Chapter 218 Unexpected Harvest (Chapter One Chapter)

Wu Feng turned out of the sheepskin rolls and wanted to see if the little panda secretly hidden into his territory.

As a result, Wu Feng discovered that the panda not only did not move, but ran back to Lingquan. It buried a sip of Lingquan and lay down with his eyes closed.

Looking at the appearance of the panda, it does not seem to have intended to steal Zhu Heduo and Long Hedo. This sensitive little guy has found something wrong.

In a territory, how can there be both the perfect quality of the blood, as well as the legendary dragon blood fruit! And these two things still appear one after another, it must be a trap!

Wu Feng did not expect that the panda was so alert. Seeing that it looked at the stomach and lay beside Lingquan leisurely, Wu Feng was speechless.

Good guy, are you ready to start touching the fish? Shouldn’t you find heaven and earth treasure everywhere?

Wu Feng thought about it. He wanted to directly let the Wesun team send the team to the nearby Lingquan, but because he had no targeted means to restrain the void shuttle of the panda, he could only scare the snake.

It is better to put this matter first. If you can get easy to use it from the treasure chest key, you can try to capture the little panda again.

Anyway, this little guy seems to use this Lingquan as his own habitat, and as long as he stares here, he can find the panda.

This kind of thing cannot be forced, only to see the changes, and sooner or later, the little panda will not be able to bear it.

“Lord, a team of refugees and several craftsmen just now. They said they came to us. Do you want to retain them?”

Because there are a large number of younger brothers who can help her brush the monsters, many times often do not have to play in person. Usually Wu Feng asked her to assist herself to help handle the territory’s internal affairs.

Wearing a red robe, Vigus came in to report the situation. Wu Feng moved in his heart. Is the Tianwei of the Emperor’s chariot effectively effective?

When Wu Feng launched the Emperor’s parade, he would fly over in the sky. Such a wind -pulling behavior will not only see other lords, but even the indigenous residents living in the region will see it.

Wu Feng also found a indigenous fortress during the cruise, which shows that there are still many indigenous residents and even indigenous forces in the abyss.

“Of course, I have to keep them, I will see them in person!” Wu Feng waved his hand. With the accompaniment of Wi Gos, he came to the residential area and saw hundreds of refugees in the dresser. Various craftsmen.

This residential area is divided by Wu Feng. The houses are built here, which is the same basic building as farms.

Different from the role of reclaiming farmland, private houses are specially used to live, which is more comfortable and spacious than farms. This is made of masonry, which is much more comfortable than farms.

Wu Feng is willing to spend more magic crystals, and it is a private house for the people who build the landlords. Those craftsmen can live in the unique courtyard.

This group of refugees obviously had a poor living environment. After seeing such a large number of people and the courtyard, they showed shocking and enviable expressions.

“This territory is so rich that ordinary people can live in the private houses. The lords here are too good to the people!”

The refugees are waiting for arrangements and allocation, and they can enter the territory alive and obtain asylum. They are already satisfied.

As long as the lord here is willing to take them and give them a place to show them, they are satisfied.

At this moment, Wu Feng came out: “I am the lord here. From now on, the people are my people! You can live in the private house and enjoy the same treatment as other people!”

Wu Feng’s words made many refugees stay with chickens. They did not expect that they could get this preferential treatment!

You know, they are all refugees. When they went to other shelters, they could only become the lowest balds! If the monster siege, they are the cannon fodder rushing in the front.

After their gathering place was broken by the monsters, they were going to go to the recent refuge. After seeing the domineering lord who flew from the sky, they came over.

They all planned to be a pariast. Those legendary defense towers have given them the greatest sense of security. I did not expect that the lord would be willing to let them be the formal children in the field!

Seeing that these refugees did not respond, Wu Feng was very puzzled. Can’t this impress them?

Just thinking that several of the craftsmen in the refugees came out quickly: “Thank you for receiving the lord! We are refugees from the seventh gathering place from 30 kilometers away. We are willing to go to the fire for the construction of the territory! ”

These craftsmen are blacksmiths, architects and tailors, and they are all talented talents above the blue quality. The mighty effect of Tianwei is really good.

In any case, these craftsmen and people are brought by Bai, and they have been living in the abyss for a long time. They can survive, and their abilities are absolutely passing.

Like the blacksmiths of this group of refugees, they have a kind of military equipment called Breaking Magic Arrows that can be used for archers and enhanced the damage to the monsters. This is where he is stronger than ordinary blacksmiths at the same level.

Wu Feng gave birth to them: “How many are you from? How long have you been from in the abyss?”

This is a living indigenous people. Wu Feng could only decrypt some text records through sheepskin rolls. Naturally, he could not compare with face -to -face communication.

The middle -aged blacksmith who mastered the broken magic arrow first opened the mouth: “Lord, I am Morz from the continent of the God Realm. Before we fell into the abyss in our world, I am the blacksmith in the Black Iron City. I also have my own blacksmith shop. “,”

“Ten years ago, our continent of God’s Divine Realm fell into the abyss in countless pieces, and our Black Iron City fell in this area randomly.”

“In the year when we fell into the abyss, we also encountered some races in other worlds. After communication, we found that our experiences were the same.”

The architects of the dwarves also said: “Our Watan City has also fallen into the abyss. Time is about the same as that of Hei Iron City. Watan City once had a period of time with Hei Tiecheng for a while.”

“But then the monsters started to appear. We had to fight against the monsters, and there were fewer communication. As the monsters became more and more, our Watan City could not resist the first, and we could only migrate to the Black Iron City.”

Moors went on to say: “Not only the West Rock City, but also the survivors of several other cities also migrated to the Black Iron City. Due to a big mage in Black Iron City, we can resist the invasion of the monster and become the area of that area. refuge.”

“Under the asylum of the master, we have been in Black Iron City for 7 years, but the number of monsters has been increasing, and there are more and more magic nests. Two years ago, Black Iron City also fell. , Master and his apprentices died in Black Iron City. ”

“We surviving survivors can only run away and find other survivors gathering place. So after we traveled hundreds of kilometers, we entered the No. 7 gathering place and lived here for 2 years.”

Wu Feng took out the map drawn by the thieves heroes, letting Moos point out the location of the No. 7 gathering place. Moels explained while pointing at the location of the map.

“Gathering place is the peripheral stronghold established by refuge, which can contain the survivors from other places. If it is excellent, you can enter the shelter to live. It is said that there is a strong army in the asylum and a strong lethal city defense. Its combat power is far beyond the former Black Iron City. ”

“But tonight, our 7th gathering place was also broken by the monsters under the double moon. I don’t know why these days, not only the duration of the bloody moon, purple moon, and black moon is extended. The vision appears continuously! ”

“I’m afraid not only will we gather on the 7th, but other gatherings will also be difficult!”

The words of Morz let Wu Feng analyze a lot of information. He couldn’t help but point out the map: “Are you the refuge in this area?”

Wu Feng refers to the aboriginal fortress found during the cruise. He was very impressed with that place, which was indeed a strict defense.

Moels nodded: “The refuge is in that direction. I used to go there to go there, and the blacksmith master was willing to collect me as an apprentice, but the No. 7 gathering place has no broken magic arrow here. My offensive, I didn’t stay. ”

Wu Feng nodded. It turned out that the fortress was a shelter. Is this built by the aborigines? From this perspective, the power of the aborigines should not be underestimated.

It is only because the living conditions of the abolition in the abyss are too difficult, and it is truly considered to be a rare place, which makes the lords rarely encounter the aboriginal people.

Wu Feng was not available to the indigenous people until now.

From the mouth of Moos, Wu Feng not only did not exist until the shelter, but also heard some voices outside the string: “Morz, do you say you rarely see the vision from the two moon?”

Moels nodded: “Since we entered the abyss, even the three ominous months have only appeared in a short time, and the new moon generally only exists for half an hour.”

“But from a few days ago, the crescent time was greatly extended. The crescent of up to five or six hours or even seven or eight hours, it just caused the monsters to riot. The ground will suffer. ”

“As for the two months, it will only appear once a month. That day, not only will the gathering place be strictly waiting, but even the refuge will close the gate and implement the curfew!”

“After the two months appeared last night, we thought it was safe tonight, but I did not expect that the two -month month again tonight! We lost heavy losses last night. The gathering place of gathering was destroyed by the monsters, and nearly 10,000 people gathered, only to escape us alive … ”

Wu Feng’s idea was confirmed that after the coming of these lords, the mechanism of this layer of abyss was officially launched!

Three ominous monthly serve, we little lords are He Dehe!

And according to Wu Feng’s expectations, where is this? In the future, it will only become more and more sad.

“Moore, since you have escaped my territory, you are completely safe. You can rest first tonight. There are vacant houses here. You can squeeze it first. If you can’t live in, you can live in the farm first. , I will allocate it to you during the day. ”

Wu Feng first arranged the aborigines in front of him, and could slowly play their role in the future.

Moels and others did not expect that the lord was so affectionate that they directly let them live in the private house, and agreed to build a new house for the day to live for them.

When they encounter such a good lord, this is their great blessing!

Before Wu Feng’s expectations, more than a dozen of the relatively robust men took the initiative to stand out: “Lord Lord, we are the militias in the No. 7 gathering place. When we are responsible for farmers, when the monsters are coming, we are responsible for fighting with the monsters. ”

“Since the private house can’t be squeezed, let’s live in the farm. You can usually let us cultivate or participate in the battle. We are willing to contribute to the territory.”

These militias are worried that if they are not doing things if they are not eaten, they will be disgusted by lords and other sons, and they will take the initiative to apply for work and fighting to the farm.

When they took the lead, the other young men also stood out: “Lord Lord, we are also militias in the No. 7 gathering place. We can also cultivate and fight.”

Seeing this group of militians who took the initiative to stand out, Wu Feng moved in his heart. He thought of the evolution of the farm. If a militia grew into blue quality in the battle, the farm could evolve into a militia training camp.

Among these militians, there are already five people in the blue quality, indicating that when they were gathering in the 7th, they participated in a lot of battles, and they had a very good foundation.

This is also normal. The farmers in Wu Feng’s leading ground only used one heart to plant fields, let them pick up their weapons, and really embarrassed them.

The fighting is done by heroes and other arms. They are not suitable for the environment of the battlefield, and it is difficult to survive when they go to the battlefield.

The militians on the seventh gathering place are different. They are always facing the invasion of monsters. They often fight with monsters. What can survive is the ‘veteran’ with rich combat skills. The chance of improving quality is greater.

“Since you want to defend the territory, you can live and train on a farm. I will let people train you.”

Wu Feng was also preparing to try the evolution of the farm. He let these militia bind the same farm, and then let Mools create military equipment for them and armed them.

At that time, the militians can also go to the city walls to practice leveling on it, and strive to make the militia evolve the quality as soon as possible to see if they can meet the conditions and evolve the militia training camp and even Lishi training camp.

Wu Feng is also very interested in these two kinds of training camps. In this way, the refugees who are receiving the shelter, whether it is a craftsman or a civilian, seems to be more solid than the summoning scroll summons. This should be that they roll in the abyss. In the years, the skills have improved.

There are abyss Aboriginal people such as Moos and militias. Wu Feng feels that he may be able to try to communicate with the shelter, but it is not in a hurry now. First, wait for Morce to integrate into the territory.

“Lord Lord, this is my newly brewed ambergris. Today’s falling Ganlin has improved the quality of the ambergris, and its taste is absolutely delicious. Do you want to try it?”

In Wu Feng’s arrangement of these refugees, Lao Liu also came to the lord’s mansion with a full -scent of wine. Taste.

Wu Feng is not a good wine, but after he smells the ambergris, he also feels like his lips and teeth, and there is a kind of impulse to taste well.

The ambergris is definitely a super treasure for those who are good wine, and Wu Feng’s eyes brightened: “Let me taste the smell of the glory!”

Wu Feng showed that the old Liu had the wine, and it was just at this time. Xiao Dang’s family pushed all kinds of food.

Braised lion head, white -cut chicken, onion burst mutton, grilled suckling pigs, etc., lamb, pork, chicken, this makes Qia Lu, who has just finished eating dragon blood, feels hungry again!

However, Wu Feng thought of the group of hungry refugees who came to his own territory, so he deliberately arranged: “The housekeeper, you remember to arrange Xiaosong to give our new members a rich dinner.”

“As long as you are a member of our territory, you can’t be hungry!”

Hearing Wu Feng’s instructions, the housekeeper Li immediately led: “Lord, I will arrange it.”

Hutchkeeper is indeed an experienced old housekeeper. He is very powerful to assist in doing some internal affairs.

“Small head, there are so many amaranth today? Do you know that I am growing up and make up for me?” Qia Lu’s face was excited, she just wanted to listen to the lord of the lord!

Wu Feng is also curious. This time, Xiao Dang’s family did increase the proportion of amaranth, and the taste of these amaranth seems to be better!

He tasted a bite of onion and burst of lamb, but only felt mellow, and the lamb did not have a trace of flavor at all. Instead, a fragrance echoed between the lips and tongue.

Xiaoshi’s home smiled slightly: “Lord Lord, that is the boutique materials I got from the farm. Today you let you put a green Ganlin in the territory. the taste of.”

“It can be said that these livestock and poultry are not all things at all, the taste is more delicious. If you eat it for a long time, you can also improve your physique!”

Wu Feng nodded. When he launched the Emperor’s cruise, he did not find that various family livestock and poultry absorbed Gan Lin. They completely changed, and it was no wonder that the taste changed so much.

Xiaodang’s family also suggested: “Lord, I also carefully identified it. After some livestock and poultry absorbed Gan Lin, they even gave birth to spirituality.”

“I did not slaughter this kind of livestock and poultry, and let the farm raise them well. I slaughtered all the livestock and poultry that had changed the grass that absorbed Ganlin. They didn’t seem to be so easy to produce spirituality.”

Qiya Lu said at this time: “Then we can completely cultivate the livestock and poultry who directly absorbed Gan Lin.

As soon as Qia Lu thought of being able to eat more delicious amaranth in the future, she couldn’t help drooling.

Wu Feng also had no opinion. Anyway, he mobilized the parade of the Emperor every day. Heavenly Ganlin was the effect of attached. These dishes made by Xiao Dang family all improved his quality of life and physical fitness. Wu Feng naturally would not refuse.

“After that, this kind of meat is called spiritual meat. I eat this kind of spiritual meat with the heroes. This taste is really good.”

Although Wu Feng is not a natural food like Qialu, he may eat peerless food every day, which is also a blessing for his lord’s career.

Who can live a bit more comfortable, who wants to do so bitter.

Wu Feng asked Weicus and Geralt to take a break. Let’s taste the food together. After Niu Da also came, he stared at the jar of the jar.

Good guy, a Qia Lu loves to eat meat, a cow loves to drink, you two are really unique!

Seeing that Niu Da’s saliva must be drowned at the table, Wu Feng lined up the mud of the altar wine: “Niu Da, come, taste the smell of the aroma of the dragon together.”

“There is also Dian Wei, you also take a bite together, but you don’t allow the greedy cup to be drunk!”

After Wu Feng opened the ambergris, his aroma was more rich, and the fragrance exceeded the blood fruit and dragon blood fruit. The pure wine aroma should be more attractive.

Niu Da couldn’t help it anymore. He picked up his bowl of eyes and looked at Wu Feng, which made Wu Feng shook his head and poured a bowl of Niu Da: “Come on, there will be no less you.”

Wu Feng also poured a bowl of wine to Dian Wei. As a general, Dian Wei naturally lived a big piece of meat and drinking.

Lord Lord actually allowed them to drink, and Dian Wei also enjoyed a rare way.

Different from the two big men, Wu Feng just sipped a small mouthful of ambergris. The taste was really good. Although the entrance was spicy, he was very good.

When the aroma of the kerail flowed into the belly, Wu Feng had a warm current in the body. He felt that the limbs were very comfortable.

Wu Feng couldn’t help but take another sip. The second bite was much bigger. He ate meat while drinking, and it was rare to relax.

Because the two -monthly Qi was not over, it was 13 o’clock at this time. There was still an hour when Wu Feng saw Nano’s invasion, and he did not completely let go.

The aroma incense in the altar was eventually divided by Niu Da and Dian Wei. The two were also in a state of drunk, and they could restore the combat effectiveness when they rest.

Lao Liu was also left to taste the smell of spiritual meat. He also drank two sips of glory. Seeing that the lord was not drinking much, he couldn’t help asking: “Lord, the lord, it is not enough for the smell of the aroma of the dragon. Okay? Don’t you like it? ”

Lao Liu was very embarrassed, but this ambergris spent a lot of effort, and because he fell Gan Lin, he was more mellow than he expected.

Originally, Lao Liu thought that the lord would like to have ambergris, but now it looks …

Wu Feng shook his head: “The ambergris you brew is very good, I also like it, but now I can’t be greedy, there are still many things to do in the territory!”

“You have a lot of taste than the taste of green ant wine. Take a little bit to the Shuguang tavern, you will definitely attract more and more powerful heroes.”

With the recognition of the lord’s adult, Lao Liu was even more happy than drinking the ambergris himself. He immediately ran out of the lord’s mansion: “Lord Lord, I will give you the remaining the remaining altar incense, and then take a few altars. Give the Shuguang tavern. ”

Seeing Lao Liu Yishan’s running away, Wu Feng simply went to the Shuguang Restaurant first. Now he has completed the task of Cades and can come to the task!

The third stage of the task is completed, then Kadis will join him, which can increase a perfect hero!

When Wu Feng pushed the door of the Shuguang tavern again, he noticed that the hero in the tavern had changed again. As he completed a round of tavern tasks and hero missions every day, there were more and more heroes in the tavern.

He has won three purple -quality heroes in the tavern. Whenever he wins a hero, the resident hero of the tavern will refresh, which is equivalent to randomly draw a new hero to settle in.

Nowadays, in addition to Cardis, there are three purple heroes and 5 blue heroes in the Shuguang tavern. Then he can complete the task of blue heroes today, and the heroes who settle in can be updated again.

Wu Feng first held the idea of going to find other heroes. He first found Cardis: “Injustice, I have completed your third wish, you can join my territory!”

After handover the task, Cardis took a bite of green ant wine. His cold face showed a rare smile: “Lord, your sincerity and ability moved me, I am willing to join you.”

[Ding … successfully destroyed 15 medium -sized demon nest points, completed the third stage of the stray heart, obtained 300 challenges and 1 orange hero summon scroll to get hero: stray swordsman (perfect quality). .

Wu Feng was overjoyed, and his Majesty added a perfect hero, and he could add new combat power again! This time his territory rating increased to 89620 points, a closer step from 100,000 points.

If it reaches 100,000 points, then Wu Feng will be able to open the list of people in the local area. This is the list that can best prove the overall power of the territory!

“There is also an orange hero summon scroll. Then I now have 5 such scrolls. I have 10 matching thousands of consecutive pumps. I have the opportunity to get mythical heroes!”

Wu Feng attaches great importance to the orange hero scroll. Cardis was included in His Majesty, and he was able to take out a position settled in the hero. He just came up with an ambergris and attracted higher -quality heroes.

When Wu Feng looked forward to Lao Liu with the ambergris, Wu Feng saw Lao Liu hurriedly rushed to the Shuguang tavern; “Lord, it’s not good! ! It almost spoiled my jar of the jar! ”

Seeing the expression of Lao Liu, Wu Feng stunned, and now someone dares to come to his territory to steal Dongxi? It’s impatient!

His expression was immediately cold: “Is the stealing little thief caught? Or was it directly killed by the defense tower in the territory?”

What was unexpectedly expected by Wu Feng was that Lao Liu grabbed a black and white thing from the jar: “Nuo, I brought this little thief …”

(This chapter is finished)

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