Chapter 194 Crazy Expansion 【97108】

“The third route Dian Wei took all the knights in the territory and the Dark Ranger of Georot, responsible for fighting quickly, set off directly from the Tiankeng defense line, all the lords encountered by sweeping, destroying their lords After your heart, you can get half of his territory. ”

“Dian Wei is responsible for attracting firepower on the front, Geralt led the Night Ranger to kill the leading territory to perform beheading tactics!”

Wu Feng distributed both the other two troops. According to their characteristics, taking different tactics, Qialu pushed all the way out.

And Dian Wei and Geralt are both very fast soldiers. They are as fast as the night ranger in the night as the cavalry, and they are like flying.

I have to say that the night ranger is really similar to the addict. At night, the medicine was more energetic than the spiritual guy.

Their sudden ability is still very strong, and it is indeed suitable for the lord’s lord of the enemy.

“Prime Minister, subordinate to the subordinates! I go to order the horses and open up the territory for the prime minister!” Dian Wei immediately rode his own war horse, took the tiger and leopard to ride a troops, and there was a Tianyi chariot. Blessing, their combat power is also considerable.

Geralt is also a spirit of spirit. He has endless energy at night, and this guy immediately set off with the night ranger.

With Wu Feng’s order, the three army set off immediately, and immediately the unlucky lords met the army composed of Dian Wei and Georot.

When more than 1,000 tiger and leopard rides in different shapes appeared in the territory of a blue blood lord named [Ghost Fire Boy], he was going crazy.

“There are actually a team of knights with all the quality of blue or above. Which big man is, there are so many knights!”

The lord named [Ghost Fire Boy] is a lord who likes the Heroes and Army very much. In the simulation game, he has also made a knight forces with a gallop.

In the simulation game, he took the Cavaliers to gallop the battlefield, and the feeling of easily defeating the enemy’s defense and then driving straight into the [Ghost Fire Boy] wanted to continue to develop the Cavaliers in the lord’s career.

But even if he consciously collected the Cavalry and soldiers, he now gathered 200 Cavaliers. The recruited knight heroes are only blue quality.

However, these 200 rockers alone made [Ghost Fire Boy] very competitive nearby. Some time ago, he relied on a strong knight forces to destroy a lord’s territory.

So [Ghost Fire Boy] I thought that his Cavaliers had enough, but when he saw thousands of tiger and leopard riding, his eyes were staring out!

In particular, these tiger and leopards are all soldiers above blue quality. In terms of average quality, he also exploded his green -based miscellaneous army.

“If I can have such a knight, I can wake up with dreams!”

But when such a Cavaliers appeared in their own territory, [Ghost Fire Boy] couldn’t laugh. He could only immediately shrink and defend, so that his troops could avoid confrontation with the Cavaliers in the wild.

The reaction speed of [Ghost Fire Boy] has been fast, but the speed of the tiger and leopard riding is beyond his expectations. The knights all over the body in the black armor all exude a horrible cold atmosphere.

Their speed is far beyond the ordinary knight. From the whistle tower of [Ghost Fire Boy], it took less than 20 seconds to kill his territory, 2 kilometers away!

That speed is simply not understood! The speed of unexpectedly killed the troops of [Ghost Fire Boy] at once, and then a slaughter.

When encountering the Cavaliers in the wild, you can only fight against the same knights. Other arms are extremely weak in the face of the assault Cavaliers.

Of course, if it is a powerful mage legion that is far exceeding the Cavaliers, and the Cavaliers Corps will be created when it initiates the charge, it is another saying.

However, the tiger and leopards led by Dianwei are all very good at this stage, and the number is more. During the charge, the knight armor is opened. It is difficult to cause any losses when hundreds of Sagittarius soldiers collect fire.

The tiger and leopard of His Majesty’s His Majesty is mainly the death knight summoned in the death tomb. This undead knight has high resistance to negative state and is very suitable for being a pioneer and leading array.

And Dian Wei Yima should be the first, it is even more courageous!

I saw Dian Wei riding a dark horse, covering the whole body, and even his face was covered with tightness.

After Dian Wei rushed into the crowd, he directly danced without dancing, and he dropped hundreds of enemies in seconds, and even the blue hero of [Ghost Fire Boy] gave a second!

[Ghost fire boy] stunned: “Who is this? It’s so brave!”

Dian Wei’s evil spirits and unparalleled gestures are very invincible in the battlefield. He also has the full attributes of the Emperor’s battlefield. On the battlefield, he is like a killing god, killing [Ghost Fire Boy] and frightened.

In less than 5 minutes, Dian Wei took the tiger and leopard riding to kill all the peripheral troops of [Ghost Fire Boy], and some defensive towers on the periphery were quickly demolished.

Dian Wei is open and unparalleled, and he can rush to remove the tower with a green defensive tower. There is no low -level tower with a technology bonus or a high -end defensive tower bonus. It is really not enough to watch in front of high -quality heroes.

[Ghost Fire Boy] Watching the Cavaliers killed in front of his territory, he shivered, and he could only expect a large number of defensive towers in the city to save himself.

“Ready to meet the charge of the Cavaliers, be sure to keep this city wall! Never let them kill them!” City wall.

At present, he can only rely on this city wall. [Ghost Fire Boy] even stood on the city wall in person to prepare to command fighting.

But when he was preparing to deal with the knight’s charge, when he saw Dian Wei led the team to the city wall, he suddenly turned around, causing the attack of an arrow tower to fail.

When the [Ghost Fire Boy] couldn’t touch his head, a figure appeared in front of him, and his sharp double knife passed his throat and killed him directly!

It was Geralt who shot. He took the night ranger and had quietly touched the wall. At this time, he shot, and he was caught off guard!

After Jorot was promoted to the first order, he not only increased the attributes in the night, but also had a stealth like a ghost. Only when he attacked.

This gives Geralt and the Night Ranger’s ability to attack the enemy’s territory. Ranger with stealth ability is too fierce after approaching!

After Jerot lost [Ghost Fire Boy] in the second, his night ranger also had aimed at the goal, and gave the mage and archers in the territory.

For a while, the resistance on the city wall was slaughtered mostly. Without the command of the lord, the defense facilities within the territory were even more chaotic.

Like many defensive towers, when there is no lord command, they will only instinctively attack the goal of entering the range. They will not gather the enemy. Geralt rushed into the territory with the night ranger.

They ignored all attacks, quickly found the lord’s hut, and killed the heart of the lord. There was a orange hero of Geralt, and at night, the lord of [Ghost Fire Boy] was destroyed after 1 minute!

(This chapter is finished)

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