Chapter 235 The Ninth Disaster, the Legend of the Border Blood Sea (400 monthly vote plus more)

[Zhenkou Zhenjun] At this time, he was preparing to rest. He heard his reports, but he didn’t dare to despise it. The situation in the 033 area was more complicated, and everything could happen.

“Do you see clearly? There are really blood corpses and blood shadows? So how did you carry the attack of the blood sea?” It’s not a fairy].

[I really am not a fairy] who had just escaped from the birth day, I made my legs soft: “I bought a territory to relocate card at a high price, and I ran away while the blood of the blood was completely swallowed!”

“I just took a look at it just now that it was less than a minute, and my territory lost one -third of the people. The blood -sucking ability of blood was too terrifying, and ordinary farmers became dry corpses instantly!”

[Zhenkou Zhenjun] When I hear this, I dare not have the slightest slack: “Blood corpses, blood shadows, and overwhelming blood sea, you say this like the legendary boundless blood sea!”

“I remember the university scholars have collected the effects and characteristics of various natural disasters of the world, and also ranked among various natural disasters.

[Zhenkou Zhenjun] is more insightful than [I am really not a fairy]. He can enter the question Tiange, which is permanently entered by the three -eyed high -level executive from an early age to view all kinds of hidden information about endless abyss.

[I’m really not a fairy] I haven’t heard of the name of the boundless blood sea, but [Zhenkou Zhenjun] knows its origin.

[I’m really not a fairy] I swallowed my mouth: “Is this a boundless blood sea? Is this just the ninth natural disaster? What is the biochemical crisis for the first day?”

The biochemical crisis is a terrorist disaster that has been passed on by the lord’s mouth. It has reached the level of the child’s night cry. When it comes to the natural disaster, the biochemical crisis is inevitable. Its popularity is evident.

[Zhenkou Zhenjun] But he laughed: “The biochemical crisis? Is it a high ranking of this natural disaster? In fact, the biochemical crisis is still behind the boundless blood sea, all ten outside!”

[I’m really not a fairy] a little unbelievable: “How can this, isn’t the biochemical crisis almost swept the whole layer of abyss!”

The answer he got was [Zhenkou Zhenjun] full of joke: “Sweeps a whole layer? That is a group of lords and overlords to release the biochemical crisis. Change. ”

“Later, this group of overlords and the masters of the leader overturned the biochemical crisis, and it completely ruled the abyss of that layer.”

“If you say the real destructive power, the biochemical crisis will not be worthy of the third -ranked demon natural disasters!”

[Zhenkou Zhenjun] Seeing the records of college scholars, I am familiar with the data and information of these natural disasters, and [I am really not a fairy] a lord with no background, knowing information is the basic public information Essence

This information is relatively fragmented, and some of them are also passed on the information that has been transformed. [I am really not a fairy] naturally there is no [Qiaokou Zhenjun] that is so clear about natural disasters.

He murmured to himself: “The bloody corpse of the boundless blood is almost the same as the zombies in the biochemical crisis.”

“The most terrible thing is the invincible blood shadow. The attack below the legendary level is invalid, so there must be a legendary hero or a defensive tower to confront them.”

“At this stage, we have no legendary power. Even if I have encountered a boundless blood sea, I am afraid I will escape …”

[Zhekou Zhenjun] After careful analysis, [I’m really not a fairy] scalp numb: “Boss, do you even have to withdraw? We are all destroyed! ”

The boundless blood sea seems to be an epic natural disaster, that is, epic -level props can be launched. With such props, it is definitely not an unknown.

Thinking of this, [Guankou Zhenjun] appeared in the mind of [Nine Days Traveling] in his mind. People who do n’t know, thought he was crush on [Jiutian Travel].

Mainly [Guankou Zhenjun] found that almost all the major events in the region are related to [Jiutian Travel].

In addition to the invasion of Nan Man on the first day, the four -day Nanman invasion was launched by [Nine Days Travel], which even appeared on the headline of the country’s own country.

There are also just patrols and the coming of Xiangrui afterwards.

Coupled with the new epic heroes on the list, more than half of them may be [Nine Days Traveling].

These major events are related to [Jiutian Traveling]. Nowadays, there is a borderless sea of blood.

“If it is really a boundless blood sea launched by [Nine Days Traveling], it is terrible, and our situation may be worried!”

[Zhenkou Zhenjun] I couldn’t sit still again. He immediately shared this information from Burning Eight Wilderness and Baqi Great Snake. I went in.

[I am really not a fairy] Seeing that the other two big brothers in the group are also dragon guards. He was immediately nervous. He was just a little lord who attached the Yang family. His parents were also in the alliance of the Yang family. Ordinary members.

These two dragon guards are ‘nobles’ in the three -eyed tribe, and they can be a big man who can determine his destiny!

“Do you mean you see the boundless blood sea? You describe the scene you see carefully!” The most urgent to burn the Eight Wastel. If it is really a boundless blood sea, he has just been hit hard in the territory.

What a special, [Jiutian Traveling] This kid has used several doom props to him, so that his territory has been stunned.

Nowadays, the territory of the eight wastes can no longer be able to withstand any toss!

[I’m really not a fairy] I immediately said the situation honestly, and he was talking, and suddenly he stared at the situation outside the territory.

“Boss, it’s not good! I saw a bloody sea that was rushing towards my territory again. I have obviously moved to a place outside Bermi! Why is this blood sea chased me!”

[I’m really not a god] I was almost crying. He had already used the relocation card, and it was impossible to use it again in a short time.

He must also carry the blood of the blood, but he has listened to Guankou Zhenjun introduced the horror of the boundless blood. In the face of these ninth natural disasters, [I am really not a fairy] I feel that I will die!

“You talked to me after five or six minutes after the infinity sea, even if it was boundless blood, it would not be possible to run out of hundreds of miles in such a short time! This may be the second wave of infinity. The same props? ”

Zhenkou Zhenjun couldn’t help doubting his judgment. Is this a brand new natural disaster?

At a glance, they looked at the Eight Wilderness and Baqi Snake, and they hurriedly said: “Then you turn on the live broadcast to us, let’s see if it is boundless blood sea!”

[I’m really not a fairy] I had to follow the orders of the three big men. He just opened the live broadcast to the three, and saw that the blood sea had eroded his territory.

I saw that in a bloody color, the people in the territory were cracking, blood was quickly drawn, and they were sucked into a corpse.

Then these dry corpses stood up again and rushed towards others. The things in the bloody sea have not launched an attack. [I am really not a fairy] the territory is already chaotic!

“The bloody sea that can draw vitality, the blood corpse that can be resurrected is indeed one of the characteristics of the boundless blood sea, but the blood shadow …”

When I was burning out of the barren, a bloody shadow suddenly appeared in front of [I am really not a fairy]. This blood shadow passed through a layer of wall and came directly to the lord’s house.

[I’m really not a fairy] Let a blue hero protect himself closely. After the appearance of the blood shadow, the swordsman immediately waved his sword to cut his sharp sword gas.

Swordsman heroes have a strong output in many occupations, but there is no legendary power, everything is embarrassed.

His sword qi was ignored by the blood shadow, and the blood shadow of his face could not be seen directly, and he was attached to the swordsman hero. His expression became extremely painful!

“Lord, escape!” The swordsman heroes know that they are unable to fight against blood shadows, and can only let their lord escape quickly.

[I’m really not a fairy] As soon as I opened the door, I felt a cold behind, and the blood shadow had entered his body from behind him.

In the perspective of the three people such as burning all the time, [I’m really not a fairy] slowly poured on the cold ground, and then a large number of spider blood corpses rushed into the lord’s hut. attack.

When the lord of [I am really not a fairy] was destroyed, one person was missing in the group immediately, and the remaining three men looked at each other.

They just saw the process of infinite blood from the first perspective, which was much shocking than the text records in Tiange!

No wonder this boundless blood sea will be called the ninth natural disaster. If their territory faces this kind of offensive, I am afraid they will be defeated!

At least their heroes and defense towers cannot threaten blood shadows. Then this blood shadow can be raged everywhere, relying on blood shadows alone, they can slaughter their territory!

“It’s really boundless blood, and [I’m really not a fairy] I told me before that the first wave of infinity blood he met, the blood corpse inside was dominated by all kinds of devils, but what we just saw The bloody corpses in the boundless blood are all dark monsters. ”

“I guess that the infinity sea sea is at least divided into two dials, and it is sweeping in different directions. [I am really not a fairy] is more unlucky.

[Zhekou Zhenjun] Analysis of calmly, his territory has not been attacked by boundless blood, and there is still a chance. He now needs to think of a solution.

Burning Eight Wilderness and Baqi Great Snakes also agreed with the judgment of Zhenjun, who was in the middle of the world. The posture of the boundless blood sea was simply swallowing thousands of miles to wipe out the lords in the entire area!

They also felt that the huge crisis was in front of it, and they must not be careless: “This is undoubtedly the boundless blood sea. What we want to do now is how many boundless blood of this, who has launched the boundless blood sea, who has launched the infinite sea of blood. At the speed, how long will it come to our territory … ”

The launch of the destroyed natural disaster, there is almost no need to guess. It is known that the user must sweep the entire area again, eliminating other lords to the greatest extent, and occupying more territories.

“No matter who launched the boundless blood sea, this matter has threatened our territory, and it is not necessarily useful to move once.”

“Just now [I’m really not a fairy] proves that when we sweep together in a number of boundless blood sea, we may still encounter the boundless blood sea after relocation. We must find a way to solve this threat!”

There are “fresh living” cases of [I am really not a fairy]. The three dragon guards are worried. After discussing, they decided to figure out who launched the boundless blood sea! This matter is extremely important.


[Ding … Destroy the lord, I am really not the lord of the fairy. According to the level of the lord (level 14), you get 7 kills. .

[Ding … successfully destroying me is really not the heart of the fairy, but can occupy half of the lord’s territory. Please choose the preserved plot. .


On the other side, Wu Feng saw the latest system tips, and he was a little ridiculous: “This three -eyed lord is also unlucky, and after encountering the infinite sea of blood moved away, I did not expect to encounter another wave of borderless blood so soon. ocean.”

“You are lucky, not going to buy lottery tickets is really a huge loss!”

Wu Feng just saw that [I really am not a god] for the first time after encountering the boundless blood sea, he was withdrawn. Originally, he felt that the only disadvantage of the boundless blood sea was that it was difficult to stop the lord from using the relocation card.

But [I am really not a fairy] ‘s “performance” made Wu Feng realize that as long as he divides the soldiers, as long as these lords do not move out of the region, it can be solved.

If you want to relocate to avoid the sweeping of the boundless blood, you need to be very lucky!

While letting Wu Feng step down, he stepped his speed and let the boundless blood sea divided into more directions. There were blood shadows headed, and only a batch of fast flying blood corpses were scanned with the blood shadow.

The number of blood shadows is the key to the rapid sweeping of the boundless blood.

“According to the current combat power of the lords, as long as you need more than 10 blood shadows, you can easily destroy the territory of a lord!”

“Anyway, the existing power of the lords cannot threaten the blood shadow. Sub -soldiers will continue to divide the soldiers!”

Wu Feng’s decisive decision made the blood of the 4 regiments into 6 seas of blood. The speed of this snowball is faster. This is the result of the scanning of the blood shadows.

The main blood sea composed of the large number of blood corpses also launched an impact on some hard bones. It was the leaders who used the defense tower as the main defensive force.

Because the blood sea can only be attached to the blood and cannot destroy the defense tower, the blood shadows are really difficult to break through the territory of the Lord.

It is mainly the flying blood corpse responsible for attacking the lord’s heart.

Wu Feng also left these stabbing turtles to the blood corpse army. Now the two troops are also attacking the territory of the Lord of Gou Daoliu respectively.

“This borderless sea of blood is prepared for your leadership. Want to relocate to the 033 area to brush resources? Do you have to die!”

(This chapter is finished)

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