Chapter 374 The Lord Lord Organization! (1700 vote plus more)

Wu Feng’s epic -level designated hero organization summoning card is prepared for the present. After the upper limit of the members of the organization increases, he will inspire this person to start summoning the members of the Lord.

With Wu Feng’s launching this, a tall white -haired man, his face was cold, and there was a deep scar on his face.

What attracts Wu Feng most is his right hand is a black and red strange hand. This is not like an ordinary human arm, but a ghostly arm.

Compared with the hand of Wu Feng’s upper Cang, it seems normal and mysterious. This arm only exudes the terrible suffocation, as well as a strong cursed atmosphere.

With his appearance, Wu Feng read his hero information clearly, this is an epic hero!

Hero title: Hand of Ghost and God (Epic Hero)

Hero name: Garma Ding Ding

Heroes level: Level 1.

Hero talent: The hand of ghosts and gods (epic talent): Garma has a special arm that seals a powerful ghost and god. This arm can summon ghosts and gods, or the power of ghost gods. At that time, Garma may also be baffled by ghosts and gods.

Ghost Swordsman (Epic Talent): Garma has outstanding swordsmanship talents. He can transform all swordsmanship into a ghost and swordsmanship suitable for himself, so as to have the name of a ghost swordsman. Essence

Curse of Destiny-Tiansha Lone Star (Legendary Talent): Garma is cursed, and as friends, they will be bad. When their friends and loved ones will be temporary, Somon will become stronger.

Heroes: There are no degeneration, soul -eating ghosts, big dark days, and magic gods.

There is no stubborn (seven -star skills): The hand of ghosts and gods has an indestructible force, but various weapons and armor can be destroyed by bare hands. Even if you carry epic weapons, there will be no damage. As your level improves, the hand of ghosts and gods will become more and more powerful.

Soul Eatering Ghost Hand (Eight Star Secrets): Gongboya’s hand of ghosts and gods can absorb the blood of the enemy’s blood to help the host recover the injury and physical strength. When the hand ability, the enemy can be caught in a state of soul loss.

Dark Dark Sky (Nine Star Secrets): Garma can pull the enemy into a special field, the enemy will be completely suppressed, and it will gain excess growth. Draw it to feedback to yourself.

The magic god blood hand (nine -star ban): The hand of ghosts can condense the magic god blood hand to crush the enemy. Pour the hands of ghosts and gods to enhance the power of the magic god blood. The magic god blood hand can also significantly reduce the cooling time of various abilities of ghosts and gods.

Training arms: Ghost Swordsman (Training Conditions: Swordsman above Orange Quality).

Hero identity: Destiny protagonist, hunting demon, night guard.

The attributes of Garma made Wu Feng very surprised. His ability is really rare. The hand of the ghost and god in the epic talent is his terrible right hand.

“Lord of the lord …” After the appearance of Garma, he nodded lightly towards Wu Feng. He was cold, and with this white hair, I am afraid that many ignorant girls would fall at first sight.

Wu Feng is naturally not a ignorant girl. When he saw Somona’s silent, he was too lazy to say something. The newly -destined protagonist made the entire organization’s organization reaching 9 floors.

If you summon a member of the destiny at the epic level or above, this hero organization can reach the 10 -story organization.

In this way, Wu Feng can see what extra bondage effects on the 10th floor of the destiny protagonist.

“Then first hit the third natural disaster fortress, add more the number of organization members, so as not to join this hero organization in the future, and you cannot join this hero organization.”

When Wu Feng saw that everyone was still in the ninety -nine levels of natural disasters, he decisively ordered.

He has confirmed that as long as Jiuqiao Xianshi broke away, Sun Wukong came out from the inside, then he must be a member of the Lord’s protagonist.

In this way, at least he has to leave a place for the monkey brother to have a place of destiny, so that he can directly join in.

The natural disaster fortress of the third level must be taken down. Wu Feng also asked Soma to follow, and he could follow the level together.

[Ding … Xunzheng conquered the Zerg (second level). According to the scale of the territory, he received the conquest reward and received 2,000 terracotta warriors and 3,000 immortal Qin archers! .

[Ding … Zhengzheng conquered the Zerg (second level), triggering the addition of the Xianqin Empire, the conquest reward increased by 170%, obtained 3,400 terracotta warriors, 5100 fairy Qin archers! .

The elder brother first stimulated his own conquest talent, and first summoned a group of terracotta warriors and Xianqin army.

After many troops joined His Majesty, the number of troops in Zhengge’s hands surged, and the grasp of attacking the third undead fortress was even greater.

Teacher Saitama, who has been hanging out, also discovered the hidden building in the Zerg Fortress. As a result, there was a evolutionary blood pool.

Wu Feng moved it out and merged with the evolution blood pool he had already owned.

After completing the strategy of the second Zerg fortress, Wu Feng was ready to attack the third fortress. Before this fortress built by bone, a large number of siege weapons were set up.

The melting fire military factory provided Wu Feng with a large amount of war appliances. After getting enough war appliances, he launched an attack on the third demon fortress.

Wu Feng has discovered the BUG of this copy. Although he could not send it to the heroes and arms to the copy, he could send it to props and war appliances.

Now it is the situation of siege, so Wu Feng used all his war equipment, and a row of melting fire cannons and cannons were opened. With a order, these war equipment began to bombard.

Wu Feng calculated that these war equipment shot together at a time, that is, more than 10 million magic crystals were smashed. This was completely smashing the demon fortress with money.

This is really a cannon rang, gold is two thousand, and fighting is to fight money. Without a little background, you can’t fight such a battle at all.

Compared with his war in the simulation game, it is still the main fight for heroes and soldiers. Now this kind of crazy bombardment is a wealthy battle that has never been fought!

“The enemy in this undead fortress couldn’t come out in the undead fortress? Then give me a fierce fried until the enemy in the undead fortress is solved!”

Wu Feng looked at the time. Several heroes entered the copy and had passed for an hour and a half. During this time, they won two natural disaster fortress.

He doesn’t have to hit the entire starry sky at the ninety -nine levels, and it is good to get four or five fortress.

Therefore, Wu Feng is not in a hurry. He first guarantees the safety of the army under his brother.

Faced with the enemy hiding in the turtle shell, he continued to bomb patience very patiently. The turtle shell was opened sooner or later.

So in the case of full load, Wu Feng’s many war appliances blasted 50 rounds together, and countless artillery shells were smashed.

The opposite person, where does the money come so much, actually bombed crazy as you don’t want money. According to the normal process, shouldn’t it be that after a dozen rounds of the bombing, will you launch an attack?

This group of heroes, this posture is to destroy the undead of the undead! Intersection How many cannonballs are wasted!

The effect of 50 rounds of load bombs has gradually been reflected. With so many firepower bombing, the wall of the Undead Fortress has been damaged by more than two -thirds.

At least a dozen gaps appeared on the city wall, which can be killed from these gaps, and the undead in the city also lost heavy losses.

Although Garma did not kill the enemy directly, he also default to participate in the battle on the battlefield, but only a little experience value that was divided was enough to let him upgrade continuously.

After all, Garma is less than 10 levels, and the upgrade speed is still very fast.

[Ding … the Supreme League killed the hero of the Ling Ling Legion, and obtained 360 -point league experience values based on the hero’s level (fourth -order 120) and quality (orange). .

[Ding … the Supreme Alliance kills the hero of the Ling Ling Legion, and obtains 390 league experience values based on the hero’s level (level 130 level) and quality (orange). .


Through the system prompts, it can be seen that the heroes stationed in the undead fortress are all fourth -order heroes, and the experience value of the alliance given to the alliance has also increased by a grade.

The experience value of the alliance of the screen brushing the screen allows the upgrade progress of the Supreme Alliance, slowly and firmly, and 50 rounds of bombing have killed dozens of undead heroes.

With the specifications of the Dead Legion, this has been more than 60%of the casualties, the city is broken, and the enemy has lost heavy losses. In this case, other lords rushed in, but Wu Feng was still the old god.

“Want to fight me in the alley? This Dead Corps wants to be beautiful! If you don’t come out, I will bombard it until you come out! I want to see if you can carry it, or my wallet can carry it!”

The two natural disaster fortress that Wu Feng had previously conquered, and it was almost a great victorious victory without the power of blowing. The reason for the very low casualties was that he killed most of the enemies in advance.

The third natural disaster fortress is also the same. If the enemy does not come out, it will destroy all of them in the city. Anyway, Wu Feng is the best!

In the first 50 rounds, he had smashed more than 500 million magic crystals. He continued to smash, desperately pouring artillery shells, various meteor meteorites and huge artillery shells continued to fall in the undead fortress. The undead inside was repeatedly baptized. many.

This kind of no -money play is the most powerful way to play the power of war equipment. Anyway, Wu Feng’s magic crystals are drawn out of the resources of the resource.

He has a lot of resources every day, just smashing it hard! Enough money!

After another 30 rounds, the Dead Legion finally couldn’t sit still!

“Little! Rush with me! This group of heroes did not intend to enter the city at all. We must go out to destroy their war appliances, otherwise we will die in the city!”

“We can’t sit here and wait, we must fight hard, and now go out and kill these abominable heroes!”

Under Wu Feng’s gaze, the undead in the undead fortress could not stand out in the end. They emerged from the city madly, and they rushed forward to the fire without fear of death.

The undead sea composed of countless white skeletons is still very bluffed.

Wu Feng also laughed: “Kris, Emperor Shi, these undead finally came to death! Don’t be polite to me, as before, kill them all!”

The Emperor’s Emperor had been impatient for a long time. He moved out of the sword and pointed out the undead. The terracotta warriors and horses and the Xianqin Army were like tigers down the mountain, and the attributes soared.

Kris even broke out of justice. After punching, a group of undead heroes were turned over.

Under this disappearance, the Dead Legion is destined to be overwhelmed, but just see how much casualties will pay for Zheng brother.

The lord of the Dead Legion also led the team to kill it. He was a fourth -order lord with a powerful lethal spell.

Death ripple!

This Lich Lord used the mystery that he had mastered, and could fall into the terracotta warriors, but there was no harm at all, because the terracotta warriors and horses were not a living person to some extent. Hit damage.

He continued to use the death ripples, and still killed some members of the Xianqin Legion. Ke Kelis also looked at him: “The abominable undead, purify me!”

Kris’s golden fist bombarded and killed the fourth -order undead lord. Kris killed the fourth -tier lord, which was almost the same as killing chickens.

[Ding … the Supreme League killed the hero of the Ling Ling Legion, and obtained 360 -point league experience values based on the hero’s level (fourth -order 120) and quality (orange). .

[Ding … the Supreme League kills the hero of the Ling Ling Legion. According to the hero’s level (level 125) and quality (orange), you can get 380 league experience. .

[Ding … the Lord of the Supreme Alliance killed the Ling Ling Legion, and obtained 1,000 league experience values based on the lord’s level (level 125). .


Kris’s punch, the killing hero and the lord of the killing increase, Wu Feng once again enjoyed the benefits of swiping the screen.

He harvested more than 4,000 league experience values. The fourth -order lord and hero, the experience value given is more than the third -order, and the upgrade progress of the Supreme Alliance has reached 80000/10000.

According to this posture, if the difficulty of the later natural disaster fortress increases, the reward will also increase, then Wu Feng has a chance to raise the Supreme League to level 2!

The lava chariot cooperated with other arms to surround the Dead Corps. After 20 minutes, the entire army of the Dead Legion was overwhelmed, and none of the undead heroes could escape.

As countless undead heroes were beheaded, the entire third level, no one could stop them. Wu Feng also led the team to kill the undead fortress. Teacher Saitama was playing with some skeletons and zombies.

“It’s strange that these undeads don’t need to eat, and they can always act. Where does their energy come from?” Teacher Saitama is completely studying the characteristics of various natural disasters.

He pulled down the skeleton’s head, and then settled it, or stepped the zombie under his feet to see if the joint of the zombies was distorted.

Anyway, these undeads are almost the same as toy in his hands. In this case, Teacher Saitama did not even enter the battle state.

Wu Feng did not go to Teacher Guan Saitama, but directly killed the deepest part of the undead fortress and burst the heart of the undead.

[Ding … successfully destroy the heart of the undead, break through the natural disaster fortress (third level), complete the achievement of passers -by, and obtain 8,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully broke the natural disaster fortress (third level), and the third level of the ninety -nine levels of natural disasters, the additional 15,000 points of challenge points, the number of members of the destiny protagonist is +1. .

[Ding … successfully broke the natural disaster fortress (third level), and the third level of the ninety -nine levels of natural disasters. You can get an additional 15,000 league experience. .

The third level announced the customs clearance, and Wu Feng did not rush to kill the fourth level. Several heroes also respected Wu Feng’s decision and directly followed the implementation.

The emperor asked the Majesty Qin Legion to rest. Just when they filled ammunition for the war equipment, Teacher Saitama was like a sensitive hunting dog and found the hidden building of this level.

The building in the undead fortress is still the cemetery of the death. It seems that the type of the same race is easy to hide the type of building.

Anyway, it is also a hidden building of orange quality. Wu Feng directly relocated to the main base. Whether he was used or traded to [two hairy legs], it was good.

In the process of resting, Zheng brother also summoned his Xianqin Legion again! The more you get this level, the more troops he gets.

[Ding … Xunzheng conquered the undead fortress (third level). According to the scale of the territory, he received the conquest reward and received 3,000 terracotta warriors and 4,000 immortal Qin archers! .

[Ding … Zhengzheng conquered the undead fortress (third level), triggering the addition of the Xianqin Empire, the conquest reward increased by 170%, obtained 5,100 terracotta warriors, 6,800 Xianqin archer! .

In a wave, Zheng Ge won tens of thousands of powerful arms. He lost a total of thousands of people in the third level, and there were thousands of people. This wave could directly increase his members of the Legion to increase, and it was simply outrageous.

Under normal circumstances, to attack these fortresses, it must be suffered heavy losses.

However, Wu Feng used the method of spreading coins, that is, to use money to change troops. This is the way Wu Feng chose more magic crystals and less troops.

“Lord, we can start attacking the fourth fortress! My army is enough to sweep the enemy!” Zheng brother begged Wu Feng with confidence.

Looking at the more army, Wu Feng also agreed with his request, so the Xianqin Legion dispatched again.

As the rows of war equipment came to the fourth natural disaster fortress in turn, the tragic war was about to kick off.

This natural disaster fortress turned into a devil fortress. The demon inside was a lot higher than the first fortress.

However, many war tools are constantly bombarding, which is enough to explode this devil fortress. Wu Feng decided, and it was a big deal.

At this time, the Demon Fortress also had other movements. I saw that with a loud noise, countless stone ghosts flew out of the devil fortress.

This flying creature can avoid artillery fire, such as lava war vehicles and lava cannons, which cannot attack the stone statue at all.

Moreover, moving slow lava cast stones, lava cannons and other war appliances, and the most afraid of this fast -closer flying enemy. When the stone statue of the mountains all over the mountains, Wu Feng quickly let the Xianqin Legion cover many war appliances. Get rush.

Fortunately, there are twelve golden men and mountain god soldiers on Wu Feng. They are huge and giant, which is enough to grab these war appliances away, which can greatly speed up the movement of war equipment.

The lava war vehicle does not need to move. They only need to move the stone car and the giant artillery.

“Lead these stone statues to the Nervic Great Wall, they dare to come and kill me all!”

Wu Feng did not expect that the enemy in the fourth level actually had so many stone ghosts. This special existence was similar to the magic puppet, and it was once the creation of engineering.

But later a master of engineering betrayed his soul to the demon and transformed his best stone statue as a creature of the half demon puppet and half demon.

The demons can use special methods to make a large number of stone statues. This cheap and easy -to -use cannon fodder arms has become the favorite cannon fodder of the abyss demon.

Today, in the fourth demon fortress, there are a lot of stone ghosts. Their primary goal is the following stone car and cannon, which solves these war equipment, and the Xian Qin army is not threatened to the Demon Fortress.

When Wu Feng saw the situation very fast, he directly returned the war appliances. With the cover of Kris and Fengyun, the war appliances quickly entered the scope of protection of the Great Wall.

In this case, the stone statue ghosts still kept chasing all the way. Naturally, Wu Feng would not be polite to them. He deliberately asked the war appliances to bait and seduced the scope of the stone statue ghost into the desperate barrier.

The stone statues do not know that they have penetrated into the most dangerous places. These dark creatures rushed to war appliances against the firepower of the Xian Qin army.

The war equipment is the same as the city armor, but it is not so fragile. The stone statues are constantly being killed by artillery, but they are still successful. The war equipment is like a honeycomb full of bee.

In this way, the ants bite more, and the war appliances will be destroyed by the stone statues sooner or later.

Seeing that the durability of war appliances dropped nearly half, and most of the stone statues have penetrated into the desperate barrier area, Wu Fengguo broke the barriers to the air!

With the inbound space, the stone ghosts who had dancing in the sky were all smashed down like stones.

Like the flying devils such as the Eagle Devils, the stone statue ghost could not fight against the power of the inhabitant field at all. One of the stone statues in the sky was clear, and even the sky was cleaned a lot.

The inhabitant field can distinguish between the enemy, the stone ghosts fell, and Kris could still fly.

The former Nervic Great Wall relies on this ability to allow the lord’s air army to crush the natural disaster alien. Now the banned fields are re -entered. Anyone where the Naval Great Wall is located, the natural disaster alien wants to do whatever he wants!

The sky in Wu Feng’s leading ground is not a place where natural disasters are scattered!

“Kris, the emperor, and the chance of harvesting! Fengyun also gave me crazy output! Drain all these stone ghosts!”

Wu Feng greeted him, and the emperor immediately commanded the Xian Qin Dajun to go back to output the stone ghost army. These stone ghosts, like the hawk demon, were stuck by the barrier, and could only become the lamb to be slaughtered.

Xian Qin’s army seized the opportunity and killed a stone ghost. This is all enemies of more than fourth -tier. The experience and rewards of the off -order killing are very rich.

This kind of impossible to resist is very rare. The Xian Qin army screamed one by one, and a stone ghost was exploded one after another.

[Ding … the Supreme League killed the hero of the Double Ghost Legion, and obtained 560 league experience values according to the hero’s level (fourth -order 140) and quality (orange). .

[Ding … the Supreme League killed the hero of the Double Ghost Legion, and obtained 580 league experience values according to the hero’s level (fourth -order 145) and quality (orange). .


Through the killing record, Wu Feng knew the enemy’s legion number. The two ghosts were different from the ordinary demon legion. They could have a special legion name, which was very powerful.

Unfortunately, they met Wu Feng and his strong heroes. Now the two ghosts are overcast by Wu Feng, and the loss can be described as extremely heavy!

“Very good, wait for this legion to destroy, the progress of the league upgrade can be improved. The fourth -order hero and lord will give the alliance experience value.”

Wu Feng was thinking that the Demon Fortress rushed out of a group of ground troops, which was a dark demon with a strange luster like a graphite.

This is exactly the soul -eating ghost among the two ghosts of heaven and earth!

Two ghosts of heaven and earth are the names of the lords on stone ghosts and soul -eater ghosts. These two special monsters are cannon fodder that the devils can produce.

They are still very powerful, there are many, fast speed, and strong aggressiveness. The fighting with them has always caused the fire to cause trouble to the enemy by the way.

On many battlefields, there are two ghosts of heaven and earth, and the enemy has to waste some energy on the two ghosts of the world, and the demons can take the opportunity to find opportunities.

When Wu Feng encountered the invasion of the demon leader in the simulation game, he had suffered a lot of losses in the heavens and the earth.

Now that the demon lord he encountered, there is no strong one who has four levels, and he has not encountered two ghosts of heaven and earth.

Now Shi Xianggui has just ate a lot in front of the desperate barrier, and the soul -eating ghost rushed out again. This fast demon running on the ground, his limbs, rushed towards the Xian Qin army like a evil dog.

Wu Feng had long been prepared for this. He greeted him: “The emperor started, and used the chariot to give me a fierce bombardment, so that these soul -eating ghosts knew us!”

As he ordered, all Xian Qin army began to launch a giant cannon on the chariot, and there was a chariot protected. They did not have to worry about the attack of the soul -eating ghost.

After seeing the soul -eating ghost rushing to the chariot, he started a crazy bite. Generally speaking, the troops that were close to the soul -eating ghost would fall into a certain chaos.

The soul -eating ghost’s ability to rush is very strong, but they have encountered a strange fetus, because Wu Feng prepared a large number of steel chariot for Xian Qin army.

After Wu Feng had previously obtained the lava arsenal, he has always filled the production capacity of the arsenal, and produced a large number of lava war vehicles every day.

When the number of chariots reached a certain scale, it was almost invincible on the battlefield, and even many Cavaliers’ legions could not shake the Championship Army.

Almost all of the shooters in the Xianqin Army are in the chariot. The sharp and sharp minions of the soul -eating ghosts seemed a little stretched in front of the steel chariot.

Their attacks, wanting to break the city armor, it is too embarrassed. Although their attack speed is fast, they can only slowly fight the car.

At this moment, Wu Feng also retreated, let Xian Qin army bring the soul -eating ghost unit to the firepower range of the Great Wall.

When the many cannons of the meteorite turret fired together, the soul -eating ghosts were aggressive because they were covered with amazing firepower.

The firepower of various cannons was simply smashed on them, and the soul -eating ghost was immediately lost.

They were all bombarded by various attacks, and the soul -eating ghosts were also suffering heavy losses. The mechanical legion and urban defense could only be beaten passively.

It can be said that Wu Feng used this trick to attract the king into the puppet and play, and played the siege battle into a defending city war.

When the Two Ghosts wanted to escape, Wu Feng immediately chased out and immediately killed the heaven and earth. One of the heads of the regiment, that is, a stone statue ghost leader.

[Ding … the Supreme League killed the Lord of the Demon Legion, and obtained 1160 league experience values according to the lord’s level (level 145). .

“Lord Lord, I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of double ghosts in the Demon Fortress of the fourth level, so how do we operate?”

When Kris saw this wave of victory, her mood was inspiring, and she also reminded the fourth level to be played yet, and the enemy still has the remaining strength.

Wu Feng naturally saw this. He just killed one of the heads of the Double Ghost Legion just now, but the two -ghost legion, there should be a lord who has not shot yet, and there are still many heaven and earth. Senate.

With the difficulty of the fourth level, its city defense is not weak, and the enemy can also defend according to city defense in the city, and the difficulty to attack is not small.

Wu Feng was not in a hurry: “Then we slowly removed their turtle shells. In the longest range, I gave me a fierce blast, just like the third level, forcing them to come out!”

Relying on a trick to attract the monarch, Wu Feng has fiercely pitted the enemy. He estimates that the enemy will not dare to attack again. This is also easy to handle, just use the method of breaking the third level.

His war equipment and tackling ability are top -level. Whether the enemy hides inside or comes out, Wu Feng can have an advantage.

The most important confidence is that behind him is the Great Wall of Despair. If it wasn’t for the Nervic Great Wall, he had long pushed the Nervic Great Wall to crushes the devil fortress.

Now he is playing against the Great Wall and playing tactics fiercely!

When he heard Wu Feng’s instructions, the emperor smiled. The lord was really rational and did not rush into the city to kill the Quartet, but pushed steadily.

As long as this method is used, they are invincible!

Therefore, under the command of the Emperor, many war machines were put on a word in the periphery of the fourth level, and weapons that could be farther than the torch of the city’s anti -artillery began to bombard the devil fortress. What was fighting was a bullying person.

The lava cannon and the lava bombing were bombarded together, and Kris also arrogantly flew to the devil fortress, and began to bombard the devil fortress.

Generally speaking, in the absence of stone ghosts, few air units dare to attack such arrogant, but Kirisi did this.

She is not afraid of killing the enemy. As long as she dares, she will explode the enemy. If there are too many quantities, she will shrink into the desperate barrier, and the enemy can only stare!

The desperate barrier is equivalent to Wu Feng’s security zone. The enemy dares not come in. His heroes are on the edge of the security zone. They also play the enemy to death!

With the bombing of a round of rounds, the enemies in the devil’s fortress suffered huge losses, and various urban defense was also dropped one by one, which was completely chronic death!

Now the other head of the Double Ghost Legion is in a state of tangled, rush out, that is, the city of the Great Wall.

If you don’t rush out, you will be suppressed by the enemy in the city. How to play is the rhythm of vain. When did the Double Ghost Legion have eaten such a loss!

So after more than half an hour of bombing, the Double Ghost Legion finally couldn’t support it. They rushed out to prepare for a dead battle. Wu Feng even found that the enemy also sent a troops to cut directly to the back of the Xianling Corps. One copy.

But this part of the troops are within the range of the meteorite turret, and Wu Feng immediately invited them to eat a round of artillery baptism!

On each natural disaster fortress, Wu Feng built a 10 -kilometer despair Great Wall. Three fortresses, a total of three meteoritic turrets.

The meteorite turret on the Great Wall can be moved. Wu Feng concentrated the three meteoritic turrets on the third fortress. When the enemy rushed over, the three meteorite turrets could fire together!

So many epic -level defensive tower directly pushed this wave of copied troops to the wounds and injuries, which could not be threatened at all.

In fact, Wu Feng can also “send” the defense tower in the territory into the copy, but the current firepower of the meteorite turret is sufficient, and he is not in a hurry to operate.

In turn, Wu Feng used the war equipment to intercept the back road of the city troops, and Kris also found another head of the Double Ghost Legion.

“This is reasonable. The two ghost legions, no matter which side is the head of the army, the other party must not accept it, then it can only be the head of the double army.”

“It seems that this legion should be merged by the two legions. This form of legion is relatively rare.”

Wu Feng nodded secretly, and Kris didn’t beep, so he opened it directly. A golden fist killed the fourth -order lord.

[Ding … the Supreme League killed the Lord of the Demon Legion, and obtained 1160 league experience values according to the lord’s level (level 145). .

“Another fourth -order demon leader, the bodies of lords above the third order are equivalent to the legendary BOSS. There are two corpses of the fourth -order lords here.”

“After the battle is over, all thrown into the evolutionary blood pool, don’t waste one!” Wu Feng’s very “diligence and frugality”, he specifically instructed Kris.

Kris grabbed the tattered corpse by her punch, and she shook her head: “Lord, how can you want this kind of tattered? Our territory is not so poor.”

Wu Feng was speechless by Kris, what is called tattered, which is also the body of the fourth -order lord! Why is it rotten?

And Zheng Ge immediately organized a man to clean the battlefield after the battle. In his eyes, there was no suspense in this battle.

“A drum fell down the devil fortress! The defenders in the Demon Fortress could not stay!” After Wu Feng issued an order, Kris first flew over the Demon Fortress.

Although this female superman often talks to Wu Feng, she will still faithfully execute Wu Feng’s order.

The fourth level of the devil fortress is even more magnificent, but now that the two -ghost army is destroyed, the remaining defenders are not enough.

Carlece still used the magical gloves. In the Devil Fortress, there was a shot of the heavenly fist. This extremely powerful punch smashed into the Demon Fortress.

In the end, the defendant did not roll over any storms at all, and was completely wiped out by the Xian Qin army. The devil fortress was also won by Wu Feng.

[Ding … successfully destroy the devil’s heart, break through the natural disaster fortress (fourth level), complete the achievement of passers -by, and obtain 10,000 points of hunting points. .

[Ding … successfully broke the natural disaster fortress (fourth level), and the fourth level of the ninety -nine levels of natural disasters. You can get an additional 20,000 challenge points, and the number of members of the destiny protagonist is +1. .

[Ding … successfully broke the natural disaster fortress (fourth level), and the fourth level of the ninety -nine levels of natural disasters. You can get an additional 20,000 -point league experience value. .

As the fourth level was won, Wu Feng’s spirit was shocked. When he saw the experience value of the 20,000 -point league, he directly raised his Supreme League to level 2!

“The alliance upgrade, then I can recruit more members of the alliance. This copy is really my blessing!”

(This chapter is finished)

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