Chapter 167 Bomb Bomb 【70108】

In fact, Wu Feng has long noticed that the monster level has changed after 50 rounds. In the 50th round and the 60th round, the Monster level has increased additional 2.

Since this is the law, the level 70 is only higher than this, and it will not be lower. He knows that he is going to face the fourth -order monsters early.

It is necessary to surpass the big brother and kill the 70th round is the basic operation, so he must be prepared to deal with the fourth -order BOSS and the monster.

In this case, Wu Feng thought of ‘foreign objects’. Although the heroes and arms could not come in, he still has the book of Olympician!

Since the lord’s projection can use the challenge order, it can naturally use Olympic Books. The lord’s own combat power will not affect the evaluation of unlimited trials.

So before, he asked the various arms and heroes in the territory to choose a representative to learn the skills in the all -around library. Now it is the time for gain!

“Come on, you show your skills one by one. I recorded them one by one. Remember, it can only be spell skills!” Wu Feng asked the lord to projected in the trial place freely.

He was devoted to recording various spells in the territory. Since the book of Olympician can only record spells, other illegal heroes and skills learned by arms cannot be recorded.

After Niu Da heard Wu Feng’s words, he was very disappointed: “Lord Lord, I learned a six -star boxing this time, but I couldn’t show it!”

Niu Da was eager to try, and Wu Feng also saw that this guy mastered a powerful skill from the Almighty Library, but this kind of boxing called Shenglongquan could not record the book of Austrian.

Shenglongquan (six -star secret): After charging, a dragon -shaped fist is blasted, causing devastating blows to enemies within 100 meters*100 meters. Long, 60 seconds of cooling time.

After Wu Feng looked at the attributes of Shenglong Boxing, he felt that Niu Da had mastered the rhythm of Lushan Shenglong! Star armor plus the dragon boxing, shouldn’t you COS take a look at the Saint Seiya for the old man?

“It’s okay. In the future, you have the opportunity to show. The platform’s platform must be very big!” Wu Feng patted Niu Da’s shoulder, signing that he could go to the Devil Canyon’s defense line to play.

In addition to him, other heroes have also learned powerful skills. Among them, Geralt, Harlem and Dian Wei both completed advanced.

Like Georot’s killing BOSS during the day, you only need to help a little tentacle. Even if it becomes sluggish, Jorot can complete this task.

In the Almighty Library, hero skills can learn one in each level, but heroes below level 10 are unable to learn skills.

They have not yet entered! The same is true for arms. It is necessary to reach level 10 and higher levels, and the arms have no advanced tasks. When it reaches the level, it can advance to transform.

Now that the three of Geralt, Harlem and Dian Wei have completed their advancement, they can learn the skills in the Almighty Library.

Hero title: Dark Night Ranger

Hero Name: Jerot Bennel

Hero level: level 13.

Hero talent: Demon Blood (Perfect Talent): Dark Night Ranger’s body contains the blood of the night devil. In the night, it will get full attributes to improve and obtain the cover of the night. Grade virtual level and 75%fully attribute, obtaining special night sky phenomena bonuses, will get additional effects, but will reduce the full attribute by 20%during the day.

Hero skills: double -knife stream (two -star skills), hunting demon (Samsung skills), night flying (four -star skills).

Dark fear (five -star skills) [Click to view specific attributes].

Dark drawing (five -star secret) [Click to view specific attributes].

Training arms: Night Ranger (Training Conditions: Ranger above the Blue Quality)

Special identity: night guard, hunting demon.

After advanced, Geralt’s strength rose and learned new skills in the all -round library. He could increase the virtual level of 20 in the night, and after he opened it, he could upgrade again!

The first -order Jorot is equivalent to the second -order hero at night.

What Wu Feng did not expect was that although Jorot was not a mage, the darkness he learned in the Almighty Library was a five -star secret, and it also belonged to one of the spells.

Geralt can be regarded as the double repair of magic martial arts. In the night, his darkness is extremely powerful!

“This 200,000 magic crystal is still the value of the flower, which allows Geralt to obtain a five -star secret. This spell skill can increase the amount of knowledge of the Olympic arcane!”

“The amount of knowledge of the Book of Olympics can exceed 500 points, let alone Harlem’s bundle bomb skills!”

Wu Feng’s Book of Olympic Archers has exceeded Samsung, but Wu Feng still records the magic skills of heroes and soldiers first.

Like Dian Wei is a general, he learned the skills and martial arts, it is not within the scope of the book of Olympiculum.

But Harlem’s skills learned from the Almighty Library are also spell skills.

Hero title: Bomb Madman

Hero Name: Harlem Giggs

Hero level: level 13.

Hero talent: bomb madman (perfect talent): The speed of bombing bombs to make bombs increases by 400%. When using a bomb, you can increase the power of 300%of the bomb. Through continuous production of bombs, you can increase the power of the bomb. 100 similar bombs, the basic damage of the bomb increased by 1%.

Every time a new bomb is learned through drawings, the production speed of the bomb madman is improved.

Hero skills: black gunpowder bomb (two -star skill), mines (Samsung skills), human meat bomb (four -star skills), magic crystal bomb (four -star skills).

Metal bomb (five -star skills) [Click to view specific attributes].

Jet Bomb (Five -Star Secret) [Click to view specific attributes].

Training arms: bomb craftsman (training conditions: blue quality above engineer)

“Jet bombs allows Harlem to have the ability to support long -range firepower, and he can also participate in dealing with BOSS in the future!”

Wu Feng also recorded Harlem’s bundle bomb skills. This spell skill can cause large -scale killing as other secrets.

With this skill, Harlem can still be a big guy far away, both safe and fierce.

Now tied the 50 metal bombs together, Wu Feng suspected that he could kill the first -order orange boss! It can even fry some orange -quality defensive tower.

The higher the bomb used in this skill, the greater the power.

However, if 50 metal bombs are tied, it is 250,000 magic crystals. I am afraid that most of the leaders at this stage will be stepped on!

“Harlem, make 50 bundle bombs for me. I also have a big guy to play. With this stuff, I can’t clear the 70th round!”

(This chapter is finished)

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