Chapter 341 Unlock the second layer of seal

[Steel straight man is black and thick] After Wu Feng repaired the Great Wall, he let go of some defense towers in his hands for the first time.

Previously, because there was no territory in the copy, [Steel straight man was black and thick] and [Blue Demon Ji], both of them could not place the defense tower.

They felt that they didn’t have much effect in the copy, but now they have a desperate plot, and they put all the defensive tower above purple.

For a while, the Great Wall was surrounded by defensive towers. The desperate plot of 100 units used 50 units.

Wu Feng paid attention to the bonus effect of the desperate plot on the defense tower, which is equivalent to the level 6 defensive plot, and its level is indeed level 6.

This is just a basic bonus. If the despair Great Wall solve more seal, it will definitely allow the desperate plot to get more bonuses, and its level must be higher.

“The desperate plot of only 100 units cannot satisfy me at all, then expand the length of 5 kilometers first, so that there can be more despair plots and beacon.”

Wu Feng waved his hand, and he invested more magic crystals and mythical resources to expand the length of the Great Wall.

This Great Wall requires 200 million magic crystals and 100 units mythical resources for each expansion. It is expanded to 5 kilometers, which requires 800 million magic crystals and 400 units mythical resources.

Even for Wu Feng, this is a huge sum.

So after the length of the Great Wall, the despair plot reached 500 units, and many defensive towers of Wu Feng could be set.

Considering that there are still a few fishing pits in the territory, Wu Feng moved some defensive tower outside the fishing pit, mainly a two -ceremonial tower, a Houzhu Tower and a star tower.

Then there are many arrow tower clusters and star tower clusters. These defensive tower also filled the despair of 500 units.

This is the limited area of the desperate plot. Wu Feng has preferred a high -quality defensive tower. Some low -level defense towers have not settled.

But even so, [Steel straight man is black and thick] and [Blue Demon Ji] After seeing Wu Feng’s defense tower lineup, his mouth trembled.

[Steel straight man is black and thick]: “I wipe it! What did I see? Is this the legendary Houyi Tower? Can you shoot the super defensive tower of the sun after evolution?”

“There is also this Faya, which is also an epic level. Looking at this array, it is the legendary two -ceremonial formation tower? Boss, you have even one epic defense tower, there are more than one?”

[Blue Demon Ji] I also look at the star tower: “Nine days traveling the big guy, you have opened the defense tower museum, but a person has 3 epic defense tower. Now we are really stable!”

The strong city wall, plus many high -end defense towers, Wu Feng quickly built a extremely powerful line of defense here, which is even stronger than the line of defense of the Demon Canyon!

“Now the Nervic Great Wall has been repaired, it can let the enemy go and fight, we just need to rely on the export of the Great Wall. The Nervic Great Wall has the function of repairing itself, and we don’t need to let the architects repair the city wall.”

Wu Feng also changed the tactics at this time. Previously, the mechanical dog was in front, trying to prevent the enemy from approaching the Great Wall of Desperate.

There is no need to worry about being destroyed at all now! You can withdraw other arms behind the desperate Great Wall, so that the Nervic Great Wall as a fortress to attract firepower.

With such an operation, a large number of abyss devil rushed over. They caused some shocks on the Great Wall of the Termer Realm and laid some durability, but they also died under the attack of the defense tower and heroes.

At this time, the ability of the Great Wall of the Great Wall of Desire was launched. The abyss devils who had died under the city wall before, their bodies turned into blood light and incorporated into the Nervic Great Wall!

The durability of the Disposter Great Wall was immediately repaired, and it was even slowly increasing the durability of the Great Wall, making it exceeded the initial durability.

At the same time, many of these bloody blood light also incorporated into the human body such as Pan Feng. Their blood volume quickly recovered, which is equivalent to a invincible pastor returning blood.

This recovery is not only blood volume. The magic value and physical strength of heroes and arms can be recovered. They are just like fighting at the spring of life.

Wu Feng noticed that the durability of the Great Wall also increased to 60.5 billion/500 billion yuan, which is the durability of the 5 -kilometer desperation Great Wall.

Such a high durability is enough to resist all kinds of attacks. Wu Feng feels that even if the abyss demon attacks, it is difficult for them to threaten much threat to the Nervic Great Wall.

The only thing to pay attention to is that as the strength of the subsequent enemies increases, more powerful varieties may occur, which needs to be noted.

“But as long as we have the output enough and killing enough enemies, the blood gas generated is enough to make the despair Great Wall stand.”

Wu Feng looked at it, the one -kilometer -kilometer desperate Great Wall was 12 billion durability, but just output, after killing tens of thousands of abyss devils, the despair Great Wall increased by 500 million durability. It can continue to increase like this, more resistant to durability than the abyss demon.

In this way, the output exploded, and the durability of the Great Wall’s Great Wall can become higher and higher, and even repair it.

The ability of the Great Wall of flesh and blood is the reason why the Great Wall can stand for thousands of years!

In this way, even if the abyss demon rushed to the city wall, their crazy attack just tickled the Great Wall.

Even if the number of durability is relying on the quantity, as long as Wu Feng and others kill fast enough, the bodies of these abyss devils will help the Nervic Great Wall to recover quickly.

This is the test of the output of Wu Feng and others. As long as they output fiercely, they can continue to repair the Great Wall of Desire.

“Test the output, isn’t it a sub -question for me!” Wu Feng has absolute confidence in the output of many heroes and defense towers, not to mention that there are 5 beacon platforms on the Great Wall today!

Wu Feng immediately asked the violent output soldiers such as His Master and Sagittarius to settle in the beacon that towered into the clouds. After walking in, everyone’s attributes increased by 100%!

At this moment, the quality of the soldiers in the beacon, the quality is equal to the improvement of the half level, and the output directly skyrocketed!

The full attributes of hero and other heroes such as Oolla also doubled, and the combat effectiveness skyrocketed. When she went down, she could drop a group of abyss devils in seconds.

Aponera’s death can make the purple boss into residue in seconds, and even let them directly explode into a group of blood, and even bones and other corpses will not be left.

It was her output too high, and the damage overflowed to destroy the enemy’s body.

The full attribute increased by 100%, and the increase of all damage was increased by 100%. The output of heroes such as Ophara turned more than 3 times, and it was a variety of seconds to deal with the abyss devil.

Wu Feng also issued an instruction: “Collect all the bodies of these blue BOSS or more, and do not need to let them be used as the Great Wall of Despair, I still use these corpses and use it.”

Because of the evolution blood pool, Wu Feng decided to collect BOSS corpses with blue quality above, which is mainly used to extract blood.

Blue BOSS can extract blue quality essence. After blood fusion, the number of blue essences is more, and it can also blend purple and even orange quality sperm blood.

Then Wu Feng pays attention to a lack of no less, and the bodies who kill all the bosses are recovered.

He specially sent a mechanical dog team to collect such corpses. The despair Great Wall can also perform special settings so that he can not actively absorb BOSS flesh and blood, and Wu Feng can use this to collect all kinds of corpses.

In addition to the heroes, other arms in the beacon have also become supercutors. For example, giant artillery shooters, they originally needed two or three attacks to kill an abyss demon, but now they can directly kill.

The improvement of this output efficiency is all quality changes!

On the Great Wall of Despair, all troops have become permanent motivations. Considering that the beacon can only enter 1,000 people, and 5 beacon stadiums add up, it is only 5,000.

Therefore, it is the elite of the beacon. The elite is the elite. Wu Feng’s heavy artillery cannon, pure love mage and other arms, the more violent the output, the better.

Other troops that have not entered the beacon can also obtain a basic 50%full attribute and damage improvement! It is equivalent to the blessing of half of the beacon, and this blessing can also take effect on the heroes and arms in the beacon.

[Lao Liu of the Zhu Family] Excited expression: “It’s so cool, my troops get the blessing of the Great Wall of Desperate, the attributes and damage have been improved, the contracted these abyss devils have improved, the damage has been improved a lot, the experience value of these abyss devils, the experience value obtained by the subordinates, the experience value obtained by the subordinates It is also very high, just take off! They can upgrade quickly. ”

[Qianshan Muxue] I was full of emotions: “I thought it was difficult for us to support it, but now we have the blessing of the Great Wall of the Terminal, which is almost a sudden drop!”

[Jianghu Old Iron]: “This still depends on the boss, but he invested nearly 1 billion magic crystals and a large number of mythical resources to repair some desperate Great Wall. It’s hard. ”

Because of the improvement of strength, the entire alliance has a lot of morale, and heroes, arms and defensive towers can want to harvest the abyss demon that impacked the city walls.

Because their output was too fierce, the durability of the Nervic Great Wall did not increase, and it returned to 62 billion/500 billion yuan.

According to this rhythm, Wu Feng and others can stay in the sky.

However, the god -level copy is not that simple. After this wave of abyss devil continued to pour, 12 72 orange boss and 3 taller legendary BOSS slowly came out.

Corporal Warfare, Blood Demon Warrior and Magic Priest!

The mad demon priest is a 80 -level third -order legendary BOSS!

This mad priest, but the French BOSS, is also the strongest in several legendary BOSS, which is the biggest test of the first wave.

After a spell, it is possible to fall off the heroes or soldiers on the Great Wall in the second.

“Well, this is the ultimate boss of the first wave. In less than two hours a wave, let me die!”

Wu Feng was extremely decisive. When he entered the god -level copy of more than an hour a little, such a BOSS appeared, then the most difficult to deal with the extinction hand was used to destroy the most.

He directly named it one by one, killing the orange boss one by one, and filmed all the 12 orange bosses like a flies into meat.

Finally, he waved his hand to the mad demon priest. As the hand of extinction fell, the 80 -level third -order legendary BOSS fell.

There are only 2 legendary bosses left in the follow -up, which has no great threat to the Jesus Great Wall. Wu Feng waited until the hand of extinction was cooled, so he continued to shoot it to death.

Three legendary BOSS, 5 red crystals have been dropped. This income is not bad. Their corpses can also be thrown into the evolution blood pool to provide sperm blood. Wu Feng can’t wait to this boss a little more.

When the first wave of orange boss and three legendary BOSS were overwhelmed, the first twisting the wormhole made a roar, so there were countless wings with wings flying out of it!

At the same time, a skeleton giant also appeared in the second twisting wormhole. Its slammed on the twisting wormhole, and forcibly run the second twisting wormhole, and it also rushed out of a large number of undead soldiers.

At this time, the outbreak of the undead burst, the area that spread, if there is a corpse, it will turn the body into the undead to stand up.

Fortunately, the Great Wall of the Great Wall of Desperate Wall will turn the dead body of the dead demon into blood gas, and the breath of the undead cannot be converted into the dead body.

Wu Feng and others need to face a little pressure!

“The second wave of the enemy would increase the enemy.

Wu Feng reminded that this wave not only did the enemy in the first twisted wormhole increased the flying arms, the second twisting wormhole was also opened, and the enemy swarmed out. Intersection

Countless blood -wing devils flew out of the worm cave with other abyss devils, and their blood -colored bat wings covered the sky!

Wu Feng quickly reminded players that these blood -wing devils are 65 elite monsters and third -level elites, which are robbed of the first wave of second -order elite monsters.

I am afraid that the orange hero at this stage, even if it is dealt with more than a dozen third -order monsters, will look difficult because of level suppression.

What’s more, the flying devil and other flying devils such as the blood -wing demon are different from ordinary abyss devils. Ordinary devils come to the Great Wall of Desperate and can only be beaten passively and slowly slap the city walls.

The blood -wing demon can fly, can fly directly to the city wall, kill all the guards first, and then destroy the Great Wall of Desperate.

Under the command of Wu Feng, the defense tower and various remote troops also immediately started the blood -wing demon in the air, but the third -order elite monster is indeed much stronger than the second -order elite.

Even if they collect the fire blood wing demon and the dense flying demon, some can always fly all the way to the Great Wall of Desperate.

The flying demon that covered the sky, as if the clouds were shrouded in the Great Wall, and the troops stationed on the Great Wall soon encountered a lot of losses.

Because the firepower was attracted by the flying demons, other abyss devils and the undead army on the ground also killed under the Nervic Great Wall and attacked the walls crazy.

Even if the defense and durability of the Great Wall are extremely amazing, it will still be damaged slowly under this attack, and its durability has begun to fall again.

Seeing this scene, Wu Fengguo made a decision: “It is necessary to extend the length of the Great Wall of Despair, so as to repair the second seal of the Great Wall of Despair! We also need to enhance our own firepower!”

So Wu Feng invested 1 billion magic crystals and the mythical level of 500 units, extending the length of the Great Wall to 10 kilometers.

In this way, the second seal of the Great Wall is unlocked!

The Great Wall (10 kilometers): durability: 120 billion/100 billion yuan, the guard forces stationed on the Nervic Great Wall will obtain 100%full attribute and damage improvement.

The second layer of seal has been repaired, with the four abilities of the Great Wall of Fast and Broken, Desperate Land, Guarding Tower Defense, and Desperate Barrier.

Each investment of 200 million magic crystals and 100 units of mythical resources can increase the length of 1 km of the Great Wall. After the length of the Great Wall reaches 100 kilometers, the third layer of seal can be restored to activate other abilities of the Great Wall.

Great Wall of Person [Click to view specific attributes].

Desperate Land [Click to view specific attributes].

Guardian Tower Defense: The Great Wall itself will be attached to various defensive towers. The more sealing the unlocking seal, the more powerful the defense tower appears. At present, one beacon (legendary defense tower) will appear every 1 kilometer. Meteorite turret (epic defense tower).

Each beacon platform has a powerful increase effect, which can increase 150%of the full attributes and 150%of the damage of the residents in the beacon. Each beacon can be stationed in 2,000 people.

The meteorite turret can consume resources to buy up to 1 meteorite cannon, 10 meteor artillery and 100 meteor artillery, which can launch continuous harm to the enemy.

Desperate barrier: A desperate barrier will occur around the Great Wall, which can block all the items, energy, attacks and attacks from the Great Wall of the Great Wall to enter the Nesulting Great Wall and cause rebound damage (with the field of air). Essence At the same time, the desperate barrier can block the use of enemy void spells and can resist epic attacks.

Remarks: The Great Wall is the ultimate line of defense made of flesh and blood. This Great Wall has witnessed the long history of resisting the natural disaster.

The magic crystal and mythical resource in the sea were smashed. The Great Wall did not disappoint Wu Feng. He saw that the attributes of the Great Wall immediately changed greatly!

Not only did the attributes and damage on the Great Wall of Despair increased from 50%to 100%, and their capabilities were enhanced.

The accumulation of flesh will add an additional layer of blood -colored shields to the guards, which can make them more fleshy and more resistant, and will not be easily in seconds.

The area of the desperate plot has also been greatly improved. The Great Wall of 1 kilometer despair can provide the desperate plot of 200 units. The length of 10 kilometers can be provided with a desperate plot of 2,000 units.

Wu Feng was able to move all the defense towers above the territory! The level of the desperate plot has also increased from level 6 to 7, and the bonus effect has also increased from 50%to 100%.

This is a great improvement, like the output of the star tower, soaring because of this wave, and the third -order demon has become very relaxed.

The dual improvement of quantity and quality allowed the power of the defensive tower to skyrocket, and Wu Feng also moved the fairy sword tower.

The barrage of the sky fell, and the third -order demon fell. It was much more difficult to break through the barrage of the defense tower!

In addition, the number of troops stationed in the beacon will increase, and can increase more attributes and damage.

Increasing 150%of the full attributes and all the harm of 150%, the troops inside are equivalent to opening a hanging, and it can also cause amazing damage to the third -order demon. More troops can kill the third -order demon.

As for the newly added meteorite turret, it is an epic -level defensive tower. This type of turret can be described as the epic version of the turret.

The magic crystal turret in Wu Feng can buy giant artillery and provide amazing output. The meteorite cannon, meteor artillery and meteor artillery in the meteorite turret represent the epic, Asian epic and legendary output.

There is only one in 10 kilometers, and now the Great Wall is only 10 kilometers long. The only meteorite turret was pulled by Wu Feng with several giant cannons.

The meteorite cannon requires 50 million magic crystals and 200 units of epic resources.

The meteor artillery is 10 million magic crystals per seat plus 40 units epic resources and 400 units legendary resources.

Meteor cannon is a legendary resource of 2 million magic crystals and 200 units per seat.

Full of it, Wu Feng spent 350 million magic crystals and massive resources. The magic crystal in his hands seemed to be completely not enough!

Wu Feng filled the output of the meteorite turret while giving [rich world] to collect a little resource crystal.

Only more resource crystals can make Wu Feng repair the longer despair Great Wall.

As massive resources are smashed, the meteorite turret has a large exaggerated meteorite giant cannon, and a row of fascinating meteor artillery!

This meteorite turret is also repaired. I saw that the weapons on the turret were immediately renewed, and they were rejuvenated and became extremely mighty!

Then the meteorite cannon began to store energy. After 5 seconds, a large golden -red energy group was launched, and it was like a star falling, and it instantly killed a flying demon!

This meteorite giant cannon can kill hundreds of third -order devils in a second, and its power is more exaggerated than many secret techniques.

“I wipe it! Is this the legendary Italian gun? Second battalion, your mother’s really came up with the Italian artillery end!”

Teacher Wu couldn’t help exclaiming, [Steel straight man black and thick] was also shocked: “Italian cannon? This is a meteorite cannon! A group of children down!”

“My magic crystal turret, compared with this kind of meteorite turret, is exactly toy! This is too fierce!”

The lords present were also shocked by the power of the starry guns. They needed a number of arms to collect fire to kill the blood -wing demon, but they were directly killed by the meteorite cannon! The output even overflowed far, and stronger enemies came over to be killed.

However, although the power of the meteorite giant cannon is very powerful, it is about 30 seconds of the rhythm and began to harvest the blood -wing demon crazy.

The meteor cannon can also be able to store artillery. Its power is enough to kill nearly a hundred third -order devils. The meteorite giant cannon is known as meteorite, and its output has overflowed.

On the contrary, the output of the meteor artillery can be the third -order demon in the second second.

The meteorite cannon is more suitable to deal with stronger enemies!

The meteor cannon next to the meteor cannon also started crazy firing. The number of these cannons reached 100, and there was almost no output empty gear. A energy shell can be fired every second.

It is just that the energy artillery shells fired by meteor artillery look like meteors. Whether it burst out in the sky or falling on the ground, the meteor is as gorgeous, and it can also hit or kill the third -order demon!

These meteor shells are also a means of group attack. As long as they are wiped, the blood -wing demon will be seriously injured. At the center of the explosion, it will be second.

100 meteors shot in the crossbow, and the blood -wing devils were killed. The large meteor also made a meteor shower near the Great Wall!

I saw three types of cannons bombarded alternately, and there was a huge light that rose to the sky, and there were also meteors that crossed the sky, killing the blood wing demon in the sky.

After a meteorite turret, the firepower of the Great Wall has skyrocketed, and the fairy sword tower has five epic -level defensive tower here.

[Blue Demon Ji] It can be described as a big opening, and I feel that I have greatly increased their knowledge.

“And with the desperate barrier, these flying arms want to enter the Starry Great Wall, it is completely dreaming!” Wu Feng also launched the new capabilities brought by the second layer of seal, a desperate barrier.

I saw that the flying demons all felt an invisible force when they flew into the desperate barrier, and they fell down from the control of control.

This is the inhabitant field of a desperate barrier. Within this area, whether it is flying with wings or flying by spells, even magic creation such as ground essence airship and the city of the sky cannot be released.

There is no possibility of flying above the desperate barrier! This is a completely devastating blow for the flying demon.

When countless flying devils came over the desperate barrier, they fell like a rain. They fell on the desperate barrier, all screamed, and they were hurt by huge amounts of injuries.

绝境屏障是高频震动的屏障,不仅恢复耐久度的速度快,还能反弹伤害,像飞行恶魔这种直接落在绝境屏障上的家伙,全都会受到高频震动的伤害,无法逃脱,直到死亡 Intersection

So the unlucky eggs of these flying devils were sucked on the barrier of the desperation and became a living target, which quickly spiked after being fired.

“Hahaha! Look at these flying devils, just like birds who can’t fly, they fell into our bowl automatically! Even my Cavaliers can kill them. This is too cool! ”

[Zhu Family Lao Liu] Many knights have no ability to attack long -range attacks, and they could not attack the flying demon.

The flying demons fall on the desperate barrier, and the melee arms can also attack these targets, thereby brushing the killing number.

Lao Nao was also surprised: “There is only four -order purple boss here. Just in front of me, my troops only need to output! This is too cool! It’s just given me!”

[Steel straight man black and thick]: “Hahaha, these devils still want to fly to the Great Wall of Despair, it is a delusion! This is miserable now!”

Wu Feng’s allies were ready to have a bloody battle in the city, but I did not expect that the flying demon would not fly suddenly. The pressure of Wu Feng and others was greatly weakened, and the threat of this second wave was not great.

“The second wave of boss is here! This is called the head!”

(This chapter is finished)

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