Chapter 359 The Bird Fighter (1100 monthly vote plus more)

In the north of the 032 area, there are regions 022, and the south is the 042 region. When Wu Feng used the hands of the gods yesterday, he thought of using this recruitment to suppress the Zerg mother’s nest in the area 022 to open up two regions. Essence

Wu Feng came to the No. 022 area to ensure that this area could be played before the war.

The farther the battlefield of the dominance alliance and the Supreme Alliance, the better the farther the base base, and the better the better than the enemy’s main base.

Wu Feng wants to open the battlefield in the 021 or 012 region at the beginning of the war. Both sides are now grabbing progress.

So after the Three Kingdoms generals entered the No. 022 area, Wu Feng also directly allowed the void virtual shadow to cooperate with them to use the tower to prevent the Rush tactics to accelerate the battle.

The all kinds of random natural disasters of Aurora will also be used for the 022 region, which clearly clear the lords in this area.

After setting up the tone, Wu Feng made all kinds of preparation for this, and resources, troops, etc. need to be mobilized in advance.

If you observe the situation in the leader of the big brother, it must be madly mobilizing resources. After Wu Feng considered it, he was ready to launch a rapid attack on the Termer Alliance in the last period of today.

First disrupt the arrangement of the big brother and slow down the speed of his expansion. Wu Feng also silently did the attack that the big brother might launch.

Both sides have entered the preparations before the war, and what methods are possible to use.

Just when Wu Feng was preparing, Su Mu suddenly found Wu Feng: “Xiao Feng, I heard that you have established a god -level alliance?”

Wu Feng nodded: “Yes, the god -level alliance I established yesterday, when I rose at the time, I took the name of the Supreme Alliance.”

“I didn’t expect this name to be so particular about it, and accidentally exposed the secrets of my god -level league.”

Wu Feng said that he was accidentally exposed, but he was still very proud.

God -level alliance, that is already the top league, and this is the most solid step.

Su Mu said with a smile: “Then congratulations, the leader of the God -level Alliance, this status is different.”

“There is nothing to preach the god -level alliance. You have passed the stuff of getting rich. Now you are the giant shark in the bath pool. Even if you conceal it, your volume cannot be concealed.”

“And the news that you establish a god -level alliance will also help you gather a group of genius lords. With the banner of the God -level Alliance, there will definitely be countless lords want to join.”

Su Mu’s two words let Wu Feng dispel doubts. Su Mu said well. His volume, in the Tiangu No. 012, is obvious to all.

He can’t hide his strength. It is better to show part of it. While deterring some enemies, he can also attract the genius lords to vote.

At this time, Su Mu was in a very good mood. Wu Feng remembered the news that Zhu Biyu and him said: “Sister Su Mu, I heard that you have been crowned as overlord? That is really congratulations!”

Su Mu completed the sweeping of the heavenly domain in the final stage of the Golden Novice period, and her alliance occupied more than 50%of the territory of the sky.

In this case, Su Mu officially became the hegemon of the sky after three days of preparation procedures!

Such a young hegemon, that is a big news!

Presumably during this time, the news of Long Kingdom will be the various introductions of the new hegemon. Su Mu’s status in the heavenly group will definitely be rising.

In this case, Su Mu took the initiative to contact Wu Feng, and his sister’s thoughts had been revealed.

Facing the younger sister -in -law, Wu Feng made up his mind. The identity of the league -level alliance seemed to be not enough. Be sure to work harder. At least you must have a big lord status to talk to the school sister to talk to sit up. Nympho

Su Mu suddenly said: “By the way, the guide suddenly found me, saying that you have met the conditions, you can officially join the heavenly group, you can return to the safe zone in the past two days to go through the procedures.”

“You have established a god -level alliance. The heavenly group is very happy. At that time, you may want to talk to you with some of the Heavenly Group reserve to see if they are willing to join your alliance.”

Su Mu suddenly explained the goal of the heavenly group. This is the opportunity to let Wu Feng turn right and let him expand a wave!

If there is a heavenly group reserve, he does not want to create an alliance by himself, you can join Wu Feng’s god -level alliance. At that time, Wu Feng’s god -level alliance can add a lot of powerful talented genius lords.

The preparatory of the heavenly group can quickly get the blessing of the God -level Alliance!

Thinking of this, Wu Feng nodded: “There are still some things in my territory to arrange. After finishing it, I will go to Aoye.”

Thinking of the ID of [Grand Protestyle Naisye], Wu Feng smiled secretly. The guide impressed Wu Feng very well, and he was willing to formally join the heavenly group.

At that time, the internal resources of the heaven are used, and his development speed can be faster.

After Su Mu talked with Wu Feng, he hung up the communication, and Wu Feng opened the group of the heavenly group for reserve, and rarely spoke in it.

[Jiutian Travel]: “I haven’t seen me for a few days, do the brothers miss me!”

Unexpectedly, after Wu Feng spoke, the group first silently silent, and a few old friends immediately jumped out.

[Liu Shen here]: “I wipe it! It’s a nine -day traveler! You finally think of our group of brothers, big guys, please drink tea!”

[If You Are the One]: “I just stun the legs for the big guy. Do you still miss the pendant in the legs of the big guy? I can be a piece of pendant on your leg and leave me a place.”

[Chinese Beauty]: “[Nine Days Travel] The big guy is far exceeding our grade. Seeing the Lord of the League, I do n’t know if the Lord Lord needs to be a member of me.

[Two hairy legs]: “Big guy’s bully!”

[I am not the skin of Gua Pi] Finally, I twisted the blessing of Dao congratulatory: “[[Nine Days Traveling] The big guy is too good!”

The appearance of Wu Feng made a boil in the group. In addition to the four people including [Liu Shen here], others were not the lords of the sky and Wu Feng.

Among them, they have known that Wu Feng will soon become the official member of the heavenly group!

The leader of the God -level Alliance has this qualification.

After being mad, Wu Feng smiled slightly: “I’m sorry, I was busy with various affairs during this time, and I didn’t have time to chat in the group. I’m sorry everyone.”

Seeing that Wu Feng did not set up a shelf because of the establishment of a god -level alliance, [Liu Shen here] Several people were very happy, and they sent private messages.

[Chinese Beauty] The most direct and active: “Big guys, do you still have vacancy in your god -level league? Although you and you are not in the same country, I can move to your country at any time. Will you accept me as a member. ”

The beauty lord went directly to the theme and wanted to join the Supreme League.

Before Wu Feng spoke in the group’s reserve group in the heavenly group, several people did not know Wu Feng’s thoughts, and they did not speak rashly.

Now seeing the tone of Wu Feng’s speech, he knows that he has such a intention, and several people have boldly issued an application.

Several of them are reserve members who have no background forces, either to create an alliance by themselves, or they will join other alliances.

Now there are opportunities to join the God -level Alliance in front of them, they naturally have issued applications.

[Liu Shen here]: “Nine days of traveling! You can’t forget my brother! I also want to apply for the league of the big guy. If you are full, can you see that you can make a team?”

[If you are the one, you are not disturbed]: “Big guy, I am the first one who is quite a leg pendant. When I was in trouble, let me rank in front of Liu Shen, thank you.”

[Liu Shen here] After learning about it, he scolded immediately [If You Are the One, “:” If you are not sincerity, do you actually say to the big brother? What about the good brother? You just cut into line? ”

[If you are not at sincer, you are disturbed] Hyhholy answered: “Liu Shen, do you want me to insert you in front of you, or do you insert behind you?”

[Liu Shen here] After thinking about it, it seemed wrong after inserting him, but it was not in front of him, wouldn’t it make the dog’s day take advantage, two live treasures immediately argued.

[Two Mao Legs] I also found Wu Feng: “Big guy’ s bully! Can the big guy bring me a bull and pen together? ”

Seeing a few people issued an application, Wu Feng thought about it and agreed with their application, because they were all genius lords, and some of them could also rush to the top of the list when they started from scratch.

Wu Feng speculates that their lord’s talent is not bad, and it has been exposed to the group for a long time in the group. The character and character have a certain understanding. When Wu Feng is going to expand the alliance, pulling them into the league is a good choice. Essence

[Jiutian Travel]: “You are lucky. My alliance still has a vacant position now. You can add you up, but after you enter, you can only join the alliance after reserve, you need to test it.”

“You don’t need to relocate the territory, just develop well in your own territory.”

So Wu Feng pulled them into the Supreme Alliance and let them start from reserve.

[Liu Shen is here] He was so excited that he did not expect that they really joined the Supreme Alliance smoothly. This is a mythical alliance!

They can go outside for a year! Members of the myth alliance, it is extremely glorious, and at the same time, it also represents extremely huge benefits.

At the same time, Wu Feng also let [Jianghu Old Iron] and [King of Four Seas] officially turned right, and their identities also got rid of the reserve.

The newly added four people were pulled into the Supreme Alliance and joined the internal group of the league.

[The King of Four Seas], who was just promoted to a formal member: “The newcomers are here! Please follow the rules of the newcomer, Bao Zhao, send a red envelope!”

[Liu Shen here] Seeing [the King of Four Seas], thinking of his identity, I did not expect that there was a son of the master in the league.

[Jianghu Old Iron] Also spoke: “Yes, the newcomers are coming, remember Bao Zhao! Our alliance is a handsome guy and beauty, the face is not available, I am afraid that you can’t pass the positive assessment!”

The other four did not know that the so -called newcomer rules were a helping project of everyone. They thought they really had this request, and they quickly sent their photos and sent a red envelope.

Seeing the group in the group suddenly became lively, Wu Feng nodded secretly, and everyone could get along well. It was naturally the best.

[Liu Shen here] After seeing the characteristics of the league, they were surprised, and they would jump up happily.

[Liu Shen here] with the legendary hero, after obtaining the characteristics of Wushuang God, immediately determined his legendary hero as a general.

He won an epic heroine and rushed directly into the heroes of the hero. In the country, it is a well -deserved first.

[Liu Shen here] “It’s too fierce! It’s too fierce! Lord Lord, after joining the alliance, my overall review score can be doubled!”

Others also have the same feelings. Wushuang God will add the two characteristics of chaos city defense. Whether it is a hero, or the leader of the Dao Dao, you can get huge benefits.

In particular, [Chinese Beauty] The lord of this balanced development is equivalent to the comprehensive enhancement of heroes and defense towers, and her strength has improved the most obvious.

[Chinese Beauty] It is extremely shocking. Finally, I know why so many people have to join the God -level Alliance.

After joining the league, let her work less for a few months!

Now [Chinese Beauty] has the combat power that he can only achieve after a few months. The new epic hero and epic defense tower can allow her to occupy the entire area.

After the four of them joined, the total score of Wu Feng’s Supreme Alliance rose to 12 million. This score has been rising, and the speed is beyond imagination.

The number of alliances also reached 15/20, and five people recruited five people, and the number of alliances was full.

However, Wu Feng still maintains the style of Ning Que. To join his alliance, at least it is the level of the heavenly group reserve.

If it is too weak lord, Wu Feng will not have the opportunity to prepare for reserve.

Like [Chinese Beauty], [Liu Shen here], and several people, they do have relatively strong talents. Among them, [Chinese Beauty] and [Two Mao Legs] are the talents of legendary lords.

[Liu Shen here] and [If You Are the One] Two live treasures are the talent of the orange lord, which is also a very good talent among the lords.

The legendary talent of [Chinese Beauty] is called a heroine. This talent can add female heroes to increase the full attributes of all female heroes and arms by 150%, and improve the quality of the first level.

This talent for this allows [Chinese Beauty] to focus on female heroes. Now the territory of [Chinese Beauty] is a lady.

Although it is a lady army, the troops of [Chinese Beauty] have a strong combat power and can sweep the surrounding lords.

She did not focus on being a hero, and the defense tower in the territory was also developed very well. Among the newly added people, she was the best talent.

The lord talent of [two hairy legs] is called extreme challenge. His talent is very special. After completing the challenge or task, he can get double task rewards and an additional reward through corresponding challenges and tasks.

For example, if he uses a perfect challenge order and completes the challenge, he can get double challenges and get an additional perfect prop.

And if he completes the perfect task, he can also get double task rewards and additional props, what level of tasks, what level of extra props.

It’s just that this talent can only get legendary rewards. If there are enough legendary challenges or tasks to complete, this talent can evolve!

This allows [two hairy legs] to find ways to collect various challenge orders, and then find tasks everywhere.

His minds are all on this, and there are many accumulated resources in the territory. Legendary heroes and legendary defense towers are available.

Now that the two characteristics of Wushuang God and Chaos City Defense, the heroes and defensive towers in his territory have suddenly increased by a level.

To complete the legendary challenge, it is easier.

“Mao Leg, your talent, if you evolve into epic talents as soon as possible, that is takeoff! I have many legendary challenge orders here, which can be sold to you.”

After Wu Feng looked at the talent of [Two Mao Legs], he felt that his potential was huge.

The talent of [Two Mao Legs], as long as you work hard, you can get a lot of legendary props every day. Under the accumulation of less, the strength improvement must be fast!

[Two hair legs] At this time, he is inspiring your strength to improve your strength at this time: “Really?

“My previous strength, it is still difficult to complete the legendary challenge. It is a legendary BOSS in the challenge. It often makes chickens flying dogs in the territory and even suffered major losses.”

“Now that there are epic heroes and defense towers, it is easier to complete the legendary challenge. How many legendary challenges do you have in alliance leaders, I buy how much.”

Wu Feng gave the [two hairy legs] a discount price: “You only need to pay a part of the money, other expenditures, let’s go out from the rewards you get an additional, we can do it three or seven.”

According to the legendary challenge order, Wu Feng had previously received a lot of. Because Ophara’s upgrade will cause natural disasters, the difficulty is higher than the legendary challenge, and it will also reward the challenge order.

Wu Feng rarely uses the challenge order. Now [two hairy legs] have demand and can get additional legendary props rewards. Wu Feng has integrated the challenge order at hand and is sold to [two hairy legs] to [two hairy legs] Essence

Hearing Wu Feng’s arrangement, [two hair legs] immediately agreed. He handed over the resources of his resource at hand to Wu Feng, in exchange for 6 legendary challenge orders and dozens of orange challenge orders.

“League Lord Niu Bi! You give me a high -level challenge order, more than I have seen!”

[Two hair legs] It was also shocked by Wu Feng’s heritage, and he actually got so many challenges of orange quality!

Wu Feng smiled indifferently. This is naturally a piece of props. One of them is in the soul, and he can easily produce orange items and legendary items.

Naturally, the challenges are a lot, which is enough to make [two hair legs] digesting for a while.

The challenge order in the future can be handed over to [two hairy legs], and even Wu Feng is still thinking about whether it should give [two hair legs] to make a high -end tavern.

Then he finished the missionary mission in the future, and he can also have double task rewards, and it is easier to get the hero call scroll.

Today, in the territory of [two hairy legs], there is a purple -quality tavern. He rely on the mission of the tavern to earn a lot of hero call scrolls.

“There is [Red Dust · Yu Yan]. In the future, you can always replace the building evolutionary card. At that time, you can help [two hairy legs] evolve his tavern.”

“At that time, [two hairy legs] can help me produce hero call scrolls!”

Wu Feng saw that there were 10 purple hero summon scrolls in the things that changed the challenge order with him. His positioning of [Two Mao Legs] was to make more challenges and tasks to help him supplement the hero summon scroll. Essence

[Liu is here], [If You Are the One] and [Chinese Beauty], they can also get the welfare of the league and begin to develop at full speed.

After dealing with the affairs of the new members, Wu Feng also received a private message from [I am not a Gui Pi]. The son -in -law of the big lord, the private letter to Wu Feng was not the matter to join the Supreme Alliance.

Because [I am not Gua Pi] he is also a official member of the Fortune 500 Alliance, and he represents the Uranus League.

[I am not a Gua Pi]: “Nine days traveling a big brother, congratulations to the establishment of a god -level alliance again. I am commissioned by the chairman of the alliance to talk to you about alliances.”

“I am a member of the Uranus Alliance. Our Uranus Alliance is currently ranked 439th in the league list. Are you willing to build an alliance relationship with our Uranus Alliance?”

The alliance between the alliance is actually a strategic cooperation relationship. The two sides can benefit and trust each other. If there is a special allies contract, it can also form the coalition forces to deal with other alliances.

Now that [I am not a Gua Pi] representing the Uranus Alliance, it should just talk about oral cooperation, and then slowly deepen cooperation in the future.

After Wu Feng established the Supreme Alliance, many alliances have already wanted to contact him to talk about alliances. The Supreme Alliance will definitely rise rapidly on the 799th abyss.

If the sub -alliance established on the 799th floor, if you reached a cooperation with them, you don’t have to worry about being swept by the Supreme Alliance.

Wu Feng feels that this is how to talk about the attitude of the cooperation. [Civil Engineering], the comparison, let himself compensate him, makes it as if he is going to end the civilian alliance. That is really too big!

“Yes, our two alliances can all be an alliance. In the future, there will be a chance, we can contact more.” Wu Feng agreed to the application of [I am not Guaipi].

The second -generation lord was overjoyed. He was also an important task that he had completed the leader and he could get a batch of resources in the league.

In the group’s reserve group in the heavenly group, Wu Feng has completed his goal. At that time, he will look back at the safe zone. After going to the heavenly group, what will happen?

At this moment, [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] took the initiative to contact Wu Feng: “[Nine Days Traveling], I have sorted out the resources you want, we can trade.”

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] is always very simple and clear. Wu Feng smiled slightly, and he also started to trade very much.

After sending the legendary lord crystal to the other party, Wu Feng also received many treasure chest keys and summon scrolls sent by [Hongchen · Fei Xuan].

This time, Wu Feng can take a good wave today!

Just when [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] wanted to hang up with a private message, Wu Feng suddenly said: “This time, your Fox Tail tribe should organize a wave of indigenous leaders to come in.”

“Then your resources can add another wave, it is better to do another transaction …”

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] When she heard Wu Feng’s words, she was curious, [Jiutian Travel] Guess that they would let people take the team to enter the 799th floor. Let more people come in.

However, the transaction mentioned in [Nine Days Traveling] made [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] move: “What kind of transactions do you want to do? Do you have a legendary lord crystal?”

Wu Feng waved his hand: “I can’t take out another legendary lord crystal …”

When [Red Chen Fei Xuan] showed disappointment, Wu Feng made up: “But I have an epic lord crystal, I wonder if your Fox Tail tribe can eat it?”

Hearing Wu Feng’s words, [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] was suddenly rushed from the bottom of the valley to the peak, and she was very calm for a while.

With this level of lord Crystal, the sister Wu Yan can also come in!

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] was crushed by the screenshot sent by Wu Feng. He took the epic leader Crystal Crystal: “Or that sentence, can you eat it?”

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] Since showing her urgent needs, she is already underneath. She doesn’t care about this. Even if she buys more expensive, as long as she can get epic lord crystals, it is worth it.

So after passing the big guy behind him, [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] gave Wu Feng replied: “Say, how many things do you want, as long as the price is not too outrageous, we all talk about it.”

Wu Feng nodded. The two sides have already had a basis for cooperation, and they cooperate again. It is better to talk about it. Wu Feng probably knows where the bottom line of the Fox Tail tribe is.

He thought about it, and he turned eight times at the price of the legendary lord crystal, but this time he mainly wanted the resource crystal, countless resource crystals!

Wu Feng wants to open a large number of magic crystals, strive to extend the desperate Great Wall to more than 100 kilometers, and at the same time open the rich list!

So Wu Feng opened 300,000 resource crystals at all levels, plus 10,000 treasure chest keys, and 8,000 summoned scroll requirements. By the way, the Alliance of the Fox Tail was required to form an alliance with the Supreme Alliance in the future.

After getting the price of Wu Feng, [Hongchen Feixuan] did not cut the price, and agreed decisively.

First, Wu Feng did not mean to slaughter pigs. After all, the price of the opening was fair, and he did not want too many advanced props to allow ordinary indigenous lords to bring so many resource packages.

The second is the epic -level lord crystal, which is indeed the seller’s market. If she does not want to sell it, it is difficult for her to find other sellers.

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] The epic -level lord crystal used when he came in was the one he got before his dear.

Even the adults may not be able to get epic lord crystals.

“Okay, our conditions, we all agreed, we will raise resources. At that time, it is the same as now. How do you pay for one hand and pay in one hand?”

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] After promising the conditions quickly, Wu Feng felt more and more decisive, and he had the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

After hanging up the private message with [Hongchen · Fei Xuan], Wu Feng can also work hard on the construction of the territory. Now he concentrates on the construction of resources, that is, various war equipment.

The two most important combat power of Wu Feng is the city of the sky and the Tiangong battleship. The progress of the city of the sky is already over half, which is much faster than he expected.

From the beginning to the present, four days have passed, there should be less than three days, the city of the sky can be built, and then it will be able to participate in the war!

As for the Heavenly Palace battleship, because the production line of the sky warship is to be built first, the speed will be slightly slower, but because the construction of the sky warship is a bit smaller than the city of the sky.

That day, the palace warships are expected to only build a little later than the Sky City. At that time, there will be the strongest legion of the Sky City and the Tiangong battleship, which is enough to help Wu Feng sweep the enemy.

“Lord, the bird fighter has completed the debugging of the production line. The first bird fighter is about to be released. Are you going to see it?”

Wu Feng thought of the bird’s fighter, and he was hot in his heart. This was the product of epic technology, and he had to take a good look.

When he thought of it, Wu Feng immediately passed to the mechanical base and saw the bird production line that was being stunned.

The production line of mechanical civilization cannot be made by the sound. Wu Feng is already used to it. He quietly watched a huge fighter aircraft being assembled in the production line.

When the final cockpit was put into the bird fighter aircraft, this extremely gorgeous fighter was released.

As the name of the bird fighter, it has a very handsome streamlined body. The shape of the entire fighter is like a bird with high wings flying high. The paint is composed of gold, red and black, highlighting a sense of technology.

This fighter is an epic fighter with a powerful power and fire system. Its lethality can be equivalent to about 1/4 of the epic defense tower.

This lethality is already very fierce, but the bird fighter can tell mobile or even shuttle in the void. This is the defensive tower of mobile!

“Lord, I have access to the operating system of the bird fighter, and its own driving system can also fight in accordance with your order.”

“If you use a driver, you need to be a driver with the quality of orange or higher to use the 60%power of the bird fighter. The legendary driver can exert all its power.”

“It is said that the driver above the epic level has the ability to combine human -machine, which can allow the bird fighter to explode more than the power that exceeds its own upper limit!”

After the red, the driving situation of the bird fighter aircraft was introduced. Today, there is no suitable driver for the current bird fighter.

Among the craftsmen, there is also a professional profession. Such craftsmen can drive various vehicles, bird fighters and even mechanical civilization mechs.

Drivers also have special abilities, which can increase their power to increase vehicles and enhance the power of vehicles.

Wu Feng thought for a while, and let the super -wise brain artificial intelligence driving the bird fighter aircraft, he can only play its basic combat power.

To let the bird fighter truly play all the combat power, it is necessary to rely on high -quality drivers.

If the legendary craftsman summon card will be obtained in the future, you may try to summon the legendary driver, an epic summoning card, or the chubby architect.

“Let me try what this bird fighter is!”

Wu Feng looked at the bird fighter aircraft. Such a handsome fighter also had to be tested by actual combat to know how his power was, so Wu Feng sat directly into the cockpit of the bird fighter, first experienced a fighter fighter aircraft first. Feel.

After his cockpit was turned off, there was a parameter detection of the intelligent system to complete the fighter, and then the bird fighter aircraft shocked!

“Began to enter the flight mode!” As the bird fighter started, the fighter jet also stretched six wings at the same time. After the tail flames were sprayed, the fighter suddenly rose up!

The bird fighter can easily take off and land easily, and its speed is almost instantly breaking through the sound barrier!

When Wu Feng returned to God again, the bird fighter had taken him to the nine days, and Wu Feng could even see that the sun became bigger.

Looking at the bird fighter jets, you can see that the mountains and rivers are passing by quickly. The speed of the bird fighter is really nothing to say.

Wu Feng was lying on the cockpit, experiencing a completely different feeling to flying from Yu Jian.

The speed of his royal sword today is similar to the conventional flight speed of the bird fighter. Of course, the bird fighter also has a full speed loading mode, which can explode faster.

It’s just that the energy consumption is relatively high, and Wu Feng hasn’t opened it easily. He tried other abilities first: “The bird, try the void shuttle ability!”

(This chapter is finished)

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