Chapter 182 Squeeze each other! 【85108】

“The 11th place is the 11th place. As long as I do the docking with [Jiutian Travel], I can go back to the top 10! I hope he can speak well.”

On the other side, the [Xeon Brain Domain] watching the rankings repeatedly, when he can barely accept this reality in his heart, he found that there was another mysterious lord on the ranking. Kill the record of the 49th round,

“No, let’s have another one! How many times I want to be exploded today!”

But when the idea of [Masao Brain Domain] was just emerged, [Qianshan Twilight Snow], like the previous mysterious lord, also easily broke through the 50th round as broken by the wall. 12.

This makes [Xeon Brain domain] unacceptable. He is also a ‘future leader’ of the big head. How can the biggest talent of his head burst like this!

He couldn’t help it anymore, and contacted directly [Almighty Genius]: “Brother, please help me contact me [Jiutian Travel], I can’t wait!”


When Wu Feng planned to draw on his hand resources, he suddenly received a private message from [Rich World]: “Nine -day gangsters, now there is an excellent opportunity to slaughter you in front of you.”

“Just now the big head of the big head, the trustee contacted me, let me find you to talk about cooperation, I heard that I want to borrow a defensive tower to punch the infinite trial, see him so anxious, feel you open it What price, he will promise. ”

When he heard [rich world], Wu Feng asked carefully, and then looked at the [Xiangqiang Brain Domain] ranking to the 12th place. He knew why this guy was so anxious.

Da Tou Genius does not need face? The biggest ranking of the big head is the [Xeon Brain Domain]. He is now casually stunned by the geniuses of other people. Rank.

Wu Feng laughed when he thought of this. Speaking of which, he continued to surpass the [Xiangqiang Brain domain].

So he agreed to the application of [Xiangqiang Brain Domain] and talked directly with him: “Do you want to find me to borrow a defense tower? But how do I believe you?”

Wu Feng is going to listen to the conditions of [Mosuke’s Brain Domain]. The Great Terminal genius is still sincere. He had thought about the conditions before: “As long as you borrow me an orange defense tower, this time I will give you all resources! I can’t threaten your ranking. ”

“I also pay an additional orange crystal, 10 amethyst, and 10 blue summon scrolls as remuneration. When leased, I can sign a rental agreement and use the orange defensive tower in my territory to guarantee.”

[Soluble brain domain] Considering that this is the first cooperation, he first finds a way to dispel Wu Feng’s doubts and build basic trust, so he is willing to take out the orange defense tower as a guarantee.

After signing an agreement, this guarantee will be fair. If [Xeon Brain] is greedy for Wu Feng’s things, the guarantee will be directly judged by the system to Wu Feng.

The orange defensive tower is enough to make a guarantee for the orange defense tower.

[Xeon Brain Domain] No other person borrows the defense tower because of the top lords, and he is a competitor, and lent the defense tower to the [Xiangqiang field], then their ranking is likely to decline Essence

On the contrary, it was high in [Nine Days Traveling]. Even if he borrowed an orange defense tower, [Xeon areas] could not threaten him, and the possibility of borrowing was higher.

The goal of [Xiangqiang Brain domain] is the 50th floor of the customs clearance. You can get more scores and get trial points rewards. Maybe it is a high name, and there is no need to worry about it later.

After Wu Feng looked at the condition of [Xiangqiang Brain Domain], although he was very satisfied, he still asked: “Your orange defense tower, how can there be my value, in case of it, you add a few purple purple Defense tower is guaranteed. ”

“At the same time, add a little more, and give it to me for 10 blue treasure chests …”

Wu Feng put forward some additional conditions, [Xeonbuya] was relieved. He felt that [Jiutian Travel] should be willing to cooperate.

The same is true. Wu Feng thinks that this kind of cooperation is very good. He can get a lot of benefits, and the risk is relatively small.

So Wu Feng finally lent a heavy rain pear tower to [Xeon Brain Domain]. Presumably the genius lord, he should have a powerful arrow tower, at least the purple arrow tower should have it.

Seeing the heavy rain pear flower tower borrowed from Wu Feng, [Xeon Brain Domain] was not too surprised. He only needed another high -level defensive tower as the output point, so that he could use one to attract firepower and the other to bring it. Output.

[Nine Days Traveling] can be killed in the 80th round, then it is not unusual to have one or two heavy rain pear towers.

After signing the lease contract and paying the reward in advance, [Xeon Brain Domain] hurriedly entered the unlimited trial with things.

This time, he used his long -established orange invitation letter, and he must do more than 50 rounds in one breath!


After completing the transaction, Wu Feng had a lot of resources at hand, and Wu Feng decisively made a lottery. It was still the same as before.

Because a large amount of amethyst is obtained in infinite trials, and the orange crystal dropped by BOSS, Wu Feng can use blue crystals in the ten -linked pump, Bai Lian uses amethyst, and Qianlian pump is used. Orange Crystal.

Wu Feng combed it a bit. During this time, he received a total of more than 4,000 resource crystals, and he could make four consecutive draws.

The number of amethyst he had reached 150, which was the harvest of unlimited trials and the amethyst that Wu Feng himself dropped, as well as acquired on the market.

With so many amethyst, Wu Feng simply split it. In the ten consecutive pumps, some of them were extracted from the amethyst. Essence

A total of 4,400 resource crystals were extracted. In the end, Wu Feng carried out 4 times with thousands of times+orange crystals, 10 times hundreds of times+orange crystals, 30 times hundred -way pump+amethyst, 120 times ten consecutive pump+amethyst, 280 280, 280 Ten consecutive pump+blue crystal.

This can be divided into a level. Ten consecutive pump+blue crystal is almost a 10%chance of purple resources, a 30%chance of blue resources, and a 60%chance to get magic crystals.

280 times of ten consecutive times+blue crystal, Wu Feng received a total of 500,000 magic crystals, and various resources were also piled up.

120 times and ten consecutive pumps+amethyst, the benefits are the magic crystals in their early 1.1 million, and there are many perfect resources.

And this time the highlights were still pumping and Qianlian, Wu Feng was drawn in a series of, and the income was simply explosive!

[Click to view the draw results]

Thirty times of hundreds of times+amethyst, Wu Feng’s magic crystal increased by nearly 2.8 million again. So many magic crystals can be used to draw treasure cans.

At that time, the treasure chest key can also come to thousands of times!

(This chapter is finished)

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