Chapter 349 Fengyunhe (400 monthly vote plus more)

[The King of Four Seas] In the previous lottery, it was a epic heroic equipment that was drawn. Although it was not an epic hero summoning card, it also helped him greatly.

It shows that Koi still plays a role, so that [King of Four Seas] can get items that are useful to him.

Nowadays, the lucky value of the Koi blessing is still there. [The King of the Four Seas] launched his own summoning British skills. The hero organization he chose is the Olympic Temple Organization that he has activated.

Most of the heroes in this organization are mage. As a result, [the king of the world] summoned, a orange stray mage hero appeared.

Under his blood stimulus talent, this mage hero directly has the legendary quality, adding legendary heroes, or satisfying [the king of the four seas] very satisfied.

“I can summon it once a day in the future. If I activate the Dragon Union Organization, the lowest heroes in this organization are orange quality, so that my talent can fully exert the effect.”

[The King of Four Seas] The usage of his skills quickly gets to his skills. The hero organization he specifies must be the hero organization he has activated. This is the only restriction of this skill.

The more advanced heroes, the greater the chance of calling for senior heroes.

Like Wushuang Three Kingdoms, as an orange hero, the weakest hero in it is also an orange hero, as well as the Dragon League.

At that time, with the Organization of the Dragon Dragon Alliance, [the King of Four Seas] summoning a dragon hero every day, it is the rhythm of takeoff.

The members of the Temple of Truth nowadays today still have a chance to produce purple heroes …

The talent of [The King of Four Seas] is also good to cooperate with new skills. Heroes within the legendary level can improve first -level quality in his hands.

As long as it is a hero, [the king of the world] is a lot of goodness, and it is definitely not too much.

“Brother Sihai, my lord skills can also help you!” The other side of [Red Dust · Yu Yan] has drawn skills, and she also shows her skills to everyone.

[Red Dust · Yuyan] The drawing skills are a variety of props, which can actually be randomly replaced by the legendary props.

For example, she can randomly replace the legendary relocation card into other legendary props, which is almost the same as the lottery.

Continuously replacing the legendary props with low value can always be replaced with high -value props. This skill, the only defect is more money.

Each time it is replaced, it consumes a magic crystal based on the level of the item, and the same items can only be replaced 3 times.

[Red Dust · Yu Yan] Thinking is that if there is a demand for [King of Four Seas], he can help him change some designated hero organization calling cards.

That [King of Four Seas] to activate the Dragon Union Organization is much easier!

[The King of Four Seas] I can hear it in front of it: “Old girl, your ability is very powerful. If you can help me change two designated hero organization summon cards, then I must invite you to dinner!”

After seeing the skills of [Red Chen · Yu Yan], Wu Feng immediately had ideas. He had accumulated a bunch of useless props in his hands.

For example, orange and legendary defense tower migration cards, such props, now with the [Blue Demon Ji] migration tower defense ability, this kind of prop has no meaning.

After all, [Blue Demon Ji] launching her skills is just a cooling time, and there is no other consumption at all.

Earlier, Wu Feng also intends to sell these defensive tower migration cards. Now, with the ability of [Red Dust · Yu Yan], she can help her to change.

So Wu Feng greeted the Fox Tail Girl: “Yu Yan, the lord’s Lord’s skills are very potential. First, help me change these defensive tower migration cards, see what kind of props you can change.”

Wu Feng took out 28 orange -quality defensive tower migration cards in one breath. There are 8 legendary versions. So many props, many of them are drawn by him ten consecutive or hundreds of times. Long -term accumulation since a period of time.

Seeing Wu Feng’s hand in his hands, there are so many orange props and legendary props, [Jianghu Old Iron] takes a breath.

He has the talent and talent of the earth, but he has not got so many advanced props.

“Okay, the leader, I will try it up!” [Red dust · Yiyan] nodded nervously, she grabbed a defensive tower migration card and tried it.

After consumption of 100,000 magic crystals, this defensive tower migration card became a summoning card in her hands!

It can be said that as soon as it is in the soul, the wave of the best items is changed. The luck of [Red Dust · Yu Yan] is really good!

Wu Feng looked at it, a defensive tower migration card that was useless, and replaced it with a defensive tower summoning card. This was completely bloody!

If these defensive tower migration cards can be replaced with useful props, it is still very useful!

See the magic crystal of [Red Dust · Yu Yan], Wu Feng directly gave her 10 million magic crystals: “Don’t worry about the magic crystal, you can just help me change the prop. Migration card strong. ”

With Wu Feng’s full support behind him, [Hongchen · Yu Yan] can replace it with confidence, and replace the orange defensive tower migration card with other props of the same level.

[Red dust · Yiyan] There is no koi, so she can not be replaced every time, and sometimes it is changed 3 times. She just replaces the defense tower migration card with a teleportation card or a building migration card.

Wu Feng doesn’t care about it. He is also good for him to engage in some teleportation cards and building migration cards.

With the replacement of many defensive tower migration cards with [Red Dust · Yu Yan Yan], Wu Feng finally got 4 orange defense tower summoning cards, 3 tower defense evolution cards, 2 designated hero organization call cards, 3 heroes of heroes, 3 heroes Summon card.

These are several props that Wu Feng values, and there are two defense tower mutation cards, which made Wu Feng’s eyes shine at once.

Because of this, he could mutate two sacred tentacles again. In this stuff, Wu Feng was ready to get a little more.

Copy the mutant card and the tentacle tower summoning card, Wu Feng has a need, and in this way, Wu Feng divided 6 places to the mutation card, and also divided 6 places to the tentacle tower summon card. The number of props has greatly increased.

Today’s two legendary copy quotas, Wu Feng left a legendary summoning card and a planetary tower summoning card.

There are two different copying items, which is easier to complete the upgrade task of greed.

“Yu Yan, you continue, don’t look at me!”

[Red Dust · Yu Yan] replaced it while replacing it, and Wu Feng was replicated aside, which made [Red Chen · Yu Yan Yan] always can’t help looking at Wu Feng.

So Wu Feng made [Hongchen · Yu Yan] relax, and he would not blame her because she was not good.

This kind of luck was not sure.

As long as it is not the defense tower migration card, Wu Feng can accept it.

So [Hongchen · Yu Yan] also settled in God and operated with all his heart.

[Red Dust · Yu Yan] This wave of replacement consumes 6 million magic crystals. On average, each defense tower migration card is replaced twice. In [Red Dust · Yu Yan], this is a big stroke. Exchange.

Wu Feng didn’t blink his eyes, and he gave [Hongchen · Yan Yan] a magic crystal again: “The remaining magic crystal just now is your remuneration.”

“I also have 8 rumors of migration here. You also replaced me. This is 20 million magic crystals, which is enough for you to operate.”

Wu Feng gave [Hongchen · Yu Yan] tipping very generously. This is also to improve her enthusiasm.

But it is fair to see that the owner is very fair, and she also accepted generously. The 20 million magic crystals are specially used to replace the legendary migration card.

Her ability to change items, to replace legendary props, that is, 1 million magic crystals, the price is 10 times that of orange props!

20 million magic crystals should be enough to make her complete this wave of replacement, but Wu Feng wants to make her replacement and get what she wants.

The koi were full, and Wu Feng changed the way. He called to the distance: “Lele, Lai!”

“Lele, Guo Lai!”

Lele, who was eating fruits, heard the call of the lord, and ran into the Prophet Library.

Throughout the territory, only Chen Guo and the Lord of the Lord could let Lele lean over so decisively. After Lele came to Wu Feng’s feet, Wu Feng threw a dragon blood fruit to [Hongchen Yanyan].

Wu Feng raised his chin: “This is the auspiciousness in my territory. It is called Lele. You can give him feeding, and you can get good luck, so that you can replace the props.”

[Red Chen · Yu Yan] Looking at Meng Meng Da Lele, his heart is fast. Such a cute auspicious beast, the Lord is really happy.

So [Hongchen · Yu Yan] took out the dragon blood fruit and greeted Lele: “Lele, come here to eat Guoguo.”

As a result, Lele did not respond, and it was lying on Wu Feng’s thigh, and there was a posture that I wouldn’t come down without giving me delicious.

Wu Feng had to touch its head: “In the past, there were delicious food there.”

Lele did not make a bomb at all, just to recognize Wu Feng. Now Wu Feng had to take out a blood ginseng and handed it to Lele, and the little guy swallowed the blood ginseng.

[Red dust · Yu Yan] I was anxious to see, I don’t know how to let Lele come to eat my own things.

Wu Feng pointed to Lele: “You let it try.”

[Red Chen · Yu Yan] Nodded ignorant, she learned what Wu Feng just said: “Lele, Guo Lai!”

This time Lele finally knew it was called himself.

[Qianshan Muxue] I saw it for a while: “It turned out that it was called Guo Lai!”

In this way, if someone wants to trick Lele to eat, you desperately call Lele, it will not respond.

I didn’t call me, why should I go to eat?

If you don’t understand this, you can’t communicate with Lele.

[Red Chen · Yu Yan] I also finally understood the habit of Lele. After she gave the dragon blood fruit to Lele, the little guy held the dragon blood fruit for a while!

The Fox Terra girl finally touched Lele’s little head as expected, and Lele, who was eating attentive, no matter who you touched it.

This made [Hongchen · Yu Yan] laugh very happy, and her lucky attributes should have risen.

Previously, Ar Er and A San were just shot by Lele to take off, let alone now [Red Dust · Yu Yan] can directly touch Lele.

So after improving its own lucky attributes, [Red Dust · Yu Yan] began to replace the legendary migration card.

As a result, Lele’s “blessing” effect was really surprising. The first replacement of [Red Dust · Yu Yan] won the result that Wu Feng was very satisfied!

I saw the slim hand of [Red Dust · Yu Yan] touched the migration card. As the light red light flashed, the shape and appearance of the migration card changed.

In the end, this migration card turned into a specified hero organization summoning card! This kind of props are relatively high in the legendary props!

Wu Feng is also very satisfied. This legendary designated call card allows him to summon a powerful hero!

Wu Feng nodded: “Yu Yan, beautiful, continue to keep, replace a few more superb items for me!”

[The King of Four Seas] I can see it: “I also have a legendary defensive tower migration card in my hand, and let the old girl replace me for a look.”

“If you can get the designated call card, I can wake up with dreams!”

[Red Chen · Yiyan] The face of the leader and brother was so red, her face was slightly red, her fox tail was shaking gently, and she looked very shameful.

She quickly picked up the second defense tower migration card and replaced it. Perhaps the luck of Lele did affect [Red Dust · Yu Yan]. Summon card.

Wu Feng is needed to engage in two more five elements towers, so as to arrange a complete five -element large formation! This item is just right.

[Red Chen · Yu Yan] continued to continue, and replaced all the remaining 6 rumored migration cards in a row continuously.

In the end, Wu Feng’s eight migration cards were replaced with 2 designated summoning cards, 2 random hero summoning cards, 2 legendary defense tower summoning cards, 1 resurrected crystal and 1 lord crystal.

It can be said that there is no low value in this wave of replacement, and even in the eyes of alien lords, the lord crystal is more valuable than these things in front of the eyes.

[Red Chen · Yu Yan] It seems a little embarrassed, but she still puts forward her own thoughts: “Alliance leader, your lord crystal, I don’t know if I want to do it.”

“I have a friend, she has a great demand for lord crystals, and is willing to buy this kind of props at a high price …”

Wu Feng glanced at [Hongchen · Yu Yan]. He almost guessed who the Fox Tail Girl said, and he went straight to the theme: “Are you talking about Hongchen · Fei Xuan?”

Wu Feng had previously understood that [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] is also the lord of the Fox Tail, but she is a genuine indigenous lord, and she also rely on epic heroes to appear on the list of heroes 012.

The lord of the Fox Tail has the same prefix as [Red Dust · Yu Yan]. If they do n’t know, Wu Feng does not believe it.

[Hongchen · Yu Yan] Seeing that the leader knew a lot, she nodded generously: “I am Sister Fei Xuan. She shoulders the mission of revitalizing the Fox Tail, and it requires a lot of helpers.”

“The number of lord crystals with high quality is too small. One of her mission to enter the 799th floor is to get a little more orange -quality lord crystal.”

“If you are willing to shoot, I can help you contact Sister Fei Xuan. If you keep it by yourself, I will not mention it with her.”

[Hongchen · Yu Yan] I have a consciousness as an alliance reserve. She sought the opinions of Wu Feng, the leader of Wu Feng beforehand. If he disagrees, she will not disclose the matter.

After Wu Feng considered it, he agreed: “Then you help me and [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] contact it to see what the price she will pay.”

Lord Crystal is useless to Wu Feng. This is naturally sold. Compared with the tentacles, Wu Feng is willing to sell it to the Fox Tail.

In fact, Wu Feng also had an epic lord crystal, which was drawn yesterday.

If the transactions of both parties are relatively happy, it may be possible to sell epic -level lord crystals. As long as this lord crystal does not flow into his enemy.

[Red Chen · Yu Yan] The genius lord of the Fox Tail tribe is in his own league, then he can naturally have a good relationship with the Fox Tail.

As long as you reach a cooperation with [Hongchen · Fei Xuan], Wu Feng feels that he will have a lot of communication with the Foxi tribe in the future.

After getting the reply from Wu Feng, [Hongchen · Yu Yan] was happy in her heart, and she immediately associated with [Hongchen · Fei Xuan]. After learning that there was a legendary class lord crystal, [Red Chen Fei Xuan] was overjoyed!

“Yu Yan, you are really a blessing. With this legendary lord crystal, the dragon girl can enter the 799th floor! If there is an epic leader crystal, then the sister Wu Yan can come in! ”

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] After saying a word, she added a friend to Wu Feng under the bridge of [Hongchen · Yu Yan] and communicated with Wu Feng directly to communicate with private messages.

Seeing the avatar of [Hongchen · Fei Xuan], Wu Feng found that this was a fairy white girl. She seemed to understand how to use her advantages.

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] Slender mouth: “[Nine Days Traveling] Big guy, I was still watching the information of you to establish a god -level alliance. I didn’t expect to see your future supreme!”

[Jiutian Travel] Give his name of the Supreme Alliance for his alliance. His ambition is clearly exposed. When it comes to the position of the Supreme, he will naturally make him secret.

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] Knowing that men like the worship of women most, her tone is very sincere, and it is very easy to control the man’s heart.

Wu Feng has a strong resistance with super beautiful heroes such as Ve Gus, and has strong resistance, but he also knows that he does not reach out with a smiley face, and he also deserves: “I can build a god -level alliance, relying on allies all allies. s help.”

“Speaking of the position of respect, it is too far away. Let’s talk about the transaction price of Lord Crystal first.”

Wu Feng is so puzzled that [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] does not care about it. Those who can become a strong one will inevitably fluctuate by a few words.

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] No longer forcibly showing her charm. She converged her expression and went directly to the topic: “Lord Crystal in the hands of the big guy, I want it, this is also the seller’s market.”

“But I still hope that the big guy can look up at the sister of Yu Yan, and we can raise your hands high. We sincerely bid, and are willing to give you the resources worth 50 million magic crystals.”

Although the legendary lord crystal, although the value is high, there is still a gap compared with epic lord crystals.

When Wu Feng was sold to the [Battlefield] lord crystal, he was sold with the price of a person with a person with a person with a person with a person who plus 100 million magic crystals.

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] Now the resources of 50 million Magic Crystal have been very sincere. After all, the legendary leader Crystal and epic level are still a grade.

Wu Feng knew that this was not the bottom line of [Hongchen · Fei Xuan]. He did not force the other party, so Wu Feng opened a price symbolic: “50 million is too low, I want 60 million magic Jing’s resources must also be a treasure chest key and summon scroll. ”

“If you have props such as mutation cards, defense tower migration cards, I can also give you a $ 1.2 times market price.”

Considering her own needs, Wu Feng added a price of 10 million, and also limited the content of the transaction, which made [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] move in his heart.

[Jiutian Travel] The price of the opening is just a point on her psychological bottom line. [Red Chen · Fei Xuan] Considering that lord crystals can add a capable general to herself, she can also bring a group of precious resources, and she will also be. Nodded and agreed.

“Then we just say that, I will sort out the resources you need as soon as possible, and trade with you tomorrow night.”

“At that time, we will pay the money in one hand, I hope everyone cooperates happily!”

[Hongchen · Fei Xuan] Very decisive and simply, Wu Feng looked at her. This woman is quite courageous. No wonder she can rush to the front of the list.

So the two sides settled the rules of the transaction, and [Hongchen · Fei Xuan] went to collect various resources.

With so many resources, [Hongchen Concubine] needs to find other fox -tail lords to raise it. It does take a while. Then Wu Feng’s draw today can only rely on his props.

And waiting for [Hongchen Feixuan] to make enough props, Wu Feng can see the situation throwing epic lord crystals.

At that time, you can get a wave of resources from [Hongchen · Fei Xuan].

After some operations, Wu Feng became more and more satisfied with the ability of [Hongchen · Yu Yan]. The lord of the Fox Tail family is indeed worthy of training.

In this case, after looking at the legendary skills of the three, Wu Feng took everyone out of the Prophet Library. Just now [Zhu Family Lao Six] and others also let their heroes go in to learn hero skills.

For a while, everyone’s combat power has been significantly improved, which can be described as their own gains.

When he walked out of the Prophet Library, Wu Feng just saw that the old master was teaching. Many monsters, strange beasts and heroes sat in the square of the Prophet Library and listened to the old master’s lecture.

After Lian Lele was full, he also sat below. It gathered a few guys in the bandits and turkey. At this time, the turkey was teaching Lele.

“Master just taught it, Zi was in Sichuan, the deceased was like a husband, and he didn’t give up day and night!”

“I’m here to teach you. The meaning of this sentence is that the old master stood by drinking the water, watching the enemy’s bodies flowing down, from day to night.”

“This is called dead ball! Dead ball!”

When the turkey said in the end, I couldn’t help but explode two rough mouths. In this habit, the old master couldn’t teach.

[Zhu Family Lao Six] I have seen this scene, and once again see the performance of the old master, he praised: “This is the elder who keeps time, materialism, and nuclear goodness.

“No wonder there are so many fierce people in the boss’s territory. This is mainly the boss and such a sage! Even if an ordinary person, I have been listening to the class, it can grow into a strong one.”

[The King of Four Seas] He secretly looked at the old master and found that after the old master was an epic hero, he was also very shocked.

This is an epic teacher. The impact of the lectures will be very huge, and the heroes who listen to the lessons are also very high. Not only the legendary heroes, but even the epic heroes listen to the class in the old master.

Niu Da has been listening to the class well. He feels that the old master’s lectures are very reasonable. He doesn’t say anything about his appetite.

With the old master, he can understand the true meaning of serving people.

In addition to Niu Da, Wu Feng also saw the two of them. They actually enlightened martial arts and listened to the old master to teach.

Wu Feng has also discovered that when the old master taught, the disciples who listened to the class could obtain attribute growth, and the principles of serving people and morality.

The benefits of these listeners are still very good.

“Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, you are here! You come with me …” Wu Feng greeted the two, and Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun followed him to the side.

Looking at Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, who have the countless Mo Ke, Wu Feng is going to try to use Wushuang God.

This characteristic can become a mythical hero than epic heroes. If they are used on the wind and clouds, they can make one of them be promoted from the legendary level to an epic level.

This seems to be very bad, but Wu Feng is mainly doing an experiment to see if the general God can trigger the infinite effect of Mo Ke.

It is best to make the two be promoted together! If the experiment is successful, the quota of the unparalleled god general is equivalent to cultivating the two gods!

In the future, as long as the true quality of the two is promoted from the legend to epic level, after they get the bonus, it is two mythical heroes!

“Lord, what do you want to tell us to do? Is it to cut people?” Bu Jingyun was eager to try. Usually, Bu Jingyun was more suffocating than Nie Feng.

But if Nie Feng entered the demon, I am afraid that Bu Jingyun is far from Nie Feng.

Wu Feng beckoned: “I want to give you a chance to break through myself, you can grasp it!”

Having said that, Wu Feng used Nie Feng’s characteristic of Wushuang God, locking a quota to Nie Feng. As the characteristic took effect, a vertical marks suddenly appeared on Nie Feng’s forehead. The same three eyes made Nie Feng a huge change.

Nie Feng, who was originally gentle, suddenly became magical. Fortunately, Nie Feng was not completely devil. His subconsciously operating Bingxin tactics suppressed this magical power.

Under Wu Feng’s gaze, Nie Feng has evolved into an epic hero!

However, after Wu Feng’s expected, after Nie Feng evolved, because of the infinite talent connection of Mo Ke, the steps on the other side also evolved into an epic hero!

Wu Feng suddenly got two powerful heroes, and the attributes of the two had changed dramatically.

Hero title: Do not cry and die (epic hero)

Hero Name: Bu Jingyun

Heroes level: Level 31.

Hero talent: Kirin arm (epic talent): Bu Jingyun’s left arm is a unicorn arm formed into the unicorn blood. 200%power. At the same time, Kirin Palm can be used to kill BOSS within the orange quality.

The son of destiny (epic talent): Bu Jingyun is the son of destiny loved by the heavens and the earth. It will gain a luck bonus. It can always be fierce. The talent effect will be improved extra.

Mo Ke countless (epic talent): Feng Yunhe has activated the talent. When Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun appeared at the same time, the full attributes of the two increased by 200%. Mobilizing a big move can increase the power power of skill. At the same time, after one party takes heaven and earth treasures or activates special abilities to enhance attributes, the other party will also enhance the attributes.

The three talents of Bu Jingyun have been evolved into epic talents. Nie Feng is almost the same. His son’s talent and Mocco’s infinite talent are the same as Bu Jingyun.

The only difference is that he has Kirin magic blood. The state of entering the magic is a way of breaking Nie Feng. Now that after the immeasurable evolution of Mo Ke, not only the attributes of the two are increasing, but the damage is improved.

With Nie Feng entering the magic state, Bu Jingyun can actually get attribute bonuses, and Bu Jingyun will not become violent because of entering the demon.

In this way, the combat power of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun did have a qualitative leap.

The two of them can easily suppress most of the epic heroes. With the evolution of quality, even their own martial arts have improved a lot.

The skill attributes have skyrocketed and have hundreds of years of skills.

“Well, you only need to find a way to evolve the origin of the two people to the epic level. I have two mythical heroes, or two mythical heroes who can attack the enemy.”

“Feng Yun combined, that’s really the myth of Wulin!”

Wu Feng was extremely satisfied with the attributes of Fengyun. With this wave of promotion, the two of them could sweep any enemy below the god -level hero.

With the promotion of Fengyun, Wu Feng’s territory rating has soared again, and the strength of many allies has improved, the total territory of the entire Supreme Alliance has successfully exceeded 10 million!

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day tour to establish alliances and the total score of the alliance exceeds 10 million, activating the 799th floor No. 012 Tiangu 062 National List (Alliance List), is it hidden alliance codes? .

The entire League of the League of Tiandi No. 012 is also activated by the Supreme League!

Wu Feng did not hesitate. He directly disclosed the name of the Supreme Alliance, so that all the lords of the Tiangu No. 012 knew the prestige of the God -level Alliance!

[Ding … the Supreme League established by Lord Jiu Tian Traveling to activate the 799th Layer 012 Tiandu List (Alliance List) and get special rewards: 10 treasure chest keys (orange), maintain the top of the league list every day, each league, each league, each league, each league, each league Members can get 10 legend and 50,000 hopes. .


(This chapter is finished)

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