Chapter 233 Move the Border Blood Sea!

After Wu Feng’s ears sounded, he saw that the golden light shone on Oura’s body. During this time, she murded the monsters, making her full attributes that she obtained from doom than imagined.

Ophara obtained 600 full attributes in one fell swoop. If each upgrade can get so many fully attributes through doom, then she does not need to upgrade the level of too high, and she can have a strong combat power!

“Ophara, is the doomed events you attract, is it similar to the turbulence of the magic tide?” Wu Feng asked, Opula shook his head: “Before level 10 Mainly doomed events, if advanced, it may change. ”

Wu Feng’s eyes were bright, and there were such good things? This magic tide was turbulent, but it benefited him huge. Two legendary BOSS and more than 10 orange bosses alone made Wu Fengwu lake take off.

If Ophara has a wave of magic tide every time, Wu Feng’s development speed can be greatly improved! Where is this doom, it is just a good luck!

At this moment, the two moon in the sky disappeared together, and Wu Feng was lost: “Is this disappearing? Why is there no one night?”

Wu Feng brushed the happiness, and the two -month was gone. This time, the development speed changed from 100 yards to 40 yards. He shook his head and didn’t rush to let Oura upgrade. Bar!

During the period of the two -month shine, Wu Feng had brushed a lot of monsters. The demon canyons and Tiankeng defense lines accumulated countless corpses, which was a good time to launch the infinite sea of blood.

When the boundless blood sea is launched, it will only convert the dead body of death within 12 hours into a blood corpse. To ensure the power of the boundless blood sea, it is natural to start at this peak.

So Wu Feng handed over the borderless blood scroll to Opora: “Can you also launch this scroll?”

Ophara nodded: “I can launch all the props that bring disaster and doom. This is an epic prop. I cannot improve its quality, but it can greatly enhance its power.”

“Lord, am I mobilizing the borderless sea now?”

Wu Feng pointed to the devil canyon: “Yes, just start here, let me see the power of this destroyed mantra!”

Opora picked up the blood -red scroll. This scroll represents endless killing and destruction. Wu Feng did not hesitate. Only this boundless blood scroll can complete his plan!

Under Wu Feng’s gaze, Ophara torn out the scroll, and the boundless blood light was blends into the Ortora body, and then she was like a amplifier, which released the boundless blood sea!

Obo stretching his fingers to the corpse mountains under the wall of the Titan City: “Win -Bloody Sea, start!”

Bloodlight splits out, and the blood color drowned the whole space. The rich bloody smell almost spit out Wu Feng. When he saw it, he found that the blood light eroded the corpse on the ground, and countless monsters just climbed up again.

But they all turned into dry corpses, the blood in the body was pulled out, and then it was incorporated into the boundless blood sea!

The corpses of more than 40 units are all turned into blood corpses. At the same time, the strong blood clouds covered everything, making people unable to see the scenes in the blood, and they could only hear the roar from the inside.

The Demon Director, who had previously beheaded by Pan Feng, stood up at this time and stood up together with more than 10 orange boss!

The legendary BOSS can also be converted into blood corpses by the boundless blood sea. Although the strength only maintains 90%of the time when it is alive, this is amazing enough.

This supervisor’s blood corpse can also be used as the legendary BOSS. With many orange bosses, the combat power of the Blood Corps will be very amazing.

Because of the emergence of BOSS, the scope of the blood sea has expanded a lot. The rich blood color is enough to cover up the existence of the blood, and the scene is not clear at all.

After the formation of the blood of the blood, the monsters from the Demon Canyon were swallowed up by the blood. They were quickly absorbed to the blood and became a new blood corpse. The power made Wu Feng very satisfied.

Originally, the blood sea was drawn by 200 points of life every second. After the use of Opora, its blood -sucking effect was doubled!

At the same time, there was still blood light on Opula, and she looked at Wu Feng: “Lord Lord, I can also use the boundless blood sea in one place. Where do you see?”

Wu Feng immediately thought of the Tiankeng defense line: “Then I take the tincture to the Tiankeng defense line, there are countless monsters of the monster, with the body over there as a nutrient, and you can also create countless blood corpses!”

When he thought of it, Wu Feng immediately transmitted to the Tiankeng defense line with Opora. When the two rushed to the wall of Tiankeng, they could see the corpses accumulated into a mountain in Tiankeng.

This number is only a little less than the Demon Canyon defense line, and there must be a large number of monster nests under the Tiankeng.

“Ophara, let’s start here!” Wu Feng motioned for Ophara to operate, so Oolla poured all the remaining blood in the body into the surroundings of Tiankeng.

The strong blood clouds shrouded the earth again, and countless corpses were climbed out after being absorbed by blood. Wu Feng calculated that the waves of Opora equal to the effect of improving the borderless blood sea!

At the same time, the legendary spider giant was also resumed as a blood corpse, and there were two legendary blood corpses BOSS in the boundless blood.

With these two bosses alone, it is enough to sweep the territory of other lords. The perfect defensive tower is not very threatening to their threats. Only a higher -level defensive tower and hero can fight with them!

The boundless blood sea, which was originally powerful, is really a ban on the world. Next, it is the time when the beast comes out!

“Oolla, you will be controlled by you, direct these blood corpses, and flatten other territories in the region!”

After Wu Feng gave Oura’s power, he opened the gate on the wall of the Titan City, so that the blood corpses could come out. Because the boundless blood sea would be perfectly controlled by Opula, Wu Feng was not afraid that they would hurt people.

After rushing across the Titan Wall, Ophara immediately commanded them to bypass their territory and began to go straight to the nearest lord!

Because the Devil Canyon defense line and the Tiankeng defense line have a wave of borderless blood, Opora is completely used in one mind, allowing the two blood -sea to move, which can improve the efficiency of its sweeping!

I saw the boundless blood sea away from Wu Feng’s territory. This film represents ominous blood -colored substances, which is very fast!

After 10 minutes, the boundless blood sea appeared dozens of kilometers. A lord named [Qi Hua] became the first ‘lucky child’ to taste the boundless blood.

[Qi Hui] At this time, he was resting in the lord’s hut. He survived the fifth day of the two -day moon, and he was still very fulfilled.

“Although it is forced to transform into the Lord Gou Dao Liu, as long as I develop well, I can still become a big lord in the future.”

“This 799th floor is so difficult than other layers. If I become a formal lord, wouldn’t the gold content be much higher than that of other layers!”

“Wait for me to pass the golden new hand and become a formal lord, I can go home to marry Xiaofang …”

[Qi Hui] When thinking about the future, he unknowingly set a number of flags. He was about to lie down and rest, and he heard the alarm of the whistle.

The harsh warning made [Qi Hui] jumped up from the bed at once: “Is there any one who wants to attack my territory? Do you know that I am already the Lord!”

“My territory is all defensive tower. The lord who will be so powerful, and my territory will be collapsed with blood … I am!”

[Riddleist] Originally thought that his territory was foolproof, there were countless defense tower protection, and few lords were willing to squeeze this stabbing turtle shell.

But he looked through the vision of the whistle tower, and he saw the army of other lords, but the blood sea that covered the sky!

There was a horrible roar in the blood of the blood. [Qi Hui] I couldn’t see the situation inside, but according to this endless roar, there were probably countless enemies in it!

“Enemies! The enemy attacks! All of the defense tower and enter the state of emergency combat reserve!” Although I can’t figure out what the situation of the blood is, but the [Qi Hui] still issued an order as soon as possible, and the entire territory began to run emergency operation.

A large number of shooters have settled in various arrow towers. [Dragrphy] Because of the idea of making up the idea, almost all the soldiers in his territory were replaced by shooters.

To this end, there are almost few melee soldiers in his territory. Only the lord has taken a few knife guards himself. Now the archer enters the defense tower, which can increase the lethality of the first round of attacks to the greatest extent.

Just when the [Qi Shuang] let the army stand out in the city wall, they suddenly flew from countless fireballs from the blood of the blood! That’s the attack of the flame demon in the blood corpse!

Director of Opora, the blood corpse in the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood, made several legions, and rationally paired according to its capabilities.

Like the Flame Demon, they are responsible for remote attacks. They use the cover of blood. After entering the range, they start to attack crazy!

The number of flame devils in the blood of the blood is probably more than tens of thousands of. Their round of fire is like a meteor shower, countless fireballs hit the city wall, destroying more than a dozen defensive tower, and destroying the city walls while destroying the city walls. Most of them!

In the Devil Canyon defense line, these flame devils were refreshed in 12 hours, and they were easily killed without concentration.

Now they gather together, and there are heroine commands, and the lethality of the outbreak is no less than that of a 10,000 -person shooter!

In particular, the blood corpse of the boundless blood also can also get the blessing of Wu Feng’s thousands of horses. As long as it is the same type of arms, it can increase attributes!

These flame demon blood corpses are naturally the same type, tens of thousands of flame devils, and its full attributes have increased by more than 150%!

This makes the range of the flame demons exceed the shooters with the increase in defensive tower. Before entering the range of the defensive tower, they can launch a round of fire!

This wave of attacks destroyed a large number of troops to destroy most of his first level of defense, [谜 这] stunned: “What is it! What kind of ghost thing is this, how can there be any ghost, how can there be? There are so many remote attack enemies! ”

[Qi Qi] This is completely panicked. He has never seen this situation. He can’t see the situation of the enemy. The firepower of the other party is so fierce. As the Lord of the Dao Dao, [Qi Hui] found that he could only be beaten passively!

Just when [Qi Shuang] Considering whether he was going to go out for a wave of riots, the blood of the blood had come!

The strong bloody smell made [Qi Hui] just vomiting. He widened his eyes and saw that the blood sea shrouded his territory, and then those farmers who were preparing to riot were all sucked into people!

The blood sea can cause hundreds of damage per second. The fragile farmers are simply a small blood bag. If the blood pump is pumped, it will be sucked and the scalp is numb. Stand up again.

I saw these farmers’ sorrowful face, and their eyes were bloodthirsty, and the blood corpse quickly rushed towards other farmers or soldiers.

At the same time, the monster corpse outside the territory also stood up again in the blood of the blood. After experiencing the baptism of the two -monthly out of+Nanzao, the [Qi Hua] was filled with the monster’s body outside the territory.

The number of it may exceed 8,000. Under the transformation of the blood, so many corpses have become blood corpses, and the range of blood sea immediately expands from more than 80 units to more than 100 units!

The number of blood corpses increased significantly, and they all rushed in from the gap in the city wall. When they saw people, they were demon.

Countless blood corpses rushed in the territory. This scene is simply too strong!

[Qi Hui] His eyes widened, and his hands and feet were shaking: “What is it! Is this a biochemical crisis? Zombies have come out? No, these farmers have not been bitten yet! After they died, they became such ghosts. ! ”

The legend of the biochemical crisis is the content that many novice lords learned in the classroom. At that time, the teacher said that when this situation, the defense tower could only be carried by the defense tower.

A strong lord, it is best to clean up the initial enemies as soon as possible. It is the best choice to destroy it before it has a snowball!

And if you can mobilize the natural disaster of the biochemical crisis, it is best to start early, which is an excellent means to expand the site!

The blood corpse and blood in front of you are obviously a natural disaster launched by other lords. Give it to live! ”

Thinking of the method that the teacher said, [谜 想] cannot be operated at all. Now he not only does not have the strength to destroy the blood corpse, but he can’t even guard his own territory!

Just when [Qi Shuang] was still thinking about what to save the territory, there was a sudden wind rolling in the boundless blood, and countless eagle devil flew out!

The number of Eagle Devils far exceeds the imagination of [Qi Hui], and I am afraid that it has exceeded 10,000!

So many hawk -body devils are too late to attack the tower, and their goals are [Qi Hui] and his lord’s hut.

[Qi Hui] The soldiers guarded at the door were killed in an instant. A large number of Eagle body demon rushed into the hut. The last scene that [Qi Shuang] saw was that countless eagle body devil fluttered in his lord’s heart. superior.

Sure enough, when [Qi Hui] he was waiting for the resurrection stage, he heard the prompt that his lord’s heart was destroyed!

[Ding … Destroy the lord’s heart of the lord, according to the level of the lord (level 14), you get 7 kills. .

[Ding … the heart of the lord who successfully destroyed the riddles can occupy half of the lord’s territory, please choose the preserved plot. .


Wu Feng saw the results of the first lord’s first lord. He smiled indifferently. This was just the beginning. As the borderless blood began to sweep the territory of the lords, his lethality was still strong!

After the endless blood sea destroyed the territory of the [Qi Hui], through a slaughter, there was a full 8 blood shadow. These blood shadows were faster than the Eagle Demon. The wall passes, it is a ghost -like existence.

“Very good, with blood shadows, the boundless blood sea is no solution, and I can quickly destroy the territory of these lords through blood shadows, occupying a greater territory.”

When Wu Feng saw the fluttering blood in the blood of the blood, he immediately asked Opora to command the borderless blood to flutter to the next unlucky egg.

Next is the moment of blood shadow performance!

After this chapter, it is a big chapter of 4,000 words. If you add more, you will use the big chapter!


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