Chapter 240 One person is a single family! The big one is coming!

[Infrastructure Crazy Devil] is also the younger brother of the steel straight man. He was originally ready to move to the 033 area like the steel straight man. As a result, he was delayed.

Today, there is a boundless blood sea in the 033 region, and [Infrastructure Magic] I dare not move in casually.

Instead, he was worried about the situation of straight steel men. Just now he sent a private message to the Steel straight man, but the Steel straight man had never responded.

And the steel straight man hasn’t responded yet, [Fairy Knight] mocked in the group: “Xiao Heizai, I am afraid it has been destroyed by the boundless blood! I am waiting for his ID to disappear! Hahaha! ”

“Xiao Heizai can’t even cross the golden -handed period. He will become the shame of our leader, and I will ridicule him for a lifetime!”

Steel straight man just saw the words of [Fairy Knight], and he just face his face without saying a word: “Wang Ergou, your father, I should really shoot you on the wall!”

“You remember my father so much, but you bother, Lao Tzu is living well now!”

[Infrastructure Crazy Devil] Quietly sent a private message to the straight steel man: “Brother Chen, don’t you often call Wang Er and Dog Day, you now say that you are his father, do you not scold you? ? ”

The steel straight man wakes up, so special, Lao Tzu was fainted by the [Fairy Knight], and he actually thought of being a father for this dog day.

However, straight steel men still couldn’t help but hit the face of [Fairy Knight] fiercely. After communicating with [Jiutian Travel], he posted a screenshot of two heavy rain pear towers in the group.

“I encountered the boundless blood sea, but I relied on the evolved heavy rain pear flower tower to kill the Quartet! The bloody corpse of the boundless blood sea just gave me food!”

“Wang Ergou, don’t you think I will be destroyed by the boundless blood ocean. Lao Tzu was blessed due to disaster, destroyed countless blood corpses, and evolved the second heavy rain pear flower tower!”

“However, other brothers who do not have the perfect quality defense tower in the group are still not recommended to go to the area No. 033! The boundless blood sea is very dangerous, there is no perfect defense tower, and it is completely impossible to confront. I advise you to say that you are here to die! ”

Some of the steel straight men’s words dispelled the idea of many lords who wanted to relocate to the No. 033. Even the steel straight man felt that the boundless blood sea was very dangerous. Listening to his tone, it seemed that there was a perfect defensive tower to survive inside.

With the live cases of [shooting your heart], [moving bricks to support you] and others, most of them have the idea of brushing monsters in the 033 region.

The strength is not enough. Whether you brush the monsters or monsters, or two, especially now, now the boundless blood sea rays. If you really move, you will not desperate your head on the trouser belt.

As for the Iron and Steel Men’s ridicule [Fairy Knight], it is naturally that the Fa will be with the face. If the [Fairy Knight] dare not come, then the steel straight man can always ridicule him.

And if the fairy knight is coming, the straight steel man is even more happy, then this boy knows that facing the boundless blood sea, even if there is a perfect defensive tower, it is useless!

“Big guys, I just said in the group. The friends in the group should not be easily moved to the 033 area.”

“They also have their own connections. The news will quickly spread to the circle of the leaders of the various Dao Dao, which should be able to reduce the number of relocities.”

Steel straight man immediately reported the situation to Wu Feng. He had previously passed with Wu Fenggou and deliberately scared away some of the Lord Gou Daoliu. It means Wu Feng.

Although the owner of Gou Dao Liu was relocated, he could destroy it with the boundless blood sea, but after all, he could only control two days after all.

At that time, there was no boundless blood sea, and Wu Feng would have to go to these turtle shells by himself. It would be a matter of time. He still had to use the big goal of fishing for fishing as the core.

Wu Feng nodded with satisfaction and took down the straight steel man, and he still got a lot of benefits. Through his “appearance”, he could make the leaders of Gou Daoliu reach a consensus.

In the 033 region, the number of lords that temporarily moved in should be greatly reduced. Next, it is to clean up other lords with infinity blood.

In this case, Wu Feng suddenly discovered that a small collar he had occupied was attacked. This territory was the inner circle of the inner circle that Wu Feng destroyed a 12 -level lord with a borderless sea of blood. It is regarded as Wu Feng’s loot.

Because there are too many territories to occupy, Wu Feng can be described as blooming everywhere, lighting up a large circle of regions.

And a team of knights was suddenly transmitted to his territory, and they launched an attack on the small collar.

Because this little collar was also put on several arrow towers and god arrow towers by Wu Feng. Under the blessing of the tower of the arrows, the arrow towers series anywhere in the territory will greatly improve the power.

Several arrow towers shot dozens of knights in a round, but the opponent rushed to his territory. A round of charge caused a certain loss to the city wall.

But the opponent was just this round of offense. He ran away immediately after the fight. Wu Feng did not chase. When he sent the soldiers, the other party ran early.

“Is this intentionally to explore my information? Want to know who is the one who occupies these territories? Is this the lord of the Three Eye tribe and the thing that the dragon guards?”

Wu Feng watched the battle record. After killing the opponent’s Cavaliers, Wu Feng knew that the lord who launched the offense was called [near the water tower first, first month]. He was the three -eyed lord. Label of the dog.

In this case, Wu Feng couldn’t avoid. The other party ran and ran. He didn’t have the idea of playing at all. The purpose was to find out who the lord of the infinity sea was.

He wiped out countless lords with the boundless blood sea. With so many territories, as long as he attacked one of them, he could know the enemy’s information.

And after seeing the month of the war], after seeing the battle record, I immediately sent the screenshot to the burn of eight wasteland: “Brother, I tried it just now, it is [Jiutian Travel]!”

Seeing the private message from the younger brother, he was shocked and angry. It was really [Jiutian Travel] to launch the boundless blood sea. He did not expect that [Nine Days Traveling] could actually make such a powerful destroyer.

The strength and heritage of this person have exceeded his expectations. This son is so horrible that he must not leave!

So burning the Eight Wilds immediately spoke in the regional channel: “[Nine days of travel], do you launch a borderless sea of blood, do you want to fight with all of our lords? You do n’t righteous and you must kill yourself. This is forcing us to cooperate with Eliminate you! ”

[Longwei · Baqi Great Snake] also immediately helped the side: “[Nine Days Traveling], the boundless blood sea you made is the extermination of the world -class mantra! You want to destroy all the lords in the region! ! We simply sent troops together and flattened the territory of [Jiutian Travel]! ”

A large number of lords in the region have heard of seeing the same thing, which is exactly what the lords are most concerned about during this time.

It is mainly because the borderless blood sea is too dangerous. If they meet, they will be a crisis of territorial destruction.

When the other three -eyed lords were ready to speak together to form a trend of common crusade, [nine days traveled] also said: “Since you know that this is an extinction of mantras, then move it early.”

“I have the lord of the relocation card, I advise you to move out of the region as soon as possible. This is the battle between me and the three -eyed lord. I want to prove that our blue stars will never be weaker than the three -eyed family! Pick up the three -eyed lord in the entire area! Of course, you are also welcome to call other helpers! ”

“The Lord of the Three Eyes will stay and die with me. Other people do not want to get the pond fish, so I move away early.”

Wu Feng directly put on the posture of the entire three -eyed lord. At all, he turned the situation into a battle between the two ethnic groups.

If the lords of the other blue stars are shot to him, it is simply a rape.

The lords of other races are not easy to intervene in. This is undoubtedly a trick, and the water is muddy at once. They want to combine the eight wastes to combine all the other lords to siege Wu Feng, and they suddenly become unrealistic. Essence

And the Lord of the Three Eye tribe is not easy to move away. If it is moved, it will be ridiculed to escape for a timid war!

Wu Feng, who relocated, could not destroy them at first. At that time, the boundless blood sea was killed. When they saw that they were defeated, they would still move away from the region. Wu Feng could not occupy their territory.

It is better to scare them away now, not only to differentiate the enemy’s camp, but also save some efforts, which is the most conducive to Wu Feng.

And Wu Feng can make a sum of money from some lords!

[Rich World] I silently received the relocation card issued by [Nine Days Traveling]: “Boss, I will sell these relocation cards according to what you said. There are more than 100%profits out! ”

While advising people to move away, Wu Feng sells the relocation card.

For a while, many lords who wanted to run away immediately bought the relocation card and run the road. Long Wei wanted them to be a cannon fodder, but they were not so stupid.

This area No. 033 is either Nan Man invaded or the world -class ban is forbidden. Whoever loves here is here! They don’t wait anyway!

With the crazy sweeping of the boundless blood and the tide of this wave of relocation, the number of lords in the 033 region dropped rapidly, and it suddenly dropped to less than 3,000 people at once. The Lord of the Three Eye classes accounts for 1/5, which is much higher than the proportion of other regions.

The lords of the Three Eyes did not dare to move away easily. Special, [Jiutian Travel] said this on the regional channel, if they moved away, wouldn’t it be scolded!

On the other side, the incident was reported to the big brother by burning the Eight Wilderness and the Big Snake.

“His Royal Highness, the ninth natural disaster is out of blood in the area 033. We have verified it.

“We confused other lords in the regional channel to deal with [Nine Days Traveling]. As a result, this person actually split his words and said that one person must be one person to head our three -eye tribe throughout our region! We also said that we are welcome to call for help! ”

The two reposted Wu Feng’s screenshots of Wu Feng’s speech on the regional channel to Big Brother. They only said that [Jiutian Travel] This is how to hit our ass, this is to hit the eleven prince’s face!

After looking at the screenshot, Big Brother sneered: “You two stupid products, where is this boy challenging the entire three -eyed tribe! This is to give me a book!”

“The two of you are in the 033 area. In many people, the No. 033 area is the site of my key strategy. This kid says this on my site. If I don’t kill him, then my face is my face. Where can I put it? ”

“Since he likes to find death, then I will satisfy him! Notice [Ao Shi Nine Heaven], let him move to the area 033 after letting him work! His mechanical civilization can deal with the borderless sea of blood!”

After the big brother arranged, he hung up his private messages, burned the Eight Wilderness and the Eight -Qi Great Snake, and immediately contacted Yipin Longwei [Ao Shi Jiu Zhongtian] according to the instructions of His Royal Highness.


On the other hand, after Wu Feng blatantly declared war, some people immediately passed the news to [Xiao Duke]: “Supervisor, this area No. 033 is really lively! [Nine days of travel] launched the ninth natural disaster. , Have destroyed hundreds of lords! ”

“I looked at it. Among them, the Lord Gou Daoliu had ten people, which scared other Dao Liu Li.

“Now [Nine Days Traveling] still declare war on the three -eyed tribe on the regional channel. Now the two sides are already as powerful as water and fire, I am afraid that a war will usher in a war in the novice period!”

The information that notified this information to [Xiao Duke] is his ‘eyeliner’ [anti -practicing magical power]. Such eyeliner, he inserts it in each region, and even more than one area.

These eyeliner can get some compensation through the provided information. Here, like the information processing center, he will summarize the information from the eyeliner, and will eventually form the content of the daily newspaper tomorrow.

[Xiao Duke] I am very interested in the news provided by [Reverse Practice]. He immediately asked: “Is it really the ninth natural disaster? The boundless blood sea is a banned mantra, [nine days travel] Planting props! ”

“This information alone is enough to board the headline! And the battle with the three -eyed family. If it really happens, not only will the front version of the headline tomorrow fall, but I may be able to pay attention to attention in the next few days! ”

“[Nine Days Traveling] It is really the focus. It seems that I need to obtain his information information in depth!”

[Xiao Duke] The more excited, the more excited, the paparazzi a century ago liked to squat the stars’ every move to get the traffic. Today’s [Nine Days Traveling] and the eleven princes of the three -eyed family are all ‘front -line stars’ in his mind. Just stare at them, don’t worry about no big news!

However, compared to the paparazzi a century ago, [Xiao Duke] I felt that he did not work that, mainly in the face of such genius lords. If he was discovered continuously, it was easy to attract hatred.

The previous stars couldn’t shout and killed, but the lords in the abyss, seeing you are unhappy, can kill you.

[Xiao Duke] I don’t want to be resentful by this powerful lord. He decided to save the country by the curve, so he would not spy on the other party’s privacy, and reported that this kind of public event can be reportedly reported.

“Then you always pay attention to every move of the boundless blood sea. By the way, you must be careful. If you are attacked by the boundless blood, you should move away first.”

[Xiao Duke] Don’t forget to remind him of his eyeliner. He turned his head to listen to the information about the eleven princes.


After Wu Feng officially wanted to declare war on the Sanshu tribe, his death tide was also over, and Ophara officially spent this bad luck.

[Ding … Successfully survived the doom-the surging (legendary doom event), obtained 400 challenges, and according to the number of killings of Ophara, O howra obtained 500 points of all attributes. .

As the reward arrives, Opora can go to level 4. If there is a boundless blood of the sea, it is easy to upgrade.

The influence of the boundless blood sea has been completely rolled up. Wu Feng does not have to pay much attention to it. As long as Ophara follows the plan, it is enough to sweep the entire area.

At that time, I found the territory of several dragon guards, and they could clean it at one time.

Today, it has arrived at 22 o’clock, and today there are 20 hours left, which is enough to let Wu Feng destroy the territory of hundreds of lords.

At this moment, [Qianshan Muxue] contacted Wu Feng: “Traveling, I and my friends have taken care of the territory. Do you have time to participate in the death trial with us now?”

(This chapter is finished)

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