Chapter 164 Void Interference [67108]

The mountains and seas swallowed 5 more than 60 -level third -order monsters. Its essence was sufficient, and each of them increased the incubation progress of 0.02%of the blood eggs.

And if you want to devour the second -order monster, it feels like it can only increase the progress of 0.01%. To hatch blood eggs, then you need to devour tens of thousands of second -order monsters!

“You are really a big stomach king. Qia Lu is compared with you, all of which are small bird stomach …” Wu Feng saw the blood eggs start to swallow other monsters again. He can only sigh, this blood egg is too capable have eaten.

With the mountains and seas, the blood eggs are alone, and each round can swallow 5 third -order monsters, and it can also provide strong lethality. Wu Feng also thinks that there are not enough monsters!

In this case, Wu Feng is full of confidence in the 50th round of customs clearance, and the 50 rounds of BOSS finally appeared at this time!

I saw a 73 -level orange boss, which looks like a withered branch, with purple patterns. This is actually a void shadow in a natural disaster. Its attributes are much stronger than other BOSS of the same level!

There are many types of natural disasters. The abyss devil, the chaotic worms, the undead natural disaster, the demons of the field, and the void shadow are collectively referred to as the natural disaster alien.

They are all evil races that can only destroy and kill, and they all have their own special abilities and racial characteristics, which is very difficult to deal with.

The void shadow appears with a large amount of monsters. This is the most important enemy of this round, and the orange challenge order also gives a “face” again. Living.

Two orange bosses pinch together, which is more difficult than the 50th round of other lords. More importantly, this round of level BOSS has a very disgusting ability.

I saw that this void raised his hand, and one was extremely fell on the planetary tower. This legendary defensive tower actually paused and operated!

“This is … void interference ability? This boss actually has this ability! No wonder there are few lords who can clear the 50th round.”

When Wu Feng saw the state of the planet tower, he felt tricky because the ability of the BOSS release was very restrained by the defense tower.

Void interference: Void interference in a area can be formed in a area. All enemies within this range will be affected by void interference. The attacks will be misleaded into the void dimension and cannot attack the target normally.

Void interference is to cause interference to the specified area. If it is interfere with heroes or soldiers, they only need to get out of this area, and they will not stay stupidly in the void to interfere with the enchantment.

However, the defense tower cannot be moved. In the face of this trick, it can only be abolished. Even the planet tower has been affected. It can be seen that its ability is really overbearing!

If the lord has only one core output point when facing this round of BOSS, after the void interference, it is almost destined to be abolished and can only be broken by the BOSS.

The lords who were previously stuck in the 50th round failed. They must have the second core output point to kill this void shadow BOSS.

When facing Wu Feng’s defense, this boss believes that the first planet tower is the core output point. After all, it kills the enemy the most in the trial, so it interfere with it.

But when he killed the line of defense, he found that he was too naive. In Wu Feng’s defense, there were 4 legendary defense towers!

He shielded a interference, and he would not do anything at all. Wu Feng also had three legendary defense towers to kill the enemy!

Moreover, Wu Feng’s second defense line also has three heavy rain pear towers and a star tower. These perfect quality defensive tower alone is enough to kill the orange boss.

So Wu Feng just paid attention to the state of the planetary tower, so he let the congenital sword gas tower start working: “Sword! These two orange bosses are all of the Condorns Sword Qi Tower!”

Wu Feng launched the most powerful congenital sword gas tower, while other defensive towers were responsible for cleaning up the mobs, and the mountains and seas were freely played.

Under the attack of the congenital sword gas tower, the blood of the void shadow was fast, but in addition to the ability of the void to interfere with, this guy also had the ability to dodge the void, and there was a chance to avoid various attacks.

Although the attack of the Congenital Sword Qi Tower is high, it is frequently avoided by it. The arrow rain of the heavy rain pear tower has been avoided by more than 50%!

There are only two sub -epic grades of Li Tianxian sword and destroyed Tianxian sword. Relying on their own ability, they can ignore the void dodge of the void.

Under the continuous attack of the two fairy swords, the blood volume of the void shadow decreased rapidly. After carrying it for a minute, it finally fell into a residual blood state.

Seeing that the void shadow was about to die under the Congenital Sword Qi Tower, a strong suction force suddenly broke out on the side of the mountains and sea.

The position of the blood eggs is like a black hole. The void shadow is extremely frightened. He struggled to launch the void dodge or even transient spells. The range of suction power, he was eventually sucked by blood eggs, and then swallowed fiercely!

Knock! Knock!

A crispy chewing sound comes, as if someone is chewing a crispy bone, there is an indescribable sense of thriller.

A orange boss was swallowed by the blood eggs. As the shadow of the residual blood was swallowed, the blood eggs were visible to the naked eye. Stew up, obviously ‘wine is full. ”

Its incubation progress has also skyrocketed, reaching 11.2%. It seems that an orange boss can indeed be worth the weight of 1,000 ordinary monsters.

However, Wu Feng saw the difference between the mountains and sea towers and other defensive tower. The ordinary defense tower can indeed divide the enemy and me, automatically attack, and even do not waste the output and reasonably allocate firepower.

Compared with the blood eggs in the mountains and sea beast towers, it is still a bit mechanically. When the blood eggs are free to play, you know that you will devour the BOSS priority, and you will know that when the BOSS blood volume is residual, it will be grabbed.

The BOSS that directly kills the blood egg is temporarily purple quality, but orange -quality BOSS, as long as the blood volume is low, it can also swallow spike!

This is equivalent to a big tonic!

“Also, anyway, it has speeded up the incubation of blood eggs, which can let the blood eggs be released as soon as possible, so that the mountains and seas to form a real combat power …”

Wu Feng feels that whether it is the innate sword gas tower or the mountains and sea beast towers, he can accept the void shadow BOSS, and he can accept it.

This can make the legendary defensive tower grow, who can harvest, just come from!

After killing the void, the 50th round of the trial was also officially cleared, and its reward increased a big grade than before!

[Ding … Lord’s nine -day traveler through the level 50 rounds (difficulty and difficult), obtains 100 points of trial points, 1 ame, 1 blue treasure chest key, and 1 blue summon scroll. .


After the 50th round, each round of rewards is amethyst+blue treasure chest key+blue summon scroll. At the same time, the reward is very obvious.

Wu Feng’s eyes were bright. His goals were at least 60 rounds. The subsequent levels will have a large number of rewards!

“Then start the 51st trial!”

(This chapter is finished)

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