bombs, which was prepared for now.

The explosion of a large number of mines gave the coalition for great killing. Harlem directly rose to level 3, which shows how terrible his killing enemy was.

The lords of the coalition forces saw that their troops were killed so much by a wave of pit, and they were thinking about blood: “[Nine Days Traveling] This dog said! There are still such tricks! I have lost at least half of the soldiers. ! ”

“When I just attacked the city wall, my troops did not lose so much, [Jiutian Travel] Really damn it!”

“Oh, don’t this prove that [Jiutian Travel] There is nothing to trick! He must have only a wave of mines. We carried it, and he didn’t move!”

“Yes, this trick of [Nine Days Traveling] can only be used once, brothers, follow me again!”

There are many subordinates of the three -eyed tribe dragon guards. They are the backbone of the middle, and they can firmly work with [Nine Days Traveling] to the end.

Even if they lost a lot of troops, they did not retreat at all, but organized manpower to continue the charge.

Someone took the lead, and the coalition forces did not mean to retreat. A large number of subsequent troops were put into the battlefield. Their army had lost about 1/3, but it was still a posture to fight to the end.

As a result, with the continuation of these army, the bases of [Nine Days Traveling] were getting in danger. The third floor wall was finally broken by the coalition forces.

As the third -floor city wall was destroyed, when the coalition was overjoyed, they saw that there was the last line of defense in the base.

It was a black city wall with only one kilometer long in the four directions, but the city wall was extremely strong at first sight, and the years could not leave much traces.

The progress of each region is similar. They all saw this wall, and the leaders of each coalition forces encouraged morale to rush forward.

[Steel Guardian]: “There is also a city wall? But how much defense can such a short city wall be set? As long as we destroy this city wall, we can destroy all the tower and the heavy rain pear tower!”

“Brothers, there is still the last defense left, we must not be abandoned halfway!”

In the 016 Good Area, a dragon guard’s younger brother is responsible for the organization of the coalition forces. The lord named [Steel Guardian], in order to let the army be willing to rush, personally let his orange hero lead the team.

It was just that when the Cavaliers led the team to the black city wall, it was set by many arms on the city walls. I saw that many shooters on the beacon shot one round of shooting, and they would shoot on the spot on the spot.

At this time, the coalition forces could clearly see that many shooters have tall figures, so that their lethality has increased and can easily be orange heroes.

Other war equipment also launched a fierce attack on the Black City Wall. This wave of offensive fell on the black city wall and was blocked by a barrier.

This is the effect of a desperate barrier. The war equipment wants to attack the Nervic Great Wall.

But even the war equipment of the 4th and Five -Tier Demon Legion is extremely difficult to shake the barrier barrier, let alone the lords who have not yet arrived.

[Steel Guardian] Unbelievable face: “That’s a desperate barrier? I have seen it in textbooks! This … is the Great Wall of Despair! How is this possible!”

(This chapter is finished)

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