Chapter 238 Gong Gong Contract, New Boy!

After listening to [Steel straight man black and thick], Wu Feng called a good guy!

You don’t hesitate to get up! However, when it comes to [White Robe Shengxue], Wu Feng really knew that when he helped Su Mu to work, Su Mu met [White Robe Shengxue] at the expansion period.

The cold -faced beauty of the cold noodle, in the case of weakness than Su Mu, did not miss the dripping of her territory, and finally made Su Mu have to give up her attack on her territory.

At that time, Wu Feng also participated in the decision and saw the confrontation between the genius lords. difference.

However, after that, [White robe Shengxue] also moved the territory with the relocation card. She seemed to prove that she was not worse than anyone.

But the two genius lords were together, and one side would definitely lose. In the past and mid -term, she was not suitable for a dead battle.

After that, Wu Feng also heard some deeds of [White Robe Shengxue]. Now she seems to be a powerful Dao Dao Liu.

Now that the steel straight man actually said that Leng Ruowei [White robe Shengxue] is a gentle beauty? Are you sure we know the same person?

And this guy, are you buying or admit your brother -in -law! After Sister Ji knows, are you sure you can go home alive?

Wu Feng was laughed at by a straight man, but he replied coldly: “Do you be a blind date? What do I want your sister’s contact information? Is it now from the 799th floor to the 796th floor. court death?”

“You should buy your life for some more valuable things. I am not interested in the intelligence of the evolution of the Rain Rain Tower into a heavy rain pear tower!”

Wu Feng has this information. Naturally, he can no longer ask for this stuff. If there are other valuable things, he may still be interested.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] It is difficult for a while, and the other party is not interested in his beautiful sister’s sister? Didn’t this guy not hear the name of his older sister?

Isn’t it that the seven sisters and the five sisters are not reliable. As for the second sister, that’s it. Although the name of the second sister is ringing, it is not a good name. The name of the seven fairy is almost because of her. Disappeared.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] Turching his brains, he can only try to ask: “Big guys, are you not interested in my six sisters, are you interested in me? Although I grow up a bit handsome, but I don’t have any handsome, but I don’t have any handsome, but I don’t have any handsome, but I don’t have a handsome one Like a man … ”

Wu Feng’s reply to the Iron and Steel Man was that the Demon Demonstration of the Person of the Demon Dagua began to cut off the battlefield.

[Steel straight male black and thick] Seeing the legendary BOSS began to attack the cover, he hurriedly explained: “Big guy, you misunderstand me!”

“I have a contract here. I thought you wanted me to sign a contract with you and let me be your younger brother. I just expressed the wrong meaning!”

[Steel straight man is black and rough] Hold a perfect -level Shang tribute contract. This kind of prop is also known as the defeat contract. Wu Feng has seen it in the simulation game.

The defeat contract, as the name suggests, is the contract signed by the defeat. After the signing of this contract, the defeatr will become the vassal of the victim. Every time, it is necessary to tribute items, resources and props to the victims.

The higher the quality of the Gonggong contract, the more the number of people can be in the contract, the longer the duration, the perfect sub -tribute contract, the maximum contract of the contract can be up to 3 defeats, and the duration is up to 2 months.

The higher -level defective contract can even last for several years or even ten years. After signing the defeat contract, the losers cannot do things that are not good for the victims.

High -quality contracts will not even leak information information about any victims, otherwise they will be rejuvenated.

When Wu Feng saw this prop, he also gave birth to interest. It seems that this is a way! The Lord Gou Dao Liu was really the son of a big lord. Then he had the resources and connections that he had. Wu Feng could get a lot of things such as resource crystal and summon scrolls through him.

This is a lot of cost -effective to collect life -saving money at one time! In a long time and long -term meal tickets, Wu Feng still felt that long -term meal tickets were good.

Even if you get a few more orange items, for Wu Feng, it is not as good as thousands of resource crystals.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] also has his own consideration. After seeing this mysterious big guy can command the legendary BOSS, he already has this idea.

It is unwise to have hard steel with each other. He really can’t take things that can move the other party. It is better to adopt a tribute mode.

In this model, he really needs to continue to tribute to the victims, but [Steel straight man is black and thick] is confident. As long as he evolved out of the heavy rain pear flower tower, he can develop rapidly!

In the future, he would not take it in that thing, after all, the perfect quality contract, the upper limit of the tribute was not high.

Maybe after 2 months, the duration of the tribute to the contract is over, and he can be stronger than the other party! At that time, the role is swap, and I will let you know …

Dad also said that Gou Dao Liu’s Lord is to endure the people who can’t bear it, that is, he must be able to resist loneliness, otherwise how can he be able to hold it into the turtle shell!

Just thinking, the Demon Governor suddenly said: “Gonggong Contract? Then it depends on whether you have this value. See me your lord’s talent. If it is the talent below the perfect quality, then you will be resurrected! ”

[Steel straight man is black and thick] I thought the other party would agree directly. I did not expect that he actually said such a requirement. The steel straight man hesitated, but he could see the other party raised the beheaded sword again. Speaking, it’s really oil and salt!

But the other party had the absolute initiative. His life was held in the hands of the other party. He was either eliminated or could only recognize.

In this case, the Steel straight man had to throw a screenshot of his own lord’s talent: “Big guy, you can rest assured, I am the star of the Lord of the Lord of the Future, the absolute best talent!”

Wu Feng also checked the talent of this boy at this time. After seeing the specific attributes, even Wu Feng was a little surprised.

The light of evolution (perfect lord talent): The defense tower and building can be evolved every day, and the defensive tower below the excellent level can be directly evolved (5 times a day, and the number of evolution can be increased with the level of the level). The defensive tower above the excellent level needs to complete the first evolution and master its evolution method before it can evolve (2 times a day, and the number of evolution can be increased with the level of the level).

Talent evolution: If three legendary buildings or defense towers are cultivated within the territory, this talent can evolve to the legendary level.

Although the talent of the steel straight man is only perfect, it is very practical. It can evolve the defense tower and evolve the building, and save a lot of evolutionary cards.

After accumulation, this is a huge income, especially in the early stage, the perfect -level building or defensive tower can be evolved every day, which can quickly crush others.

In addition, this talent can evolve, which is even more potential. In the century -old lord Era, this evolutionary talent is more powerful than a high -level talent!

After all, if you work hard to continue to evolve, it is nothing to have legendary talents and even epic talents!

“Yes, your talent is barely passing, signing a contract!” After watching the talent of the steel straight man, Wu Feng finally let go.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] I vomited crazy in my heart. After my talent was seen to my father, he said that I was better than blue out of blue!

Big guy, do you actually say that my talent is barely passing? You will pretend too much. I can have half of your level, and I have long been ridiculed to death by Wang Ergou!

[Steel straight man is black and thick] Thinking about it in his heart, but his mouth is very well -behaved: “Okay, the big guy, I signed my name …”

The Steel straight man signed his name in the defeat of the war, and then gave the Gonggong contract to the other party.

The tribute contract can be stipulated that the items that must be tribute every day, the perfect Shangdong contract, the highest upper limit is 1 perfect item every 5 days, plus 3 purple quality items per day.

But beyond the expectations of straight steel men, after the big man in front of him signed his name [Nine Days Travel], the conditions written above were not for senior items.

Tudong content: 200 blue crystals, 50 blue summon scrolls, 50 blue treasure chest keys per day.

The number of tributes may be difficult in the early stage, but after half a month, [Steel straight man is black and thick] feels that he should be able to bear it easily.

After all, as long as he evolved the first heavy rain pear flower tower, there will be more and more heavy rain pear towers in the future, that is, the speed of snowballs!

Just when [Steel straight man is black and thick], when he was relieved, the other party spoke again: “By the way, the light of your evolution can evolve two perfect defense towers every day. I want to change with you to cooperate with you.”

[Steel straight man black and thick] Immediately nervous, the other party actually stared at the talent of his evolution!

At this time, the steel straight man reacted. It was [Jiutian Travel] who controlled the blood cloud.

But even if he is strong, [Steel straight man is black and thick] is unwilling to give the perfect defensive tower. As the leader of Gou Dao Liu, the defense tower is his life.

Even if he was dead, even if he was targeted by [Jiutian Travel], he would never do such a transaction!

“Big guy, do you want me to give you the perfect defense tower? Sorry, I am the leader of the Dao Dao, this defense tower is more precious than my wife, I am willing to pay tribute to other perfect items …”

“Besides, I haven’t evolved any perfect defensive tower. The evolutionary light can only evolve the purple -quality arrow tower at most. This level of defense tower is not easy to give you.”

Because after the signing of the Gonggong contract, the victims cannot attack the territory of the defeatr, otherwise they will be rejected by the Gonggong contract.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] It is a lot of hardships. He is going to use this to block the transaction requirements of [Nine Days Traveling]. It is a perfect reason that it has not evolved to evolve the perfect defense tower!

Even if they evolve in the future, hide it quietly …

But when Wu Feng’s behind, the straight steel man almost shocked his chin: “You are ready to evolve the heavy rain pear flower pagoda, then you have 15,000 ordinary strange monsters, or the green elite and orange boss have not killed enough. Is the need for pear flowers solved? ”

[Steel straight man is black and thick] is still shocked than the ID of [Nine Days Traveling] just now. How do the other party know the evolution method of the heavy rain pear flower tower?

He said it was not bad. Even the number of killing ordinary monsters was right. He also knew that the evolution of the heavy rain pear flower tower required pear flowers! If you can say these conditions in one bite, [Nine Days Traveling] is definitely a way to know the entire evolution, not simple and messy!

Dad didn’t say that there are very few lords who know this method of evolution! Even he was bought from the three -eyed national teacher.

Even this intelligence was rumored to be men and women, and even their sisters did not know!

Now I know this [Nine Days Traveling], it is simply not in line with common sense!

The next words of Wu Feng subverted the three views of [Steel straight man black and thick]: “By the way, I also know the conditions for evolving the heavy rain pear flower tower, if your lord talent wants to evolve …”

[Steel straight man is black and thick] Hearing this, it is still a bit unbelievable. My father does not know how the heavy rain pear flower tower evolved into a thousand arrows. How can you know?

You know, his father has also tested to let the heavy rain pear tower kill the enemy in the evolutionary method similar to the arrow tower, but he found that he couldn’t figure out his evolution.

Moreover, just by killing, I do n’t know that the types and quantities of the evolution required for the evolution of the heavy rain pear flower tower still cannot evolve.

Knowing this intelligence, I am afraid that there are only the three -eyed national master, his third eye, but he has the pupils that break all the truth!

Just thinking, Wu Feng took a screenshot of the tower to send the tower on the straight man’s face: “How? Don’t believe it!?? My Wanjian Qi Qi Tower should let you believe it.”

This time, the steel straight man is completely numb. Special, he is still working hard for the heavy rain pear flower pagoda, but the big guy in front of him even has the tower!

His father, all of them are provided by the tower as a baby. Is this what the lord should have at this stage?

[Steel straight man black and thick] Finally know how [Nine Days Traveling] How can I rush to the top of the unlimited trial ranking.

There are thousands of arrows to send the tower, I can do it!

“As long as you help me evolve a perfect defensive tower every day, I can give you the evolution of the heavy rain pear flower tower. How about this way of cooperation?”

After seeing the talent of the evolution of the steel straight man, Wu Feng already had this idea. This talent is simply too powerful. You can stabilize Wu Feng to obtain the designated perfect defense tower.

Whether it is used to evolve the heavy rain pear flower tower or the star tower, it is extremely useful. The larger the two defense towers are, the greater the power!

There are straight steel men, and Wu Feng wants to increase the number of these two types of defense towers, which is still easy.

His talent has a great value.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] It is also tangled for a while. He wants to know the evolution of the heavy rain pear tower. This is the hope of his evolutionary lord’s talent.

But if the number of evolutionary perfect defense tower is given to [Nine Days Travel] every day in the early stage, his development speed will be greatly reduced, which will need to make a choice [steel straight man black and thick].

After the ambition, the ambiguity, after a while, made a more later choice.

“Okay, I can promise you to change the evolution of the heavy rain pear flower tower with the quota of the perfect defense tower. When are you going to tell me this information?”

Wu Feng showed a successful smile: “Waiting for you to evolve the perfect defensive tower for a month for me, I will tell you again, then the tribute contract is still there, we will not worry about the other party playing with flowers.”

[Steel straight man is black and thick] can only recognize it. He and Wu Feng also signed an additional contract. Whoever violates will be rejected by the rules.

[Steel straight man is black and thick] Through this behavior, [Nine Days Traveling] has indeed mastered the evolution method of the heavy rain pear flower tower.

Otherwise, this contract cannot be signed successfully. After all, [Nine Days Traveling] now, if he is deceiving, he will not meet the conditions of the contract.

Just when the steel straight man’s heart was as curious about the evolution of the heavy rain pear flower tower, [nine days traveled] suddenly said: “You have no heavy rain pear flower tower now? Brush a wave in the trial, let you experience the power of the heavy rain pear flower tower. ”

(This chapter is finished)

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