Chapter 357

When he heard [Civil Engineering], Wu Feng was suspecting that this guy was funny and compensated? Still returning the defense tower of [Moving Brick]?

This is really a charity!

Wu Feng smiled and looked at [Civil Engineering]: “I can understand it. Your face is really a bit big. I even dare to do the princes of the Three Eyes. ”

[Civil Engineering] belongs to the position where he has not settled. He really thought that he could calm himself in the top 500 league?

The alliance of the 三 伱 is more powerful than the three -eyed royal family?

[Civil Engineering] It looks difficult to look: “Don’t you give us the face -to -face alliance? Our civilian alliance ranks 401st on the league rankings! We will rush into the top 400 immediately! Do you know what it means?”

represents what? It does not mean that there are only overlords in your alliance and no master.

If there is a master, how can it still hover in the 400th role, anyway, it will rush to the top 100.

[Civil Engineering Master] Perhaps he thought this ranking was very high, but for Wu Feng, he didn’t have to take it seriously.

Wu Feng laughed: “Do you think you have eaten your face fruit? Besides, can you really represent the civilian alliance? The [moving brick to raise you] is a member of the civilian alliance?”

“When I was about to sweep the area No. 032, I dared to stay, that is my enemy! This boy, deserve to die!”

[Civil Engineering] The dumb mouth of being stunned was speechless. He didn’t expect Wu Feng to face him at all. This boy did not understand that the rivers and lakes were not beating and killing, but human beings?

Do you have to find a good relationship with our old alliance? Are you afraid that we will join forces to suppress you?

[Civil Engineering] can only leave a ruthless words: “Okay, wait for me, don’t let me meet you!”

After speaking, [Civil Engineering], he runs off his private message.

In his words, Wu Feng didn’t care about it at all. In the process of his expansion, he would always encounter various enemies, letting you be the top 500 alliances or the top 100 alliances.

I have to kill all the roads that block me!

In the eyes of [Civil Engineering], Wu Feng is a genius lord who has risen by luck. In order to get more support, he will definitely be ‘be a man’ and deal with all parties.

As long as he pulls the banner of the Civil Union, he can make [Jiutian Travel] jealous, so as to sell points.

But Wu Feng has already seen several of them now, and let the two masters owe his feelings. Your top 500 alliance dares to ride a face output? This is called a few pounds and a few pounds.

After returning [Civil Engineering], Wu Feng received a report from the red after the red. In the territory of [Moving Brick and Raise You], he found a mysterious store with an orange quality.

This mysterious store is very similar to the mysterious store discovered by Lao Xun. It is a special store run by a businessman. It can sell various orange quality props, and sometimes the legendary props can be seen.

[Moving bricks and raising you] I never left, just for this mysterious store, Wu Feng suspected that the compensation that [Civil Engineering] said was to let Wu Feng lose some of the props in mysterious shops for him.

In this kind of store, Wu Feng is naturally not too much. He directly cleared the things in the mysterious store in one breath, so that the human businessmen in the store immediately went to purchase.

“There are a few more defensive tower migration cards, and then they will be thrown to [Hongchen · Yu Yan], and continue to ask her to replace the props.” Wu Feng sorted out the props purchased from the mysterious store.

He continued to let the void shadow launch the tower to prevent Rush, and cleared all the lords who wanted to stay. He had to occupy the area No. 032 today!

Wu Feng himself continued to stay near the evolution blood pool and presided over the baptism of the blood pool.

After having Geralt as a little white mouse, Wu Feng made the heroes in the leader’s baptism one by one. Many heroes are stuck at level 30 and are doing advanced tasks.

Wu Feng immediately baptized these heroes first, so as not to complete the opportunity of baptism after completing the advancement.

At present, most of the heroes of orange or legendary quality are not yet advanced. The only exception is the new heroes that Mo Lu Bu, Mo Zhuge Liang, Blue Eye Bailong, etc., as well as Kris and Ou Ruo. Pull.

The hero who joined yesterday can wait until level 30 to do an advanced task before receiving baptism. Wu Fengxian tried to baptize Kris and Ophara.

Kris has only recently joined, and she is relatively salty fish, currently only 25.

Ourara has a wave of natural disasters every time he upgrade. She needs to survive the disaster to upgrade. Now Opora is already 28th and can be level 30 immediately.

In this case, Wu Feng first asked Kris to enter the evolution blood pool. The golden female super woman walked to the evolution blood pool, and she frowned: “This kind of bath pool has been soaked by many people. Is it going on? ”

Wu Feng nodded: “The blood of this evolutionary blood pool has been changing. It is not a big bath pool. Just now Georot took the blood of evolution in the evolutionary pool.”

“Now you go in, you also use new evolutionary sacred blood, don’t worry.”

Kris stabbed his blond hair, his dazzling blond hair was extremely embarrassing, and then Kris was going to take off his fighting costumes.

But the female super woman first glanced at Wu Feng: “Lord, don’t peek!”

Wu Feng nodded: “I won’t peek at it.”

That’s right, I don’t peek, I will only look brightly.

Kris smiled brightly, she took off her golden red battle suit, and then revealed her personal swimsuit.

Wu Feng was speechless by Kris. You really came to take a bath and wearing a swimsuit into the blood pool.

However, I have to say that Kris’s figure is really very topped. His proud heart wears a swimsuit, so that Wu Feng is full of his mind, whether Yamato has a connection.

Kris jumped into the evolution blood pool directly, and then she swimped inside.

The corrosion ability of the evolution blood pool has no effect on her. Kelis’s face is relaxed and comfortable. Wu Feng also shook his head. She repaired.

With the talent of King Kong’s bad body, wouldn’t her strength be stronger and stronger!

Now it seems that the evolution blood pool cannot hurt Cris, and naturally she can’t let her trigger her talent. She just takes this opportunity to absorb more evolutionary blood.

In the evolution blood pool, Kelis absorbed all the evolutionary blood. The blood of the orange quality has no effect on Kris.

In the process of baptism, Kris can absorb more evolutionary sacred blood. She absorbed 100 drops of pushing into the sanctuary in one breath, which is several times that of Geralt.

If Wu Feng had not previously extracted a large amount of evolutionary sacred blood, it would not be enough to ruin.

Kris swims comfortably, and she climbed ashore again: “Lord, this swimming pool is quite interesting, can I come to swim in the future?”

Wu Feng can only smile, this is what you can say that he has swim in the evolution blood pool. Any other heroes are not as confeslated.

If Geralt sees Chris’s posture, he will definitely look aggressive.

Kris’s baptism in the evolution blood pool is like swimming, but he will suffer huge pain. Who can understand this contrast! family.

“After you are in the second order, you can come to swim again. You can strive to rise to the second order as soon as possible …” Wu Feng was ready to encourage Kris to upgrade the monster and advance early.

Ke Kelis re -put back the battle suit, and she stretched out a lazy waist: “Then I would rather go to the sun, and now there is no sun, then go to Xiancao’s space to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.”

“Lord, I’ll go first!”

Kris waved his hand and left the evolution blood pool, and then it was O howla. She was different from Kris. She could not do nothing in the evolution blood pool for the time being.

However, O howla has always been expressionless. Now in the blood pool, although she has suffered great pain, she still has no expression.

For her, suffering is normal, and she is really used to it.

Aurra finally absorbed 45 drops of inlet blood. Because there was no special blood that was particularly suitable for her, Wu Feng did not use essence blood to strengthen Oolla.

But even so, O howra has a great strength, and she can become the top mage within an epic level.

Watching a mythical and epic hero, Wu Feng finally baptized many heroes of orange and legendary quality.

These heroes cooperate with the baptism of the blood pool. If there is a suitable sperm blood, they can completely evolve the quality. Wu Feng’s plan is to evolve all the orange heroes in the Three Kingdoms of Warriots into a legendary hero.

So Wu Jiang Wei, Wu Wenxuan, Wu Ma Yan, Wu Handang, Wu Liao Hua, Wu Mateng, Wu Lu Su, Wu Zhang Bao, Wu Ma Yunlu, Wu · Meng won, A number of heroes such as Wu Pang Tong all got all kinds of demon sperm or other essences and blood, and began to absorb in the blood pool.

The bearing capacity of the orange hero is preferred. In the evolution blood pool, they also absorb 30-50 drops of evolution blood and two or three drops of evolutionary sacred blood.

It can absorb more than 5 drops of evolutionary blood, which is extremely determined.

In addition to absorbing the sacred blood, Wu Feng also added the corresponding legendary essence blood to allow them to grow quickly.

A general, under the baptism of the evolution blood pool, quickly absorbed various types of essence and completed the evolution!

Each evolution of a legendary general, the power of the Three Kingdoms of the Three Kingdoms can be increased by one level. The unparalleled Three Kingdoms, which had 75 -story organizations, has soared to 86 layers with the evolution of 11 orange heroes.

If you add some epic or legendary heroes in the past two days, the power of its organization can exceed 100 layers!

Wu Feng is also looking forward to this. The 100 -layer organization forces are enough to make the organization’s blessing.

In this way, Wu Feng’s Wuushuang Three Kingdoms actually had only Pan Feng a orange hero, but Pan Feng was still the strongest.

Even before Mo Lu Bu, before it was equipped with the best equipment, he didn’t know if it was Pan Feng’s opponent.

As the only orange hero in Wushuang Three Kingdoms, Pan Feng’s treatment is better than epic heroes.

Originally, Wu Feng was an advanced orange -quality hero. On the contrary, after the legendary dream, Huang Gai knew this, he rushed to try: “Lord, I heard that you have a very strong project here? The one that is very exciting? ”

Wu Feng looked at Huang Gai with an excited expression: “Where did you hear? My project is not a problem of stabbing and unwilling, but it will be very painful!”

Huang Gai heard even more excited: “Pain? Isn’t that excitement! Can I try it? I haven’t promoted the second order!”

Thinking of Huang Gai’s talent is to obtain attributes to gain attributes. Wu Feng understands why he heard that the evolution blood pool can make people very painful, but he is even higher.

Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai, that was really willing to hit one!

His willpower is not a problem of strong or not, but in Huanggai, the pain is a kind of enjoyment!

Wu Feng was also curious to what extent Huang Gai could do, and he asked Huang Gai to try it out, then look at Huang Gai’s self -harmful talent.

As a result, after Huang Gai jumped into the evolution blood pool, Wu Feng saw that he was corroded by the blood speed of evolution, but Huang Gai yelled: “It’s cool!”

“This project is really exciting! The first -order is so exciting, and the second order is not available?”

Wu Feng heard Huang Gai’s shout. He was trapped. You really want to shout like this. Are you afraid that the entire territory will be swept up?

And other heroes who have experienced the baptism of the blood pool, after seeing Huang Gai’s performance, they also fell into thought.

Is the baptism of the blood pool experienced by Huang Gai different from us? This is obviously a hell -like experience. How can Huang Gai still shout loudly? This is a bit too outrageous.

Only some heroes of Wu Guo knew why, and the middle -aged Confucian of the dream Lu Su shook his head: “General Huang Gai started again.”

“Since he was drawn by Zhou Du, he was like this. He was uncomfortable without being drawn every day! And after General Huang Gai was drawn, not only would he not affect the combat power because of injuries, but he would become more and more. powerful.”

When others heard Lu Su’s words, they took a breath. It turned out that General Huang Gai was such an XP.

Wu Feng was concerned about Huang Gai’s personal attribute changes. He found that when Huang Gai experienced baptism in the blood pool, attribute growth was faster than other heroes, and he absorbed more sacred blood.

If Kris takes the evolutionary blood pool as a swimming pool, the Huang Gai should take the evolution baptism as a big sword service.

Looking at Huang Gai’s expression, he should want to come once a day.

And the more Huang Gai is soaked in the blood pool, and the pain on his body is really enjoyable for him. Wu Feng feels that the evolution blood pool should be renamed the evolution club for Huang Gai.

Seeing the performance of Kris and Huang Gai, Wu Feng just wants to say, can you give the most basic respect for the evolution blood pool?

In this case, Wu Feng did not invest in any sperm blood, but allowed Huang Gai to absorb the sacred blood purely.

Because Wu Feng discovered that it seems that Huang Gai only absorbs the evolutionary sacred blood, and its strength growth is also very fast. What surprises Wu Feng is that Huang Gai eventually absorbed 36 drops of the sacred blood, which is close to the potential of epic heroes’ potential. It’s right.

Huang Gai enjoyed it completely, so when Huang Gai jumped out of the evolution blood pool, he could actually baptize repeatedly within the first order.

“Lord, this evolution blood pool is really exciting and really strong. Can I come again tomorrow!” Looking at the exciting Huang Gai, Wu Feng naturally did not say, and agreed to his request.

“As long as you can hold it, you can come again tomorrow.” Wu Feng was ready to pay attention tomorrow, watching the baptism of Huang Gai in the first step, would you unable to carry it twice.

Wu Feng speculated that this was the effect of Huang Gai’s self -increasing talents, which made him immerse in the baptism of evolution. Other heroes were afraid of the pain of evolution and baptism. They could only use willpower to force instincts.

Therefore, the heroes can only be baptized once in each level of the blood pool. If you go too much, the spirit of the heroes will collapse, but the yellow cover can repeat it.

From this point of view, with the evolution blood pool, Huang Gai has the unique advantages that other heroes do not have.

If it is well cultivated, Huang Gai should also have a stronger potential.

After evolving the generals of the Three Kingdoms of the Three Kingdoms, Wu Feng evolved all the good men in Liangshan. After they were promoted, the 72nd stars of Disha had their own power.

With Gongsun Sheng, their organizational strength also exceeded 20 floors.

After some evolved, the number of legendary heroes at hand in Wu Feng has increased significantly. If the big brother has blood stimulating the talent, it can automatically upgrade the level of the heroes of the heroes, which is an automatic transmission.

Then Wu Feng’s evolution blood pool and sperm blood can also evolve the hero of his own, which can be regarded as manual.

It is just that the hero of the automatic transmission does not need to consume resources. Wu Feng is a manual transmission operation, and there are many resources required.

Only Wu Feng can support so many resources. Even if he changes the big brother, he may not have so many evolutionary sacred blood and sperm blood.

After evolving a circle, Wu Feng finally found Hong Qigong and the other two orange heroes from the Shuguang tavern, and was going to evolve the two of them once.

This is mainly to evolve the dawn tavern. The evolutionary condition of this orange building is to evolve the three orange heroes recruited into legendary heroes.

Cardis is already a legendary hero, and there are two people left. Wu Feng currently recruits a total of 4 orange heroes from the Shuguang tavern. Shadow Knight.

Anyway, Wu Feng has the blood of evolution. He can evolve Hong Qigong, Sparta Warriors and Shadow Knights into legendary heroes.

However, Wu Feng first baptized the Cadesla in the hunting of the hunting demon. After his eyes recovered, his strength was very fast.

Now Wu Feng is preparing to prepare a demon bloodline for Cardis. Originally, Cadis was a hunting demon, and he could learn the ability to transform into a demon.

If you get the bloodline of the demon in advance, he will be able to transform into a corresponding form in the future. If there is a blood bonus, the strength after transformation will be particularly powerful.

“Cardis, do you want the kind of devil blood? I have a variety of devil blood veins such as blood demon, sharp blade, and horns.” Wu Feng asked him before the Cades entered the evolution blood pool, and asked him first Views.

Cardis did not choose any of them directly, but looked at Geralt: “Can I get dark sacred blood like Geralt?”

I didn’t expect Cadis to challenge himself. Wu Feng thought about it: “After your body recovers, the body is in the recovery period. I am afraid that the foundation will not be firm.”

“Then wait for your strength to be completely stable, and then absorb the dark sacred blood! If there are other sperm blood that is more suitable for you, I will leave it for you.”

With Wu Feng’s reply, Cardis didn’t say much, and the rest was evolving Hong Qigong and others.

As a result, Hong Qigong was not interested in the blood of the devil. Instead, the Spartan Warriors and Shadow Knight were willing to try to absorb the magic essence for strength.

Wu Feng asked them to absorb the legendary demon sperm blood and help them break through the legendary level in one fell swoop!

With the addition of two legendary heroes again in his hand, Wu Feng decisively invested in resources to evolve the Shuguang tavern, and he left him to continue to help the legendary heroes baptize.

After 6 hours, many heroes have been baptized, and the blood of the evolution and evolutionary blood in Wu Feng also consumed a lot.

There are still many epic heroes who have not baptized. It seems that he still needs more BOSS bodies. When the new epic heroes reach the first peak, Wu Feng will definitely help them baptize a wave.

After leaving the blood pool, Wu Feng came to the Shuguang Hall. At this time, the Shuguang tavern had completed the reconstruction and construction to become a larger large tavern, and its related attributes changed dramatically.

Shuguang Paper: Special Buildings (Legendary Quality), covering an area of 16 units, which can attract various heroes to settle in, and will bring at least 12 resident heroes (the number can increase with the level of the tavern). , Will update the new hero.

Level 3 taverns can increase the number of missions and the number of resident heroes in 60%of the tavern. At the same time, it will increase the radiation range of 120%of the tavern, so that more heroes enter the dawn tavern activity. Complete 12 orange and 6 legendary tavern tasks, which can be risen to level 4.

With characteristics: tavern task, dawn miracle, hero missions, miracle tasks.

Hall task: According to the level of the Shuguang tavern, a certain number of tavern tasks will be announced every day. Completion of the tavern task, you can get different task rewards and hero call scroll rewards. The owner of the tavern will give different special rewards according to the difficulty of the task.

Shuguang Miracle: Heroes who come to Shuguang Barn are all dreamers who believe in the miracle of Shuguang. The quality of the hero who attracts the resident is 1 level. The better the alcohol sold in the Shuguang tavern, the higher the attractiveness of the hero. The Shuguang Paper has a very small chance to attract epic heroes to settle in.

Hero task: Every hero who stays or temporarily stays will announce the hero missions, complete the corresponding hero task, and have a chance to recruit the hero and get the hero call scroll reward.

Miracle Mission: There is a chance to attract special miracle miracles to attract special existence of super difficulty. Each miracle task will provide special miracle rewards.

Remarks: The Shuguang House represents hope, hoping that this era is as precious as diamonds in this era. Do you believe in hope?

How about the attributes of the Shuguang tavern, it is still subject to the actual effect.

Wu Feng pushed the door into the new dawn tavern. As a result, the boss here was still the dark elf Eri Drise. The red dress she was wearing was her jersey.

When I saw Wu Feng coming in, Ali quickly leaned over. She almost stuck to Wu Feng, and the expression on her face was even more charming and touching: “Lord, thank you for helping our dawn tavern to complete the evolution.”

“Now I and my family can stay in the Shuguang Paper to run with peace of mind. Don’t worry about being replaced with poor performance.”

Alice’s eyes are full of tenderness like water. This tavern owner wants to eat Wu Feng.

Thinking of the characteristics of the dark elves, Wu Feng felt that this Shuguang tavern was the same as Panshid Cave. It was a beautiful dark elven rabbit girl.

Wu Feng coughed: “That’s it. From now on, there is a chance to attract legendary heroes in Shuguang Paper.”

Eri nodded charmingly: “That’s natural. Look at there, as soon as our tavern is transformed, the hero is here.”

Looking at the beauty of the beauty, Wu Feng saw a middle -aged man with a gourd with a wine gourd around his waist, and the middle -aged man with a long sword behind him was looking at the ambergris.

He was bearded, and he did not repair the border at all. There were no other people in his eyes, only the ambergris in front of him.

The middle -aged sword repaired a bowl. This was strongly requested by him.

A bowl of glory was full, he was stuffed directly. A little wine stayed along his chin, and he was set by him with spells, and then sucked in his mouth!

“Good wine, this is really a good wine! I didn’t expect that I can find this kind of good wine!”

The middle -aged man drinks very much. After all, the ambergris is made of dragon rice rice. It is a kind of spiritual wine, which is naturally better than ordinary wine.

Alice said he was a legendary hero. Wu Feng immediately checked his attributes and found that it was really a legendary hero. Its nickname was Jiu Jianxian! It’s a sword repair of wine!

“The hero of Tianxian civilization? Then I greeted him!”

Seeing Mo Yixi, Wu Feng’s brain only had the poem “Royal Swords to remove the wind and the earth”!

For the sword repair of the sword, Wu Feng wants to deal with it most, because although he has a fairy sword tower, he can turn into a portable sword, and even he has a fairy sword gourd, which can breed the sword qi.

However, Wu Feng has not yet mastered any kind of sword tactics. He cannot be the sword. He has a powerful fairy sword, but he does not match the sword tactics. Wu Feng thinks that the royal sword cannot fly!

Now seeing Jian Jianxian, Wu Feng immediately sat opposite him: “How is it interesting to drink alone, I will accompany the bar with Bingsa.”

After Wu Feng sat down, Jiu Jianxian squinted his eyes and glanced at Wu Feng. Although he drank a bowl of wine, he was not drunk: “You are the lord here? I didn’t expect that I was coming, and I met you … … ”

“Do you want to divide my wine? That’s not okay! We are not familiar with …”

Wu Feng smiled and shook his head. He directly opened the fairy sword gourd in his waist, and poured a bowl of dragon blood wine in the empty bowl of the sword sword.

“I’m not here to divide your wine, but let you taste my wine. This wine is called dragon blood wine. It is made from the same winemaker as ambergris.”

When he heard Wu Feng’s words, his eyes were bright, and his eyes were very poisonous, and he saw the fairy sword gourd between Wu Feng’s waist.

This kind of baby is much more advanced than the purple wine gourd around his waist. Not only can you make more and more wine in the gourd, but also to nourish the sword.

If you have a fairy sword gourd, the strength will absolutely improve! After all, drink yourself …

Jiu Jianxian slapped himself, the wine was in front, and he was still thinking about this miscellaneous thing. This is a blasphemy of the wine!

Mo Yixi no longer thought about it. He lifted the bowl very chic and dried up for most of them. This time the light red wine slipped into his throat, and the wine sword fairy felt that he was hot.

The long sword behind him began to tremble continuously, which was consistent with the swordsmanship of Jiujianxian and wanted to fly out.

Mo Yixi held the long sword who was eager to try. He admired: “Just a bite of wine can make my sword meaning unable to suppress it. This is indeed a good wine.”

“I didn’t expect to have such a good wine in your territory! It’s so happy!”

The attractiveness of wine to Jianjianxian is naturally needless to say. He is the Shuguang tavern that is attracted to the wine.

It can be said that Wu Feng had previously asked Lao Liu to put the green ant wine and ambergris in the dawn tavern. At this time, it was time to bloom.

Wu Feng also took a sip of dragon blood wine. He was not the almost drying posture of Jiu Jianxian. After all, this dragon blood wine was still a bit fierce for Wu Feng, and he would get drunk.

After drinking a large mouthful of dragon and blood wine, even his eyes narrowed. He had a little drunk. In this state, the sword meaning of the Jiu Jianxian’s body was even more.

“Lord, you are a refreshing person, do you want to recruit me? You can see my task, you can recruit me when you are satisfied.”

Jiu Jianxian is also a very chic person. He showed his own recruitment task. The first ring task was to give Jiujianxian a kind of wine that satisfies him.

This made Wu Feng’s heart. When he did the task of other heroes before, he was a more complicated task, such as the task of Kadis’s destruction of the demon nest.

And the wine sword fairy is different, his task is very simple and direct, just find the wine he likes.

However, if this task is relying on the ambergris, it should be difficult to make the wine sword fairy like it. This judgment standard is too subjective.

Wu Feng smiled and pointed at Dragon Bloody wine: “How about Mo Jianxian thinks about this kind of dragon blood wine in our territory? This is the wine made from dragon blood wine. After drinking, it is equivalent to taking dragon blood fruit! ”

Mo Yixi is also very direct: “Dragon blood wine is naturally wine, I also like it, but with a bowl of dragon blood wine, you are afraid you can hardly make me satisfied.”

Wu Feng had something to do. He made a loud finger and made people go to Lao Liu to pick up the three altar dragon blood wine. This was the dragon blood wine just brewed after the dragon blood fruit matured yesterday.

After learning about the existence of Xiancao space, Lao Liu immediately made a place to make wine and store it in the fairy grass space.

Xiancao space can speed up the time flow rate, and the old Liu Sa drow must be buried in a place in it.

In this way, the wine he brew can be released faster and can be buried into the year, at least faster than the outside world.

With the existence of fairy grass space, these dragon blood wines are also released faster, and because the essence of the sun and the moon flows into it, Lao Liu also improved the formula of dragon blood wine, making these dragon blood wine more mellow!

Wu Feng let people put the three altar dragon blood wine in front of Mo Yixi: “There are three altar dragon blood wine here, which is equivalent to three dragon blood fruit.

Seeing Wu Feng so sincere, Mo Yixi laughed: “Haha, I’m naturally satisfied, Lord, you are too generous!”

Speaking, Jiu Jianxian reached out, and the three altar dragon blood wines flew up, and then the dragon blood wine dumped out, all into the wine gourd of Ji Jianxian.

Although his wine gourd is only a purple quality, it can be decorated with wine. Although the number of wines cannot be increased, it can make these wines grow rapidly and become more mellow.

Wu Feng’s side was also prompted by the system that the task of the first ring of Jiujianxian was completed!

[Ding … Provide the wine that Jianjianxian Mo Yi wants in 24 hours, complete the first ring hero task-the name of the wine (legendary quality), get 1000 points challenge points and 3 orange hero call scrolls. .

(This chapter is finished)

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