Chapter 325 The Dogs Five Bive, the division can be achieved

Lord Palace: Perfect quality medium -sized building (500 meters*500 meters) can increase the defense and health of the lord’s heart by 300%, increase the output of 120%of the territory, and increase the territory of 1920 units every day. Rich plot.

Level 6 Lord Palace (basic level, extra+5 levels of the authenticity, the final effect is 11), the total level of the territory reaches 100 million levels, and can be upgraded to the 7 -level lord palace (80 million magic crystals and 8,000 units of perfect resource resources are required To.

With effect: Lord Halo, Lord Shield, Core Array, Affiliated Building.

Lord Halo: Within 60 kilometers of the lord’s palace (related to the level of the lord’s palace), the full attributes of their own heroes and arms will be increased by 30%. With the upgrade of the lord’s palace, the range and bonus effect of the halo can be improved. At the same time, after the array method of the lord’s palace, it can improve the blessing effect of the lord’s halo.

Lord Shield: The lord’s shield will be formed over the lord’s palace. Breaking the shield can attack the lord’s mansion. The shield value is 12 times the life of the lord’s heart. At the same time, after the formation method of the lord’s palace, the strength of the lord’s shield can be improved.

Core array: The lord’s palace can be set up inside, which can enhance the capabilities of the lord’s palace. The type of large formation is defensive, expanded, and aura. The cost of the large formation is related to its quality, and it can set up a perfect large array.

Affiliated buildings: The lord’s palace above level 5 can be added to the palace. If the quality of the subsidiary building is in the lord’s palace (lower or equal to orange quality), the level of the affiliated building is consistent with the level of the lord’s palace. The number of subsidiaries currently owns: 2.

The area of the lord’s palace is more than the lord’s residence. Nowadays, the Lingquan is an orange -quality building. It is directly included by the lord’s palace, which has become an affiliated building of the lord’s palace.

Since the lord’s palace is also a perfect -level building, the level of Di Lingquan has soared to level 11!

The number of spiritual fluid produced by Di Lingquan daily can naturally increase greatly. Wu Feng considers that the lord’s palace can set up aura large array to gather the aura, and the Baicao Garden is also included in the palace. To level 11.

At the level 11 of Baicao Garden, the number of reclaimed Lingsian has increased significantly. Chen Guo is busy now. Both subsidiary buildings can make the lord’s palace more colorful.

In the palace, you can soak hot springs and enjoy flowers. This is just like the palace.

And now the heroine who lives in, is Weicus, Qiya Lu, Ophala, Ryliel, and Xiaoqiao. Such a large palace is a bit empty.

It seems that Wu Feng has to work harder and recruit more female heroes to make the palace lively.

“Evolved out of the palace, then I am not afraid of the partition walls. Qialu will never hear the sound of throwing whip in the middle of the night …”

Wu Feng thought of today’s embarrassing scene, and felt that it was much more convenient to enter the palace.

This vein Lingquan is located near the main hall where he lives. Perhaps Wu Feng can also bring Vesus to bubble hot springs.

“[The Eye of Hope] I really gave me a lot of good things. If this kind of good person, just get more! In this case, then this bad luck cursed card will be put on the big brother!”

From the big gift package of [Eye of Hope], Wu Feng has obtained a number of orange and teleportation props used. In addition to the hero summoning cards that has been used, it is props such as the relocation card and teleportation card.

The most important epic ‘Chongbao’ is a special disposable prop.

The curse of doom, as the name suggests, is a cursing goal to make his luck extremely poor. When he goes out, he is hit by a car and walks in the ditch. The little umbrella bought is broken.

Anyway, how to get unlucky, it is particularly difficult to find its source! This is unlike those natural disaster props. After this doom curse card is used, there is no natural change in phenomena.

When Wu Feng saw this prop, he guess that Brother Big Brother prepared to deal with him, and now he just treats his body as his way!

“Ophara, you should also improve its effect …”

Wu Feng came to Ophara and showed her the curse of the bad luck. Opora smiled rare: “Lord, this is my old industry, the curse of doom. To some extent, it is more than that of natural disasters. It’s terrible. ”

“You just look at it. With this trick, your enemy will be unlucky in the next time!”

To put it, Oolla used the bad luck curses, and she chose to be a big brother!

[Ding … the goddess of disaster launching a doom curse card (epic quality), which enhances 200%of its effects. The territory of the Royal Ten Top Ten Lord was cursed by doom (epic badge) for 42 hours! .

After the increase in the increase, the curse card will continue for 42 hours, that is, for a full day, Wu Feng pays attention to the big brother’s territory, but found that there seems to be no change …

When Wu Feng was doubtful, he noticed that the big brother’s territory did change a little bit. He saw several waves of hunters in the fishing pit of the big brother.

They are all resurrected lords with strong strength. After the appearance, the big brother used seal props to seal their retreat.

As a result, the strength of these hunters was quite powerful, and they set up the battle with the big brother for the first time.

After obtaining the talent of blood stimulation, the big brother followed the hero flow. The defense tower he set up was not as fierce as Wu Feng, and the hunters and the big brother had their own losses.

As a result, after the elder brother launched his hero, these hunters saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately used the battle card to avoid war.

After the seal is over, immediately move with the relocation card.

These hunters not only were not killed by the big brother, but also caused great damage to his fishing pit. After 4 consecutive waves, the 4 fishing pits of the big brother were “patronized ‘, which made the big brother. It’s aggressive.

“What happened? Why did I encounter a powerful hunter for a few times in a row? These guys are very slippery, and they run away when the situation is wrong. Lao Tzu lost so much, but a big fish was caught!”

Brother is very depressed. These hunters are originally preparing to hunt other novice lords, and they have a lot of resources.

This belongs to the big fish, but because the big brother failed to kill these big fish, it was tantamount to being slammed with a fish tail.

In this case, the big brother lost his own losses, but he didn’t even earn a hair, and he lost to his house.

“Lord Lord, this has just begun, the more you reach the back, your enemies will get more unlucky. If the strength is poor, it may be destroyed because of this.”

“But the enemy you choose is extremely strong. I guess our possession will cause him at most …”

Ophara also followed Wu Feng to follow the situation of the big brother. She was very calm and did not feel that she could kill the big brother in a wave.

Wu Feng didn’t expect so high. As long as he could cause trouble to the big brother, it was enough. Originally, this bad luck cursed card was prepared to use him.

Now, in turn, Wu Feng is used on the big brother, and the gap between the two sides will be enlarged under the long time.

Wu Feng is particularly looking forward to that if he cuts the resource package of the big brother, the big brother will probably explode!

After cleaning up the big gift package sent by [Eye of Hope], Wu Feng paid attention to the two dog head lords who had previously appeared in his territory.

[Domineering Thousands] and [Domineering Wanjiang] summoned a bunch of knocks on the pits in his fishing pit, which also caused him to lose a lot of defense towers.

As a result, after [Eye of Hope] was destroyed, they withdrew the first time.

If they have nothing to do with the big brother, Wu Feng does not believe it. Now [the Eye of Hope] has been destroyed, Wu Feng can finally target [Domineering Thousands] and [Domineering Wanjiang].

However, before he started, he wanted to know the situation of [Domineering Qianxian] and [Domineering Talent]. He always felt that the two dog head lords were not so simple.

In terms of intelligence, it is natural to find Zhu Biyu to understand.

After Wu Feng reported the information of [Domineering Thousands of Thousands] and [Domineering Wan Xinjiang], Zhu Biyu quickly replied: “Brother Feng, you met this domineering dog head? I didn’t expect them to be resurrected! ”

Zhu Biyu’s answer undoubtedly proved that he knew some information about [Domineering Thousands of Thousands] and [Domineering Wanjiang], and Wu Feng briefly described the battle in the fishing pit briefly.

What Wu Feng focuses on pointed out that [Domineering Thousands] and [Domineering Wanjiang] actually have 5 exactly the same heroes, which makes Wu Feng very concerned.

In this case, it must be extremely special. Wu Feng listened to Zhu Biyu’s introduction quietly: “Brother Feng, the [domineering thousands of 仞] and [domineering thousands of Xinjiang] you encounter are famous on the 790th floor.”

“They are a member of the domineering family. The domineering family, that is, one of the families with the most genius and the most wide range of influences in the dog leaders. one.”

“Speaking, [Domineering Thousands] and [Domineering Wanjiang], the same generation, as the second brother and third brother, should be the relationship between the cousin. It’s the four heavenly kings. ”

Wu Feng interrupted Zhu Biyu’s words: “You just said that they are five twins, but how can they be called domineering four kings!?”

The expression of Zhu Biyu’s manners took it for granted: “There are five kings of the four heavenly kings. This is understandable …”

Wu Feng was speechless by Zhu Biyu, why can’t I get this immediately! Who said that five people can be collectively called the four heavenly kings?

But what are the special talents?

Zhu Biyu also continued to introduce: “I heard that one of the domineering four heavenly kings has a special talent that can connect five people together.”

“The other five people who were drawn can also be divided into one, that is, he opened the summoning scroll. The summoned arms and heroes were all five copies.

“This allows him to have a five -fold income when he extracts resources. The other brothers will give him his resource crystal, treasure chest keys, and summon scrolls.”

“Together, the development speed will be very fast! On the 790th floor, they rely on this talent to expand rapidly. It is said that it was a big lord early.”

“But when they impacted the hegemon, they encountered a stronger demon. They were scrapped by a wave, and they could only run as a mercenary.”

“More than half a year ago, I heard that they were eliminated because of some things, and now they have come to the 799th floor to resurrect.”

When I heard Zhu Biyu said, Wu Feng also finally understood why there are five exactly the same flying horse knight heroes in his hand.

That should be extracted by this talent, and its talent effect is a bit similar to Wu Feng’s talent.

It’s just that Wu Feng is to improve the quality of the items. The talent of these guys is to obtain multiple outputs. At that time, they can be assigned to different lords according to different situations.

Wu Feng was interested in the talent of these five guys. Zhu Biyu only heard of their talents. Wu Feng decided to check their talents with mysterious sheepskin rolls.

“Tiantong, do you know what the five of the five of them are? I already know a name called [Domineering Thousands], and there is a [domineering Wanjiang] …”

Zhu Biyu said quickly: “I have asked, in addition to the two of them, there are two names called [Domineering Hundred Beasts], [Domineering Ten Army], and the last most important guy is called [Domineering Flash]!”

“It is said that they were previously known as the domineering king, because [domineering flashes] have never been shot, and he has been hiding behind the scenes to provide support.”

“The talents of the other four brothers have their own characteristics, which allows them to show up outside and hide their [domineering flashes]. They are called domineering four kings.”

After hearing these five names, Wu Feng immediately checked it with mysterious sheepskin. Among them, [domineering flashes] is undoubtedly the point.

After paying a full 30 million magic crystal, Wu Feng also saw the talent effect of [Domineering Flash].

It can be achieved: Epic Lord’s talent, which allows your twin brothers to have the deepest connection with you. The heart of your lord will be completely connected. Only if the hearts of all the lords of all people are destroyed, you will be eliminated. At the same time, when drawing resource crystal, treasure chest keys, summon scrolls and special permissions, you will get multiple items (currently five copies) according to the number of your twin brothers, and can take effect on epic items.

Seeing the talent of [Domineering Flash], Wu Feng took a deep breath. In addition to this multiple extraction effect, the talent of [Domineering Flash] also allowed several brothers to share a life.

As long as they are not eliminated by the five brothers, they can survive.

This ability has made the five of them an inseparable whole. [A domineering flashes] is the core of the core of the five brothers.

So Wu Feng also checked the heroic talents of the other four brothers. The four of them were all legendary talents!

The talent of [Domineering Wanjiang] can increase the heroes and arms of the Cavaliers and greatly improve their attributes. This is a specialized talent.

[Domineering Wanjiang] belongs to the main force responsible for leading the Cavaliers Legion. When he harassed Wu Feng’s territory, he was also all the Cavaliers.

No wonder these knights are so firm that they can be killed and killed in Wu Feng’s defense tower line.

[Domineering Wanjiang] It can be defined as a combat lord, a legendary talent, which is already topped in this lord category.

Looking at [Domineering Thousands], his talent effect is that there is a chance that he does not consume props when using consumer props. Previously, when he used a phantom card, he used it twice. If the character is good, use three times and four times. The second is possible.

This is the white magic skill. The defense tower summoning card is consumed. It was originally a one -time obtaining 5 copies when the defense tower summoning card was drawn.

If you use these 5 summoning cards to [Domineering Thousands], he may summon 10 defensive towers.

[Domineering Flash] The extracted consumer props are definitely used for [Domineering Thousands], and I do n’t know how many consumed props in this guy …

“These guys seem to be very good in talent, plus [domineering flashes] to combine them together, and a few brothers are really difficult to deal with.”

Wu Feng also watched the talent of [Domineering Ten Army] and [Domineering Hundred Beasts], and their talents were also very powerful.

The talent of [Domineering Beast] can strengthen heroes, transform heroes, enhance the hero attributes and gain new skills. All heroes can improve their strength through his hands. It is definitely the strong of hero flow.

The talent of [Domineering Ten Army] can enhance the attributes of the defensive tower, which can be regarded as an upgraded version of the talent of [Blue Demon Ji].

This allows him to be the strong of Gou Daoliu, and the defense of several brothers will be responsible for him.

In this combination, the five brothers have their own characteristics. They hold the group tightly. The average lord is really not their opponent.

“Brother Feng, the domineering family is the dog of the three -eyed family. Big Brother can call them the five brothers, and there must be the ingredients of the domineering family.”

“You have to be careful in the future. These five brothers are still annoying, not to mention that there are still domineering families behind them.”

Zhu Biyu reminded him that he was also going to collect the information of the domineering family to prepare for the family in the future.

Earlier, Wu Feng had worked as a domineering family. Now the five -brothers of the domineering are in trouble again, and it is impossible for both sides to reconcile.

“I know, we are going to establish alliances next. Their five brothers cooperate closely. After the establishment of our alliance, we can cooperate closely.”

Wu Feng sent the talent effect of the five brothers directly to Zhu Biyu, and then said, “I have the specific talent effect of the five people here.”

“You sell this as an intelligence, anyway, it is to sell money anyway, mainly for disgusting five of them, so that others have a understanding of their talents, so as not to be taken off guard …”

Wu Feng deliberately made bad, and Zhu Biyu also showed a thief’s smile: “Brother Feng, this hand! I will sell it to the lord of the same area as them!”

Zhu Biyu immediately led the gods, Wu Feng nodded, and the lord’s talent was very important for lords.

Now that the resurrected lord appears, Wu Feng dare not guarantee that his talent is not known, and he must be prepared to be well known.

At that time, he can rely on his own alliance.

The mood of Wu Feng’s establishment of the alliance is even more urgent. At this time, if Ou Ruo was pulled to level 21, she triggered a new doom!

(This chapter is finished)

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